The Kellyn (Clodock).
Possibly connected with W. celli, 'a grove', or with W. celyn, 'holly-trees'. In a Crasswall Chart. of 1272 is mentioned (with Dulas) a Blameskeli. There is a Cellan in Cardiganshire.
- 1086 Chenecestre, Dom.
- 1142 Chenecestre, Llant. Chart.
- 1154 Kenecestria, Capes.
- 1291 Kenestre, Tax. Eccles.
- 1341 Kenchestr', Non. Inq.
O.E. cyne ceaster, 'royal camp'. Dom. often turns c into the softer ch. In the neighbouring parish of Credenhill there was in 1722 a field called Chester Meadow.
- circ.1130 Lann Cinitir, Lib. Land.
- 1291 Ecclesia Sancti Kenedri, Tax. Eccles.
- 1341 Ecclesia Sancti Keindri, Non. Inq.
- 1428 Kendurchirche, F.A.
- 1538 Kenderchurch, Val. Eccles.
The Lib. Land. form gives in Mod. W. Llangynidr, 'Church of St Gynidr'. Glasbury church is dedicated to this Saint, there spelt Cynidr. And in a Brecon charter (undated, but apparently of 12th century) Glasbury is called Kenedereschirch, and mention is made of seven acres of land 'in Kenedereshull'. In 1304 there was also a 'capella Sancti Kenedri que est in insula de Wynfretone, que insula ab incolis nuncupatur Hermitorium'.
- 1130 Lann Cein, Lib. Land.
- 1205 Ecclesia Sancte Keyne, E. H. Cart.
- 1277 Ecclesia de Sancta Kayna, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Ecclesia de Sancta Keyne, Tax. Eccles.
- 1300 Kenschirch, Inq. p.m.
- 1341 Keynchirche, Non. Inq.
- no date Capella Sancte Kaene, Glos. Cart.
Traces of this Celtic saint are found also in Keynsham (Som.) and Chapel of St Keyne (Corn.), and prob. in Kinley (q.v.).
Ken Water (trib. of Lugg, Leominster).
- circ.1550 Ken water, Lel.
- 1831 Ken water, Ord. Map.
Kerne Bridge (Bishopswood).
I cannot find any form older than the 1831 Ord. Map. Near by is Springherne, with which it may be connected.
Kerry Hall (Abbeydore).
Kerrysgate Cwm (Abbeydore).
*Kesti [near Maescoed and the Eskley brook].
- 1327 Kesti, Chart. R.
Kevenwherven (Much Dewchurch).
Welsh. J. Hobson Matthews says cefn-y-ferfain, 'the ridge of the vervain'.
Keyo (Wormbridge).
- 1831 Caeau, Ord. Map.
See Cayo.
Kidleys (Acton Beauchamp).
Kilbury Camp (Colwall).
I always suspect the explanation that a place-name is 'a hybrid', and, if we had old forms, this would probably turn out to have been originally Welsh in both elements. Yet its present form seems to combine the Welsh cil with the English burh.
Kilforge (Boulstone).
I believe this to be the Kilfodes of the Holme Lacy Court Roll 1598: it may be W. cil (see App.) and ffordd, 'a road'.
Killbreece (Tretire).
- 1576 Killbrese, Courtfield MS.
- 1831 Kilbreast, Ord. Map.
W. cil (see App.) and probably the adj. bres, used of anything 'having a bunchy top'.
Kill-bullock meadow (Ewyas Harold).
- 1780 Kill-bullock meadow, Terrier.
Evidently a corruption of W. cil (see App.) and bwlch, 'a gap', 'a defile', akin to the Scotch Balloch. There is a Bullock's Mill in Lyonshall, and a Bullock Wood in Thruxton.
Kill-dane-field (Weston-under-Penyard).
Said by popular etymology to be the site of the great slaughter of the Danes in 918. But the Danes, in the raid on Archenfield (really in 915), so far from being slaughtered, captured the Bishop of Llandaff, and departed rejoicing to their ships, with much booty. Old forms are needed, to give certainty, but very probably we have here a corruption of Welsh cil (as above), and the adj. damn, 'fine, delicate'.
*Killyards [Goodrich].
- 1722 Killyards, Terrier.
Probably 'Kail-yards', assimilated to the Kil-prefix in several place-names near by.
- 1086 Chipeete, Dom.
- circ.1130 Lann Degui Cil Pedec, Lib. Land. i.e. Dewi.
- circ.1140 Kilpeec, Glos. Cart.
- circ.1150 Kilpeke, Glos. Cart.
- circ.1170 Kylpeke, Glos. Cart.
- 1291 Kylpec, Tax. Eccles.
Prof. Lloyd explains the Dom. form as a scribe's mistake for Chilpeece [As illustrating the difficulties of the Norman scribe in dealing with Welsh words, we may note that the holder of Ki1peck T.R.E. is given in Dom. as Cadiand, whom Lib. Land. gives more correctly as Catgen du.] Eg. Phil. thinks it is a mistake for Chilpetec, which is phonetically equivalent to the Cil Pedec of the Lib. Land. The word involved in pedec is obscure; its plural is found in Lib. Land. as Pedecou.
Kilreague (Llangarren).
- 1671 Killrege, Herefordshire Hearth Tax List.
- 1722 Killreege, Wormelow Terrier.
- 1831 Kilrhyg, Ord. Map.
If the Ord. Map correctly interprets the word, it would be Welsh for 'rye-nook', 'retreat where the rye grows'.
In Leom. Cart. passim: in earlier entries Kynebalton, later Kymbalton. The Hunts. Kimbolton is Dom. Chenebaltone, phonetically all but equivalent to the earlier Leom. form, 'Cynebald's tun'.
Kinford (Canon Pyon).
This may be the Kingisford of Leom. Cart.
King's Acre (Hereford).
So called circ. 1281 ('Customs of Hereford').
*Kingsfield [in Kentchurch].
- circ.1200 Chingesfelt, E. H. Cart.
- 1086 Lene, Dom.
- 1289 Kyngeslone, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Kingeslene, Tax. Eccles.
- 1302 Kyngeslone, Quo War.
- 1303 Kyngeslone, F.A.
- 1341 Kyngeslene, Non. Inq.
- 1431 Kyngeslane, F.A.
- 1539 Kyngeland, Aug. Of.
See Eardisland. For second element see Lene.
*Kingsley [near Shelwick].
- 1275 Kyngesleya, Ep. Reg.
Kingsthorne (Much Birch).
There is in Much Birch also, in 1538, a King's Close of twenty acres.
- 1086 Chingestune, Dom.
- 1249 Kingeston, Chart. R.
- 1291 Kyngeston, Tax. Eccles.
- 1341 Kyngeston, Non. Inq.
'King's tun'. There is a Kingstone also in Weston-under-Penyard; and a Kingstone Grange in Abbeydore.
King Street Farm (Ewyas Harold).
- circ.1250 Kyngestrete, E. H. Cart.
Kingswood (Kington).
- 1337 Kingwode, Inq. p.m.
- 1086 Chingtune, Dom.
- 1277 Kyngtone, Ep. Reg.
- 1289 Kinton, Ep. Reg.
- 1291 Kyngton, Tax. Eccles.
- 1333 Kyngtone, Chart.
- 1341 Kynton, Non. Inq.
- 1548 Kington Burgus, Ind. Ct R.
O.E. cyne tun, 'royal town'. The Warwcs. Kington is often even now Kineton; and near Leintwardine a Dom. Chingtune has become Kinton (q.v.).
Kinley (Letton).
- 1291 Keynlec', Tax. Eccles.
Prob. 'the meadow of Keyne' (see Kentchurch). Four miles away, in Brilley, is Kintley (the t prob. intrusive); and there is another Kinley in Moccas.
- 1123 Chinardeslega, Leom. Cart.
- 1227 Kinardesle, Chart. R.
- 1243 Kinardesleg, T. de Nevill.
- 1252 Kynardeleye, Chart. R.
- 1291 Kynardesl', Tax. Eccles.
- 1303 Kynardesleye, F.A.
- 1341 Kaynardesleye, Non. Inq.
- 1404 Kenersle, Ep. Reg.
- 1539 Kynersley, Aug. Of.
- 1545 Kynardsley, Ind. Ct R.
- 1575 Kynnardsley, Hereford Corp. MS.
'The lea of Cyneheard' (the mod. Kennard, a common surname in Herefordshire). J.H.R. thinks Kinnersley may possibly be the Dom. Curdeslege; which would give a different personal name.
No old forms. Possibly the first element is as in Kinley (q.v.). It is scarcely probable that it is O.E. cyne as in Kinton.
Kinton (Leintwardine).
- 1086 Chingtune, Dom.
- 1267 Kinton, Inq. p.m.
O.E. cyne tun, 'royal town', as Kington (q.v.).
Kiverknoll (Much Dewchurch).
- 1300 Kyvernou, Inq. p.m.
- 1300 Kivernowesbrugge, Ep. Reg.
- 1322 Kyvernou, Ep. Reg.
- 1327 Kyvernowe, Plac. de Banco.
- 1346 Kivernowe, Herd. Ct R.
A difficult word. In a district of prevailing Welsh pl.-ns. I suspect it is originally Welsh, corrupted by English lips, until it has a definitely English form.
The Knapp.
(At least ten in the county: at Bridge Sollers, Brimfield, Bromyard, Kingsland, Ledbury, Peterchurch, Pixley, Whitney-on-Wye; with Knapp Green at Little Dewchurch, and Barley Knapp in Peterchurch.) O.E. cnaep, M.E. knap, 'a small hill'. In Sussex the 14th century form Knappe is now Knepp.
Knapton (Birley).
See above: 'tun on the small hill'.
Knell (Colwall).
Prob. variant of Knill (q.v.).
- 1086 Chenille, Dom.
- 1291 Knulle, Tax. Eccles.
- 1300 Knulle, Ep. Reg.
- 1332 Knill, Ep. Reg.
O.E. cnol, 'a hill'.
Knocker Hill (Haywood).
Knolton (Kilpeck).
O.E. cnol, 'a hill', 'hill-town'.
Kyming Common (Almeley).
Kymin Wharf (Ocle Pychard).
Kynaston (Hentland, and Much Marcle).
Hentland Kynaston.
- 1308 Kynyatestoune, Inq. p.m.
- 1334 Kynastone, Ep. Reg.
- 1336 Kyneuarstone, Inq. p.m.
- 1350 Cheyneston, Assize R.
- 1722 Kinaston, Terrier.
Much Marcle Kynaston.
- 1327 Kynewardeston, Deed at Hellens.
- circ.1560 Kinnaston, Aug. Of.
The two names derive from pers. names which are somewhat different, though akin. Hentland Kynaston is 'Cyneheard's tun'; that in Much Marcle is 'Cyneweard's tun'. Both are common names in O.E.
Kyrebatch (Thornbury).
- 1086 Cuer, Dom.
- 1108 Cyr, MS. Chart.
- 1300 Cure, Assize R.
'Valley of the Kyrebrook'. For second element see App., -bach.
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