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The Parish Registers



Registers of Broseley, Shropshire.

1570 Nov. 4 Elizabetha fil. Rich'i Blakeway & Margar'; bap.
" Dec. 1 Joh'es fil. Will'i Wyllcoks & Margaret'; bap.
" April 1 Elizabetha fil. Rugeri Poore & Alicie; bap.*
" April 8 Johanna fil. Dauidi Bowcher & Marie; bap.*
" May 16 Will'us fil. Joh'is Lankeshier & Johanne; bap.*
" May 24 Johanna fil. Will'i Langley & Johanne; bap.*
" Aug. 12 Johanna fil. Joh'is Addams & Elizabethe; bap.*
" Aug. 18 Edwardus fil. Rich'i Taylor & Bennett; bap.*
" Aug. 31 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Wheelwright & Marie; bap.*
1571 Sep. 9 Alicia fil. Will'i Griffithes & Elizabethe; bap.
" Dec. 16 Joh'es ffloyd & Katherina Nicoles; nupt.
" April 23 Joh'es fil. Will'i Malian & Elizabethe; bap.
1572 April 23 Georgius fil. Joh'is Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 30 Will'us Stitche & Johanna Lee; nupt.
1573 May 4 Johanna fil. Will'i Stitche & Johanne; bap.
" June 4 Thom's fforsalles & Katherina Addams; nupt.
" July 6 Joh'es Lee & Elizabetha ffelkyin; nupt.
" Aug. 4 ffranciscus filia Edwardi Crumpe & Johanne; bap.
" Dec. 4+ Jocosa fil. Will'i Belchar & Johanne; bap.
" Aug. 10 Will'us Addams & Margaret Griffs (? Griffiths); nupt.
" Aug. 10 Rich'us Wyllcoks & Alicia Cotton; nupt.
" April 22 Rich'us fil. Rugeri Poore & Alicia; bap.
1574 April 17+ Johanna fil. Agnet' Poell, concubine; bap.
" May 2 Alicia fil. Will'i Langley & Johanne; bap.
" July 18 ffranciscus fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Oct. 1 Cicilia fil. Will'i Stitche & Julianne; bap.
" Dec. 25 Alicia fil. Edwardi Crumpe & Johanne; bap.
1575$ Jan. 23 Johanna fil. Joh'is Atkys & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 30 Agneta fil. Joh'is Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 6 Joh'es Taylor alias Synar & Elizabetha Cruyden; nupt.
" July 24 Alicia fil. Petri Sawer & Katherine; bap.
" July 30 Rogerus Maldocks & Agnet' Wolde; nupt.
" Nov. 6 Will'us ffox & Jocosa Horner; nupt.
" Nov. 13 Rowlandus fil. Joh'is Hill & Maudeline; bap.
" Dec. 20 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Taylor alias Synar & Elizabethe; bap.
1576$ Jan. 22 Rich'us fil. Will'i Addams & Margarete; bap.
" Feb. 2 Umphridus Mawten & Agneta Addams; nupt.
" Feb. 5 Margareta fil. Joh'is Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 15 Edmundus fil. Andrei Geast & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 15 Rich'us fil. Will'i Mollart Elizabethe; bap.

* These seven entries are dated 1570 in original, but apparently in error for 1571.
+ So dated in original.
$ Sic.


1576* June 19 Jacobus fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
1577* Jan. 16 Ellin'a fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 20 Alicia fil. Joh'is Atkys & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 25 Joh'is Addams & Ellinora Crumpe; nupt.
" April 2 Edmundus Barret fil. cujusdam Johanne Dawley & Joh'es Barret; bap.
" Sep. 27 ffranciscus Mathewes fillia cujusdam Elizab. Mathewes & Thome Clare; bap.
" Nov. 17 Rich'us fil. Humfridi Mawten & Agneta; bap.
1578* Feb. 13 Maria fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Feb. 16 Thom's Arowsmithe fil. cujusdam Alicie Arowsmith & Moricii Grifithes; bap.
" Mar. 9 Phelicia fil. Joh'is Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 15 Agneta fil. Rogeri Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 30 Jocosa fil. Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" April 6 Lawrentius fil. Joh'is Hill & Maudeline; bap.
" May 7 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
" June 22 Joh'es fil. Will'i Stitche & Johanne; bap.
" June 29 Katherina fil. Rich'i Wyllcoks & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 2 Georgius fil. Andrei Geast & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 2 Joh'es fil. Will'i Addams et Margarete; bap.
" Dec. 23 Rich'us fil. Gwalteri Bower & Izabelle; bap.
1579 May 6 Dorythea fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" June 9 Maria Nocke & Joh'e (sic) Eves; nupt.
" June 25 Rob'tus Baytman & Elizabetha Cropper; nupt.
" May 30+ Will'us Cropper filius cujusdam Elizabetha Cropper & Rich'i Corfeyld; bap.
" Oct. 20 Joh'es Shaw et Ellinora ap Price; nupt.
" Nov. 8 Joh'es fil. Will'i James & Johanne; bap.
1580 Jan. 1 ffranciscus fil. Rogeri Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 3 Joh'es Davies & Maria Baylie; nupt.
" Jan. 30 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" Feb. 28 Dorithea fil. Rob'ti Harrys & Johanne; bap.
" May 15 Thom's fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
" May 27 Rowlandus fil. Stephani Wyllcoks & Jane; bap.
" May 29 Alicia fil. Humfridi Maulten & Margarete; bap.
" May 26+ Rich'us Yates & Alicia Walker; nupt.
" Oct. 20 Thom's fil. Rich'i Yates & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 8 Rowlandus fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Nov. 6+ Rich'us Whithopp & ffranciscus Astlie; nupt.
1581 Jan. 8 Rich'us fil. Will'i Stitche et Johanne; bap.
" Feb. 19 Dorithea filia Joh'is Atkys & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 1 Dorithea fil. Thome Eaton & ffortune; bap.
" Mar. 4 ffranciscus fil. Rich'i Blackwey et ... ux. ejus; bap.
" Mar. 28 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Hill & Maudline; bap.
" May 3 Joh'es fil. Humfridi Bradley et ... ux. ej.; bap.
" May 7 Thom's Aweyer & Elizabetha Clarke; nupt.
" May 14 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Evans & Maudline; bap.
" May 28 Johanna fil. Rich'i Taylor et Bennette; bap.
" Sep. 19 Johanne fil. Thome Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
" Oct. 8 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Croyden & Johanne; bap.
" Oct. 11 ffranciscus fil. Thome Addams et Jocose; bap.
" Oct. 19 Elizabethe fil. Joh'is Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 19 Agneta fil. Will'i Addams & Margaret; bap.
1582 Jan. 8 Rob'tus Baytman & Elizabetha Arundell; nupt.
" Jan. 18 Will'us fil. Geffridi Colman & Alicie; bap.

* Sic.
+ So dated in original.


1582 April 1 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
" April 8 Rich'us fil. Andrei Gest & Etizabeths; bap.
" April 15 Izabella fil. Joh'is Additins & Ellinore; bap.
" May 6 Thom's fil. Will'i Mollart & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 30 Rob'tus Evans & Alicia Belchar; nupt.
" June 10 Durithea fil. Ric. Whithopp & ffrancisci; bap.
" June 17 Will'us Mort & Ellena Langley; nupt.
" June 24 Edmundus fil. Joh'is Hill & Maudeline; bap.
" Oct. 20 Avicia fil. Ric. James & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 22 Joh'es fil. Rob'ti ap Evans & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 20 Thom's fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 24 Johanna fil. Agnete Bennet, concu'; bap.
1583 April 8 Joh'es fil. Rogeri Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 8 Silvanus fil. Rogeri Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 19 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" May 20 Jana fil. Joh'is Shaw & Elinore; bap.
" June 10 Avicia fil. Joh'is Atkys & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 24 Elizabetha fil. Will'i Bower & Johanne; bap.
" Sep. 20 Elizabetha fil. Rob'ti Baytman & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 25 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Monslow & .... ux. ej.; bap.
" Nov. 20 Phelicia fil. Christopheri Morton & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 1 Joh'es fil. Rub'ti Harrys & Johanne; bap.
" Dec. 23 Alicia fil. Thome Lee & Cicilia; bap.
1584 Jan. 5 Georgius fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 5 Will'us Penner & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 11 Thom's fil. Hymfridi Bradley & Jane; bap.
" April 12 Thom's fil. Ric' Croyden & Johanne; bap.
" Mar. 20* Margaret Bower fil. cujusdam Isabelle Bower; bap.
" May 9 Will'us fil. Rob'ti ap Evans & Alicie; bap.
" May 10 Will'us Mollart & Elizabetha Danby; nupt.
" May 18 Evanus Yate & Margareta Whithopp; nupt.
" May 5* ffranciscus filia (sic) Nicholaii Gerry & Margerie; bap.
" July 3 Thom's Beard & Jana Lane; nupt.
" Aug. 17 Izabella fil. Will'i Addams & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 20 Will'us fil. Will'i Stitche & Johanne; bap.
" Aug. 20 Agneta fil. Will'i Stitche & Johanne; bap.
" Aug. 27 Agneta fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
" Sep. 27 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 26 Jocosa fil. Rich'i Whithopp & Francisci; bap.
1585 Jan. 9 Rich'us Langnar fil. cujusdam Elizabethe Langnar; bap.
" Mar. 4 Agneta fil. Will'i Mollart & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 31 Rich'us fil. Rob'ti Baytman & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 20 Katherina fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" June 27 Ellinfira Beard fil. cujusd' Johanne Beard; bap.
" Sep. 8 Joh'es & Rich'us fil. Rowlande Langley & Marie; bap.
" Sep. 19 Thom's Hadden & Agneta Whithopp; nupt.
" Oct. 10 Ellinora fil. Rogeri Nash & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 8 Ellinora fil. Will'i Stitche & Johanne; bap.
1586 Jan. 16 Katherina fil. Thom' Beard & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 23 Humfridus fil. Joh'is Battey & Ursulie; bap.
" Feb. 3 Thomas & Jana filius & filia Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" April 24 Elizabetha fil. Thome Lee & Cicilie; bap.
" Aug. 7 Jacobus Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" Nov. 6 Rob'tus Haddon & Anna Nocke; nupt.
1587 Mar. 10 Rich'us fil. Rob'ti Haddon & Anne; bap.
" April 9 Eduardus fil. Rich'i Croyden & Johanne; bap.

* So dated in original.


1587 April 9 Anna fil. Henrici Mompas & Phelicie; bap.
" April 22 Maria fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicia; bap.
" Aug. 1 Avicia fil. Rich'i Whithopp & ffrancisci; bap.
" June 10* Rich'us ap Evans fil. Rob'ti ap Evans & Aticie; bap.
" Dec. 11 Edwardus fil. Thome Hadden & Agnet; bap.
" Dec. 24 ffranciscus fil. Rich'i Old & Jane; bap.
1588 Jan. 4 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Uxley & Avicie; bap.
" Feb. 24 Ellinora fil. Thome Lee & Cicilie; bap.
" June 20 Agneta fil. Thome Jucks & Agnet; bap.
" June 22 Ellinora fil. Rogeri Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 4 Rich'us fil. Thome Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
" Oct. 13 Jana fil. Joh'is Knott & Agnete; bap.
1589 Jan. 1 Alicia fil. Thome Beard & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 23 Ludovicus Rampes alias Posteme & Katherina Wyllcoks; nupt.
" Feb. 16 Alicia fil. Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" Feb. 23 Alicia fil. Roll'i Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Mar. 2 Agneta fil. Danyelis Taylor & ... ux. ej.; bap.
" Mar. 9 Margareta fil. Thome Addams & Jocose; bap.
" May 4 Elizabetha Davies fil. Ludovic ap Davies et Johanne; bap.
" May 1* Will'us fil. Thome Haddon & Agnete; bap.
" May 11 Margareta fil. Rich'i Old & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 13 Will'us fil. Rich'i Mason & Maudlin; bap.
" Nov. 3 Rich'us Sheilfeyld & Ellinora Taylor; nupt.
" Oct. 10* ffranciscus fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 11* Katherina fil. Rich'i Whithopp & ffrancisci; bap.
" Dec. 4 Thom's Granger & Johanna Nashe; nupt.
1590 April 13 Thom's fil. Rich'i Langley & Agnete; bap.
" May 3 Edmundus Baylie & Agneta Wyllcox; nupt.
" June 3 Lawrentius fil. Joh'is Bentall & Jocose; bap.
" June 8 Cicilia fil. Thome Lee & Cicilie; bap.
" Sep. 22 Maria fil. Rich'i Old et Jane; bap.
" Oct. 4 Ellinora fil. Rich'i Sheilfeyld & Ellinore; bap.
1591 Jan. 28 Petrus Collyns & Maria Beard; nupt.
" Feb. 4 Jacobus fil. Egidii Kinge & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 21 Agneta fil. Joh'is Eves & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 31 Thom's fil. Rob'ti Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" April 5 Radulphus ap Price fil. David ap Price & Margaret; bap.
" April 11 Alicia fil. Thome Grainger & Johann; bap.
" May 9 Georgius fil. Thome Lee & Elizabethe; bap.
1592 Feb. 9 Elizabetha fil. Rich'i Mason & Maudeline; bap.
" April 5 Will'us Clarke & Gwynna Astley; nupt.
" April 9 Georgius fil. Rich'i Langley & Agnete; bap.
" April 12 Anna Whigyt fil. cujusda' Alicie; bap.
" April 16 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Addams & Ellinore; bap.
" April 21 Rob'tus fil. Thome Haddon & Agnete; bap.
" June 20 Edwardus fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" June 29 Will'us fil. Edwardi Pacye & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 24 Elizabetha fil. David Price & Margarete; bap.
" Nov. 17 Ellinora fil. Joh'is Baylie & Jocose; bap.
" Nov. 20 Joh'es & Thom's filii Thome Lye & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 26 Joh'es Pue & Jocosa Burnell; nupt.
" Dec. 3 Agneta fil. Thome Lee & Cicilia; bap.
1593 Jan. 23 Christopherus Deyes & Alicia Garbet; nupt.
" Jan. 24 Joh'es Garbett & Agneta Langley; nupt.
" April 25 Edwardus fil. Rich'i Sheilfeyld & Ellinore; bap.
" May 1 Joh'es ap Davie fil. Ludovici ap Davie & Jocose; bap.

* So dated in original.


1593 May 11 Katherina fil. Edwardi Jonnes & Margarete; bap.
" June 27 Will'us fil. Rich'i Garbett & Marie; bap.
" Aug. 7 Johanna fil. cujusda' Alicia Lane; bap.
" Nov. 1 Alicia fil. Christopheri Deyes & Alicia; bap.
" Nov. 26 Joh'es Roe & Elizabetha Arowsmithe; nupt.
" Dec. 9 Thomas fil. Davidi Preice & Margarete; bap.
" Dec. 27 Elizabeth fil. Fulconis Crumpton & Izabelle; bap.
" Dec. 31 Sara Heelie filia cujusdam Agnete Heelie; bap.
1594 Jan. 6 Izabella fil. Joh'is Garbett & Agnete; bap.
" Jan. 13 ffranciscus fil. Ludovici Rampes alias Posterne & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 23 Will'us Carter & Jana Nocke; nupt.
" April 7 Rogerus fil. Rich'i Mason & Maudelin; bap.
" April 11 Rich'us fil. Thome Haddon & Agnete; bap.
" May 19 Izabella fil. Rich'i Old & Jane; bap.
" July 24 Jana fil. Joh'is Langley & Agnete; bap.
" July 24 Rich'us fil. Samuelis Sampan & Margarete; bap.
" Aug. 11 Thom's fil. Joh'is Gritfithes & Margerie; bap.
" Sep. 29 Rob'tus fil. Joh'is Roe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Dec. 13 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Whithopp & ffrancisci; bap.
" Nov. 13* Sara fil. Rich'i Langley & Agnete; bap.
" Dec. 15 Joh'es fil. Rob'ti Haddon & Agnete; bap.
1595 Jan. 5 Ellinora fil. ffrancisci Taylor & ... ux. ej.; bap.
" Feb. 9 Maria fil. Edwardi Pacye & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 13 Rich'us fil. Will'i Carter & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 13 Humfridus Harrys & Jocosa Heynes; nupt.
" Mar. 1 Rich'us fil. Evann Richards & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 25 Maria fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" May 4 Margaret fil. Thome Lee & Cicilie; bap.
" June 22 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Addams & Elinore; bap.
" June 29 Margaret fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Aug. 9 Rob'tus Stoare, Joh'es Roue, & Rich'us Stoare; sep.
" Sep. 7 Abigail fil. Rich'i Old & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 5 Edwardus fil. Thome Granger & Johanne; bap.
" Oct. 5 Johanna fil. dictor' Thome & Johanne; bap.
" Nov. 9 Will'us fil. Rich'i Whithopp & ffrancisci; bap.
" Nov. 17 Katherina ancilla Will'i Langley; sep.
" Nov. 18 ffranciscus Harrys, sepulta fuit; sep.
" Dec. 26 Margareta fil. Rich'i Roe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Dec. 27 Margareta fil. Rich'i Sheifild & Ellinor; bap.
1596 Jan. 17 Margareta [blank]; sep.
" Jan. 18 Elizabetha fil. Ludovic ap David & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 28 Margareta fil. ... Roe; sep.
" Jan. 31 Jocosa Yate; sep.
" Feb. 1 Will'us Deacon; sep.
" Feb. 6 Joh'es Addams; sep.
" Feb. 8 Margareta fil. Joh'is Bailie & Jocose; bap.
" Mar. 31 Joh'es fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" April 14 Rich'us Hartshorne; sep.
" April 25 Agneta fil. Joh'is Garbett & Agnete; bap.
" May 20 Rich'us Richardes; sep.
" June 9 Bennetta fil. Rich'i Sherman & cujusdam Jane. conc.; bap.
" July 5 Rob'tus Banes; sep.
" Aug. 12 Joh'es Geast; sep.
" Aug. 22 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Langley & Agnete; bap.
" Sep. 5 Rise ap Griffithes & Elizabetha Bradley; nupt.
" Sep. 26 Dorothea fil. Thome Haddon & Agnete; bap.

* So dated in original.


1596 Nov. 6 Joh'es Wawple & Margareta Langley; nupt.
" Nov. 8 ftianciscus fil. Joh'is Griffiths & Margerie; bap.
" Nov. 11 ffranciscus Griffithes; sep.
" Dec. 3 Jacobus Robinson & Katherina Lewys; nupt.
" Dec. 16 Christopherus Astlie; sep.
" Dec. 18 Jacobus fil. Jacobi Robinson & Katherine; bap.
1597 Jan. 7 Joh'es Richards & Atholanta Huet; nupt.
" Jan. 13 Agneta Poell fil. cujusdam Gwenne Poell; bap.
" Feb. 9 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Langley & Agnete; bap.
" Feb. 10 Elizabetha Geast; sep.
" Mar. 6 Bennetta fil. Christopheri Deyes & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 11 Bennetta Sherman; sep.
" April 4 Alicia Langley; sep.
" April 9 Will'us Bowckley & Elinora Bradley; nupt.
" April 10 ffrancisca fil. Rice' ap Griff' & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 14 Margeria Sheilfeild; sep.
" April 24 Jana fil. Rogeri Lloid & [blank] ux. ej.; bap.
" April 24 Reginaldus fil. Joh'is Roe & Elizabeth'; bap.
" June 19 Elena fil. Joh'is Ashburye & Jocose; bap.
" July 10 Joh'es fil. Humfridi Harrys & Jocose; bap.
" Aug. 9 Thom's fil. Joh'is Wawple & Margarete; bap.
" Aug. 13 Joh'es fil. Will'i Bowckley & Elinore; bap.
" Aug. 14 Phelicia fil. Joh'is Addams & Elinore; bap.
" Aug. 21 Georgius fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" Sep. 25 Johanna Dawley; sep.
" Oct. 26 Ludovicus fil. Ludovici Rampes alias Posteme & Katherine; bap.
" Nov. 6 Nicholaus Hibberte; sep.
" Nov. 20 Joh'es Brewster; sep.
" Dec. 23 Katherina fil. Alexandrini Ward & Johanne; bap.
1598 Jan. 26 Phelicia Addams; sep.
" Feb. 11 Thom's Dee; sep.
" Mar. 20 Margeria Morys; sep.
" Mar. 18* Margeria [blank]; sep.
" May 2 Rich'us Addams & Elizabetha Addams; nupt.
" May 8 Thom's Myliton & Anna Wylcox; nupt.
" June 6 Katherina fil. Rob'ti Baytman & Ellinor; bap.
" June 12 Thom's Blackmore & Joanna Langley; nupt.
" Sep. 10 Elizabetha fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 19 Elizabetha fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" Oct. 29 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Old & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 13 Thom's Law & Alicia Wylcox; nupt.
" Nov. 29 Elizabetha Trantor; sep.
1599 Jan. 7 Will'us fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 11 Izabella fil. Joh'is Langley & Agnete; bap.
" Feb. 4 Cicilia fil. Joh'is Asheburye & Jocose; bap.
" Feb. 2* Will'us fil. Francisci Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 1 Elizabetha fil. Thome Hotchkys & Cicilie; bap.
" June 1 Elizabetha Hotchkys; sep.
" June 9 Maria Child; sep.
" June 15 Georgius fil. Joh'is Addams & Elinore; bap.
" June 17 Rich'us fil. Edwardi Pacye; bap.
" July 8 Katherina fil. Joh'is Garbett & Agnete; bap.
" July 22 Cicilia fil. Jacobi Robinson & Katherina; bap.
" Aug. 9 Will'us fil. Humfridi Harrys & Jocose; bap.
" Aug. 26 Jacosa fil. Rich'i Langley & Agnete; bap.
" Aug. 27 Will'us Wyllcox & Margareta Geares; nupt.

* So dated in original.


1599 Sep. 17 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Whithnpp & ffrancisci; bap.
" Oct. 14 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Leighton & Eitirvire; bap.
" Oct. 2 Rich'us fil. Rob'ti Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" Nov. 8 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Leighton; sep.
" Nov. 2* Joh'es Stitche & Margeria Lewis; nupt.
" Dec. 10 Jacobus, carbonarius; sep.
" Dec. 16 Elizabetha fil. Will'i Bowckley & Elinore; bap.
" Dec. 19 Agnet' Ould; sep.
1600 Jan. 12 Agnet' Bennet; sep.
" Feb. 10 ffranciscus Davies; sep.
" Mar. 2 Hugo Raynoldes; sep.
" Mar. 7 Rich'us Whithopp sep.
" Mar. 9 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Roe & Elizabethe bap.
" Mar. 11 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Stitche & Margerie; bap.
" Mar. 16 Elizabetlia 61. Thorne Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Mar. 20 Ellena fil. ffrancisci Benbowe & Johanne; bap.
" May 12 Rowlandus fil. Thorne Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" May 18 Elizabetha fil. Roberti Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" May 11 Ellena Benbow; sep.
" June 29 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Bailie & Jocose; bap.
" July 5 Rowlandus Langley; sep.
" Aug. 10 Margareta Trice; sep.
" Aug. 24 Rich'us fil. Christopheri. Deyos Alicie; bap.
" Sep. 22 Elizabetha Atkys; sep.
" Sep. 28 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Leighton & Elinore; bap.
" Oct. 13 Martha fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 22 Rich'us Deyos; sep.
" Oct. 28 Agnet' fil. Hurnfridi Harris & Jocose; bap.
" Nov. 26 Dorithea fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 18 Maria fil. Joh'is Goughe & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 3 Dorithea Geares; sep.
" Feb. 8 Joh'es Bradshaw & Alicia Lane alias Griffithes; nupt.
" Feb. 20 Thom's Trantor; sep.
" Mar. 8 Margareta fil. Rob'rt Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" Mar. 27 Rotitus 61. Edwardi Davies & Jane; bap.
" April 19 Edmundus Wyllcoks de Bentall; sep.
" April 19 Maria fil. ffrancisci Benbowe & Johanne; bap.
" April 29 Phelicia Crumpe; sep.
" April 30 Edwardus Gryffithes; sep.
" May 3 Robertus Nocke; sep.
" June 2 Rich'us fil. Thome Morgan & Alicie; bap.
" June 24 Rich'us Morgan; sep.
" July t 8 Cicilia Wyllcoks; sep.
" July 24 Ellinora fil. Joh'is Griffithes & Margerie; bap.
" Aug. 14 Jana fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude bap.
" Oct. 11 Rich'us Croyden; sep.
" Oct. 14 Alicia fil. Joh'is Asheburie & Jocose; bap.
" Oct. 26 Evan'us ap Davie & Elizabetha Addams; nupt.
" Nov. 2 Ellinora fil. Jolfis Cullen et Mautilde; bap.
" Nov. 20 David Morys; sep.
" Dec. 1 Warns Garbett; sep.
" Dec. 5 Ellinora Cu/lens; sep.
" Dec 20 Joh'es fil. ffrancisci Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
1602 Jan. 1 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Genres & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 3 Joh'es fil. Christopheri Deyos & Alicie; bap.
" Jan. 26 Maria Gough; sep.
* So dated in original


1602 Feb. 9 Joanna Granger; sep.
" Feb. 28 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Garbett & Agmet'; bap.
" Mar. 1 Moricius Davies; sep.
" Mar. 14. Joh'es Deyos; sep.
" Mar. 24 Elizabetha Addams; sep.
" April 1 Margeria Griffies; sep.
" April 2 Thom's fil. Will'i Bouckley & Elinore; bap.
" April 5 Jana fil. Joh'is Leighton & Elinor; bap.
" April 6 Anna fil. Evanu' ap Davie & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 10 Joh'es Holleway; sep.
" July 11 Will'us Clarke & Alicia Hartshorne; nupt.
" July 18 Judeth fil. Roberti Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" July 18 Alicia fil. Izabelle Nocke & Joh'is Berick putavi patris; bap.
" Aug. 2 Elizabetha fil. Randelli Stoner & Margerie; bap.
" Aug. 15 Will'us fil. Rich'i Croyden & Phelicie; bap.
" Aug. 16 Will'us Rhodes; sep.
" Sep. 5 Rich'us fil. Thome Mathias & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 12 Thom's fil. Joh'is Langley & Agnet'; bap.
" Sep. 12 Katherina fil. Jacobi Robynson & Katherine; bap.
" Sep. 20 Johanna Hidden; sep.
" Sep. 29 Mattens Jones Agneta Phillipes; nupt.
" Oct. 17 Thomas Gryme; sep.
" Nov. 17 Jocosa fil. Joh'is Lister & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. i8 Cicilia fil. Rich'i Yate & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 11 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Stitche & Margerie; bap.
" Nov. 26 Joh'es .. ; sep.
" Nov. 29 Anna fil. Edw'di Russell & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 12 Will'us Cutt & Martha Olde; nupt.
" Dec. 12 Evannus fil. Humfridi Harris & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 19 Evannus Harris; sep.
1603 Feb. 6 Thomas Crewe & Elizabetha Uxley; nupt.
" Feb. 14 Humfridus Nocke & Cicilia Stitche; nupt.
" Feb. 18 Joh'es Nocke sep.
" Mar. 16 Anna fil. Thome Chorlton & Alicie; bap.
" April 20 Hugo fil. Joh'is Cullens & Mautilde; bap.
" April 27 Joh'es Langley; sep.
" May 29 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Broke et Milberoughe; bap.
" June 14 Rowlandus fil. Joh'is Goughe & Jane; bap.
" June 30 Rich'us fil. Robert' Prescott & Margerie; bap.
" June 1* Rich'us Prescott; sep.
" July 25 Robartus fil. ffrancisci Benboe & Joanne; bap.
" July 25 Joh'es fil. Roberti Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" July 31 Rich'us fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" Aug. 1 Thome Taylor alias Synar & Maria Pearce; nupt.
" Aug. 14 Edgidius fil. Joh'is Roe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 20 Margareta Beard; sep.
" Oct. 18 Will us Langley; sep.
" Nov. 3 Ellinora Tompson; sep.
" Dec. 4 Edwardus fil. Edmund' Gest & Margerie; bap.
" Dec. 4 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Bradshaw & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 6 Katherina fil. Joh'is Bailye & Jocose; bap.
1604 Jan. 5 ffranciscus fil. Thome Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Jan. 5 Izabella fil. Will'i Clarke & Alicie; bap.
" Jan. 8 Ellinora fil. Joh'is Leyghton & Elinore; bap.
" Jan. 24 Elizabetha Jonnes; sep.
" Jan. 10$ Joh'es fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
* Sic, but query July.
$ So dated in original.


1604 Jan. 33* Magdalena Locke; sep.
" Feb. 2 Maria fil. Will'i Porter & Ellinore; bap.
" Feb. 1 Maria fil. Humfridi Harris & Jocose; bap.
" Feb. 9 Rich'us Langley; sep.
" Feb. 11 Lewys Davie; sep.
" Feb. 19 Henricus fil. ffrancisci Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 21 Joh'es fil. Christopheri Deyos & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 5 Rich'us Whithopp; sep.
" April 10 Alicia Bradshaw; sep.
" April 15 Cicilia fil. Edwardi Davies & Marie; bap.
" May 20 Alicia fil. Evann' Davies & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 5 Elizahetha Langley; sep.
" July 29 Penelope fil. Thome Crew & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 19 Joh'es Crump; sep.
" Sep. 9 Thome fil. Hugonis Langley & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 23 ffranciscus rd. Joh'is Blicke & Jocose; bap.
" Sep. 23 Rogerus Okes & Maria More; nupt.
" Sep. 23 Joh'es fil. 'obis Garbett & Agnet'; bap.
" Oct. 21 Danyell fil. Rob'ti Prescott et Margerie; bap.
" Oct. 21 Luke fil. Joh'is Stitche & Margaret'; bap.
" Dec. 5 Georgius fil_ Thome Morgan & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 16 Gethruda fil. Joh'is Gryffethes & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 23 Will'us Welles & Katherina Willcoks; nupt.
1605 Jan. 6 Joh'es CulIens; sep.
" Jan. 21 Will'us Jones & Agneta Cowp' (sic, Cowper); nupt.
" Feb. 6 Will'us fil. Rogeri Okes & Marie; bap.
" Feb. 6 Maria fd. Edwardi Russell & Jocose; bap.
" Feb. 17 Jocose fil. Rob'ti Haddon & Ag-net. bap.
" Feb. 24 fIranciscus Ironmonger; sep.
" Mar. 21 Edwardus Lloid; sep.
" Mar. 31 Thom's fil. Thome Granger & Ague.; bap.
" April 9 Joh'es Stokes & Madelina Cullens, vidua; nupt.
" April 11 Jocosa fil. Thome Chorlton & bap.
" April 28 Agneta fil. Thorne Matheas & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 5 Ellinora fil. ffrancisci Benboe & Johanne; bap.
" May 9 Jacobus fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" June 1 Will'us fil. Jacobi Robinson & Katherine; bap.
" July 3 Maria fil. Joh'is Mounsloe & Elizabethe; bap.
" July 29 Hugo Price & Elizabetha James; nupt.
" Aug. 29 Stephanus Wykoks, gen'; sep.
" Sep. 15 Rich'us fil. Will'i Welles. gen'osi. & Katherine; bap.
" Sep. 22 Rich'us fil. Humfridi Man & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 20 Htimfridus fil. Joh'is Lister & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 9 Johanna James; sep.
" Nov. 10 Will'us 61. Will'i Porter & Ellinore; bap.
" Nov. 17 Joh'es Smithe; sep.
" Nov. 18 Rich'us Man; sep.
" Nov. 25 Will'us Turner & Jocosa Belchar; nupt.
" Dec. 22 Moriscus fil, Joh'is Langley & Agnet'; bap.
1606 Jan. 1 Johanna fil. Rich'i Croyden & felicie; bap.
" Jan. 2 Watts Porter; sep.
" Jan. 28 Joh'is Addams; sep.
" Feb. 22 Johanna Lanckeshor; sep.
" Feb. 22 Agneta Langley; sep.
" Mar. 1 Joh'es fil. Thorne Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Mar. 9 Matilda fil. Robarte Prescott & Margerie; bap.
* So dated in original.


1606 Mar. 17 Ellinora Porter; sep.
" Mar. 11 Henricus fil. Rich'i Genres & Jocose; bap.
" April 30 Thomas Beard & Ellinora Eves; nupt.
" May 7 Rich'us fil. Henrici Weaver & ffrancisci; bap.
" May 11 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Leighton & Ellinore; bap.
" May 13 Elizabetha fil. Thome Beard & Ellinore; bap.
" June 1 Edwardus fil. Joh'is Roe & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 4 Maria filia Will'i Jeffryes & Margerie; bap.
" June 8 Anna fil. Will'i Strutton & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 11 Margareta fil. Humfridi Harris & Jocosa; bap.
" July 6 Will'us Belchar; sep.
" July 11 Maria Jefferies; sep.
" July 16 Elizabetha fil. Radulphi Milleton & Marie; bap.
" July 23 Elizabetha fil. Thome Wilcoks & Alicie; bap.
" Aug. 3 Cicilia fil. Francisci Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 7 Elizabetha fil. Rob'ti Smith & Margerie; bap.
" Sep. 30 Georgius Addams; sep.
" Oct. 11 Joanna fil. Will'i Clarke & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 26 Joh'es fil. Rogeri Okes & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 5 Judath fil. Edwardi Davies & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 18 Elizabetha fil. Georgii Geast & Agnet'; bap.
1607 Jan. 1 Margareta fil. Will'i Wells & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 11 Jocosa fil. Katherine Bradley & ffrancisci Davies; bap.
" Jan. 18 Joh'es fil. Humfridi Man & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 24 Joh'es Weston & Elinora Addams; nupt.
" Feb. 8 Izabella fil. Edmundi Geast & Marger'; bap.
" Feb. 22 Johanna 51. Joh'is Blicke & Jocose; bap.
" Feb. 23 Johanna Croyden; sep.
" Feb. 24 Katherina fil. Edwardi Russell & Jocose; bap.
" Mar. 22 Robartus fil. Thome Chorlton & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 29 Joh'es ap Davie fil. Evanus ap Davie & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 14 Rowlandus fil. ffrancisci Benboe & Johanne; bap.
" April 19 Anna fil. Rich'i Price & Margaret'; bap.
" June 7 Elizabetha Milleton; sep.
" June 11 Johanna Blicke; sep.
" June 12 Rowlandus Benboe; sep.
" July 1 Will'us fil. Joh'is Weston & Ellinore; bap.
" Aug. 1 Agnet' fil. Will'i Jeffryes & Marger'; bap.
" Aug. 2 Maria fil. Rob'ti Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Aug. 9 Jacobus fil. Rowlandi Coxe & Gwenn; bap.
1608 April 3 Jocosa fil. Rich'i Marshe & Margaret'; bap.
" April 11 Jana Langley; sep.
" April 17 Maria fil. Henrici Stephens & Gratiae; bap.
" April I7 Anna fil. Joh'is Blicke & Jocose; bap.
" April 17 Izabella fil. Radulphi Milleton & Marie; bap.
" April 26 Thomas Jeffries; sep.
" May 7 Jana Alcoks; sep.
" May 1* Thomas Addams; sep.
" May 11 Cicilia fil. Will'i Welles & Katherine; bap.
" June 22 Joh'es Yate & Maria Eves; nupt.
" June 23 Danyell Prescott; sep.
" June 23 Robartus Dickinsone; sep.
" June 30 Radulphus Blower; sep.
" July 3 Alicia fil. Rob'rti Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" July 17 Gilbartus Coort & Mautilda Mason; nupt.
" July 12 Tymotheus Salsburie; sep.
* So dated in original.


1608 Aug. 30* ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Yeald & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 3 Evan ap Davie; sep.
" Aug. 16 ffranciscus Yeald; sep.
" Aug. 21 Jocosa fil. Thome Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Sep. 3 Randellus Stoner; sep.
" Sep. 11 Joh'es Croyden; sep.
" Sep. 12 Jocosa Lyster; sep.
" Sep. 27 Joh'es Bald'm (? Baldwin) et Elizabetha Langley; nupt.
" Sep. 29 Nicholaus Smithe & Anna Niclin; nupt.
" Oct. 9 Will'us fil. Robert' Prescott & Margate; bap.
" Oct. 9 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Lyster & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 12 Martinus fil. Rich'i Rhodes & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 4 ffranciscus fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 18 Elizabetha fil. Rogeri Oakes & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 18 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Corbett & Izabella; bap.
" Jan. 22 Margareta Willcokes; sep.
" Jan. 26 Joh'es Uxley, Junior, & Mabella Clifford; nupt.
" Jan. 29 Will'mus ap Robart ap Evan & Margareta Bagley; nupt.
" Feb. 7 Thomas fil. Joh'is Huxley & Mabelle; bap.
" Feb. 8 Margareta fil. Evanni ap Davie & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 11 Joh'es Andrewes; sep.
" Feb. 13 Elizabetha fil. Rogeri Ashwood & Margerie; bap.
" Feb. 13 Margeria Prescott; sep.
" Feb. 20 Anna fil. Thome Wyllcoks & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 12 Anna fil. Edwardi Burges & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 19 Richardus fil. Hugonis Jones & Elizabethe; bap.
1609 April 1 Richardus fil. Edwardi Russell & Jocose; bap.
" April 9 Will'us fil. Will'i Welles & Susanne; bap.
" April 16 Thomas fil. Humfridi Man & Anne; bap.
" April 23 Thomas Man; sep.
" May 6 Jocosa fil. ffrancisci Benboe & Johanne; bap.
" May 7 ffranciscus fil. ffrancisci Benboe & Johane; bap.
" June 14 Elizabetha fil. Will'i Welles & Katherine; bap.
" June 25 Susanna fil. Will'i Jeffryes & Margaret'; bap.
" July 20 Andreas Geast; sep.
" Aug. 3 ffranciscus Blicke; sep.
" Aug. 8 Joh'es Bawldwin; sep.
" Aug. 20 Nicholaus Drury; sep.
" Oct. 4 ffranciscus fil. Robarti Shelley & Elizabethe Fowler; bap.
" Oct. 15 Rich'us fil. Thome Chorlton & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 24 Thomas Langley; sep.
" Oct. 29 Moricius fil. Edwardi Davies & Marie; bap.
" Nov. 4 Robartus fil. Georgii Geast & Agnet'; bap.
" Nov. 26 Rich'us fil. Thome Beard & Ellinore; bap.
" Dec. 9 Margareta fil. Thome Poyner & Margerie; bap.
" Dec. 9 Jacobus fil. Will'i Clarke & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 29 Will'us Geares; sep.
" Jan. 13 Margareta fil. Joh'is Barley & Elizabethm; bap.
" Jan. 28 Joh'es Mathewes & Ellinora Lee; nupt.
" Jan. 29 Joh'es Johnson & Agnet' Addams; nupt.
" Mar. 4 Will'us fil. Will'i Evans & Margaret'; bap.
" Mar. 4 Jocosa fil. Joh'is Leighton & Ellinore; bap.
" Mar. 7 Will'us Bowckley; sep.
" Mar. 20 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Yate & Marie; bap.
1610 April 12 Joh'es Bradshaw; sep.
" June 2 Benneta Taylor; sep.
* This should be July 31st, not August. See burial of Francis Yeald two entries below.


1610 June 21 Will'mus Stitche; sep.
" June 24 Thomas fil. Reginaldi Phillips & Johanne; bap.
" July 29 Joh'es fil. Thome Morgan & Alicie; bap.
" Aug. 3 Joh'es Morgan; sep.
" Aug. 12 Susanna fil. Robarti Prescott & Susanne; bap.
" Aug. 19 Thomas fil. Joh'is Johnson & Agnet'; bap.
" Aug. 13* ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Monslowe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 9 Cicilia fil. Roberti Haddon & Agnet'; bap.
" Sep. 25 Will'us Welles; sep.
" Sep. 30 Rosamunda fil.X'poferi Deyns & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 14 Cicilia fil. Joh'is Stitche & Margerie; bap.
" Oct. 14 Alicia fil. Rich'i Hardnadge & Agnet'; bap.
" Oct. 24 Elburye Scarlet; sep.
" Nov. 4 Izabella fil. Richardi Rhodes & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 18 Georgius fil. Rich'i Pryce & .... (sic); bap.
" Jan. 27 Samuell fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" Jan. 27 Ellinora fil. Rich'i Corbet & Izabelle; bap.
" Feb. 10 Margareta fil. Rogeri Barbour & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 17 ffranciscus fil. Rogeri Oakes & Marie; bap.
" Feb. 24 Jocosa fil. Evanni Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 3 Rich'us fil. Petri Bobie & Johanne- bap.
" Mar. 6 Venefrida fil. Alicie Wevar & Radulphi Price; bap.
" Mar. 15 Elizabetha Butler; sep.
" Mar. 18 Richardus Bobie; sep.
" Mar. 27 ffranciscus fil. Thome Crew & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 28 Thomas Uxley; sep.
1611 April 1 ffranciscus Davies & Elizabetha Baytman; nupt.
" April 13 Ellinora Willcox; sep.
" May 5 Ellinora fil. Thome Prescott & Margerie; bap.
" May 5 Rich'us fil. Humfridi Man & Anne; bap.
" May 10 Thomas Morgan; sep.
" May 12 Jana fil. ffrancisci Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 30 ffranciscus Geares; sep.
" May 19* Joh'es fil. Will'i Geares; & Katherine; bap.
" June 2 Joh'es fil. Robarti Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" June 2 Margaret' fil. Rich'i Addams & Alicie; bap.
" July 14 Thomas fil. Moricii Owen & Johanne; bap.
" Sep. 10 Joh'es Hawkins; sep.
" Sep. 22 Tymotheus fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" Oct. 6 Rich'us Pryce; sep.
" Oct. 17 Robartus Prescott; sep.
" Oct. 20 Judeth' fil. Lawrentii Hill & Ellinore; bap.
" Oct. 27 Henricus fil. Hugonis Price & Elizabethe; bap.
" Oct. 28 ffranciscus fil. Edwardi Taylor & Susanne; bap.
" Nov. 3 Edwardus Phillipes & Johanna Yekins; nupt.
" Nov. 10 Thomas fil. Joh'is Blicke Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 15 Alicia fil. Joh'is Lister & Alicie; bap.
" Jan. 12 Thomas fil. Will'i Clarke & Alicie; bap.
" Jan. 16 Dorithea Haddon; sep.
" Jan. 16 Katherina fil. Reginaldi Morys & Johanne; bap.
" Jan. 19 Rich'us Cramer; sep.
" Jan. 19 Katherina Morys; sep.
" Jan. 21 Alicia Lister; sep.
" Jan. 26 Johanna fil. Rowlandi Coxe & Gwenne; bap.
" Jan. 28 Galfrydus Hall; sep.
" Feb. 2 Maria fil. Robarti Prescott & Susanne; bap.
* So dated in original.


1611 Feb. 9 Margarett fil. Jah'is Leightonne & Ellinore; bap.
" Feb. 9 Margeria fil. Robarti Speed & Margerie; bap.
" Feb. 16 Georgius fil. Thome Chorltunue & Alicic; bap.
" Feb. 28 Alicia Hardnadge, sep.
" Mar. 7 Maria fil. Edwardi Burges & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 7 Rich'us Langley, Junior; sep.
" Mar. 21 Jacobus Rubinson; sep.
" Mar. 22 Evan ap Owen; sep.
" Mar. 26 Rich'us Beard; sep.
" Mar, 2 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Uxley & Mabelle; bap.
" April 13 Rich'us 61, Thome Lancastle & Ellinore; bap.
" April J4 Alicia Chadocke; sep.
" April 19 Georgius Chorlton; sep.
" April 13* Sara Langley; sep.
" June 1 Maria Burges; sep.
" June 2 Egidius Roe; sep.
" July 2 Thomas fil. Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" July 19 Martha fil, Rogeri Barbour & Elizabethe; bap.
" July 26 Jocosa fil, Henrici Cadman & Agnet'; bap.
" Aug. 14 Jocosa Harding; sep.
" Sep. 4 Lawrentius Stitche; sep.
" Sep. 13 Thomas Rich'i Rhodes & Alicie; bap.
" Sep. 25 Brigitta fil. Thome Crewe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 25 Elizabetha fil. Lanncleti Ludlow, armigeri, & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 27 Anna fil. Georgii Geast & Agnee; bap.
" Sep. 25 Humfridus Browne & Ellinora Weston, vid.; nupt.
" Sep. 29 David ap Jenkin & Jana Hawkins, vid.; nupt.
" Oct. 1 Rich'us fil. Henrici Hemlocke & Ellinore; bap.
" Oct. 7 Izabella fil. ffrancisci Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 24 Joh'es Hamond & Maria Addams; nupt.
" Dec. 2 Andreas fil. Joh'is Langley & Agnet; bap.
" Dec. 2 Rich'us Patingham; sep.
" Dec. 6 Edwardus fil. Edwardi Russell & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 7 Dorithea Thome Stanley & Katherinae; bap.
" Dec. 20 Maria fil. Thome Beard & Elinore; bap.
" Dec. 22 Agnet Garbett; sep.
" Dec. 26 Cicilia fil. Joh'is Mathews & Ellinore; bap.
" Jan. 1 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Harnadge & Agnet'; bap.
" Jan. 13 Cicilia Mathews; sep.
" Jan. 22 Rich'us Langley; sep.
" Feb. 3 ffranciscus fil. ffrancisci Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 1 Mabella & Avicia fil. Jacobi Uxley & Marie; bap.
" Mar. 14 Avicia Uxley; sep.
" Mar. 14 ffranciscus fil. Evann' Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 23 Joh'es Haddon fil. Mick Haddon & Thome Beard; bap.
1613 April 5 Will'us fil. Joh'is Beard & Katherine; bap.
" April 5 Geurgius fil. Reginaldi Phillips & Juhanne; bap.
" April 13 Elizabeth Addams; sep.
" May 1 Jacobus fil. Joh'is Jenkin & Amye; bap.
" May 5 Joh'es 6I. Joh'is Jenkin & Amye, bap.
" May 28 Jacobus & Joh'es Jenkin; sep.
" May 30 Jocosa fil. Joh'is Stitche & Margerie; bap.
" June 29 Jana Shelfe'd; sep.
" June 30 Jana Bradley; sep.
" July 6 Elizabeth Burges; sep.
" July 11 Margareta 61. Joh'is Johnson & Agnet'; bap.

* So dated in original.


1613 July 21 Jana fil. Joh'is Yate & Marie; bap.
" Aug. 6 Margeria Geast; sep.
" Aug. 8 ffranciscus fil. Thome Vicars & Marie; bap.
" Aug. 20 Mabella Ualey; sep.
" Sep. 19 Maria fil. Evann' Davies & Alicie; bap.
" Sep. 26 Rogerus fil. Rogeri Oakes & Marie; bap.
" Oct. 19 Carolus fil. Thome Langley & Gethrude; bap.
" Oct. 19 Joh'es fil. Will'i Mivart & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 5 Will'us Croyden; sep.
" Nov. 14. Thomas Croyden fil. Alicie Croyden & Ludovici Poell ut dicitur; bap.
" Nov. 28 Joh'es Barley; sep.
" Nov. 28 Thomas fil. Humfridi Clarke & Johanne; bap.
" Dec. 2 Carolus Langley; sep.
" Dec. 7 Ellinora Baytman; sep.
" Dec. 12 Robartus fil. Joh'is Lister & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 21 Jana Synar; sep.
" Jan. 6 Robartus fil. Robart' Smith & Margerie; bap.
" Jan. 18 Robartus Lister; sep.
" Jan. 21 Rich'us Willcoks; sep.
" Feb. 12 Will'us Wylcoks; sep.
" Feb. 6* Rich'us Lee & Alicia Morgan; nupt.
" Feb. 13 Judeth Garbet; sep.
" Mar. 13 Jana fil. Joh'is Leighton & Ellinor; bap.
" Mar. 27 Joh'es fil. Will'i Evans & Margaret; bap.
1614 April 2 Elizabetha Scarlett; sep.
" May 20 Will'mus Mivart; sep.
" May 24 Radulphus Price; sep.
" May 29 Robartus fil. Moricii Owen & Johanne; bap.
" June 2 Ellinora fil. Henrici Hemlocke & Ellinore; bap.
" June 9 Will'us James; sep.
" June 24 Gilbertus fil. Will's Mason & Johanne; bap.
" June 25 Rosamuda fil. Will'i Morse & Rosamudi; bap.
" June 25 Rosamuda Morse; sep.
" June 29 Rich'us Roe fil. Rich'i Roe putavi patris & ffrancisci Yeat; bap.
" July 10 ffranciscus fil. Thome Stanley & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 21 Jocose Stitche; sep.
" Nov. 7 Samuel Geares; sep.
" Nov. 20 ffranciscus fil. Jacobi Uxley & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 9 Elizabetha Stitche; sep.
" Dec. 10 Will'mus Crosse; sep.
" Dec. 20 Henricus Joyse; sep.
" Dec. 26 Robertus fil. Rich'i Rhodes & Alicie; bap.
" Jan. 5 Ludovicus Rampes alias Postern; sep.
" Jan. 22 Thomas fil. Joh'is Matthews & Ellinore; bap.
" Jan. 23 Rich'us Hasselwood & ffranciscus Wevar; nupt.
" Feb. 1 Rowlandus fil. Rowlandi Coxe & Gwcnne; bap.
" Feb. 5 Thomas fil. Rich'i Lee & Alicie; bap.
" Feb. 12 Moricius fil. Henrici Cadman & Agnet'; bap.
" Feb. 12 Joh'es fil. Humfridi Clarke & Johanne; bap.
" Feb. 21 Joh'es Chawner; sep.
" Mar. 1 Robertus Baytman; sep.
" Mar. 6 Will'us Gardner; sep.
" Mar. 11 Agnet' Haddon; sep.
" Mar. 15 Rogerus Oakes; sep.
1615 April 8 Anna Creamer; sep.

* So dated in original.


1615 April 16 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Uxley & Mabelle; bap.
" May 7 Thomas fil. Hugonis Price & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 12 ffranciscus Nashe; sep.
" May 14 Joh'es fil. Georgii Gest & Agnet'; bap.
" June I t Joh'es fil. Joh'is Harding & Sam; bap.
" June t6 Joh'es Lister; sep.
" June 18 Sara, fil. Henrici Bevans & Johanne; bap.
" July 5 Petrus fiI. Edwardi Phillipes & Joannae; bap.
" July 23 Thomas Price; sep.
" July 25 Maria fil. Robarti Bridgwod & Katherine; bap.
" Sep. 3 Rich'us Rich'i Geares & Jocose; bap.
" Sep. 12 Rich'us Hoggis & Anna Striven; nupt.
" Sep. 24 Mathew fil. Rich'i Raignoldes & Joannae; bap.
" Sep. 30 Thomas Cumbel land & Maria Jonnes; nupt.
" Oct. 1 Mathew Raignolds; sep.
" Oct. 8 Elizabetha fil. Evanni Davies & Alicie; bap.
" Oct. 29 Susanna fil. Harnadge & Agnet'; bap.
" Nov. 12 Jucosa fil. Joh'is Beard & Katherine; bap.
" Nov. 19 Maria fil. Davidi Rowlands & Alicie; bap.
" Nov. 19 Margeria' fil. ffrancisci Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" Dec. 3 Margeria' fil. Joh'is Blicke & Jocose; bap.
" Dec. 6 Dorithea Cue; sep.
" Dec. 7 Elizabetha Matheas; sep.
" Dec. 17 Will'us Clark; srp.
" Dec. 24 Margeria fil. Reginaldi Phillipes & Joanne; bap.
" Dec. 24 Jocosa ti! Hasseiwood & ffrancisci; bap.
" Dec. 24 Thomas Matheas; sep.
" Dec. 27 Anna Granger; sep.
" Jan. 1 Richardus fil. Joh'is Chilton & Ellinore; bap.
" Jan. 7 Jocosa Hasselwood; sep.
" Jan. 7 Margareta fil. Edwardi Croyden & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 17 Jacobus fil, Rogeri Ashwood & Margerie; bap.
" Jan. 14* Margeria Ashwood; sep.
" Feb. 7 Gilbertus Codre; sep.
" Feb. 12 Magdelena Codre; sep.
" Feb. 18 Jana fil. Edwardi Jones & Joannae; bap.
" Feb. 25 Johanna Jonnes; sep.
" Feb. 28 Griffith Price; sep.
" Mar. 3 Moricius fil. Joh'is Price & Margerie; bap.
" Mar. 10 Jacobus Rich'i Ycke & bap.
" Mar. 17 Michaelis fil. Joh'is Johnson & Agnet'; bap.
" Mar. 24 Rosamuuda fil. Thome Evans & Alicie; bap.
1616 April 1 Thomas fil. Thome Beard & Ellinore; bap.
" April 2 Thomas fil. Robarti Smithe & Margerie; bap.
" April 17 Ed'r'us fil. Edw'r'i Russell & Johanne; bap.
" April 21 Will'us fil. Evann' Davies & Elizabethe; bap.
" June t Will'us fil. Henrici Hemlocke & Ellinore; bap.
" June 5 Magdalena Stokes; sep.
" June 9 Constance fil. Joh'is Nash & Agnet'; bap.
" July 9 Edwardus Russell; sep.
" July 10 Joh'es Whitope fil. Katherine Whithope & Joh'is Nashe pat. put,; bap.
" Aug. 8 Anna Gest; sep.
" Sep. 8 Anna fil. Humfridi Man & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 18 Henricus Doe; sep.
" Sep. 14* Joh'es Lee & Alicia Clark; nupt.

* So dated in original.


1616 Sep. 22 Joh'es Rhoden & Cicilia Lee; nupt.
" Sep. 29 Joanna fil. Humfridi Clarke & Joanne; bap.
" Oct. 3 Constance Nashe; sep.
" Oct. 3 Joh'es Child; sep.
" Oct. 13 Rich'us Taylor; sep.
" Nov. 1 Thomas fil. Hugonis Price & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 30 Johannes Uxley nup. Rector de Brosley; sep.
" Dec. 9 ffraunces Yate; sep.
" Dec. 28 Michaell fil. Wil'mi Robartes; bap.
" Jan. 5 ffraunces Langley; sep.
" Jan. 11 Elizabeth Barlowe; sep.
" Feb. 16 Edward fil. Morris Owens; bap.
" Feb. 23 Will'm's fil. Joh'is Robarts; bap.
" Feb. 24 Georgius Guest; sep.
" Mar. 9 Richardus fil. Edwardi Duke'; bap.
" Mar. 23 Edwardus fil. Michaelis Blakemore; bap.
" Mar. 23 Nathaneell fil. Alicia Myvard; bap.
1617 April 6 Richardus fil. Richard' Home; bap.
" April 6 Georgius fil. Raynoldi Lambet; bap.
" April 29 Margaret Staunton; sep.
" May 30* Will'iam Payter & Alis Myvard; nupt.
" May 1 Elsabeth fil. Richard Hagar; bap.
" May 4 Richardus fil. Joh'is Harding; bap.
" May 4 Elsabeth fil. Richard Haselwood; bap.
" May 20 Thomas Lyster, mersus; sep.
" June 12 Richard Harding abovesaid; sep.
" June 8* Anne fil. Joh'is Huxley; bap.
" June 25 Rowland Coxe; sep.
" June 29 Humfrey fil. Edward Moke; bap.
" July 4 Joyce fil. Jacobi Uxley; bap.
" July 13 Morris fil. Edward Abrey; bap.
" July 13 Joane fil. Roberti Speed; bap.
" Oct. 14 Thomas fil. Rice James & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 21 John Horton; sep.
" Oct. 24 Elizabeth fil. Rich'i Langley; bap.
" Oct. 29 ffrenciscus fil. Joh'is Nashe; bap.
" Nov. 3 Rich'us Croyden & Joanna Chace; nupt.
" Nov. 23 Thomas fil. Joh'is Walton & Elinor Baylie; bap.
" Nov. 27 Margeria Stitche; sep.
" Dec. 4 Humfrid' Moke; sep.
" Dec. 7 Anne Clifford; sep.
" Dec. 8 ffranciscus Nash; sep.
" Dec. 13 Margaret fil. Joh'is Rhoden; bap.
" Dec. 21 Joane fil. Rob'ti Smithe; bap.
" Dec. 21 Elinor fil. Rich'i Rodes & Alicie; bap.
" Dec. 21 Izabell Haddon; sep.
" Dec. 23 Will'iam Hemlocke; sep.
" Dec. 31 Joh'is Lye; sep.
" Jan. 6 Elinor Rodes; sep.
" Jan. 18 Margaret fil. Rich'i Kyme; bap.
" Jan. 18 Walter fil. Will'i Sheeraughte; bap.
" Jan. 25 Margaret Kyme; sep.
" Jan. 25 Edward fil. Joh'i Yeate; bap.
" Jan. 28 Hughe Langley; sep.
" Feb. 2 ffranciscus fil. Rich'i Garrett; bap.
" Feb. 11 Will'iam Langley & Elizabeth Langley; nupt.

* So dated in original.


1617 Feb. 22 Samuell fil. Edmundi Bartonn; bap.
" Feb. 24 John Mathewes; sep.
" Feb. 27 Avicia fil. Thome Blarkwey; bap.
" Mar. 1 Samuell Bartonn; sep.
" Mar. 15 Will'iam Haddon; sep.
" Mar. 25 Joh'es Hugonis Lumbarte; bap.
1618 April 7 Rice Griffithes; sep.
" April 19 Katherine Bateman; sep.
" April 20 Thomas fil. Rich'i Croyden; bap.
" April 23 Katherine fil. ffrancisci Davies; bap.
" April 25 Walter Sheerraughte; sep.
" April 26 Jana fil. Rich'i Geares; bap.
" April 26 Rich'us St Maria fil. Joh'i Rutter; bap.
" May 1 Maria Rutter; sep.
" May 3 Bridgette Rich'i Harnedge; bap.
" May 10 Sislie Lie; sep.
" May 14 Maria fil. Johl Chiltonn; bap.
" May 11 Roger Nashe; sep.
" May 26 Jah'es fil. Humfridi Clarke; bap.
" Aug. 2 ffrancis Mann; sep.
" Aug. 2 Jocosa fil. Thome Purslowe; bap.
" Aug. 3 Edward Hill & Elinor Mathewes; nupt.
" Aug. 16 Thomas fil. Joh'is Berd; bap.
" Aug. 16 Sara fil. Will'i Stintonn; bap.
" Aug. 18 Margerie Jeffryes; sep.
" Sep. 10 Sheerraughte; sep.
" Sep. 14 Joh'es Wenland, m'sus; sep.
" Sep. 29 Margarette fil. Thom' Evans; bap.
" Oct. 1 ffrancis fil. Ed'ei Hill; bap.
" Oct. 22 joh'is Garbette; sep.
" Nov. 1 Thomas fil. Henrici Hemlocke; bap.
" Nov. 13 ffrancis Hill; sep.
" Nov. 21 Ed'r'us fil. Ed'r'i Hill; bap.
" Nov. 21 Henricus CheIlvricke; sep.
" Nov. 24 Alicia fil. Nicholas Harrison; bap.
" Nov. 30 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Haselwood; bap.
" Jan. 1 Joh'es fil. Rob'ti Berd bap.
" Jan. 13 Jacobus fil. Joh'is Nashe; bap.
" Jan. 20 Rob'tus ap Yeavan; sep.
" Jan. 31 Thomas fil. Will'i Langley; bap.
" Feb. 10 Jana Sheerraughte; sep.
" Feb. 24 ffrances fil. Joh'is Johnsonn; bap.
" Mar. 14 Alicia fil. Ed'r'i Mokes; bap.
" Mar. 21 Elenor fil. Joh'is Home; bap.
1619 Mar. 27 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Griffithes; bap.
" April 4 Will'us Torpley & Elizabeth Gritlithes; nupt.
" April 11 Katherina Raylie; sep.
" May 6 Margarett fil. Hopkin ap Thomas; bap.
" May 9 Thomas fil. Joh'is ffarmer; bap.
" June 4 Thomas fil. Humfridi Mann; bap.
" June 11 Jana fil. Rich'i Cooke; bap.
" July 4 Richardus Joilye; sep.
" July 4 Katherina fil. Rich'i Rudes; bap.
" July 18 Thomas Mann; sep.
" July 19 Elizabeth fil. Lancelott Benbowe; bap.
" Aug. 29 Thomas fil. Robert Speed; bap.
" Sep. 17 Sara M. Edmund Barton. Rectoris; bap.
" Dec. 10 Margareta fil. Hugonis Lombart; bap.


1619 Dec. 28 Widow Lee; sep.
" Jan. 6 Katherina uxor Ludovici Ramps al's Posthearne; sep.
" Jan. 16 Elnor fil. Roberti Smith; bap.
" Feb. 18 Arthure fil. Brasell Browne; bap.
" Feb. 10 Thomas fil. Thom' Blakeway; bap.
" Feb. 25 Elizabeth fil. ffrancisci Saunsom; bap.
" Mar. 7 Elizabeth fil. ffrancisci Saunsom; sep.
1620 Mar. 31 Evan fil. Regimi (sic); bap.
" April 2 Richard fil. Gulielmi Robarts & M'garet; bap.
" April 2 Edward fil. Johann' Laighton & Elinor; bap.
" April 30 ffraunces fil. Henrici Meare & Eliz,abethe; bap.
" June 5 Jane fil. Johannis Bowkley & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 28 Maria fil. Richard Lawley & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 19 Michael Benbow; sep.
" July 21 Widowe Heath; sep.
" July 25 Constance fil. Richard Cooke & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 13 Mary fil. Rich' Harding & Elsabeth; bap.
" Sep. 3 Humfredus fil. Johannis Rutter & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 25 Joane fil. Johannis Armishar & Elen'; bap.
" Oct. 10 Edward fil. Humfredi Clearke & Joan; bap.
" Oct. 29 Alse Wilding; sep.
" Nov. 9 Isabel fil. Richard Haring & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 16 Jane fil. Joh'is Chilton & Eln'; bap.

Here follows a blank page in the Register, upon which the four following entries appear:

1617 Oct. 25 Susanna fil. ffrancisci Owens Chs & Isabel; bap.
1619 Nov. 2 Diott fil. p'dic' ffrancisci & Isabel; bap.
1622 April 18 ffrancisca fil. p'dic' ffrancisci & Isabel; bap.
1624 June 24 Isabella fil. p'dict' ffrancisci & Isabel; bap.

1620 Dec. 10 Jane fil. Owen Evan & Elsabeth; bap.
" Jan. 6 Mary fil. Thom' Evans & Alic'; bap.
" Jan. 13 Thomas fil. Rich'i Harrison & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 13 Thom' fil. Richardi Hagar & Elisabeth; bap.
" Jan. 28 Rebecca fil. Edmund Barton, Rector, & Maria; bap.
" Mar. 10 Margaret Belkhar; sep.
1621 Mar. 25 Maria fil. Will'mi Langley & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 1 Johannes fil. Johann' Johnson & Anne; bap.
" April 8 Richard fil. Johann' Harding & Sare; bap.
" April 8 Thomas fil. Richard Weak & Anne; bap.
" May 6 Maria fil. Johann' Nashe & Ann'; bap.
" May 1* John Poyner & Anne Russell; nupt.
" May 10 Guilbert Evans & Elsabeth Layghton; nupt.
" May 11 Richard Harding; sep.
" May 22 John & Elizabeth fil. Hugh Price & Elsabeth; bap.
" May 27 Edward fil. ffrancis Saunsomme & Joane; bap.
" July 8 Hugh fil. Edward Croyden & Elsabeth; bap.
" July 22 Richard fil. Edward Hill & El'nor; bap.
" St. James his day. Richard fil. Edward Awbrey & Margaret; bap.
" July 29 John fil. Harrie Hemlock & El'nor; bap.
" Aug. 22 John the supposed son of .. Shorter begotten of Margaret Bayly; bap.
" Aug. 26 Edward Laighton; sep.
" Aug. 29 John Brewerton; sep.
" Sep. 2 Edward fil. Evan Jones & Elnor; bap.
" Sep. 7 Edward Pacy; sep.

* So dated in original.


1621 Sep. 11 Robert fil. Launce't Benbow & Isabell; bap.
" Sep. 11 Thomas fil. Richard Haselwood & ffrances; bap.
" Oct. 3 ffraunces fil. Robert Taylour & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 9 Mabell fil. Gilberti Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 21 Richard fil. Edward Alrey & Margaret; bap.
" Dec. 26 Robert Johann' Yate & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 29 Sicely fil. Johann' Farmar & Ann; bap.
" Jan. 6 Mary fil. Roger Mason & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 6 Katherine fil. Robert Smith, sen., & Margerie; bap.
" Jan. 13 Margerie fil. Johann' Ahome Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 17 Elsabeth fil. Richard Cooke & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 19 Mary Mason; sep.
" Jan. 27 Elizabeth Mason; sep.
" Feb. 3 Richard fil. Johann' Belcham al's Robarts & ..; bap.
" Diana fil. (sic)
" Mar. 24 James fil. Johann' Rowden & .. cely; bap.
" Mar. 24 Elsabeth fil. Thome Blakeway & Katherine; bap.
1622 Mar. 31 Humfredus fil. Johann' Brooke & Ann; bap.
" April 7 Thomas fil. Richard Haddon & ffrauncisc'; bap.
" April 5* Josuas Onions; sep.
" April 21 Humfrey fil. Humfr'di Man & Anne; bap.
" June 8 Joane the wife of ffraunces Benbow; sep.
" June 23 John fil. Rich'i James & Elsabeth; bap.
" July 5 John Griffith; sep.
" July 7 Jane fil. Thom' Asham & ffrauncis; bap.
" July 12 John Harris; sep.
" July 13 Susanna fil. Johann' Harding & Sara; bap.
" July 28 Josephus fil. Josephi Wintle & Maria; bap.
" Oct. 4 Maria Smart; sep.
" Oct. 13 Jana fil. Thome Harrison & Thomasin; bap.
" Nov. 16 Margarie Smithe; sep.
" Nov. 22 Joh'es Bailie; sep.
" Nov. 25 Will'i'mus Benbowe & Margerie Bradley; nupt.
" Dec. 1 Joh'es Burges fil. Elizabethe Burges & Thome Harrison; bap.
" Dec. 21 Joh'es Burges supradict'; sep.
" Jan. 5 Elizabeth fil. Will'i Home & Maria; bap.
" Jan. 12 Joycosa Willcoks; sep.
" Jan. 19 Jocosa Cadman; sep.
" Jan. 19 Will'us .. filius cujusd' ..; bap.
" Jan. 25 Will'us .. supradict'; sep.
" Feb. 2 ffrancis fil. Hugonis Lumbard & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 14. Will'iam Willcoks; sep.
" Feb. 16 Edward fil. Will'mi ffoord; bap.
" Mar. 2 Margarett fil. Silvans Mivard & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 2 Jone fil. Will'i'mi Benbowe & Margerie; bap.
" Mar. 9 Will'mus fil. Joh'is Rutter & Alicie; bap.
" Mar. 17 Joanna Speed; sep.
" Mar. 18 Ales Astley; sep.
" Mar. 22 Rob'tus Smith; sep.
1623 Mar. 25 Edwardus Sawyer; sep.
" May 25 Andrewe fil. Will'i'mi Lewes & Jana; bap.
" May 25 Elenor Hemlocke; sep.
" May 30 Thomas Jukes; sep.
" June 4 Edward fil. Will'iam ffoard; sep.
" July 19 Ciceli ffarmer; sep.
" July 21 Sicely fil. Henrici Reddiard & Ann; bap.

* So dated in original.


1623 Aug. 10 Margaret Belcham al's Robarts fil. Will'mi Roberts & Ann; bap.
" Aug. 10 Sara fil. Georgii Deacon & Maudlin; bap.
" Aug. 24 Margaret fil. Henrici Meare & Elsabeth; bap.
" Sep. 6 John Davies; sep.
" Sep. 9 Samuell fil. Edmundi Bartonn & Marie; bap.
" Sep. 14 Daniell Baylie; sep.
" Sep. 21 Joh'es fil. Johannis Chilton & Elianor; bap.
" Sep. 29 Evan Edwards & Anne Holland; nupt.
" Sep. 29 Will'iam Harris & Mary Coxe; nupt.
" Oct. 21 Joyce & Alse Thome Griffits & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 27 Edward Eaves & Isabel Garbet; nupt.
" Nov. 3 John Parre & Anne Guest; nupt.
" Nov. 4 Anne Lane; sep.
" Nov. 10 Thomas Eaves & Elizabeth Haddon; nupt.
" Nov. 13 Robert Shaw; sep.
" Nov. 15 ffrancis Roberts; sep.
" Nov. 23 Will'iam fil. Rich' Ahome & Joane; bap.
" Dec. 13 Frauncis Benbowe; sep.
" Dec. 17 Will'm Robarts; sep.
" Dec. 26 Ann fil. Thom' Blakeway & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 26 Margaret Meare; sep.
" Jan. 1 Griffith Jones; sep.
" Jan. 1 Thomas Mason; sep.
" Jan. 6 Mary fil. ffrauncisci Saunsome & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 14 Sicely Rydiard; sep.
" Jan. 26 Margaret Chilton; sep.
" Jan. 28 Jane Chilton; sep.
" Feb. 3 John Haddon; sep.
" Feb. 21 Anna Wainright; sep.
" Feb. 22 Thomas Haddon; sep.
" Feb. 22 Isabell fil. Richard Lawley & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 22 Novice (?) Owens; sep.
" Mar. 22 John James; sep.
" Mar. 24 Anne Nash; sep.
1624 Mar. 29 Elisabeth fil. Richard Hughes & Elsabeth; bap.
" April 16 Hugh Price & Sarah Bradeley; nupt.
" April 21 Mary Saunsome; sep.
" May 1 1 Rowland Prinn; sep.
" May 11 John fil. Rich. Cooke & Jane; bap.
" May 12 Hugh Price; sep.
" May 30 Edward fil. John Brooke & Elnor; bap.
" June 8 Thomas fil. Hugh Price & Sarah; bap.
" June 22 Thomas Burgess & Anne Palmer; nupt.
" June 23 Will'm fil. George Deacon & Maudlin; bap.
" June 25 Lawrence Ancocks al's Marsh; sep.
" June 26 Will'm Langley, gentlem'; sep.
" July 11 Judeth fil. Evan Jones & Elnor; bap.
" July 23 Roger Hottrell; sep.
" July 25 Thomas fil. Will'iam Robberts al's Belcha & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 8 Edward fil. Edward Croydon & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 18 Thomas Parker & Katherine Davies; nupt.
" Aug. 28 Thomas Robartes; sep.
" Sep. 5 Thomas fil. Owen Evanns & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 17 John Leake; sep.
" Sep. 25 Joane Corser; sep.
" Sep. 26 Michaell fil. Richard Harding & Elsabeth; bap.
" Sep. 26 Humfrey fil. Edward Hill & Elnor; bap.
" Nov. 5 Elisabeth Weaver; sep.


1624 Nov. 12 Elner Williams: sep.
" Nov. 15 Will'm Roden & Margaret Lie; nupt.
" Nov. 18 John Hughes; sep.
" Nov. 21 Jane fil. Hughe Lambert & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 21 Hugh Bennet; sep.
" Nov. 25 Margaret fil. Launce Benbow & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 18 Joyce fil. Henry Reddiard & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 25 Mary fil. Will'm Harris & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 25 Mary Harris; sep.
" Dec. 27 Judith fil. Roger lloyd & Elisabeth; bap.
" Dec. 28 Avis Huxley; sep.
" Jan. 2 Jone Barker: sep.
" Jan. 9 Joyce fil. Thomas Eaves & Elisabeth; bap.
" Jan. 30 William fil. Henry Meare & Elisabeth; bap.
" Feb. 20 Will'm fil. Richard Haddon & ffrauncis: bap.
" Feb. 20 Thom: fil. Walter Appen & Jane: bap.
" Feb. 20 Elisabeth fil. Richard Smith & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 24. Widow Whiteop; sep.
" Feb. 27 George fil. George Deacon & Mawdlin; bap.
" Feb. 27 John fil. Thom' Assley & Martha; bap.
" Feb. 27 Anne Griffits: sep.
" Feb. 28 Thomas Haines & Elisabeth Lavender; nupt.
" Mar. 1 Michaell Barker: sep.
" Mar. 4 Anne Price: sep.
" Mar. 20 Anne fil. John Roden & Sicely; bap.
" Mar. 20 Thomas Price; sep.
1625 Mar. 26 Will'm Watkins; sep.
" Mar. 27 Judeth fil. Thom' Burges & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 30 Mary Evans; sep.
" April 10 Joane Bradley; sep.
" April 24 Elizabeth fil. John Jhonson; bap.
" May 8 Elisabeth fil. Francis Sansome & Joane; bap.
" May 9 Thomas Buckley & Isabell Baylie; nupt.
" May 29 Katherine Robbinson; sep.
" June 4 Thomas Morris; sep.
" June 6 Will'm fil. Will'm Benbow & Margerie; bap.
" June 26 ffrauncis filia humfrey Clearke & Joatie; bap.
" July 10 John fil. Edward Glover & Sicely; bap.
" July 10 Joh' Barlow; sep.
" July 24 Alsa fil. Guilbert Evans & Elisabeth; bap.
" July 24 Anna fil. Rich'i James & Elisabeth; bap.
" Aug. 8 Thomas Croyden; sep.
" Aug. 9 Hugh Croyden; sep.
" Aug. 23 John Owen; sep.
" Aug. 28 Elisabetha fil. Richard Preston & Mar'; bap.
" Aug. 28 Thomas Browne; sep.
" Sep. 11 Johann' fil. Johann' Armishaw & Elien'; bap.
" Sep. 19 Henricus fil. Sylvani Myvord & Elis'b'; bap.
" Oct. 9 Thomas Price & Isabell Clearke; nupt.
" Oct. 20 Katherine Beard; sep.
" Nov. 6 Robert fil. Thom' Evans & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 6 Johann' fil. Roger Barker & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 7 Gulielm' fil. Will'm Hanmer & Judith; bap.
" Nov. 13 Thome' fil. Johann' Will'iams & Kather'; bap.
" Nov. 27 Katherine fil. Johann' Weaver & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 18 Ann fil. Thom Davis & Doroth'; bap.
" Jan. 12 Ann fil. Henrici Ward & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 29 Anthonie fil. Richard Adams & Jane; bap.


1625 Feb. 4 Georg Bayley & Elisabeth Hughes; nupt.
" Feb. 5 Will'm fil. Johann' Yate & Mar'; bap.
" Feb. 5 Will'm fil. Johann' Chilton & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 9 Thomas Evauns; sep.
" Feb. 26 Rich'us fil. Thome Vicars & Marie; bap.
" Mar. 1 Alicia Andros; sep.
" Mar. 12 Will'mus fil. Will'mi Home & Maris; bap.


1627 May 7 John Watton; sep.
" June 3 Johannes Lewes Jones & Maud; bap.
" June 10 George fil. Will'm Roberts & Ann'; bap.
" June 17 Johann' fil. Thom' Wrighte & Ann'; bap.
" June 24 Johann' fil. Henrici Reddyard & Ann'; bap.
" June 25 Gulielmus Newe & Bettrine Lacon; nupt.
" July 1 Margaret fil. Evan' Jones & Elnor'; bap.
" July 15 Al'ce Dayhouse; sep.
" Aug. 5 Edward's fil. Richard Pacye & Ann'; bap.
" Aug. 5 Oliver fil. Roger ffloyd & Elsabeth; bap.
" Aug. 26 Joane Dawley; sep.
" Aug. 28 Edward Pacy; sep.
" Sep. 2 Jane fil. Edward Eaves & Isabel; bap.
" Oct. 29 Joane fil. Evan Jasp (?) & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 30 Elisabeth fil. Will'mi Harris & Elisab'; bap.
" Oct. 29* Joane Caplewood; sep.
" Nov. 26 Widow Leake; sep.
" Dec. 2 ffranciscus fil. ffrancisci Saunsonne & Joan; bap.
" Dec. 9 Robert fil. Thome Harrison & Thomasine; bap.
" Dec. 9 Johann' fil. Thom' Eaves & Elsabeth; bap.
" Dec. 30 Elianour fil. Owen Evans & Elisab'; bap.
" Jan. 15 Thomas Paine & Al'ce Cotrill; nupt.
" Feb. 2 Anne Prychard; sep.
" Feb. 3 Gulielm' fil. Silvan' Myvard & Elsabeth; bap.
" Feb. 3 Sarah fil. Gulielm' Benbow & Marger'; bap.
" Feb. 6 Thomas Grainger; sep.
" Feb. 24 Thom' fil. Hugon' Cullis & Elnor; bap.
" Mar. 14 Cicely Langley; sep.
" Mar. 19 Johann' fil. Thom' Haines & Elisabeth; bap.
" Mar. 19 Elisabeth fil. Thome Haines & Elisabeth; bap.
" Mar. 21 Elisabeth Haines p'dict'; sep.
1628 Mar. 30 Jacobus fil. Johann' Weaver & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 30 Gulielm' fil. Gulielm Morris & Elisabeth; bap.
" Mar. 30 Elisabetha fil. Johann' Roberts & Margaret; bap.
" April 15 Elisabetha fil. Ryse Edwards & Kath'; bap.
" April 19 Joyse Weaver; sep.
" April 23 Richardus Yate; sep.
" April 23 Mabella fil. Cornelij Higgins & Elisabeth; bap.
" April 24 Mabella fil. Cornelij Higgins & Elisabeth; sep.
" April 27 Dorothy fil. Will'i Ahome & Mar'; bap.
" May 11 Jane fil. Johann' Will'm's & Katherine Will'm's; bap.
" May 12 Will'iam Davis; sep.
" June 1 ffrancis fil. Thom' Evans & Alicie; bap.
" June 8 Joh'es Lee; sep.
" June 22 Joh'es fil. Rob't Coles & Jane; bap.
" July 6 Anna fil. Walteri Pugh & Janw; bap.
" July 6 Elizabetha fil. Will'm Knowles & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 20 Thomas fil. Thoma' Burges & Anna; bap.
" July 20 Margeria fil. Hugonis Will'iams & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 20 Moricius Price; sep.
" July 23 Margreta Wilcox; sep.
" July 27 Samuellis fil. Ric'i Pary & Anna; bap.
" Aug. 3 Anna fil. Ric'i Wright & Anna; bap.
" Aug. 16 Margreta Smith; sep.
" Aug. 8* Georgius Morrall & Joanna Croydon; nupt.
" Aug. 23 Cycelia ux. Jacobi Hartshorne de Benthall; sep.
* So dated in original.


1628 Aug. 31 Margreta fil. Joh'i Chilton & Elnora; bap.
" Aug. 30* Elnora fil. Joh'i Armmishaw & Etinora; bap.
" Sep. 4 Maria Homffredie Lister; sep.
" Oct. 5 Joh'es Jones; sep.
" Oct. 7 Joh'es fil. Joh'i Hanley & ffrancae; bap.
" Oct. 14 Moricius Langley; sep.
" Oct. 27 Joh'es Hanley & ffranc'a Haddon, vid.; nupt.
" Oct. 28 Gilbertus Evans & Jana Davies; nupt.
" Nov. 3 Joh'es & Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Roden & Cycelia; bap.
" Nov. 9 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Bowkley & Elizabethm; bap.
" Nov. 9 Ed'r'us fil. Will'm Roden & Margareta; bap.
" Nov. 15 Thom's Evans; sep.
" Nov. 23 Elnora fil. Rob'ti Benbowe & Newellis; bap.
" Nov. 28 Will'mus Whithopp; sep.
" Nov. 30 Anna fil. Thom Calcott & Jona; bap.
" Nov. 30 Elizabetha fil. Ed'r'i Awbrie & Margareta; bap.
" Dec. 7 Thomas fil. Joh'i Man & Judith; bap.
" Dec. 7 Elizabeth fil. Tho. Rowley & Jona; bap.
" Dec. 14 Richardus fil. Rich'i James & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 8 Elizabetha fil. Tho. Rowley; sep.
" Jan. 18 Elnora fil. Hugonis Jones & Margareta; bap.
" Jan. 22 ffrancis Tilley & Elizabeth Bowkley; nupt.
" Jan. 23 Evan Davies, senio'; sep.
" Jan. 31 Daniell Tayler; sep.
" Feb. 11 Mary fil. ffran'ci Sanson & Joanna; bap.
" Feb. 28 Elizabeth Roden; sep.
" Mar. 8 Mathew fil. Mathew Whelewright & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 22 John fil. Edwardi Hill & Elnora; bap.
" Mar. 23 Elizabetha Nash, vid.; sep.
1629 Mar. 29 Edwardus fil. Thomas Astley & Martha; bap.
" Mar. 29 Maria fil. Will'm Pary & Katherina; bap.
" April 4 Richardus Roberts; sep.
" April 13 Richardus Rodes & Susanna Jeffreys; nupt.
" April 20 Moricius Stoakes & Elizabetha Guest; nupt.
" April 21 Cycely Cullys; sep.
" April 28 Thomas Pugh; sep.
" April 29 Anna Hameage, vid.; sep.
" May 7 Joh'es Poole & Jocosa Whithopp; nupt.
" May 22 Margareta Stych; sep.
" May 26 Joh'es fil. ffrancisci Addams, gent., & Anna; bap.
" June 7 Elnora fil. Will'm Harrys & Elizabetha; bap.
" June 7 Margreta fil. Edwardi Roberts & Phelice; bap.
" June 9 Margeria Price; sep.
" June 24 Joh'is Eves; sep.
" June 28 Jana fil. Wm Will'is & Sara'; bap.
" July 17 Morricius Stoakes; sep.
" July 19 Jocosa fil. Comelii Higgins & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 19 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Nash & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 25 Ric'us fil. Richard Clowes, gen'r'; bap.
" July 26 Margreta fil. Ric'i Smith & Anna; bap.
" Aug. 1 Thomas fil. Rob'ti Haddon, jun., & Anna; bap.
" Aug. 2 Henricus fil. Hugonis Lombard & Jana; bap.
" Aug. 2 Thomas fil. Rob'ti Tannar & Jocose; bap.
" Aug. 9 P'dict' Thomas Tannar; sep.
" Aug. 9 Thomas fil. Thome Heynes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 23 Elizabetha fil. Georgii Morrall & Joannw; bap.
* So dated in original.


1629 Sep. 6 Joh'cs fil. Gilbert; Evans & Jame; bap.
" Sep. 11 Thomas Bourges; sep.
" Sep. 20 ffrancis fil. Ladelatie Beubow & Anna; bap.
" Sep. 20 Isable fil. Thorne Pryce & Isable; bap.
" Sep. 27 Maria fil. Ric. Eves & Anna; bap.
" Oct. 23 Henricus Lombard; sep.
" Oct. 25 Thomas fil. Ric'i Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 5 Ric'us James; sep.
" Nov. 8 Thomas fil, Will'mus Witwyck & Elnor; bap.
" Nov. 22 Dorithea Bowkley; sep.
" Dec. 17 Morganus Roberts; sep.
" Dec. 20 Will'iam fil. Thome Rowley; bap.
" Jan. 1 Sara fil. Rob'ti Eves & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 11 Elizabeth Knowles; sep.
" Jan. 19 Dorithie fil. Silvani Myvod & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 19 Nicholas fil. Rob'ti Chorlton & Anna; bap.
" Jan. 11 Morycius fil. Moricii Stuakes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 23 Will'mus fil. Will'm Worthin & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 29 Edwardus Harrys; sep.
" Feb. 1 Joh'es Morres; sep.
" Feb. 5 Anne Pursell; sep.
" Feb. 14 Ursula fil. Will'm Lewes & Jana; bap.
" Feb. 15 Thomas Speed; sep.
" Feb. 19 Anne Belcham, vid.; sep.
" Feb. 20 Maudelyn Hill, vid.; sep.
" Feb. 21 Joh'es fil. Thoma Bourges & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 21 Sara fil. Evani Jones & Elnora; bap.
" Feb. 27 Walterus Pryce; sep.
" Feb. 28 ffranciscus fil. Wil'm Roberts & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 12 Thomas Davies; sep.
" Mar. 14 Richardus fil. Joh'i Man & Judith; bap.
" Mar. 14 Isabella fil. Will'm Knowles & Margreta; bap.
" Mar. 19 Elnor Stych, vid.; sep.
" Mar. 23 Elizabeth Home; sep.
1630 April 9 Ed'r'us ffowke; sep.
" April 28 Mary fil. Ludovici Jones & Maudeline; bap.
" April 21 Elnora Wigmore, vid.; sep.
" April 25 ffranciscus fil. Thorns Eves & Elitabethe; bap.
" April 27 Isabella Guest; sep.
" April 28 Isabella Pryce; sep.
" May 2 ffraneiscus fil. Joh'is Roberts & Margrete; bap.
" May 9 Joh'is fil. Joh'i Jones & Joanna..; bap.
" May 23 Thomas fil. Charoli ap Davies & Mabellir; bap.
" June 1 Joh'is Jones & Joanna Clarke; nupt.
" June 5 Thomas Cullis; sep.
" June 20 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Bassett & Amur; bap.
" June 24 ffranc'us Astley & Agnes Belcham alias Roberts; bap.
" June 28 Will'iam Haddon; sep.
" June 29 Ed'r'us Guest & Elizabetha Yate; nupt.
" June 30 David Morres; sep.
" July 10 Margreta Chilton; sep.
" July 20 Ric'us Baylie & Brigett Pryce; nupt.
" July 25 Ric'us fil. Joh'i Cox & Joanna; bap.
" Aug. 1 Maria Yate; sep.
" Aug. 6 Maria Jones; sep.
" Aug. 15 Margretta Ashwood; sep.
" Aug. 23 Margreta Roberts; sep.
" Sep. 2 Isable fil. Will'mi Benbow & Margerie; bap.


1630 Sep. 9 Richardus Lee; sep.
" Sep. 30 Rob'tus Dun; sep.
" Oct. 2 Richardus Mathewes; sep.
" Oct. 14 George Guest & Maria Haddon; nupt.
" Oct. 17 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Geares & Dorothyea; bap.
" Nov. 14 Georgius fil. Rich'i Baylie & Briggette; bap.
" Nov. 15 Nicholas fil. Christopheri Sympson & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 22 Christopherus Wotton; sep.
" Nov. 27 Katherina Smith; sep.
" Dec. 12 Elizabeth fil. Owen Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 19 Robertus fil. Joh'i Will'iams & Katherine; bap.
" Dec. 19 Elnora fil. Hugoni Cullis & Elnora; bap.
" Dec. 19 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Nash & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 21 Elizabeth fil. Joh'i Cotterrell & Maria; bap.
" Dec. 26 Anna Cope; sep.
" Dec. 27 Anna fil. Morycei Addams & Elnora; bap.
" Jan. 16 Elizabetha fil. Walteri Bushell & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 27 Joh'is Addams; sep.
" Feb. 2 Richardus fil. Richardi Weaver & Alic'a; bap.
" Feb. 2 Edwardus fil. Evani Jasper & Jana; bap.
" Feb. 19 Joh'is Lom (? Lombard); sep.
" Feb. 21 Elizabetha Cottrell; sep.
" Mar. 9 Rob'tus Will'iams; sep.
" Mar. 12 Jocosa Blike; sep.
" Mar. 13 Will'mus fil. Rob'ti Cok & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 20 Margeria fil. Rob'ti Benbow & Newell; bap.
" Mar. 20 Anna fil. John Home & Elizabethe; bap.
1631 Mar. 26 Rebecca fil. Joh'is Preene & Jocose; bap.
" Mar. 27 Will'm's fil. Thome Davies & Dorothea; bap.
" Mar. 27 Anna fil. Joh'is Hill & Lucie; bap.
" April 1 I Susanna fil. Rich'i Sanbadge & Julian'; bap.
" April 20 Elizabethe Smarte; sep.
" April 21 Elenor Ball; sep.
" April 22 Edmund Hill; sep.
" May 1 Elizabetha fil. Rich'i Pacye & Agnet'; bap.
" May 4 Rebecca Preene; sep.
" May 15 Johannes fil. Rich'i Rodes, jun., & Susanna; bap.
" May 18 Thomas Edwardes; sep.
" May 22 Elizabeth fil. Joh'is Bowkley & Elizabethe; bap.
" May 30 Joh'es fil. Hugeo's Jones & Margaret; bap.
" May 31 Hugo's Lombard fil. Hugon's Lombard & Jane; bap.
" June 5 Thomas fil. Joh'is Chilton & Elenor; bap.
" June 15 Will'i'us Corbett; sep.
" June 16 Joh'es Aston'n; sep.
" June 22 Elenor Shellfield; sep.
" July 5 Will'i'us Cole; sep.
" July 10 Edward fil. Rob'ti Eves & Elizabethe; bap.
" July 17 Jacobus fil. Rich'i Edwardes & Katherine; bap.
" July 25 Rich'us Shawe & Anna Edwardes; nupt.
" Aug. 7 Margaret fil. ffrauncisci Sansam & Joanne; bap.
" Aug. 13 Anne Home; sep.
" Aug. 14 Joh'es fil. Thome Callcott & Joanne; bap.
" Aug. 21 Will'i'us fil. Hugo'is Will'iams & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 26 Rich'us Blakewey; sep.
" Aug. 28 Rich'us Sawbattche; sep.
" Aug. 28 Joh'es fil. David Edwardes & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 8 Georgius Stokes & Jane Yeate; nupt.
" Oct. 2 Alicia fil. Edward Abray & Margaret; bap.


1631 Oct. 9 Sara fil. Will'i'mi Harries & Elizabethe; bap.
" Oct. 11 Elizabeth Bowckley; sep.
" Oct. 16 Samuell fil. Joh'is Langley & Dorothea; bap.
" Oct. 16 Thom's fil. Will'i'mi Home & Marie; bap.
" Oct. 16 Joh'es fil. Thome Price & Izabelle; bap.
" Oct. 23 Thom's fil. Matthe's Wheelwright & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 30 Anna fil. Rich'i Haddon & Matthea; bap.
" Oct. 30 Maria fil. Joh'is Okes & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 1 Elizabeth fil. Georgii Stokes & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 6 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Beard & Rose; bap.
" Nov. 12 Georgius Jones; sep.
" Nov. 21 Owen Evanns; sep.
" Nov. 27 Elizabetha fil. Rich'i Wright & Anna; bap.
" Nov. 27 Anna fil. Edwardi Robarts & Phelicia; bap.
" Nov. 28 Georgius Smithe & Gilian Sanbatch; nupt.
" Dec. 17 Jacobus Hartshorne; sep.
" Dec. 17 Rich'us Allcoxe; sep.
" Dec. 18 Will'i'us fil. Will'i Will'is & Sara; bap.
" Dec. 20 Will'i'us Davies alias Robinson; sep.
" Jan. 8 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Smith & Anna; bap.
" Feb. 8 Anna fil. Sylvanus Mivord & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 12 Maria fil. Rogeri ffloid & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 12 Morice fil. Rich'i Shawe & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 12 Thomas fil. predict' Rich'i Shawe & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 12 Rich'us Lie; sep.
" Feb. 14 Elizabetha Porter; sep.
" Feb. 19 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Jarman & Katherine; bap.
" Feb. 25 Rich'us Bateman; sep.
" Mar. 10 Joh'es Mivord; sep.
" Mar. 11 Henricus fil. Rich'i Eves & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 18 Moses fil. Charoli Davies & Mabell'; bap.
" Mar. 22 Elizabetha Child; sep.
1632 Mar. 29 Christopher Dayos; sep.
" Mar. 30 Elizabeth fil. Georgii Marroll & Joanne; bap.
" April 2 Margaret fil. Will'mi Morris & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 4 Humifrid' Jones; sep.
" April 20 Joyce Allcock; sep.
" April 17 Margaret Chilton; sep.
" April 18 Evann' Prichard; sep.
" April 19 Maria Hardinge; sep.
" April 27 Thome Blicke; sep.
" April 29 Jacobus fil. Ed'r'i Glover & Cicelia; bap.
" May 6 Hugo fil. Ludovic Jones & Magdalen'; bap.
" May 6 Margaret fil. Joh'is Robarts & Margaret; bap.
" May 10 Edwardus fil. Will'i'mi Nue & Beatrix; bap.
" May 10 Debora Nue soror Edwardi Nue predict'; bap.
" May 25 Edwardus Nue; sep.
" May 20* Georgius fil. Georgii Geste & Marie; bap.
" May 23 Debora Nue; sep.
" May 29 Edward Pue & Margar' Sutton; nupt.
" May 31 Joh'es Blicke & Margaret ....; nupt.
" June 9 Thome Price; sep.
" June 17 Will'us fil. Joh'is Mann & Judith; bap.
" June 17 Thomas James; sep.
" June 24 Elizabeth fil. Nathanaell Bradley & Margaret; bap.
" July 1 Joh'es fil. ffrancisci Poole & Susanne; bap.
* So dated in original.


1632 July 9 Joyce Andros; sep.
" July 15 Thome fil. Joh'is Hanley & ffrancise; bap.
" July 15 ffranciscus fil. Gilbort Evanns & Jane; bap.
" July 20 Anne Whittopp; sep.
" July 29 Maria fil. Will'mi Oakes & Jane; bap.
" July 31 Margaret Webbe; sep.
" Aug. 5 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Will'iams & Katherine; bap.
" Aug. 12 Maria fil. Will'i'mi Knowles & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 19 Elizabeth fil. Joh'is Bowckley; bap.
" Aug. 23 Ann Jukes; sep.
" Aug. 26 Maria fil. Joh'is Harries & Marini; bap.
" Sep. 2 Rob'tus fil. Thome Eves & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 9 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Preene Jocose; bap.
" Sep. 9 Sara fil. ffrancisci Addams & Agnet'; bap.
" Sep. 10 Thomas Haddon; sep.
" Sep. 13 Rich'us Price & Elizabetha Stokes; nupt.
" Oct. 14 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Bassedge & Agnet'; bap.
" Oct. 14 Elizabetha fil. Will'i'mi Clowes & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 16 ffranciscus Haselwood; sep.
" Oct. 21 Thom' fil. Roger' Richards & Constance; bap.
" Oct. 21 Will'i'mus fil. Walter Pue & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 28 Thomas fil. Joh'is Jones & Joanne; bap.
" Nov. 1 Joh'es Bassedge; sep.
" Nov. 1 Will'i'm's fil. David flioid & Agnet'; bap.
" Nov. 4 Will'i'us fil. Joh'is Nashe & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 29 Lawrenciu' fil. Joh'is Langley & Dorothe; bap.
" Dec. 12 Joh'es Andros; sep.
" Dec. 14 David Dawley; sep.
" Jan. 13 Hugo fil. Hugo'is Cullins (Cullis) & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 16 Edwardus fil. Will'mi Wittwick & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 20 Elizabetha fil. Edwardi Hill & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 22 Maria Ashen fil. Will'i'mi Harker & Elenor Ashen; bap.
" Jan. 26 Elizabeth fil. Rich'i Robarts & Agnet'; bap.
" Jan. 28 ffranciscus fil. Will'i'mi Benbow & Margerie; bap.
" Jan. 28 Thomas .... fil. Joh'is & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 31 Elizabeth Robarts supradict'sep.
" Feb. 2 Margarett fil. Will'mi Worthen & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. 10 Elizabeth fil. Rich'i Cadman & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 12 Richard fil. Rich'i Millington & .... concubine; bap.
1633 Mar. 25 Witli'us fil. Joh'is Hill & Luce; bap.
" April 7 Elizabeth fil. Thome Ashley & Martha; bap.
" April 14 Rebecca fil. Roberti Eves & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 14 Elizabeth fil. Thome Rowley & Johanne; bap.
" April 28 Joh'es fil. Edwardi Pue & Margerie; bap.
" May 1 Sara Poole; sep.
" May 3 Edward Davies; sep.
" May 13 ffranciscus Alcocks; sep.
" May 19 Joh'es fil. Sylvan' Mivard & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 19 Robertus fil. Joh'is Homes & Elizabethe; bap.
" June 2 Katherine Brooke fil. Thome Brooke & Jocose; bap.
" June 2 Dorothe fil. Thome Bowckley & Elenora; bap.
" June 10 Dorothe fil. Thome Price & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 4 ffranciscus fil. Georgii Langley & Susanne; bap.
" Aug. 4 Jane fil. Rich'i James & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 18 Anna fil. Edward Eves & Izabellae; bap.
" Sep. 1 Audlie fil. Edwardi Geste & Elizabethe; bap.
" Sep. 1 Elinor fil. Thome Sockette & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 8 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Price & Elizabethe; bap.


1633 Sep. 16 Cicelie fil. Griffith ap Yeavans & Martha; bap.
" Sep. 21 Edwardus Roe & Katherine Tomson; supt. " Oct. 6 Joanne fil. Thorne Phillips & Rebecca; bap.
" Oct. 10 Agnee Brodborrie; sep.
" Oct. 13 Lawrencius fit Adam Pallmor & Dorothe; bap.
" Nov. 3 Thomas fil. Rich'i Beard & Elizabethe; bap.
" Nov. 7 Joanne Runnette; sep.
" Nov. 11 Jacobus Glover; sep.
" Nov. 16 Alicia Nashe; sep.
" Nov. 19 Maria fil. Joh'is Rhoden & Cicelie; bap.
" Nov. 23 Joanne PhellifS; sep.
" Dec. 8 Gertrude fil. Joh'is Langley & Dorothm; bap.
" Dec. 11 Elizabetha fil. Joh'is Mann & Judith; bap.
" Dec. 19 Anne Wrighte; bap.
" Jan. 11 Jane fil. Christopher Simpson & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 19 Georgius fil. Georgii Stokes & Marie; bap.
" Feb. 2 Robertus fit Johann' Chilton Elenor; bap.
" Feb. 9 ffranciscus fil, Okes & Jan'; bap.
" Feb. 9 Richard fil. Jan' Jasp', vid.; bap.
" Feb. 16 Dorothea fil. firatincisci Sannsome & Jone; bap.
" Feb. 16 Jane fil. Richard Rodes & Susann; bap.
" Feb. 16 Maria Eaves; sep.
" Feb. 17 Gulielmus Cadman & Katherina Roberts; nupt.
" Feb. 23 Sylvanus fil. Will'm Harris & Elisabeth; bap.
" Feb. 23 Henricus fil, Johann' Hanley & ffrancisc'; bap.
" Mar. 4 Johann' Lombard; sep.
" Mar. 9 Johannes fil. Georgii Guest & Marie; bap.
" Mar. 16 Elizabetha fil. Johann' Beard & Rose; bap.
" Mar. 16 Thomas Langley; sep.
" Mar. 11 Elizabetha fil. Will'mi Will'is & Sara; bap.
1634 Mar. 23 Johannes Parre; sep.
" April 7 Rebecca fil. Joh'is Harries & Maria; bap.
" May 17 Nicholas Chambers; sep.
" May 18 Rich'us ill. Thorne Burges & Maria; bap.
" May 23 Hanna fil. Will'i'mi Pacye & Katherine; bap.
" June 3 Thomas Roades & Margaret Haddon; nupt.
" June 8 Elizabeth fil. Gilbort Evanns & Jane; bap.
" June 10 Jane Laightonn; sep.
" June 29 Elizahethe fil. Shawe & Anne; bap.
" July 13 Maria fil. Edward Roe & Katherine; bap.
" July 24 Roblus Rridgwood; sep.
" Aug. 7 Joanne Manndic; sep.
" Aug. 11 JcAt'es Ruttland & Elizabeth Chilton; nupt.
" Sep. 8 Georgius Morgan & Jocose Awcoks Alcock); nupt.
" Sep. 14 Maria fil. Rich'i Smith & Anna; bap.
" Sep. 14 Winifrid fil. Rich'i Price & hlargarete; bap.
" Oct. 5 Maria Caroli Davies & Mabelle; bap.
" Oct. 8 Margaret Benbowe; sep.
" Oct. 19 Richard fil. Thome Haynes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 9 Maria Ed'r'i Glover & Cicelie; bap.
" Nov. 12 Maria Glover; sep.
" Nov. 17 Christopher Taylor & I zabell Hodes; ntipt.
" Nov. 23 George Phellips fil. Thorne Phellips & Rebeecat; bap.
" Nov. 27 Thome Owen & Martha Squire; nupt.
" Nov. 30 Marmaduke fil. Will'mi Morris & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 18 Margarett Jones; sep.
" Dec. 11 Samuell Matthei Wheelwright & Ahem; bap.
" Dec. 13 Elenor Addams; sep.


1634 Dec. 24 Rich'us Mann; sep.
" Dec. 28 Rob' fil. Roger ffloyd & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 1 Humfrid' Evanns fil. Elizabethe Evanns & Johannis Ledbetr; bap.
" Jan. 1 Will'us fil. Joh'is Bowkley & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 11 Martha Evanns; sep.
" Jan. 18 Ed'r'us fil. Thome Eves & Elizabethe; bap.
" Feb. 2 Maria fil. Rich'i Eves & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 5 Elizabeth Mayer; sep.
" Feb. 8 Margaret Evanns; sep.
" Feb. 8 Jonathan fil. Joh'is Langley & Dorothie; bap.
" Feb. 8 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Jerman & Katherine; bap.
" Feb. 10 Margerie Stokes; sep.
" Feb. 22 Lancelot Benbowe; sep.
" Mar. 1 ffranciscus fil. Will'mi Knowles & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 1 Edward fil. David filoid & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 1 Maria fil. Rich'i Robarts & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 1 Jana fil. Will'i'mi Lewes & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 15 Joh'es fil. Joh'is Ruttland & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 15 Rich'us fil. Rich'i Barnette & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 15 Rich'us fil. Abraham Chambers & Joanne; bap.
" Mar. 21 Elenor fil. Nathaneel Bradley & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 23 Elenor Laightonn; sep.
" Mar. 23 Joh'es Ruttland; sep.
1635 Mar. 27 ffranciscus Knowles; sep.
" Mar. 31 Jana fil. Thome Pryce & Elizabethe; bap.
" April 5 Jana fil. Ricardi Baylie & Brigetta; bap.
" April 5 Alicia fil. Hugonis Harris & Alicie; bap.
" April 10 Alicia Rutter; sep.
" April 11 Alicia Yate; sep.
" April 16 Mores Davies; sep.
" April 19 Margreta fil. Robert Chorlton & Maria; bap.
" April 26 Joh'es fil. Will'mi Home & Maria; bap.
" April 29 Joh'es Myvod; sep.
" May 7 Elizabetha fil. Georgii Langley & Susanna; bap.
" May 17 Radulphus Millington; sep.
" May 24 Thomasin filia Roberti Benbow & Newell; bap.
" May 31 Hanna fil. Roberti Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" May 31 Thomas fil. Georgii Morgan & Jocose; bap.
" June 17 Thomas fil. Thomas Calcott & Joanna; bap.
" June 28 Thomas fil. Hugoni Cullis & Ellinora; bap.
" June 28 Edwardus fil. Richardi Jones & Katherina; bap.
" July 25 Thomas Hartshorne & Jana Jasper; nupt.
" Aug. 8 Richardus Croydon; sep.
" Aug. 9 Thomas fil. John Nash & Elizabethe; bap.
" Aug. 16 Jana fil. Will'mi Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" Aug. 23 Margareta fil. Edward Guest & Elizabetha; bap.
" Sep. 13 Robertus Smith; sep.
" Sep. 21 Will'mus Biddell & Wynefride Weaver; nupt.
" Oct. 3 Edwardus Roe; sep.
" Oct. 4 Anna fil. Joh'i Man & Judith; bap.
" Oct. 4 Anna fil. Rob'ti Cole & Katherina; bap.
" Oct. 10 Walterus Head; sep.
" Oct. 11 Silvanus fil. Silvani Myvod & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 1 Maria fil. Thoma Owen & Martha; bap.
" Nov. 2 Georgius Smalinan; sep.
" Nov. 8 Joh'es fil. Thoma Ashin & ffrancisca; bap.
" Nov. 8 Anna fil. Will'mi Wokes & Jana; bap.
" Nov. 8 ffrancis Chillis (? Cullis); sep.


1635 Nov. 15 Thomas Chilton; sep.
" Nov. 18 Elnora Jones; sep.
" Nov. 19 Marya Eves; sep.
" Nov. 20 Robertus Chilton; sep.
" Nov. 28 Joh'es Pryce; sep.
" Nov. 29 Richardus fil. Thome Rodes & Margreta; bap.
" Nov. 29 Maria fil. ffrancisci Cox & Maude; bap.
" Dec. 3 Thomas Mores; sep.
" Dec. 5 Rosa Smith; sep.
" Dec. 14 Henricus Cadman; sep.
" Dec. 24 Anna Langley; sep.
" Dec. 24 Will'm's Mason; sep.
" Dec. 25 ffraunces Ashin (in pencil Albin); sep.
" Dec. 28 Hugo Jones; sep.
" Jan. 1 Martha fil. Georgii Morrall & Joanna.; bap.
" Jan. 6 Joanna fil. Rich'i Shaw & Anna; bap.
" Jan. 9 Elizabeth Beard; sep.
" Jan. 10 Maria Davies; sep.
" Jan. 12 Will'm's Geares; sep.
" Jan. 13 Robertus Wilkinson; sep.
" Jan. 17 Jacobus fil. Thoma. Hartshorne, Junior, & Jana; bap.
" Jan. 17 Georgius fil. Thoma Hartshorne, Senr, & Jana; bap.
" Jan. 17 Anna fil. John Harris & Maria; bap.
" Jan. 17 Elizabeth fil. Joh'i Lewes & Elizabethe; bap.
" Jan. 17 Maria Harrys; sep.
" Jan. 21 Godfrey Signor & Elizabeth Armenshaw; nupt.
" Jan. 24 Isabella Taylor; sep.
" Jan. 24 Lucy Alcock; sep.
" Jan. 25 Thomas Sympson; sep.
" Jan. 27 Richardus Jasper; sep.
" Jan. 27 Humfredus Harrys; sep.
" Feb. 2 Judyth Harrys; sep.
" Feb. 7 Jonathan Langley; sep.
" Feb. 7 Lettyse fil. Joh'i Preene Jocosa; bap.
" Feb. 8 Edwardus Jones; sep.
" Feb. 12 Anna Oakes; sep.
" Feb. 14 Joh'es fil. Walteri Pugh & Jana; bap.
" Feb. 25 Elizabeth fil. Nathanilli Bradeley; sep.
" Feb. 27 Thomas Edmonds; sep.
" Feb. 29 Will'mus Davies; sep.
" Mar. 1 Joh'es Ledbeter & Elizabetha Owen; nupt.
" Mar. 6 ffranciscus fil. Joh'i Langley & Dorothea; bap.
" Mar. 6 Rogerus fil. Joh'i Oakes & Elizabethe; bap.
" Mar. 6 Radulphus fil. Thoma Crosse & Elnora; bap.
" Mar. 6 Anna Harrys; sep.
" Mar. 8 Mychaell Johnson; sep.
" Mar. 11 Elisabeth fil. Joh'i Home & Elisabetha; bap.
" Mar. 13 Liddia Calcott; sep.
" Mar. 21 Joanna Glouer alias Jones; sep.
" Mar. 24 Margeria Benbow; sep.
REIGNALD PHILLIPS } Church Wardens, 1635.

1636 Mar. 25 Jana fil. Thoma Bowkley & Elnora; bap.
" Mar. 27 Sara fil. Ric'i Beard & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 27 Joanna fil. Thoma Brooke & Jocosae; bap.
" April 3 Anna fil. Griffini ap Evan & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 12 Richardus Taylor; sep.


1636 April 24 Johannes fil. Evani Roberts & Margreta; bap.
" April 24 Joh'es fil. Moricei Adams & Elnora; bap.
" April 25 Thomas Beard & Jocosa Taylor; nupt.
" May 8 Edwardus fil. Edwardi Pugh & Taylor; bap.
" May 9 Elizabetha Munslowe; sep.
" May Is Elnora fil. Richardi Woosall & Anna; bap.
" May 20 Thomas Willcox; sep.
" May 22 Elizabeth fil. Will'mi Biddell & Wynefride; bap.
" May 29 Sarah fil. Will'mi Knowles & Margreta; bap.
" June 5 Maria fil. Richardi Erendle & Elnora; bap.
" June 14 David Morres & Anna Mathewes; nupt.
" June 19 Rogerus fil. Joh'i Chilton & Elnora; bap.
" June 19 Elizabeth fil. Edw'di Rowley & Margreta; bap.
" June 25 Elizabeth Rowley; sep.
" July 3 Joh'is fil. Will'mi Harrys & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 6 Joh'is fil. Will'mi Wightwick & Elnora; bap.
" July 6 Gatherood fil. Joh'i Langley & Dorithea; bap.
" July 24 Maria fil. Richardi Speed & Isabella; bap.
" July 28 Hanna Pacye; sep.
" July 29 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Rutland & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 31 Elizabeth Rutland; sep.
" Aug. 9 Joh'is Clarke & Elizabeth Pryse; nupt.
" Sep. 4 Maria fil. Georgii Stokes & Jana; bap.
" Oct. 9 Joh'is fil. Richardi Haddon & Martha; bap.
" Oct. 9 Margreta fil. Thoma Rowla' & Joanna; bap.
" Oct. 12 Will'mus Nash; sep.
" Oct. 16 Thomas fil. Will'i'mi Will'is & Sara; bap.
" Oct. 21 Rogerus Knowles; sep.
" Oct. 23 ffranciscus Mokes; sep.
" Dec. 11 Rogerus fil. Georgii Langley & Susanna; bap.
" Dec. 18 Maria fil. Charoli Davies & Mabell; bap.
" Jan. 11 Rogerus Langley; sep.
" Jan. 22 Thomas fil. Thoma Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 29 Martha fil. Joh'i Cox & Joanna; bap.
" Jan. 30 Lettice Preene; sep.
" Feb. 7 Joh'is Rutter & Anna Roberts; nupt.
" Feb. 5* Elizabeth fil. Joh'i Hill & Lucia; bap.
" Feb. 11 Martynus Synor; sep.
" Feb. 12 Richardus fil. Richardi Pryce & Margreta; bap.
" Feb. 26 Elizabeth fil. Symonis Ager & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 7 Evan Jones; sep.
" Mar. 5* Anna fil. Richard Smith & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 5* Anna fil. Will'mi Nokes & Jana; bap.
" Mar. 5* Anna fil. David Morres & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 11 Joanna fil. Joh'i Clarke & Isabella; bap.
" Mar. 19 Elizabetha & Maria fil. Will'mi Roden & Margreta; bap.
" Mar. 24 Johan' Clarke; sep.
1637 Mar. 26 Katheryna fil. Rycei Edwards & Katherina; bap.
" Mar. 26 Katherina Edwards; sep.
" April 1t Elizabeth Floyd; sep.
" April 16 Cornelia fil. Joh'i Bowkley & Elizabetha; bap.
" April 25 Georgius Brookes & Maria Whitmoore; nupt.
" April 27 Richardus Harneodge & Elnor Hemblock; nupt.
" May 1 Joh'es Pitt & Rosamond Evans; nupt.
" May 1 Richardus Fosbrooke & Elizabetha Home; nupt.
" May 1 Anna Percevall; sep.
* So dated in original.


1637 May 4 Eustacyus fil. Thoma Beard & Phelicia; bap.
" May 8 Elizabeth Roe; sep.
" May 28 Elizabeth fil. Thoma Rodes & Margreta; bap.
" May 29 Anne fil. Rob'ti Benbow & Newell; bap.
" June 4 Elizabeth fil. Christophery Sergeant & Margreta; bap.
" June 6 Will'iam Bowers; sep.
" June 18 Marya fil. Thoma Phillips & Rebecca; bap.
" July 9 Thomas fil. Georgii Guest & Maria; bap.
" July 16 Richardus fil. Richardi Roberts & Anna; bap.
" July 16 Christopherus fil. Ed'r'us Glover & Cycelia; bap.
" July 23 Elizabetha fil. Thoma Heynes & Elizabetha; bap.
" Aug. 6 Josephus fil. Thoma Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" Aug. 6 Ewarardus fil. Thoma Burges & Anna; bap.
" Aug. 12 Rogerus Jones & Joanna Morgan; nupt.
" Aug. 16 Gartrude fil. Rob'ti Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" Aug. 17 Richardus Huxley; sep.
" Sep. 10 Jana fil. Joh'i Rutland & Elizabethae; bap.
" Sep. 12 Nicholas Harryson; sep.
" Oct. 1 Reignaldu' fil. Mathew Wheetewright & Alicia; bap.
" Oct. 6 Jocosa Bayly; sep.
" Oct. 1(?) Thomas Guest; sep.
" Oct. 15 Edwardus fil. Silvanu' Myvod & Elizabth; bap.
" Oct. 19 Rees Edward° & Margrett Morres; nupt.
" Oct. 20 Anna Cadman; sep.
" Oct. 22 Georgius Phillip° & Jocosa Davies; nupt.
" Oct. 22 Richardus fil. Thoma Calcott & Joanna:; bap.
" Oct. 29 Katherina Barney; sep.
" Nov. 5 Marya fil. Hugoni Cullys & Elnora; bap.
" Nov. 17 Elizabeth Randull; sep.
" Nov. 19 Samuell fil. Thoma Owen & Martha; bap.
" Dec. 10 Richardus fil. Edwardi Rowley & Margeria; bap.
" Dec. 14 Susanna Posteme; sep.
" Dec. 15 Will'mus fil. Will'mi Cadman & Katherina; bap.
" Dec. 17 Joh'is fil. Richardi floyd & Marya; bap.
" Dec. 17 Will'mus Ball; sep.
" Dec. 19 Anna Addams ux. ffrancisci Addams; sep.
" Dec. 24 Susanna fil. Joh'i Langley & Dorothie; bap.
" Dec. 25 Anne Dawes; sep.
" Dec. 27 Will'mus Cadman; sep.
" Dec. 28 Elizabeth fil. Georgii Morgan & Jocosa; bap.
" Dec. 29 Joanna Croydon; sep.
" Jan. 7 Thomas fil. Richard Prees & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 10 Katherina Leighton; sep.
" Jan. 14 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Hagar & Katherina:; bap.
" Jan. 17 Joh'is Langley; sep.
" Jan. 23 Thom's Wright; sep.
" Jan. 28 Margreta fil. Joh'i Powell & Joanna; bap.
" Feb. 1 Elnora fforde; sep.
" Feb. 4 Richardus fil. Richardi Harneadge & Elnora; bap.
" Feb. 4 Cornelia fil. Joh'i Man & Judith; bap.
" Feb. 16 Richardus fil. putatius Richardi Powell & Margrett Harris; bap.
" Feb. 18 ffranciscus fil. Georgii Morrall & Johannw; bap.
" Feb. 18 Godffrey fil. Godffredi Signor & Elizabetha; bap.
" Feb. 19 Richardus Harneadge; sep.
" Mar. 4 Thom's fil. Joh'i Clarke & Isabella; bap.
" Mar. 4 Joh'is fil. Joh'i Roberts & Alicim; bap.
" Mar. 11 Thom's fil. Nathaniellis Bradley & Margreta; bap.
" Mar. 11 Cycelia fil. Thoma Hartshorne & Jana; bap.


1637 Mar. 11 Richardus Powell; sep.
" Mar. 19 Jacobus Edwards; sep.
" Mar. 20 Maria ffioyd; sep.
" Mar. 24 Humffredus Rutter; sep.
" Mar. 24 Elizabetha fil. Richardi Baylye & Brigettae; bap.
1638 April 1 Maria fil. Johannis Rutter & Anna; bap.
" April 3 Elizabetha Hagar; sep.
" April 19 Elizabetha Haines; sep.
" April 22 Elizabetha fil. Thom Bowkley & Elenor; bap.
" April 29 Sarah fil. Thom Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" May 6 Sarah fil. Johannis Bowkeley & Elizabetha; bap.
" May 12 Thomas Colcot; sep.
" June 3 Gulielmus Davis; sep.
" June 7 Anna Henshaw; sep.
" June 8 Gulielmus Tarperley; sep.
" June 10 Maria Roden; sep.
" June 11 Lewes Posthearne; sep.
" June 23 Elizabetha Johnson; sep.
" June 24 Susanna fil. Abrahami Chambers & Joane; bap.
" July 1 Isabella fil. Humfredi Armishaw & Annw; bap.
" July 15 Johannes fil. Gulielmi Beedle & Winifred; bap.
" July 21 Henricus Price; sep.
" July 21 Gulielmus Clud; sep.
" July 22 Joh'es Crumpton et Eliza Chesshire; nupt.
" Aug. 9 Gulielmus Clowes; sep.
" Aug. 9 Jacobus ffoard; sep.
" Aug. 11 Katherina fil. Humfredi Lyster & Elisabethae; bap.
" Aug. 19 Samuel fil. Gulielmi Morris & Elizabethae; bap.
" Aug. 26 Elizabetha fil. Georgii Phillips & Jocosa; bap.
" Aug. 26 Christopherus fil. Christopheri Simpson & Elizabethle; bap.
" Aug. 31 Anna Hemlocke; sep.
" Sep. 7 Anna Wright; sep.
" Sep. 23 Thomas fil. Thom' Walkins & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 7 Jana fil. Georgii Guest & Mar.; bap.
" Oct. 21 Elizabeth fil. Sylvan' Myvord & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 25 Georgius Stokes; sep.
" Oct. 28 Thomas fil. Richard Speede & Isabel; bap, Nov. 5 Thom' Hartshorne; sep.
" Nov. 10 Sicilia Roe filia suspecta Reynold Roe; bap.
" Nov. 18 Judytha fil. Thom' Rodes & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 25 Anna fil. Johann' Okes & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 7 Robert Haddon; sep.
" Dec. 16 Anna Okes; sep.
" Jan. 5 Thomas fil. Thom' Brookes & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 6 Margareta Ball; sep.
" Jan. 9 Elizabetha Davis; sep.
" Jan. 13 Joanna Jones; sep.
" Jan. 27 Humfredus fil. Will'mi Harris & Elizabethm; bap.
" Feb. 1 Alicia Weaver; sep.
" Feb. 2 Gulielmus Presthood spurius fil. Mary Presthood, vidua; bap.
" Feb. 3 Sara fil. Johannis Preene & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 9 Edward ap Robart; sep.
" Feb. 10 Elizabetha fil. Richardi Eaves & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 17 Thom' fil. Richard Hamithe & Elinour; bap.
" Feb. 20 Margarat fil. Johannis Langley & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 1 ffranciscus & Joh'n's fil. Edward' Michael & francis'i; bap.
" Mar. 3 Edward fil. Georgii Stokes & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 6 Sara fil. Caroli Davis & Mabel; bap.


1638 Mar. 6 Richard Colcot; sep.
" Mar. 16 Johann' Michaet; sup.
" Mar. 17 Edward' fil. ffrancisei Cocke & Mawdlen; bap.
" Mar. 17 Johann' fil. Will'm Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 24 Johannes fit Richard' Owsall & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 24 Richardus fil. Will'mi Ahome & Marie; bap.
1639 April 7 Joh'is fil. Rich'i Beard & Eliza'; bap.
" April 19 Elizabetha Ager; sep.
" April 21 Richardus fil. Hugoni. Syddee & Elizabetha; bap.
" April 26 Joh'is Stych; sep.
" April 28 Cornelia Whitmore; sep.
" April 30 Thomas Harneage; sep.
" May 19 Jocosa Russell; sep.
" May 10 Jocosa Preene; sep.
" June 1 Maria fil. Joh'i Pitts & Rosamu'da; bap.
" June 4 Maria fil. Joh'i Hagar & Katherina; bap.
" June 9 Maria Pitts; sep.
" June 13 Joh'is Cadman; sep.
" June 13 Maria fil. Joh'i Bowkley & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 15 Georgius Wildinge; sep.
" June 22 Maria Bowkley; sep.
" July 4 Thomas Hemblock Margreta Evans; nupt.
" July 10 Richardus Tarky (? Tarperley); sep.
" July 19 Alis Payne; sep.
" July 21 ffranciscus Davies & Joanna Benbow; nupt.
" July 21 Adam fil. Adarni Crumpton & Margretae; bap.
" Aug. 4 Edwardus Glouer; sep.
" Aug. 4 Thom's fil. ffrancisci Rope (Roper) & Margretae; bap.
" Aug. 25 Ruth fil. Roberti Benbow & Newell; bap.
" Sep. 2 Edwardus Eves; sep.
" Sep. 8 Margreta fil. Joh'i Man & Judytha; bap.
" Sep. 22 Elizabetha fil. Jacobi Cox & Ales; bap.
" Oct. 12 Ama (sic) fil. ffranc'sci Garbett & Martha; bap.
" Oct. 15 Will'mus Skell'u or Skell'n (?); sep.
" Oct. 15 Rogerus Cotterell; sep.
" Oct. 26 Richardus Man; sep.
" Noy. 4 Thom's Hipkis; sep.
" Noy. 10 Robertus fil. Richardi Roberts & Anna; bap.
" Nov. 30 Will'mus Peirce & Jana Davies; nupt.
" Nov. 30 Josephus Perkins & Margeria Manneringe; nupt.
" Dec. 2 Evanus floyd & Cycely Glouer; nupt.
" Dec. 2 Joh'is Bowkley; sep.
" Dec. 8 Joh'is fil. Thoma Beard & Phelice; bap.
" Dec. 8 ffranciscus fil. Richardus Pryce & Margrata; bap.
" Dec. 15 Richardus fil. Thoma Eves & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 25 Anna fil. Edwardi Russell & Elizabetha; bap.
" Dec. 26 Peuinnah fil. Thoma Phillips & Rebecca; bap.
" Jan. 5 Maria fil. Henrici Lambe & Joanna; bap.
" Jan. 6 Sara fil. Richardi Smith & Anna; bap.
" Jan. 6 Jonathan fil. Roberti Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 7 Thomas fil. Joh'i Evans & Brigett; bap.
" Jan. 12 Joh'is fil. Thoma Rowley & Joanna; bap.
" Jan. 13 Maria Lambe; sep.
" Jan. 15 Joh'is Rowley & Sara Bradeley; nupt.
" Jan. 23 Rogerus fil. Richardi floyd & Joanre; bap.
" Jan. 26 Samuell fil. Thoma Hartshorne & Jarm; bap.
" Feb. 9 Joh'is fil. Hugoni Cullis & Elnorae; bap.
" Feb. 16 Joh'is fil. Will'mi ffarrnor & Elnura; bap.


1639 Feb. 18 Margreta Blike; sep.
" Feb. 21 Joh'is Pitts; sep.
" Feb. 26 Margreta Chorlton; sep.
" Feb. 28 Maria Harrys; sep.
" Mar. 1 Thomas fil. Thoma Rodes & Margreta; bap.
" Mar. 5 Jana fil. Rob'ti Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" Mar. 8 Sara fil. Thoma Owen & Martha; bap.
" Mar. 8 Rogerus fil. Edwardi Emberton & Elnor; bap.
" Mar. 12 Anna fil. Thoma Pugh & Margeria; bap.
" Mar. 17 Margeria Pugh; sep.
1640 April 6 Joh'is fil. Thoma Pryce & Elizabetha; bap.
" April 7 Joanna fil. Edwardi Rowley & Margery; bap.
" April 12 Elizabetha Harrys; sep.
" April 15 Margreta Sergeant; sep.
" April 19 Maria fil. Georgii Phillips & Jocosa; bap.
" April 19 Anna fil. Will'mi Will'is & Sara; bap.
" April 21 Joh'is Preene & Maria Langley; nupt.
" April 25 ffranciscus Whiston; sep.
" April 26 Will'mus fil. Will'mi Wookes & Jana; bap.
" May 5 Sara fil. Silvani Myvod & Elizabethae; bap.
" May 26 Joh'is fil. Richardi Embrie & Maria; bap.
" June t Richardus Beech & Katherina Wilcox; nupt.
" June 2 Joh'es Gest & Margreta Roden; nupt.
" June 7 Georgius fil. Thome Hartshorne & Jana; bap.
" June 7 Joh'is fil. Will'mi Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" June 18 Richardus Weaver & Jocosa Huxley; nupt.
" June 22 Joh'is Swyft; sep.
" June 28 Will'mus fil. Will'mi Bidle & Wynefryde; bap.
" June 30 Elizabetha Blakeway; sep.
" July 16 Johann's fil. ffrancisci Huxley & ffrancisca; bap.
" July 26 Lawrentius Stych; sep.
" Aug. 1 Joh'is Cadman; sep.
" Aug. 5 Anna Roberts; sep.
" Aug. 7 Joanna Sansom; sep.
" Aug. 23 Maria fil. Joh'i Bowkley & Elizabetha; bap.
" Aug. 23 Herbertus fil. Joh'is Langley & Dorithea; bap.
" Aug. 24 ffranciscus Armishrow & Alice Staunton; nupt.
" Aug. 26 Joh'is fil. Tymothi Langley & Susanna; bap.
" Aug. 30 Jana fil. Edwardi Gest & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 6 Richardus fil. Joh'i Rutter & Anna; bap.
" Sep. 10 Edwardus Powell; sep.
" Sep. 13 ffranciscus fil. Will'i'mi Wytwyck & Elnora; bap.
" Sep. 21 Joh'is Harrys & Sara Parton; nupt.
" Oct. 6 Jacobus fil. Joh'i Powell & Joanna; bap.
" Oct. 11 Richardus fil. Richardi Harneage Elnora; bap.
" Oct. 18 Gertrude fil. Evani floyd & Syslia; bap.
" Oct. 27 Maria Phillips; sep.
" Oct. 28 Jana fil. Hugonis Harry's & Alic'a; bap.
" Nov. 13 Henrycus Farlie; sep.
" Nov. 26 Joh'is fil. Charoli Lloyd & Elnora; bap.
" Nov. 26 Gertrude floyd; sep.
" Dec. To ffranciscus fil. Joh'i Chilton & Elnora; bap.
" Dec. 10 Christopherus Sympson; sep.
" Dec. t6 Joh'is fil. Joh'i Clarke & Isabella; bap.
" Dec. 20 Sara fil. Joh'i Rowley & Sara; bap.
" Dec. 27 Joanna fil. Evani Roberts & Margrett; bap.
" Dec. 29 Sara Bassett; sep.
" Dec. 30 Richardus fil. ffrancisci Davies & Joanna; bap.


1640 Jan. 12 Sara fil. Jacobi Clarke & Maria; bap.
" Jan. 24 Richardus fil. David Morres & Anna; bap.
" Jan. 24 Humfredus fil. Humfredi Lister & Katherina; bap.
" Jan. 24 Sara fil. Georgii Gest & Maria; bap.
" Jan. 31 Richardus fil. Thoma Hemblock & Margreta; bap.
" Jan. 31 Anna fil. Roberti Smith & Elizabetha; bap.
" Feb. 2 Thomas Clarke & Maria Gosenes; nupt.
" Feb. 3 Will'mus Whiston; sep.
" Feb. 14 Jocosa fil. Joh'i Preene & Maria; bap.
" Feb. 28 Maria fil. Mathew Wheelewright & Alicia; bap.
" Feb. 28 Elizabetha fil. ffrancisci Amplett & Margreta; bap.
" Feb. 28 Maria fil. Thoma: Bridgwood & Jana; bap.
" Mar. 5 David Pryce; sep.
" Mar. 16 Anna Morres; sep.
" Mar. 18 Anna fil. ffrancisci Roper & Margretx; bap.
" Mar. 21 Moses fil. Thoma Watkis & Elizabetha; bap.
1641 April 7* Edwardus Allen; sep.
" April 4 Joh'is fil. Nathaniell Bradeley & Margreta; bap.
" April 4 Elizabetha Prees, wid'; sep.
" April 11 Joh'es fil. Georgii Murrall; bap.
" April 21 Edwardus Byddell; sep.
" May 2 Joh'is fil. Joh'i Beard & Rosamu'da; bap.
" May 9 Will'mus fil. Hugonis Cullys & Elnora; bap.
" May 14 Sarah Gest; sep.
" May 16 Joh'is fil. Thoma Rodes & Margar't; bap.
" May 16 Anna fil. Will'mi Harrys & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 16 Elizabetha fil. Richardi Speed & Isabella; bap.
" May 16 Maria fil. Joh'i Rutland & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 8 ffranciscus fil. Rogeri Wookes & Elizabetha; bap.
" June 8 Elizabetha Wookes; sep.
" June 20 Will'm's Cullis; sep.
" July 8 Elnora Hill; sep.
" July 11 Joh'is fil. Roberti Phillips & Joanna; bap.
" July 13 Nathaniell fil. Silvani Myvod & Elizabetha; bap.
" July 18 Samuell fil. Richardus Weaver & Jocosa; bap.
" Aug. 12 Richardus Benbow & Anna Man; nupt.
" Aug. 12 Margeria Palmer; sep.
" Sep. 12 Henricus fil. Henrici Meare & Anna; bap.
" Sep. 12 Dorothia Home; sep.
" Sep. 20 ffranciscus Wooks; sep.
" Sep. 23 Edwardus fil. Joh'i Whittmore & Elizabetha; bap.
" Oct. 4 Rogerus floyd & Joanna Spratt; nupt.
" Oct. 10 Adam fil. Georgii Stoakes & Jana; bap.
" Oct. 10 ffranciscus fil. ffrancisci Armishaw & Ales; bap.
" Oct. 14 Maria fil. Joh'i Gold & Isabella; bap.
" Oct. 24 Joh'is fil. Will'mi Cadman & Katheryna; bap.
" Nov. 7 Georgius Shiston & Margreta Old; nupt.
" Nov. 7 Edwardus Russell; sep.
" Nov. 10 Joh'is fil. Joh'is Wookes & Elizabetha; bap.
" Nov. 14 Judytha fil. Joh'i Man & Judytha; bap.
" Nov. 24 Edwardus Pickslock; sep.
" Dec. 16 Elizabetha Speede; sep.
" Dec. 25 Joh'is Cadman; sep.
" Jan. 9 Abigail fil. Joh'i Haile & Margreta; bap.
" Jan. 16 Elizabetha fil. Richardi Prees & Elizabetha; bap.
" Jan. 21 Hugo Harryes; sep.
* So dated in original.


1641 Jan. 25 ffrancisca fil. Thoma Haynes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 27 ffrancisca fil. Thoma Haynes & Elizabeth; sep.
" Feb. 2 Georgius fil. ffrancisci Huxley & ffrancisca; bap.
" Feb. 2 Maria fil. Richardi Woosall & Anna; bap.
" Feb. 6 Edwardus fil. Edwardi Russell & Elizabetha; bap.
" Feb. 13 Anna fil. Thoma Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" Feb. 15 Thom's Garbett; sep.
" Feb. r6 Maria fil. Roberti Eves & Elizabetha; bap.
" Feb. 17 Richardus Morres; sep.
" Feb. 27 Thomas fil. Josephi Perkins & Margeria; bap.
" Feb. 27 Elizabetha fil. Joh'i Harrys & Sara; bap.
" Feb. 27 Morres Awbrey; sep.
" Mar. 6 Martha fil. ffrancisci Garbett & Martha; bap.
" Mar. 11 Maria Pott; sep.
" Mar. 16 Elnora fil. Richard Roberts & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 17 Maria fil. Joh'i Old & Elizabetha; bap.
" Mar. 22 Maria Woosall; sep.
" Mar. 22 Jana & Jocosa fil. Georgii Philipp' & Jocosa; bap.
1642 Mar. 16* Joanna Owen; sep.
" April 6 Samuell fil. Richardus Beard & Elizabetha; bap.
" April 6 Katherina fil. Joh'i Hill & Lucia; bap.
" April 11 Anna fil. Georgii Gest & Maria; bap.
" April 17 Joh'es Price; sep.
" April 17 Elizabeth fil. Rich' Blarney & Susanne; bap.
" April 24 Thomas fil. Joh'is Hagar & Katherina'; bap.
" April 27 Anna fil. Abrahami Chambers & Joanna;; bap.
" April 28 Jane fil. Roberti Benbow & Nuellae; bap.
" April 30 Will'iam Davies; sep.
" May 8 Eliz. fil. Thomae Brooke & Jocosae; bap.
" May 19 Eliz. fil. Godfred Synar & Eliz.; bap.
" May 21 Eliz. Torpley; sep.
" May 22 Robert fil. Evann ffloyd & Cicely; bap.
" May 22 Margaret fil. Jacobi Coxe & Alicire; bap.
" May 23 Morres Owen; sep.
" June 1 Judith Rodes; sep.
" June 8 Elizabeth Bowkley; sep.
" June 9 Jane Ould; sep.
" June 24 Humfrey Clarke; sep.
" July 3 Rich Home; sep.
" July 14 Ruth fil. Silvan's Mivart & Elizabeth; sep.
" July 17 Eliz. fil. Thom Lee & Sara;; bap.
" July 24 Ales fil. Thoma Hartshorn & Jana'; bap.
" Aug. 7 Thomasin fil. Rich'i Eves & Annw; bap.
" Aug. 7 Magdalen fil. Rob'ti Jones & Eliz.; bap.
" Aug. 9 Samuell Berd; sep.
" Aug. 14 Eliz. fil. Tho. Price & Eliz.; bap.
" Aug. 21 Joh'es fil. Thomae Bowkley & Elenor; bap.
" Aug. 30 Tho. Martin; sep.
" Sep. 10 Roger Knowles; sep.
" Sep. 17 Samuell Weaver; sep.
" Sep. 18 Will'i'us Oakes; sep.
" Oct. 9 Will'us fil. Thomas ffioyd & Arnim; bap.
" Oct. 11 Katherina Rob'ts; sep.
" Oct. 18 Rob'tus Benbow & Margeria Gill; nupt.
" Oct. 18 ffrances Warde; sep.
" Nov. 1 Rafe fil. Will'i'mi Biddle & Winifrid; bap.

* Sic, but ? 26.


1642 Nov. 2 Elizabeth Oakes; sep.
" Nov. 6 Joh'es fil. ffrancisci Dauies & Joanna; bap.
" Nov. 9 Elizabeth Taylor; sep.
" Nov. 9 Anna Haddon; sep.
" Nov. 10 ffranciscus fil. Joh'is Preene & Maria; bap.
" Nov. 12 Rebecca fil. Will'i Knowles & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 16 Elizabeth fil. Will'i Okes & Jana; bap.
" Nov. 20 Katherine fil. Rich'i Smith & Anna; bap.
" Nov. 21 Jana Skellonsep.
" Nov. 25 Thomas Beech; sep.
" Dec. 4 Eliz. fil. Joh'is Rutter & Anna; bap.
" Dec. 6 Thomas fil. Thoma Pew & Margery; bap.
" Dec. 11 Anna fil. Rich'i Beech & Kathennae; bap.
" Dec. 11 Jana Comessep.
" Dec. 18 Elizabeth fil.'Tho. Hartshorne & Jana; bap.
" Dec. 24 Sara Preene; sep.
" Dec. 25 Morris Davies; sep.
" Dec. 27 Jocosa Tho. Hemlock & Margret; bap.
" Dec. 31 Eliz. Okes; sep.
" Jan. 4 Eliz. fil. Joh'is Nashe & Joanna; bap.
" Jan. 10 Roger fil. ffrancisci Okes & Marine; bap.
" Jan. 17 Joanna fil. Thom Owen & Marthae; bap.
" Jan. 22 Maria fil. Tho. Rowley & Joanna; bap.
" Feb. 14 Joh'es fil. Rich'i Pearce & Margar'; bap.
" Feb. 21 Will'us fil. Will'i'mi Dita & Susanne; bap.
" Feb. 26 Eliz. fil. Rob'ti Smith & Elizabetha; bap.
" Mar. 2 Winifride Willcoks; sep.
" Mar. 8 Maria & Phelicia fil. Rich'i Wossall & Anna; bap.
" Mar. 12 Maria fil. Rob'ti Phellips & Joanna; bap.
" Mar. 14 Katherina Edwardi Rowley & Margery; bap.
" Mar. 18 Joh'es fil. Edwardi Yeate & Maria; bap.
1643 Mar. 26 Rich'us fil. Joh'is Man & Judith; bap.
" Mar. 27 Joane Phillips; sep.
" April 7 Edward Taylor; sep.
" April 14 George Brooke; sep.
" April 16 John fil. John Rowley & Sara; bap.
" April 18 Alis Rodes; sep.
" April 20 Elizabeth fil. Charles Davies & Mabel; bap.
" April 22 Katherine Bridgwood; sep.
" April 24 Marie Knowles; sep.
" May 11 Izabell Hartshorn; sep.
" May 16 Anne fil. Thomas Haynes & Elizabeth; bap.
" May i8 Marie Cumbland; sep.
" May 25 Mary fil. John Langley, Gent., & Dorothy; bap.
" June 4 Edward Croydon; sep.
" June 6 ffrancis fil. Roger Okes & Mary; bap.
" June 12 Edward Jones & ffrancis Johnson; mar.
" June 18 John s. of Thomas Smith & Joyce; bap.
" June 20 ffrancis Griffitts; bur.
" June 26 Margarett da. of Richard Speed & Isabel; bap.
" June 29 John s. of Joane Dauies & Robt Cadwallader ye supposed father; bap.
" July 2 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Roper & Margarett; bap.
" July 4 John Whittmore s. of John Whitmore & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 6 Elizabeth fil. James Clarke & Marie; bap.
" Aug. 20 Sara fil. Rob' Benbow Margerie; bap.
" Aug. 27 Willm s. of Will°, Pearce & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 4 Richard son of - Simson & Christopher Wetherby ye reputed father; bap.


1643 Sep. 7 ffrancis Evans; bur.
" Sep. 10 Marie Clarke; bur.
" Sep. 11 Reece James; bur.
" Sep. 16 Joyce ffoord; bur.
" Sep. 24 John s. of Samuell Ramsell & Jone; bap.
" Sep. 28 Ales da. of Humfrey Lister & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 2 Michael s. of Edward Jones & ffrancis; bap.
" Oct. 8 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Harries & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 15 ffrancis Bradley; bur.
" Oct. .. Samuel son of Edward Smith & Sarah was baptized in the midle of October 1643.
" Oct. 15 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Knowles & Margery; bap.
" Oct. 20 Sara Barton alias Smith; bur.
" Nov. 12 Thomas Tuckis; bur.
" Nov. 12 ffrancis s. of Evan Rob'ts & Margrett; bap.
" Nov. 16 Ales Rister; bur.
" Nov. 20 ffrancis Kohts; bur.
" Nov. 23 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrancis; bap.
" Nov. 26 Elizabeth d. of Richard Harnedge & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 30 Elizabeth Harnedge; sep.
" Dec. 5 Richard son of Richard Beard & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 12 John s. of ffrancis Armishaw & Ales; bap.
" Dec. 12 Thomas s. of Thomas Bridgewood & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 13 John Armishaw; bur.
" Dec. 18 Will'iam Dittcher; bur.
" Dec. 24 John s. of Richard Weaver & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 24 Henry s. of Henry Roberts & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 25 John Germann; bur.
" Jan. 1 John s. of John Ruttland & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 1 Will'iam s. of Wm Witwick & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 18 Magdelene d. of Hugh Cullis & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 21 James s. of James Roden & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 29 John Evans & Elizabeth Rob'ts; mar. Feb. i John Mose (? Mosse); sep.
" Feb. 2 Andrew Lewes & Maria Awbrey; mar.
" Feb. 6 Robert s. of Thomas Rodes & Margarett; bap.
" Feb. 6 Elizabeth Harber; sep.
" Feb. 19 Will'iam s. of Wm Okes & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 28 Edward Owen & Joane Squier; mar.
" Mar. 5 Richard s. of Nathaneel Bradley & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 11 John s. of Thomas Walkins, Jun., & Elizabeth; bap.
1644 Mar. 29 Philip Bradley; bur.
" Mar. 29 Henry Mayer; bur.
" April 22 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" May 12 Thomas s. of Thomas Lee & Sara; bap.
" May 16 Will'iam Rutter & Jane Bowkley; mar. May 29 Jane Garbett; bur.
" June 20 Will'iam s. of Edward Russell & Eliz.; bap.
" July 14 Sarah d. of Wm Will'is & Sara; bap.
" July 24 Dorothy Preston; bur.
" July 27 Joane Rowley; bur.
" July 29 Adam Palmer & Elizabeth Richards; nupt.
" July 31 Thomas Berd; bur.
" Aug. 2 Edward Roden; bur.
" Aug. 11 Anne d. of Richard Haddon & Martha; bap.
" Aug. 22 Anne Man; bur.
" Sep. 16 Robert Harrison; bur.
" Sep. 17 Richard Geares & Elizabeth Tayler; mar.


1644 Oct. 1 Rob' s. of Thomas Smith & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 13 Elizabeth d. of John Ould & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 24 Edward s, of Thomas Abrey & Ales; bap.
" Oct. 25 Edward s. of Matthew Sansom & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 10 Marie d. of Thomas Pue & Margery; bap.
" Nov. 17 Judith d. of Edw. Rowley & Margerie; bap.
" Dec. 3 Sara Will'is; bur.
" Dec. 8 Edward s. of Tho. Hartshorne, Jun.; bap.
" Dec. 8 ffrancis s. of Jo. Lewes & Marie; bap.
" Dec. 12 Marie d. of Will'iam Dita & Susanna; bap.
" Dee. 14 Richard s. of Rich. Pearce & Margery; bap.
" Dec. 14 Mary d. of Hierome Howlett & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 16 Thomas Calcott; bur.
" Dec. 26 George s. of ffra. Armishaw & Ales; bap.
" Dec. 27 John Hartshorne & Anne Roden; mar.
" Dec. 27 Margarett d. of Rob' Benhow & Margerie; bap.
" Jan. 1 Will'iam s. of Andrew Lewes & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 1 Eliz. d. of George Gest & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 4 Anne Rediard; bur.
" Jan. 6 ffrancis d. of Symon Ager & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 9 Joyce d. of Tho. Brooke & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 10 Elizabeth Biddle; bur.
" Jan. 12 Will'iam s. of Jo. Evans & Eliz.; bap.
" Jan. 19 John s. of John Mayer & Judith; bap.
" Jan, 19 Jane da. of Hugh Cullis & Elenor; bap.
" Jan. 26 John s. of Jo. Gould & Izabell; hap.
" Feb. 1 Evan s. of Evan Roberts & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 1 Margrett d. of John Jones; bap.
" Feb. 7 Jane d. of Rob' Jones & Eliz.; bap.
" Feb. 9 Lucie of Robert Lem & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 16 Sara d. of Edw. Jones & ffrancis; bap.
" Feb. 16 Susanna d. of Jo. Rutter & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 16 Elizabeth Phellips; bur.
" Feb. 17 Henry Rediard & Ales Harries; mar.
" Feb. 17 Elizabeth Haselwood; bur.
" Feb. 18 Ales d, of Richard Beech; bap.
" Feb. 19 Sara d. of ffra. Okes & Marie; bap.
" Feb, 20 Richard s. of Jo. Whittmore & Eliz.; bap.
" Feb. 22 ffrancis Corser; bur.
" Mar. 1 Anne Gest; bur.
" Mar. 4 Thomas s. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrancis; bap.
" Mar. 7 Elizabeth Barker; bur.
" Mar. 14 Tymothy s. of Thomas Bowkley & Elenor; bap.
" Mar. 14 ffrancis & Margrett das. of Thomas Price & Eliz.; bap.
" Mar. 21 Matthew Man; bur.
" Mar. 23 Will'iam s. of ffrancis Davies & Joane; bap.
1645 Mar. 21 Will'iam s. of John Rowley & Sara; bap.
" Mar. 23 Edward s. of Abraham Chambers & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 23 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Biddle & Winifride; bap.
" Mar. 31 Thomas Bowckley; bur.
" April 1 John s. of George Stokes & Jane; bap.
" April 1 Ales fil. John Hagar & Katherine; bap.
" April 3 Will'iam Martin; bur.
" April 4 Jane Hill; bur.
" April 8 Ruth d. of Richard Eves & Anne; bap.
" April 9 Richard s. of Richard Abrey & Jane; bap.
" April 12 Lodowick Meredeith; bur.
" April 13 Will'iam s. of John Clarke & Izabell; bap.


1645 April 17 John Jones; bur.
" April 17 Richard Weaver; bur.
" April 18 Maria Eves; bur.
" April 26 Margrett Amplett; bur.
" May 4 ffrancis s. of Will'iam Pearce & Jane; bap.
" May 8 John s. of John Haselwood & Magdalen; bap.
" May 19 Marie d. of Roger Okes & Mary; bap.
" May 20 John s. of John Synar & Ann; bap.
" May 10 Katherine Jermaine; bur.
" June 1 Joane d. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 7 Robert Davies; bur.
" June 9 Marie d. of John Armishaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 11 Margrett Roberts; bur.
" June 12 Edward s. of Richard Smith & Ann; bap.
" June 17 ffrancis s. of Richard Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 1 Susanna fil. Richard Rodes & Susan'; bap.
" July 8 Thomas s. of Thomas Eves & Eliz.; bap.
" July 27 Henry s. of Morris Cadman & Ann; bap.
" July 27 Ruth d. of John Harris & Sara; bap.
" Ang. 12 Thomas Harrison; bur.
" Aug. 24 Ann d. of James Coxe & Ales; bap.
" Aug. 25 John Okes & Albram . .; mar.
" Sep. 7 Adam s. of Adam Palmer & Eliz.; bap.
" Sep. 14 Richard s. of Rich. Blany & Susan'; bap.
" Sep. 25 Margrett d. of Robert Smith & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 5 John s. of Tho. Warde & Sara; bap.
" Oct. 7 Timothy Bowckley; bur.
" Oct. 7 Nuell s. of Robert Benbowe & Nuell; bap.
" Oct. 14 Rowland Hill; bur.
" Oct. 17 Thomas Geares s. of Elenor Cosen & Henry Geares; bap.
" Oct. 19 Richard s. of John Will'iams, jun., & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 11 Thomas Will'iams & Joyce Eves; mar.
" Oct. 11 Samuell s. of Will'iam Rutter & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 26 Roger s. of George Murrall & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 31 Thomas Harrison, sen.; bur.
" Nov. 9 Mary d. of Evan filoyd & Sisleye; bap.
" Nov. 9 Thomas s. of Charles Davies & Mabell; bap.
" Nov. 18 Rebecca d. of Thomas Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 23 Joane d. of Henry Crammer & Dorothy; bap.
" Nov. 24 Katherine fil. Richard Harnedge & Elenor; bap.
" Nov. 24 Marie ffloyd; bur.
" Nov. 30 John s. of John Hartshorne & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 3 Thomas s. of George ffostbrooke & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 3 John Rogers; bur.
" Dec. 6 Richard Matthewes s. of Eliz. Matthewes & John Winne; bap.
" Dec. 11 Thomas ffostbrooke; bur.
" Dec. 14 Joane d. of Humfrey Aldridge & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 16 John s. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 18 Susann Rodes; bur.
" Dec. 26 Richard Geares; bur.
" Dec. 27 Richard s. of Henry Roberts & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 30 Margrett d. of ffrancis Roper & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 5 James s. of Thomas Bayley & Sislie; bap.
" Jan. 10 Richard s. of John Hill & Lucie; bap.
" Jan. 14 Edward Jesper; bur.
" Jan. 15 Ales Jones; bur.
" Jan. 24 Richard s. of Richard Vicars & Maudlen; bap.
" Feb. 6 Anne d. of Thomas Bridgewood & Anne; bap.


1645 Mar. 7 Elizabeth Synar; bur.
" Mar. 12 Katherine Andrewes; bur.
" Mar. 13 Sisly d. of James Roden & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 17 ffraricis s. of John Man & Judith; bap.
1646 April 1 Marie Dita; bur.
" April 4 - Thomas s. of Humfrey Lister & Katherine; bap.
" April 7 Thomas Lister; bur.
" April 21 Ruthe d. of Will'iam Harries & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 1 Joane d. of Robert Harris & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 7 Will'iam s. of Tho. Wattkins & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 18 Sara d. of Will'iam Adams & Ruth; bap.
" May 18 Elizabeth d. of Edward Rowley & Margery; bap.
" May 19 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Owen & Matthea; bap.
" June 14 ffrancis Gamble; bap.
" (?)
" June 14 Elizabeth d, of John Langley & Dorothy; bap.
" June 18 inane Cronmer; bur.
" June 24 Will'iam Ellis; bur.
" July 5 Timothy s. of Adam Crumpton & Margarett; bap.
" July 5 Samuell s. of Will'iam Evans & Joyce; bap.
" July 19 Will'iam s. of Thomas Knowles & Margery; bap.
" Aug. 10 Elizabeth Langley; bur.
" Aug. 29 John Will'iams; bur.
" Aug. 30 Will'iam Beard; bur.
" Sep. 3 John Evans; bur.
" Sep. 20 Ursula d. of Richard Geares & Elenor; bap.
" Sep. 27 Thomas s. of Thomas Will'iams & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 11 Katherine d. of John Oakes & Olbron; bap.
" Oct. 11 Margrett d. of Thomas Abrey & Ales; bap.
" Oct. 18 Thomas s. of Thomas Smith & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 18 Will'iam s. of John Ruttland & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 25 Thomas s. of Thomas Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 25 Elizabeth d. of Edward Russell & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 29 Will'iam Lewes; bur.
" Oct. 29 Katherine d. of Samuell Rarnseil & Juan; bur.
" Nov. 1 Richard Langley; bur.
" Nov. 8 Mary d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 25 Elizabeth d. of Robert Phellips & Margery; bap.
" Dec. 9 Richard s. of Rich. Ampkett & Ales; bap.
" Dec. 27 Edward s. of John Rowley & Sara; bap.
" Dec. 29 John s. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 10 Elizabeth d. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Jan. 13 Richard Rob'tes; bur.
" Jan. 24 Andrew s. of Andrew Lewes & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 30 John s. of John G-est & Margarett; bap.
" Jan. 31 John Gest; bur.
" Feb. 13 Margarett Abrey; bur.
" Feb. 18 Margrett Abrey; bur_
" Feb. 21 Richard s. of George Geste & Marie; bap.
" Feb. 26 Elizabeth Croyden; bur.
" Mar. 1 David Morries & Margery Palmer; mar.
" Mar. 7 Elizabeth d. of Peeter Yeate & Dorothy; bap.
" Mar. 15 Matthea d. of Richard Haddon & Matthea bap.
" Mar. 21 Will'iam s. of Wr° Dito & Susann; bap.
1647 Mar. 25 Elizabeth Price; bur.
" Mar. 30 Thomas s. of Jacob Harrison; bap.
" Mar. 30 John Olvirr (? Oliver); bur.
" April 4 ft-rands s. of Edw. Jones & ffrances; bap.
" April 4 Elenor d. of John Armishaw & Mix.; bap.


1647 April 11 Ales d. of Edward Croyden & Margarett; bap.
" April 16 Lucye Lem; bur.
" April 19 Richard s. of Tho. Pue & Margery; bap.
" April 27 Jane d. of Rgr Jones & Joyce; bap.
" May 1 Edward s. of Thomas Lewes & Joyce; bap.
" May 4 Rowland s. of John Whittmore & Eliz.; bap.
" May 6 Damaris d. of John Ould & Eliz.; bap.
" May 6 Will'iam s. of Rog' Okes & .. his wife; bap.
" May 11 John Hill; bur.
" June 1 Damaris Ould; bur.
" June 9 Rowland Whittmore; bur.
" June 13 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Okes & Jane; bap.
" June 20 Will'iam s. of Lewes Morris & Katherine; bap.
" June 27 Richard Haselwood; bur.
" July 2 Robert Eves; bur.
" July 18 Mary Okes; bur.
" July 20 David Will'iams; bur.
" Aug. 8 Richard Rob'ts; bur.
" Aug. 29 Jane d. of Nathaneell Bradley & Margarett; bap.
" Sep. 14 Katherine Pacye; bur.
" Sep. 17 Thomas Lister s. of Humfrey Lister & Katherine; bap.
" Sep. 19 Richard Pue; bur.
" Sep. 20 Magdelen Jones; bur.
" Sep. 28 Margery d. of Robt Benbow & Margery; bap.
" Oct. 17 Ales d. of Henry Cramer & Dorothy; bap.
" Oct. 24 Thomas s. of John Synar & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 24 Richard s. of Morris Cadman & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 26 Jane d. of Thomas Rodes & Margarett; bap.
" Nov. 9 John s. of Rondle Hinton & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 28 John s. of ffrancis Armishaw & Ales; bap.
" Dec. 7 Rebecca d. of Will'iam Rutter & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 10 Richard Cadman; bur.
" Dec. 27 Thomas s. of Thomas Jones & Margarett; bap.
" Dec. 27 Elizabeth d. of ffrancis Davies & Jone; bap.
" Dec. 28 Elenor d. of Jarrom Howlett & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 1 Thomas s. of Thomas Clarke & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 1 John Porter s. of Rogr Reighnolds & Joane Porter; bap.
" Jan. 3 John Be . .1; bur.
" Jan. 17 Thomas Clarke; bur.
" Jan. 23 Mary d. of Will'iam Pearce & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 1 George Allen; bur.
" Feb. 1 ffrancis s. of Adam Palm' & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 9 Anne d. of John Will'iams & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 13 Will'iam Okes; bur.
" Feb. 15 Elizabeth da. of John Mayer & Judith; bap.
" Feb. 22 Thomas s. of R'b't Harris & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 24 Elizabeth Davies; bur.
" Feb. 27 Sara d. of Tho. Hottchkins & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 5 ffrancis s. of John Evans & Eliz.; bap.
" Mar. 12 Millicent d. of Robt Jones & Eliz.; bap.
" Mar. 18 John Carter; bur.
" Mar. 22 John s. of John Rutter & Ann; bap.
1648 Mar. 28 John Rutter; bur.
" April 1 Elizabeth Wattkins; bur.
" April 3 R'b't s. of John Johnson & Margarett; bap.
" April 8 Thomas Stokes; bur.
" April 8 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Davies & Margarett; bur.
" April 18 Margarett Owen; bur.


1648 April 23 Margarett d. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" April 30 Jane d. of Richard Smith & Anne; bap.
" May 1 Richard s. of John Okes Albram; bap.
" May 1 Elenor d. of Richard Berd & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 1 Sara Owen d. of Henry Geares & Jane Owen; bap.
" May 15 Izabell Eves; bur.
" May 16 Nehemiah Abrey; bur.
" May 19 Hugh I..ornbart; bur.
" May 1l Elizabeth d. of John Hagar & Katherine; bap.
" May 27 Elenor d, of Henry Rotits & Anne; bap.
" May 28 Elizabeth d. of Edward Tylur & Jane; bap.
" May 29 Elenor Roberts; bur.
" June 13 John s. of Adam Crumpton & Margarett; bap.
" June 27 Judith d. of James Nashe & Jane; bap.
" July 8 Anne d. of Will'iam Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" Aug. 8 John s. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 15 Will'iam s. of John Whittmore & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 17 John s. of John Oulde & .. his wife; bap.
" Sep. 3 Marie d. of Richard Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 8 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Baylie & Cicelie; bap.
" Oct. 10 Anne d. of Thomas Jones & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 12 Rose Berd; bur.
" Oct. 16 John s. of Reynold Roe & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 27 Jane Rodes; bur.
" Nov. 1 Elenor Berd; bur.
" Nov. 7 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Harris & Eliz.; bap.
" Nov. 14 Ruth d, of Will'iam Adams & Ruth; bap.
" Nov. 20 Margarett Croydon; bur.
" Nov. 26 Richard s. of Tho. Smith & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 28 John Ruttland; bur.
" Dec. 3 Sara d. of John Gest & Margarett; bap.
" Dec. 4 ffrancis Armishaw; bur.
" Dec. 6 Rich. Smith; bur.
" Dec. 7 Rich. Herd; bur.
" Dec. 10 Will'iam Browne; bur.
" Dec. 12 Jane Smith; bur.
" Dec. 14. Will'iam Worthen; bur.
" Dec. 24 Thomas s. of Thu. Abrey & Alice; bap.
" Dec. 24 Sara d. of Edw. Rowley & Margerie; bap.
" Dec. 31 Willm., s. of Robs Smith & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 7 Susanna Taylor; bur.
" Jan. 18 John Roberts; bur.
" Jan. 22 Mary Lewes; bur.
" Jan. 28 Marie d. of Will'iam Evans & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 28 Margarett d. of Rich. Blany & Susan; bap.
" Feb. 3 Nahoath s. of Rich. Harnadge & Eleno'; bap.
" Feb. 5 ffraneis Barrett & Margrett Lumbart; mar.
" Feb. 7 Sara d. of Edw. Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 9 Ann Griffiths; bur.
" Feb. 13 Marie d. of ffra. Huxley & ffrancis; bap.
" Feb. 13 Isaack s. of Abraham Chambers; bap.
" Feb. 17 Ales Croyden; bur.
" Feb. 19 Edw. Hartshorne; bur.
" Feb. 25 Tho. s. of Roger Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 25 Sara d. of John Rutter St Ann; bap.
" Feb. 27 Abigaill d. of Richard Genres & Elenor; bap.
" Feb. 27 Margrett d. of Tho. Rodes & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 6 Mary d. of Roger Okes & Mary; bap.


1648 Mar. 8 Ann d. of Oliv. Estope & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 10 Mary d. of Robt Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 16 Elizabeth Amplett; bur.
" Mar. 16 Mary Wossall; bur.
" Mar. 20 Will'iam Man; bur.
" Mar. 20 Edward Samsom; bur.
" Mar. 20 Millicent Jones; bur.
1649 Mar. 25 Joyce Tayler; bur.
" Mar. 27 ffrances Pearce; bur.
" Mar. 28 Cornelia Hill; bur.
" April 2 John s. of Thomas Pue & Margery; bap.
" April 2 Mary d. of Thomas Knowles & Margery; bap.
" April 5 Sara d. of Thomas Bridgwood & Jane; bap.
" April 8 Marie Okes; bur. April 9 ffrances Raspis; bur.
" April 10 Will'iam s. of Richard Amplett & Ales; bap.
" April 13 Dorothie Hartshorne; bur.
" April 17 Mary d. of James Harrison & Margarett; bap.
" April 24 John Ball; bur.
" April 26 Elizabeth d. of Christopher Tayler & Mary; bap.
" May 1 Edward ffletmer & Lucy Wilkes; mar.
" May 2 Richard Howford; bur. May 4 John Goolde; bur.
" May 14 Mary d. of Edward Russell & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 15 James s. of James Coxe & Ales; bap.
" May 11 Thomas s. of Henrie Rob'ts & Ann; bap.
" May 15 Elizabeth d. of John Armishaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 24 Thomas s. of Thomas Owen & Martha; bap.
" May 27 George s. of George Morroll & Joane; bap.
" June 3 Jane d. of George Potte & Mary; bap.
" June 3 Elizabeth d. of James Roden & Ann; bap.
" June 10 ffrancis s. of Matthew Sansom & Ales; bap.
" June 10 Thomas Abrey; bur.
" June 12 Mary German; bur.
" June 14 Mary Okes; bur.
" July 1 Rich. s. of Thomas Wattkins & Eliz.; bap.
" July 5 Ann Stitch; bur.
" July 10 Mary Okes; bur.
" July 10 Elizabeth Harris; bur.
" July 22 Morris Addams; bur.
" Aug. 12 Elizabeth d. of Tho. Symons & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 26 Marie d. of Willm Gough & Elenor; bap.
" Aug. 31 Katherine Lister; bur. Sep. 1 Edward Rowley; bur.
" Sep. 1 Will'iam s. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 11 Edward Evans; bur.
" Sep. 13 Elenor Potte; bur.
" Sep. 26 Will'iam Jones; bur.
" Oct. 10 Hugh Will'iams; bur.
" Oct. 14 Will'iam Harries; bur.
" Oct. 17 Elizabeth Price; bur.
" Oct. 22 Ursula Hartshorne; bur.
" Oct. 27 Richard Harding; bur.
" Nov. 1 Thomas s. of John Matts & Cicely; bap.
" Nov. 4 Margarett Price; bur.
" Nov. 4 Joyce Smith; bur.
" Nov. 16 Elizabeth fRoyd; bur.
" Dec. 3 ffrancis s. of Hugh Richards & Margarett; bap.


1649 Dec. 3 Andrew Stanley; bur.
" Dec. 9 Elizabeth Armishaw; bur.
" Dec. 10 Jane Potte; bur.
" Dec. 16 Reynold Phellips; bur.
" Dec. 21 John Pue; bur.
" Dec. 23 Thomas Roberts; bur.
" Dec. 26 Anne d. of Win Parker & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 26 Rebecca Ellis; bur.
" Dec. 28 Anne Parker; bur.
" Dec. 31 Rebecca d. of ffrancis Barrett & Margarett; bap.
" Jan. 12 Marie Will'iams; bur.
" Jan, 14 Judith d. of Edward Jones & ffrances; bap.
" Jan. 27 Elizabeth d. of John Hurleston & Ales; bap.
" Jan. 29 George Gest; bur.
" Feb. 4 Edward Jones; bur.
" Feb. 5 Richard s. of Thomas Lee & Sara; bap.
" Feb. 5 Richard Okes; bur.
" Feb. 10 John s. of ffra, Roper & Isfargarett; bap.
" Feb. 10 Richard s. of Rich. Rudes & Susanna; bap.
" Feb, 16 Richard s, of Will'iam Ditu & Susanna; bap.
" Feb. 17 Ales Lee; Intr.
" Feb. 19 Robert s. of George Gest & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 25 Willm.; s. of Wm Rutter; bap.
" Feb. 25 Lawrence s. of Wm. Abrey; bap.
" Feb. 23 George Stokes; bur.
" Feb. 26 Joyce son (sic) of Tho. Hartshorne & Saphira; bap.
" Mar. 1 Edward Croyden; bur.
" Mar. 9 Lawrence Abrey; bur.
" Mar. 16 Reynold Griffitts; bur.
" Mar. 21 Mary d. of John Walton & Mary; bap.
1650 April 2 Will'iam s. of Tho' Jones & Margrett; bap.
" April 4 Anthony Notte; bur.
" April 6 John s. of Will'iam Okes & Jane; bap.
" May 4 Katherine d. of Solomon Verinder & Ruth; bap.
" May 11 Rich. s. of John Evans & Eliz.; bap.
" June 7 Edward s. of Reighnold Roe & Katherine; bap.
" June 11 Will'iam Cranadge; bur.
" June 11 ffrancis Dicher; bur.
" June 14 Robert s. of Rob't Harries & Eliz.; bap.
" June 20 John s. of Nehemiah Paramor & Judith; bap.
" June 25 Elizabeth d. of Rich. Berd & Eliz,; bap.
" June 26 Will'iam Lewis; bur.
" July 8 Marie d. of Rowland Cole & Eliz.; bap.
" July 9 Sara d. of Tho. Write & Ales; bap.
" July 17 Dorothy Myvart; bur.
" July 27 Robert Haines; bur.
" July 28 tfrancis s. of John Nashe & Jolly; bap.
" July 29 Will'iam s. of Danyell Powell & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 2 ffrancis Langley; bur.
" Aug. 6 Ann d. of Tho. Alcock Eliz.; bap.
" Aug. 11 Ann Bassedge; bur.
" Aug. 18 Margrett d. of John Johnson & Margrett; bap.
" Aug. 26 Marie d. of John Langley & Elia.; bap.
" Aug. 30 Judith Parsons; bur.
" Sep. 8 Edward a. of Samuell Rarnsell & Joane; bap.
" Sep. 12 Joyce d. of Rich. Bryan & Juane; bap.
" Sep. 13 Sara Write; bur.
" Sep. 17 Rowland s. of John Whittmore & Eliz.; bap.


1650 Sep. 10 Samuell Morris; bur.
" Sep. 26 Izabell Buck; bur.
" Sep. 29 Thomas s. of John Haselwood & Maudlin; bap.
" Sep. 29 Sara d. of Will' Home & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 8 Jane d. of James Nashe & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 10 Richard s. of Rich. Jones & Eliz.; bap.
" Oct. 26 Thomasin Eves; bur.
" Nov. 1 Martha d. of Edw. Dawley & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 5 George s. of Edw. Rowley & Margery; bap.
" Nov. 7 Rich. Roden & Eliz. Jones; mar.
" Nov. 19 Jane d. of Ad. Palmer & Eliz.; bap.
" Nov. 21 Ann & Joan ds. of John Milliton & Kath.; bap.
" Nov. 23 Ann d. of Morris Dekin & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 27 Mary d. of Rich. Vicars & Maudlin; bap.
" Dec. 1 Priscilla d. of Humfrey Prestwood & Kath.; bap.
" Jan. 2 John Davies; bur.
" Jan. 5 Mary d. of John Mayer & Judith; bap.
" Jan. 8 Cicely Roden; bur.
" Jan. 9 John s. of John Armishaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 9 Hanna d. of Will'm. Adams & Ruthe; bap.
" Jan. 10 Anne Haddon; bur.
" Jan. 16 Jane d. of John Ould & Eliz.; bap.
" Feb. 2 Thomas Man; bur.
" Feb. 11 Thomas Wattkins; bur.
" Feb. 12 Joane Calcotte; bur.
" Feb. 13 Marie d. of John Jones & Elenor; bap.
" Feb. 13 Sara Benbow d. of Margrett Benbow; bap.
" Feb. 25 Samuell s. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrancis; bap.
" Mar. 10 Will'iam s. of John Northall & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 11 Mary d. of ffrancis Davies & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 14 Ales Croyden; bur.
" Mar. 16 Thomas s. of Morris Cadman & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 17 Edward Stitch; bur.
1651 April 1 Thomas s. of Thomas Andrewes & Jane; bap.
" April 8 Sara son (sic) of Jarrom Howlette & Marie; bap.
" April 8 Helen d. of Rowland Heynes & Mary; bap.
" April 8 Katherine d. of Thomas Beard & Kath.; bap.
" April 22 Will'iam s. of Richard Harnedge & Elenor; bap.
" April 25 Margery Home; bur.
" May 24 Matthew Sanson; bur.
" May 25 Thomas s. of Thomas Symons & Mary; bap.
" May 30 Sara d. of Rich. Shawe & Mary; bap.
" May 31 Priscilla Lewes; bur.
" June 1 ffrancis s. of Thomas Rodes & Margrett; bap.
" June 2 Henry s. of Griffith Evans & Katherine; bap.
" June 4 Richard Price; bur.
" June 8 ffrancis Tilley; bur.
" June 8 John s. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" June i7 Will'iam s. of Adam Crumpton & Margarett; bap.
" June 23 Joane d. of John Will'iams & Anne; bap.
" June 24 ffrancis s. of John Dodson & Eliz.; bap.
" July 7 Samuell s. of Thomas Price & Eliz.; bap.
" July 8 Mary d. of Roger Jones & Joyce; bap.
" July 14 Henry s. of Will'iam Mayer & Elenor; bap.
" July 17 Thomas Heynes; bap. & bur.
" July 25 Sara Will'is; bur.
" July 28 Robert s. of ffrancis Whitehead & Joyce; bap.
" July 29 ffrancis Davies; bur.


1651 July 29 Robert s. of Robert Harries & ; bap.
" July 31 Margarett d. of Thomas Owen & Martha; bap.
" Aug. 4. Mary d. of Thomas Smith & Margrett; bap.
" Aug. 6 Will'iam s. of Richard Smith & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 14 ffrancis s. of James Harrison & Margrett; bap.
" Aug. 17 Will'iam s. of Wilt,. Gough & Ele.; bap.
" Aug. 18 Anne Skellon d. of Humf. Sketton & Ales; bap.
" Aug. 26 Joyce Shawe; bur.
" Aug. 28 John s. of Henry Roberts & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 31 Joyce Caplewood; bur.
" Sep. 1 Eliz. Jones d. of Allen Gitte' & Anne Synar; bap.
" Sep. 8 Margrett it of Thomas Abrey & Ales; bap.
" Sep. 14 Will'iam Cadman; bur.
" Sep. 16 Richard s. of Rich. Roden & Eliz.; bap.
" Sep. 21 Mary Harrison; bur.
" Sep, 30 Mary d. of Nehemiah Parramure & Judith; bap.
" Oct. 7 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Evans & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 10 Jane Lester; bur.
" Oct, 14 Humfrey s. of Rob't Will'iams & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 13 Elizabeth d. of Reighnold Roe & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 16 Richard s. of Rich. Legge & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 21 Michaell Jones; bur.
" Oct. 22 Elenor d. of Rich. Hartshorne & Sara; bap.
" Oct. 30 Joyce d. of Edwd Russell & Eliz.; bap.
" Nov. 13 Ann d. of John Hagar & Katherine; bap.
" Nov. 13 John Powell; bur.
" Nov. 17 Will'iam s. of Will" Lewes & Eliz.; bap.
" Nov. 19 Sisly Glover; bur.
" Nov. 22 John Coxe; bur.
" Nov. 23 John s. of ffr. Hurlston & Ales; bap.
" Nov. 26 Henry Evans; bur.
" Nov. 27 John Evans; bur.
" Dec. 2 George s. of George Potte & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 2 Ann' cl, of John Macham & Eliz.; bap.
" Dec. 2 Margrett Owen; bur.
" Dec. 4 Joyce d. of Rich. Amplett & Ales; bap.
" Dec. 18 Samuell s. of ffr. Barrett & Margrett; bap.
" Dec. 30 Robert s, of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 31 Robert s. of John Johnson & Margett; bur.
" Jan. 20 Edward s. of Edw. Jones & Elia.; bap.
" Jan. 21 Edw. s, of f. Glover & Dorothy; bap.
" Jan. 26 Rich. s. of Tho. Alcoa & Eliz.; bap.
" Jan. 27 John s. of James Nashe & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 29 John Chorlton; bap. (but ? bur.).
" John s. of Tho. Goodale & Ales; bap.
" Feb. 11 Mr. Eliz. Langley; bur.
" Feb. 12 Robert s. of Rob't Smith & Elia.; bap.
" Feb. 17 Thomas s. of John Brooke & Priscill; bap.
" Feb. 19 Joane d. of Michael' Harding & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 24 Mychaell s. of John Synar & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 24 John s. of Hugh Richards & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 26 Humfrey Will'iams; bur.
" Mar. 8 Willm., Smith; bur.
" Mar. 21 Elia. d. of Row. Coxe & Elia.; bap.
" Mar. 21 ffrancis s. of ffra. Roberts & Dorothie; bap.
" Mar. 23 Elizabeth d, of Tho. Write & Ales; bap.
1652 Mar. 25 Elizabeth d. of Morris Blakewey Elianor; bap.
" Mar. 25 Margery d. of Tho. Rivers & Elizabeth; bap.


1652 Mar. 27 Susanna d. of John Jones & Elenor; bap.
" Mar. 28 Elenor Rob'ts; bur.
" Mar. 30 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Cadman & Katherine; bap.
" April 3 John s. of Thomas Pewe & Margery; bap.
" April 5 Joane d. of Robt Benbow & Margery; bap.
" April 20 Elizabeth d. of Edward Blisse & Eliz.; bap.
" April 26 Mary Roe; bur.
" April 28 Joane Nashe; bur.
" May 8 Cicely d. of James Roden & Anne; bap.
" May 11 John s. of John Rutter & Anne; bap.
" May 11 Tho. Phellips; bur.
" May 14 David Kenrick; bur.
" May 23 James s. of Thos. Smith & Katherine; bap.
" May 24 Eliz. d. of Tho. Wattkins & Eliz.; bap.
" May 29 Tho. Sockett; bap.
" June 13 John Corbett; bur.
" June 21 Tho. Davies & Elizabeth Bowkley; mar.
" June 25 Christopher Dodson; bur.
" June 25 John Hill; bur.
" June 29 Wm., s. of James Coxe & Ales; bap.
" July 5 Sara d. of Thomas Knowles & Margery; bap.
" July 5 Tho. Risbie; bur.
" July 16 Rob't Ancock; bur.
" July 28 Henry Langley & Mary Pacie; mar.
" Aug. 12 Dorothy d. of John Walton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 13 Robert s. of Tho. Bridgwood & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 12 John s. of Rich. Blanie & Susann'; bap.
" Aug. 22 Samuell s. of Will" Home & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 23 Anne Eves; bur.
" Aug. 29 Eliz. d. of Roger Okes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 30 John s. of Will'iam Rutter & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 7 ffrancis s. of John Armishaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 14 Eliz. d. of John Okes & Alborde; bap.
" Sep. 29 Elenor d. of John Evans & Eliz.; bap.
" Oct. 4 Elizabeth d. of Griffith Evans & Katherine; bap.
" Oct. 5 Thomas s. of John Whitmore & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 10 Edward s. of Thomas Lee & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 12 Edward s. of Danyell Powell & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 25 Jane Haddon; bur.
" Oct. 26 Ann d. of John Guest & Margarett; bap.
" Nov. 4 Ann d. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Nov. 26 Henry Hemlock; bur.
" Nov. 29 Ann Parre was buried baptized (sic).
" Dec. 2 Henry Rob'ts; bap. (but ? bur.).
" Dec. 5 Mary d. of Samuell Hill & Ann'; bap.
" Dec. 7 Matthew Wheellwritt was baptised buried (sic).
" Dec. 9 John s. of John Andrewes & Cicely; bap.
" Dec. 11 John Nashe; bur.
" Dec. 12 Eliz. d. of Tho. Lester & Izabell; bap.
" Dec. 16 John s. of Jo. Goodale; bur.
" Dec. 19 Edw. s. of ffrancis Rop' (? Roper) & Margarett; bap.
" Dec. 22 Will" s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 26 John s. of Tho. Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 28 Mary Goodale; bur.
" Jan. 1 Morris s. of Morris Jones & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 5 Marie d. of Abraham Chambers & Joane; bap.
" Jan. 5 Will" Roe; bur.
" Jan. 23 John s. of Rich. Harnedge & Elenor; bap.


1652 Jan. 23 John s. of John Johnson & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 30 Richard Preston; bur.
" Jan. 30 John s. of Rich. Roden & Elia.; bap.
" Feb, 6 Izrael s. of WillW Inn & Sus'; bap.
" Feb. 8 John s. of Tho. Berd & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 13 Mary d. of Thomas Rob'ts & Eliz.; bap.
" Feb. 19 John Berd; bur.
" Feb. 20 John s. of Thomas Davies & Elia.; bap.
" Feb. 22 Ann d. of Robert Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Mar, 1 Humfrey s. of Thos. Andrewes & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 7 Judith d. of John Mayer & Judith; bap.
" Mar. 11 Joyce Amplette; bur.
" Mar. 13 Mary d. of Will'iam Okes & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 20 A.me Taylor was buryed (sic) d. of Christop. Taylor & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 24 John Johnson; bur.
RO. OGDON, Rector of Brosley.

1653 Mar. 27 Mary d. of Thomas Rhodes & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 28 Will'iam s. of Nehemiah Paramour & Judith; bap.
" Mar. 29 Thomas s. of Richard Legge & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 29 ffrancis Davies; bur.
" April 3 Thomas s. of Richard Edwards & Mary; bap.
" April 3 Elizabeth d. of Robert Evans & Anne; bap.
" April 7 Catherine Lees; bur. April 8 Richard Rhodes; bur.
" April 11 Edward s. of Edward Jones & ffrances; bap.
" April 12 Izabel Owen; bur. April 13 John Rutter; bur.
" April 14 Edward Owen; bur. April 24 John Bowkley; bur.
" May 1 ffrancis s. of Richard Geeres & Ellenor; bap.
" May 1 Anne Berlow; bur.
" May 8 Mary d. of Thomas Bowkley & Joyce; bap.
" May 9 Will'iam s. of Edward Rowley & Margery; bap.
" May 13 John s. of Hugh Jones & Joyce; bap.
" May 13 Will'iam s. of Charles Perton & Ellenor; bap.
" May 19 Evan s. of Evan Davies & Margery; bap.
" May 19 Samuel Barker & Ellenor Holme; mar.
" May 19 ffrancis Evans & Mary Oakes; mar.
" May 23 Mary d. of Thomas Jones & Margaret; bap.
" June 9 Jane Palmour; bur.
" June 13 Sampson s. of Adam Crompton & Margaret; bap.
" June 14 Will'iam s. of Wain' Adams & Ruth; bap.
" June 15 George s. of John Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 18 Mary d. of ffrancis Bradeley & Margery; bap.
" July 14 Anne d. of Will'i" Rowley & Ellenor; bap.
" July 23 Alice Charlton; bur.
" Aug. 1 Mary d. of Rob' Harris & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 18 Henry a. of Henry Langley & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 18 Alice d. of Richard Rutter & Alice; bap.
" Aug. 29 Elizabeth d. of Humfrey Lyster & Catherine; bap.
" Sep. 28 Ellenor d. of Thomas Awberry & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 30 Ellenor Jones; bur.
" Oct. 3 Margaret d. of ffrancis Barret & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 12 Hugh Cullyes; bur. Oct. Ts Robert Speed; bur.
" Oct. 20 Elizabeth Wright; bur. Oct. 22 Joyce Meares; bur.


1653 Oct. 25 Evan Lloyd; bur.
" Nov. 1 Gertrude d. of Wilrm Mayer & Ellenor; bap.
" Nov. 3 Richard s. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Nov. 8 Mary d. of Oliver Yestopp & Joane; bap.
" Nov. 17 Katherine Ruffe; bur.
" Nov. 29 Ruth d. of Will'iam Evans & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 4 Robert s. of Will'm Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Dec. 17 Joyce Asbury; bur.
" Dec. 20 John s. of Rob't Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 22 Roger Jones; bur.
" Dec. 22 Katherine Parker; bur.
" Dec. 26 John s. of Richard Joanes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 26 John s. of John Northall & Margaret; bap.
" Dec. 26 Joyce Brooke; bur.
" Dec. 27 Judith d. of Jerome Howlert & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 27 Mary d. of ffrancis Whitehead & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 27 Abigail Wolfe; bur.
" Dec. 29 Margaret d. of John Hartshorne & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 30 John Evans; bur.
" Jan. 6 John Adarns; bur.
" Jan. 19 John Sorleston; bur.
" Jan. 23 Evan Davies; bur.
" Jan. 29 Mary Chambers; bur.
" Jan. .. Michael s. of Will'iam Aston, of Linley, & Dorothy his wife, bap. at Linley Jan. 30.
" Jan. 31 Will'iam s. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 1 Henry Langley; bur.
" Feb. 6 Joane Chambers; bur.
" Feb. 19* Mary Preston; bur.
" Feb. 12 Humfrey s. of Humfrey Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 12 Mary d. of Nicholas Sympson & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 12 Anne Will'iams; bur.
" Feb. 13 Thomas Bradeley; bur.
" Feb. 15 Mary d. of Thomas Goodale & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 15 Anne ffoord; bur.
" Feb. 18 Mary Goodale; bur.
" Feb. 19 Ellenor d. of Morris Cadman & Aveley; bap.
" Feb. 20 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Pearse & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 21 Anne d. of James Nash & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 24 Mary Rhodes; bur.
" Feb. 26 Elizabeth d. of Will'm James & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 1 Mary Sansome; bur.
" Mar. 16 Margery Paramor; bur.
" Mar. 23 John Yate; bur.
1654 Mar. 27 Thomas s. of Richard Hartshorne & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 27 Jane d. of John Machin & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 27 Alice d. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 29* Christopher s. of Thomas Ward & Joane bap.
" Mar. 28 Elizabeth d. of Edward Taylour, of L'inley, & Isabel his wife, baptized at Linley.
" Mar. 29 Mary Jones; bur.
" April 2 Jane d. of Thomas Tilier & Mary; bap.
" April 4 George Morgan; bur.
" April 13 Richard s. of John Broak & Priscilla; bap.
" April 13 Mary Estop; bur.
" April 24 Catharin Aston; bur.

* So dated in original.


1654 April 24 Thomas s. of Thomas Bale & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 27 Thomas s. of Richard Awherry & Jane; bap.
" April 30 Elizabeth d. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 8 Will'iam Will'is; bur.
" May 9 Sarah d. of Nehemiah Paramour & Judith; bap.
" May 11 Cornelia d. of Will'iam Turton & Margaret; bap.
" May 15 Will'iam s. of Ralph Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 11 Charles s. of John Millinton & Catherine; bap.
" May 16 Richard Preston & Anne Beech; mar.
" May 17 John s. of Edward Dawley & Anne; bap.
" May 25 John s. of John Chilton & Juane; bap.
" May 29 John Armishaw; bur.
" May 31 Thomas s. of Hercules Astley & Mary; bap.
" June 1 Anne Huxley; bur.
" June 3 Sarah Paramour; bur.
" June 6 James s. of John Ashton & Anne; bap.
" June 11 Alice Redhead; bur.
" June 15 Will'm s. a John Armishaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 29 Peter s. of Samuel Ramsell & Joane; bap.
" July 6 Alice d. of Humfrey Brook & Alice; bap.
" July 16 John Harding; bur.
" July 30 Charles s. of Charles Perton & Ellenor; bap.
" Aug. 13 Elizabeth d. of Niccolas Charlton & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 14 Sylvanus Myvert the younger & Cornelia Bowkley; mar.
" Aug. 17 Richard s. of Roger Millinton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 23 Ellinor Harding; bur.
" Aug. 18 Jane d, of Will'm Oakes & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 23 Alice d. of Rob't Smith & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 26 Robert s. of John Whitmore & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 2 Elizabeth d. of Roger Joanes & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 9 Basil s. of Edwa Predy & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 9 John s. of Maurice Hartshorne & Dorothy; bap.
" Oct. 10 John s. of John Walton & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 12 Evan Kenrick & Millesen Porter; mar.
" Oct. 12 Edward s. of Thomas Leister & Isabel; bap.
" Oct. 15 Sylvanus s. of Tho. Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 17 John Rowley; bur.
" Oct. 19 Roger Mason; bur.
" Oct. 30 Elizabeth Eves; bur.
" Nov. 2 Thomas s. of ffrancis Roberts & Dorothy; bap.
" Nov. 7 Ralph s. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 7 Will'iam s. of Hugh Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 10 Joyce Jones; bur.
" Nov. T6 Thomas s. of James Rhoden & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 18 Joyce Courser; bur.
" Nov. 19 Anne d. of Israel Harley & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 19 Anne Harley; bur.
" Nov. 21 Sarah d. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Nov. 26 Will'iam s. of John Signor & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 27 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Marsh, of the p'ish of Bentall, & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 28 Will'iam s. of George Pott & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 7 Oliver Yestopp & Joyce Morgan; mar.
" Dec. 11 John Man & Joane Bendbow; mar.
" Dec. 11 Elizabeth Jones; bor.
" Dec. 12 Thomas s. of Will'iam Rutter, ofthe parish of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 13 John s. of Richard Arnplett & Mice; bap.
" Dec. 17 David s. of Richard Blaney & Susan; bap.


1654 Dec. 26 Will'iam Bradley & Anne Dawley; mar.
" Dec. 27 Sarah d. of Will'iam Hartshorne, of the parish of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 28 Cicely d. of Michael Harding & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 6 Joyce d. of Daniel Powel & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 8 ffrances Jones; bur.
" Jan. 28 Elizabeth d. of Robert Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Feb. 1 John Lewis & Elizabeth Pacey; mar.
" Feb. 11 Anne d. of ffrancis ffrances & ffrances (sic); bap.
" Feb. 15 Mabel d. of John Richards & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 4 Robert Will'iams; bur.
" Mar. 13 Elizabeth d. of Richard Preston & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 13 Mary the base daughter of Mary Wayle; bap.
" Mar. 17 Elizabeth Worthin; bur.
" Mar. 18 Will'iam s. of John Hagar & Katherine; bap.
" Mar. 18 Roger s. of Richard Reece & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 18 Ellenor d. of John Rutter & Anne; bap.
1655 Mar. 25 Richard s. of Richard Lane & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 27 Henry s. of John Meere & Judith; bap.
" April 1 Will'iam Pott; bur.
" April 5 John Will'iams; bur.
" April 16 Robert s. of John Glover & Dorothy; bap.
" April 16 James Wayter & Mary Roden; mar.
" April 16 Robert Lloyd & Margery Onions; mar.
" April 17 Richard ap Evan & Anne Hodgkyes; mar.
" April 17 Mary d. of Roger Oakes & Elizab.; bap.
" April 19 Will'iam s. of Robert Harris & Elizab.; bap.
" April 24 Jane d. of Thomas Hartshorne, of ye p'ish of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" May 1 Elizabeth d. of Robert Cowper & Elizab.; bap.
" May 8 Anne d. of Thomas Millinton & Joane; bap.
" May 20 Richard s. of John Haslewood & Maudlin; bap.
" May 20 Richard Baldwin & Margaret Roberts; mar.
" May 22 John s. of John Matts & Cicily; bap.
" May 21* Edward Morgan & Mary Bowers; mar.
" May 28 Mary d. of Anne Hodgkyes; bap.
" June 1 Edward Jervice & Mary Richards, both of the parish of Little Wenlocke; mar.
" June 14 Mary d. of Humfry Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 19 Jane Oakes; bur.
" June 24 John s. of Richard Legge & Jane; bap.
" July 2 Mary d. of Samuel Barker & Ellenor; bap.
" July 8 Dorothy d. of Adam Palmer & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 12 Robert s. of John Johnson & Margaret; bap.
" July 15 Dorothy Palmer; bur.
" July 17 Will'iam Tibbals; bur.
" July 24 Margaret d. of Samuel Hill & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 1 George Roberts & Mary Corbet; mar.
" Aug. 7 Sylvanus s. of Sylvanus Myvert & Cornelia; bap.
" Aug. 8 Sylvanus Myvert; bur.
" Aug. 20 Joseph Nurthall & Anne Ball; mar.
" Aug. 20 Henry s. of ffrancis Barret & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 21 Thomas s. of Edward Rowley & Margery; bap.
" Aug. 23 Israel s. of Richard Awbry & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 23 Jane d. of Anne Roberts; bap.
" Aug. 24 Joyce Russell; bur.
" Sep. 4 Rosamond Bayley; bur.


1655 Sep. 6 Thomas Charlton; bur.
" Sep. 9 Anne d. of Thomas Smith & Catharine; bap.
" Sep. 10 Sarah d. of Henry Taylor & Isabel; bap.
" Sep. 11 John s. of Thomas Symons & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 12 Jane Lewis; bur.
" Sep. 18 Thomas s. of Thomas Goodale & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 20 Abigail d. of Will'iam Lee & ffrances; bap.
" Sep. 20 Thomas Smith; bur.
" Sep. 23 Jane d. of Will'iam Dytto & Susan; bap.
" Sep. 24 Ruth d. of Will'iam Holmes & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 1 Mary d. of Thomas Lee & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 2. Jane d. of John Man & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 2 Elizabeth d. of sayd John Man & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 4 Anne d. of Thomas Roberts & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 13 Richard Speed; bur.
" Oct. 16 Martha d. of ffrancis Huxley & Frances; bap.
" Oct. 16 John s. of Thomas Ball & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 21 Mary d. of Thomas Tart & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 23 Elizabeth Lewis; bur.
" Oct. 24. Elizabeth d. of Ralph Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 30 Elizabeth d. of Edward Morgan & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 5 Newell s. of Will'm Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Nov. 6 Humfry s. of Richard Rutter & Ellenor; bap.
" Nov. 19 Evan s. of Griffith Evans & Katharine; bap.
" Nov. 22 Will'iam s. of David Roberts & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 25 Alice d. of Will'iam James & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 29 Will'iam Aston; bur.
" Dec. 2 Will'iam s. of 'Francis Roper & Margaret; bap.
" Dec. 2 John Preene; bur.
" Dec. 8 ffrancis Sansome; bur.
" Dec. 8 ffrances Walton; bur.
" Dec. 11 Samuel s. of Richard Rhoden & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 12 Will'iam Pacey; bur.
" Dec. 16 Will'iam s. of Will'm Bradley & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 26 Will'iam s. of Will'm Tibbals & Ellenor; bap.
" Dec. 18 Daniel s. of Edward Russel & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 23 Edward Mathews; bur.
" Dec. 23 Dorothy Walton; bur.
" Dec. 29 Thomas .. & Jane Higgins; mar.
" Dec. 30 John s. of Robert Evans & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 3 Edward s. of John Hartshorne & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 14 Hurnfry s, of John Harris & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 14 Alice Cramor; bur.
" Jan. 19 Richard Weaver; bur.
" Feb. 9 George Morehall; bur.
" Feb. 11 Will'iam s. of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 17 Susan d. of Richard Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 17 Will'iam Webbe; bur.
" Feb. 18 John s. of Henry Eves & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 19 Judith d. of John Bayly & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 21 Margaret Roberts; bur.
" Feb. 24 Sylvanus Myvert; bur.
" Feb. 25 Robert ffarmer, of Bridgnorth, & Sarah Eves; mar.
" Mar. 6 Gertrude d. of Tho. Jones & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 9 Ruth d. of Maurice Cadman & Aveley; bap.
" Mar. 9 Joyce d. of Thomas Bowkley & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 11 Elizabeth d. of Roger ?Winton & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 11 Elizabeth d. of ffrancis Eves & Mary; bap.


1655 Mar. 11 Thomas Hazlewood; bur.
" Mar. 18 Richard s. of Richard Kidson & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 24 Jane d. of Will'm Oakes & Jane; bap.
1656 Mar. 26 Joseph s. of John Evans & Cicily; bap.
" Mar. 27 John s. of John Match & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 1 Mary Weale; bur.
" April 2 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Pugh & Margery; bap.
" April 2 James Huxley; bur.
" April 8 Will'm s. of Will'm Turton & Margaret; bap.
" April 15 Joyce d. of James Nash & Jane; bap.
" April 17 ffeales d. of Thomas Beard & Anne; bap.
" April 19 Edward Whitwicke; bur. April 20 Mary Lee; bur.
" April 22 James s. of James Weaver & Mary; bap.
" April 22 Alice d. of George Walker & Anne; bap.
" April 27 Martha Evans; bur. April 28 ffeales Beard; bur.
" May 1 Will'iam s. of Will'm Rowley & Ellenor; bap.
" May 1 Mary d. of Thomas Beled & Ellenor; bap.
" May 7 John Price; bur.
" May 8 Edward s. of Maurice Deakin & Ellenor; bap.
" May 8 Will'iam Gough; bur.
" May 26 Thomas s. of Thomas Bayley & Cicily; bap.
" May 28 ffrancis Roberts; bur. May 29 Elizabeth Eves; bur.
" May 30 Anne Harley; bur. June 3 Joane Lloyd; bur.
" June 3 Katharine Beard; bur.
" June 8 John s. of John Bushell & Anne; bap.
" June 15 John s. of John Brooke & Priscilla; bap.
" June 15 Richard s. of John Worthall & Margaret; bap.
" July 13 Mabell Davies; bur. July 15 Jane Oakes; bur.
" July 16 Sarah d. of Richard Geeres & Ellenor; bap.
" July 24 Thomas Davies; bur.
" July 29 Gertrude d. of Humfry Crump & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 3 Mary d. of Edward Dawley & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 4 Ellenor d. of Thomas Beard & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 7 Thomas s. of Thomas Signor, of the parish of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 11 Elizabeth d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 15 Richard Speed; bur.
" Aug. 17 Mary d. of Will'iam Chilton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 19 John s. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 27 John Bushell; bur.
" Sep. 1 Sarah d. of John Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 7 Alice d. of Humfry Lyster & Katharine; bap.
" Sep. 10 Anne Roberts; bur.
" Oct. 6 Joyce d. of Niccolas Asbury & Elizabeth; bap.
Benjamin s. of Mr ffra. Huxley & ffrances baptised about this tyme or in November.*
" Oct. 11 Anne Guest; bur.
" Oct. 21 Thomas s. of Richard Harnidge & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 24 Anne Walker; bur.
" Oct. 30 Samuel s. of John Armishrew & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 16 Samuel s. of Thomas Lyster & Isabel; bap.
" Nov. 18 Bettresse d. of John Steventon & Sarah; bap.
* This entry is interpolated, but is in same handwriting as the remainder of the page.


1656 Nov. 24 Roger Oakes; bur.
" Nov. 25 Anne d. of Will'iam Mayor & Ellenor; bap.
" Dec. 2 Hugh s. of Hugh Richards & Margaret; bap.
" Dec. 4 Thomas s. ffraneis Evans & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 7 ffrancis & Elizabeth children of ffrancis Sansone & Abigaffe; bap.
" Dec. 14 Margaret d. of ffrancis Whitehead & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 28 Robert Cole; bur.
" Jan. 1 Maurice Stokes & Ellenor Bradley; mar.
" Jan. 4 Joane d. of Thomas Rhodes & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 5 Thomas Orton & Anne Bridgwood; mar.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth d. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 11 Robert s. of Robert Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 20 Sarah d. of Will'm Evans & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 1 Elizabeth Sansone; bur.
" Feb. 7 Thomas Corbet & Jane Eves; mar.
" Feb. 9 John s. of Thomas Marsh & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 9 Richard Hand; bur.
" Feb. 10 John s. of John Ashton & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 10 Mary d. of John Chilton & Joane; bap.
" Feb. 15 Adam Palmer; bur.
" Feb. 19 George s. of George Phillips & ..; bap.
" Feb. 21 John s. of Thomas Bradeley & Alice; bap.
1637 Mar. 25 Elizabeth d. of Jerome Howlert & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 26 Elizabeth ffarmer; bur.
" April 1 Mabel wife of Mt John Huxley; bur.
" April 3 Cicily d. of Hercules Astley & Mary; bap.
" April 14 Thomas s. of Thomas Roberts & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 19 Samuel s. of Thomas Lee & Sarah; bap.
" April 19 John s. of Richard Lane & Elizah.; bap.
" April 26 Thomas s. of Joseph Passand & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 27 Richard s. of Evan Evans & Joane; bap.
" April 29 John Lane; bur.
" April 29 Will'iam Hartshorne; bur.
" May 1 ffrancis Bendbow & Elizab. Man; mar.
" May 38 Cornelius s. of John Taylor & Anne; bap.
" May 26* John Lewis & Elizabeth Morgan; mar.
" June 3 Mary d. of ffrancis Eves & Mary; bap.
" May 18* Evan Roberts & Ann Hemlock; mar.
" June 14 Richard Haddon; bur.
" June 18 Richard Henley; bur.
" June 28 Sarah Smith; bur.
" July 13 Ralph s. of John Hartshorne & , bap.
" July 16 Margaret d. of Joseph Bullock & Mary; bap.
" July 17 Jane Dyto; bur.
" July 21 Anne Langley; bur.
" July 26 John s. of Will'iam Bradeley & Anne; bap.
" July 26 Thomas s. of John Johnson & Margaret; bap.
" July 27 Thomas s. of John Bushell & Anne; bap.
" July 31 Elizabeth Simpson; bur.
" Aug. 1 Abigail d. of Will'm Morris & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 4 Sarah d. of Richard Smith & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 5 Thomas Bayly; bur.
" Aug. 10 Will'iam s. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 17 George s. of Will'iam Oakes & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 17 Hannah d. of Thomas Smith & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. It Thomas Bushell; bur.
* So dated in original.


1637 Aug. 30* ffrances d. of ffrancis Barret, deceased, & Margaret his wife; bap.
" Aug. 33* Edward s. of Edward Taylor, of Linley; bap.
" Sep. 18 Abigail d. of Will'iam Adams & Ruth; bap.
" Sep. 21 Joyce il. of Roger Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 22 Thomas s. of Richard Burgess & Bridget; bap.
" Sep. 23 George s. of George Roberts & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 27 Richard s. of Michael Harding & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 1 Cicily d. of Thomas Cripin & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 4 Samuel s. of Samuel Ramsell & Jane; bap.
" Oet. 18 Cicily d. of ffrancis Beech & Jane; bap.
" Nov, 3 Mary d. of ffrancis Oakes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 8 Edward s. of Edward Rowley & Margery; bap.
" Nov. 12 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Griffith & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 16 Jane Pugh; bur.
" Nov. 24 Mary d. of Edward Morgan & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 24 Anne d. of Thomas Corbett & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 6 Margaret d. of Niccolas Simpson & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 8 Richard s. of Maurice Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 8 Thomas Eaves; bur.
" Dec. 10 Mary Symons; bur.
" Dec. 25 Sylvanus s. of Sylvanus Myvart & Cornelia; bap.
" Dec. 25 James Nash; bur.
" Dec. 26 Anne d. of Edward Eves & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 1 Timothy s. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrancis; bap.
" Jan. 6 Mary d. of Rob't Bendbow & Margery; bap.
" Jan. 18 ffrancis Jones; bur.
" Jan. 19 Sarah d. of Maurice Deakin & Ellenor; bap.
" Jan. 24 Hugh s. of Thomas Cullis & Katharine; bap.
" Jan. 24 Thomas s. of Richard Rhoden & Elizab,; bap.
" Feb. 9 Samuel s. of John Mayer & Judith; bap.
" Feb. 11 Robert s. of Hugh Jones & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 14 Mary & Martha ds. of Will'iam Rutter & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 22 Anne of Roger Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 23 Will'iam & John sons of Will'iam Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Mar. 2 Maurice s. of Maurice Stokes & Ellenor; bap.
" Mar. 7 Will'iam s. of Richard Legge & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 9 Margaret d. of Thomas Tart & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 11 John Price; bur.
" Mar. 14. Edward s. of ffrancis Sansome & Abigail; bap.
" Mar. 14 James s. of James Nash & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 14 John s. of James Weaver & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 14 Thomas Burgesse; bur.
" Mar. 14 Katharine Clowes; bur.
" Mar. 17 Edward s. of Henry Tayler & Isabel; bap.
" Mar. 21 Will'iam Legge; bur.
" Mar. 23 Niccolas s. of Thomas Astbury & Elizabeth; bap.
1658 Mar. 25 Edward s. of Rob't Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 27 Margaret Guest; bur.
" Mar. 30 Isabel Taylour; bur.
" Mar. 31 John Hill; bur.
Will'iam S. of Will'm Aston, of Linley, & Dorothy was baptized in the beginning of April '58.
" April 6 Henry s. of Maurice Hartshorne & Dorothy; bap.
" April 20 Anne d. of Richard Preston & Anne; bap.
" May 4 Robert s. of Robert Lloyd & Margery; bap.
" May 4 Samuel s. of lattsiot, Shaw & Elizabeth; bap.


1658 May 17 Peter s. of Will'iam Holme & Mary; bap.
" May 18 Alice Brooke; bur.
" May 11 Bettrice Steventon; bur.
" June 6 Jane d. of Samuel Barker & Ellenor; bap.
" June 10 Judith Man; bur.
" June 13 Jane d. of Richard Blaney & Susan; bap.
" June 15 John s. of John Man & Joane; bap.
" July 11 Robert s. of Robert Morris & Margaret; bap.
" July 20 Katharine Okes; bur.
" Aug. 1 John s. of Ralph Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 4 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Bendbow & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 17 Anne d. of John Burgesse & Susan; bap.
" Aug. 12 Elizabeth d. of John Bushell & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 24 Thomas Morgan & Isabel Hughes; mar.
" Aug. 24 Sylvanus s. of John Bayley & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 28 John Man; bur.
" Aug. 29 Will'm s. of John Glour & Dorothy; bap.
" Aug. 29 Elizabeth d. of Will'm Lee & ffrances; bap.
" Sep. 2 Mary d. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 9 Will'iam Crompton & Sarah Adams; mar.
" Sep. 12 Will'iam s. of Richard Lane & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 12 Mary d. of Will'iam James & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 16 Mary Sheppard; bur.
" Sep. 19 Samuel s. of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 19 Evan Davies; bur.
" Sep. 11 John Biddall; bur.
" Sep. 23 Elizabeth Rivers; bur.
" Sep. 25 Robert Whitehead; bur.
" Sep. 28 Jonathan Prestwood & Elizabeth Rhodes; mar.
" Sep. 29 Cornelia d. of Robert Smitb & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 30 Anne d. of Richard Hand & Barbarie; bap.
" Oct. 12 John s. of Will'iam Hill & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 14 Elizabeth d. of George Pot & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 14 Mary d. of Richard Prestwood & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 14 Sarah d. of Tho. Rhodes & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 14 Katharine Cole; bur.
" Oct. 20 ffrancis Roberts & Katharine Millert; mar.
" Oct. 25 John Roe; bur.
" Nov. 3 Edward s. of Thomas Nash & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 4 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Joane & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 11 Roger Mason; bur.
" Nov. 15 Joane Clarke; bur.
" Nov. 13 Jane Stoakes; bur.
" Nov. 18 John s. of John Rhoden & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 11 Henry s. of Griffith Evans & Katharine; bap.
" Nov. 22 John Rogerson; bur.
" Nov. 24 Alice Speed; bur.
" Nov. 26 Judith Mayer; bur.
" Dec. 16 Robert Owen; bur.
" Dec. 19 Edward Blicke; bur.
" Jan. 4 Thomas s. of John Hartshorne & Anne, of Bentall; bap.
" Jan. 9 Richard s. of John Brooke & Priscilla; bap.
" Jan. 12 Will'iam Weston; bur.
" Jan. 15 Jane d. of John Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 16 Richard Marsh; bur.
" Jan. 22 John s. of Thomas Beard & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 23 John s. of John Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 23 Daniel s. of John Armishrew & Elizabeth; bap.


1658 Jan. 30 Samuel Taylor; bur.
" Feb. 1 Joane d. of Will'iam Rowley & Ellenor; bap.
" Feb. 2 John s. of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 4 Richard Harnidge; bur.
" Feb. 6 Rosamond d. of Thomas Leyster & Isabell; bap.
" Feb. 8 Elizabeth d. of Robert Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 17 Susan Rhodes; bur. Feb. 18 Will'm Pugh; bur.
" Feb. 20 Will'm Goodman; bur.
" Feb. 21 Magdelen Cullis; bur.
" Feb. 25 Will'iam Chilton; bur.
" Feb. 25 Richard Bradley; bur.
" Feb. 26 Thomas Rogers; bur.
" Feb. 26 Anne Russell; bur.
" Feb. 27 Joane Hacklewit; bur.
" Mar. 2 Hester d. of ffrancis Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Mar. 3 John s. of John Harris & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 3 Richard s. of Rob't Evans & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 7 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Hughes alias Jones & .. his wife; bap.
" Mar. 7 ffeales d. of Evan Davies & Margery; bap.
" Mar. 8 Richard s. of ffra. Golden & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 8 ffrancis s. of John Poole & Rebecca; bap.
" Mar. 13 Thomas s. of Tho. Bayley & Ellenor; bap.
" Mar. 15 Will'iam s. of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 16 David Roberts; bur. Mar. 20 Gilbert Evans; bur.
1659 April 4 John s. of Thomas Millinton, of Bentall, & .. his wife; bap.
" April 4 Daniel Robey & Sinai Dawley; mar.
" April 16 A chrysome child of Hugh Cullis & Elizab.; bur.
" April 20 Sarah d. of Will'iam Morris & Mary; bap.
" April 20 Marmaduke Morris & Anne Smith; mar.
" April 24 Alice d. of Tho. Goodale & Alice; bap.
" April 24 Mary d. of Tho. Bradley & Alice; bap.
" May 1 Robert Jones; bur.
" May 3 Gertrude d. of Will'iam Bendbow & Isabel; bap.
" May 5 Ambrose s. of Thomas Bowkley & Joyce; bap.
" May 8 ffrancis s. of Richard Legg & Jane; bap.
" May 18 Hugh Price; bur.
" May 22 Elizabeth wife of Will'm Smith; bur.
" May 23 Mary d. of James Squire & Mary; bap.
" May 23 John s. of John Steventon & Sarah; bap.
" June 5 Edward s. of David Roberts & Anne; bap.
" June 18 Jane Hartshorne; bur.
" June 20 John Beddow & Margaret Morris; mar.
" June 24 Godfrey Signer & Jane Morgan; mar.
" June 29 John Bradeley & Isabel' Morehall; mar.
" June 22 Thomas Hartshorne; bur.
" July 3 Edmund s. of Henry Taylor; bap.
" July 6 Sarah d. of Will'iam Morris; bur.
" July 13 Isabel Speed; bur.
" July 18 Elizabeth d. of John Whitmore & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 18 Alice d. of Thomas Goodale; bap.
" July 21 Anne d. of Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" July 31 Margery Blisse; bur.
" Aug. 4 .. s. of Tho. Roberts & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 6 Anne d. of Will'iam Armishrew & Joane; bap.

* So dated in original.


1659 Aug. 7 Ellenor d. of John Will'iams & Anne; bap.
" Aug. .. s. of Thomas Pugh & Margery; bap.
" Aug. 18 Gertrude d. of ffrancis Eves & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 11 Andrew s. of Charles Parton & Ellenor; bap.
" Aug. 28 Elizabeth d. of Daniel Powell & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 18 Sylvanus s. of John Signer & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 11 George Stoakes; bur.
" Sep. 29 Joseph s. of Joseph Bullocke & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 2 John s. of Joseph Hazledine & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 3 Richard s. of Henry Eves & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 10 George s. of Roger Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 10 Richard s. of ffrancis Roberts, of the Gin., & Dorothy; bap.
" Oct. 13 Robert s. of Richard Geeres & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 19 Joyce d. of Daniel Powel; bur.
" Oct. 23 John s. of Joseph Griffis & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 23 Joyce d. of Tho. & Isabel Morgan; bap.
" Oct. 26 Will'iam s. of ffrancis Roberts, of ye Ridding, & Katharine; bap.
" Nov. 3 Edward Myvart; bur.
" Nov. 10 John s. of Humfrey Crumpe & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 17 Elizabeth d. of Sylvanus Myvart & Cornelia; bap.
" Nov. 23 Samuel s. of Richard Smith, of Bentall; bap.
" Nov. 21 Rosamond d. of Tho. Lyster; bur.
" Nov. 27 John s. of Thomas Eastopp, of the Bower; bap.
" Dec. 8 John Guest & Cicily Hartshorne; mar.
" Dec. 17 Milbrough d. of Edward Jones & Jane; bap.
Misplac'd Feb. 27 Timothy s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 24 ffrancis s. of Will'iam Pierce & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 24 Milbrough d. of Edward Jones & Jane; bur.
" Dec. 27 George Hartshorne & Elizabeth Eves; mar.
" Dec. 28 ffrancis Hitchock & Alice Wollford; mar.
" Dec. 29 Will'iam s. of Thomas Symonds; bap.
" Jan. 1 Mary d. of Thomas Beard & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 4 ffrancis s. of Richard Jones; bap.
" Jan. 9 A chrysome son of ffrancis Nash & Elizab.; bur.
" Jan. 10 Anne d. of Thomas Ball & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 13 Thomas s. of John Richards; bur.
" Jan. 17 Will'iam s. of Hugh Griffiths; bap.
" Jan. 19 Richard s. of Thomas Smith; bur.
" Jan. 20 Jane d. of Edward Eves, junior, & Anne; bur.
" Jan. 22 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Whithead & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 14 Katherine wife of Thomas Smith; bur.
" Jan. 26 Thomas s. of Will'iam Evans & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 2 Will'iam Bowen & Millicent Kendricke; mar.
" Feb. 10 John s. of Ralph Barker; bur.
" Feb. 12 A childe of Hercules Ashley & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 13 Judith d. of John Mayer; bur.
" Feb. 17 Gwen Cox, widow; bur.
" Feb. 19 Mary d. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
The former page Timothy s. of Thomas Evans; [blank].
" Mar. 2 Edward s. of Tho. Heynes; bur.
" Mar. 4 Thomas s. of Hugh Jones & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 4. Edward s. of Edward Dawley & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 7 Sylvanus s. of Sylvanus Myvert; bap.
" Mar. 22 Roger s. of Roger Jones & Joyce; bap.
1660 Mar. 25 Elenor d. of John Bradley & Isabel; bap.
" April 1 A chrysome son of John Beddow; bur.
" April 1 Alice wife of Evan Davies; bur.
" April 2 Jeremiah Howlert; bur.


1660 April 2 Martin Griffith & Anne Bendbow; mar.
" April 3 Richard s. of Richard Shaw & Mary; bap.
" April 5 John s. of Maurice Jones & Sarah; bap.
" April 10 Caleb s. of Humfr. Harris & Joan; bap.
" Apri1 12 Benjamin s. of Richard Rutter & .. his wife; bap.
" April 23 John s. of Anthony Robinson & Mary; bap.
" April 25 A daughter of Griffith Evans; bur.
" April 28 Elizabeth wife of Will'iam Morris ye elder; bur.
" May 8 Charles s. of Maurice Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Dorothy; bap.
" May 8 Samuel s. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" May 9 A chrisome son of Godfrey Signer the younger; bur.
" May 13 Etlenur d. of Maurice Deakin & Elinor; bap.
" May 13 Elizabeth d. of John Johnson & Margaret; bap.
" May 20 Anne d. of Maurice Shaw & .. his wife bap.
" June 3 Ellenor d. of Richard Harnedge; bur.
" June 3 Elizabeth Harding; bur.
" June 28 Elizabeth d. of Will'm Morris, jun., & Mary; bap.
" July 15 Charles s. of Thomas Lee & Sarah; bap.
" July 16 Will'm s. of ffra. Oakes & Elizab.; bap.
" July 29 Thomas s. of Christopher Symson; bap.
" Aug. 5 James s. of Daniel Roby, of the Bower; bap.
" Aug. 19 Richard s. of John Aston & Anne (of Bentall); bap.
" Aug. 26 Timothy s. of Thomas Smith & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 26 Thomas s. of Will'm James, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 26 Anne d. of Ralph Barker & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 28 Winifred wife of Will'm Richards, from Linley; bur.
" Aug. 29 Mary d. of George Roberts & Maly; bap.
" Sep. 2 ffrancis Owen, Cl'r'e; bur.
" Sep. 8 Elizab. wife of Edward Guest; bur.
" Sep. 9 Maurice Cadman & his son; bur.
" Sep. 9 ffrances d. of Mr ffra. Huxley & ffrances; bap.
" Sep. 16 Will'm s. of Sam. Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 16 Joseph s. of Thomas Hughes, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 16 Edward s. of Thomas Nash; bur.
" Sep. 23 Will'iam s. of Edward Russell; bur.
" Sep. 30 Richard s. of Tho. Lyster & Isabel; bap.
" Oct. 3 Margaret d. of Mr John Langley, of ye Tuckyes; bur.
" Oct. 4 Sarah d. of Richard Geares; bur.
" Oct. 7 Elizabeth d. of Tho. Goodale & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 8 John s. of Humfrey Crump; bur.
" Oct. 10 Thomas Owen; bur.
" Oct. 23 Elizabeth d. of John Harris, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 23 Mary d. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 23 Robert s. of Richard Geares; bur.
" Oct. 30 Jane d. of John Guest, jun., & Cid!), bap.
" Oct. 30 Gertrude d. of Will'iam Meyre; bur.
" Nov. 1 John s. of Hugh Cullis & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 20 Margaret wife of Edward Averall; bur.
" Nov. 21 Stephen Mathewes; bur.
" Nov. 30 A chrysome daughter of ffrancis Nash; bur.
" Dec. 2 Will'iam the base son of Robert Cooper; bap.
" Dec. 13 Samuel s. of Marmaduke Morris & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 21 Elizabeth d. of John Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 23 Sarah d. of Tho. Cullis & Katherizz; bap.
" Dec. 23 Margaret d. of Maurice Stoakes Ellenor; bap.
" Dec. 27 Samuel s. of John Witwicke & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 27 Sarah d. of ffra. Bendbow & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 27 Dorothy d. of Tho ..; bap.


1660 Dec. 30 George s. of John Lewis, jun., & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 1 Rebecca d. of ffrancis Barret; bur.
" Jan. 2 Timothy s. of Thomas Smith; bur.
" Jan. 3 Gertrude d. of Will'm Meyre & Ellenor; bap.
" Jan. 7 Will'iam Moore & Jane Crompton; mar.
" Jan. 16 Will'iam s. of Warm Bendbow, jun., & Isabel; bap.
" Jan. 21 Edward s. of Edward Eves & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 27 Richard s. of Winn Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Feb. 3 John s. of ffrancis Sansome & Abigaile; bap.
" Feb. 11 Joyce d. of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 17 Joane cf. of John Lewis alias Jones & ; bap.
" Feb. 24 Thomas s. of George Hartshorne & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 26 Thomas s. of Mr Will'm Crompton & Sarah; bap.
Jonathan Jones & Ann Calcutt marryed the beginning of March.
" Mar. 11 Margaret d, of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
1661 Mar. 23 Joseph s. of Holmes, junior, & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 21 Mary d. of Thu. Haddon, jun., & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 31 Catherine Cadman, widow; bur.
" April 2 Mary d. of Thu. Corbet & Jane; bap.
" April 2 Elizab. d. of Thu. Ball & Elizab.; bap.
" April 4 Mary d. of John Drake, of Bentall, & Priscilla; bap.
" April 6 Roger the base son of Robert Hughes & Cicily Bayley; bap.
" April 9 John s. of Maurice Cadman, deceased, & Amy; bap.
" April 9 A daughter of Thomas Corbet & Jane; bur.
" April 11 Elizabeth d. of Will'm Lee; bur.
" April 12 John s. of Maurice Cadman; bur.
" April 14 Joseph & Mary twins of Richard Rhoden & Elizab.; bap.
" April 18 Anne d. of Thu. Jones alias Hughes & fume (sic, ? Jane); bap.
" April 19 John s. of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" April 21 ffrancis s. of Tho. Jones & Margart; bap.
" April 26 Thomas Parker; bur.
" April 26 A chrisome son of Will'm Rutter, of Bentall; bur.
" April 28 Ruth d. of Michael Harding & Jane; bap.
" April 28 Elizab. Hayes; bur.
" May 1 Sarah d. of Thu. Beard, jun', & Margaret; bap.
" May 2 Philip s. of Thu. Signer, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" May 5 A child of John Matta, of Bentall, & Cicily; bap.
" May 6 Thomas s. of Tho. Asbury & Elizab.; bap.
" May 9 Richard s. of Tho. Roberts & Elizab,; bap.
" May 13 Thomas s. of Tho. Asbury; bur.
" May 22 Walter ap Hugh; bur.
" May 24 A chrysome son of Richard Lane; bur.
" May 25 Margaret Harris, wid.; bur.
" May 26 Robert s. of Rob. Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" June 9 Ruth d. of Martin Griffis & Anne; bap.
" June 16 Mary d. of Edw. Dawley, of Bentall, & Alice; bap.
" June 17 Thomas Lloyd; bur.
" June 18 Joseph s. of Will'm Holmes, junior; bur.
" June 22 Sarah d. of Tho. Baggily & Mary; bap.
" June 23 Elizabeth d. of Jonathan Prestwood Eliz.; bap.
" June 30 Mary d. of John Nurthell & Margaret; bap.
" July 10 Nicholas Chariton; bur.
" July 14 Will'm s. of Robt Lloyd & Margery; bap.
" July 20 Thomas Rowley & Anne Lyster; mar.
" July 21 Will'm s. of Robert Morris & Margaret; bap.
" July 23 Mary d. of Robs Love & Margaret; bap.
" July 27 Maurice s. of Maurice Stoakes; bur.
" Aug. 11 Elizab. d. of Griffith Evans & Katherine; bap.


1661 Sep. 3 ffrancis s. of John Will'iams & Ursula; bap.
" Sep. 3 Elizab. d. of Tho. Chilton & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 10 Edward Oakly; bur.
" Sep. 17 W John Langley, of ye Amias; bur.
" Sep. 22 Jane the wife of Will'iam Pierce; bur.
" Oct. 2 Cicily d. of Hercules Ashley; bur.
" Oct. 7 Judith wife of Nehemiah Paramour; bur.
" Oct. 13 Will'm s. of John Poole & Rebecca; bap.
" Oct. 13 Elizabeth d. of Sylvanus Myvert, junior; bur.
" Oct. 14 Richard s. of Tho. Lyster; bur.
" Oct. 20 John s. of Godfrey Signer, jun., & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 21 Alice d. of Hercules Ashley; bur.
" Oct. 21 Richard a base son of ffra. Hadden & Anne Smith; bap.
" Oct. 23 Roger a base son of Robt Hughes & Cicily Bayley; bur.
" Oct. 24 ffrancis s. of Roger Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 27 Ellenor d. of Rich. Hill & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 28 Robert s. of Robt Price; bur.
" Nov. 1 Mary d. of Dan. Powell & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 4 ffrancis Oakes; bur.
" Nov. 5 John s. of Edward Jones alias Lewis & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 7 Will'iam Lee; bur.
" Nov. 20 Edmund s. of Hen. Taylor & Elizab.; bur.
" Nov. 21 Mary d. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 22 Mary d. of Rich. Legg & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 27 John s. of Tho. Beard, junior, & Margaret; bur.
" Nov. 28 Rachel d. of John Armishrew & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 5 Elizabeth d. of Tho. Rowley; bap.
" Dec. 13 Ellenor d. of Tho. Beard; bur.
" Dec. 15 Maurice s. of John Adams & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 19 Rachel d. of John Armishrew; bur.
" Dec. 22 Elizabeth d. of John Rhoden & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 31 Henry s. of Anthony Robinson; bap.
" Jan. 6 Humfry s. of Will'm Turton & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 12 Edward s. of Rowland Core & Elizab.bap.
" Jan. 14. George s. of Rich. Smith, of Bents, & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 19 Richard s. of Hugh Evans & . . . . his wife; bap.
" Jan. 27 Mary d. of ffrancis Roberts & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 28 Mary same d. of sayd ffrancis Roberts; bur.
" Feb. 3 Isabel Bendbow; bur.
" Feb. 5 Edward Pugh,. jun., & Mary Owen; mar.
" Feb. 9 Richard s. of James Squire & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 9 Richard s. of Richard Bayley & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 9 Jane d. of Jonathan Jones & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 12 Richard a base son of Elizabeth Morrall; bap.
" Feb. 26 John s. of James Hartshorne, of Bentall; bap.
" Feb. 27 ffrancis s. of Mr Will'm Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 3 ffrancis s. of Mr ffrancis Huxley; bur.
" Mar. 11 Mary d. of Tho. Nash & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 13 Joane wife of Will'm Armishrew; bur.
" April 1 Margaret d. of John Bradley & Isabel; bap.
1662 April 7 Charles s. of Will'iam Bloor & Jane; bap.
" April 10 Mary d. of Thomas Beard, junior, & Margaret; bap.
" April 14 John s. of John Haddon & Margaret; bap.
" April 17 Mary d. of Christopher Simpson & Mary; bap.
" April 19 Laurence s. of Thomas Bradley & Alice; bap.
" April 19 Priscilla d. of Thomas Morgan & Isabel; bap.
" May 5 ffrancis Morrall; bur.
" May 6 George s. of Will'iam Bowkley & Jane; bap.


1662 May 8 Joseph & Mary twins of Richard Rhoden & Eliz.; bap.
" May 11 Mary d. of Maurice Deakin & Ellenor; bap.
" May 13 George s. of John Guest, junior, & Cicely; bap.
" May 25 Edward s. of Thomas Hargesse & Anne; bap.
" May 27 ffrancis s. of Thomas Asbury & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 29 Katherine d. of John Millington, of Rental, & .. his wife; bap.
" June 3 John s. of Humfrey Crump & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jane 8 Samuel s. of Charles Parton & Ellenor; bap.
" June 10 Robert Evans; bur.
" June 13 Alice d, of Will'iam Adams & Ruth; bap.
" June 16 John s. of John Will'iams, of Severne Side, & .. his wife; bap.
" July 6 Will'iam s. of Will'iam James, of Bental, & .. his wife; bap.
" July 27 John s. of Edward Jones alias Asbury & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 5 John s. of Thomas Price alias Davies; bap.
" Aug. 7 Thomas s. of the sayd Thomas Price; bur.
" Aug. 24 Anne d. of Hurnfry Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 24 Richard s. of Robert Freese & ffrances; bap.
" Aug. 31 Richard s. of Richard Rutter & Elicitor; bap.
" Sep. 3 Thomas s. of Joane d. of Edward Rowley; bap.
" Sep. 9 Gertrude d. of John Key & Rebecca; bap.
" Oct. 5 John Man; bur.
" Oct. 8 George Roberts; bur.
" Oct. 25 Sarah d. of Thomas Bayley & Ellenor; bap.
" Nov. 5 Robert s. of Richard Lane & .. his wife; bap.
" Nov. 9 Judith Jones; bur.
" Nov. 18 Elizabeth d. of James Cox; bur.
" Nov. 19 Mary wife of Will'iam Holmes, senior; bur.
" Dec. 2 Anne wife of Mr Andrew Langley; bur.
" Dec. 7 Anne d. of Thomas Hughes & .. his wife; bap.
" Dec. to Henry Redhead; bur.
" Dec. 4 Robert s. of Robert Evans & .. his wife; bap.
" Dec. 27 Anne d. of ffrancis Bendbow, junior, & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 4 Anne d, of Daniel Robey, of Bentalk, & .. his wife; bap.
" Jan. 8 Thomas Pugh; bur.
" Jan. 9 Ralph ffoord; bur.
" Jan. 10 John s. of John Bushell & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 16 Robert Bostock; bur.
" Jan. 25 Anne d. of Will'iam ffetter alias tfitters & .. his wife; bap.
" Jan. 27 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Lloyd & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 31 Joyce Tannet, widow; bur.
" Feb. 1 Will'iam s. of Mr Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 2 Mary d. of Edward Pugh & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 2 Anne d. of Hugh Richards & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. 3 John s. of Thomas Lewis & Katherine; bap.
" Feb. 5 John s. of John Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 5 Edward s. of Thomas Ball & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 18 John s. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 22 Thomas s. of John Aston, of Bentall, & his wife; bap.
" Feb. 11 George s. of ffrancis Roberts & Katherine; bap.
" Feb. 22 Thomas s. of Christopher Simpson; bur.
" Feb. 26 Alice Meyre, widow; bar.
" Mar. 2 George s. of ffrancis Roberts & Katherine; bur.
" Mar. 5 Edward s. of Thia. Burgesse; bur.
" Mar. 17 Hannah d. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 18 John s. of John B....d & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 19 Dorothy d. of (Daniel I) Roberts & Dorothy, of Severnside; bap.

Here endeth the second Register Book and was renewed Anna Dom. 1667.
pr Andrew Langley and Will'iam Bouckley being then Churchwardens.


1663 Mar. 26 Hugh son of Richard & Mary Walton, of Bentall; bap.
" April 5 Daniel son of Thomas & Ellenor Symonds; bap.
" April 9 Will'iam Bucknall; bur. April 12 John son of John & Sarah Adams; bap.
" April 12 John the son of John Meyre; bur.
" April 19 Francis son of Edward Eves, junior, & Anne; bap.
" April 20 Francis the same son of sayd Edward Eves; bur.
" April 30 Margaret Marsh, widow; bur.
" May 1 Mary da. of Thomas & Mary Jones, of Bentall; bap.
" May 5 Anne da. of Henry & Elizabeth Eves; bap.
" May 7 John Tyler; bur.
" May 12 Clement Dytcher; bur.
" May 13 Elizabeth da. of Roger & Frances Davies; bap.
" May 14 Francis Roberts, of Severnside; bur.
" May 16 Jane da. of Richard Madelin & Jane; bur.
" May 18 Elizabeth Tilley, widow, of the parish of Bildwas; bur.
" May 25 A da. of Thomas Rhodes; bur.
" May 28 John son of Francis & Joane Francis, of Bentall; bap.
" June 7 John son of Hugh & Margaret Richards; bur.
" June 9 Lawrence Palmer & Sarah Walters; mar.
" June 9 John Wood & Elizabeth Rowley; mar.
" June 14 Margaret wife of Francis Goulden; bur.
" June 17 Dorothy Roberts, widow; bur.
" June 24 Anne da. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 24 John son of John & Cicily Mats, of Bentall; bap.
" June 28 John son of Raphiel & Mary Hare; bap.
" June 29 Joyce da. of John Worthin; bur.
" July 3 Henry son of Griffith Evans; bur.
" July 12 John son of Thomas Ball; bur.
" July 18 Katherine da. of Mr Edward Bentall, of Bentall, & Fortune his wife; bap.
" July 20 Francis son of Francis & Elizabeth Okes; bap.
" Aug. 23 Jane da. of Martin & Anne Griffith; bap.
" Sep. 6 Job son of John & Margaret Johnson; bap.
" Sep. 8 Will'iam Morris; bur.
" Sep. 8 Elizabeth da. of Francis Eves; bur.
" Sep. 24 Will'iam son of Peter Wood; bur.
" Sep. 25 Mary da. of John Armishrew; bur.
" Sep. 29 Thomas son of John Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 2 Will'iam son of Thomas & Jane Corbet; bap.
" Oct. 6 Mary da. of Maurice & Elizabeth Shaw; bap.
" Oct. 11 Christopher son of Niccolas & Elizabeth Simpson; bap.
" Oct. 18 Thomas German & Isabel Strutton; mar.
" Oct. 18 John son of John & Katherine Thomicroft; bap.
" Oct. 20 A chrisome son of Thomas Haddon; bur.
" Oct. 21 Charles son of Mr Francis Huxley & Frances his wife; bap.
" Oct. 25 Elizabeth da. of Maurice & Ellenor Stoakes; bap.
" Oct. 30 Elizabeth wife of Tho. Haddon; bur.
" Nov. 2 Elizabeth da. of Marmaduke & Anne Morris; bap.
" Nov. 3 Humfrey Leyster, junior, & Elizabeth Smith; mar.
" Nov. 3 Isabel da. of Jonathan & Elizab. Presthood; bap.
" Nov. 15 Joseph son of Richard Rhoden & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 19 Anne da. of Thomas Garner, of Bentall, & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 22 Joyce da. of John Brooke, of Bentall, & Priscilla; bap.
" Nov. 23 Will'iam son of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 26 Anne da. of Thomas Leyster & Isabel; bap.
" Nov. 30 Will'iam Pierce & Gwen ....; mar.
" Dec. 3 Richard son of Robert Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 3 Isabel wife of John Bradley; bur.


1663 Dec. 6 Ellenor Bowkley, widow; bur.
" Dec. 17 Martin Griffith; bur.
" Dec. 28 Mary da. of Roger Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 31 John son of Will'iam Bowkley & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 1 Judith d. of Will'm Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Jan. 3 Thomas son of Thomas Beard & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 4 Mary da. of Hugh Cullis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 9 Richard son of Thomas Hughes & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 9 John Clarke; bur.
" Jan. 17 Sarah da. of Thomas Burgesse & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 23 John son of Thomas Bayley; bur.
" Jan. 24 Mary da. of James Hartshorn, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 24 Sarah da. of Francis Beech & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 24 Anne da. of Thomas Hughes & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 27 Hugh son of Richard Walton; bur.
" Jan. 28 Mary da. of Christopher Simpson; bur.
" Jan. 30 Richard Pierce, junior, & Frances Onions; mar.
" Jan. 31 Oliver son of Thomas Eastop, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 6 John son of Thomas Beard, junior, & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 7 James son of John Guest, junior, & Cicily; bap.
" Feb. 13 Elizabeth base child of Edward Cheshire & Jane Elcox; bap.
" Feb. 21 Sarah da. of Edward Jones; bur.
" Feb. 26 Elizabeth da. of Richard Lane; bur.
" Feb. 26 Francis Griffith & Jane Owen; mar.
" Feb. 28 Richard Eaves & Joane Owen; mar.
" Mar. 12 Richard Chiltern; bur.
" Mar. 13 Uriah son of Robert Cooper & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 14 John son of Raphiel Hare; bur.
" Mar. 14 Mary da. of Hugh Cullis; bur.
" Mar. 22 Elizabeth da. of Mr Will'm Crompton & Sarah; bap.
1664 Mar. 26 Katherine da. of Daniel Powell & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 27 Dorothy Davies, wid.; bur.
" April 1 Elizabeth da. of Jonothan Jones & Anne; bap.
" April 1 Francis Whitehead; bur.
" April 6 Will'iam son of John Worthin; bur.
" April 8 Robert son of Richard Lane; bur.
" April 11 Isabel da. of Francis Sansome & Abigail; bap.
" April 11 Francis son of Edward Dawley & Alice; bap.
" April 20 Ellenor Beard, widow; bur.
" April 26 George son of George Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 27 John Steventon; bur.
" May 5 Joseph son of Richard Rhoden; bur. May 8 Alice Lee, widow; bur.
" May 8 John son of Humfrey I lilton, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" May 11 Ellenor da. of John Bradley; bur.
" May 12 Damaris da. of Tho. Jones & Mary; bap.
" May 12 Alice da. of Lawrence Palmer & Sarah; bap.
" May 12 Jane da. of Joyce Whitehead; bap.
" May 16 Mary da. of John Smith & Jane; bap.
" May 22 Mary da. of Will'm Preston & Rebecca; bap.
" May 22 A chrisome son of Francis Roberts; bur.
" June 5 Mary da. of Tho. Rowley & Anne; bap.
" June 13 Katherine da. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" June 13 Elizabeth da. of Godfrey Signer, junior, & Jane; bap.
" June 14 George Thomas & Joane Jasper; mar.
" June 14 John son of John Steventon & Sarah; bap.
" June 19 John son of John Sutton & Margaret; bap.
" June 20 Elizabeth da. of Godfrey Signer, jun.; bur.


1664 June 25 Cicily Barker; bur.
" June 25 John Price; bur.
" June 26 Anne da. of Anne James, of Bentall, wid.; bap.
" June 27 Richard son of John Pierce & Anne; bap.
" June 28 Roger Owen; bur.
" June 29 Edward Davies & Mary Price; mar.
" July 7 Edward Haddon; bur.
" July 17 Thomas son of Robert Morris & Margaret; bap.
" July 17 John son of John Witwicke & Joyce; bap.
" July 19 John son of John Harley, of Bentall, & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 24 Elizabeth da. of Robert Lloyd & Margery; bap.
" July 24 Thomas son of Humfrey Crumpe & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 25 Robert Smith, jun., & Mary Wheelright; mar.
" July 26 John son of Tho. Ball & Elizab.; bap.
" July 28 Ellenor wife of Richard Harnage; bur.
" July 28 Mary da. of Francis Armishrew, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" July 29 George son of Joane Morrell, widow; bur.
" Aug. 7 Elizabeth da. of Sarah Steventon, widow; bap.
" Aug. 14 Mary da. of Anthony Robinson & Mary; bap.
" Ang. 15 Edward son of Richard Hill & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 15 Mary Huxley, widow; bur.
" Aug. 16 Edward Eves, senior; bur.
" Aug. 27 Parnel da. of George Thomas & Joane; bap.
" Sep. 8* Richard Corbet & Cornelia Mivert, wid.; mar.
" Aug. 30 Sarah da. of Tho. Bowkley, of Bentall, & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 11 Mary da. of Thomas Asbury & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 18 John son of Will'iam Armishrew & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 18 Michael son of Edward Taylor, of Linley, & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 23 Will'iam son of Thomas German & Isabel; bap.
" Sep. 25 Martha da. of Will'iam Gethin, of Bentall, & Eliz.; bap.
" Sep. 25 Mary da. of Richard Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 30 Edward Transome & Alice Hartshorne; mar.
" Sep. 29* Joseph Eves; bur.
" Oct. 1 John Johnson; bur.
" Oct. 2 Mary Preese; bur.
" Oct. 8 Joane wife of Richard Lloyd; bur.
" Oct. 11 Charles son of Richard Smith & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 11 Elizabeth da. of Edward Eves & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 13 Elizabeth Holmes; bur.
" Oct. 18 John Will'iams & Mary Haseldine; mar.
" Oct. 20 John son of Will'iam Meyre & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 20 Elizabeth da. of Richard Eves & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 23 Saphira da. of Cha. Parton & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 23 Will'iam Biddle & Elizabeth ffarmer; mar.
" Oct. 27 Sarah da. of Will'm Lloyd & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 29 Thomas son of Tho. Bradley & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 1 Moses son of Edward Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 2 Joane Holmes; bur.
" Nov. 7 Richard Allen & Sarah Davies; mar.
" Nov. 12 Alice Wheelwright; bur.
" Nov. 15 Richard Price; bur.
" Nov. 16 John Beard; bur.
" Nov. 17 Anne da. of John Rhoden & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 30 Rowland Barker; bur.
" Nov. 30 Richard son of Richard Eves & Joane; bap.
" Dec. 2 Sylvanus son of John Rhoden, jun., & Joane; bap.

* So dated in original.


1664 Dec. 30* Rebecca da. of Richard Pierce & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 4 Edward son of John Lewis & Etizab.; bap.
" Dec. 4 Joyce da. of John Lewis, junior, & Elizab,; bap.
" Dec. 7 John sun of John Man & Joane; bap.
" Dec. 7 Elizabeth da. of Edward Bewail, of Bentall. & Fortune; bap.
" Dec. 8 Charles son of Richard Smith, of & Bentall & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 8 Edward Matthewes; bur.
" Dec. 9 John a base son of Dorothy Fines; bap.
" Dec. 18 Elizabeth da. of Hen. Taylor & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 21 Ruth da. of Joseph Bullocke & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 23 Benjamin son of Will'm Rowley & Ellenor; bap.
" Dec. 25 John son of John Poole & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 30 Niccolas son of Niccolas Simpson; bur.
" Dec. 31 Joane wife of George Thomas; bur.
" Jan. 1 Rob't Will'iams; bur.
" Jan. 2 Edward son of Robert Will'iams & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 2 Anne da. of Era. Eves & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 3 Robert son of George Reynolds & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 6 Hannah da. of John Will'iafns & Ursula; bap.
" Jan. 17 Will'iam son of Richard Legg & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 22 Will'iam son of Will'iam Beard & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 22 Elizabeth da. of John Beddow & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. 7 Francis son of Raphael Hare & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 7 Hannah da. of Richard Rutter & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 8 Hugh son of Hugh Jones; bur.
" Feb. 9 Robert Salisbury; bur.
" Feb. 14 Elizabeth wife of Robert Ogden, c'ke; bur.
" Feb. 19 Hercules Aston; bur.
" Feb. 26 Hannah da. of Thomas Morgan & Isabel; bap.
" Feb. 29 Jane da. of Walter Hartshorne & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 29 Francis son of John Adams & Sarah; bap.
1665 Mar. 26 Anne Lloyd; bur.
" Mar. 29 Cicily da. of John Rhoden; bur.
" April 2 Cicily da. of Francis Beech; bur.
" April 2 Jane da. of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" April 3 James son of James Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" April 4 Mary da, of John Guest & Cicily (Linley); bap.
" April 4 Syleanus son of Thomas Bayley & Ellenor; bap.
" April 6 Elizabeth da. of Robert Pearse, of Linley, & Maudlin (Linley); bap.
" April 8 A chrisome child of Francis Roberts & Katherine; bur.
" April 9 Richard son of John Worthin & Sarah; bap.
" April 9 Elizabeth da. of Robert Pearse Linley); bur.
" April 12 Thomas son of Edward Dawley & Anne; bap.
" April 12 ffeies da. of Anne Beard, widow; bap.
" April 13 Mary da. of Edward Edwards & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 18 Sarah da. of Mr Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" April 19 George Eaton; bur.
" April 21 Roger son of Thomas Millington, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" April 21 Thomas son of Edward Dawley & Anne; bur.
" April 25 Elizabeth da. of Francis Bendbow & Elizab.; bap.
" April 27 Francis son of John Will'iams & Anne; bap.
" April 29 Thomas Shaw & Elizabeth Hazlewood; mar.
" May 1 Will'iam ffarmer; bur.
" May 4 Millesent da. of Richard Lane & Abigail; bap.
" May 4 Katherine da. of Tho. Collis & Katherine; bap.

* So dated in original


1665 May 19 Richard son of Thomas Hughes; bur.
" May 21 Joyce da, of Maurice Shaw & Elizab.; bap.
" May 21 Anthony Key; bur.
" May 28 Will'iam son of Robert Will'iams & Juane; bap.
" June 11 Elizabeth da. of Jonathan Jones; bur.
" June 24 Thomas sun of Will'iam Bendbow & Isabel; bap.
" July 6 Maurice son of Thomas Harper & Ellenur; bap.
" July 9 Richard son of Thomas Ball; bur.
" July 12 Sarah da. of ffra. Owen & Joyce; bap.
" July 16 Roger son of Richard Rhoden & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 16 Gertrude da. of John Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" July 18 Richard son of Edward Transome, of Bentall, & Alice; bap.
" July 30 Margaret da. of Will'iam Spragge & Elizab.; bap.
" July 31 John Holmes & Ruth Eves; mar.
" Aug. 3 Anne da. of Richard Crompton & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 16 Reynold Griffis; bur.
" Aug. 21 Thomas son of Thomas Beard, jun.; bur.
" Aug. 26 Dorcas a base daughter of Mathew Morrall & Jane Nash; bap.
" Aug. 27 John son of Robert Smith & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 30 Edward son of Tho. Nash & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 8 Mary da. of John Harris. jun., & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 10 John son of Lawrence Millington, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 10 Cicily da. of Winn Hill & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 13 Cornelia da. of John Rhodes & Anne; bur.
" Sep. 17 John son of Will'iam Morris & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 28 A chrisome child of ffraucis Nash; bur.
" Oct. 2 John Rhoden, sen., & Susan Owen; mar.
" Oct. 8 Gertrude da. of John Hughes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 12 Elizabeth da. of Richard Allen & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 15 Anne da. of John Pierce & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 15 Ruth da. of Edward Jones Sz Jane; bap.
" Oct. 16 Ellenor wife of John Arinishrew; bur.
" Oct. 22 Charles son of Thomas Symons & Ellenor; bap.
" Nov. 7 ffrancis Witwicke & Elizabeth Whittingham; mar.
" Nov. 9 Elizabethe da. of Roger Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 23 Elizabethe da. of Daniel Robey of Bentall, & Sinah; bap.
" Nov. 30 Ruth da. of John Harris, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 17 Margaret da. of Richard Sheppard & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 19 Timothy son of John Musse & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 21 Joyce da. of Thomas Burgesse & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 24 ffrancis son of Robert Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 24 Joyce da. of George Armishrew & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 29 Will'iam Roberts alias Belcham; bur.
" Dec. 30 Jane da. of Will'm Bowkley & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 7 Gray Jevan & Ruth Myvert; mar.
" Jan. 18 Thomas son of Rich. Eves & Juane; bap.
" Jan. 18 A chrisome child of Thomas Roper; bur.
" Jan. 21 George son of James Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" Jan. 21 Richard Holmes; bur.
" Jan. 24 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Lewis & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 28 Elizabeth Myvert, widow; bur.
" Feb. 11 George son of Maurice Stoakes & Ellenor; bap.
" Feb, 11 Joshua son of Hugh Collis & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 11 Mary da. of Thomas Asbury; bur.
" Feb. 15 Will'iam & Thomas sons of Tho. Hughes & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb, 19 Christopher son of Christoph'r Simpson; bur.
" Feb. 21 Richard Geare ....
" Feb. 22 Will'iam son ....


1665 Feb. 26 ffrancis son of Robert Evans; bur.
" Mar. 1 Thomas son of Thomas Hughes; bur.
" Mar. 1 Margaret wife of Robert Morris; Intr.
" Mar. 8 Joyce da. of John Lewis, on the hill; bur.
" Mar. 13 Jane da. of John Thornkraft; bur.
" Mar. 20 Daniel son of Daniel Powell & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 20 Joyce da. of Tho. Shaw & Elizab.; bap.
1666 Mar. 21 Maurice son of Richard Onion & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 27 Thomas son of Will'm Biddle & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 2 Will'iam son of Warm Clarke & Elizab.; bap.
" April 6 A chrisome child of Thomas Ball; bur.
" April 8 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Perkins & Margaret; bap.
" April 9 Sarah wife of Thomas Lee; bur.
" April 14 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Ball; bur.
" April 6 Edward son of Jonathan Jones & Anne; bap.
" April 16 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" April 16 Margaret a base daughter of Will'iam Rowley & Newell Bendbow; bur.
" April 23 Mabel da. of Elizab. Evans; bur.
" May 1 Hester da. of Roger Jones & Joyce; bap.
" May 6 George son of John Gomm, of Bernall, & Anne; bap.
" May 6 Elizabeth da. of Tho. Baldin & Margaret; bap.
" May 10 John son of W Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" May 13 ffrancis son of Lawrence Palmer & Sarah; bap.
" May 17 Mr John Langley & Elizabeth Huxley; mar.
" May 22 Elizabeth da. of Robert Pearse, of Linlay, & Maudlin; bap.
" May 29 Sarah da. of Richard Corbet & Cornelia; bap.
" May 29 Margaret wife of David Morris; bur.
" May 29 ffrancis son of Niccolas Asbury; bur.
" June 3 Jane da. of ffrancis Oakes & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 7 ffrancis son of John Brookes, of Bentall, & Priscilla; bap.
" June 11 Mary da. of Will'iam Gardner & Mary; bap.
" June 13 Mary wife of John Preene; bur.
" June 16 Mary da. of Edward Cox & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 17 John Parrev & Elizabeth Hill; mar.
" June 18 Elizabeth da. of John Holmes & Ruth; bap.
" June 18 A chrisome childe of Richard Jones, of Linley; bur.
" June 18 Katherine Hogget, wid.; bur.
" June 20 Jane Hinton; bur.
" June 22 Timothy son of Samuel Owen & Mary; bap.
" June 24 Mary da. of ffrancis Witwicke & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 7 Mary da. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" July 9 Anne wife of Richard Eves; bur.
" July 13 Samuel son of Charles Parton; bur.
" July 16 Mary da. of Rola't Lloyd & Margery; bap.
" July 16 Robert son of Robert Holmes & Constance; bap.
" July 22 John Bradley & Margaret Powell; mar.
" July 23 Edward son of Lawrence Andrews alias Turner, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" July 23 John son of Timothy Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 1 Edward son of Joseph Lewis; bur.
" Aug. 3 John son of Thomas Beddow & Ellenor; bap.
" Aug. 12 John son of John Rhodes & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 12 Thomas son of Michael Harding Jane; bap.
" Aug. 12 Hannah da. of Richard Sheppard; bur.
" Aug. 13 Mary da. of Rich. Yeastop, of Bentall, & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 21 A chrisome child of Godfrey Signer; bur.
" Aug. 20 Sylvanus son of John Ball; bur.


1666 Aug. 21 Richard son of Will'm Lloyd & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 26 Will'iam son of Will'm Armishrew & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 2 Mary da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 7 Jane da. of Ann. Griffis, widow; bur.
" Sep. 9 Edward son of Will'm ffitters & Cicily; bap.
" Sep. 9 Margaret da. of Richard Bayley & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 10 A chrisome child of ffra. Roberts; bur.
" Sep. 11 Job son of Will'iam Gough & Ellenor; bap.
" Sep. 18 Richard son of Roger Davies & ffrances; bap.
" Sep. 20 Sarah da. of Tho. Yates & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 30 Ellenor wife of Will'iam Witwicke; bur.
" Oct. 2 James son of Walter Hartshorne & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 2 Elizabeth the da. of John Beddow; bur.
" Oct. 4 Mary da. of John Northall; bur.
" Oct. 6 Ellenor da. of ffra. Sansome & Abigail; bap.
" Oct. 7 Ursula da. of Robert Cranedge, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 7 Margaret da. of Thomas Smith & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 12 Thomas son of Robert Morris; bur.
" Oct. 13 John son of Will'iam Preston; bur.
" Oct. 13 George son of John Aston, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 15 Joane da. of John Rhodes & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 13* Humfrey Jones; bur.
" Oct. 17 Will'iam son of Richard Aubury & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 21 Samuel son of Richard Lane & Abigail; bap.
" Oct. 21 John son of ffrancis Sansome; bur.
" Oct. 24 Katherine da. of Thomas German & Isabel; bap.
" Oct. 26 ffrancis son of Lewis Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 27 Margaret da. of Richard Sheppard; bur.
" Oct. 29 Richard Hughes; bur.
" Nov. 1 Timothy son of Marmaduke Morris & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 1 Mary da. of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 3 Ruth da. of Edward Jones; bur.
" Nov. 5 Will'iam son of Richard Aubury; bur.
" Nov. 5 Mary da. of Edward Cheshire & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 7 Thomas son of Thomas Goodale; bur.
" Nov. 12 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Gardner, of Bentall, & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 13 Saphira da. of John Will'iams; bur.
" Nov. 13 John son of ffrancis Evans; bur.
" Nov. 14 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Hughes; bur.
" Nov. 17 Richard Rasen; bur.
" Nov. 18 Mary da. of Tho. Leister Isabel; bap.
" Nov. 18 Elizabeth da. of Edward Cheshire; bur.
" Nov. 21 Judith da. of Richard Man & Ruth; bap.
" Nov. 23 Anne da. of Thomas Yeastop, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 27 Richard son of Richard Pierce & ffrances; bap.
" Nov. 27 Mary da. of John Nurthall & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 29 John son of John Meyre & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 29 John Tannet & Ellenor Socket; mar.
" Nov. 29 Joanna da. of Rich. Crompton & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 30 Edward son of Thomas Jennigs & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 2 John son of Mr Will'm Crompton; bur.
" Dec. 4 Mary da. of Will'm Preston; bur.
" Dec. 8 Edward son of Will'm ffittens; bur.
" Dec. 9 Thomas son of Henry Eves & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. to Humfrey son of Humfrey Leadbeater & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 11 Ruth da. of Rich. Man; bur.

* So dated in original.


1666 Dec. 12 John son of John Witwicke; bur.
" Dec. 14 Elizabeth da of Ralph Barker; bur.
" Dec. 14. John son of John Thornicraft; bur.
" Dec. 17 Edward Hill; bur.
" Dec. 22 Humfrey son of Hugh Rowlands & Joane; bap.
" Dec. 28 Charles son of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 1 Sarah Hen.; bur.
" Jan. 3 Cicily wife of Will'm ffittens; bur.
" Jan. 6 Joyce da. of ffra. Armishrew; bur.
" Jan. 9 Anne da. of John Pearce & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 9 Jane da. of John Will'iams & Thomasin; bap.
" Jan. 14 Edward son of Griffith Evans & Katherine; bap.
" Jan. 21 Mary da. of John Tannet & Ellenor; bap.
" Jan. 21 Warm Preston; bur.
" Jan. 27 Jane Lombard, wid.; bur.
" Jan. 27 Thomas son of Thomas Nurthall & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 1 Elizabeth da. of Robert Lloyd; bur.
" Feb. 2 Maurice Jones & Elizabeth Shaw; mar.
" Feb. 3 Samuel son of Thomas Millington, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 4 John son of Thomas Cope; bur.
" Feb. 4. Humfrey son of Humfrey Leadbeater; bur.
" Feb. 6 Mary da. of Jonathan Presthood; bur.
" Feb. 8 Samuel son of Richard Lane; bur.
" Feb. 12 Thomas Edwards; bur.
" Feb. 14 Katherine da. of Daniel Powell; bur.
" Feb. 19 Mary da. of Rich. Hill & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 27 Charles son of John Lewis; bur.
" Feb. 23* Katherine da, of Will'iam Rowley & Ellenor; bap.
" Mar. 1 Samuel son of Thomas Millington; bur.
" Mar. 3 Thomas son of Rob't Evans & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 4 Thomas son of John Rhoden & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 7 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Aphumfrey & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 7 Ellenor wife of Sam. Barker; bur.
" Mar. 7 A chrisome child of Will'm Comhersome; bur.
" Mar. 14 Anne da. of Edw. Dawley & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 15 John son of John Cox & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 15 Will'iam son of John Adams & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 16 Joyce da. of John Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 17 George son of Tho. Morgan & Isabel; bap.
" Mar. 12* Andrew son of ffra. Bendbow & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 20 A chrisome child of Rob't Evans; bur.
" Mar. 24 Elizabeth da. of ffra. Beech & Jane; bap.
1667 Mar. 28 Thomas son of Thomas Hartshorne, jun., of Bentall, & Catherine; bap.
" April 2 John son of Mr John Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 7 Mary Evans; bur.
" April 9 George son of Edward Eves & Anne; bap.
" April 9 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Beard & Margaret; bap.
" April 10 Margaret da. of Richard Bayley; bur.
" April 10 Mary wife of Will'iam Beard; bur.
" April 12 Thomas son of John Guest, of Linley, Sr Cicily; bap.
" April 14 Richard son of George Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 18 Mary Guest, widow; bur.
" April 20 John son of Maurice Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 11 Richard son of George Hartshorne; bur.
" April 24 Elizabeth wife of Henry Taylor; bur.

* So dated in original.


1667 April 26 Anne da. of James Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" May 2 Thomas son of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" May 6 Will'iam ffitters & Margery Sugar; mar.
" May 7 Ralph Bradley & Jane Guest; mar.
" May 7 A chrisome child of Will'm Pearse; bur.
" May 8 Robert Cooper & Elizab. Parry; mar.
" May 8 Mary da. of Joseph Lewis & Anne; bap.
" May 10 Richard son of Richard Pearse & Elizab.; bap.
" May 16 Thomas son of Thomas Coape & Anne; bap.
" May 16 John son of David Humfryes & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 19 ffrancis son of John Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" May 26 Adams son of Mr Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" May 27 Elizabeth da. of Anthony Robinson & Mary; bap.
" June 2 Adams son of Mr Will'iam Crompton; bur.
" June 4 Elizabeth da. of Tho. Beard & Anne; bap.
" June 6 Thomas Pott & Alice Cleyton; mar.
" June 6 Edward Bull & Martha Cox; mar.
" June 8 Thomas Holmes & Judith Man.; mar.
" June 20 Joyce da. of Tho. Burgesse; bur.
" June 16 John son of John Bradley & Margaret; bap.
" June 26 Charles son of James Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" June 17 John son of ffrancis Okes & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 17 Anne da. of Tho. Jones & Margaret; bap.
" June 18 Richard son of Godfrey Signer, jun., & Jane; bap.
" June 18 Richard the same sonne of Godfrey Signer; bur.
" June 19 Anne da. of Thomas Jones; bur.
" June 23 Mary da. of Humfrey Crompe & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 23 Joyce da. of Edward Transome & Alice; bap.
" June 24 Thomas Lee & Elizabeth Guest; mar.
" July 2 Richard son of John Worthin; bur.
" July 4 Mary da. of John Sutton & Margaret; bap.
" July 7 Cornelia da. of Samuel Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Catherine; bap.
" July 14 Margaret da. of Thomas Asbury & Elizab.; bap.
" July 17 Elizabeth da. of Richard Rutter & Ellenor; bap.
" July 20 Mary da. of Thomas Rowley; bur.
" July 22 Elizabeth da. of Will'm Bendbow & Elizab.; bap.
" July 22 Thomas son of Maurice Shaw & Elizab.; bap.
" July 26 Sarah da. of Tho. Roberts; bur.
" July 27 Thomas son of Niccolas Simpson & Elizab.; bap.
" July 27 Elizabeth da. of ffra. Beech; bur.
" July 28 Agnet da. of Rich. Jones, of Linley, & Elizab.; bap.
" July 29 Andrew a base child of Joyce Dawley; bur.
" July 29 ffrancis son of ffra. Owen & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 6 Anthony Robinson; bur.
" Aug. 8 Thomas son of Richard Walton, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 18 David Morris; bur.
" Aug. 19 Thomas son of John Aston, of Bentall; bur.
" Aug. 24 Thomas son of Richard Walton, of Bentall; bur.
" Sep. 2 Margaret wife of Will'm Rhoden; bur.
" Sep. 20 Jeremiah a base son of Will'm Sallow & Jane Higgins; bap.
" Sep. 27 Ambrose son of Richard Smith, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 22* Richard son of Thomas Shaw & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 22* Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Nash & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 2 Jonathan son of Will'm Bowkley & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 3 Mary da. of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 5 Will'iam son of Will'iam Morris & Mary; bap.

* So dated in original.


1667 Oct. 6 Jane da. of James Rhoden & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 7 Martha da. of Tho. Haddon & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 13 Abigail da. of Joseph BuIlocke & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 12 George Aston; bur.
" Oct. 14 Abigail da. of Joseph Bullocke; bur.
" Oct. 17 Abigail da, of Charles Parton & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 18 Anne Stoakes; bur.
" Oct. 21 Will'iam son of Will'iam Meyre & Ellenor; bap.
" Oct. 31 Jane Wane; bur.
" Oct. 26 John Pugh & Elizabeth Newell; mar.
" Nov. 5 Anne da. of John Wosall & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 6 Richard Winne & Mary Geares; mar.
" Nov. 7 Robert Morris & Anne Bennet; mar.
" Nov. 9 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Beard; bur.
" Nov. 10 Elizabeth da. of Tho. Perkins; bur.
" Nov. 11 Joyce da. of ffra. Eves & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 12 Richard son of Tho, Balden & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 17 Judith da. of John Smith & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 17 John son of Richard Lane & Abigail; bap.
" Nov. 30 John Mosten; bur.
" Nov. 21 Anne Garbet; bur.
" Nov. 24 Lawrence son of Lawrence Millington, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 26 Jeremiah a base son of Will'm Sallow & Jane Higgins; bur.
" Nov. .. Richard son of Richard .. .; bap.
" Nov. 28 Bettredge da. of Richard Legg & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 29 Will'iam Biddle, sen.; bur.
" Dec. 1 Henry son of Marmaduke Morris; bur.
" Dec. 2 Will'iam son of Will'iam Bedwell & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 6 Winn son of Will'm Morris; bur.
" Dec. 6 Edward Gawen & Elizabeth Jones; mar.
" Dec. 6 Richard Simpson & Anne Beech; mar.
" Dec. 8 Anne wife of Rich. Crompton; bur.
" Dec. 23 Sarah da. of John Northen & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 27 Richard Hill; bur.
" Dec. 27 Anne da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 2 Thomas Beard; bur.
" Jan. 11 Andrew son of Andrew Bradley & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 14 Michael Bennet; bur.
" Jan. 17 Thomas Brookes & Elizab. Rutter; mar.
" Jan. 19 Anne da. of Daniel Robey, of Bentall, & Sinah; bap.
" Jan. 19 Jane da. of Tho. Bayley & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 24 Adam son of Adam Stokes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 25 Alice da. of Thu. Putt & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 27 Adam son of Adam Stoakes; bur.
" Feb. 9 Richard son of Humfrey Leyster & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 16 Edward son of Edward Edwards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 18 Roger Jones; bar.
" Feb. 11 Joyce da. of Maurice Stokes & Ellenor; bap.
" Feb. 27 Will'iam Dyto; bur.
" Feb. 28 John Nash; bur.
" Mar. 1 Elizabeth da. of David Humfryes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 3 A chrisome son of John Lewis, on the Hill; bur.
" Mar. 5 ffrancis Griffith; bur.
" Mar. 8 Will'iam son of John Thornicraft & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 8 Samuel son of John Charlton, of Bentall, & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 9 Anne Roberts, widow; bur.
" Mar. 12 Mr ffrancis Adams; bur.
" Mar. 14 Ruth da. of Richard Man and Ruth; bap.
" Mar. 19 A chrisome sonne of George Reynolds; bur.


1664 Mar. 4 Mary da, of Humfrey Crumpe; bur.
" Mar. 7 Thomas son of John Ward, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 9 Edward son of Edward Russell, jun., & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 11 Jane da. of George Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 16 Elizabeth James, wid.; bur.
" Mar. 17 Elizabeth da. of John Will'iams & Thomasen; bap.
" Mar. 20 John son of Athony Robinson; bur.
" Mar. 24 Mary da, of Jonathan Jones; bur.
1669 Mar. 25 Sylvanus son of John Harris, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 28 Will'iam son of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 28 Anne da. of Thomas Jones, of Bentall, & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 30 Thomas son of George Guest & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 30 Thomas son of Thomas Yeastop, of Bentall, & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 30 Moses son of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" April 1 Will'iam Gough; bur.
" April 1 Moses son of Moses Davies; bur.
" April 2 Hugh twin son of Will'm Gough, deceased, & Ellenor his relict; bap.
" April 2 A chrisome son being the other twin of the sd Will'm Gough, deceased; bur.
" April 11 Elizabeth da. of Edward Cox & Elizab.; bap.
" April 12 Ruth da. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" April 13 Will'iam son of Roger Okes & Mary; bap.
" April 13 Ruth da. of Richard Pierce & fErances; bap.
" April 13 Richard Shaw, sen.; bur.
" April 17 John son of Mr Will'm Crompton & Sarah; bur.
" April 19 John Hemlocke, jun., & Jane Haddon; mar.
" April 24 Charles son of John Guest, of Linley, & Cicily, at Linley; bap.
" April 27 Joane da. of Lewis Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" April 28 Richard fforstbrooke; bur.
" May 5 Cornelia wife of Richard Corbet; bur.
" May I2 Ellenor da. of Richard Onslnw & Margaret; bap.
" May 12 Elizabeth da. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" May 13 Elizabeth the said da. of Ralph Hare; bur.
" May 14 George Armishrew; bur.
" May 16 Jane son of John Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" May 16 Will'iam Richards; bur.
" May 18 Elizabeth da. of Hugh Cullis & his wife; bap.
" May 19 Elizabeth wife of Henry Eves; bur.
" May 20 John son of ffrancis Sansom & Abigail; bap.
" May 20 Samuel son of Thomas Signer, of Bentall, & his wife; bap.
" May 20 Robert Cooper; bur.
" June 5 Maudlin wife of Lewis Jones; bur.
" June 13 Jane da. of James Hartshorne, of Bentall, & Margaret; bap.
" June 23 Jane da. of Edward Eves & Anne; bap.
" June 24 Mary da. of Thomas Cullis & Catherine; bap.
" June 28 ffrancis son of tfrancis Okes, jun., & Joyce; bap.
" June 29 Abigail da. of Edward Pugh & Mary; bap.
" July 13 Margaret da. of Mr Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" July 22 Richard son of John Geares, jun., & his wife; bap.
" July 23 A chrisome daughter of David Evans & Mary; bur.
" Aug. 4 John Leadbeater; bur.
" Aug. 3 Richard sonne of Timothy Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 7 Robert son of John Geares, jun.; bur.
" Aug. 7 Thomas son of Thomas Beard & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 13 John sun of Will'iam Haynes, of Bentall, & Mice; bap.
" Aug. 29 Joyce da. of Thomas Jevans & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 1 Jane da. of ffrancis Okes & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sep. 2 Mary da. of John Get ... bap.


1669 Sep. 13 Will'iam son of Adam Crompton; bur.
" Sep. 16 James Posey & Roberta Preston; mar.
" Sep. 19 Elizabeth da. of Godfrey Signer, jun., & Jane; bap.
" Sep, 21 Edward son of John Bullock & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 23 John son of James Martin & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 26 Will'iam son of David Price & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 28 John son of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 28 John son of James Martin; bur.
" Sep. 29 Robert son of John Millichop, of Bentall. & Newell; bap.
" Oct. 3 Richard Rutter; bur.
" Oct. 3 Mary wife of Christopher Taylor, of Bentall; bur.
" Oct. 3 A chrisome son of ffrancis Nash & Elizabeth; bur.
" Oct. 7 Howei Jones & Anne Hill; mar.
" Oct. 17 Jane da. of Isaac Price & Margaret; bap.
" Oct. 20 Elizabeth da. of George Philips, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 22 Elizabeth da. of David Humfryes, jun., & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 26 Peter son of Cornelius Davies & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 29 Hannah da. of Pierce Lloyd Thomasin; bap.*
" Nov. 1 John son of Will'iam Robinson & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 2 Daniel son of Will'iam Bendbow & Isabel; bap.
" Nov. 2 Elizabeth da. of Wiirm Okes, jun.. & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 9 Benjamin son of Will. Bowkley & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 9 Mary da. of Richard Lane & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 11 Richard son of Marmaduke Morrice & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 11 Christopher Taylor, of Bentall; bur.
" Nov. 13 Will'iam Okes, sen.; bur.
" Nov. 16 Thomas son of Henry Hanly & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 16 Robert son of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 18 Robert son of John Jones & Elizabeth; bur.
" Nov. 24 Edward son of John Whitmore & Elizabeth; bur.
" Nov. 26 Edward son of John Roden, jun., & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 26 Samuel son of Griffith Evans & Catherine; bap.
" Dec. 8 John son of John Tannot & Elinor; bap.
" Dec. 12 Mary da. of James Roden & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 15 Will'iam son of Lawrence Palmer & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 16 Elinor ffarmer; bur.
" Dec. 29 Will'iam Roden; bur.
" Dec. 29 Mary wife of Lawrence Palmer; bur.
" Dec. 29 Jane wife of Tho. Eastop buried ye same day.
" Dec. 30 Hannah da. of Pierce Llloyd & Thomazin; bur.*
" Jan. 12 Elinor da. of John Witwig & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 23 Jonathan son of Jonathan Jones & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 23 Joseph son of Charles Parton & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 30 Sara da. of Robert Homes & Constance; bap.
" Feb. 9 Joyce da. of Thos Will'iams & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 9 Jane da. of Morrice Hill & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 9 Will'iam & Mary son & da. of John Bowkley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 10 George son of Morrice Stokes & Elinor; bur.
" Feb. 10 Sara da. of Katherine Sheppard; bur.
" Feb. 13 Sara da. of John Charlton & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 13 Elizabeth da. of ffra. Witwick & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 13 Jane da. of Morgan Davies & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 19 A chrisome child of Richard Allen & Sara; bur.
" Feb. 20 Mary da. of Thomas Brian & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 4 Edward son of Thomas Beddow & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 4 Edward son of Thomas Beddow & Elinor; bur.
* Compare the entries Oct. 29 and Dec. 30. Both entnes evidently refer to the same child.


1669 Mar. 11 Thomas son of Thomas Lewis & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 16 ffrances da. of ffrancis Roper & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 17 Sara da. of Edward Burgesse & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 20 Mary da. of Roger Okes & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 20 Lewis Jones, sen.; bur.
1670 April 4 Richard son of John Cox & Anne; bap.
" April 4 Elizabeth da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 5 Thomas son of Thomas Yeastop & Mary; bap.
" April 5 Mary da. of Richard Wynne & Mary; bap.
" April 14 Mary da. of Will'm Lloyd & Mary; bap.
" April 14 Elizabeth da. of Edward Crew & Mary; bap.
" April 17 Isabel da. of Samuel Barker & Mary; bap.
" April 17 Thomas Blaney; bur.
" April 18 Thomas son of Thomas Haddon & Sarah; bap.
" April 20 Mary da. of John Smith; bur.
" April 25 Elizabeth Jones alias Hughes; bur.
" April 25 Catherine wife of Richard Beech; bur.
" May 3 Samuel son of Thomas Price; bur.
" May 3 Ursula da. of John Will'iams & Ursula; bap.
" May 5 Margaret da. of Mr Will'iam Crompton; bur.
" May 5 ffrancis son of Richard Rowley & Rebecca; bap.
" May 12 Martha Haddon, wid.; bur.
" May 15 Maurice son of Maurice Shaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 15 Richard son of Will'iam Perry & Elizab.; bap.
" May 17 Isabel da. of Sam. Barker; bur.
" May 17 Mary da. of Thomas Bradley & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 20 Sylvanus Cooper; bur.
" May 23 Sarah da. of John ffenton & Anne; bap.
" May 23 John Geares, sen.; bur.
" May 24 Ellenor Yate, wid.; bur.
" May 25 Jane Bridgwood, wid.; bur.
" May 29 Elizabeth da. of John Beddow & Margaret; bap.
" May 29 James son of James Rhoden & Sarah; bap.
" May 29 Sarah wife of the said James Rhoden; bur.
" May 30 Edward Lewis & Elizabeth Russel; mar.
" June 6 Samuel Evans & Margaret Langford; mar.
" June 8 John Smith; bur.
" June 17 Elizabeth da. of Richard Cox & Anne; bap.
" June 19 Samuel son of Richard Legg & Jane; bap.
" June 20 Sarah wife of John Worthin; bur.
" July 7 Robert son of John Hemlocke, jun., & Jane; bap.
" July 8 Mary wife of Robert Smith; bur.
" July 9 Jane wife of John Hemlocke, jun.; bur.
" Aug. 15 Edward Hartshorne & Rebecca Rutter; mar..
" Aug. 20 Mark Anthony Ceasar Galliardello & Elizabeth Geeres; mar.
" Aug. 21 Will'iam son of David Evans & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 29 Anne wife of Evan Roberts; bur.
" Sep. 12 Richard son of Margaret Evans; bap.
" Sep. 12 Will'iam son of Edward Edwards & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 18 Richard son of James Povey & Rebecca; bap.
" Sep. 18 Will'iam son of Will'iam Spragg & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 21 Isabel da. of Mr Will'm Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 28 Will'iam son of David Evans & Mary; bur.
" Oct. 11 Elizabeth da. of Richard Eves & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 14 ffrancis son of Mr Will'iam Crompton; bur.
" Oct. 19 Mary da. of ffrancis Whitwicke; bur.
" Nov. 5 Thomas Bridgwood & Mary Geary; mar.
" Nov. 8 Mary da. of John Geares & Sarah; bap.


1670 Nov. 8 Anne wife of John Rhoden; bur. Nov. 8 Hugh Allen; bur.
" Nov. 12 Will'iam Robinson; bur.
" Nov. 21 Joyce da. of Will'iam Bulkley & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas son of Henry Beddow & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 24 John son of John Bullocke & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 16 ffrancis son of Roger Davies St ffrances; bap.
" Nov. 29 Mary da. of Thomas Brooks & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 4 Mary da. of John Thornicraft Sr Catherine; bap.
" Dec. 4 Sarah da. of Richard Simpson & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 5 Millesent da. of Thomas Symons & his wife; bap.
" Dec. 5 Mary wife of Richard Shaw alias Edwards; bur.
" Dec. 10 John sonne of Timothy Roper & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 10 A chrisome son of Thomas Price; bur.
" Dec. 14 Elizabeth da. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Mary da. of James Harrison, jun., & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 19 Richard son of Richard Edwards; bur.
" Dec. 26 Will'iam son of Robert Evans & Efizah.; bap.
" Dec. 27 John son of Thomas Cotterall & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 2 Thomas Smith, jun.; bur.
" Jan. 4 Joyce da. of ffrancis Eves; bur.
" Jan. 6 Will'iam Holmes; bur.
" Jan. 6 Diana da. of Thomas Pott & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 9 Anne da. of Robert Evans lilies Corough & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 11 Thomas Leyster; bur.
" Jan. 16 Humfrey son of Evan Davies; bur.
" Jan. 21 Winifred Bidie, wid.; bur.
" Jan. 22 John son of ffrancis Bendbow Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 22 Richard son of Robert Evans & Elizab.; bur.
" Jan. 23 Thomas Taylor & Mary Hemlock; mar.
" Jan. 26 ffrancis son of ffrancis Langley & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 28 Humfrey son of Humfrey Leyster; bur.
" Jan. 30 John Wolley, a stranger; bur.
" Feb. 5 John son of Robert Lloyd & Margery; bap.
" Feb. 8 John son of Robert Smith; bur.
" Feb. 8 A chrisome child of John Jones alias Lewis; bur.
" Feb. 12 Thomas son of Hugh Cullis & Catherine; bap.
" Feb. 15 Margaret base da. of Mary Rhodes; bap.
" Feb. 17 Anne da. of Richard Hemlock & Joyce; bap.
" Feb, 19 Samuel son of Edward Jones & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb, 11 John son of Henry Hanley & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 21 John son of John Putt & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 22 Richard son of ffrancis Okes & Eliz.; bap.
" Feb. 26 Joyce da. of Will'iam Turner & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 28 Two chrisome twins of Walter Hartshorne & Mary; bur.
" Mar. 3 Sarah Robinson, wid.; bur.
" Mar. 4 Ellenor wife of Richard Stych, of Bentall; bur.
" Mar. 15 Sarah da. of John Rutter; bur.
" Mar. 11 George son of George Hartshorne; bur.
" Mar. 17 Edward Jones; bur.
" Mar. 19 Anne da. of John Holmes & Ruth; bap.
" Mar. 20 Thomas Lewis, sen.; bur.
" Mar. 20 Dorothy Belcham; bur.
" Mar. 24 Edward son of Edward Lewis & Elizab.; bap.
1671 Mar. 25 Richard son of Thomas Jeavins; bur.
" Mar. 29 Will'iam son of Thomas Bradley & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 29 Isabel Clarke, wid.; bur.
" Mar. 30 ffrancis son of ffrancis Eves & Mary; bap.


1671 Mar. 30 Anne da. of Thomas Cope & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 30 Will'iam Bidle; bur.
" Mar. 30 Thomas son of Thomas Burgesse; bur.
" April 6 Daniel son of Edward Smith & Judith; bap.
" April 6 Anne da. of John Pierce & Anne; bur.
" April 24 Ellenor wife of Maurice Stokes; bur.
" April 26 Sarah da. of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" April 27 Richard son of Richard Owen & Alice; bap.
" April 29 Thomas Eves; bur.
" April 29 Robert son of Howell Jones & Anne; bap.
" April 30 Sarah da. of Henry Dickson; bur.
" May 1 A chrisome child of John Signor; bur.
" May 3 Mary Goodman; bur.
" May 3 Joane da. of John Millington, of Benthall; bur.
" May 8 Edward Hughes; bur.
" May 8 Margaret da. of Will'iam Sprag; bur.
" May 11 Dorothy Ren; bur.
" May 14 Anne da. of Tho. Baldwyn & Margaret; bap.
" May 14 John son of John Pierce & Anne; bap.
" May 15 Joane da. of Elizab. Bidle, widow; bur.
" May 16 Elizabeth da. of Tho. Bradley & Elizab.; bap.
" May 18 Jane da. of Will'iam Armishrew; bur.
" May 19 Thomas Cotterall alias Perkins; bur.
" May 19 ffrancis Okes; bur.
" May 21 Richard Mathewes & Mary Smith; mar.
" May 23 Will'iam son of Will'iam Armishrew; bur.
" May 23 Jane da. of John German & Jane; bap.
" May 23 Rachel da. of Henry Taylor & Mary; bap.
" May 24 David Davies & Bridget Barns; mar.
" May 27 Will'iam son of Edward Russell & Alice; bap.
" May 27 John son of Henry Handley; bur.
" May 28 A chrisome child of Richard Allen & Sarah; bur.
" May 31 Will'iam Comberson; bur.
" June 4 John son of John Will'iams & Thomasin; bap.
" June 5 Thomas son of Thomas Yeastop, of Bentall; bur.
" June 12 Jane da. of Oliver ffrancis & Anne; bap.
" June 17 Jane wife of John Clebury; bur.
" June 19 Lawrence Palmer & Bridget Barker; mar.
" July 1 James Rhoden & Elizab. Gravener; mar.
" July 3 Isabel da. of Thomas Symmons; bur.
" July 5 Elizabeth fforstbrooke, widow; bur.
" July 9 Margaret da. of Will'm ffitters & his wife; bap.
" July 10 .. the daughter of John Bulkeley; bur.
" July 26 Mary da. of David Humfryes & Anne; bap.
" July 27 Ellenor da. of Timothy Crompton & Mary; bap.
" July 31 Catherine Davies the servant of John Preene; bur.
" Aug. 1 John son of Richard Tones, of Shifnell; bur.
" Aug. 3 Richard son of Roger Davies; bur.
" Aug. 7 Alice* da. of Rob't Wild's wife by a former husband; bur.
" Aug. 7 Mary da. of Richard Rowley & Rebecca; bap.
" Aug. 13 Mary same da. of Richard Rowley; bur.
" Aug. 17 John son of Thomas Beard, junior, & Margaret; bur.
" Aug. 18 Elizabeth da. of Edward Cox; bur.
" Aug. 20 Will'iam son of Godfrey Synar & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 27 John son of John Oswall & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 8 A chrisome son of Thomas Bridgwood; bur.

* The surname


1671 Sep, 9 Elizabeth da. of Morress Jones; bur. Sep. 24 John Davies; bur.
" Sep. 28 John Watkis & Ursula Genes; mar.
" Sep. 28 George son of George Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 29 Will'iam son of Morress Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 30 A chrisome da. of Thomas Shaw; bur.
" Oct. 3 Mary da. of Thomas Bidie & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 8 Ann wife of Henry Deleyre, senior; bap.
" Oct. 17 Humphrey Crumpe & Elinor Howlett; mar.
" Oct. 19 Will'iam son of John Jones; bur.
" Oct. 19 Edward Pue, senior; bur.
" Oct. 19 George son of Edward Eaves; bur.
" Oct. 19 Joyce da. of Will'iam Buckley; bur.
" Oct. 25 Adam son of Adam Stokes & his wife; bap.
" Oct. 26 {Trances da. of Roger Davis; bur.
" Nov. 1 Joyce da. of Ralph Biddle & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 3 Mary da. of Laurence Baylies & his wife; bap.
" Nov. 5 A chrisome da. of ffranc Nash; bur.
" Nov. 6 John son of Hugh Richards; bur.
" Nov. 23 Mary da. of Laurence Baylies; bur.
" Nov. 27 Joan wife of Robert Haddon; bur.
" Nov. 31 Thomas son of Thomas Handly; bur.
" Nov. 23 Jonathan son of Thomas Will'iams & his wife; bap.
" Nov. 24 John son of Thomas Handley; bur.
" Nov. 26 Abigail da. of Richard Lane & his wife; bap.
" Nov. 30 Ann da. of Thomas Jones, of Bentall; bur.
" Dec. 5 John son of Roger Morrall; bap.
" Dec. 8 Jane da. of Richard Minton; bur.
" Dec. 8 Mary da. of Richard Mathewes & his wife; bap.
" Dec. 12 Elizabeth da. of Richard Dunton; bur.
" Dec, 22 Thomas Bail, senior; bur.
" Dec. 24 Martha da. of Samuell Head & Rachel'; bap.
" Dec. 36 Thomas son of Thomas Holmes & Judith; bap.
" Dec. 37 ffrancis son of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 4 Charles Davies; bur.
" Jan. 6 Mary da. of Robert Crannage, of Bentall; bur.
" Jan. 12 Richard Stiehe, of Bentall; bor.
" Jan. 16 Will'iam son of Robert Wilde & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 16 Mary da. of David Jones & Bridgett; bap.
" Jan. 19 Job a son of Mary Okes; bap.
" Jan. 24 Richard Smith, senior; bur.
" Jan. 30 John son of Thomas Eastop & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 1 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Synor, junior, & his wife; bap.
" Feb, 1 John son of Thomas Rowley & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 4 Thomas son of Thomas Nash & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 5 Mrs Elizabeth Eaves; bur.
" Feb. 6 John son of Will'iam Bull & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 6 Juan da. of ffrancis Ropier & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. 12 Thomas son of Hugh Collis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 12 Jane da. of Thomas Preece & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 12 Will'iam Peirce; bur.
" Feb. 13 John son of Richard Smith, of Bentall, & his wife; bap.
" Feb. 17 Elizabeth Pallmer, widow; bur.
" Feb. 17 Jane wife of Humphrey Leadbeater; bur.
" Feb. 18 Mary da. of Humphrey Hilton & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 19 Richard Evans & Elizabeth Jones; mar.
" Feb. 19 Elizabeth da. of Samuel Barker; bur.
" Feb. 30 Henry son of Henry Beddoe & his wife; bap.


1671 Feb. 20 Will'iam son of Robert Holmes & Constance; bap.
" Feb. 29 Elizabeth da. of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 1 Elizabeth da. of John Jones; bur.
" Mar. 5 John Okes, senior; bur.
" Mar. 11 Anne Johnson, widow; bur.
" Mar. 11 John son of francis Nash & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 12 Thomas son of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 12 Edward Davies; bur.
" Mar. 16 Nathaniel Bradeley; bur.
" Mar. 18 John Rutter; bur.
" Mar. 21 Jane da. of David Evans & Mary; bap.
1672 Mar. 25 Thomas son of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 25 Sarah da. of Richard Pearce & ffrances; bap.
" Mar. 29 John a base son of Elizabeth Morrall; bap.
" April 1 Edward Guest; bur.
" April 2 Joseph Perkins; bur.
" April 14 Richard son of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" April 16 Oliver Evans & Ann Pue; mar.
" April 20 Robert Benbow, senior; bur.
" April 22 Mary da. of ffrancis Okes, of Gitchfeild, & Martha; bap.
" April 23 Mary da. of Mr John Necholl & Mary; bap.
" April 23 Elizabeth da. of Edward Cox & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 28 John son of Richard Amplett & his wife; bap.
" April 30 Roger Davies; bur.
" May 1 John Baggnall & Margrett Roper; mar. May 5 Humphrey Leister, senior; bur.
" May 12 John son of John Haslewood; bur.
" May 16 John son of John ffenn & Ann; bap.
" May 16 Mary da. of John Millechop & Newell; bap.
" May 19 Will'iam son of Nehemiah Parramore; bur.
" May 19 Thomas son of Will'iam Crumpe & Sarah; bap.
" May 21 Henry Meyre, senior; bur.
" May 27 Thomas son of Humphrey Leister & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 27 Mary da. of Samuel Evans & Margrett; bap.
" May 31 Mr Crowe; bur.
" June 10 Elizabeth da. of John Bradeney & Margrett; bap.
" June 22 Elizabeth da. of John Will'iams & Ursula; bap.
" June 23 Elizabeth da. of George Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 25 Joyce da. of Edward Pue & Mary; bap.
" June 26 Joyce da. of Thomas Everall & Cicilly; bap.
" June 30 Robert son of John Meyre & Sarah; bap.
" July 2 Morgan Jones & Elizabeth Lewis; mar.
" July 3 Thomas son of Christopher Glover & Penniah; bap.
" July 5 Newell Benbow, senior; bur.
" July 5 Robert son of Robert Rhodes & Mary, at Linley; bap.
" July 9 Robert son of John Meyre & Sarah; bur.
" July 10 Thomas son of Christopher Glover; bur.
" July 21 Catherine da. of David Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 23 Elizabeth da. of Richard Wynn & Mary; bap.
" July 24 Elinor da. of Edward Cheshire & Jane; bap.
" July 28 Mary da. of John Buckley & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 28 Ruth da. of ff-rancis Weitwicke & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 29 John son of John Geares & Mary; bap.
" July 30 Mary da. of Will'iam Armishrew & Ann; bap.
" July 31 Michaell son of Mr Matthew Steevens & Elizabeth, at Linley; bap.
" Aug. 18 Will'iam son of Thomas Lee, junior, & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 18 A chrisome child of Evan Robberts; bur. Aug. 19 Thomas son of John Whittmore; bur.


1672 Aug. 20 John son of John Pearce & Ann; bap.
" Sep. 9 Will'iam son of Mr Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 11 ffrancis son of Will'iam Benbow & Isabell; bap.
" Sep. 12 Thomas son of Henry Eaves; bur.
" Sep. 12 Will'iam son of Will'iam Okes & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 12 John son of Thomas Aston & Elizabeth, at Linley; bap.
" Sep. 14 John Beard; bur.
" Sep. 15 Mary da. of Joseph Bullock & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 16 Thomas a base son of Ann Cumberson, widow; bap.
" Sep. 17 Sarah da. of Morress Shaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 24 John son of John Wattkis & Ursula; bap.
" Sep. 29 Mary da. of James Povey & Rebeckah; bap.
" Oct. 1 Thomas Stringer & Ann Morresse, at Linley; mar.
" Oct. 2 Adam son of Will'iam Buckley & Jane; bap.
Note this should be Andrew Buckley.
" Oct. 21 Katherine Hill; bur.
" Oct. 23 Thomas son of Laurence Baylies & his wife; bap.
" Oct. 24 Mary da. of Edward Eaves & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 31 Timothy Crompton; bur.
" Nov. 4 Reece Wooden & Sarah Jones; mar.
" Nov. 4 Thomas son of Thomas Shaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 4 Thomas son of John Weetwick & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 3 Ann da. of Edward Burgesse & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 8 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Price; bur.
" Nov. 14 John son of Thomas Synar. of Bentall; bur.
" Nov. 17 Sarah da. of Jonathan Prestwick & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 19 Elizabeth Leadbeater;
" Nov. 21 John son of Robert Hartshorne & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 28 Richard son of Walter Hartshorne & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 5 John son of Thomas Hughes & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 6 Mary wife of Thomas Synar; bur.
" Dec. 14 Will'iam son of Will'iam Crompton, Esqr, & Sarah; bur.
" Dec. 15 John son of John Rowley & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 15 Mary da. of Richard Symson & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 15 Hugh Richards; bur.
" Dec. 17 John son of John Rowley; bur.
" Dec. 27 Will'iam son of Cornelius Davies & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 28 Joyce da. of Richard Eaves & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 31 Mary da. of Godfrey Synar & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 31 Sarah da. of Thomas Booth & Ruth; bap.
" Jan. 9 Will'iam son of Will'iam Lawrence & Martha; bap.
" Jan. 14 John Bradeley & Mary Hazellwood; mar.
" Jan. 23 Henry Meyre & Elizabeth Asbury; mar.
" Jan. 14 Samuel son of John Beddoe & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 29 Margrett da. of Thomas Bradley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 4 Samuel son of John Beddoe; bur.
" Feb. 5 Elinor wife of John Chilton the elder; bur.
" Feb. 9 Richard Davies; bur.
" Feb. 11 Mary da. of Will'iam Ternor & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 23 Elizabeth da. of Nicolas Syinson & his wife; bap.
" Feb. 2 John son of John Will'iams, of the salthouse; bur. Feb. 25 Richard Rutter; bur.
" Mar. 2 Robert son of Thomas Bridgwood & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 4 Humphry Harris; bur.
" Mar. 7 Dorothy da. of Thomas Synar; bur.
" Mar. 7 James son of Humphry Aston & Winifride; bap.
" Mar. 11 George son of Richard Rowley & Rebeckah; bap.
" Mar. 13 Joyce da. of Will'iam Okes & Joyce; bap.


1672 Mar. 18 Elizabeth wife of George Guest; bur.
" Mar. 19 Richard son of John Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 20 Edward James, a stranger; bur.
" Mar. 21 George son of Richard Rowley; bur.
1673 Mar. 27 Elizabeth da. of Lewis Will'iams & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 28 ffrancis Eaves; bur.
" Mar. 31 Jane (or Jone) da. of francis Langley & Mary; bap.
" April 1 Richard son of John Lewis & Elizab.; bap.
" April 1 Sarah da. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" April 3 A chrisome da. of Isack Price; bur.
" April 5 Magrett wife of Isaak Price; bur.
" April 9 Elizabeth a base da. of Ann Cadman; bap.
" April 10 Mary da. of Oliver Evans & Ann; bap.
" April 13 Michael son of Timothy Roper & Mary; bap.
" April 13 Hugh Jones & Gwen Peirce; mar.
" April 13 ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth Synar; mar.
" April 13 A chrisome childe of Humphrey Crumpe; bur.
" April 20 ffrancis son of Will'iam Whittall & Ann; bap.
" April 28 ffrancis Haddon & Jane Roberts; mar.
" April 28 Mary da. of Roger Okes & Mary; bur.
" May 1 John Dallow & Ann Doughty, of Much Wenlock; mar.
" May 8 Adam son of Laurence Pallmer & Bridgett; bap.
" May 8 Richard son of Edward Smith & Judith; bap.
" May 9 Adam son of Laurence Palmer; bur.
" May 11 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Haddon & Jane; bap.
" May 11 Martha da. of John Jerman & Mary; bur. or bap.*
" May 13 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Will'iams & Elizabeth; bur. or bap.*
" May 14 Jane da. of Thomas Will'iams; bur.
" May 22 Rachel da. of Henry Taylor; bur.
" June 3 Elizabeth da. of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 6 Elizabeth da. of Edward Lewis; bur.
" June 10 Richard Goulden & Mary Powell; mar.
" June 13 Isabell da. of Samuel Barker & Mary; bap.
" June 15 John son of John Baggnall & Mary; bap.
" June 19 John son of ffrancis Man & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 2 ffrances da. of Thomas Brian & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 2 Abigall da. of ffrancis Sanson & Abigal; bap.
" Sep. 9 Edward son of Henry Beddoe & Elinor; bap.
" Sep. 16 John son of Mr John Neachell & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 17 Samuel son of Mr Samuel Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 13 Ann da. of Oliver ffrancis & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 16 Ann da. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 29 Will'iam Smith; bur.
" Nov. 30 Noah son of Thomas Davis, at Linley, being about 12 years old; bap.
" Dec. 2 Andrew son of Thomas Pue & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 4 John son of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 5 Thomas Rodes; bur.
" Dec. 25 Jobn son of Marmaduke Morress & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 25 Mary da. of Robert Smith, junior, & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 6 Richard son of Will'iam Spragg & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 11 Thomas son of ffrancis Rodes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 11 Mary da. of Robert Smith; bur.
" Jan. 15 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Holmes & Judith; bap.
" Jan. 15 Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Symson; bur.
" Jan. 18 Mary da. of Thomas Lewis & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 20 Margrett da. of ffrancis Richards & Eliz.; bap.

* Bur.


1673 Jan, 23 Will'iam Edwards & Margrett Johnson, of Parish of Madeley; mar.
" Jan. 25 ffrancis Roper, senior; bur.
" Feb. 1 Jane da. of Richard Lane & Abigail; bap.
" Feb. 2 Edward son of ffrancis Roper, junior, & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 3 Will'iam son of Humphry Hinton & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 9 Sarah wife of John Harris; bur.
" Feb. 9 Ann Hipkis; bur.
" Feb. 10 Richard son of Richard Eaves, junior, & Joan; bap.
" Feb. 15 Mary da. of Thomas Geavens & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 19 Richard son of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" Feb. 27 A chrisome da. of Edward Blakemore; bur.
" Feb. 28 Richard Read & Jane Vaughan; mar.
" Mar. 3 Will'iam son of John Peirce & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 6 Richard son of Michael! Harding; bur.
" Mar. 8 Jane da. of John Perry & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 20 Richard son of Thomas Price, junior, & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar, 13 John Bushell; bur.
" Mar. 17 Elinor da. of Thomas Brooke & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 19 Elizabeth da. of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 20 Thomas son of Thomas Roberts; bur.
" Mar. 21 Mary da. of Humphrey Hillton; bur.
" Mar. 21 Richard Cox & ffrancis Howell; mar.
1674 Mar, 23 John Harress, senior; bur.
" Mar. 25 Thomas son of Thomas Balden & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 25 Martha da. of ffrancis Okes & Martha; bap.
" April 3 Thomas son of Thomas Rowley & Ann; bap.
" April 10 Richard Pearce, senior; bur.
" April 12 Will'iam Reddihough; bur.
" April 13 Martha Dawley; bur.
" April 15 Edward Cheshire; bur.
" April 16 Thomas Will'iams; bur.
" April 23 Samuel son of John Gears & Sarah; bap.
" April 27 Edward Edwards & Alice Bell; mar.
" April 27 Millicent da. of Henry Handly & Mary; bap.
" May 6 Elizabeth da. of Adam Stockes & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 7 Elizabeth da. of David Humphryes & Jane; bap.
" May 10 Thomas son of Richard Pearce & ffrances; bap.
" May 20 Sarah da. of Robert Wilde & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 10 Mary da. of Robert Hartshorne & Ann; bap.
" May 11 Thomas son of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 13 John son of Roger Morrell; bur.
" May 14 Timothy son of John Okes & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 17 Ann da. of James Poovey & Rebeckah; bap.
" May 18 ffrancis Evans & Mary Peak; mar.
" May 19 Elizabeth wife of Edward Cox; bur.
" May 20 Joan Morral, widow; bur.
" May 24 Sarah da. of Richard Mathewes & Mary; bap.
" May 28 Oliver Evans; bur.
" June 3 Elinor Crew, widow; bur.
" June 9 Richard son of Robert Hodes & Mary, at Linley; bap.
" June 15 ffrancis Nash, junior, & Ann Vaughan; mar.
" June 18 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Will'iams & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 21 A chrisome daughter of John Jones alias Lewis; bur.
" June 28 Henry Taylor; bur.
" June 29 Margrett da. of John Jarman & Mary; bap.
" July 12 Humphrey son of Morgan Humphryes & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 15 Thomas son of Thomas Nash & Mary; bap.
" July 15 Elinor da. of John. Oswall & Elizabeth; bap.


1674 July 17 Richard son of Robert Rodes; bur.
" July 20 Richard Guest & Mary Paramore, at Linley; mar.
" July 21 Martha da. of John Will'iams & Tomizin; bap.
" Aug. 4 John son of Richard Wyn & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 4 Margrett da. of John German; bur.
" Aug. 7 Thomas son of Thomas Baldwyn; bur.
" Aug. 9 Howell Jones; bur.
" Aug. 14 George Guest; bur.
" Aug. 18 Moses son of Richard Rowley & Rebeckah; bap.
" Aug. 20 Elizabeth da. of Thomas ffrances & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 21 Richard Sherry & Elizabeth Spratt; mar.
" Aug. 21 Joan da. of John Will'iams & Ann; bap.
" Aug. 25 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Bradeney & Margrett; bap.
" Aug. 30 James Powell; bur.
" Sep. 2 John son of MT Samuel Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 2 Richard son of Will'iam Dyto; bur.
" Sep. 6 Will'iam son of John Bradeney; bur.
" Sep. 6 A chrisome son of Howell Wattkis; bur.
" Sep. 7 A chrisome da. of John Worthen; bur.
" Sep. 9 Mary da. of Howell Wattkiss & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 11 Moses son of Richard Rowley; bur.
" Sep. 20 Thomas Brooke & Sarah Eaves; mar.
" Sep. 21 Sarah da. of Richard Mathewes; bur.
" Sep. 21 Adam son of Thomas Bradeley & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 29 Michaell son of John Guest & Cisely, at Linley; bap.
" Oct. 2 Richard Roden, senior; bur.
" Oct. 2 Will'iam son of Will'iam Armishrew & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 5 Richard son of Richard Cox & ffrances; bap.
" Oct. 6 Ann da. of John Carter & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 7 Mary da. of Morress Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 8 Will'iam son of David Jones & Bridgett; bap.
" Oct. 8 Elizabeth da. of John Linnall & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 8 Sarah da. of Humphrey Aston & Winifrid; bap.
" Oct. 21 John son of John Jarman & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 22 Mary da. of MT Will'iam Crompton & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 2 Will'iam son of John Rowley & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 5 ffrancis Brooke & Ann Bowen, of the Parish of Madeley; mar.
" Nov. 12 Robert son of John Tannot & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 12 Thomas son of Cornelius Davies; bur.
" Nov. 15 Sarah da. of John Adams & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 15 Elizabeth Smith, widow; bur.
" Nov. 24 Elinor da. of John Buckley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 28 John Bennet & Margrett Richards; mar.
" Dec. 10 John son of Edward Russell & Alice; bap.
" Dec. 10 Will'iam Weytwicke; bur.
" Dec. 13 Thomas son of Thomas Rowley; bur.
" Dec. 28 Thomas son of Reece Wooden & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 5 Lewis Jones; bur.
" Jan. 10 A chrisome childe of ffrancis Langley; bur.
" Jan. 13 Will'iam Amplett & Joyce Clud; mar.
" Jan. 22 Elizabeth Mathewes; bur.
" Jan. 26 Richard Vaughan & Susanna Roden; mar.
" Jan. 29 Thomas Chilton; bur.
" Jan. 31 Margrett da. of John ffen & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 1 Ann Burgesse, widow; bur.
" Feb. 2 Elizabeth da. of John Bradney & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 9 Elizabeth da. of Richard Guest & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 14 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Everall & Cycily; bap.


1674 Feb. 16 John son of Henry Beddoe & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 18 Robert Whitmore & Rachel Crow; mar.
" Feb. 20 Thomas Asbury; bur.
" Feb. 21 Elinor da. of Naboth Harnedg & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 27 Richard Roden, junior; bur.
" Mar. 12 Margrett da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 12 Joseph & Isack sonnes of Thomas Symons & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 16 Margrett Edwards, widow; bur.
" Mar. 18 Thomas son of Thomas Putt & Ales; bap.
" Mar. 21 Bartholomew son of Thomas Cope & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 21 Richard son of ffrancis Okes & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 22 Eustatius Beard & Mary Armishrew; mar.
" Mar. 23 John son of John Cleabury & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 23 Timothy son of Thomas Bradely & Elizabeth; bap.
1675 Mar. 25 Thomas son of Thomas Beddoe & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 30 Thomas son of Thomas Synar. junior, & Mary; bap.
" April 1 George son of Edward Eaves & Ann; bap.
" April 3 Will'iam son of Hugh Jones, de Salthouse, & Mary; bap.
" April 8 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Cadman & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 12 John son of Mr George Huxley & Mary; bur.
" April 13 Thomas Davies & Abigal Gcares. at Linley; mar.
" April 13 Humphrey Leadbeater & Margrett Ball; mar.
" April 14 Will'iam son of Will'iam Artnishrew & Ann; bur.
" April 18 Mary da. of Roger Okes & Elizabeth; bur.
" April 20 Richard son of John Nurthall & Margrett; bur.
" April 22 Edward son of Humphry Crumpe & Elinor; bap.
" April 25 Thomas son of Robert Smith, junior, & Juane; bap.
" April 29 Mary da. of Henry Meyre & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 2 Joyce da. of Moress Shaw & Elizabeth; bur.
" May 4 Richard Rogers, of Barrow, & Abigail Dowty, of Much Wenlock; mar.
" May 3 Joyce da. of Thomas Pue & Mary bap.
" May 3 Mary da. of Henry Meyre & Elizabeth; bur.
" May 6 George Pitt & ffrances Garbett, of the parish of Morfeild; mar.
" May 13 Will'iam son of ffrancis Benton & Elizabeth; bur.
" May 14 Ann wife of John Pearce, of the Wood; bur.
" May 16 isaack son of Thomas Symmons & Elinor; bur.
" May 18 Ann wife of John 1.innall; bur.
" May 19 John son of John Bradeney & Margrett; bar.
" May 29 Sarah do.. of Robert Wilde & Elizabeth; bur.
" June 1 Edward Ramsdale & Ann ffrancis; mar.
" June 6 Alice wife of Richard Arnphlett, senior; bur.
" June 10 Will'iam son of Will'iam Buckey (?Buckley) & Jane; bap.
" June 17 John son of Edward Russell & Alice; bur.
" June 24 Elinor da. of Thomas Brooke & Mary; bap.
" July 1 Richard Pearce, junior; bur.
" July 2 Richard Beard & Elizabeth Blakeway; mar.
" July 3 David Davies; bur.
" July 3 Ralph Barker; bur.
" July 5 Abigal wife of ffrancis Sansorne; bur.
" July 5 John Meyre; bur.
" July 8 Llettice da. of Sampson Crompton & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 23 Charles son of Robert Holmes & Constance; bap.
" Aug. 1 ffrancis son of ffraneis Evans & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 7 Elizabeth a base childe of Judith Nash; bap.
" Aug. 10 Martha da. of Thomas Jerruan Isabela; bap.
" Aug. 18 Thomas Smith; bur.
" Aug. 29 John sou of David Evans & Mary; bap.


1675 Aug. 31 Elizabeth wife of John Evans, senior; bur.
" Sep. 5 Thomas son of Thomas Baldwin & Margrett; bap.
" Sep. 5 Will'iam son of Edward Blakemore & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 5 John son of Lawrence Baylies & Isabell; bap.
" Sep. 6 Ann da. of Robert Rodes & Mary, at Linley; bap.
" Sep. 8 Edmund son of Mr Samuel Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 9 Elizabeth & Mary twinns of ffrancis Nash, junior, & Ann; bap.
" Sep. 10 Richard Rodes, senior; bur.
" Sep. 13 Joyce wife of Will'iam Hill; bur.
" Sep. 18 Mary da. of ffrancis Nash, junior, & Ann; bur.
" Sep. 19 Cicily da. of ffrancis Beetch & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 26 Joyce da. of Roger Okes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 30 John Hollt, of Bridgenorth, & Margrett Acton, of Asley Abbott; mar.
" Oct. 7 Elizabeth da. of Richard Mathewes & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 8 Charles son of Thomas Symmons & Elinor; bur.
" Oct. 10 Jane da. of Edward Edwards & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 10 Mary da. of Thomas Llee the youngest & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 17 Humphrey son of Will'iam Aston & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 22 Thomas a base son of Ruth Harress; bap.
" Oct. 26 Will'iam son of Will'iam Lewis & Mary, from Shrewsbury; bur.
" Oct. 30 John son of John Smith & Mary; bur.
" Oct. 31 John son of Thomas Boothe & Ruth; bap.
" Oct. 31 Thomas a base son of Ruth Harresse; bur.
" Oct. 31 Joyce da. of John Worthen & Catherine; bap.
" Nov. 2 Samuell son of Samuel Evans & Margrett; bap.
" Nov. 5 Evan Jones & Margrett Powell, of Much Wenlocke; mar.
" Nov. 13 Charles Maddocks & Joyce Gears, at Linley; mar.
" Nov. 21 Jane da. of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 23 Thomas son of Thomas Aston & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 23 Richard Gabett, a stranger; bur.
" Nov. 23 Elizabeth da. of Hugh Cullis & Elizabeth; bur.
" Nov. 24 Mary da. of Robert Whitemore & Rachel; bap.
" Dec. 2 Elizabeth Tibbott, widow; bur.
" Dec. 9 John son of Will'iam Lloyd & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Jane da. of Isaack Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" Shusana (sic).
" Dec. 16 Margery Pue, widow; bur.
" Dec. 28 Mary da. of Edward Burgesse & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 28 Joyce da. of ffrancis Weytwyke & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 29 Mary wife of John Pott; bur.
" Jan. 1 Judith da. of Thomas Holmes & Judith; bap.
" Jan. 2 Elizabeth da. of Edward Pue & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 5 Joyce da. of Will'iam Crompton, Esq., & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth da. of Richard Blaney & Susanna; bur.
" Jan. 15 John son of Mr Samuel Llangley & Elizabeth; bur.
" Jan. 18 Will'iam son of John Roberts & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 23 John son of James Baylies & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 23 Ann da. of John Will'iams & Ursula; bap.
" Jan. 23 Richard Howford; bur.
" Jan. 24 Joyce da. of Will'iam Crompton, Esq., & Sarah; bur.
" Feb. 1 Jane Hartshorne, of the Chapelry of Bentall, widow; bur.
" Feb. 13 Elinor da. of John Thornicroft & Catherine; bap.
" Feb. 17 Joyce da. of Will'iam Okes & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 25 Herbert son of ffrancis Langley & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 25 Catherine da. of Thomas Jerman & Isabell; bur.
" Feb. 25 Rebeckah Reynolds, widow; bur.
" Feb. 27 Mary da. of Thomas Bridgewood & Mary; bap.


1675 Feb. 29 John son of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 1 Humphry son of Mr Robert Hill & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 5 Will'iam son of Will'iam Turner & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 5 ffrancis da. of Edward Ramsdale & Ann; bap.
" Mar. 12 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 14 Edward Jones; bur.
" Mar. 17 Jane da. of Richard Llegg & Jane; bap.
1676 Mar. 25 Ann Hartshorne, of the Chappelry of Bentall, widow; bur.
" Mar. 25 John son of Henry Meare & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 26 Sarah Steenton, widow; bur.
" Mar. 30 John Pue & Elizabeth Stokes; mar.
" Mar. 31 John son of ffrancis Sansom & Abigail; bur.
" April 6 John son of George Roper & Dorothy; bap.
" April 7 Catherine a base childe of Ann Beard; bap.
" April 11 Catherine a base childe of Ann Beard; bur.
" April 12 Joyce wife of Edward Chambers; bur.
" April 15 Ann Beard, widow; bur.
" April 16 Richard son of Thomas Davis & Abigail; bap.
" April 16 John sun of Richard Symson & Ann; bap.
" April 18 Will. Taylor alias Synar & Eliza. Everall; mar.
" April 19 Catherine da. of Thomas German & Isabell; bur.
" April 24 John son of John Armishrew, jun., & Elinor; bap.
" April 25 Ruth da. of ffrancis Okes & Martha; bap.
" April 28 John Jordan, of Didieberry, & Eliza. Taylor, of Badger; mar.
" May 4 Sarah da. of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" May 7 ffrances Handley, widow; bur.
" May 11 Mary da. of Rob't Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 14 John German; bur.
" May 15 John Putt & Joyce Deuxali; mar.
" May 17 John Armishrew, sen.; bur.
" May 19 Mary da. of Godfrey Synar & Jane; bur.
" May 19 Mary wife of Lewis Will'iams; bur.
" May 25 John Mathewes & ffrances Price; mar.
" May 26 Ann wife of James Roden, senior; bur.
" May 28 John son of John Bradley & Mary; bap.
" June 7 John son of John Gearse & Sarah; bap.
" June 8 Thomas son of John Neachell & Mary; bap.
" June 10 Thomas Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" June 10 Samuel Barret & Margrett Price; mar.
" June 11 Michael son of Timothy Roper & Mary; bur.
" June 25 ffrancis Price & Alice Rutter; mar.
" June 26 Elizabeth wife of James Roden, junior; bur.
" June 29 Ann da. of francis Okes & Joyce; bap.
" June 30 Robert son of Robert Evans & Ann; bap.
" July 11 Elizabeth Roden, widow; bur.
" July 12 Will'iam Bowen; bur.
" July 13 Thomas son of Thomas Taylor & Mary; bur.
" July 16 Elizabeth da. of Hugh Jones & Mary; bap.
" July 27 Elizabeth da. of Joseph Griliths & Mary; bur.
" Aug. 6 Will'iam son of ffrancis Roper, sen., & Margrett; bur.
" Aug. 10 John son of Edward Russell & Mice; bap.
" Aug. 10 John son of Will'iam Rowley & Elinor; bap.
" Aug. 11 ffrancis Haddon, senior; bar.
" Aug. 16 Samuel Griffith & Elizabeth Llyster; mar.
" Aug. 30 Richard son of John Pearce & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 30 Richard son of Robert Smith & Juan; bur.
" Sep. 3 Millicent da. of Samuel Head & Rachel; bap.
" Sep. 4 Henry Garmson & Ann Cox; mar.


1676 Sep. 6 Jane da. of John German & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 6 Ann da. of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 6 ffrances da. of Edward Ramsell & Ann; bur.
" Sep. 7 Humphry Aston; bur.
" Sep. 7 John son of Edward Boden & Ann; bap.
" Sep. 8 Mary da. of Will. Synar & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 18 Elizabeth da. of Edward Ashwood & Eliz.; bap.
" Sep. 19 John son of John Weaver & Margrett; bur.
" Sep. 21 George Pott & Elizabeth Haress; mar.
" Sep. 24 Mary da. of Howell Watkins & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 24 Thomas son of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 25 Will. son of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 27 Jane wife of Thomas Synar; bur.
" Oct. 4 John Armishrew, jun.; bur.
" Oct. 6 Henry Barret; bur.
" Oct. 7 John son of John Belcham & Joyce; bur.
" Oct. 10 Richard Hemlock; bur.
" Oct. 22 Joyce wife of Morress Jenkins; bur.
" Oct. 26 Richard son of Richard Turner & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 28 Mary da. of francis Preece & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 6 Edward son of Daniel Powell & Mary; bur.
" Nov. 7 Samuel son of Will. Jones & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 16 Mary da. of Tho. Will'iams & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 16 ffrancis son of ffrancis Man & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 19 ffrancis son of ffran. Rodes & Eliza.; bap.
" Nov. 22 Jane da. of Thomas Handley & Jane; bur.
" Nov. 25 James Harrison; bur.
" Nov. 26 Mary da. of John Will'iams & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 27 Ann da. of Thomas Smith; bur.
" Nov. 28 Richard Eaves, sen.; bur.
" Dec. 1 Margrett wife of Thomas Jones; bur.
" Dec. 1 ffrancis son of Edward Cog; bur.
" Dec. 1 Thomas son of Thomas Bradley; bur.
" Dec. 11 Roger son of Thomas Millington; bur.
" Dec. 11 Cisley wife of Thomas Everall; bur.
" Dec. 12 Richard son of David Preece & Eliza.; bur.
" Dec. 14 Sarah da. of Thomas Preece & Eliza.; bap.
" Dec. 25 Isabell wife of John Goold; bur.
" Jan. 1 Elizabeth da. of John Whitmore & Elizab.; bur.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth wife of John Hughes, de Bentall; bur.
" Jan. 10 Sarah da. of Rich. Rowley & Rebeckah; bap.
" Jan. 10 Will. son of Thomas Gower & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 12 Jane da. of Samuel Barret & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 13 Thomas son of John Clibery & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 14 Joyce da. of Thomas Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 16 Lewis Will'iams & Joan Shaw; mar.
" Jan. 18 Elizabeth Allen, widow; bur.
" Jan. 19 Mary da. of Richard Eaves & Joan; bap.
" Feb. 4 Morress son of John Perry & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 4 Nehemiah Parramore; bur.
" Feb. 7 Mary da. of John Woosall & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 10 ffrancis son of John Price & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 13 Ann da. of Richard Edwards; bur.
" Feb. 14 Jane da. of John Buckley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 16 Thomas son of Will'iam Rutter & Jane, of Bentall; bur.
" Feb. 21 Joyce da. of Henry Garmson & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 23 Thomas Jones & Joane Geary, of Chetton; mar.
" Feb. 26 John Symons & Martha Blakeway, of Priors Ditton; mar.


1676 Feb. 28 Edward Morgan; bur.
" Mar. 6 Jane da. of Thomas Brook & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 7 A chrisome childe of Robert Hartshorne; bur.
" Mar. 7 John son of John Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 10 John son of John Lewis & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 11 Thomas Jones, sen.; bur.
" Mar. 12 John Chilton, sen.; bur.
" Mar. 12 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Marsh, de Bentall; bur.
" Mar. 16 John son of John Mathewes & ffrances; bap.
" Mar. 17 John son of Humphry Leadbeater & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 18 Margrett wife of Humphrey Leadbeater; bur.
" Mar, 18 Samuel son of Thomas Rowley Ann; bap.
" Mar. 23 Mary da. of John Pue, jun., & Elizab.; bap.
1677 April 1 Edward son of David Humphris & Jane; bap.
" April 5 Elizabeth wife of Mr John Langley, of ye Amias; bur.
" April 9 Richard son of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bur.
" April 23 Thomas Millort & Jane Bradeley; mar.
" April 24. John Evans & Catherine Hill; mar.
" April 24 Will'iam Jones & Mary Southern, at Linley; mar.
" Apri 29 Elizabeth da. of John Pearce & Ann; bap.
" May 1 Thomas Jones & Christian Crounder; mar.
" May 8 Will'iam son of Elizabeth Benbow, wid.; bur.
" May 16 Edward Jones & Isabell Harriotts; mar.
" May 17 Henry Innions & Sarah Powell; mar.
" May 18 ffrancis Preece; bur.
" May 20 Catherine wife of John Worthen; bur.
" May 20 Martha da. of Thomas Synar; bur.
" May 27 Peter sun of John Rowley & Ann; bap.
" June 4 Peter Danks & Elizabeth Cox; mar.
" June 5 Rich. Stringer & Sarah Turner; mar.
" June 5 Dorothy da. of Richard Wynn & Mary; bap.
" June 7 Mary wife of George Pott; bur.
" June 16 John sun of Moses Davies & Mary; bur.
" June 17 Joan Walton, widow; bur.
" June 19 Sylvanus Myvart & Mary Whitehead; mar.
" June 23 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Beard & Margrett; bap.
" June 26 Reignold son of Will'iam Buckley & Jane.
" & also Charles son of Will. Buckley St Jane; bap.
" July 1 Christopher son of Henry Piate & Mary; bap.
" July 6 Charles son of Joseph Bullock & Mary; bap.
" July 8 Thomas Llegg & ffrances Pearce; mar.
" July 15 Richard son of John Roden & Jane; bap.
" July 17 Daniell Bull & Alice Wigmure; mar.
" July 23 John Dauley & Elinor Hartshorne; mar.
" July 27 Mary da. of ffrancis Nash, jun., & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 29 Robert son of Thomas Bryon & Mary; bap.
" July 29 Roger Jones; bur.
" July 30 Robert son of John Tannot & Elinor; bur.
" July 30 Humphry son of George Pott & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 13 Elizabeth da. of Reece Wooden & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 14 Rober (sic) Will'iams; bur.
" Aug. 15 Richard Chorton; bur.
" Aug. 16 Catherine da. of Thomas Lewis & Catherine; bap.
" Aug. 19 James son of James Povey & Rebeckah; bap.
" Aug. 26 Mary da. of Wilt. Spur & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 26 Mary da. of Edward Ramsdale & Ann; bap.
" Sep. 2 Mary & Martha das. of Naboth Harnedge & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 9 Elizabeth da. of Mr Sausuell Langley & Elizabeth; bap.


1677 Sep. 9 Ann wife of John Ball; bur.
" Sep. 10 Henry son of Thomas Pue & Mary, & also Jertrude da. of Thomas Pue & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 12 Thomas Griffiths & ffrances Davies; mar.
" Sep. 17 ffrancis son of Will. Okes & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 21 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Yeates & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 25 Jane Barret; bur.
" Sep. 25 Samuel son of George Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 27 John son of John Bradney & Margrett; bap.
" Sep. 27 Richard son of Laurence Bayley & Isabell; bap.
" Sep. 29 John Llinalls & Mary Tomson; mar.
" Oct. 4 Joh (sic) son of Thomas Pott & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 23 ffrancis son of John Robberts & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 24 Will'iam Llitleton & Mary Millward, of the Moorehouse; mar. Oct. 25 George Rowley & Sarah Hemens, at Linley; mar. Nov. 4 Edward Burgten & Elizabeth Llane; mar. Nov. 6 Elizabeth da. of Lewis Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Nov. 7 Mary wife of Edward Burgess; bur.
" Nov. 8 Margrett da. of Henry Hanley & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 14 John son of Randoll Hughes & Ruth; bap.
" Nov. 15 Samuel son of Richard Guest & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 24 Sarah wife of Richard Allen; bur.
" Nov. 25 Edward son of Thomas Beddoe & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 25 Oliver Eastop, of the Chappelry of Bentall; bur.
" Nov. 26 Margrett da. of Henry Hanley & Mary; bur.
" Nov. 27 Will'iam son of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 28 Anna da. of Robert Whitemore & Rachel; bap.
" Nov. 30 John Robinson; bur.
" Dec. 2 John son of Henry Innions & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 4 Edward son of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 9 Will'iam son of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 13 John son of Robert Rhodes & Mary, at Linley; bap.
" Dec. 28 Richard son of Thomas Bradeley & Alice; bap.
" Dec. 28 Thomas son of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" Dec. 30 John son of Isaack Preece & Susanna; bap.
" Dec. 30 Elizabeth da. of David Jones & Bridget; bap.
" Jan. 1 Richard son of Mt John Neachell & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 2 Elizabeth da. of Morgan Humphris & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 6 Mary da. of John Garbett & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 11 Joane da. of Edward Chambers & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 14 Henry son of Henry Meyre & Elizabeth; bur.
" Jan. 14 Will'iam Rowley & Sarah Taylor; mar.
" Jan. 15 Will'iams Wadeley & Milicent Bowen; mar.
" Jan. 19 Richard Cownley & Elinor Powell; mar.
" Jan. 19 Thomas son of Thomas Watkis & Mary; bur.
" Jan. 21 Margery da. of Hugh Jones & Marie; bap.
" Jan. 30 Marmaduke son of Marmaduke Morres & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 3 Thomas son of Thomas Nash & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 3 Will'iam son of Will'iam Lewis & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 3 John son of John Evans & Catherine; bap.
" Feb. 4 Adam Palmer; bur.
" Feb. 6 Richard Beech; bur.
" Feb. 9 Mathew Weale & Ann Steventon; mar.
" Feb. 9 Richard Eaves & Jane Morrall; mar.
" Feb. 10 Will'iam son of Thomas Jones & Christian; bap.
" Feb. 10 Edward son of Samuel Griffith & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 10 Mary da. of Will'iam ? an & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 10 Henry Eaves; bur.


1677 Feb. 12 Winifrid da. of Ralph Biddle & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 12 Thomas son of John Phen & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 13 Ann da, of James Smith & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 14 Thomas Baylics; bur.
" Feb. 17 John son of James Roden & Joane; bap.
" Feb. 18 Thomas son of Charles Maddocke Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 17* Elizabeth da. of John Bradeley & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 24 John son of John James & Milborough; bap.
" Feb. 24 Elizabeth da. of Syivanus Myvart & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 25 Margrett wife of Will'iam Turton; bur.
" Feb. 27 John son of ffrancis Rodes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 3 Margrett da. of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" Mar. 5 Robert son of Robert Smith & Paine; bap.
" Mar. 5 Elizabeth da. of John Jones & Cicely; bap.
" Mar. 5 Elizabeth wife of Cornelius Davis; bur.
" Mar. 10 Richard son of Robert Goulden & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 10 Will'iam son of Elizabeth Aston, wid., of the Chappellry of Linley; bap.
" Mar. 12 A chrisome childe of John Will'iams & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 14 Mary da. of John Pearce, de Wood, & Jane; bap.
1678 April 1 Ann da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 3 Will'iam son of Will'iam Beard & Sarah bap.
" April 5 John son of Timothy Roper & Mary; bur.
" April 6 Edward Blisse; bur.
" April 10 Elizabeth da. of Roger Morrall & Mary; bap.
" April 12 Mary da. of John Davies & Mary; bap.
" April 14 Thomas son of Thomas Llegg & tfrances; bap.
" April 17 Jane da. of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 19 Elinor da. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" April 22 John Davies & Margrett Biayney; mar.
" April 24 Sarah da. of Edward Edwards & Alice; bap.
" April 26 Thomas son of Thomas Lice & Mary; bap.
" April 26 ffrancis son of John Harnedge & Mary; bap.
" May 1 Robert Evans & Joan Worthen; mar.
" May 19 A chrisome child of John Pue & Alice; bur.
" May 25 John Gold; bur.
" May 25 Thomas Harrison & Ann Llacon. at Linley; mar.
" May 23 A chrisome childe of Thomas Millen & Jane; bur.
" May 28 Richard Llegg & Elizabeth Roe; mar.
" May 29 Thomas Glacebrooke & ffranees Harrison, at Linley; mar.
" June 4 Mary da. of ffrancis Bendbi oar & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 16 Ann Shaw, widow; bur.
" June 16 Robert base childe of Elizabeth Cadman; bap.
" June 17 Elizabeth Rhodes; bur.
" June 20 Isaac son of Thomas Haddon & Sarah; bap.
" June 23 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Palmer & Margrett; bap.
" June 24 Will'iam Warde & Mary Edwards; mar.
" June 24 John Symmons & Ann Burgess; mar.
" June 25 Thomas Rostance & Elizabeth Stocking; mar.
" June 28 Roger Morrall; bur.
" June 19 Thomas son of Thomas Griffith & Frances; bap.
" June 30 Thomas son of Thomas Everall & Mary; bap.
" June 30 Edward son of Edward Crew & Mary; bap.
" June 30 Edward son of Christopher Glover & Pennina; bap.
" July 3 Robert Smith; bur.
" July 10 Peter son of John Geeres & Sarah; bap.

* So dated in onginal.


1678 July 16 Richard Allen & Margrett White; mar.
" July 21 John son of Thomas Shaw & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 24 Rowland Cox; bur.
" July 25 John Nash & Jane Cox; mar.
" July 27 Ann da. of ffrancis Okes & Joyce; bur.
" Aug. 11 Alice da. of John Pott & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 15 Will'iam Ball & Mary Hodgkis; mar.
" Aug. 26 Ann wife of Richard Symson; bur.
" Aug. 30 Thomas Alcocks, of Bentall; bur.
" Aug. 31 Elizabeth wife of Morgan Jones; bur.
" Sep. 1 George son of George Pott & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 1 Thomas son of Jonathan Prestwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 10 Philip son of Mr Richard Wingfeild & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 12 Immanuel son of Thomas Aston & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 15 Hanna da. of Will. Turner & Ann; bap.
" Sep. 22 Millicent da. of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 22 Mary da. of Timothy Roper & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 24 George son of George Roper & Dorothy; bap.
" Sep. 30 Joane da. of Robert Harris & Elizab.; bur.
" Oct. 1 Henry son of John Guest & Cicely; bap.
" Oct. 27 Humphry Rutter & Judith Meyre; mar.
" Nov. 3 John Eaves & Sarah Heulet; mar.
" Nov. 5 Mary da. of Samuell Barker & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 9 Isabel' da. of Edward Jones & Isabell; bap.
" Nov. 10 Thomas son of James Bayley & Catherine; bap.
" Nov. 15 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Lloyd & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 17 Margret da. of Naboth Harnedg & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 21 Elizabeth da. of Reece Woodin & Sarah; bur.
" Nov. 24 Richard Edwards & Elizabeth Evans; mar.
" Dec. 1 John son of Will'iam Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 6 Robert Benbow; bur.
" Dec. 8 Jeremiah son of Humphry Crompe & Eliner; bap.
" Dec. 20 Joyce da. of Thomas Preece & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 14 Joyce da. of James Aston; bur.
" Dec. 15 Job Johnson; bur.
" Dec. 15 Mary da. of Will'iam Whitall & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 19 ffrancis son of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 26 Richard son of Richard Smith & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 28 Margrett da. of John Haynes & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 29 Thomas son of Thomas Bridgwood & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 2 Jane da. of Thomas Brook & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 2 Ann da. of Richard Wynne & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 5 John son of Thomas Roberts & Joyce; bur.
" Jan. 14 Will'iam son of Will'iam Rowley & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 16 Edward Kiddar & Joyce Smith; mar.
" Jan. 19 Josua son of John Clibbery & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 19 Thomas son of Thomas Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 21 Thomas son of Robert Wild & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 26 Richard son of Humphry Lyster & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 10 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Nash; bur.
" Feb. 13 Edward son of Richard Rowley & Rebecca; bap.
" Feb. 14 Rebecca wife of Richard Rowley; bur.
" Feb. 16 Ann da. of John Will'iams & Catherine; bap.
" Feb. 18 Will'iam son of Henry Meyre & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 21 Edward son of Richard Rowley; bur.
" Feb. 22 A chrisome child of John Worthen & Catherine; bur.
" Feb. 26 Edward Boothe & Elizabeth Peirce; mar.
" Feb. 26 John Roper & Margrett Ball (? Bill); mar.


1678 Feb. 38 Margret Worthen; bur.
" Mar. 4 ffrancis son of Will'iam Jones & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 4 Elizabeth da. of Edward Blakemore & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 9 Edward a base childe of Joane Benbow; bap.
" Mar. 11 Richard Gearse; bur.
" Mar. 15 Thomas Roberts; bur.
" Mar. 16 Thomas a base son of Elizabeth Peirce; bap.
" Mar. 20 Edward base child of Joan Bendbow; bur.
1679 Mar. 26 Dianna da. of Thomas Pugh & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 27 Isabell wife of Thomas German; bur.
" Mar. 29 Morress son of John Perry & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 30 Richard son of Richard Hill & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 5 John Pearce; bur.
" April 6 Joyce da. of Will. Jones & Ann; bap.
" April 7 Hester da. of Hugh Jones & Mary; bap.
" April 20 Sarah da. of Robert Evans & Joan; bap.
" April 21 Edward Dawley; bur.
" April 22 Edward Roper; bur.
" April 22 Rebeckah da. of John Pugh & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 28 Edward Roberts; bur.
" April 28 Richard son of Richard Llegg & Elizab.; bap.
" May 2 Richard Llaurence; bor.
" May 4 The da. of Thomas Baldwin & Margret; bap.
" May 6 Alice da. of Thomas Harress & Alice; bap.
" May 18 John son of John Millichop & Newell; bap.
" May 20 John son of Will'iam Ball & Mary; bap.
" May 20 Richard son of Richard Llegg & Elizabeth; bur.
" May 29 Susanna cia. of ffrancis Okes & Martha; bap.
" June 2 Millicent da. of Moses Davies & Mary; bur.
" June 10 Mary da. of John Nash & Jane; bap.
" June 13 Mary da. of Humphrey Hilton & Anti; bap.
" June 15 Thomas son of Thomas Milwort & Jane; bap.
" June 15 Isaac son of Thomas Boold & Ruth; bap.
" June 20 Cornelius Davies & Ann Hodgskis; mar.
" June 22 Jane da. of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" June 24 Ann da, of ffrancis Okes & Joyce; bap.
" June 26 Mary da. of Robert Guest & Elizabeth; bur.
" June 29 Will'iam son of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" July 10 Abigail dz. of John Buckley & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 24 Sarah da. of Richard Eaves & Joan; bap.
" July 25 Elinor da. of Humphry Rutter & Judith; bap.
" Aug. 3 Richard son of Richard Alien & Margret; bap.
" Aug. 5 John Langley & Mary Whildright; mar.
" Aug. 10 Timothy son of Samuel Evans & Margrett; bap.
" Aug. 11 John Whitmore; bur.
" Aug. 14 A chrisom child of John Eaves; bur.
" Aug. 20 Ann Rochley; bur.
" Aug. 25 Will'iam Rutter; bur.
" Aug. 29 Joshua son of Thomas Martin & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 31 Maurice son of Thomas Bradeley & Alice; bap.
" Aug. 31 Mary da. of Timothy Roper & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 4 Sarah da. of John Holmes & Ruth; bap.
" Sep. 23 ffrancis son of John Davies & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 26 Robert Hill; bur.
" Sep. 26 Elizabeth Smith; bur.
" Oct. 9 Thomas son of John Symmous & Ann; bap.
" Oct. 12 Joyce da. of Thomas Davies & Abigail; bap.
" Oct. 19 Edward Glover & Joan Jefferes; mar.


1679 Oct. 19 Joan da. of John Jones & Elizabeth; bur.
" Oct. 25 Elizabeth Russell, widow; bur.
" Oct. 28 Sarah da. of Richard Eaves & Joan; bur.
" Nov. 3 ffrancis son of Edward Russell & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 5 Mary da. of John Smith & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 5 Mary da. of Edward Burgess; bur.
" Nov. 9 Will'iam son of Maurice Jenkin & Ann; bap.
" Nov. 12 John Chilton; bur.
" Nov. 12 John son of James Povey & Rebeckah; bur.
" Nov. 24 Will'iam Harress; bur.
" Nov. 26 Mary da. of John Evans & Katherine; bap.
" Nov. 27 ffrancis son of Thomas Pott & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 28 Thomas Pinches & Anne Henley; mar.
" Dec. 3 Robert son of Robert Whitmore & Rachell; bap.
" Dec. 11 Gertrude da. of Mr Richard Wingfeild & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 12 Margaret Caughley, widow; bur.
" Dec. 14 Jane da. of Thomas Watkis & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 21 Samuel son of Edward Chambers & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 22 Aron son of Moses Davies & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 23 John Will'iams; bur.
" Dec. 26 James Roden; bur.
" Dec. 27 Richard son of Robert Goulden & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 28 Will'iam son of Henry Garmson & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 30 John son of ffrancis Nash & Ann; bap.
" Dec. 30 Mary da. of Thomas Edwards & his wife; bap.
" Jan. 13 Thomas Johnson & Mary Morrall; mar.
" Jan. 14 Elizabeth da. of Henry Beddow & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 15 Mr Andrew Swift & Mr Ann Addenbrook; mar.
" Jan. 15 Will'iam son of John Mathewes & ffrances; bap.
" Jan. 15 John son of ffrancis Nash & Ann; bur.
" Jan. 18 Elizabeth da. of David Evans & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 21 Joyce da. of Robert Bayley & Margrett; bap.
" Jan. 27 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Man & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 29 Elinor da. of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 2 Richard Trevor & Mary Taylor; mar.
" Feb. 2 Edward Llester & ffrances Hall; mar.
" Feb. 2 John son of Will'iam Taylor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 2 Sarah da. of John Roberts & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 3 Alice Davies, widow; bur.
" Feb. 8 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" Feb. 12 Edward son of Humphry Hill & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 15 Joan da. of Edward Ramsden & Ann; bap.
" Feb. 16 Charles son of Will'iam Buckley & Jane; bur.
" Feb. 16 Dianna da. of John Jones, of Bentall; bur.
" Feb. 20 Mary da. of John Bradney & Margrett; bap.
" Feb. 17* John son of Richard Guest & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 21 Rose Will'iams; bur.
" Feb. 21 Bridgett Bayley; bur.
" Feb. 23 James Nash; bur.
" Feb. 24 Thomas Andrewes, of Bentall, & Elizabeth Pew; mar.
" Feb. 26 Mennes son of W Samuel Langley & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 26 Will'iam son of John Roberts & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 29 Samuel son of James Roden & Joan; bap.
" Mar. 2 Margery da. of Edward Pugh & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 2 Robert Ogden, Rector; bur.
" Mar. 7 John son of David Jones & Bridgett; bap.

* So dated in original.


1679 Mar. 7 Thomas son of John Smith & Mary; bur.
" Mar. 16 Thomas son of Thomas Bradeley & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 18 Jonathan son of Will. Buckley & Jane; bur.
" Mar. 21 Ursela da. of John Watkis & Ursela; bap.
1680 Mar. 25 Elizabeth da. of John Worthen & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 26 Aaron son of Moses Davies; bur.
" Mar. 30 Sarah da. of John Okes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 31 Thomas Bryan; bur.
" Mar. 31 Will'iam a base child of Joan Adams; bap.
" April 1 Rowland son of Morgan Humphrys & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 1 Joyce da. of John Bradely & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 14 Will'iam son of John German & Mary; bap.
" April 14 Mary da. of John Ball & Anne; bap.
" April 20 Sarah da. of John Roden & Jane; bap.
" April 26* Jane da. of Tho. Will'iams & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 20 Joyce da. of George Hartshorne & Elinor; bur.
" April 22 Elizabeth da. of Rob't Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 22 Isaack son of Thomas Booth; bur.
" April 24 A chrisome son of Mr John Langley & Mary; bur.
" May 2 Sarah da. of Richard Owen & Alice; bap.
" May 12 Samuel son of Samuell Barrett & Margarett; bap.
" May 20 John son of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 20 Mary da. of Sylvanus Myvart & Mary; bap.
" May 31 John Smith; bur.
" June 1 Will'iam son of Thomas Lewis & Catherine; bap.
" June 12 Jane da. of Thomas Will'iams & Elizabeth; bur.
" June 13 A chrisome son of Will. Smith; bur.
" June 16 Margrett wife of Will. Smith; bur.
" June 16 Will'iam son of Will. Cadman & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 27 Thomas son of Tho. Baldwyn; bur.
" June 18+ Sarah da. of John Will'iams & Anne; bap.
" July 6 Charles son of Will. Buckley Sr Jane; bap.
" July 18 Lawrence son of Lawrence Bayley & Isabel; bap.
" July 8+ Will'iam Blakemore; bur.
" July 9+ Joyce Bradely; bur.
" July 24 Anne Barker; bur.
" Aug. 1 Edward son of Edward Glover & Joane; bap.
" Aug. 8 Martha da. of firan. Okes & Martha; bur.
" Aug. 9 Robert son of Thomas Owen & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 12 Magdalene wife of John Haslehood; bur.
" Aug. 22 Will'iam son of John Perry & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 27 Evan Evans & Mary Benbow; mar.
" Aug. 29 Margarett da. of Howell Watkins & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 31 John Edwards & Susanna Jones; mar.
" Sep. 5 John sonne of Will. Ball & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 11 Anne da. of Tho. Brook & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 22 Samuel son of Tho. Johnson & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 22 Elizabeth wife of Robert Evans; bur.
" Sep. 25 Robert Evans; bur.
" Sep. 29 Judith da. of Mr ffrancis Langley & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 30 Sarah da, of Rich. Evans & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 3 Thomas son of Will'iam Turner & Anne; bap.
" Oct, 5 Phebe da. of George Pott & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 7 Thomas Everall & Susannah Edwards; mar.
" Oct. 10 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Legg & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 13 Thomas son of Evan Evans & Mary; bap.

* Interpolated at top of page.
+ So dated in original.


1680 Oct. 15 Will'iam Smith & Joyce Roberts; mar.
" Oct. 13* John son of Robert Smith & Joane; bap.
" Oct. 14* Jane wife of Samuell Rutter; bur.
" Oct. 18 John son of Tho. Andrews & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 25 Mary da. of Robert Golden & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 27 John Nash; bur.
" Oct. 30 George son of Tho. Glasebrooke & ffrances; bap.
" Dec. 2 Margarett wife of Robert Baylis; bur.
" Dec. 4 Elizabeth wife of Jonathan Presthood; bur.
" Dec. 5 Sarah da. of Tho. Lee & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 10 Richard son of Rich. Allen; bur.
" Dec. 12 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Evans; bur.
" Dec. 16 Gertrude da. of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 25 Martha da. of Richard Mathews & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 27 John sonne of Robert Yeats & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 1 Edward sonne of Timothy Roper & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 5 Thomas Gearce; bur.
" Jan. 7 John Parramore; bur.
" Jan. 13 Samuell Constable & Elizabeth Jones; mar.
" Jan. 13 A chrisome sonne of John Eaves & Sarah; bur.
" Jan. 14 John Pugh; bur.
" Jan. 15 Michaell Ould, Gent.; bur.
" Jan. 16 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Nash & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 23 Thomas sonne of John Eaves & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 23 Job sonne of Will'iam Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 24 Mary da. of Sylvanus Myvart & Mary; bur.
" Jan. 31 Richard sonne of John Jones & Cisly; bap.
" Feb. 2 Jane da. of John Phen & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 6 Anne da. of George Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 9 John Buckley; bur.
" Feb. 13 John sonne of Rob't Evans & Joane; bap.
" Feb. 16 John sonne of Daniell Armishrew & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 17 Jane da. of Rob't Cranege & Mary, of Bentall; bur.
" Feb. 20 Henery sonne of Henery Onions & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 10 ffrancis sonne of Walter Miles & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 10 Margarett Rowley; bur.
" Mar. 13 Samuell & Will'iam sons of Tho. Beddow & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 19 Edward Glover; bur.
" Mar. 20 Anne da. of Will. Whitall & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 21 Will'iam sonne of Will. Cadman; bur.
1681 Mar. 25 Anne da. of John Golden & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 28 Thomas a base sonne of Elizabeth Cadman; bap.
" April 2 Samuell sonne of Samuell Barrett & Margaret; bur.
" April 4 Margaret da. of Naboth Hamedge; bur.
" April 6 Samuell Meyers & Jane Talbott; mar.
" April 7 John sonne of Thomas Bradely & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 10 John son of John Davies & Mary; bap.
" April 12 Sarah da. of John Pott & Joyce; bap.
" April 14 Edward Barges & Anne Hargrave (?); mar.
" April 17 Robert sonne of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" April 22 Elizabeth Nash; bur.
" May 1 Margarett da. of Samuell Barrett & Margarett; bap.
" May 1 Mary da. of ffrancis Evans & Mary; bap.
" May 2 Will'iam sonne of Will. Ball & Mary; bap.
" May 5 John sonne of Henry Pyatt & Mary; bur.
" May 8 Margarett da. of John Clebary & Jane; bap.

* So dated in original


1681 May 9 Hugh sonne of Hugh Jones & Mary; bap.
" May 10 Elizabeth wife of Robert Wild; bur.
" May 11 Richard sonne of Catherine Will'iams; bur.
" May 12 Samuel' sonne of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 12 Robert sonne of Robert Hartshorne & Anne; bap.
" May 19 Sarah da. of John Evans & Catherine; bap.
" May 23 Mary da. of Stephen Wellington, of Bentall; bur.
" May 23 Will'iam son of John Bradley & Mary; bap.
" May 23 Jane da, of John Pearce; bur.
" May 28 Elizabeth da. of John Pearce; bur.
" June 2 Mabell da, of Moses Davies; bap.
" June 2 Mary wife of Moses Davies; bur.
" June 3 Elizabeth Davies; bur.
" June 3 Margery da. of Mathew Hare & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 6 Isabell da. of John Edwards & Susannah; bap.
" June 13 Charles Bloore; bur.
" June 13 Mabell da. of Moses Davies; bur.
" June 25 Ralph sauna of Ralph Biddle & Joyce; bap.
" June 26 Margarett da. of John Cleebery; bur.
" July 1 Will'iam Borges; bur.
" July 3 Mary da. of ffran. Roper & Margarett; bap.
" July 6 Richard Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" July 7 Sarah da. of John Guest & Sycley; bap.
" July 7 Thomas Bradely; bur.
" July 10 Jane da. of Thomas Booth & Ruth; bap.
" July 14 Elizabeth da. of M John Langley, de Swinbach, & Mary; bap.
" July 14 John sonne of James Baylys; bur.
" July 19 Hugh sonne of Hugh Junes; bur.
" July 21 Margery Pearce, widd.; bur.
" July 24 Ruth da, of Will'iam Lloyd & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 3 Richard Beard; bur.
" Aug. 4 Widdow Elizabeth Barcker; bur.
" Aug. 3 Stephen Sambrooke; bur.
" Aug. 7 Catherine da. of Naboth Harnedge & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 9 Anne da. of John Nash & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 13 Robert Holms; bur.
" Aug. 15 John Evans; bur.
" Aug. 16 Sarah da. of John Pugh & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 31 Mary da. of ffrancis Rodes & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 21 Margarett da. of Thu. Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Aug. 24 Samuell sonne of Humphq Crump & Ellinor; bap.
" Sep. 2 Martha Owen, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 1* John Beard; bur.
" Sep. 4 John sonne of James Bayly & Catherine; bap.
" Sep. 9 Richard Guest; bur.
" Sep. 11 Mary da. of Tho. Abery & Shnsanna; bap.
" Sep. 25 Will'iam sonne of John Price & Margarett; bap.
" Sep. 29 Richard sonne of Thomas Bridgwood & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 29 Peter Ramsell & Elizabeth Smith; mar.
" Oct. 3 Sarah da. of John Evans; bur.
" Oct. 4 Jane da. of Thomas Will'iams & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 6 Thomas sonue of Will. Tesse & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 16 Bridgett da. of Samna Barker & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 16 George Alsop & Elizabeth Tayler, Linley; mar.
" Oct. 16 Will. Armishrew & Margery ffarely, Linley; mar.
" Oct. 22 Mary Armishrew; bur.

* So dated in original.


1681 Oct. 23 Richard sonne of Humphry Rutter & Judith; bap.
" Oct. 27 John sonne of John Sim'ons & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 30 Richard Amphlett; bur.
" Nov. 13 Luke sonne of Ralph Harper & Katherine; bap.
" Nov. 13 Mary da. of John Robbarts & Joan; bap.
" Nov. 3* Will'iam sonne of Rob't Rodes & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 14 Shusanna da. of Edward Chambers & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 20 Sarah da. of Rich. Hill & Eliza.; bap.
" Nov. 22 Joane Harris, widd.; bur.
" Nov. 23 Sylvanus sonne of Sylvanus Mivart & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 27 Elizabeth da. of Richard Watkis & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 29 Elinor da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 4 Margarett da. of Hum. Lyster & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 5 Phelice Davies; bur.
" Dec. 8 Will'iam sonne of Samuell Cartwright & Timesin; bap.
" Dec. 8 ffrancis sonne of Henery Beddow & Elinor; bap.
" Dec. 13 Mary da. of Mary Guest, widd.; bap.
" Dec. 21 Will'iam a childe of John Bradelys; bur.
" Dec. 26 George sonne of John Millichop & Amell; bap.
" Dec. 27 Will'iam son of Edward Jones & Isabell; bap.
" Dec. 27 Samuell sonne of Samuell Constable & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 1 Richard Haslewood; bur.
" Jan. 5 Elizabeth wife of Hugh Collis; bur.
" Jan. 13 Edward Rushbury & Mary Weale, Linley; mar.
" Jan. 15 Robert Wild & Elinor Will'iams; mar.
" Jan. 16 Margaret da. of Will'iam Cadman & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 23 Robert Hartshorne; bur.
" Jan. 28 Thomas Haddon, sen.; bur.
" Jan. 29 Thomas sonne of John Bradely; bur.
" Jan. 29 Millicent da. of John James & Millicent; bap.
" Feb. 1 John sonne of Thomas Johnson & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 4 Jane da. of Richard Synar; bur.
" Feb. 8 Benjamine sonne of Benjamine Ashwood & his wife; bap.
" Feb. 11 ffrancis Poole; bur.
" Feb. 12 Will'iam sonne of Richard Allen & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. .. John sonne of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 19 Elinor da. of Will. Beard & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 20 Elizabeth Rowly; bur.
" Feb. 21 Elinor da. of Will. Rowly & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 24 Jane Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" Feb. 26 ffrancis sonne of John Davies & Mary; bur.
" Feb. 26 Edward son of David Evans & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 9 Thomas Price; bur.
" Mar. 11 Elinor da. of John Whitmore; bur.
" Mar. 12 Margaret wife of John Guest; bur.
" Mar. 17 Alice da. of Thomas Pott & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 19 Rebekah da. of Richard Rowly & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 21 Mary da. of Robert Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
1682 April 2 Mary da. of Israeli Dito & Margery; bap.
" April 3 Isabell wife of Will'iam Evans; bur.
" April 9 ffrances da. of Thomas Price & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 14 Elizabeth Buckley, widd.; bur.
" April 20 Anne da. of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" April 21 Mary wife of Stephen Wellington, of Bentall; bur.
" April 25 Will'iam sonne of Robert Rodes & Mary; bur.
" April 28 Mary da. of Sam. Armishrew & Mary; bap.

* So dated in original.


1682 May 5 Rosamond a base childe of Anne Cadman; bap.
" May 7 Will'iam sonne of Will. Smith & Joyce; bap.
" May 7 Mary da. of Edward Ashwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 9 Thomas Blyth & Elizabeth Nickons; mar.
" May 13 Sarah da. of Will. Turner & Anne; bap.
" May 16 Samuell sonne of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" May 18 Catherine wife of ffrancis Belcham; bur.
" May 24 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Watkis, senior; bur.
" June 3 ffrancis da. of Thomas Holmes & Judith; bap.
" June 6 Helleagio Maddox & Anne Crompton; mar.
" June 26 Rebecka a childe of Richard Rowlys; bur.
" June 16 Sarah da. of Tho. Pugh & Mary; bap.
" June 24 Robert Smith & Hanna Smith; mar.
" June 25 Thomas son of David Jones & Bridget; bap.
" July 15 Morris a childe of Robert Cranadge, de Bentall; bur.
" July 16 John sonne of Will. Armishrow & Margery; bap.
" July 18 John sonne of Samuell Mayer & Joaiie; bap.
" July 30 Will'iam sonne of John Evans & Catherine; bap.
" July 31 Isabell Lister, widd.; bur.
" Aug. 12 June da. of John Clebery & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 13 John sonne of Peter Ramsell & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 13 Hugh sonne of Hugh Jones & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 25 Mary a childe of Mary Guest. wild.; bur.
" Sep. 5 James sonne of John Nash & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 22 Elizabeth da. of Henry Mayor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 12. Elizabeth da. of Lawrence Bayleys & Isabell; bap.
" Sep. 13 John sonne of Henry Garmsun & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 17 Anne da. of Thomas Price & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 21 Mary a child of Samuell Armishrow; bur.
" Sep. 23 ffrancis Haddon; bur.
" Sep. 28 Will'iam Millichop & Susanna Langley; mar.
" Sep. 28 Jonathan sonne of Will. Bowkley & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 29 ffrancis sonne of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 8 Peter sonne of John Holmes & Ruth; bap.
" Oct. 8 Samuell sonne of Edward Ramsell & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 8 Mary da. of Evan Evans & Nlary; bap.
" Oct. 16 Anne da. of Edward Smith & Judith; bap.
" Oct. 17 Anne Smith, widd.; bur.
" Oct. 19 Sarah da. of Thu. Baldwin & Margerett; bap.
" Oct. 30 John Johnson; bur.
" Nov. 7 Will'iam Scripture & Mary Oakes; mar.
" Nov. 7 Anne da. of Robert Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 8 Will'iam Cole; bur.
" Nov. 12 Will'iam Barrett & Elizabeth Morris; mar.
" Nov. 19 Will'iam sonne of Will. Sy-nor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 19 John son of James Smith & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 23 ffrancis a base son of Sarah Rutter; bap.
" Nov. 26 Will'iam Prestwood & Ruth Holmes; mar.
" Nov. 26 Elinor da. of Will. Jones & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 27 Peter a child of John Gears & Sarah; bur.
" Dec. 3 Thomas Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" Dec. 13 Anne a child of Robert Wild & Ellinor; bur.
" Dec. 24 Catherine Lyster, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 27 ffrancis sonne of John Davies & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 30 Dorothy wife of John Langley, of ye Tuckyes, Gent.; bur.
" Jan. 1 Alice Howford, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 2 Joyce da. of Nicholas Aspery & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 4 Joseph sonne of Joseph Evans & Elizabeth; bap.


1682 Jan. 5 Thomas sonne of Edward Crow & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 7 Mary da. of Richard Legge, junior, & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 19 Phillip sonne of John Worthen & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 21 Mary a child of ffrancis Evans, junior; bur.
" Jan. 24 Martha da. of Thomas Owen & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 24 Daniell sonne of Daniell Armishrew & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 24 John son of Will'iam Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 26 Daniell son of Daniell Armishrew; bur.
" Jan. 28 Thomas son of John Bradely & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 28 Elizabeth da. of Richard Lane & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 30 Ellinor Adams, widd.; bur.
" Feb. 2 Thomas & Elizabeth son & da. of Thomas Martin & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 2 Israeli Everall & Mary Steventon; mar.
" Feb. 4 Thomas son of Edward Lester & francis (sic); bap.
" Feb. 4 John son of John Garbett & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 5 Elizabeth a child of Thomas Martin; bur.
" Feb. 11 Thomas son of Thomas Alderidge & Dorothy; bap.
" Feb. 13 Thomas a child of Thomas Martin; bur.
" Feb. 17 Sylvanus a child of Sylvanus Myvart; bur.
" Feb. 18 Robert Will'is; bur.
" Feb. 25 Peter a child of John Holmes; bur.
" Mar. 1 Margery da. of Thomas Turner & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 9 Elizabeth da. of Rob't Evans & Joane; bap.
" Mar. 11 John son of Mathew Hare & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 11 Margaret da. of ffrancis Ropier & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 11 James Roden; bur.
" Mar. 12 Abigaile da. of Rob't Rodes & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 14 Elizabeth wife of John Lewis; bur.
" Mar. 15 John son of Will'iam Ball & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 15 John son of Godfrey Synar; bur.
" Mar. 18 Elizabeth da. of Edward Jones & Isabell; bap.
" Mar. 19 Anna da. of John Edwards & Susanna; bap.
" Mar. 23 Anne da. of John Pue & Elizabeth; bap.
1683 Mar. 27 Thomas son of John Mathews & ffrances; bap.
" April 9 Will'iam son of Edward Glover & Joane; bap.
" April 9 George Phillips & Mary Hill; mar.
" April 10 Will'iam son of Will. Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 12 John Coxe; bur.
" April 16 Will'iam Adams & Anne Prisler; mar.
" April 16 Edward son of John Evans; bur.
" May 1 Thomas son of Thomas Everall & Shusanna; bap.
" May 8 ffrancis Coxe & Elizabeth Masse; mar.
" May 10 John son of Rich. Eves & Joan; bap.
" May 17 Hannah Adams; bur.
" May 20 Will'iam son of Will. Whittall & Anne; bap.
" May 20 Will'iam son of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" May 30 Sylvanus Myvart; bur.
" May 31 John son of Hugh Cullis & Joyce; bap.
" May 31 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Lane; bur.
" June 3 Will'iam son of Will'iam Rutland & Alice; bap.
" June 5 Elizabeth da. of Samuell Roden & Jane; bap.
" June 13 John Davies & Elizabeth Edgcombe; mar.
" June 15 Elizabeth wife of Will'iam Spragge; bur.
" June 24 David Tudge & Judith Nash; mar.
" June 26 Mary da. of Robert Cranadge, of Bentall; bur.
" June 27 Will'iam sonne of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" June 27 Martha wife of ffrancis Oakes; bur.


1683 July 8 Edward sonne of Rob't Smith & Joane; bap.
" July 10 Thomas Roden & Sarah Deacon; mar.
" July 15 Will'iam sonne of John Bradely & Margaret; bap.
" July 15 John sonne of Edward Edwards & Alice; bap.
" July 16 Margery Wagley, spinster; bur.
" July 20 Martha da. of Griffith German & Anne; bap.
" July 26 John sonne of George Putt & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 27 David Evans & Edward his sonne; bur.
" July 28 John Ould, gent.; bur.
" July 29 Rich. Man; bur.
" July 29 Will'iam son of ffrancis Man & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 31 John sonne of George Pott & Elizabeth; bur.
" Aug. 3 Lawrence Smith & Sarah Webb; mar.
" Aug. 8 Israeli Dito; bur.
" Aug. 12 Elizabeth da. of John Rusher & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 15 ffrancis a child of Sarah Rutter; bur.
" Aug. 16 Abraham Chambers; bur.
" Aug. 24 Margaret da. of John Amphlet & Joan; bap.
" Aug. 24. John Garbett; bur.
" Aug. 26 Anne da. of Thomas Lewis & Catherine; bap.
" Aug. 26 Elizabeth da. of John ffenne & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 26 Anne wife of Godfrey Syner; bur.
" Aug. 27 John Turner & Mary Pew; mar.
" Aug. 30 George sonne of Richard Owen & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 7 Joyce wife of Will'iam Okes; bur.
" Sep. 8 Anne da. of George Hartshorne; bur.
" Sep. 11 John sonne of Thomas Oliver & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 16 Mary da. of Morris Jenkin & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 17 Rebecca da. of Hugh Jones & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 18 Samuell sonne of Thomas Lister (?), junior, & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 20 Elizabeth da. of John Oswald & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 22 ffrancis sonne of Edward Russell & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 25 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Beard; bur.
" Sep. 28 Joseph sonne of Joseph Evans; bur.
" Sep. 30 Samuell Lyster & Rosamond Roberts; mar.
" Oct. 2 Henry Barrett; bur.
" Oct. 8 Sarah da. of Robert Wilde & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 9 ffrancis a childe of Henery Bedow; bur.
" Oct. 10 Will'iam sonne of Will. Scripture & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 10 Joseph sonne of Humph. Hilton & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 10 Margarett a childe of John Amplett; bur.
" Oct. 14 Richard Mathews; bur.
" Oct. 17 Elizabeth da. of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 17 Mary da. of Ben Ashwod & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 18 Thomas Oswald & Jane Whitehead; mar.
" Oct. 19 Elizabeth da. of John Evans, sen.; bur.
" Oct. 21 Will'iam Symonds & Elizabeth Sym'unds; mar.
" Oct. 21 Elizabeth da. of Win. Prcstwood & Ruth; bap.
" Oct. 28 Richard Blayne]; bur.
" Nov. 9 Thomas Everall; bur.
" Nov. 11 Elizabeth da. of John Robbarts & plane; bap.
" Nov. 21 Edward sonne of Morris Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 28 Reignald sonne of Will. Bouckley & Jane; bur.
" Nov. 29 Mary base da. of Elizabeth Harris; bap.
" Dec. 2 Mary da. of Caleb Harris & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 2 Alice da. of Richard Kevet & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 9 John Haslewood; bur.
" Dec. 16 Thomas sonne of ffrancis Nash, junior, & Anne; bap.


1683 Dec. 23 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Oliver; bur.
" Jan. 1 David Rudge & Elizabeth Griffithes; mar.
" Jan. 1 Catherine da. of Anne Cadman; bur.
" Jan. 1 Jane da. of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 3 Jane da. of Richard Evans & Elizabeth; bur.
" Jan. 3 Catherine da. of Richard Rowley & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 4 Margery Perkin, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 6 Mary da. of Samuell Cartwright & Timison; bap.
" Jan. 6 George Alsop; bur.
" Jan. 6 Margarett da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bur.
" Jan. 7 Jane da. of Israeli Everall & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 7 Jane da. of Israel Everall, ye same day; bur.
" Jan. 8 Robert sonne of Robert Yeates & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 9 Will'iam sonne of John Sym'ons & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 10 John sonne of Robert Goulden & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 10 Margery wife of Evan Evans; bur.
" Jan. 13 ffrancis sonne of David Tudge & Judith; bap.
" Jan. 14 Robert sonne of Thomas Bridgewood & Mary; bur.
" Jan. 16 Sarah Robinson, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 16 Anne da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bur.
" Jan. 16 Jane da. of Samuell Barrett; bur.
" Jan. 22 Elinor wife of Thomas Lee, senior; bur.
" Jan. 22 Elinor da. of Will'iam Jones; bur.
" Jan. 25 John Welsh, a stranger; bur.
" Jan. 27 Sarah Cole, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 28 John Robberts; bur.
" Jan. 29 Mary da. of Ralph Hare & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 31 John sonne of Howell Watkins & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 5 Samuel sonne of Thomas Rowly; bur.
" Feb. 8 Maurice Adams; bur.
" Feb. 10 Thomas Beard, sen.; bur.
" Feb. 11 Mary da. of ffrancis Cole & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 15 Mary da. of Joane Roberts; bur.
" Feb. 21 ffrancis son of Daniel Armishrew & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 22 Elizabeth da. of Rob't Smith & Hannah; bap.
" Feb. 24 Mary da. of John Eaves & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 27 John son of Thomas Oliver; bur.
" Mar. 4 Thomas son of Samuel Constable & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 5 Maurice a base child of Sarah Smith, of Bentall; bur.
" Mar. 6 George son of George Phillips, junior, & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 8 Thomas Watkis; bur.
" Mar. 2 Margaret wife of Evan Rob'ts; bur.
" Mar. 14 Elizabeth da. of John Legge & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 14 Michael Harding; bur.
" Mar. 16 Joanna da. of Tho. Bradely & Elizabeth; bap.
1684 Mar. 25 Thomas son of Thomas Johnson & Mary; bap.
" April 3 Richard Jones alias Hughes; bur.
" April 6 John Adams, senior; bur.
" April 7 Rob't ffrost & Jane Blayney; mar.
" April 10 Jane Hughes, wid.; bur.
" April 13 ffrancis son of Timothy Ropier & Mary; bap.
" April 13 George Bryan & Sarah Wooden; mar.
" April 14 Will'iam Ramsey; bur.
" April 16 Jane a base child of Priscilla Lyster; bap.
" April 16 Edward son of Rob't Smith & Joane; bur.
" April 16 Mary da. of Edward Lewice & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 17 Anne da. of John Potts & Joyce; bap.
" April 21 John son of Hugh Cullis; bur.


1684 April 24. Anne da. of Mary Mathews, wid.; bap.
" April 24 Anne da. of John Jones & Cicily; bap.
" May 1 Elizabeth da. of Henry Onnions & Sarah; bap.
" May 3 Thomas son of Charles Steward & Judith bap.
" May 4 John Davies; bur.
" May 5 Mary da. of George Hartshorne; bur.
" May 6 John Evans; bur.
" May 6 Samuels sonne of Edward Ratuseil; bur.
" May 11 Anne wife of Marmaduke Morris; bur.
" May 14 Thomas ffouke & Joyce Aspery; mar.
" May 19 Anne da. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" May 19 Elizabeth da. of Naboth Harnedge & Anne; bap.
" May 19 Richard sonne of Richard Lane, junior; bur.
" May 21 Will'iam sonne of Maurice Jenkins; bur.
" May 22 George Pott, senior; bur.
" May 25 Mary da. of Maurice Deacon; bur.
" May 26 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" May 27 Cadwaliter Pearce; bur.
" May 31 Margery da. of Thomas Turner; bur.
" June 4 John sonne of Humphrey Rutter & Judith; bap.
" June 8 Rebecca da. of Hugh Jones; bur.
" June 12 Will'iam sonne of John Nurthal; bur.
" June 25 ffrancis sonne of Henery Bedoe & Elinor; bap.
" June 26 Edward sonne of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" June 29 James sonne of Henery Garmson & Anne; bap.
" July 1 Margarett wife of Morris Hartshorne; bur.
" July 3 Richard sonne of Richard Bowen & Martha; bap.
" July 12 Margaret da. of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 18 Elizabeth Poole, widd.; bur.
" July 20 Margaret da. of ffrancis Ropier; bur.
" July 21 Richard sonne of John Millichop & Newel; bap.
" July 23 ffrancis sonne of David Tugge; bur.
" July 27 Thomas sonne of Lawrence Smith & Sarah; bap.
" July 27 Sarah da. of Thomas Brooks & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 29 Gwen wife of Hugh Jerman; bur.
" Aug. 3 George son of George Ropier & Dorothy; bap.
" Aug. 3 Will'iam son of Samuel Armishrew & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 3 John Pot; bur.
" Aug. 7 Mary da. of Rich. Legg; bur.
" Aug. 9 Hugh Jerman; bur.
" Aug. 10 Peter son of Cornelius Davies; bur.
" Aug. 17 Elizabeth da. of John Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 18 Anne Dawly, widow; bur.
" Aug. 19 Bridget wife of David Jones; bur.
" Aug. 24 Elizabeth wife of Richard Sympson; bur.
" Aug. 24 Jonathan son of John Davies & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 30 Mary wife of Robert Rodes; bur.
" Aug. 31 Mary .. of John Walton; bur.
" Sep. 7 Elizabeth Harris, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 8 Will'iam son of Walter Miles, of Linley, & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 11 Thomas son of Thomas Lee & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 16 John sonne of Richard Owen & Alice; bur.
" Sep. 20 Thomas sonne of Will'iam Jones; bur.
" Sep. 20 Mary da. of Will'iam Whitewall; bur.
" Sep. 22 Mary da. of John Evans; bap.
" Sep. 24 Ursula da. of John Will'iams; bur.
" Sep. 26 George Pott; bur.
" Sep. 26 Edward Evans; bur.


1684 Sep. 28 Grace Ploungen, a young childe; bur.
" Sep. 29 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Oct. 1 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 2 Elinor da. of Samuel Lyster & Rosamond; bap.
" Oct. 5 Will'iam son of David Ruge & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 5 Mary Nash; bur.
" Oct. 14 Oliver Price & Anne Hartshorne; mar.
" Oct. 14 Mary da. of Edward Chambers & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 20 Elizabeth Pott; bur.
" Oct. 21 Samuell sonne of Will'i. Belcham & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 22 Alice Everall, widow; bur.
" Oct. 24 Elizabeth wife of Mathew Lead; bur.
" Oct. 29 Thomas Everall; bur.
" Oct. 31 Edward Jones; bur.
" Nov. 3 Robert Baylys & Elizabeth Johnson; mar.
" Nov. 9 Cyprian sonne of John Clebery & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 9 Will'iam sonne of Will. Cadman & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. .. Elizabeth da. of Will. Synor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 16 John Ness; bur.
" Nov. 18 Cornelius Davies; bur.
" Nov. 20 Will'iam Hare & Cornelia Smith; mar.
" Nov. 23 Godfery Synor, senior; bur.
" Nov. 27 Margery Benbow, wid.; bur.
" Nov. 29 Andrew Parton & Mary Gotier; mar.
" Dec. 7 Margaret da. of Rob't ffrost & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 9 John sonne of John Andrews & Margarett; bap.
" Dec. 14 John sonne of John Amphlet & Joan; bap.
" Dec. 14 Ursula da. of Will. Speed & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Elizabeth da. of George Alsop & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 16 Sarah da. of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 21 ffrancis base sonne of Sarah Rutter; bap.
" Dec. 27 Samuel sonne of Morrice Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 29 Hannah Rutter; bur.
" Dec. 30 John sonne of Tho. Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 1 Richard sonne of Joh. James & Milicent; bap.
" Jan. 4 Will'iam son of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" Jan. 5 Sarah da. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 9 Mary wife of Will. Chilton; bur.
" Jan. 16 George son of Richard Owens; bur.
" Jan. 2 Mary wife of Israeli Everall; bur.
" Jan. 19 Thomas Griffithes; bur.
" Jan. 19 John Howell; bur.
" Feb. 4 Maurice Hartshorne, of Benton; bur.
" Feb. 5 Edward son of George Bryan & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 7 Thomas sonne of Will. Lloyd & .. his wife; bap.
" Feb. 12 Mary da. of Nickolas Aspery & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 13 Edward sonne of Evan Evans & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 18 ffrancis son of Will. Armishrew & Margery; bap.
" Feb. 27 Ann da. of Thomas Symons; bur.
" Feb. 27 Thomas Gower; bur.
" Mar. 1 Elizabeth da. of Will. Rutland & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 2 Elinor da. of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 3 Elinor da. of Rob't Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 3 John sonne of Thomas Baldwyn & Margaret; bap.
" Mar. 12 Edward sonne of Will. Ball & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 12 John sonne of Thomas Martin & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 12 Samuel Ramsey; bur.
" Mar. 13 John son of Rich. Lane & Mary; bap.


1684 Mar. 20 ffrancis Sansom, senior; bur.
" Mar. 23 Mary da. of Griffes Jerman & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 24 Samuel son of Samuel Roden & Jane; bap.
1685 Mar. 25 Will'iam son of Will'iam Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 25 Alice da. of Rob't Evans & Joan; bap.
" Mar. 25 Anne wife of Thomas Burgesse; bur.
" Mar. 29 Will'iam son of Will. James & Mary; bap.
" April 1 John Lewice, sen.; bur.
" April 4 Luke a childe of Ralph Harper; bur.
" April 7 Mary da. of Thu. Turner & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 8 Aaron swine of ffrancis Poole & Mary; bap.
" April 11 John a child of Thomas Oswald; bur.
" April 11 Mary Jones, widd.; bur.
" April 14 Anne a base child of Anne Cadman; bap.
" April 23 Anne da. of Robert Smith & Joan; bap.
" May 9 Anne da. of Robert Smith; bur.
" May 10 Elizabeth da. of John Evans & Catherine; bap.
" May 17 ffrances a child of Will'iam Armishrew; bur.
" June 2 Elizabeth wife of Mr Sampson Crompton; bur.
" June 4 Elizabeth da, of Anthony Low & Anne; bap.
" June 8 Charles son of Andrew Parton & Mary; bap.
" June 8 John Heywod; bur.
" June 9 Samuel son of Peter Ramsey & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 10 Jane da. of Morgan Humphrys & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 16 Robert Johnson & Dorcas Mavey; mar.
" June 18 Samuel son of Samuel Perkins; bur.
" June 20 Anne da. of James Smith; bur.
" June 22 Mary da. of Elizabeth Harrice; bur.
" June 23 Edward Smalman & Joanna Crompton; mar.
" June 27 Jane da. of Thomas Watkis; bur.
" June 30 Richard son of Richard Allen & Margaret; bap.
" June 30 Thomas son of ffrancis Ropier & Margaret; bap.
" July 2 John son of Rich. Lane; bur.
" July 9 Anne da. of Ben. Ashwod & Mary; bap.
" July 19 Robert Will'iams; bur.
" July 21 Edward Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" July 23 Thomas son of Ed. Powell & Sarah; bap.
" July 26 Jane da. of David Tudge & Judith; bap.
" July 37 Thomas Lewice, junior; bur.
" July 28 John some of Oliver Price & Anne; bap.
" July 29 Richard a child of Richard Aliens; bur.
" Aug. 9 Elizabeth da. of Sam. Barker & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 17 John son of John Andrews & Margaret; bur.
" Aug. 18 John Guest, senior; bur.
" Aug. 24 Catherine da. of Rich. Watkis & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 2 Will'iam a son of Thomas Bedows; bur.
" Sep. 20 Richard son of Edward Ashwood & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 24 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Rutlands; bur.
" Oct. 1 Elinor Rutter, wid.; bur.
" Oct. 1 Richard son of Edward Ashwood; bar.
" Oct. 4 Elizabeth da. of John Spragg & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 10 Mary da. of John Worthen & Catherine; bap.
" Oct. 21 Elizabeth da. of Will. Jones & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 23 John a base child of Rester Jones; bur.
" Oct. 27 Edward Eaves & Mary Oakes; mar.
" Oct. 29 James son of John Harriot & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 1 Israeli Everall & Sarah Edwards; mar.
" Nov. 1 Edward sun of John Mathews & ffrances; bap.


1685 Nov. 6 Anne da. of Mr Cornelius Clifton & .. his wife; bap.
" Nov. 17 John Jones & Mary Legge; mar.
" Nov. 20 Mary da. of Rich. Legge, junior, & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 33 Robert son of Will. Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 23 Martha da. of Thomas Cadman & .. his wife; bap.
" Nov. 24 Elizabeth da. of Hugh Cullis & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 25 Mary wife of Richard Llane, junior; bur.
" Nov. 26 John a base child of Joyce Jones alias Shore; bap.
" Dec. 2 John son of Samuel Armishrow & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 3 John soil of tirancis Holden & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 10 Thomas son of Will. Rowly & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 13 Sarah da. of Tho. Bridgwood & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 15 John son of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 17 Will'iam sonne of Mary Evans, wid.; bur.
" Dec. 28 Samuell Ball & Mary Rodes; mar.
" Dec. 29 Thomas sonne of Thomas Hughes & Joane; bap.
" Jan. 9 Robert sonne of Rob't Harrice & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 10 Elizabeth da. of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 11 Alice wife of Humphry Brookes; bur.
" Jan. 14 Will'iam Beard & Sarah Yates; mar.
" Jan. 17 Mary da. of John Edwards & Susanna; bap.
" Jan. 17 John a child of ffrancis Holden; bur.
" Jan. 19 ffrances wife of Richard Coxe; bur.
" Jan. 20 Samuell sonne of George Phillips & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 29 John sonne of Robert Rodes; bur.
" Jan. 30 Robert son of Robert Harrice; bur.
" Feb. 1 Will'iam Chilton; bur.
" Feb. 13 Catherine da. of George Hartshorne; bur.
" Feb. 18 Joyce da. of Nicholas Aspery; bur.
" Feb. 23 Will'iam Hill; bur.
" Feb. 23 Will'iam son of Will. Prestwood & Ruth; bap.
" Feb. 28 Elizabeth da. of Will. Armishrew & Margery; bap.
" Feb. 28 John son of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" Mar. 1 Thomas Everall; bur.
" Mar. 1 John son of Rob't Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 8 Joyce Reignolds alias Phillips; bur.
" Mar. 8 Thomas Powl; bur.
1686 Mar. 25 Anne da. of W Tho. Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" Mar. 25 Jane da. of Edward Glover & Joane; bap.
" April 1 Samuell son of Will. Smith & Joyce; bap.
" April 6 Richard son of Hen. Barton & Anne; bap.
" April 6 Rob's son of Lawrance Baylies & Isabell; bap.
" April 3* Joyce da. of John Pugh & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 12 Sarah da. of Tho. Owen & Mary; bap.
" April 12 ffrancis Jones & Mary Low; mar.
" April 13 ffrancis Chilton & Alice Bradshaw; mar.
" May 4 John a child of Will'iam Ball; bur.
" May 7 Will'iam Will'iams alias Tibbots & Joane Benbow; mar.
" May 26 Mary da. of Michael Aston & Mary, at Linley; bap.
" May 27 James Hartshorne & Gwen Jones; mar.
" May 30 Will'iam Lane & Mary Moseley; mar.
" June 2 Joseph Griffis, of Bentall; bur.
" June 9 Sarah da. of Robert Yates & Sarah; bap.
" June 11 Rebeckah da. of George Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" June 15 John son of Robert Johnson & Dorcas; bap.
" June 20 Mary da. of Howell Watkins; bur.


1686 June 25 Elizabeth Evans, wid.; bur.
" June 27 Mary wife of Edward Biakemore; bur.
" July 1 John a child of Thomas Marten; bur.
" July 11 ffrancis Man; bur.
" July 11 James Bonne of Thomas Davies & Abigail; bap.
" July 14 Sarah da. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" July 14 Thomas sun of Lawrence Smith; bur.
" July 23 Margaret Rodes, wid.; bur.
" July 23 Reece Owen; bur.
" July 27 Cornelia da. of Will'iam Hare & Cornelia; bap.
" Aug. 1 Cornelia wife of Will'iam Hare; bur.
" Aug. 1 Samuel son of James Baylies & Catherine; bap.
" Aug. 8 Hugh son of Richard Allen & Margaret; bap.
" Aug. 8 John son of John Legge & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 9 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Aug, 20 Thomas son of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 11 Joyce da. of Edward Crew & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 19 ffabian son of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 22 Will'iam son of Morrice Jenkins & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 31 ffrancis Benbow & Elizabeth Eaves; mar.
" Sep. 2 Anne da. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bur.
" Sep. 5 Richard Morrall & Joyce Shaw; mar.
" Sep. 8 Mary da. of John Sutton; bur.
" Sep. 9 Anne da. of Will. Seynor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 15 Isabell wife of Thomas Morgan; bur.
" Sep. 16 David Humphryes; bur.
" Sep. 29 John Roden & Joyce ffen (? Hen); mar.
" Sep. 29 Elizabeth da. of Adam Andrews & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 30 Elinor a child of Samuel Lysters; bur.
" Oct. 20 Sampson son of Richard Owen & Alice; bap.
" Oct. 10 Elizabeth da of Samuel Constable & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 10 Elizabeth da. of Will. Llewiee & Esther; bap.
" Oct. 12 Sarah da. of Morrice Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 14 Will'iam Boomer; bur.
" Oct. 19 Robert Holmes; bur.
" Oct. 24 John son of ffrancis Nash. junior, & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 2 Will'iam son of Edward Speed & .. his wife; bap.
" Nov. 2 fliancis son of Ralph Hare, junior, & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 4 Jane da. of Henry Bedow & Elinor; bap.
" Nov. 5 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 1 r John son of Robert Smith & Hannah; bap, Nov. 14 John sun of Samuel Llyster & Rosamond; bap.
" Nov. 31 Edward son of ffrancis Rowley & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. at John son of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 21 Anne da. of francis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 24 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Eaves & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 24 Margaret Ward, wid.; bur.
" Nov. 25 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Dovie & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 25 Anne da. of Daniell Armishrew & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 28 Shusannah Blayney, wid.; bur.
" Nov. 10 Sarah da. of Henery Lobly & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 2 Elizabeth wife of Richard Edwards; bur.
" Dec. 5 Thomas son of Will, Beard & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 12 Thomas son of Cornelius Davies & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Will son of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 21 Nicolas Harrison & Anne Oakes; mar.
" Dec. 21 Thomas son of Edward Richards & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 21 Mary wife of Howell Watkis; bur.


1686 Dec. 30 Michaell son of Michaell Barnet & .. his wife; bap.
" Dec. 30 Sarah da. of Will. Will'iams & Joane; bap.
" Dec. 30 Mary da. of Laurence Smith & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 2 Will'iam son of Thomas Johnson & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 2 Elizabeth a base childe of Elizabeth Cadman Will. Cooper; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth da. of Robert Harrice & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 6 Richard Onslow; bur.
" Jan. 13 Robert Evans & Anne Morgan; mar.
" Jan. 14 Will'iam Turton; bur.
" Jan. 15 Will'iam son of John Bradley; bur.
" Jan. 20 Abigaile da. of Naboth Hamedge & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 16* Alice da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Priscilla his supposed wife; bap.
" Jan. 23 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Goodale & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 30 ffrancis Pursivall; bur.
" Feb. 1 Will'iam son of Rob't Whitmore & Rachell; bap.
" Feb. 2 Elizabeth da. of George Ropier & Dorothy; bap.
" Feb. 8 John son of ffrancis Ropier & Margaret; bap.
" Feb. 13 John son of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 18 Will'iam Morrice; bur.
" Feb. 20 Joyce da. of John Rushen & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 23 Richard Shepherd; bur.
" Feb. 25 Thomazen wife of John Will'iams; bur.
" Feb. 27 Robert son of Elizabeth Harrice Edward James $; bap.
" Mar. 2 John son of. Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 9 Thomas Lewice; bur.
" Mar. 11 Sarah da. of George Bryan & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 12 Elinor Hartshorne; bur.
" Mar. 20 ffrancis son of John Evans St Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 20 Abigail da. of Will. Llane & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 23 Jane da. of Nicholas Aspery & Mary; bap.
1687 Mar. 28 John son of Thomas Harrice & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 29 George son of Samuell Armishrew & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 30 Will'iam son of Will'iam Roberts & Mary; bap.
" April 4 John Bourne & Easter Price; mar.
" April 4 John Davies & Ruth Harrice; mar.
" April 8 Elizabeth da. of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 11 Jane da. of Robert ffrost & Jane; bap.
" April 11 Margarett da. of Robert ffrost; bur.
" April 14 John son of Samuel Ball & Mary; bap.
" April 17 Augustine son of John Clebory & Jane; bap.
" April 17 Catherine da. of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" April 17 Samuel son of Henery Onions & Sarah; bap.
" April 20 Isabell da. of George Alsop & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 20 Abigail da. of Naboth Harnedge; bur.
" April 23 Henery Handly; bur.
" May 8 Will'iam son of Will'iam Ropier & Rebecka; bap.
" May 23 Anne da. of W Lancett Stephens & Jane; bap.
" May 23 Martha da. of Richard Bowen & Martha; bap.
" May 28 Samuel son of James Baylies; bur.
" May 30 Thomas Evans & Mary Evans; mar.
" June 1 Jane a child of Will. Rutters; bur.
" June 2 John son of ffrancis Chilton & Alice; bap.
" June 9 Abigail da. of Edward Chambers; bur.
" June 14 Jane wife of Robert ffrost; bur.
" June 29 Mary da. of John Sim'ons & Anne; bap.

* So dated in original.
$ The words "Edward James" apparently added afterwards.


1687 July 3 Peter son of David Jones & Anne; bap.
" July 5 John son of John Evans & Mary; bap.
" July 10 Anne da. of Sammell Cartwright & Timesen; bap.
" July 10 Mary da. of Isaacke Chambers & Catherine; bap.
" July 17 John son of John Jones, junior, & Sarah; bap.
" July 19 Elinor wife of Henery Bedoe; bur.
" July 31 Thomas ffarely & Elizabeth Roden; mar.
" Aug. 7 ffrancis son of Henry Garmsnn & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 7 Mary da. of Robert Evans & June; bap.
" Aug. 9 Mary da. of John Harriots & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 14 Will'iam Sadler & Isabel Jones; mar.
" Aug. 21 Richard son of John Roden & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 25 John Clee & Elizabeth Smalman; mar.
" Aug. 26 Sarah da. of John Sprig & Sarah; bap.
" Aug. 28 Margery da. of John James St Millicent; bap.
" Sep. 7 Robert son of Richard Murrall & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 10 Mary da. of Thomas Haddon; bur.
" Sep. 26 Mr Andrew Langley; bur.
" Sep. 28 Joseph son of Humphry Hilton; bur.
" Oct. 21 Bettridge da. of Rich, Howly & Catherine; bap.
" Oct. 11 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Evans & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 16 Richard son of David Tudge & Judith; bap.
" Oct, 16 ffrancis son of Peter Ramsell & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 17 Richard Coxe & Elinor Bedfeild; mar.
" Oct. 24 John son of Walter Miles & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 6 Robert ffrost & Mary Evans; mar.
" Nov. 6 Catherine Roe; bur.
" Nov. 9 Thomas son of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 13. Margaret da. of Rob't Johnson & Dorcas; bap.
" Nov. 15 Adam son of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 24 Thomas Morgan & Mary Smith; mar.
" Nov. 24 Henery Wedge & Elinor Whitwicke; mar.
" Nov. 24 Jane da. of Israel Everall & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 29 David Preece; bur.
" Dec. 6 Will'iam West; bur.
" Dec. 8 Joane da. of John Holmes; bur.
" Dec. 9 Will'iam Lloyd, junr; bur.
" Dec. 11 Richard Dutton; bur.
" Dec. 12 Henery Onions; bur.
" Dec. 12 Sage Tranter, a child; bur.
" Dec. 11 Humphry Jones; bur.
" Dec. 21 Thomas son of Thomas Turner & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 27 John son of Anthony Lowe & Anne; bap.
" Dee, 28 John son of Samuel Lyster; bur.
" Jan. 5 John Crom.pton & Jane Hartshorne; mar.
" Jan. 6 Ruth da. of Will. Prestwood & Ruth; bap.
" Jan. 8 James son of Edward Lewice & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 9 Mary da. of ffrancis Benbow & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 15 Evan Evans; bur.
" Jan. 16 ffrancis Cox; bur.
" Jan. 19 George son of George Butterwiche & Hannah; bap.
" Jan, 19 Silvanus son of Will, Ball & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 21 Will'iam Adams, senior; bur.
" Jan. 22 Margaret & Anne da s. of John Evans & Catherine; bap.
" Jan. 26 Thomas son of Rob't Evans & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 29 Jonathan son of Samuel Roden & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 30 Anne da. of Anne Cadman; bur.
" Feb. 7 Elizabeth da. of John Mathews & ffrancis (sic); bap.


1687 Feb. 8 Joyce da. of Hugh Cullis & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 12 Mary da. of Will. Jones & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 15 Anne da. of Rob't Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 19 Margaret da. of Edward Edwards & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 21 John son of ffrancis Poole & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 22 Thomas son of Will. Jones & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 23 Will'iam son of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 27 Will'iam son of John Beard; bur.
" Mar. 8 Mary da. of Thomas Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 18 John son of Henery Barton & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 20 Joan da. of Tho. Jones & Joan; bap.
" Mar. 23 Mary da. of Ed. Pugh, junior, & Isabell; bap.
" Mar. 23 Joan da. of Jones (sic); bur.
1688 Mar. 25 Mary da. of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 29 Rebecka da. of Will. Tibbots & Joan; bap.
" April 1 Sarah da. of John Jones & his wife; bap.
" April 4 Rob't son of Rob't Evans; bur.
" April 5 Humphry son of Will. Armishrew & Margaret; bap.
" April 8 Will'iam Sansom; bur.
" April 9 Margaret wife of John Sutton; bur.
" April 11 Samuel son of Will'iam Rutter; bur.
" April 16 Mary da. of Andrew Parton & Mary; bap.
" April 16 Anne da. of John Evans; bur.
" April 18 Elizabeth da. of John Spragg; bur.
" April 17* Jane da. of Thomas ffarely & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 28 Elizabeth da. of Will. Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 1 Ruth da. of Tho. Booth & Ruth; bap.
" May 5 Elizabeth da. of Samuel Armishrew & Mary; bap.
" May 10 Joyce Jevins; bur.
" May 19 John Hill & Anne Chilton; mar.
" May 24 Elinor da. of Maurice Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" May 26 Maurice Deacon, senior; bur.
" June 4 John Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" June 5 Daniel Powell & Anne Dawly; mar.
" June 5 Richard son of Rich. Watkis & Anne; bap.
" June 6 Mary da. of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 6 Jane da. of Will. Cadman & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 10 Robert Lowe & Elizabeth Stoakes; mar.
" June 11 John Barker & Catherine Ramsell; mar.
" June 11 Anne da. of Rob't Smith & Joan; bap.
" June 11 Thomas a child of Rob't Evans; bur.
" June 17 Will'iam son of Will. Lewice & Easter; bap.
" June 20 Will. Lewice; bur.
" June 21 John son of David Bowen & Alice; bap.
" June 24 Mary da. of Will. Sadler & Isabell; bap.
" July 1 Elizabeth da. of Oliver Price & Anne; bap.
" July 2 Edward Will'iams & Easter Beddow; mar.
" July 3 Edward a childe of John Mathews; bur.
" July 15 Rob't son of Rob't ffrost & Mary; bap.
" July 16 John Clebery; bur.
" July 17 Elizabeth da. of Will. Evans & Onely; bap.
" July 22 Charles son of Tho. Lee & Mary; bap.
" July 22 Elizabeth da. of Will. Jones & Elizabeth: bap.
" Aug. 5 Will'iam son of John Millichop & Newell; bap.
" Aug. 8 Anne da. of Samuel Ball & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 12 Mary da. of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.

* So dated in original.


1688 Aug. 17 Sampson son of Richard Owen; bur.
" Aug. 19 ffrancis sun of Henery Wedge & Elinor; bap.
" Aug. 26 Thomas son of Thomas Rowly, junior, & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 1 Will'iam son of John Bouckly & Margery; bap.
" Sep. 23 ffrancis son of Edward Ramsell & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 23 Albora Oakes, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 29 Margaret da. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 7 Jane da. of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 14 Sarah da. of Thomas Cadman & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 18 John Perry & Cornelia Turton; mar.
" Oct. 19 Margaret wife of Howell Watkins; bur.
" Oct. 21 Hannah dn. of Morrice Jenkins & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 22 Joyce da. of Rob't Gouldens; bur.
" Oct. 23 Caesar son of Caesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 28 John sun of Benjamin Asliwood & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 4 Richard son of Naboth Harnedge & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 6 Henery Beddoe & Elizabeth Man; mar.
" Nov. 8 Mary da. of George Phillips & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 11 Richard son of Evan Evans & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 13 John son of Thomas Eaves & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 18 Elizabeth a base child of Anne Eaves & Ed. Ball; bap.
" Nov. 18 John son of Edward Glover & Joan; bap.
" Nov. 18 Abigal da. of Rob't Rodes; bur.
" Nov. 20 Elizabeth base child of Anne Eaves; bur.
" Nov. 29 Joyce da. of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 9 Richard son of Will. Lane & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 9 Robert son of Thomas Socket & his wife; bap.
" Dec. 11 Isabell da. of Will. Rawly & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 11 Hannah da. of Humphry Rutter & Judith; bap.
" Dec. 13 Judith wife of Humphry Rutter; bur.
" Dec. 15 Margarett da. of Lawrence Smith & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 16 Edward son of Thomas Owen & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 18 Timothy son of John Crompton, junior, & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 21 James son of James Aston; bur.
" Dec. 27 Mary da. of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 1 Edward son of Will. Lloyd & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 3 Mary da. of Humphry Crurripe & Elinor; bap.
" Jan, 3 Samuel a child of the widow Onions; bur.
" Jan. 8 Elizabeth Nash, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 9 Charles Walton; bur.
" Jan. 10 Michael son of Will. Cyner & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 12 Jane Will'iams; bur.
" Jan. 13 Rebecka Wilkes; bur.
" Jan. 13 Will'iam son of John Legge & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 20 Edward son of Ralph Hare, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 12 Mary da. of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 22 Elizabeth da. of Nicholas Aspery & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 25 Richard sou of Elizabeth Maunsell, of Cardington; bap.
" Jan. 28 Richard son of Will'iam Whittall & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 28 Mary da. of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 31 Richard son of Will'iam Whittall; bur.
" Feb. 8 Thomas Beddow; bur.
" Feb. 10 ffrancis son of John Watkis & Ursula; bap.
" Feb. 15 Anne Harrice, wid.; bur.
" Feb. 22 Hannah a child of Humphry Rutter; bur.
" Feb. 23 Hugh Jones; bur.
" Feb. 24 Catherine Millington; bur.
" Feb. 28 Elizabeth da, of Michaell Barnet at his wife; bap.


1688 Mar. 3 Margarett da. of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 3 Sarah Adams; bur.
" Mar. 15 Mary Evans; bur.
" Mar. 17 Elizabeth Aspery, widd.; bur.
" Mar. 24. Edward son of Will'iam Smith & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 24 Richard son of Will. Cooper & Rebecka; bap.
1689 April 1 Will'iam Oakes & Alice Peet; mar.
" April 1 Elizabeth da. of Cornelius Davies & Mary; bap.
" April 1 Anne da. of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" April 3 Margrett da. of ffrancis Ropier & Margrett; bap.
" April 4 Elizabeth da. of Tho. Morgan & Mary; bap.
" April 7 John Humphris & Elizabeth Hewlett; mar.
" April 7 Catherine da. of James Smith & Elinor; bap.
" April 11 Roger son of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" April 11 Edward son of Edward Will'iams & Eshter; bap.
" April 12 Jane da. of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" April 25 John a child of David Bowen; bur.
" April 28 Margery a childe of Thomas Turner; bur.
" May 8 Thomas German; bur.
" May 9 Joyce Lewice, widd.bur.
" May 9 Joyce da. of Tho. GOwer & Margery; bap.
" May 12 Anne da. of ffran. Nash & Anne; bap.
" May 21 Sam. son of Sam. Lyster & Rosamond; bap.
" May 22 John Crowe, Rector; bur.
" May 23 Catherine Marsh; bar.
" May 24 Thomas Burgess; bur.
" May 24 Elizabeth base da. of Anne Cadman; bap.
" May 26 Mary da. of Tho. Hughs alias Jones & Joan; bap.
" May 29 Mr1 Elizabeth Langley; bur.
" May 30 Edward Marsh; bur.
" June 1 Jane Rutter; bur.
" June 6 Mary Eligon, a young child; bur.
" June 15 Edward Dawley, de Bentall; bur.
" June 16 Millicent Whately; bur.
" June 19 ffrances da. of Smith & ffrances; bap.
" June 24 Timothy & Samuell twins of Robert Evans & Joan; bap.
" June 26 ffances (sic) the aforesaid child; bur.
" June 30 Elizabeth da. of John Eaves & Sarah; bap.
" July 3 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Morrall & Joyce; bap.
" July 4 Timothy & Samuell the aforesaid twins; bur.
" July 7 Henry & Anne twins of John Rushen & Anne; bap.
" July 8 Thomas Phillips & Elizabeth Baldwin; mar.
" July 19 Adam son of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bur.
" July 25 Jane da. of John Evans; bur.
" July 28 Robert his sonne; bur.
" July 30 Anne a child of Rob't Smith & Joan; bur.
" July 31 John Holmes & Anne Roden; mar.
" Aug. 2 John Dawley; bur.
" Aug. 4 John Wood; bur.
" Aug. 5 John Preene; bur.
" Aug. 5 Robert Cooper; bur.
" Aug. 6 John Beddow; bur.
" Aug. 6 Catherine a child of John Evans & Catherine; bur.
" Aug. 6 Mary da. of John Hill & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 7 Abell ffenemore; bur.
" Aug. 13 Will. son of ffrancis Benbow, jun., & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 13 Mary Mason; bur.
" Aug. 15 Edmund son of Edmund Powell & Sarah; bap.


1689 Aug. 15 Jonathan a child of Samuell Roden & Jane; bur.
" Aug. 16 Jane a child of John Jones & Mary; bur.
" Aug. 18 Mary da. of Rob't Johnson & Dorms; bap.
" Aug. 18 Joan Ward, de Rental; bur.
" Aug. 20 Mary a child of Tho. Roden & Sarah; bur.
" Aug. 24 Mary wife of Thomas Lee; bur.
" Sep. 1 George son of George Morgan & Millera; bap.
" Sep. 5 John son of John Humphris & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 9 Elinor Deacon; bur.
" Sep. 10 Samuel son of Sam. Lister & Rosamond; bur.
" Sep. 13 Will'iam son of Thomas Griffith & Cicely; bap.
" Sep. 19 Will. son of Daniel Rowell & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 19 Elizabeth da. of John Alsop & Eliza, de Linley; bap.
" Sep. 23 Elizabeth a child of Oliver Price & Anne; bur.
" Sep. 26 Mary du, of Will. Prestwood & Ruth; bap.
" Oct. 1 Mary da. of Will. Prestwood; bur.
" Oct. 2 Mary da. of Rich. Goodale & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 8 Mary da. of W'm Beard & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 12 David Morris; bur.
" Oct. 13 Will'iam son of Tho. Davies & Abigail; bap.
" Oct. 13 Richard Sympson; bur.
" Oct. 20 Will'iam son of John Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 20 Alice Barnett, wid.; bur.
" Oct. 20 Charles son of John Weaver, of Bentall; bur.
" Oct. 20 George son of George Morgan; bur.
" Oct. 22 Will'iam son of James Bailies & Catherine; bap.
" Oct. 22 Timothy son of Joh. Crompton & Jane; bur.
" Oct. 27 John son of Joh. Spragg & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 31 Elizabeth da. of Michael Barnett & Martha; bur.
" Nov. 4. John son of Walter Beddow & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 4 Sarah da. of W'm Grove; bap.
" Nov. 5 Jane da. of Samuel Roden & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 3 Alice wife of Richard Baylies; bur.
" Nov. 6 Elizabeth wife of John Oakes; bur.
" Nov. 9 Tobias son of Tobias Harrington & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 10 Sarah da. of Thomas Carter & Elizabeth, of Linley; bap.
" Nov. 11 Tobias son of Tobias Harrington; bur.
" Nov. 12 Timothy son of George Roper & Dorothy, of Linley; bap.
" Nov. 17 Joan Cox, wid.; bur.
" Nov. 17 Richard son of Richard Cox; bur.
" Nov. 20 ffrancis son of W'm Jones Mary; bur.
" Nov. 21 Joyce da. of Thomas Gower; bur.
" Nov. 26 Richard son of Rich. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 26 Thomas son of Sam. Armishrowe & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 1 Joyce a child of Thomas Oswald; bur.
" Dec. 2 Jane a child of Jane Dawly, wid.. de Bentall; bur.
" Dec. 6 Margaret da. of Mary Barker; bap.
" Dec. 6 Mary da. of Charles Smith, de Bent.; bur.
" Dec. 6 Jane a child of Will. Cadman; bur.
" Dec. 8 Mary Lester; bur.
" Dec. 15 Thomas son of Edward Pugh & lzabell bap.
" Dec. 16 George son of John Crompton & Jane bap.
" Dec. 17 Will'iam a child of Will. Scripture; bur.
" Dec. 18 Anne da. of Jonathan Prestwood & Priscilla; bap.
" Dec. 18 Mary a child of Sam. Carthwright; bur.
" Dec. 24 Jonathan Prestwood; bur.
" Dec. 24 John & Anne children of Sam. Ball & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 26 Lawrence son of Lawrence Bradely & Elinor; bap.


1689 Dec. 26 Isaac son of Hugh Cullis & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 27 John son of ffrancis Armishrow & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 29 Thomas Shaw; bur.
" Dec. 29 John Oakes; bur.
" Jan. 2 Richard son of Rich. Allen & Margret; bap.
" Jan. 9 George son of John Crompton & Jane; bur.
" Jan. 12 Elizabeth da. of Will. Tybots & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 13 John Beddow & Joan Beddow; mar.
" Jan. 13 Edward Jones & Joyce Pugh; mar.
" Jan. 26 Elizabeth da. of Sam. Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 27 Mary da. of Will. Belcham & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 3 Mary da. of Daniell Armishrow & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 8 Margrett a base child of Mary Barker; bur.
" Feb. 13 Edward son of Ralph Hare, jun., & Anne; bur.
" Feb. 16 Richard son of Rob't Lowe & Eliza.; bap.
" Feb. 18 Susanna da. of John Pugh & Eliza.; bap.
" Feb. 19 Ame Rodes; bur.
" Feb. 22 ffrancis a child of Edward Ramsell; bur.
" Feb. 13 John son of Sam. Ball & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 28 Jane da. of Rob't Guest & Eliza.; bap.
" Mar. 9 John son of David Bowen & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 9 George son of Peeter Ramsell & Eliza.; bap.
" Mar. 10 Jane Dawley, a young child, of Bentall; bur.
" Mar. 19 Thomas son of David Tudge & Judith; bap.
" Mar. 20 ffrancis son of Will'iam Oakes & Alice; bap.
" Mar. 22 John & Thomas twins of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 24 The same twins; bur.
So much for ye yr 1689.

1690 Mar. 30 Will'iam son of Will. Simmons & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 4 George son of Edward Crew & Mary; bap.
" April 8 Lawrence son of Thomas Turner & Eliza.; bap.
" April 10 Jane da. of Robert Guest & Eliza.; (illegible).
" April 15 Edward Smith, a young child; bur.
" April 21 John son of ffrancis Adams & Eliza.; bap.
" April 22 Anne Weld, a young child; bur.
" April 23 Anthony son of Anthony Lowe & Anne; bap.
" May 1 John Will'iams, a stranger; bur.
" May 6 John Holmes; bur.
" May 6 Thomas son of Israeli Everall & Sarah; bap.
" May 13 Thomas son of Richard Beavan & Mary; bap.
" May 13 Thomas Tudge, a young child; bur.
" May 18 Robert son of Rob't Weld & Elinor; bap.
" May 23 Richard Lane, a young child; bur.
" May 26 Rob't son of Rob't Harris & Mary; bap.
" May 27 Will'iam son of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bap.
" May 30 Will'iam son of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" May 30 The same child, the same day; bur.
" May 31 Humphrey son of Thomas Harris & Alice; bap.
" June 3 Robert Harris, the aforesaid child; bur.
" June 10 Jane da. of Edward Aswood & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 15 ffiances Griffiths, widd.; bur.
" June 25 Jane Aswood, likewise the aforesaid child; bur.
" June 23 Humphry Hill; bur.
" June 24 Anne Aston, of Bentall; bur.
" June 29 Miriam da. of ffrancis Pool & Mary; bap.
" July 2 Isabell Benbow, widd.; bur.
" July 10 James Povy; bur.


1690 July 13 Thomas son of Thomas Phillips & Eliza.; bap.
" July 17 John Aston, of Bentall; bur.
" July 19 John Whately; bur.
" July 21 Martha & Mary twins of John James & Milbera; bap.
" Aug. 3 Richard son of Richard Legg & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 10 Joseph son of Henry Beddow & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 10 Sarah da. of Thomas ffarely & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 12 Joyce da. of Will'iam Jones & Anne; bur.
" Aug. 17 Jane da. of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 19 Joyce da. of Will'iam Evans & Onely; bap.
" Aug. 21 Mary da. of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 31 Elizabeth da. of Oliver Price & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 3 Thomas a child of Sam. Armishrow & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 7 Elizabeth da. of John Parry & Cornelia; bap.
" Sep. 11 Elinor da. of ffrancis Chilton & Alice; bap.
" Sep. 14 Joyce da. of Thomas Gower & Margery; bap.
" Sep. 21 Jane da. of John Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 22 Abigail da. of Andrew Parton & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 2 Mary da. of Thomas Evans & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 4 John son of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 12 Will'iam son of Thomas Sockett & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 12 Edward son of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 12 Mary da. of Will'iam Prestwood & Ruth; bap.
" Oct. 28 Joyce da. of Nicholas Har'ison & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 28 Will'iam son of Will. ffloyd & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 30 Will'iam son of John Blayney & Getrude; bap.
" Nov. 3 Allen Edwards & Elizabeth Hanly; mar.
" Nov. 3 Mary da. of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 4 Richard fetcher & Abigail Parton; mar.
" Nov. 4 Will'iam son of Will. Lane & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 4 Mary da. of Edward Richards & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 5 Mary da. of Morris Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 7 Adam son of Mich. Johnson & Mary; bur.
" Nov. 9 Mary da. of John Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 16 Thomas son of George Morgan & Milbera; bap.
" Nov. 19 John son of John Buckley & Margery; bap.
" Nov. 21 John the aforesaid child; bur.
" Nov. 23 Henry son of Henry Garmson & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 27 Anne da. of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 27 Elizabeth Bliss, widd.; bur.
" Nov. 30 Joyce da. of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 30 Joyce da. of George Bryan & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. a Richard son of John Simmons & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 4 Anne da. of Thomas Ball & Catherine; bap.
" Dec. 5 Susanna Stanly, a stranger; bur.
" Dec. 7 Susanna wife of Rich. Vaughan; bur.
" Dec. 14. Elizabeth da. of Thomas Rowly & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Elizabeth da. of Lawrence Smith & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 16 Elizabeth da. of John Crompton & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 18 Mary da. of Richard Cox & Elinor; bap.
" Dec. a1 Joan da. of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 23 Joan the aforesaid child; bur.
" Dec. 29 Margarett da. of John Beddow & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 2 Will'iam son of Will'iam Hill & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 2 John Harriotts; bur.
" Jan. 6 George son of George Bradely & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 6 Richard Coakly, a stranger; bur.
" Jan. 7 Anne wife of John Simmons; bur.


1690 Jan. 12 Mary da. of Edward Will'iams & Ehster; bap.
" Jan. 13 Elizabeth da. of Robert ffrost & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 18 Mary da. of Edward Glover & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 31 Edward son of Edward Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 1 Mary da. of Samuell Lester & Rosamond; bap.
" Feb. 8 Elizabeth da. of Robert Johnson & Dorcas; bap.
" Feb. 11 Dorothy da. of Richard Morrall & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 12 Joseph son of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 15 John son of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 17 Thomas son of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 17 Mr Lawrence Langley; bur.
" Feb. 19 Will'iam Mayor; bur.
" Feb. 22 Elizabeth da. of Edward Cynor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 24 Jane da. of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 7 Joyce wife of Will'iam Evans; bur.
" Mar. 8 Rebecka da. of Thomas Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 10 John child of Oliver Price & Anne; bur.
" Mar. 12 Thomas son of Edward Evans & Dianna; bap.
" Mar. 15 Jane da. of Michaell Barnett & Martha; bap.
" Mar. 22 Daniell son of Griffith Morris & Catherine; bap.
1691 Mar. 31 Thomas son of Tho. Eaves & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 31 John son of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 31 Thomas son of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 29* Elizabeth da. of Rich. Bowen, of Linly, & Martha; bap.
" April 5 John son of Thomas Jones alias Hughes & Joan; bap.
" April 7 Joyce da. of Thomas Griffiths & Cicely; bap.
" April 13 Mary da. of Samuel' Ball & Mary; bap.
" April 13 Margarett da. of Samuel' Armishrow & Mary; bap.
" April 13 Joyce Yestop, widd., of Bentall; bur.
" April 16 Jane da. of Benjamin Buckly & Mary; bap.
" April 17 Will'iam child of Will. Lane & Mary; bur.
" April 19 Anne da. of Samuell Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" April 28 Sarah da. of Will'iam Rowly & Sarah; bap.
" May 4 Sarah da. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" May 12 Anne da. of George Phillips & Mary; bap.
" May 17 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Cox & Elizab.; bap.
" May 27 Will'iam son of John Worthen & Dorothy; bap.
" June 1 Elizabeth da. of John Millington & Alice; bap.
" June 2 Will'iam child of Thomas Davis & Abigail; bur.
" June 8 Elizabeth wife of Henry Mayor; bur.
" June 9 Humphry child of Thomas Harris & Alice; bur.
" June 17 Joyce da. of Henry Wedge & Elinor; bap.
" June 21 ffrancis son of John Legg & Anne; bap.
" June 23 John son of Will'iam Beard, sen., & Sarah; bap.
" June 24 Hugh son of Elizabeth Jones, widd.; bap.
" June 28 John son of Edward Ramsell & Anne; bap.
" July 1 Edward Sansam & Elizabeth Morris; mar.
" July 5 George son of Will'iam Smith & Joyce; bap.
" July 10 Mary da. of Sam. Carthwright & Timison; bap.
" July 12 Mary da. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" July 14 Thomas a base son of one Mary Jones; bap.
" July 15 Richard son of John Jones; bur.
" July 23 John son of Will'iam Smith & ffrancis; bap.
" July 28 Alice wife of Will'iam Teece; bur.
" July 31 Mary da. of Richard Parry & Abigail; bap.
" Aug. 1 Mary wife of Samuel Santhy (? Sankey); bur.

* So dated in original.


1695 Aug. 2 Thomas son of Richard Watkis & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 5 Mary wife of Thomas Pugh; bur.
" Aug. 5 Anne a child of Priscilla Prestwood; bur.
" Aug. .. Margret da. of Sampson Crompton & Mary, hereabout (sic); bap.
" Aug. 9 John son of Will'iam Adams & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 13 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Oakes & Alice; bap.
" Aug. 23 Elizabeth da. of John Hill & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 25 Andrew son of ffrancis Adams & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 31 Thomas son of Walter Miles & Elizabeth (Linley); bap.
" Sep. 6 John a child of ffrancis Armishrow; bur.
" Sep. 6 Thomas son of Samuell Whitewicke & Sarah (?); bap.
" Sep. 10 Will'iam son of Edward Bradely & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 13 Abigail da. of Richard ffietcher & Abigail; bap.
" Sep. 19 John Eaves, senior; bur.
" Sep. 20 S'i Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" Sep. 21 Sarah Edwards, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 29 Sarah da. of Ralph Hare, jun., & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 2 Mary da. of Will'iam Jones & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 3 Joyce Rushen, a young child; bur.
" Oct. 4 Andrew son of Lawrence Bradely & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 4 Silvanus Oakes; bur.
" Oct. 5 Andrew son of John Worthen; bur.
" Oct. 6 Richard son of Allen Edwards Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 8 Mary da. of Daniell Powell & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 11 Richard son of Rich. Pears (?) & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 12 Elizabeth da. of Henry Burton & Ann, of Linly; bap.
" Oct. 13 Mary da. of Rob't Harris & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 24 Joyce da. of John Evans & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 25 John son of Will'iam Mardon & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 26 Elizabeth wife of Mathew Hare; bur.
" Oct. 26 Richard son of Griffith Owen & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 28 Ruth da. of Nickolas Aspery & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 3 ffrancis son of ffrancis Ropier & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 3 Thomas Bodin & Elizabeth Nash; mar.
" Nov. 5 John son of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 15 Morris son of Morris Jenkin & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 28 Thomas Cope & Margaret Beddow; mar.
" Nov. 28 Elizabeth wife of Samuell Constable, Benthall; bur.
" Nov. 29 Elizabeth da. of Tobias Harrington & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 13 Mary da. of John Price & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 20 George son of David Jones & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 28 Mary da. of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 28 Edward son of Humphry Harris & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 2 ffrancis Sheldon, of Bewdly; bur.
" Jan. 3 John son of Will. Will'iams alias Tibbots & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 6 Anne da. of Will'iam Armishrow & Margery; bap.
" Jan. 6 Sarah da. of Walter Beddow & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 13 Will'iam Mivart & Anne Beddow; mar.
" Jan. 13 Jane da. of John Buckley & Margery; bap.
" Jan. 24 Elizabeth da. of Benjamin Ashwood & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 27 Thomas Lee, senior; bur:
" Jan. 31 Humphry Brooks; bur.
" Feb. 1 John Turner, Benthall; bur.
" Feb. 3 John Smith, senior; bur.
" Feb. 7 ffrancis Gears; bur.
" Feb. 10 Ruth a child of Nicholas Aspery & Mary; bur.
" Feb. 16 Elinor Bayliff, widdow; bur.
" Feb. 21 Mary da. of ffrancis Hayns & Mary; bap.


1691 Feb. 28 Robert son of Robert Lowe & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 1 John son of Hugh Cullis & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 1 Margarett Bradely, vriddow; bur.
" Mar. 3 John a child of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bur.
" Mar. 6 Thomas son of Richard Goodale & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 7 Michaell son of Michaell Aston & Mary, Linley; bap.
" Mar. 11 Anne da. of John Evans & Elizab.; bur.
" Mar. 11 Edward a child of Humphry Harris & Anne; bur.
" Mar. 13 Robert son of Will'iam Cooper & Rebecka; bap.
" Mar. 17 Joan da. of Benjamin Rowly & Joan; bap.
" Mar. 19 Sarah da. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bur.
" Mar. 21 Will'iam & Richard twins of John Spragg & Sarah; bap.
1692 Mar. 28 Edward son of Richard Rowly & Catherine; bap.
" Mar. 29 John son of John Rushen & Anne; bap.
" April 2 George a child of David Jones & Anne; bur.
" April 5 Isabell da. of Edward Pugh & Isabell; bap.
" April 20 Edward son of Moses Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 12 ffrancis son of ffrancis Nash & Anne; bap.
" April 21 Anne da. of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" April 22 Joyce a child of Thomas Griffiths & Cicely; bur.
" April 36 John ffenill & Anne Heely; mar.
" April 26 Abigail a child of Rich. ffietcher & Abig.; bur.
" May 7 Isabell da. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" May 8 The same child; bur.
" May 16 Martha a child of Jon. James & Mill.; bur.
" May 17 Jane Haddon, widd.; bur.
" May 17 Joyce da. of Will'iam Jones & Anne; bap.
" May 17 Thomas son of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" May 18 Richard Allen; bur.
" May 18 George a child of Will. Smith & Joyce; bur.
" May 26 Margrett a child of Mary Harriots; bur.
" May 27 Mary da. of Thomas Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" May 28 Vincent Litleford & Susanna Everall; mar.
" May 29 John son of John Lister & Catherine; bap.
" June 2 Thomas Potts; bur.
" June 8 Anne da. of Sam. Morris & Jane; bap.
" June 8 Anne da. of James Smith & Elinor; bap.
" June 12 Richard Eaves; bur.
" June 15 Sarah Mayor, widd.; bur.
" June 17 Ann da. of Tho. Davis & Mary; bap.
" June 19 Will'iam son of Robt ffrost & Mary; bap.
" ffrancis Roycroft & Jane Blower; mar.*
" July 3 Anne da. of Will'iam Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" July to Will'iam son of Will. Teece & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 13 Samuell son of Edward Powell & Sarah; bap.
" July 17 Anne a child of Will. Barker & Elizabeth; bur. July 17 Mary a child of Will. Adams & Anne; bur. July 19 Anne Armishrow, widd.; bur.
" July 23 Thomas Oliver; bur.
" July 38 Sarah da. of Humphry Crump & Elinor; bap.
" July 28 Jane wife of John Hartshorne, jun., Benthall; bur. July 31 Joan da. of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 7 ffrancis Oakes & Joyce Pugh; mar.
" Aug. to Edward son of Edward Sansom & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. to Elizabeth da. of Tho. Turner & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. to Will'iam son of Henry Garmson & Anne; bur. Aug. 19 Thomas Price; bur.

* No date; interpolated in original.


1692 Aug. 24 Anne da. of John Simons & Priscilla; bap.
" Aug. 26 Sarah da. of Robert Peet & Elinor; bap.
" Aug. 28 Sarah a child of Will. Rowley & Sarah; bur.
" Sep. 1 Sarah da. of John Eaves & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 4 Elizabeth wife of Richard Hill; bur.
" Sep. 8 Sarah the aforesaid child; bur.
" Sep. 11 ffrancis sun of Robert Weld & Elinor; bap.
" Sep. 17 Mary da. of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 23 Catherine da. of James Bayliffs & Caterine (sic); bap.
" Sep. 23 John Constable, of Bewail; bur.
" Sep. 27 Margarett da. of John James & Milbera; bap.
" Sep. 29 John Head & Judith Man; mar.
" Sep. 29 Thomas son of ffrancis Arrnishrow & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 6 Elizabeth Price, widd.; bur.
" Oct. 8 Thomas a child of Tho. Reynolds & Elizab.; bur.
" Oct. 9 Anne da. of Samuell Ball & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 11 Michaell son of John Betton Parnell; bap.
" Oct. 12 Lydia da. of Morris Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 12 John son of Samuel I iartshome & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 16 Margrett a child of John James & Mill.; bur.
" Oct. 20 John son of Richard Pears & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 23 John son of Will'iam Lane & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 23 George son of Samoa Armishruw & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 30 Alice da. of ffrancis Rowly Joyce.; bap.
" Oct. 30 Sarah da. of Will'iam Beard & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 1 Samuell son of Rob't Smith & Hanna; bap.
" Anne da. of Tho. Reynolds* & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 3 John a child of Rob't Smith & Hanna; bur.
" Nov. 6 Christopher sou of Thomas Simpson & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 13 Susanna Ditto, widd.; bur.
" Nov. 16 Thomas Bradely, jun.; bur.
" Nov. 20 Andrew son of Adrew. Parton & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 27 Catherine a child of James Bayliffs; bur.
" Nov. 27 Elizabeth da. of John Humphris & Eliza; bap.
" Nov. 28 Mary wife of ffrancis Evans, Sen.; bur.
" Dec. 4 John son of Thomas Constable & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 14 Anne a base child of Anne Cadman; bur.
" Dec. 14 Mary da. of Will'iam Mivart & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 18 Thomas son of Richard 1Vforrall & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 26 Thomas son of Tho. ffarely & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 27 John son of Thomas Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 30 Thomas son of Vincent LitIeford & Susanna; bap.
" Jan. 3 John Benbow & Joyce Will'iams mar.
" Jan. 8 Elinor da. of John Beddow & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 11 Jane da. of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 15 John Aston & Mary Edwards; mar.
" Jan. 17 ffrancis son of Will'iam ffloyd & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 18 John son of Edward Will'iams & Eshter; bap.
" Jan. 19 John son of Richard Perry & Abigail; bap.
" Jan. 22 Elizabeth da. of Marmaduke Roden & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 22 John son of John Jones & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 26 Ruth a child of Tho. Booth & Ruth; bur.
" Jan. 31 Elizabeth da. of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 2 George son of Daniel Artnishrow & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 2 Mary wife of ffrancis Armishrow; bur.
" Feb. 4 John a child of Edward Will'iams & Ehster; bur.
* "Phillips" interlined in original, in a different handwriting to text; entry undated.


1692 Feb. 5 Sarah da. of Lawrence Smith & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 7 Elinor da. of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 8 Elizabeth da. of Humphry Harris & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 14 Elinor Gears, widd.; bur.
" Feb. 16 ffrancis son of ffrancis Adams & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 17 Charles son of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 18 Edward Amis; bur.
" Feb. 19 Samuell son of Will'iam Hill & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 22 Mary da. of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 27 Mary a child of John Price; bur.
" Mar. 12 Thomas son of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 13 Elizabeth Price, widd.; bur.
" Mar. 14 Gwen wife of Hugh Jones; bur.
" Mar. 19 Joyce da. of Edward Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 20 Jane da. of George Oakes & Abigail; bap.
" Mar. 20 Edward a child of Edward Jones & Joyce; bur.
" Mar. 24 Mary Oakes, widdow; bur.
1693 Mar. 26 George son of George Morgan & Milbera; bap.
" Mar. 30 Joyce da. of Will'iam Smith & Joyce; bap.
" April 5 Edward son of Edward Russell & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 17 Joseph son of Thomas* Hughs & Joan; bap.
" April 18 Mary da. of David Tudge & Judith; bap.
" April 19 Elizabeth da. of Thomas Crump & Sarah; bap.
" April 20 Elinor Gethen, of Bentall; bur.
" April 22 Thomas Bridgwood; bur.
" April 25 Owen Davis & Ruth Evans; mar.
" May 8 ffrancis son of Michaell Barnett & Martha; bap.
" May 10 Sarah da. of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" May 12 Mary wife of Christopher Simpson; bur.
" May 14 Will'iam son of Will'iam Adams & Joyce; bap.
" May 14 Thomas son of Thomas Evans & Mary; bap.
" May 25 Anne da. of John Cox & Alice; bap.
" May 27 Mary da. of Thomas Griffiths & Cicely; bap.
" May 30 Edward Hartshorne, of Bentall; bur.
" June 1 Elinor da. of John Mayor & Clare; bap.
" June 4 Humphrey Leadbeater; bur.
" June 4 Catherine da. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" June 6 Joyce da. of Richard Legg & Elizab.; bap.
" June 6 Anne Hartshorne, a child, of Bentall parish; bur.
" June 15 Samuell Carthwright & Alice+ Evans; mar.
" June 15 Thomas son of David Bowen & Alice; bap.
" June 18 John son of Will'iam Sadler & Isabell; bap.
" June 22 Catherine Crompton, a young child; bur.
" June 24 Ruth da. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" July 4 Mary a child of Sam. Armishrow & Mary; bur.
" July 13 John son of John Wright & Mary; bap.
" July 13 Anne wife of Lewis Davis; bur.
" July 20 Will'iam son of Benjamin Buckly & Mary; bap.
" July 21 Joyce da. of George Phillips & Mary; bap.
" July 25 Thomas Beddow & Elizabeth Holmes; mar.
" July 30 John son of Thomas Socket & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 6 Anne da. of Edward Glover & Joan; bap.
" Aug: 9 John son of John Perry & Cornelia; bap.
" Aug. 15 Sarah da. of Nicholas Asbery & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 17 John son of Samuell Syner & Dorothy; bap.

* "Jones alias" interlined and erased in original.
+ "Elener" interlined in pencil in original.


1693 Aug. 18 George a child of George Morgan & Mill.; bur.
" Aug. 20 Martha da. of John Head & Judith; bap.
" Aug. 27 Timothy Ropier & Sarah Leadbeater; mar.
" Aug. 31 Timothy son of John Crompton & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 31 Ralph son of Will'iam Barker & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 24 Thomas son of Tho. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" Oct. 1 Will'iam son of Will'iam Jones & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 2 Richard Steeventon; bur.
" Oct. 3 Mary da. of John Burps & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 6 Mary Burgas; bur.
" Oct. 8 Edward son of Thomas Mancell & Rebecka; bap.
" Oct. 12 Mary da. of Cornelius Davis & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 13 Will'iam a child of Tho. Sockett & Jane; bur.
" Oct. 22. Jane da. of Will'iam Rutter Se Anne; bap.
" Oct. 31 ffrancis son of ffrancis Chilton & Mice; bap.
" Oct. 31 Elizabeth da. of John Aston & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 1 John Langley, de Tuck's, gent.; bur.
" Nov. 7 Thomas son of Edward Cy-nor & Elizab.; bap.
" Nov. 12 Obadiah son of John Lawrence & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 12 Elizabeth da. of Griffith Morris & Catherine; bap.
" Nov. 14 Anne da. of Anthony Lowe & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 19 Will'iam Thornicraft & Elizabeth Cox; mar.
" Nov. 28 Thomas Cullis & Mary Eves; mar.
" Dec. 4 ffrancis son of John Pool & Priscilla; bap.
" Dec. 14 ffrancis the same child; bur.
" Dec. 16 Mary the wife of Hugh Cullis; bur.
" Dec. 17 ffrancis son of ffrancis Richards & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 18 Will'iam Ropier; bur.
" Dec. 18 Ruth a child of Will. Adams & Anne; bur.
" Dec. 22 John a child of John Wright & Mary; bur.
" Dec. 24 John son of Lawrence Bradely & Elinor; bap.
" Dec. 24 Anne da. of Robert Johnson & Dorcas; bap.
" Dec. 28 Jane da. of Will'iam Oakes & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 3 Anne Beard, widdow; bur.
" Jan. 13 David Evans & Jane Glover; mar.
" Jan. 13 Edward Blakemore; bnr.
" Jan. 15 Samuell son of Will'iam Sim'ons & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 16 Hannah da. of Edward Will'iams & Ulster; bap.
" Jan. 18 Samna & Sarah twins of Sam. Lister & Rosamond; bap.
" Jan. 20 Joyce da. of Edward Bradely & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 21 Thomas Constable; bur.
" Jan. 23 Rosamond Constable, widdow, Bentall; bur.
" Jan. 30 Thomas Nash; bur.
" Feb. 5 Roger Oakes; bur.
" Feb. 6 Sarah a child of Sam. Lister & Rosamond; bur.
" Feb. 8 Thomas son of Griffith Owen & Mary. Linley; bap.
" Feb. 8 Samuels a child of the aforesaid Sam. Lister & Rose.; bur.
" Feb. 9 Joyce a child of Will'iam Smith & Joyce; bur.
" Feb. 10 Margery ffetters; bur.
" Feb. 11 Richard a child of John Spragg & Sarah; bur.
" Feb. 19 Mary a child of Henry Mayor & Mary, Barrow; bur.
" Feb. 22 Mary a child of John Barges & Mary; bur.
" Mar. 2 Sarah da. of Will'iam Rowly & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 4 Charles son of John Simmons & Priscilla; bap.
" Mar, 5 ffrancis son of Thomas Eves & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 7 Alice Cox, widdow; bur.
" Mar. 14 Elizabeth a child of Will. Will'iams alias Tibhots & Jane; bur.
" Mar. 15 Mary da. of Owen Davis & Ruth; bap.


1693 Mar. 18 Samuell son of ffrancis Ropier & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 21 Joan Ramsell, widdow; bur.
" Mar. 21 Humphry Crump; bur.
" Mar. 23 John a child of John Buckley & Margery, Barrow; bur.
1694 Mar. 25 Thomas Martin; bur.
" Mar. 26 Cornelia Man alias Dugmore; bur.
" Mar. 27 Sarah da. of John Roden; bur.
" Mar. 27 ffrancis son of John Evans & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 28 Thomas Bradely; bur.
" Mar. 30 Thomas Evans, a young child; bur.
" Mar. 30 Margaret Crompton, a young child; bur.
" April 3 George Armishrow, a young child; bur.
" April 4 James son of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" April 7 Hugh Cullis; bur.
" April 8 Margarett wife of Griffith Jones; bur.
" April l0 Sarah da. of Rich. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 10 Joyce da. of Robert Harris & Mary; bap.
" April 11 John son of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" April 13 Thomas Rowly; bur.
" April 15 Lydia Deacon, a young child; bur.
" April 18 Mary da. of Thomas Will'iams; bur.
" April 19 Jane da. of Allen Edwards & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 20 Mary Jones, a young child; bur.
" April 20 James Harrison, a young child; bur.
" April 22 Benjamin son of Benjamin Rowly & Joan; bap.
" April 23 Mary wife of Robert ffrost; bur.
" April 28 ffrances da. of Richard Pearce & Elizab.; bap.
" April 29 Edward son of Daniell Powell & Anne; bap.
" April 30 Mary da. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" May 1 Thomas Beddow & Mary Chilton; mar.
" May 1 Thomas son of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" May I Mary Ball, a young child; bur.
" May 6 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Heins & Mary; bap.
" May 11 Mary Glover, a young child; bur.
" May 17 Anne da. of Rich. Watkis & Anne; bap.
" May 17 Richard son of John Walton & Jane, Linly; bap.
" May 17 Will'iam son of Will. Smith & ffrances; bap.
" May 18 Thomas Evans, a young child; bur.
" May 22 John son of Oliver Price & Anne; bap.
" May 28 John son of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" May 30 Samuell son of Samuell Ball & Mary; bap.
" June 3 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Mayor & Mary; bap.
" June 10 Will'iam son of Timothy Ropier & Sarah; bap.
" June 17 Michaell Tayler & Elizabeth Jones; mar.
" June 20 Margery da. of Benjamin Ambler & Alice; bap.
" June 24 Samuel son of Sam. Witwicke & Sarah; bap.
" June 30 Jane Rutter, a young child; bur.
" July 11 Margarett Beddow, widd.; bur.
" July 12 ffrancis Evans, sen.; bur.
" July 15 Elizabeth Cadman; bur.
" July 22 Joan da. of Rich. Goodale & Anne; bap.
" July 27 John a child of Edward Glover; bur.
" July 29 Thomas son of 'rho. Simpson & Alice; bap.
" July 29 Jane da. of Sam. Morris & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 2 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Pearce & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 7 John Price; bur.
" Aug. 20 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Evans & Eliza.; bap.
" Aug. 21 Jane Nash, widd.; bur.


1694 Sep. 5 Silvanus son of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 9 Andrew Bradely, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 15 Thomas Lee; bur.
" Sep. 16 John son of Tobias Harrington & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 18 Mrs Elizabeth Langley; bur.
" Sep. 19 John Lane, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 20 Mary wife of Tho. Owen; bur.
" Sep. 23 Jane da. of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 23 Elizabeth Hartshorne, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 24 Thomas Bently; bur.
" Sep. 25 Elizabeth da. of Will. Mivart & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 29 Will'iam son of Will. Thornicroft & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 29 Jane da. of John Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 6 John son of Samuell Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 6 John a child of ye aforesaid Sam. Hartshorne; bur.
" Oct. 8 Anne a child of ye aforesaid Sam. Hartshorne; bur.
" Oct. 12 Mary a child of Rich. Millington; bur.
" Oct. 13 Will'iam Thomicraft, a young child; bur.
" Oct. 16 Jonathan son of ffrancis Adams & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 16 Thomas Owen; bur.
" Oct. 18 Joseph Simmons & Margrett Lowe; mar.
" Nov. 3 Will'iam Davis; bur.
" Nov. 4 ffrancis son of Edward Ramsell & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 5 Will'iam Holmes & Elinor Oswald; mar.
" Nov. 15 Samuell son of George Morgan & Milbera; bap.
" Nov. 20 Mary da. of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 2 Elizabeth da. of Edward Powell & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 4 Anne da. of David Price & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 5 Mary a child of Elinor Crump, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 14 Sarah da. of Rob't Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 19 Jane Humphris, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 2l Samuell Hatton; bur.
" Dec. 27 Mary da. of John ffloyd & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 2 Anne da. of Vincent Litleford & Susanna; bap.
" Jan. 3 Mary Hartshorne, Bentall; bur.
" Jan. 3 Margrett da. of Mary Rowly, widd.; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Parry & Abigail; bap.
" Jan. 8 Mary da. of Thomas Turner & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 13 Richard son of Thomas ffarely & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 13 Richard James & Margarett Amias; mar.
" Jan. 13 Martha wife of Job Gough; bur.
" Jan. 20 Benjamin son of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 20 Thomas son of Tho. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" .. ..* Margarett da. of Marmaduke Roden & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 23 ffrancis son of John Pool & Priscilla; bap.
" Jan. 23 Margery wife of Will'iam Armishrow; bur.
" Jan. 28 Joseph & Mary twins of Rob't Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 28 Samuell son of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 29 John son of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 30 Robert Hartshorne; bur.
" Feb. 1 Joseph a child of Rob't Wild; bur.
" Feb. 8 Thomas Roden; bur.
" Feb. 9 Israeli Everall; bur.
" Feb. 9 Mary a child of Rob't Wild; bur.
" Feb. lo Thomas son of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 14 Mary da. of John Wright & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 17 Elinor da. of Edward Sansom & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 17 Samuell a child of Moses Wood; bur.

* No date in original.


1693 Mar. 18 Samuell son of ffrancis Ropier & Margrett; bap.
" Mar. 21 Joan Ramsell, widdow; bur.
" Mar. 21 Humphry Crumpbur.
" Mar. 23 John a child of John Buckley & Margery, Barrow; bur.
1694 Mar. 25 Thomas Martin; bur.
" Mar. 26 Cornelia Man atlas Dugmore; bur.
" Mar. 27 Sarah da. of John Roden; bur.
" Mar. 27 ffrancis son of John Evans & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 28 Thomas Bradely; bur.
" Mar. 30 Thomas Evans, a young child; bur.
" Mar. 30 Margaret Crompton, a young child; bur.
" April 3 George Armishrow, a young child; bur.
" April 4 James son of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" April 7 Hugh Cullisbur.
" April 8 Margarett wife of Griffith Jones; bur.
" April 10 Sarah da. of Rich. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 10 Joyce da. of Robert Harris & Mary; bap.
" April 11 John son of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" April 13 Thomas Rowly; bur.
" April 15 Lydia Deacon, a young child; bur.
" April 18 Mary da. of Thomas Will'iams; bur.
" April 19 Jane da. of Allen Edwards & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 20 Mary Jones, a young child; bur.
" April 20 James Harrison, a young child; bur.
" April 22 Benjamin son of Benjamin Rowly & Joan; bap.
" April 23 Mary wife of Robert ffrost; bur.
" April 28 ffrances da. of Richard Pearce & Elizab.; bap.
" April 29 Edward son of Daniell Powell & Anne; bap.
" April 30 Mary da. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" May 1 Thomas Beddow & Mary Chilton; mar.
" May 1 Thomas son of ffrancis Oakes & Sarah; bap.
" May 1 Mary Ball, a young child; bur.
" May 6 Elizabeth da. of ffrancis Heins & Mary; bap.
" May 11 Mary Glover, a young child; bur.
" May 17 Anne da. of Rich. Watkis & Anne; bap.
" May 17 Richard son of John Walton & Jane, Linly; bap.
" May 17 Will'iam son of Will. Smith & ffrances; bap.
" May 18 Thomas Evans, a young child; bur.
" May 22 John son of Oliver Price & Anne; bap.
" May 28 John son of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" May 30 Samuell son of Samuell Ball & Mary; bap.
" June 3 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Mayor & Mary; bap.
" June 10 Will'iam son of Timothy Ropier & Sarah; bap.
" June 17 Michaell Tayler & Elizabeth Jones; mar.
" June 20 Margery da. of Benjamin Ambler & Alice; bap.
" June 24 Samuell son of Sam. Witwicke & Sarah; bap.
" June 30 Jane Rutter, a young child; bur.
" July 11 Margarett Beddow, widd.; bur.
" July 12 ffrancis Evans, sen.; bur.
" July 15 Elizabeth Cadman; bur.
" July 22 Joan da. of Rich. Goodale & Anne; bap.
" July 27 John a child of Edward Glover; bur.
" July 29 Thomas son of Tho. Simpson & Alice; bap.
" July 29 Jane da. of Sam. Morris & Jane; bap.
" Aug. 2 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Pearce & Joyce; bap.
" Aug. 7 John Price; bur.
" Aug. 20 Elizabeth da. of Will'iam Evans & Eliza.; bap.
" Aug. 21 Jane Nash, widd.; bur.


1694 Sep. 5 Silvanus son of Newell Edwards & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 9 Andrew Bradely, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 15 Thomas Lee; bur.
" Sep. 16 John son of Tobias Harrington & Joyce; bap.
" Sep. 18 Mrs Elizabeth Langley; bur.
" Sep. 19 John Lane, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 20 Mary wife of Tho. Owen; bur.
" Sep. 23 Jane da. of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 23 Elizabeth Hartshorne, a young child; bur.
" Sep. 24. Thomas Bently; bur.
" Sep. 25 Elizabeth da. of Will. Mivart & Anne; bap.
" Sep. 29 Will'iam son of Will. Thornicroft & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 29 Jane da. of John Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 6 John son of Samuell Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" Oct. 6 John a child of ye aforesaid Sam. Hartshorne; bur.
" Oct. 8 Anne a child of ye aforesaid Sam. Hartshorne; bur.
" Oct. 12 Mary a child of Rich. Millington; bur.
" Oct. 13 Will'iam Thornicraft, a young child; bur.
" Oct. 16 Jonathan son of ffrancis Adams & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 16 Thomas Owen; bur.
" Oct. 18 Joseph Simmons & Margrett Lowe; mar.
" Nov. 3 Will'iam Davis; bur.
" Nov. 4 ffrancis son of Edward Ramsell & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 5 Will'iam Holmes & Elinor Oswald; mar.
" Nov. 15 Samuell son of George Morgan & Milbera; bap.
" Nov. 20 Mary da. of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 2 Elizabeth da. of Edward Powell & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 4 Anne da. of David Price & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 5 Mary a child of Elinor Crump, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 14 Sarah da. of Rob't Guest & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 19 Jane Humphris, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 21 Samuell Hatton; bur.
" Dec. 27 Mary da. of John ffioyd & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 2 Anne da. of Vincent Litleford & Susanna; bap.
" Jan. 3 Mary Hartshorne, Bentall; bur.
" Jan. 3 Margrett da. of Mary Rowly, widd.; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth da. of Rich. Parry & Abigail; bap.
" Jan. 8 Mary da. of Thomas Turner & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 13 Richard son of Thomas ffarely & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 13 Richard James & Margarett Amias; mar.
" Jan. 13 Martha wife of Job Gough; bur.
" Jan. 20 Benjamin son of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 20 Thomas son of Tho. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" ..* Margarett da. of Marmaduke Roden & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 23 ffrancis son of John Pool & Priscilla; bap.
" Jan. 23 Margery wife of Will'iam Armishrow; bur.
" Jan. 28 Joseph & Mary twins of Rob't Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 28 Samuell son of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 29 John son of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 30 Robert Hartshorne; bur.
" Feb. 1 Joseph a child of Rob't Wild; bur.
" Feb. 8 Thomas Roden; bur.
" Feb. 9 Israeli Everall; bur.
" Feb. 9 Mary a child of Rob't Wild; bur.
" Feb. 10 Thomas son of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 14 Mary da. of John Wright & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 17 Elinor da. of Edward Sansom & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 17 Samuell a child of Moses Wood; bur.

* No date in original.


1695 Feb. 13 Margarett da. of John Crompton & Jane; bap.
" Feb. 16 Will'iam son of Will'iam Wild & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 16 Edward son of John Lister & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 16 John son of John Aston & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 18 Will'iam son of Will'iam Holmes & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 22 Sarah a child of Ralph Hare; bur.
" Feb. 23 Jane da. of Benjamin Amler & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 27 Richard son of Samuell Ball & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 3 Will'iam son of John Benbow & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 11 George son of Anthony Lowe & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 11 Moses a child of Moses Jones; bur.
" Mar. 24 Thomas son of Thomas Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Mar. 24 Timothy Ropier; bur.
" Mar. 24 John Oakes; bur.
1696 Mar. 26 Joyce da. of Thomas Griffiths & Cicely; bap.
" Mar. 28 Thomas Nock; bur.
" Mar. 31 Elizabeth d. of Benjamin Rowly & Joan; bap.
" April 2 Dorcas Nash; bur.
" April 7 Thomas s. of Tho. Lister & Jane; bap.
" April 14 John a child of John Belton; bur.
" April 19 Edward Roberts & Elizabeth Will'iams; mar.
" April 22 Job Pugh & Joyce Oakes; mar.
" April 26 Thomas s. of Thomas Booth & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 26 Elinor d. of Robert Wild & Elenor; bap.
" April 26 Elizabeth a child of Edward Powell & Sarah; bur.
" April 29 Anne a child of Humphry Harris; bur.
" May 1 Mary d. of Will'iam Teece & Anne; bap.
" May 3 Margaret d. of David Bowen & Alice; bap.
" May 7 Elizabeth a child of Tho. Evans & Eliza.; bur.
" May 15 Samuell Legg & Mary Hartshorne; mar.
" May 17 John s. of John Eves & Sarah; bap.
" May 17 Mary d. of Edward Synor & Elizab.; bap.
" May 21 Margaret d. of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" May 21 Mary d. of George Phillips & Mary; bap.
" June 1 James s. of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" June 9 Thomas a child of Edward Hartshorne (Bentall); bur.
" June 9 Elizabeth d. of Edward Russell & Elizab.; bap.
" June 12 Mary Holmes, widd.; bur.
" June 14 Mary d. of John Spragg & Sarah; bap.
" June 20 Robert s. of John Hartshorne & Elizab.; bap.
" June 20 Thomas s. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" June 26 Thomas the aforesaid child; bur.
" June 26 Richard a child of Robert Love; bur.
" June 28 Elizabeth d. of Sam. Hartshorne & Jane; bap.
" June 29 Thomas Aston & Elizab. Phillips; mar.
" July 2 John Man & Joyce Hill; mar.
" July 2 Anne d. of Edward Bradely & Mary; bap.
" July 11 Margaret d. of Evan Evans & Mary; bap.
" July 11 Anne a child of Edward Bradeley; bur.
" July 19 Will'iam s. of Will. Morris & Abigail; bap.
" July 21 Elizabeth d. of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" July 26 Morris s. of Will'iam Adams & Joyce; bap.
" July 26 Mary d. of Rich. ffletcher & Abigail; bap.
" July 27 Elizabeth d. of George Pool & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 2 Joyce d. of John Rushen & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 2 Anne d. of Daniel Powell & Anne; bap.
" Aug. 5 Elenor d. of Tho. Shaw & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 6 Will'iam Pool & Mary ffarmer; mar.


1696 Aug. 7 Mary d. of Marmaduke Roden & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 12 Samuell Weaver (Bentall); bur.
" Aug. 16 Sarah d. of Edward Aswood & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 18 Elinor a child of Thomas Gethen (Bentall); bap.
" Aug. 19 Anne wife of Oliver ffrancis; bur.
" Aug. 23 Rebecka d. of John ffioyd & Sarah; bap.
" Sep. 2 John s. of John Blayney & Gertrude; bap.
" Sep. 4 Mary d. of Rich. Povy & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 4 Joan a child of Rich. Goodale & Anne; bur.
" Sep. 7 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Jones & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 13 Will'iam s. of Michaell Barnett & Martha; bap.
" Sep. 13 Mary d. of Edward Robbarts & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 13 Robert s. of Robt Smith & Hanna; bap.
" Sep. 26 Joan Bryan, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 27 Uriah s. of Humphry Rowlands & Joan; bap.
" Sep. 27 Rich. a base son of Elizabeth Pugh; bap.
" Sep. 27 Thomas a child of Thomas Aston (Bentall); bur.
" Sep. 28 Margery Simmons, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 29 Robert s. of John Holms & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 14 Joyce wife of John Benbow; bur.
" Oct. 18 George s. of ffrancis Adams & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 18 Margaret d. of Andrew Jones & Millicent; bap.
" Oct. 18 Jane d. of Timothy Ropier & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 25 Anne d. of Morris Jenkin & Anne; bap.
" Oct. 26 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 1 Margery wife of Evan Davis; bur.
" Nov. 1 Catherine wife of Thomas Ball; bur.
" Nov. 2 John s. of John Wilks & Catherine; bap.
" Nov. 3 John a child of Samuell Ball; bap.
" Nov. 5 Margaret d. of Owen Davis & Ruth; bap.
" Nov. 7 John a child of ffrancis Benbow; bur.
" Nov. 10 Thomas Haddock & Judith Benbow; mar.
" Nov. 13 Edward a child of Moses Jones; bur.
" Nov. 15 Cicily Roden; bur.
" Nov. 17 John a child of John Wilks; bur.
" Nov. 17 John s. of Will'iam Rowly & Sarah; bap.
" Nov. 22 Anne d. of Lawrence Bradely & Elnor; bap.
" Nov. 25 George a child of George Gotier (Bentall); bur.
" Nov. 25 Elizab. d. of ffrancis Oakes & Cornelia; bap.
" Nov. 26 Evan Davis; bur.
" Nov. 29 Thomas Gower; bur.
" Dec. 9 Margery Rowly, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 9 Sarah a child of Sarah Smith, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 13 Elinor d. of Edward Will'iams & Ester; bap.
" Dec. 15 Mary d. of ffrancis Palmer & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 15 Edward Sim'ons, a young child; bur.
" Dec. 18 Margaret a child of Sarah Smith, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 21 John s. of Thomas Cullis & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 23 Joyce wife of Thomas Buckley (Bentall); bur.
" Dec. 28 Elizabeth d. of Morris Deacon & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 1 George s. of George Morgan & Millicent; bap.
" Jan. 13 George s. of John Poole & Priscilla; bap.
" Jan. 19 John s. of ffrancis Rowly & Joyce; bap.
" Jan. 19 Richard s. of Sampson Crompton & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 19 Thomas a child of Jon. Millington (Bentall); bur.
" Jan. 21 James s. of John Betton & Parnell; bap.
" Jan. 22 Margaret Weal; bur.
" Jan. 22 Susanna Simmons, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 24 Jane d. of Thomas Crumpe & Sarah; bap.


1696 Jan. 24 Mary d. of John Whitmore & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 24 John Morris & Elinor Hill; mar.
" Jan. 26 Sarah d. of Thomas King & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 26 Will'iam & Alice twins of Will. Oakes & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 27 Sarah the aforesaid d. of Tho. King; bur Feb. 7 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 7 Mary d. of Edward Aswood; bur.
" Feb. 8 Mary d. of Joan Mancell; bap.
" Feb. to John s. of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 14 Samuell s. of Tho. Simpson & Alice; bap.
" Feb. 14 John a child of John Mathews (Bentall); bur. Feb. 16 Will'iam s. of ffrancis Will'iams & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 16 Mary d. of Cornelius Synor & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 20 Martha d. of Will'iam Scripture & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 20 Elizabeth d. of Thomas ffarely & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 20 Will'iam s. of ffrancis Heins & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 23 John Rushen; bur.
" Feb. 27 Mary Griffiths, widd. (Bentall); bur. Feb. 28 Thomas Watkis; bur.
" Mar. 2 John a child of Mary Constable, widd.; bur. Mar. 9 Elizab. wife of Robert Love; bur.
" Mar. 20 Joyce d. of Thomas Eves & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 20 Margarett d. of Humphry Harris & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 21 Elizabeth d. of John Man & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 23 Elizabeth a child of Thomas Evans & Elizab.; bap.
1697 Mar. 25 Anne Davis, widd.; bur.
" Mar. 30 Margarett a child of Humphry Harris; bur. April 1 John Ball, sen.; bur.
" April 2 Morris Stoaks; bur.
" April 3 Mary d. of Will'iam Lane & Mary; bap.
" April 5 John s. of Rich. Pearce & Elizab.; bap.
" April 9 Anne d. of Edward Jones & Joyce; bap.
" April to Elizabeth Whitmore, widd.; bur.
" April r t Edward s. of Moses Jones & Elizab.; bap.
" April it Will'iam a child of John Matthews (Bentall); bu-. April 1 r Mary a child of Joan Mancell; bur. April 13 Robert Rodes; bur.
" April 18 Mary d. of Edward Powell & Sarah; bap.
" April 22 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Hanly & Jane; bap.
" April 22 Will'iam Sadler; bur.
" April 24 Jane wife of Jonat. Jones; bur.
" April 24 Edward s. of Jonat. Jones & Jane; bap.
" April 25 Mary d. of Samuel Legg & Mary; bap.
" April 28 ffrancis s. of John Simmons & Priscill.; bap.
" April 28 Jane wife of Tho. Tilbroom (Bentall); bur. April 30 Will'iam s. of Thomas Davis & Mary; bap.
" May 5 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" May It Tho. s. of Will. Sadler & Isabel; bap.
" May 16 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Pool & Mary; bap.
" May 22 Adam Crompton; bur.
" May 24 Elizabeth d. of Samuell Morris & Jane; bap.
" May 25 Elizabeth d. of David Evans & Jane; bap.
" May 25 Thomas Sadler the aforesaid child; bur. May 28 Thomas Cynor; bur.
" June 7 Mary Morris, widd.; bur.
" June 19 Will'iam Morris & Elizabeth Mivart; mar. June ao Anne d. of Will'iam Mayor & Mary; bap.
" June 27 Robert Ewing' ar Immix& Cat I mu.. June 29 Sate


1697 July 3 Will'iam S. of Will. Evans & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 8 Margery d. of Mathew Hare; bur.
" July 10 Sarnuell Smith (Bentall); bur.
" July 11 Thomas s, of John Evans & Elinor; bap.
" July 11 Thomas s. of Job Pugh & Joyce; bap.
" July 23 Edward a child of Jonat. Jones; bur.
" July 25 George s. of Richard Goodale & Anne; bap.
" July 25 Elinor d. of Will. Mivart & Anne; bap.
" July 27 Thomas a child of John Evans & Elinor; bur.
" July 29 Richard Haddon & Mary Nurthall; mar.
" Aug. 2 Thomas Haddon; bur.
" Aug. 10 Anne d. of Mr Rich. Manning & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 10 Mister d. of ffrancis Hare & Ehster; bap.
" Aug. 16 Samuell Barker; bur.
" Aug. 22 Elizab. d. of Edward Pugh & Isabel; bap.
" Sep. 5 Thomas Pearce & Martha Davis; mar.
" Sep. 5 Mr Samuell Langley, sen.; bur.
" Sep. 23 John Worthen; bur.
" Oct. 3 Mary wife of Will'iam Belcham Robbarts; bur.
" Oct. 9 John s. of John Wilks & Rebecka; bap.
" Oct. 12 Judith d. of Benjamin Buckley & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 17 John s. of Thomas Beard & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 17 Andrew s.. of John James & Millicent; bap.
" Oct. 20 ffrancis Whittall & Elizab. Jones; mar.
" Oct. 20 John Pugh; bur.
" Oct. 22 ffrancis s. of Sarah Rutter; bur.
" Oct. 23 Richard ap Richard, a stranger; bur.
" Nov. 1 Richard s. of Thomas Lister & Jane; bap.
" Nov. 7 Sarah d. of Richard Bowen & Rebecka (Linly); bap.
" Nov. 9 Anne wife of Richard Preston; bur.
" Nov. 11 Richard s. of Richard Pearce & Joyce; bap.
" Nov. 11 Mary wife of Stephen Bradely (Barrow); bur.
" Nov. 18 Richard s. of John Wright & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 22 Mary a child of John Marsh (Bentall); bap.
" Nov. 30 Sarah d. of Roht Harris & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 1 Richard s. of Edward Hill & Margaret; bap.
" Dec. 6 Mary d. of John Wilks & Cathrine; bap.
" Dec. 8 Will'iam s. of John Humphris & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 9 Henry Unions; bur.
" Dec. 19 George s. of Francis Oakes & ffrances; bap.
" Dec. 23 Catherine wife of John Wilks; bur.
" Dec. 26 Thomas a child of John Mathewes (Bentall); bur.
" Dec. 27 Joseph & Mary twins of Sam. Ball & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 28 Elizab. d. of John Mayor & Clara; bap.
" Jan. 4 Anne wife of Ralph Hare, jun.; bur.
" Jan. 7 Anne d. of Edward Evans & Dianna; bap.
" Jan. 9 ffrancis Oakes, sen.; bur.
" Jan. 14 George a child of ffrancis Oakes & ffrances; bur.
" Jan. 14 Elinor a child of Edward Will'iams; bur.
" Jan. 14 John a base s. of Millicent Hanly; bap.
" Jan. 19 Thomas Buckley (Bentall); bur.
" Jan. 27 Mary wife of Ralph Hare, sen.; bur.
" Jan. 27 Margrett a child of John Crompton; bur.
" Jan. 28 Mary wife of Will'iam Evans; bur.
" Feb. 1 Edward s. of Edward Bradely & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 1 Elinor Parttun, widd.; bur.
" Feb. 2 Gertrude d. of Andrew Benbow & Elizab.; bap.
" Feb. 3 Edward s. of Newell Edwardes & Ann; bap.


1697 Feb. 13 Bartholomew s. of Tho. Jones & (illegible); bap.
" Feb. 13 ffrancis s. of Tobias Harrington & (illegible); bap.
" Feb. 13 Elizab. d. of Thomas Davis & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 13 Moses s. of Rich. Watkis & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 17 George s. of Ben. Rowley & Joan; bap.
" Feb. 19 Will'iam ffloyd, sen.; bur.
" Feb. 27 Anne d. of Edward Ramsell & (illegible); bap.
" Feb. 27 Mary d. of Will. Adams & (illegible); bap.
" Feb. 28 George s. of George Poole & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 2 Mary & Martha twins of ffrancis Oakes & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 3 Henry & John base sons of Mary Beddow; bap.
" Mar. 6 Will. a child of Will. Pool & Mary; bur.
" Mar. 9 Edward a child of John Lister; bur.
" Mar. 10 Mr Samuell Llangley, jun.; bur.
" Mar. 12 Hen. a child of Mary Beddow; bur.
" Mar. 13 Mary d. of John Beddow & Joan; bap.
" Mar. ..* Hanna d. of Walter Beddow & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. ..* George s. of Will'iam Wild & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 16 Will'iam a child of Michael Barnett; bur.
" Mar. 18 Sarah wife of John Jones; bur.
" Mar. 20 Edward s. of Thomas Socket & Jane; bap.
" Mar. 24 Samuell s. of John Head & Judith; bap.
1698 Mar. 25 Mary d. of John Morris & Elinor; bap.
" Mar. 28 Mary wife of Richard Beavan; bur.
" Mar. 29 Richard a child of Sampson Crompton; bur.
" Mar. 29 Richard s. of Tho. Gower & Dorothy; bap.
" Mar. 30 ffrancis s. of Thomas Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" April 1 Robert s. of Mr Thomas Crompton & Ursula; bap.
" April 1 John Harnadge (Bentall); bur.
" April 3 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Thomicraft & Elizab.; bap.
" April 5 A strange poor boy; bur.
" April 6 Edward a child of Edward Bradely & Mary; bap.
" April 7 John a child of Edward Roden; bur.
" April 8 Robert a child of Mr Thomas Crompton; bur.
" April 10 Mary d. of John Price & ffrances; bap.
" April 10 Richard s. of Will'iam Beard & Sarah; bap.
" April 11 Mary d. of Robt Evans & Elizab.; bap.
" April 13 John a base son of Mary Beddow; bur.
" April 18 Sarah a child of John Evans & Elizab. (Salthouse); bur.
" April 20 Humphry Hill & Sarah Corbett; mar.
" April 25 Mary d. of John Jones & Elizab.; bap.
" April 26 John s. of John Mann & Elizab.; bap.
" May 3 ffrancis s. of Tho. Evans & Elizab.; bur.
" May 5 John Mann the aforesaid child; bur.
" May 9 Elizabeth wife of John Mann; bur.
" May 12 Elizabeth d. of Vincent Litleford & Susanna; bap.
" May 15 Martha d. of Benjamin Ambler & Alice; bap.
" May 16 Jane d. of ffrancis Armishrow; bur.
" May 20 Rachel wife of Robert Whitmore; bur.
" May 25 John Beddow & Elizabeth Groves; mar.
" May 26 Mary a child of John Wilks; bur.
" May 27 Martha a child of ffrancis Oakes & Mary; bur.
" May 30 Abigail wife of John Aston (Bentall); bur.
" June 2 ffrancis s. of Richard Haddon & Mary; bap.
" June 13 Edward s. of Will. Smith & ffrances; bap.
" June 21 Anne a child of Will. Mayor & Mary; bur.

* Illegible.


1698 June 26 Samuell s. of John Jones & Mary; bap.
" June 27 Elizab. a child of Sam. Armishrow; bur.
" June 27 Elinor a child of Thomas Gethen (Bentall); bur.
" July 3 ffrances d. of Nicholas Harrison & Anne; bap.
" July 8 Thomas a child of Hugh Cullis (Bentall); bur.
" July 15 Rob't Aston, a young child; bur.
" July 17 Mary d. of John Lett & Mary; bap.
" July 19 Mary a child of Hugh Cullis (Bentall); bur.
" July 24 Joyce d. of Tho. Oswald & Jane; bap.
" July 25 Thomas Aston & Margarett Barber; mar.
" July 26 Mary a child of David Evans & Jane; bur.
" Aug. 4 Will'iam s. of Will. Scripture; bur.
" Aug. 7 Mary d. of Thomas Mancell & Rebecka; bap.
" Aug. 9 John s. of Will'iam Oakes & Alice; bap.
" Irish Nell; bur. (sic)
" Aug. 9 Robt s. of Tho. Reinolds alias Phillips & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 10 Sarah d. of ffrancis Benbow & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 17 Edward s. of Humphry Harris & Anne; bap.
" Aug. t8 Richard s. of Tho. Andrews alias Turner & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 19 Jane d. of Cornelius Cynor & Elizabeth; bap.
" Aug. 28 John s. of Edward Glover & Joan; bap.
" Aug. 28 Elinor d. of Tho. Lee & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 28 Hanna a child of Walter Beddow & Elizab.; bur.
" Aug. 29 John s. of Edward Russell & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 4 Susan Simson, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 5 Mary Howlett, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 6 Edward a child of Humphry Harris; bur.
" Sep. 6 Mary a child of Morris Deacon; bur.
" Sep. 13 John s. of John ffenn & Margaret; bap.
" Sep. 18 Elinor d. of Andrew Parton & Mary; bap.
" Sep. 22 Elizabeth a child of Edward Pugh; bur.
" Sep. 25 Sarah d. of Moses Wood & Jane; bap.
" Sep. 25 Elinor the aforesaid child of Andrew Parton; bur.
" Sep. 29 Thomas s. of Rob't Jones & Catherine; bap.
" Oct. 1 Elizabeth a child of Morris Deacon; bur.
" Oct. 1 Mary a child of ffrancis Oakes alias Stout; bur.
" Oct. 2 John s. of John ffloyd & Sarah; bap.
" Oct. 2 Sarah d. of Moses Wood; bur.
" Oct. 2 Mary d. of Thomas Booth & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 8 Robert ffloyd & Elizabeth Evans; mar.
" Oct. 16 Elizabeth d. of ffrancis Adams & Elizab.; bap.
" Oct. 17 Robert a child of Robt Smith & Hanna; bur.
" Oct. 22 Joseph Evans & Minerva Gilbert; mar.
" Oct. 23 Richard fetcher; bur.
" Oct. 24 Samuell s. of Sam. Lister & Rosamond; bap.
" Oct. 26 Hugh Jones; bur.
" Oct. 27 Richard Shaw & Anne Litleford; mar.
" Nov. 1 Edward Mills & Bridgett Taylor; mar.
" Nov. 3 Mary a child of Marmaduke Roden; bur.
" Nov. 7 Jane d. of Thomas Griffiths & Cicely; bap.
" Nov. 8 Jane the aforesaid child; bur.
" Nov. 10 Will'iam a child of Edw. Hill alias Cumbersom & Sarah; bur.
" Nov. 13 Margaret d. of Joseph Simmons & Margaret; bap.
" Nov. 17 Will'iam s. of Anthony Lowe & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 4 Richard a base son of Martha Kemp; bap.
" Dec. 5 Anne d. of Richard Povey & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 5 Elizabeth d. of John Palmer & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 5 Elizabeth Humphris; bur.


1698 Dec. 18 Sarah d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah; bap.
" Dec. 18 Thomas s. of Henry Beddoe & Joyce; bap.
" Dec. 20 Richard s. of Richard Parry & Abigail; bap.
" Dec. 21 Thomas the aforesaid child of Henry Beddoe; bur.
" Dec. 22 Richard a child of Tho. Andrews alias Turner; bur.
" Dec. 25 Sarah a child of ffrancis Benbow, jun.; bur.
" Dec. 26 Edward s. of Edward Robarts & Elizab.; bap.
" Dec. 26 Samuell s. of Cesar Hawkins & Mary; bap.
" Dec. 31 Henry s. of Thomas Hanley & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 31 Elinor Mayor, widd.; bur.
" Jan. 1 Anne d. of Will'iam Teece & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 8 Silvanus s. of Will'iam Morris & Elizab.; bap.
" Jan. 8 Richard s. of ffrancis Chilton & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 11 Elinor Roe, a strange old woman; bur.
" Jan. 12 Mary d. of Humphry Hill & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 12 Will'iam s. of Edward Russell; bur.
" Jan. 14 Ralph Hare & Mary Millichap; mar.
" Jan. 15 Will'iam s. of John Aston & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 17 Will'iam a child of Edward Bradely; bur.
" Jan. 18 John s. Of ffrancis Oakes & ffrances; bap.
" Jan. 22 Anne d. of Thomas Shaw & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 29 Thomas s. of Mr Richard Manning & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 29 Elizabeth d. of John Lister & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 30 Richard Morris & Anne Povey; mar.
" Feb. 2 Mary d. of Will'iam Pool & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 2 Timothy s. of Timothy Ropier & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 2 Thomas s. of Thomas Evans & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 2 Sarah d. of Will'iam Holms & Elinor; bap.
" Feb. 7 John Walton; bur.
" Feb. 10 Martha d. of Will'iam Buckley & Ruth; bap.
" Feb. 12 Phebe d. of Abigail flietcher, widd.; bap.
" Feb. 13 Richard Beavan & Anne Mayor; mar.
" Feb. 17 Will'iam Turner; bur.
" Feb. 21 Samuell Rutter (Bentall); bur.
" Feb. 23 Jonathan s. of Edward Jones & Joyce; bap.
" Feb. 26 Sarah a child of John Jones & Sarah; bur.
" Mar. 2 Sarah wife of John Jones (a stranger); bur.
" Mar. 6 Robert & Samuell twins of Thomas Aston & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 10 Thomas s. of Will'iam Rodes & Elizab.; bap.
" Mar. 10 Samuell a child of Thomas Astou aforesaid; bur.
" Mar. 11 Sarah a child of Will'iam Holmes; bur.
" Mar. 19 Anne wife of Newell Edwards; bur.
1699 Mar. 26 ffrancis s. of ffrancis Powell & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 28 Mary d. of Edward Owen & Anne; bap.
" April 2 Humphry s. of Thomas Crump & Sarah; bap.
" April 2 Joyce d. of John Beard & Jane; bap.
" April 2 Elizabeth d. of Elizabeth Edwards, widd.5 bap.
" April 4 Cornelia d. of John Perry & Cornelia; bap.
" April 4 Lucy Hill, widd.; bur.
" April 11 Edward s. of Edward Owen & Gwen; bur.
" April 12 Margaret wife of Thomas Jones; bur.
" April 14 Minnes Langley; bur.
" April 15 Richard s. of Thomas Roden & Sarah; bap.
" April 15 Mary d. of Laurence Prestwood & Anne; bap.
" April 16 Abigail d. of Edward Sansam & Elizabeth; bap.
" April 23 Richard Watkis & Mary Johnson; mar. April 29 John Ball; bur.
" May 2 Thomas Smith & Mary Bradeny; mar.


1699 May 2 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Mivart & Anne; bap.
" May 11 John s. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" May 18 Thomas s. of Owen Davis & Ruth; bap.
" May 18 Samuell s. of Sam. Hartshorne & Jane (Bentall); bap.
" May 19 Charles s. of Robert Goulden & Sarah; bap.
" May 21 George s. of Thomas Aston & Margaret; bap.
" May 29 Edward s. of David Evans & Jane; bap.
" May 29 Samuell ye aforenam'd child of Sam. Hartshorne; bur.
" May 30 Mary d. of John Holmes & Anne; bap.
" June 1 Joan Chilton, widd.; bur.
" June 4 James s. of John Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bap.
" June 6 John Wilks; bur.
" June 9 Thomas Smith; bur.
" June 10 ffrancis Swain & Elizabeth Price; mar.
" June 11 Richard s. of John Spragg & Sarah; bap.
" June 12 John Wilks & Elizabeth Langley; mar.
" June 22 Jonathan s. of John Legg & Anne; bap.
" June 22 Thomas a child of Owen Davis & Ruth; bur.
" July 9 Jane d. of Will. Jones & Mary; bap.
" July 11 Judith d. of George Pool & Elizab.; bap.
" July 12 Daniell s. of Daniell Powell & Anne; bap.
" July 12 Samuell Hartshorne (Bentall); bur.
" July 16 Jonathan s. of Waltr. Beddoe & Elizab.; bap.
" July 17 Thomas Booth; bur.
" July 18 John s. of Job Pugh & Joyce; bap.
" July 20 John s. of John Eastope & Elizabeth; bap.
" July 21 Martha a child of Will'iam Scripture; bur.
" July 27 Thomas s. of John Betton & Parnell; bap.
" Aug. 17 John s. of John Benbowe & Mary; bap.
" Aug. 18 Margrett d. of ffrancis Palmer & Elizab.; bap.
" Aug. 26 Thomas a child of Tho. Evans & Mary; bur.
" Sep. 10 James s. of ffrancis Whittall & Elizab.; bap.
" Sep. 18 Elizabeth d. of Robert Wild & Elinor; bap.
" Sep. 24 Richard s. of Thomas ffarely & Elizabeth; bap.
" Sep. 26 Alice Potts, widd.; bur.
" Sep. 27 Joseph s. of Joseph Parton & Hanna; bap.
" Sep. 30 Charles Bullock & Mary Golden; mar.
" Oct. 2 Samuell s. of Samuell Cynor & Dorothy; bap.
" Oct. 8 Ehster d. of Samuell Ball & Mary; bap.
" Oct. 10 Thomas s. of Robert Peet & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 12 Will'iam s. of Lawrence Bradely & Elinor; bap.
" Oct. 22 Will'iam s. of Rich. Pearce & Joyce; bap.
" Oct. 22 Robert s. of Edward Will'iams & Ehster; bap.
" Oct. 22 Will'iam a child of Samuell Armishroe; bur.
" Oct. 26 Will'iam Pearce & Elizabeth Hartshorne (Linley); mar.
" Oct. 29 Samuell Barker & Elizabeth James; mar.
" Nov. 2 Robert a child of Tho. Aston & Elizabeth; bur.
" Nov. 4 Samuell s. of Peter Ramsell; bur.
" Nov. 7 Marmaduke s. of Marmad. Roden & Elizabeth; bap.
" Nov. 8 Robert s. of Edward Evans & Dianna; bap.
" Nov. 12 Will'iam s. of Humphry Rowlands & Joan; bap.
" Nov. 12 Humphry s. of Humphry Harris & Anne; bap.
" Nov. 17 Mary d. of John Amphlett, jun., & Alice; bap.
" Nov. 19 Robert s. of Ralph Hare & Mary; bap.
" Nov. 19 Jane d. of John Walton & Jane (Linley); bap.
" Nov. 22 Hanna d. of Robert Smith & Hanna; bap.
" Nov. 22 Joyce a base d. of Mary Lewis; bap.
" Nov. 26 Humphry a child of Humphry Harris; bur.


1700 Dec. 8 Anne d. of Will'iam Adams & Anne; bap.
" Dec. 9 Richard Owen; bur.
" Dec. 18 Elinor Armishrowe, widd.; bur.
" Dec. 22 Thomas s. of Will'iam Derby & Jane; bap.
" Dec. 26 Thomas s. of George Pool & Elizabeth; bap.
" Dec. 27 Richard s. of Benjamin Rowly & Joan; bap.
" Dec. 27 Samuell s. of Edward Chambers; bur.
" Dec. 29 John s. of John Beddoe & Joan; bap.
" Jan. 1 Elizabeth d. of Will'iam Holms & Elinor; bap.
" Jan. 2 Jonathan Jones & Elizabeth Edwards; mar.
" Jan. 2 John s. of Thomas Booth & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 3 Rowland s. of Humphry Hill & Sarah; bap.
" Jan. 5 Thomas s. of Thomas Oswald & Jane; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth d. of Benjamin Buckly & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 6 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Simpson & Alice; bap.
" Jan. 13 Cornelius Aston & Jane Keeton; mar.
" Jan. 17 Nickolas s. of Nickolas Aspery & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 19 John s. of John Jones & Elizabeth; bap.
" Jan. 23 Anne d. of Thomas Eaves & Anne; bap.
" Jan. 24 Will'iam Penn, a poore strange wandering p'son; bur.
" Jan. 26 Will'iam s. of Richard Perry & Abigail; bap.
" Jan. 26 Margaret d. of Rich. Haddon & Mary; bap.
" Jan. 30 John Innions & Anne Knott; mar.
" Feb. 3 Thomas Davis & Elizabeth Stringer; mar.
" Feb. 3 Will'iam Rowly & Mary Hipkis; mar.
" Feb. 5 ffrances wife of ffrancis Oakes, jun.; bur.
" Feb. 5 Elinor Simmons, widd.; bur.
" Feb. 9 Richard s. of John Sutton & Anne; bap.
" Feb. 12 Sarah d. of Timothy Ropier & Sarah; bap.
" Feb. 13 Margaret a child of Richard Haddon; bur.
" Feb. 23 Sarah d. of Richard Pearce & Elizabeth; bap.
" Feb. 23 Edward Chambers; bur.
" Feb. 24 Richard s. of Evan Evans, jun., alias Morgan & Mary; bap.
" Feb. 26 Sarah d. of ffrancis Heins & Mary; bap.
" Mar. 2 Gertrude d. of Andrew Jones & Millicent; bap.
" Mar. 3 Elizabeth d. of ffrancis Benbowe & Elizabeth; bap.
" Mar. 3 Robert a child of John Hartshorne & Elizabeth; bur.
" Mar. 4 Sarah a child of Robert Harris; bur.
" Mar. 5 Sthephen Bradely (Barrow); bur.
" Mar. 9 Thomas s. of Arthur Heyward & Anne; bap.
" Mar. 14 Joyce d. of ffrancis Oakes & Joyce; bap.
" Mar. 17 Jane Griffiths, widd.; bur.
" Mar. 21 Will'iam s. of Will'iam Whittall; bur.
" Mar. 23 Sarah d. of Dorothy Jones, a poore travelling woman, whose husband's name as she declared was Robert Jones & their settlement in the parish of Cundover; bap.

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