Yarcledon Hill (Aston Ingham).
- 1243 Jarcleston, T. de Nevill.
- 1345 Yarkeltone, Ep. Reg.
- no date Yurclestone, Glos. Cart.
A farm near by is called Yarlton, and this prob. is the place referred to in these entries. Baddeley thinks Yarcledon is 'hill on which the common ragwort grows'. See Yarkhill.
Yare Farm (Woolhope).
- 1831 Yayer, Ord. Map.
No old forms. It may be a Celtic river-root found in Garran (q.v.), or it may be O.E. gar, 'a javelin', or gara, 'a point of land', also 'a whirlpool'. (The farm is on a stream with a rugged hill above it.)
- 811 Geard cylle, Kemble.
- 1086 Archel, Dom.
- 1163 Jarehulle, Capes.
- 1232 Hyerkell, Capes.
- 1243 Jarcul, T. de Nevill.
- temp. Hen. III Archill; Yarculle, Her. Cath. MS.
- 1275 Yarkhulle, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Yarchull, Tax. Eccles.
- 1330 Herchulle, Ep. Reg.
- 1341 Yarhull, Non. Inq.
- 1428 Yarkhul, F.A.
The word in the Kemble Chart. means 'Yard vessel', a strange place-name ! It is easy to understand that, from 1163 till to-day, the second element has been confused with -hill. Baddeley thinks the first element, which should have developed into Garth, has been confused with a dialect-word yark, 'the plant ragwort'.
- 1086 Iarpol, Dom.
- 1278 Yarepol, Ep. Reg.
- 1316 Yarpol, F.A.
- 1327 Yarpol, Plac. de Banco.
- no date Yarpolle, Yarepoll, Leom. Cart.
- 1577 Yarpull, Saxton's Map.
A difficult word. The first element might be O.E. geard, as in Yarkhill, or it might be the Celtic river-root found in Garran (q.v.). The second element, in either case, would be the same: O.E. pol, or Welsh pwll, 'a pool'. But if it were an originally Celtic name, pwll would come first as in Pool Dye (pwll-ddhu) in Goodrich. In the Shrops. Dom. is Pole, now Polemere, apparently a tautology.
- 1086 Edreshope, Erdeshop, Ardeshope, Dom.
- 1199 Hardeshope, Capes.
- 1243 Erdeshop, T. de Nevill.
'Eadred's hope'. For second element see Appendix, -hope.
Yatton (Much Marcle; Aymestrey).
- M. Marcle 1243 Jatton, T. de Nevill.
- 1479 Yatton, Ind. Ct R.
'Gate-town'. See Symond's Yat. There is a Yatt (small holding) in Newton-in-Clodock.
- 1086 Iavesoure, Dom.
- ante 1173 Jagosoure, Capes.
- 1199 Yavesore, Llant. Chart.
- 1243 Jagesoure, T. de Nevill.
Yarcledon Hill (Aston Ingham).
- 1243 Jarcleston, T. de Nevill.
- 1345 Yarkeltone, Ep. Reg.
- no date Yurclestone, Glos. Cart.
A farm near by is called Yarlton, and this prob. is the place referred to in these entries. Baddeley thinks Yarcledon is 'hill on which the common ragwort grows'. See Yarkhill.
Yare Farm (Woolhope).
- 1831 Yayer, Ord. Map.
No old forms. It may be a Celtic river-root found in Garran (q.v.), or it may be O.E. gar, 'a javelin', or gara, 'a point of land', also 'a whirlpool'. (The farm is on a stream with a rugged hill above it.)
- 811 Geard cylle, Kemble.
- 1086 Archel, Dom.
- 1163 Jarehulle, Capes.
- 1232 Hyerkell, Capes.
- 1243 Jarcul, T. de Nevill.
- temp. Hen. III Archill; Yarculle, Her. Cath. MS.
- 1275 Yarkhulle, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Yarchull, Tax. Eccles.
- 1330 Herchulle, Ep. Reg.
- 1341 Yarhull, Non. Inq.
- 1428 Yarkhul, F.A.
- 1275 Javesauere, Ep. Reg.
- 1277 Yawesore, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Yanesore, Tax. Eccles.
- 1302 Yasore, Quo War.
- 1303 Yavesore, F.A.
- 1330 Gavesore, Ep. Reg.
- 1346 Yavesore, F.A.
- 1553 Yazor, Aug. Of.
The second element is -ofr, so frequent in our county, for which see Appendix. The first element seems to have been in doubt even in the earliest days. Yav-, Yag-, Yan-, and Gav- are all found. J.G. Wood thinks the word is O.E. iwes-ora, 'yew-bank'.
Yearsett (Court, Bromyard).
Yearston (farm, Upper Sapey).
The Yeld (Marston).
Yeldo (Withington).
Yeld is a surname in the county.
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