FROM A.D 1550 TO A.D. 1563.


Page. 1. Thomas Wriothesley, earl of Southampton. The first person noticed by our funereal chronicler was one of the most remarkable men of his age: one who had attained the summit of the law, and who was aspiring to the summit of the state. The historian Carte attributes his death to mortified ambition, and so does Lord Campbell in his recent Lives of the Chancellors: on this part of his history see the Archaeologia, vol. xxx. p. 468.

It should be remarked that, though the body of the earl of Southampton was at first buried in Saint Andrew's Holborn, it was afterwards removed to Tichfield in Hampshire, where a sumptuous monument with his effigy still exists. There is a fine portrait of him in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads.

Ibid. Funeral of alderman sir William Locke. He was a member of the Mercers' company, and sheriff of London in 1548. Not living to be lord mayor, he died "in his howsse in Bow lane the xxiiijth of August in the 4. of Edward the 6, and buryed 27. day of the same mounth in the Mercers' cherche St. Thomas of Acres". MS. Harl. 897, f. 15. Stowe notes "Locke his armes in the windowes" of that church. Lady Locke died on the 5th Dec. 1551; and the imperfect funeral in p. 12 perhaps belongs to her. See an historical account of the Locke family in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1792, vol. LX. p. 799; also Lord King's Life of Locke, and the Autobiography of sir John Bramston, where at p. 9 are some traditional anecdotes of sir William Locke (but for 1530 read 1533).

P. 2. Funeral of the countess of Hampton. Mabel daughter of Henry lord Clifford, and sister to Henry first earl of Cumberland. Her husband William Fitz William, earl of Southampton, K.G. died without issue in 1543, and was buried at Midhurst in Sussex. Strype, Mem. vol. ii. p. 283, has appended this lady's funeral to the particulars he had taken from our Diary of the funeral of the first earl of Southampton of the Wriothesleys (as mentioned in p. 1). "And Sept. 1", he says, "his Lady and Widow was buried at Farnham: Who had sometime been the wife of sir William Fitz-Williams, Lord Privy Seal to King Henry VIII". - evidently unaware that sir William Fitz William had also been earl of Southampton, and that it was from the lady's union with him that she acquired the title of countess, and not from sir Thomas Wriothesley, to whom she was not related.

Ibid. Funeral of judge Hynde. Sir John Hynde, made a serjeant at law 1535, a judge of the Common Pleas 1546. When Nicholas Charles surveyed the church of St. Dunstan's in the West, the armorial insignia of sir John Hynde (made by our diarist) were remaining over his tomb: see them described in Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 100. Nicholas Charles was wrong in styling him "Chief Justice of the Common Pleas".

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Derby, Anne, daughter of Edward lord Hastings and Hungerford, and sister to George first earl of Huntingdon of that name, was married (before 1503, when her eldest son John was buried, at St. James's, Garlick Hill) to Thomas Stanley, second earl of Derby, who died at his house at Colham in the parish of Hillingdon, Middlesex, May 23, 1521, and was buried in the neighbouring monastery of Syon. She was the mother of Edward third earl of Derby. It is stated in Collins's Peerage (edit. 1812, iii. 69) that she was married secondly to John Ratcliffe, lord Fitzwalter, but that is impossible, for he died in 1495. Sir Edward Hastings, who attended her funeral, afterwards lord Hastings of Loughborough and K.G., was her nephew. The word se... left imperfect (p. 2) was probably sectur (executor).

P. 3. Funeral of sir James Wylford. The blank in this passage may be filled up with "Scotland". See the Memoirs of Lord Grey of Wilton, by Sir Philip Egerton, p. 47. Sir James Wilford was knighted by the duke of Somerset after the taking of Leith, Sept. 28, 1547. Holinshed also mentions the circumstance of his being taken prisoner at Dunbar in 1549, by a Gascoigne of the country of Basque called Pellicque, "that won no smal commendation for that his good happe, in taking such a prisoner, whose name for his often approved prowes was so famous among the enimies". This noble captain was of a city family, which had buried for some generations at St. Bartholomew the Little. James Wilford, taylor, one of the sheriffs 1499, founded by will a sermon there on Good Friday for ever. John Wilford, merchant-taylor, alderman, was buried there 1544. (Stowe.)

Ibid. Funeral of sir Richard Manners. The paragraph of the diary partly defaced belongs to the funeral of an uncle of the earl of Rutland, whom we find thus noticed in another place: "Sir Rychard Manners knight dyed the ixth of February ao. r. E. vj. vto. and was beryed at Kateren Cryst churche the 14. of the same mounth; and the right honorable Henry erl of Rutland was his hole executer and over-syer of his last wyll, to whom he gave all his goodes and landes". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 14.) Sir Richard Manners was twice married, as may be seen in the peerages.

Ibid. Funeral of lord Wentworth. "March 3. The lord Wentworth lord chambarlaine died about tenne of the cloke at night, leaving behind him 16 children". (King Edward's Diary.) "Thomas lord Wentworth, lord chamberlan of the kinges majesties most honerable houshold, dyed in the kinges majesties paleys at Westmynster on tewsday the 3. of Marche in the 5 yere of E. the 6. and from thence broughte to his house at Westmynster and was buryed in the mynster there on Saterday the 7. of Marche folowing". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 78b.) A longer account of his funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 11, f. 115. He was buried in the chapel of St. John the Evangelist (Dart ii. 60), but has no monument. There is a portrait of him among Chamberlain's Holbein Heads.

P. 4. Proclamation for keeping Lent. A printed copy of this proclamation is preserved in the valuable collection of proclamations, etc. in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. The word printed "co[ndemned?]" in the text of our Diary should be altered to "commonly accepted or reputed as a fishe day".

Ibid. The murder of master Arden of Feversham. The particulars of this memorable domestic tragedy will be found very fully narrated in Holinshed's Chronicle; and from the Wardmote Book of Feversham in Jacob's History of that town, 8vo. 1774, p. 197. See also a long narrative among Stowe's transcripts, MS. Harl. 542, ff. 34-37. It created so great a public interest that it became the subject not only of a Ballad which will be found in Evans's collection, 1810, vol. iii. pp. 217-225; but also of a Play published in 4to. 1592, again in 1599 and 1633, and lastly in 1770, when the editor, Edward Jacob, esq. who afterwards published the History of Feversham above mentioned, in his preface offered "some reasons in favour of its being the earliest dramatic work of Shakspeare now remaining". Mr. Collier's remarks on this subject will be found in his History of the Stage and of Dramatic Poetry, iii. 52. Lillo also began a tragedy founded on the same story, which was finished by Dr. John Hoadly, and printed in 12mo. 1762.

The concern taken by the government in the prosecution of the parties guilty of this murder, is shown by the following extracts from the Privy Council book: -

"1551, 5th Marche. A Lettere to the Justyces of Peace in Kente, advertesinge them the order taken for the punishmente of those that murdered Mr. Ardeyrn; Videliset, Sicely Pounder, widowe, and Thomas Mosbye, to be hanged in Smithfield, in London; Alice Ardeyrn, to be burned at Canterburye, and Bradshawe, to be hanged there in cheanes; Michaell Saunderson, to be hanged, drawne, and quartered, at Feversham, and Elizabeth Stafford to be burned there". (MS. Harl. 352, fol. 156b.) On the same day, "A Letter to the Sherifes of London, to receave of the Sherife of Kent, Cicelye Poundere, widowe, and Thomas Mosbye, to be hanged in Smithfield, for the Murder of Thomas Ardeine of Fevershame; and a Letter to the Maiore of Canterburye, to receave of the Sherife of Kente Alice Ardeine, to be burned at Canterburye, and Bradshawe, to be hanged there, for the Murder of Mr. Ardeine". (Ib. fol. 157.)

The actual murderer, and also one Greene, a confederate, had escaped. The following entries will be found to correct and explain Holinshed's account of their capture.

"1551, 28th May. A Lettere to Mr. North, to enlarge one Bate out of the countere, who convayed away one Greene, of Fevershame, after the Murdere of Mr. Ardeine was ther don, and undertaketh to brynge forthe Greene again, yf he may have libertie; providinge that he take sufficient sureties, either to become prisonere againe, or else to bringe forthe the said Greene". (Ib. fol. 174.)

"1551, 15th June. A Letter to Sr. William Godolphine knighte, of thankes for his dilligence in the apprehencione of Blacke Will, that killed Mr. Arderne of Feversham, and to send him in saufe garde, with promise of paymente for the charges of the bringeres". It appears from Holinshed and from our Diary (in which this person is called Black Tom), that he was not sent home, according to this request, but was "burnt on a scaffold, at Flushing, in Zealand".

"1551, 20th June. A Lettere to the Lord Chancellor, to directe out a Comission for gaoll delivery unto the Maiore of Feversham and otheres, for the attaynder of Greene, alredie indicted for the Murder of Mr. Ardeine". (Ib. fol. 180.)

"A Warranto to the receiver of the Wardes, to pay unto them that apprehended Greene of Feversham, xx markes, for their costes in bringing him hether, and conveying him to Feversham, to be hanged.

"A Lettere to the Maiore of Feversham, and certain otheres, upon the attainder of Greene, to see him hanged in chaynes". (Ib. fol. 180b.) This direction was complied with, Greene being hanged in chaines, according to Holinshed, "in the high waie betwixt Ospring and Boughton against Feversham". (Holinshed, iii. 1030. edit. 1808.)

Ibid. The lady Mary rode to St. John's, her place. That is, to the house of the late knights hospitallers at Clerkenwell. On the circumstances of the princess's visit to court at this time see her brother's diary in Burnet.

P. 5. A great trmmph at Greenwich. Thus noticed in the King's diary: "March 31. A chaleng made by me that I, with 16 of my chaumbre, shuld runne at base, shote, and rune at ring, with any 17 of my servauntes, gentlemen in the court". -

"May 3. The chaleng at running at ringe performed, at the wich first came the kinge, 16 footmen, and 10 hor[se]men, in blake silk cootes pulled out with wight tafeta; then al lordes, having three [sic. qu. their] men likewise appareled, and al gentlemen, ther footmen in whit fustian pulled out with blake taveta. The tother side came al in yelow tafta. At lenght the yelow band toke it thrise in 120 courses, and my band tainted often, wich was counted as nothing, and toke never, wich seemed very straunge, and so the price was of my side lost. After that turnay folowed. betwen 6 of my band and sixe of thers".

Ibid. Chester the receiver took possession of the hall of the company of Clerks of London. Sir Robert Chester was receiver of the court of augmentations. This proceeding is notified a few months before in the minutes of the Privy Council: "16 March, 1550. A lettere to the Chauncelor of the augmentacion to put the kinges majestie in possession agayne of the Clerkes hall in London, if the law will suffer it; yf not, to repaire to the Lordes to shewe cause of the impedimente therof". The company of Clerks seems to have been more liable to this attack than the other city companies, from being regarded as a religious foundation. Their hall stood in Bishopsgate street, and Stowe has related the story of its subsequent fate, sir Robert Chester pulling it down, when the fraternity had commenced a suit for its recovery in the reign of queen Mary.

P. 6. Funeral of lady Morice. Stowe mentions the interment at St. Peter's Cornhill of sir Christopher Morice, master gunner of England, temp. Henry VIII. His lady appears to have had a previous husband, and, though she lived and died in that parish, was removed to the church of St. Olave's to be laid by his side. There was a family connection between sir Christopher Morice and Arthur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle: see Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ii. 76, iii. 35. "The Skott the curate" was of St. Peter's in Cornhill; see p. 13, and note hereafter.

Ibid. Earthquake. "The 25. daye of May, beyng Monday, betwene the howers of eleven and one of the clock at afternoone, was an earthquake of halfe a quarter of a howre long at Blechynglye, at Godstone, at Croydon, at Albery, and at divers other places in Southery and Myddlesexe". Stowe's Summarie.

P. 7. The King supped at Deptford. Machyn has dated this event two days too late. It is thus recorded in the king's own diary: "4. I was banketted by the lord Clinton at Detford, where I saw the Primrose and the Marie Willoughby launched".

Ibid. Death of lord Cromwell. Gregory lord Cromwell died on the 4th of July 1551, and was buried at Laund in Leicestershire: his mural monument there is engraved in Nichols's History of that County, vol. iii. pi. xlv.

Ibid. Death of lord Powis. Edward third lord Grey of Powis. The funeral of his widow, a daughter of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, occurs in p. 163.

Ibid. Sir John Luttrell, of Dunster castle, co. Somerset, knighted at the taking of Leith in 1547, and made a knight banneret soon after, at the taking of Yester. Just before his death he had been divorced from his wife, for Strype notices "A Commission to sir William Petre, secretary, sir Richard Read, etc. upon due proof of the manifest adultery of the lady Mary Luttrel, to separate and divorce her from sir John Luttrel her husband. Dated in June, 1551". (Memorials, Book ii. chap. 29.) She was the daughter of sir John Griffith, K.B. and was remarried to James Godolphin, of Cornwall.

Ibid. Proclamations for depreciation of the coinage. Printed copies of these proclamations are in the collection in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, and their substance is stated in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, 4to. 1817, ii. 107. Mr. Ruding, in a note in that page, throws some discredit on king Edward's accuracy as to dates in his Diary; but on that point it may be remarked that the proclamations were clearly prepared by the privy council some days before it was thought proper to make them public. The proclamation which according to the present diary was made known in London on the 8th of July, is printed with a blank date, "the ... of June".

A remarkable example of the effect produced by this depreciation of the currency is given in the account of Arden's murder in the Wardmote book of Feversham. The proceeds of the murderers' effects, after the payment of expenses, amounted "after the old rate", to 120l. "whereof there was lost by abasing or fall of the said money 60l". In consequence of this act of government rumours were current that further abasements were contemplated; and "By the letteres from London" it was reported "that on the 25. daye of July, or on St. James' daye, was a proclamation declaringe it was not the kinge nor his counseles intente to altere or abase any more his coynes yet; for heare wee greate rumors that in all haste, and that prively, the kinge and counsell was busye aboute the alteringe thearof, to be done out of hand, whearuppon many men wane their debts, which else would not have byn payde this vij. yeares". (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.)

In the journals of the Privy Council are frequent entries relative to the prosecution of persons guilty of predicting further depreciations.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Speke. Sir Thomas Speke was an eminent lawyer: he was steward of the royal manore of Greenwich, etc. and keeper of Eltham palace. His funeral achievements were remaining in St. Dunstan's church in the time of Nicholas Charles, as described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealog. iv. 98; and from them it appears that he married a Berkeley.

P. 8. Death of sir John Wallop, K.G. He died and was buried at Guisnes. Full particulars of him will be found in Collins's Peerage, edit. 1779, v. 64, with an abstract of his will, dated May 22, 1551, in which he styled himself "lievtenant of the castill and countye of Guysnes". See "The Chronicle of Calais", p. 203.

Ibid. Death of the two young dukes of Suffolk. Henry and Charles Brandon, the only sons of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk. Their mother was his second wife, Katharine, daughter and sole heir of William lord Willoughby de Eresby. (See some excellent letters of hers in Miss Wood's collection, vol. iii.) The report which reached our diarist is incorrect in two respects: the noble youths did not die "in one bed" nor "in Cambridgeshire". Their deaths took place at the bishop of Lincoln's palace at Bugden, in the county of Huntingdon. A narrative, entitled "Epistola de vita et obitu duorum fratrum Suffolciensium, Henrici et Caroli Brandon", written by sir Thomas Wilson, was shortly after printed. Two interesting extracts from this rare volume will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for Sept. 1825, vol. xcv. ii. 206. The young men, accompanied by their mother, had just arrived at Bugden, when the duke was suddenly taken ill of the fatal sweat, which in five hours deprived him of life. The younger brother Charles, though placed in a distant chamber, immediately learned what had happened, and being asked by the physician upon what he was meditating, replied, "I am thinking how hard it is to be deprived of one's dearest friend". "Why do you say so?" said he. He answered, "How can you ask me? My brother is dead. However, it is of little matter, I shall soon follow him". And so he did, in half an hour. Sir Thomas Wilson admits the title of duke to the younger brother immediately on the elder's demise, and so we find from our Diary "the ij. dukes" were so called in London. The other extract given in the Gentleman's Magazine is a very high character (in Latin) of the young duke Henry, written by Dr. Walter Haddon, regius professor of civil law in the university of Cambridge: of this Strype (Memorials, Book ii. c. 4), has given the substance in a translated form. Sir Thomas Wilson, in his Arte of Rhetorique, has also an interesting passage describing the characters of these young noblemen; and some Latin verses on their death, "Carmina in Mortem", etc. were written by Michael Reniger, and printed in 1552, 4to. The circumstance that their mother the duchess was the great patroness of the reforming divines accounts for the extraordinary interest excited by their death. An engraving in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads is taken from two miniatures, supposed to represent these brothers: but if the dates given in the inscriptions are compared, they will be found both to belong to the elder boy.

Ibid. Mortality from the sweating sickness. Two other reports of this have come down to us, and, though the figures do not exactly correspond, yet they seem all to have been derived from official returns, and there is also some difference in the periods of time. "Letteres from London reporte there died in London of the sweatynge sicknes from the 7. of July till the 20. of the same 938 persons, but howe many have died since to this daye, beinge the 23., I knowe not. I truste it is nowe cleane gone". (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.) Shortly after the disease had terminated, the celebrated Dr. Caius wrote a treatise upon it, which was printed in the following year, under the title of "A boke or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. Made by John Caius, doctour in physicke. 1552". Printed by Richard Grafton in black letter, 40 leaves, 12mo. The Dedication to the earl of Pembroke is dated 1st April, 1552. (Caius also wrote a Latin treatise on the same subject, of which a late edition, entitled "Johannis Caii de Ephemera Britannica liber unus", was printed in London, 8vo. 1721.) From this curious volume we learn that the disease first appeared with the army of Henry the Seventh, which arrived at Milford, out of France, the 7 Aug. 1485; next in 1506; again in 1517; a fourth time in 1528; and a fifth in 1551, shortly before the composition of his treatise. On this occasion, "Beginning at Shrewesbury in the middest of April, proceadinge with greate mortalitie to Ludlowe, Prestene, and other places in Wales, then to Westchestre, Coventre, Oxenfoorde, and other tounes in the Southe, and suche as were in and aboute the way to London, whether it came notablie the seventh of July, and there continuing sore, with the loss of vijC.lxi. from the ix. day until the xvi. daye, besides those that died in the vii. and viii. dayes, of whom no registre was kept, from that it abated until the xxx. day of the same, with the loss of C.xlii. more. Then ceasing there, it wente from thence throughe al the east partes of England into the northe, untill the ende of Auguste, at which tyme it diminished, and in the ende of Septembre fully ceassed". The following singular passage relating to this disease occurs in a report of the preaching of Thomas Hancocke, minister of Poole in Dorsetshire.- "... in his doctrine he taught them that God had plagued this Realme most justly for their sins with three notable plagues. The first plague was a warning to England, which was the Posting Sweat, that posted from town to town thorow England, and was named Stop-Gallant: for it spared none. For there were some dauncing in the Court at nine a'clock that were dead at eleven. In the same sweat also at Cambridge dyed two worthy imps, the duke of Suffolk his song, Charles and his brother". (Strype, Memor. iii. chap, vii.) The singular name here noticed occurs also in the register of Uffculme, Devonshire, where the disease prevailed in the month following its devastation in London. "Out of 38 burials entered in that year, 27 were in the first 11 days of August, and 16 of them in three days. The disease of which these persons died is called, in the parish- register, the hote sickness or stup-gallant". Magna Britannia, by Lysons, who adds that he had not been able to find the term elsewhere.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Peter Negro. "Sir Pyter Negro knight dysseased the xiiijth day of July in the yere of our Lord 1551, in the vth yere of the raigne of our soveraigne lord kyng Edward the 6. His crest is a castell broken, and upon the castell a man with a shert of male and a sword in his hand". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 14b.) He was one of the knights made by the duke of Somerset after the taking of Leith, Sept. 28, 1547.

Ibid. The xxvij of July was the new bishop of W- divorced from the butcher wife with shame enough. Though the name is burnt, this appears to belong to John Ponet, bishop of Winchester, who had been translated to that see on the 23d March preceding. He had published "A Defence of the Marriage of Priests" in 1549, which is noticed in Strype, Memorials, Book ii. chap. 18. And it seems that he married again very shortly after this divorce, the following entry occurring in the register of Croydon: "1551, Oct. 25. Reverendus pater Johannes episcopus Wynton' duxit Mariam Haymond generosam in ista ecclesia coram multitudine parochianorum, presente reverendissimo patre Thoma Cantuar' archiepiscopo cum multis". (Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal.iv. 91.)

Ibid. Funeral of master Harry Williams. Sir John Williams, his father, was master of the jewel-house; and by queen Mary was created lord Williams of Thame, and made lord chamberlain of the household. The son had married Anne, daughter of Henry lord Stafford, but died childless, leaving his father without male heirs.

Henry Williams (Note in p. 320). "An epitaph of maister Henrie Williams, written by Thomas Norton (one of the versifiers of the Psalms), is extracted from The Songes and Sonnettes of lord Surrey, by Tottel, 1565, in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athenae Oxon. i. 186.

Ibid. Funeral of master Sandys. Henry Sandys esquire, eldest son of Thomas second lord Sandys, and father of William third lord Sandys: see Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 303. There is a portrait of a master Sands in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads which perhaps represents this person.

P. 9. The French King installed at Windsor. This was of course by deputy. He had been elected of the Garter on the St. George's day preceding, and the marquess of Northampton had conveyed the insignia to France. See various documents relating to his election described by Strype, Memorials, 1721, ii. 512.

Ibid. Death of the lord admiral's wife. This lady was the mother of the duke of Richmond, the natural son of king Henry the Eighth: to whom she gave birth at Jericho, a manor near the priory of Blackmore in Essex, in the year 1519. She was married shortly after to sir Gilbert Talboys, who was summoned to Parliament as lord Talboys in 1529, died 15 April, 1530, and was buried at Kyme in Lincolnshire. She became secondly the wife of Edward lord Clinton, lord admiral of England, who after her death was in 1572 created earl of Lincoln. She had issue by her first husband two sons, Robert and George, who both died without issue, and one daughter, Elizabeth, who became his heir, and was, first, the wife of Thomas Wymbish (who claimed the barony of Talboys jure uxoris), and, secondly, of Ambrose Dudley, earl of Warwick. By lord Clinton she had issue three daughters; viz. Bridget wife of Robert Dymoke of Scrivelsby Co. Linc, esquire, Katharine wife of William lord Burgh of Gainsborough, and Margaret wife of lord Willoughby of Parham. Her royal offspring the duke of Richmond died on the 24th July, 1536, at the age of seventeen years.

Ibid. Price of provisions. The imperfect lines in this page refer to this subject, thus noticed by the king under "Sept. 9. A proclamation set furth touching the prises of cattel, of hogges, pegges, befs, oxen, muttons, buttyr and chese, after a reasonable price, not fully so good-cheap as it was when the coyne was at the perfeictest, but within a fift part of it, or ther abouts".

Ibid. The king wearing the order of St. Michael. "The fest of Michelmas was kept by me in the robes of th'ordre". (King Edward's Diary.) The following minutes are from the register of the privy council:

"14 June, 1551. This daye the French ambassador had accesse to the lordes, to whom he declared that the kinge his master and the company of the ordere of Saint Michael had appointed the kinges majestie to be of the same order, for which purpose the marshall St. Androwe was enjoyned to bringe the same order to his majestie, prainge his majestie that he would accepte the same accordinglye". (MS. Harl. 352, f. 160b.)

"June 22, 1551. A Letter of apparance to the deane of Windsore, that for asmuch as there shall arive here shortely a nobleman sente from the French kinge w'th the order of St. Michalle to bee presented to the kinges Ma'tie, and to bringe w'th him such recordes as remayne in his custodie, as well for the acceptacion of the said order by his majesties behalfe, or for any other thinge by ceremony concerning the said order; and that all thinges there may be put in good order for the celebracione of St. George's feaste, and to bringe w'th him also a note of so muche money of the poore knights as he hathe in his custodie". (Ibid. f. 161b.) King Edward was invested by the ambassador at Hampton Court on the 16th of July, as detailed by himself in his diary, and more fully in Ashmole's History of the Garter, pp. 368, 369. The documentary instruments brought to England on this occasion are still preserved in the Chapter House at Westminster.

The king wearing the order of St. Michael. The robes of Saint Michael worn by king Edward the Sixth were preserved for fifty years after in the royal wardrobe, - Elizabeth, who never parted with any of her own gowns, nor with those of her sister that had come into her possession, retaining these also among her stores. They were thus described in the year 1600: "Robes late king Edwarde the VIth's. Firste, one robe of clothe of silver, lyned with white satten, of th'order of St. Michale, with a brode border of embrodirie, with a wreathe of Venice gold and the scallop shell, and a frenge of the same golde, and a small border aboute that; the grounde beinge blew vellat, embrodered with half-moones of silver; with a whoode and a tippet of crymsen vellat, with a like embroderie, the tippet perished in one place with ratts; and a coate of clothe of silver, with demi-sleeves, with a frenge of Venice golde". Nichols's Progresses, etc, of Queen Eliz. - In the Addit. MS. (Brit. Mus.) 6297, art. 7 describes "How king Edward VI. received the order of St. Michael".

P. 10. Creation of new peerages. The intended creation of the dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, the marquess of Winchester, and the earl of Pembroke, was made known to the Privy Council on the 4th Oct. 1551, as thus recorded in their minutes: "This daye the lord chamberlen together w'th the lord chamberlen (sic), beinge sente from the kinge to the lordes, declared on his majesties behalfe, that, for asmuch as the lord marques of Dorset hath lately opened to his highness the occasyones of his inhabilletie to serve in the place of generall warden of the marches towardes Scotlande, and therefore besought his majestie to call him from that place; his majestie, thinkinge the same lord marques' suite reasonable, and mindinge not to leave such a rowme of importance unfurneshed of an able personage, hath resolved both to revoke the said marques from that offyce, and to appointe the earle of Warwicke in his steed, who for his greate experience, and namly in those partes, his highnes taketh to be moste meeteste for that rowme. And hath further determyned, as well to th'ende that the said earle of Warwicke may the rather be had in the estymacione he deserveth for his digneties sake, as for that also his majestie thinketh necessarye, the noble houses of this his realme being of late much decayed, to erect other in their stead by rewardinge such as have alredye well served, and maye be therby the rather encowraged to contynewe the same, to call both his lordship and other noble personages to hier estates and digneties; and therfore hath appointed to advaunce firste the said earle of Warwicke to the degree of a duke; the lorde marques Dorsett, as well for his service sacke as for that he is lyke by waye of maryage to have claime to the tytle of duke of Suffolke, his highnes is pleased to call to that degree; the lord treasurer nowe earl of Wiltesheir to the degree of a marques; the master of the horse [sir William Herbert] to the degree of an earle; which his majesties mynd and determenacion his highnes pleasure is shalbe gon through with all, and these personages to be created on Sondaye nexte; to the assistance whereof his majestie willeth that such of the lordes and nobles as shalbe thought needfull, to be presente", etc. (MS. Harl. 352, f. 188b.)

Ibid. The three new knights. Mr. Sidney and Mr. Neville had been made gentlemen of the privy chamber on the 18th April 1550, and Mr. Cheke held the same appointment. (King Edward's Diary.) Sir Henry Neville was the first settler at Billingbere of his name and family. He married Frances, only daughter and heir of sir John Gresham, and died July 13, 1593.

Ibid. The duke of Somerset, etc., sent to the Tower. On the particulars of these state trials it is only necessary to refer to several passages in the King's diary, and to Strype and our general historians.

P. 11. Visit of the old queen of Scots. The queen dowager of Scotland (Mary of Guise) embarked at Edinburgh to visit her daughter in France, Sept. 7, 1550. On her return she landed at Portsmouth on the 2d Nov. 1551. (Lettres de Marie Stuart, edited by the Prince Alexandre Labanoff, 8vo. 1844, vol. i. 5.) The privy council addressed, "25 Sept. 1551. A Letter to the lord chauncelor requiring him to passe under the greate seal a saulf-conduct graunted by the kinges majestie to the dowager of Scotlande, and to retayne with him for a record the originall thereof sent him signed by his highnes". The saulf-conduct itself is printed in Rymer's Collection, xv. 290: it bears an earlier date, viz. 17 Sept. Some subsequent minutes of the Privy Council relating to preparations for this visit are given by Strype. There are many particulars of it in king Edward's Diary, and a narrative of the queen's reception is in MS. Harl. 290, art. 2.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Michael Lyster. The name of the lord chief justice of the king's bench was sir Richard Lyster, but that of his eldest son, here recorded, was sir Michael. See the memoir on the monument of sir Richard Lyster at St. Michael's church, Southampton, by Sir F. Madden, in the Winchester volume of the Archaeological Institute. There is a portrait of a lady Lyster among the Holbein Heads: it may be doubtful to which lady of the name it belongs (see the pedigree given by Sir F. Madden); but Mr. Lodge, in his accompanying memoir, supposed it to be that of lady Mary, daughter of the earl of Southampton, wife of sir Richard, grandson of the chief justice. (See her funeral afterwards, p. 273.)

P. 12. Funeral of lady Locke. The imperfect funeral in this page probably belongs to the widow of sir William Locke, who has been noticed in p. 313. She was buried by his side on the 5th Dec. 1551. (Malcolm, ii, 156.) "Lady Elyzabeth Locke, latte wyf of sir William Locke knyght, decesyd on saynt Androwes daye at iij. of the cloke at afternone in good memory, the v. yere of the rayne of kyng Edward the vj. executors Rycharde Spreyngham and Thomas Nycolles the elder: and buryed in the churche of our laydy of Bowe within the quyre. Cheffe morner, Mary Spryngened (sic); [other mourners], Elyzabeth Nycolles, Elyzabeth Fyld, Ellen Meredyth, Jone Rawlyns". (MS. I. 3. in Coll. Arm. f. 846.)

Ibid. Muster in Hyde Park. This is described nearly in the same terms in the King's diary. Burnet has misprinted the date Dec. 4 instead of 7.

P. 13. The Scot of St. Peter's in Cornhill. This preacher has been before mentioned in p. 6 as "the Skott the curett" of St. Peter's. Whether he was the same as Richardson, whose popularity as a preacher is mentioned in p. 91, has not been ascertained.

P. 14. The duke of Somerset's execution. A narrative of this, with the last speech delivered by the duke, somewhat different from that in Stowe, has been printed from the Cottonian charters, by Sir Henry Ellis, in his Second Series of Original Letters, vol. ii. p. 215.

P. 15. Execution of sir Thomas Arundell. One of the "metrical visions" of George Cavendish, the gentleman usher of Cardinal Wolsey, furnishes some biographical particulars of sir Thomas Arundell: viz. that he was educated with Cardinal Wolsey, and was chancellor to queen Katharine Howard. He is also made to confess that "I was cheaf councellor in the first overthrowe of the duke of Somerset, which few men did know". (See Singer's edition of Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, 1825, vol. ii. p. 125.) A letter of the earl of Northumberland in 1527, directed "To his beloved cosyn Thomas Arundel, one of the gentleman of my lord legates prevy chambre", and at its foot "To my bedfellow Arundel", with which term he also commences, is printed from the duke of Northumberland's archives, ibid. p. 246. With regard to his fate there is a curious passage in a very rare book, bishop Ponet's "Short Treatise of Politic Power", which Strype has quoted in his Memorials, vol. ii. 306: but with an interpolation which, as it is made silently, is perfectly inexcusable. Writing of the earl of Warwick, Ponet states, "at th'erles sute Arundel hathe his head with the axe divided from the shoulders".

But Strype, imagining that the earl of Arundel (who was also involved in trouble at this period, having been fined 12,000l. in Jan. 1549-50), was the suffering party named by the bishop, altered this passage thus: - "at the earl's suit, Arundel escaped, otherwise had his head with the axe been divided from his shoulders".

See the "Life of Henry Earl of Arundel, K.G". edited by J.G. Nichols, 1834, p. 7; or the Gentleman's Magazine for July 1833, p. 16, and for Feb. 1848.

Ibid. Sir Michael Stanhope also makes a poetical lament in Cavendish's Metrical Visions. He states that he had been dubbed knight by king Edward, and had been of his privy chamber. He was half-brother of the duchess of Somerset (as sir Thomas Arundell was half-brother of the countess of Arundel), and was great-grandfather of the first earl of Chesterfield. See a curious letter regarding his widow's funeral written by their son sir Thomas Stanhope in 1588, in the Archaeologia, vol. xxxi. p. 212.

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Pembroke. King Edward in his Diary records the death of the countess of Pembroke on the 20th Feb. 1551-2. As sister to queen Katharine Parr, she was a person of high consideration. A magnificent canopied monument to William Herbert, earl of Pembroke, and his countess Anne, with their recumbent effigies, and kneeling effigies of their three children, Henry earl of Pembroke, sir Edward Herbert knt. and Anne lady Talbot, was erected in St. Paul's cathedral, next the monument of John of Ghent, duke of Lancaster, and is represented in a plate of Dugdale's History of St. Paul's.

P. 16. Funeral of sir Humphrey Style. The name deficient in our MS. from the fire is supplied by the valuable MS. Harl. 897, f. 16: "Sir Humfrey Style dysseased the 7th of Apryll 1552 in Ao. R.E vjti. vjto". and beryed in the parish churche of Bekenham in the county of Kent". His monument with effigies on brass plate is remaining in that church: see Lysons's Environs of London, 1811, i. 412, and the epitaph printed in Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, p. 816.

P. 17. Election of the earl of Westmerland of the garter. In the privy council 10 May 1552. A warrante to the Exchequer to paye unto sir Gilberte Dethicke knighte, alias Garter principall kinge at armes, beinge presently to be sente by the kinges majestie to the earle of Westemerlande with the order of the Garter, the some of twentye poundes.

"A comissyon for the said sir Gylberte Dethicke to take upe v. poste horses for himselfe, his servantes, and guide". (MS. Harl. 352, f. 228 b.)

The following entry may here also be added:

"22 Apl 1553. A warrante to sir John Williames to pay unto sir Gilberte Dethicke knight, alias Garter principall kinge at armes, the some of xxj. poundes for schucheones by him sett upp in ano, 4o et 5o of the kinges [and queenes] majesties raigne at Grenewich, at the feaste of the order of the Garter, accordinge to a bill therof included in the same letter". (f. 250.)

Ibid. Line 20, for earl read duke.

Ibid. Proclamations. The two remaining blanks may perhaps be filled up, "un[der act of] parlementt", and "that [same d]ay".

Ibid. Proclamation against fighting in churches or churchyards. An undated proclamation to this purpose is transcribed in the Society of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 104. It prohibits all persons from "henceforth to quarrell, fray or fight, shoote any hande-gonne, bring any horse or mule, into or through any cathedrall or other church, or by any other waies or meanes irreverently use the said churches or any of them".

P. 21. Duke of Northumberland took horse towards Scotland. He had been appointed lord warden of the Scotish Marches some months before: "11th Oct. 1551. A letter to the lord chauncelor to make out for the duke of Northumberlande a pattente of the lord wardenshippe generall in the north partes foranempste Scotland, with asmuch fee, preheminence, and authoritie as any his predecessores in that offyce have had heretofore, with power also to substytute and make deputy wardenes under him, with such fees as any in that rowme heretofore have had, and further the allowance of C. lighte horsemen at xd. by the daye". (Privy Council Book, MS. Harl. 352, f. 191.)

Ibid. The king took horse on his progress. King Edward's Diary, (May 23, 1551) gives the following enumeration of the bands of men of arms appointed at this time to accompany him on his progress:

Lord Treasurer. 30
Lord Great Master. 25
Lord Privy Seal. 30
Duke of Suffolk. 25
Earl of Warwick. 25
Earl of Rutland. 15
Earl of Huntingdon. 25
Earl of Pembroke. 50
Lord Admiral. 15
Lord Darcy. 30
Lord Cobham. 20
Lord Warden. 20
Mr. Vice-chamberlain. 15
Mr. Sadler. 15
Mr. Sydney. 15

Afterwards, on the 22d of June, it was agreed that the bands appointed to Mr. Sidney, Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Mr. Hobby, and Mr. Sadler, should not be furnished, but left off. Again, when the king was in Sussex, on the 24th July, "because the number of bands that went with me this progress made the train great, it was thought good they should be sent home, save only 150 which were picked out of all the bands. This was because the train was thought to be near 4000 horse, which were enough to eat up the country, for there was little meadow or hay all the way as I went".

P. 22. Funeral of sir Robert Dormer. Sir Robert Dormer, knighted in 1537, was grandfather of Robert first lord Dormer. His will is dated June 20, 1552, a few days before his death. "Ao Dni 1552 the ixth of July sir Robert Dormer knight of Bokyngamshire dysseased at his manner howsse of Aston in the lordship of Wynge, and was buryed the xvth of the same mounth". (MS. Harl. 897. f. 12b.) He is termed in our Diary "a great sheep-master in Oxfordshire"; the will of sir Edward Unton, in 1581, printed in the "Unton Inventories" (a publication of the Berkshire Ashmolean Society), is a remarkable illustration of that description of property in the same county.

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Cowper, wife of the sheriff of London. John Cowper, fishmonger, sheriff 1552, buried at St. Magnus. Arms, Azure, a saltire engrailed between four trefoils slipped or, on a chief of the second three dolphins embowed of the first. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "John Cooper, fishmonger, alderman, who was put by his turne of maioralty, [died] 1584". (Stowe.)

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Basilia Cowper, late wife of master Huntley haberdasher, and after wife of master Towllys, alderman and sheriff. This lady's first husband, Thomas Huntley, haberdasher, was sheriff 1540. His arms. Argent, on a chevron between three buck's heads erased sable three hunting-horns of the first. Her second husband was John Towles, sheriff 1554; buried at St. Michael's in Cornhill 1548. Arms, Party per pale and chevron ermine and sable, four cinquefoils counterchanged. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Stowe in his Survay calls him Tolus, and relates a story of a bequest he made to St. Michael's parish, which was "not performed but concealed". The name, it may be remarked, was derived from one of the churches dedicated to St. Olave; John atte Olave's would become John Toolys, and from the same abbreviation we have still Tooley Street in Southwark. The lady's third husband was probably John Cowper who occurs in the list of freemen of the mystery of the Fyshemongers in 1537 (Herbert's Twelve City Companies, ii. 7), and who may have been father of the alderman mentioned in the preceding note.

P. 23. Three great fishes. "The viij. daye of August, there were taken about Quynborough three great fyshes called dolphins, or by some called rygges: and the weke folowyng, at Black wall, were syxe more taken and brought to London, and there sold; the least of them was greater then any horse". Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

P. 24. Master Maynard chosen sheriff. John Maynard. Stowe relates this anecdote of his provision for serving the office: "whiche, about .ix. or .x. yeares before had geven out wares and jewelles, as it was thought, to the summe of .2000. markes, to be payde hym when he were sherife of London". Summarie, 1566.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Anthony Wingfield, knight of the garter. Biographical particulars of this distinguished person will be found in Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, 1789, vol. v. p. 262, The place of his burial is not there recorded; and if his body was left to rest at Stepney, the fact is now forgotten there, as no monument exists, and the register does not commence until 1568.

Ibid. The vicar of Shoreditch, a Scot. John Macbray, presented to the vicarage on the 15th May preceding (Ellis's Shoreditch, p. 21); deprived in 1554, and afterwards an exile. (Strype, Mem. ii. 341.)

Ibid. Death of sir Clement Smith. Sir Clement married Dorothy Seymour, sister of queen Jane, and of Edward duke of Somerset. King Edward, in his Diary, under the 24th March 1550-1, records his being "chidden" for having a year before heard mass.

Ibid. Proclamation on the price of meat. This was apparently a proclamation of the lord mayor, applicable to the city of London only: but similar regulations were made by the privy council, for the control of the markets in the country at large, or in such places as they chose to extend them to. A proclamation "set furthe by the kinges majestie, in the v. yere of his reigne", and referring to resolutions of the council made at Windsor on the 30th Aug. preceding, was printed by Grafton in the year 1551, (which would therefore be one year earlier than that noticed in the Diary), and will be found in the collection in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries. It seems difficult to conceive how such regulations could be generally enforced: but no limitation of place is mentioned in the proclamation.

Ibid. Sir John Jocelyn is probably the person whose name is imperfect, of the family seated at Sawbridgeworth, near Hunsdon, in Hertfordshire (not Essex). See a John, stated to have died in 1553, in the pedigree in Clutterbuck, iii. 204.

P. 25. Three great fishes. Strype calls these "porpus's". In the third line of the passage read "m[orice-pikes.]"

Ibid. Whalley the receiver of Yorkshire. Richard Whalley of Screaton, co. Notts, esquire. The charges preferred against him are stated in the king's diary, under the 7th of June, and thence in Strype, Mem. ii. 381. Strype, p. (249), states that he had been politically active in endeavouring to procure the restoration of the duke of Somerset; he was, therefore, the same person who has been mentioned in p. 10 as among the protector's adherents then sent to the Tower. He died Nov. 23, 1583, aged 84; and further particulars respecting him will be found in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 130, together with an engraving of his monument and effigy.

Ibid. Two sons of the King of Scots. King James the Fifth had several natural sons, who are enumerated in Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, by Wood, i. 52. It does not appear which were the two who visited London in 1552; but James, afterwards the regent Murray, was at Paris in that year. (Ibid. ii. 255.) Another notice of their visit occurs in the form of "a passport for two of the late Scotch king's bastard sons, to transport out of the realm four dozen of bows, twenty dozen of arrows, and four gross of strings, and two geldings. Dated Oct. 1552". Strype, Mem. vol. ii. p. 517.

P. 26. ij. great fishes. These are also mentioned by Stowe, and with a very strange name: "The vii. daye of October were two great fishes taken at Gravesend, which were called whirlepooles. They wer afterward drawen up above the bridge". Summarie, 1566.

Ibid. Seven Serjeants of the coif. The king's warrant to the lord chancellor to make out writs to these new Serjeants, was dated in June preceding. Their names were, Robert Brook, James Dyer, John Caryll, Thomas Gawdy, Richard Catlyn, Ralph Rokeby, William Stamford, and William Dallison. - In line 6 of this paragraph fill up the blank with the word [council], that is, privy councillors.

P. 27. Funeral of master Davenet. This name was not Davenant, as might be imagined from our author's usual cacography. A later member of the family, John Davennet, was warden of the Merchant-taylors in 1592-3. Wilson's Merchant-taylors' School, p. 1151.

Ibid. Funeral of master John Seymour. His will, dated Dec. 7, 1552, and proved April 26, 1553, is recorded in the prerogative court of Canterbury, and briefly quoted in Collins's Peerage. He died unmarried, making his whole brother sir Edward Seymour, the ancestor of the present duke of Somerset, his heir.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Jermyn. Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 33 Hen. VIII. 1541. His brave housekeeping and goodly chapel of singing-men were kept at Rushbrooke hall, near Bury St. Edmund's, where his family had been seated from a very early period. He was the lineal ancestor of Henry Jermyn, created lord Jermyn of Edmundsbury by king Charles I. and earl of St. Alban's by Charles II.

P. 28. The king's lord of misrule. This important officer was "a gentleman, wise and learned, named George Ferrers". (Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1709.) He was a member of Lincoln's Inn. (Stowe's Chronicle, p. 608.) Many curious documents respecting his revels in this and subsequent years are printed in Kempe's Loseley Manuscripts, 8vo. 1835, pp. 24, et seq. George Ferrers was probably the same person who, being member of Parliament for Plymouth in 1542, was arrested for debt in the city of London, and committed to the counter: whereupon he was reclaimed by the house of commons, and the sheriffs committed to the Tower: see a long narrative in the histories of London.

The procession of the lord of misrule, or "lord of merry disports " (as he was also called), into London, which occurs subsequently in this page, is also described in Stowe's Chronicle, p. 608: "hee was received by sergeant Vawce, lord of misrule to John Mainard one of the sheriffes of London".

Ibid. Children of hospital. This passage, when perfect, seems to have described the Christmas treatment of the children of Christ's Hospital, which, together with the two sister hospitals of St. Thomas and Bridewell, had just been founded by the city with the assistance of the crown. Its original object was to serve for all the fatherless children of London, - "to take the childe out of the strete, which was the seede and increase of beggary, by reason of ydle bringing-up, and to noryshe the same chylde in some good learning and exercise profitable to the common weale". - It was only on the 21st of the preceding month (Nov. 1552) that the children had been first taken into the hospital, "to the numbre of fower hundred". Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

Ibid. Funeral of alderman Robinson, Not "Robyn", as our diarist has the name. "Hereunder lyeth Master William Robinson, alderman of London, citizen and mercer, and merchant of the staple at Callis, and Elizabeth his wife. He deceased the thirtieth of December, 1552". Epitaph in Allhallows Barking.

P. 29. Month's mind of sir Thomas Windsor. Son and heir apparent of William second lord Windsor. He was made a knight of the Bath at the coronation of Edward VI.; and married Dorothy, daughter of William lord Dacre, of Gillesland; but, as he had no issue male, the peerage went to a younger brother. Collins in his Peerage gives some extracts from his will, dated Nov. 8, 1552, and proved by his widow Jan. 16 following. His funeral probably took place at Bradenham in Buckinghamshire.

P. 30. Killing of a gentyllman [of] ser Edward North knyght in Charterhowse cheyr[chyard]. Sir Edward North occupied the Charterhouse at this time, and was made a baron about a year after this occurrence. Machyn must have omitted the word "of", and the party murdered would be a gentleman attached to the household of sir Edward North.

Ibid. Fall of the great steeple at Waltham. The tower stood in the centre of the cross. After the downfall recorded by our diarist, the nave was converted into the parish church, a wall being run up at its east end: and a new tower was built at the west end, which bears the date 1558. Morant's Essex, i. 45.

P. 31. Funeral of sir William Sidney. Sir William was father of sir Henry Sydney, K.G. and grandfather of the illustrious sir Philip. The ceremonial of his funeral occurs in I. 13. in Coll. Arm. f. 272. His epitaph at Penshurst is printed in Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, p. 918: it describes him as "knight and banneret, sometyme chamberlen and after steward to the most mighte and famous prynce Kynge Edward the VIth, in the tyme of his being prynce". See also further of him in Collins's Memoirs of the Sidneys, etc. prefixed to the Sidney Papers, fol. 1746, p. 81.

P. 32. Parson Whyt here wife of St. Alphe's. John Veron the Frenchman was instituted to the rectory of Saint Alphage, Jan. 3, 1552. As elsewhere noticed, our author was prejudiced against him, and perhaps means him here by a nickname, - White-hair.

Ibid. Commencement of the parliament. - "Anno 7 Ed. sexti the first day of Marche the king kept his parliament within his pallace at Westminster. The(y) proceded from the gallery next into the closet, thorough the closett into the chapell to service, every man in their robes as at this day. Therle of Oxford bare the sword, and the marquis of Northampton as great chamberleyn went jointly with him on the right hand. The lord Darcy beinge lord chamberleyn bore the king's trayne, and was assisted by sir Andrew Dudley, chief gentleman of the privy chamber". (From a paper of precedents in MS. L. 15, in Coll. Arm. p. 130.)

Ibid. Funeral of Henry Webbe esquire. - "In the north-east of the chancell [of St. Katharine Coleman] an ancient tomb: Here lyeth the body of Henry Webbe esquire. Gentleman Usher to king Henry the Eighth. And here lyeth also Barbara his wife. She dyed the 5. day of Februarie, An. Dom. 1552. And he the last day [this date disagrees with our diary] of March 1553". Stowe's Survey, edit. 1633.

Ibid. Funeral of Richard Cecil esquire. This was the father of the great lord Burghley, whom our diarist on this occasion erroneously calls "sir Harry" instead of sir William Cecil. There is a monument to him, with kneeling effigies of himself, wife, and three daughters, (recently very carefully repaired), in the church of Saint Martin at Stamford: an engraving of which is in Peck's History of that town, fol. 1727, p. 69, and in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, vol. i. p. 4. In the inscription he is said to have died on 19th May, 1552. Lord Burghley in his Diary states the date on the 19th March 1553, with which Machyn's entry agrees.

P. 33. The king removed from Westminster. Strype, Memorials, ii. 397, has incorrectly placed this paragraph in a chapter dated 1552.

P. 35. The proclamation of queen Jane is printed in Nicolas's Lady Jane Grey, p. xl. from MS. Lansd. 198. An original printed copy exists in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries.

Ibid. Proclamation of queen Jane. In consequence of Grafton having printed this proclamation, he was declared to have forfeited the office of queen's printer; see the patent of John Cawoode's appointment in Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 356, and Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. p. 482. The proclamation has been reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, (Park's edition), vol. i. p. 405.

P. 36. Drowning of Ninion Saunders. Stowe has noticed more particularly the two incidents which happened to the young man and his master. "The 11. of July, Gilbert Pot, drawer to Ninion Saunders, vintner, dwelling at S. John's head within Ludgate, who was accused by the said Saunders his maister, was set on the pillory in Cheape with both his eares nailed and cleane cut off, for words-speaking at the tyme of the proclamation of ladie Jane; at which execution was a trumpet blowne, and a herault in his coat of armes read his offence, in presence of William Garrard, one of the sheriffes of London. About 5. of the clocke the same day, in the afternoone, Ninion Saunders, master to the sayd Gilbert Pot, and John Owen, a gunmaker, both gunners of the Tower, comming from the Tower of London by water in a whirrie, and shooting London bridge towards the Blacke Fryers, were drowned at S. Mary Lock, and the whirrymen saved by their ores".

Ibid. Political placard. The paragraph now imperfect seems to have been that which furnished the following in Strype: "On the same 16th day, in the morning, some, to shew their good will to the lady Mary, ventured to fasten up upon Queenhithe church wall, a writing in way of a declaration, importing that the lady Mary was proclaimed in every country 'Queen of England, France, and Ireland', (being an officious lye to do her service), and likewise treating of divers matters relating to the present state of affairs".

Ibid. Funeral of alderman sir Ralph Warren. Son of Thomas Warren, fuller, son of William Warren of Fering in Essex; sheriff in 1528, mayor in 1537, and again in 1544 (in the place of sir William Bowyer). On a fair marble tomb in the chancel of St. Osythe's, alias St. Benet Sherehog: "Here lyeth buried the right worshipfull sir Ralph Warren knight, alderman and twice lord mayor of London, mercer, merchant of the staple at Callis; with his two wives, dame Christian and dame Joane, which said sir Ralph departed this life the 11. day of July, An. Dom. 1553". He was buried on the 16th. By his second wife Joan, daughter and coheir of John Lake, of London, sir Ralph left issue Richard Warren esquire, who married Elizabeth, dau. of sir Roland Lee knt. alderman and lord mayor, and Joan, married to sir Henry Williams alias Cromwell, by whom she had issue Oliver, Robert, Henry, Richard, and Johanna. "Lady Jone Waren, aforesaid, one of the doters and heyrs of John Lake, dysseassed at the howse of sir Henry Williams alias Cromwell knight, her son in lawe, called Hynchyngbroke, in the county of Huntyngton, on Wensday 8. of October, 1572, and the 14. yere of our most gracious soveraigne lady queue Elizabeth, and was beryed in the parish churche of St. Benedicke Sherehogge in London, on tewsday the ... vember, in the yere aforesaid". Her second husband was sir Thomas White, another lord mayor, and who is immortalized by his foundation of St. John's college, Oxford. Our diarist records their marriage, in p. 179.

A remarkable instance of the simplifying of arms is afforded by what was done in regard to sir Ralph Warren's monument at St. Osith's. It originally bore this crowded coat: Azure, on a chevron between three lozenges argent, three eagle's heads erased of the first, on a chief cheeky or and gules a greyhound courant ermine. "These armes were taken downe by his sonne Ric. Warren, and these sett upp in place thereof: Or, a chevron engrailed between three eagle's heads erased sable". Arms of the Lord Mayors, by William Smith, Rouge-dragon.

Ibid. The iiij sqyre(s) attendant at the same funeral were the four esquires of the Lord Mayor's house, namely, the swordbearer, the common hunt, the common crier, and the water-bailiff.

P. 37. Proclamation of queen Mary. A printed copy of the proclamation making known the title of queen Mary, is at the Society of Antiquaries.

Ibid. Arrival of the lady Elizabeth. In this passage read, "and odur [weapons]", and add to it, "and cloth, according to their qualities". (Strype.) The "green garded with white" was then the royal livery.

The royal livery. The passage relating to the princess Elizabeth's entry should conclude thus, - "all in green guarded with white, velvet, satin, taffety, and cloth, according to their qualities". Green and white formed the livery of the Tudors. At the marriage of Arthur prince of Wales the yeomen of the guard were in large jackets of damask, white and green, embroidered before and behind with garlands of vine leaves, and in the middle a red rose. In the great picture at Windsor castle of the embarkation at Dover in 1520, the Harry Grace a Dieu is surrounded with targets, bearing the various royal badges, each placed on a field party per pale white and green. The painting called king Arthur's round table at Winchester castle, supposed to have been repainted in the reign of Henry VII. is divided into compartments of white and green. The "queenes colours" are also alluded to in the following story of a rude jest passed on the new Rood in Saint Paul's:

"Not long after this (in 1554) a merry fellow came into Pauls, and spied the Rood with Mary and John new set up; whereto, among a great sort of people, he made low curtesie, and said: Sir, your Mastership is welcome to towne. I had thought to have talked further with your Mastership, but that ye be here clothed in the Queenes colours. I hope ye be but a summer's bird, in that ye be dressed in white and greene". (Foxe, Actes and Monuments, iii. 114.)

Among the attendants on queen Mary in p. 38, three liveries are mentioned, green and white, red and white, and blue and green. The men in red and white were the servants of the lord treasurer (see p. 12, where several other liveries are described), and the blue and green would be those of the earl of Arundel or some other principal nobleman. Blue and white was perhaps king Philip's livery (p. 79).

In p. 69 we find that in 1554 even the naval uniform of England was white and green, both for officers and mariners. In note [4] in that page for "wearing" read "were in", which, without altering the sense, completes the grammar.

The city trained bands were, in 1557, ordered to have white coats welted with green, with red crosses (see p. 164).

The lady Elizabeth, however, did not give green and white to her own men. From two other passages (pp. 67, 120) we find her livery was scarlet or fine red, guarded with black velvet; and from the description of her coronation procession in p. 186, it seems that red or "crimson" was retained for her livery when queen.

P. 38. The lord Montagne. The person intended by this designation was sir Edward Montague, who was lord chief justice of the common pleas, as sir Roger Cholmley was of the king's bench. The new queen appointed sir Richard Morgan and sir Thomas Bromley in their places.

Ibid. Sir John Yorke had been under-treasurer of the mint. Together with other officers of the same he had a pardon for all manner of trangressions, etc. July 21, 1552. (Strype.)

Ibid. Rode through London my lady Elizabeth. Stowe relates that the lady Elizabeth went to meet the queen on the 30th, the day after her arrival in London: he states that she was accompanied with a thousand horse, as says our diarist, but "Camden 500, and so I have heard my mother from her grandmother, who was one of them, relate, and that queen Mary then kissed every gentlewoeman [that] came with her sister". MS. note by the Rev. John Lynge, vicar of Yalding in Kent, in a copy of Stowe's Annals; Retrospective Review, 2d Series, i. 341.

P. 39. Funeral of lady Browne. Lady Jane Ratcliffe, daughter of Robert earl of Sussex, the first wife of sir Anthony Browne, afterwards first viscount Montague, died at Cowdray on the 22d July, 1552, aged 20: having had issue, Anthony father of the second viscount, and Mary afterwards countess of Southampton. There is a kneeling effigy of her on her husband's monument at Midhurst: see the inscriptions in Dallaway's Rape of Chichester, p. 291 (where for 1552 read 1553).

Ibid. Funeral of king Edward the Sixth. The ceremonial of this funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 11, f. 117 b, and an abstract is given by Strype, Memorials, vol. ii. p. 431. The painters' charges are preserved in a paper bound in I. 10, in Coll. Arm. f. 117, of which Sandford has given the heads in his Genealogical History of the Kings of England, 1677, p. 472. Archbishop Cranmer and bishop Day were permitted to perform the service and a communion in English (see Burnet, vol. ii. p. 244). "The Funeralles of king Edward the Sixt", a poem, by William Baldwin, was reprinted by the Rev. J.W. Dodd, for the Roxburghe club, in 1817. Extracts had been given in the British Bibliographer.

P. 41. Drowning of master Thomas a Bruges. Sir John a Bruges, soon after created lord Chandos of Sudeley, had seven sons, who are enumerated in the Peerage, not including this Thomas.

Master Thomas a Bruges. The person drowned is called by Stowe "Master T. Bridges sonne". He was therefore not a son, but a nephew, of the lieutenant of the Tower, sir John Brydges. In Foxe's Actes and Monuments, bishop Ridley relates a conversation which he had with doctor Feckenham and secretary Bourn, when in the Tower, which was commenced thus, "Master Thomas of Bridges said, at his brother master lieutenant's boord, I pray you, master doctors, tell me what a heretike is". (Foxe, vol. iii. p. 42.)

Ibid. Riot at the Paul's Cross sermon. This incident is noticed in the public chronicles. Bourne, the preacher, offended the audience by speaking vehemently in the defence of bishop Bonner, and extremely against bishop Ridley. One of the populace threw a dagger at Bourne, which struck one of the sideposts of the pulpit. Maister Bradford, the celebrated Reformer, came forward to persuade the people to quietness, and by the help of that worthy man and of maister Rogers, (both of whom were afterwards sacrificed in cold blood by their religious adversaries), Bourne was conveyed safely away into Paul's School. Grafton's Abridgement, 1566, and Stowe's Summarie of the same date.

The privy council, which was sitting at the Tower, took immediate alarm at this difturbance. The "order taken" on the same day, in concert with the lord mayor, will be found in their Register, (transcript in MS. Harl. 643, f. 1.) On the 16th Homfrey Palden was "committed to the counter for seditious wordes uttered by him againste the preacher Mr. Burne for his sermon at Paule's crosse on Sunday last"; and the same day the celebrated Bradford and Veron, "two seditious preachers", were committed to the Tower, as was "Theodore Basill, alias Thomas Beacon, another seditious preacher". Ibid. pp. 2b, 3.

Ibid. Sir John Gates and sir Thomas Palmer. These two knights were beheaded with the duke of Northumberland on the 22d August. Stowe in his Summarie preserves a soubriquet of the latter: he was called, "buskin Palmer". See a note regarding him in the Life of Lord Grey of Wilton, p. 3. He had received a pardon for all treasons, etc. Feb. 1551-2.

Ibid. Dr. Watson's sermon at Paul's cross. "By a letter writtene in London August 22 by William Dalby is signified, on sondaye laste was a Sermone at Pole's crosse, made by one doctor Watsone; theare was at his sermone the marques of Winchester, the earle of Ledforde, the earle of Penbrocke, the lord Wentworth, the lord Riche. They did sitte wheare my lord mayer and the aldermen wear wont to site, my lord maiore [marques?] sittinge uppermoste. Thear was also in the windowe over the mayor (sic.) the ould bushope of London, [Bonner the late bishop], and divers othurs; thear was 120 of the garde that stoode round aboute the crosse, w'th their holberdes, to gard the preacher, and to apprehend them that would stirre. His sermon was no more eloquent than edifieinge; I mean it was nether eloquent or edefieinge in my opinione, for he medled not withe the gospelle nor epistle, nor noe parte of scripture. After he had red his theame, he entred into a by mattere, and so spente his tyme; 4 or 5 of the cheefe poynts of his sermone that I cane remember I will as breefly as I can reporte unto you, viz.: he requirede the people not to beleeve the preacheres, but that ther faithe should be firme and sure, because theare is suche vaneties amongeste them, and yf any mane doubte of his faithe, let him goe to the scriptures, and also to the interpreteres of the doctores, and interprit it not after thier owne brayne: he wished the people to have no newe faithe, nor to buld no newe temple, but to keepe the ould faythe, and edifye the ould temple againe. He blamed the people in a manner for that heartofore they would have nothing that was manes tradissyone, and nowe they be contented to have manes tradissyone, shewinge that in the firste yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lorde king Edward the 6. theare was a lawe established that in the sacrament thear was the bodie and bloode of Christe not really but speritually; and the nexte yeare aftere they established another lawe that thear was the body of Christe nether speritually or really. Thes 2 in themselves are contraryes, thearfor they cannot be bothe trewe. He showed that we should ground o'r faithe uppon God's word, w'ch is scripture, and scripture is the byble, w'ch wee have in Hebrue, Greeke, and Lattine, and nowe translated into Englishe; but he doubtethe the translatyon was not true. Also he said theare hathe byne in his tyme that he hathe seene xx. catechesmes, and every one varinge from other in some points, and well he said they might be all false, but they could not be all true; and thus perswading the people that they had followed menes tradissyones, and had gone astraye, wishing them to come home agayne and reedefy the ould temple. Thus, w'th many other perswsiones, he spente the tyme tyll xi. of the clocke, and ended". (MS. Harl. 353, f. 141.)

P. 42. The parson of St. Ethelburga, whose sermon had offended, was John Dey, who was deprived in 1554.

Ibid. By "sant Necolas Willyns" or Wyllyms, (the MS. is uncertain) must be meant, it is presumed, the church of Saint Nicholas Olave's, on Bread-street-hill, destroyed at the great fire of 1666.

P. 43. Burning of the Great Harry. This famous ship had been built by Henry the Eighth upon the loss of the Regent in 1512 (some account of which calamity will be found in the Chronicle of Calais, p. 9.) The Great Harry was at Woolwich (where it was afterwards burnt), in the 1st year of Edward VI. and its equipment was then returned thus:

"The Henry Grace a Dieu, 1000 tons. Souldiers 349. Marryners 301. Gonners 60. Brass pieces 19. Iron pieces 102".

See the Archaeologia, vol. vi. p. 218, and at p. 216 a fuller return of its "furniture" and ammunition. A view of this ship, made in 1546 by Anthony Anthony, one of the officers of ordnance, is preserved in the Pepysian library, and engraved in the Archaeologia, vol. vi. pi. XXII. It is also one of the ships represented in the picture of the embarkation of Henry VIII. at Dover, May 31, 1520, now at Hampton Court, and engraved in a large size by the Society of Antiquaries in 1781. Another print, purporting to represent the Great Harry, published by T. Allen in 1756 from a supposed drawing by Hans Holbein, is pronounced by Mr. Topham, in Archaeol. vi. 208, 209, to be the figure of a different ship, and supposed to be the Prince, built by James I. in 1610.

Ibid. Funeral of sir John Harington. Sheriff of Rutland the year before his death, and grandfather of John, created lord Harington of Exton in 1603. See Wright's History of Rutland, p. 148.

Ibid. Funeral of John lord Dudley. This nobleman sold the castle of Dudley to his cousin John duke of Northumberland, and was never summoned to Parliament. (Nicolas's Synopsis of the Peerage.) His pecuniary distresses are noticed by Dugdale, Baronage, ii. 216; and it is added that he "was commonly called the Lord Quondam". [See this term used to bishop Latimer in p. 57 of this Diary.] His son and successor was restored to Dudley castle, which was forfeited by the duke's attainder. - See the funeral of the widowed baroness in p. 61.

P. 44. Funeral of John lord Dudley. This is thus recorded in the register of St. Margaret's Westminster: "1653, September 18. Sir John Sutton knyght, Lorde Baron of Dudley". And that of his widow (see p. 61, and Note in p. 338) occurs under her maiden name: "1664, April 28, The Lady Cysslye Gray". The latter extraordinary circumstance is probably attributable only to the high rank of the Greys: - she was greataunt to the Lady Jane. His son, "The right honorable sir Edwarde Dudley knighte. Baron of Dudleye, the lord Dudleye", was buried in the same church on the 12th August, 1586; and his great-grandson, "Sir Ferdinando Sutton knight, Baro: Dudley", [but really the son and heir apparent of Edward then lord Dudley], Nov. 23, 1621. Also in 1600, Mary lady Dudley, widow of the former Edward, and sister to Charles lord Howard of Effingham, lord admiral. She died Aug. 21, 1600, and a monument with her recumbent effigy, and a kneeling effigy of her second husband Richard Mompesson esquire, now remains near the south-east door of the church. See the History of St. Margaret's Church by the Rev. Mackenzie E.C Walcott, M.A. 1847, 8vo. p. 19.

P. 45. The knights of the Bath made at the coronation of queen Mary were, Edward earl of Devonshire, Thomas earl of Surrey, William lord Herbert of Cardiff, Henry lord Bergavenny, Henry lord Berkeley, John lord Lumley, James lord Mountjoy, sir Robert Rochester, controller of the queen's house, sir Henry Jerningham, sir William Powlett, sir Henry Clinton, sir Hugh Rich, sir Henry Paget, sir Henry Parker, and sir William Dormer. The arms of these knights are beautifully tricked in the Cottonian MS. Claudius C. III.

Ibid. Coronation of queen Mary. A document respecting the claims at this coronation has been printed in the Society's volume of Rutland Papers, p. 118: and, as there mentioned, a formulary of the ceremonial is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries.

P. 46. Knights made the morrow after the Coronation. Their names were as follow, according to a list in the MS. Coll. Arm. I. 7. f. 74.

"The morowe after the day of Coronation, beinge the seconde day of October, at the palys of Wystmister, were dobyd the knightes of the carpet foloinge in the presence of the quenes majestie in her chamber of presens under the clothe of estate by therl of Arundell, lord stuarde of the quenes housse, who had of her highnes commission to execute the

The lord Garratte,
The lord Borough,
The lord Dudley,
Sir Thomas Stanley,
Sir Edmond Wyndsor,
Sir Henry Ratclyff,
Sir Thomas Hastings,
Sir Edward Walgrave,
Sir John Bourne, secretary,
Sir Raff Chamberlen,
Sir John Tyrell,
Sir John Hodlestone,
Sir Robert Peckham,
Sir Harry Lea,
Sir Christofer Allen,
Sir Richard Freston,
Sir William Kelloway,
Sir Henry Garton,
Sir John Tregonell,
Sir Ambrose Jermyn,
Sir Leonard Chamberlen,
Sir Thomas Gerarde,
The lord chef baron, [1]
The lord chef justyce, [2]
Sir George Gefforde,
Sir Thomas Packington,
Sir Thomas Lovell,
Sir John Spencer,
Sir William Fitzwilliam,
Sir Thomas Androus,
Sir William Courtney,
Sir William Gresley,
Sir Thomas Cave,
Sir Edward Lytelton,
Sir Philip Parreys,
Sir Thomas White,
Sir Thomas Metham,
Sir Ry chard Lasen,
Sir Thomas Dawney,
Sir Robart Wyngfelde,
Sir Thomas Knyvett,
Sir Roger Woodhouse,
Sir Francis Stoner,
Sir John a Lye,
Sir Rychard Tate,
Sir Edmond Grene,
Sir Robart Lane,
Sir Rychard Stapleton,
Sir William Damsell,
Sir John Chichester,
Sir Harry Crypes,
Sir Thomas Palmer,
Sir Henry Ashley,
Sir Rychard Stranguishe,
Sir George Mathwe,
Sir John Cotton,
Sir John Pollarde,
Sir John Warburton,
Sir John Fermer,
Sir Thomas Berenger,
Sir John Constable,
Sir George Stanley,
Sir Rouland Stanley,
Sir Rauf Egerton,
Sir Rychard Molineux,
Sir Thomas Heskett,
Sir Thomas Wayman,
Sir John Croftes,
Sir Edmond Mauleverer,
Sir Rychard Bruges,
Sir James FytzJames,
Sir Thomas Verney,
Sir James Williams,
Sir William Meringe,
Sir Edward Pylson,
Sir Edward Fytton,
Sir William Warham,
Sir Thomas Whyte, lord mayor,
Sir Thomas Throgmerton,
Sir Edward Grevell,
Sir Henry Stafford,
Sir William Wygston,
Sir Harry Jones,
Sir John Bruse,
Sir Robart Whitney,
Sir Rychard Chudley,
Sir Thomas Baskerfelde,
Sir Thomas Tyndall,
Sir Rychard Wallwine.

The arms of these knights are beautifully tricked in the Cottonian MS. Claud. C. iii. but they are differently arranged, and some made at other times are interspersed. On this authority some slight amendment of the orthography of the names has been made where it appeared necessary.

A commission dated 17 Oct. empowering the earl of Arundel "to make so many persons knightes, within the tyme of two daies next ensuinge the date hereof, as by us shall be named, or by hymselfe may be thoughte mete, so as he excede not in the hole the numbre of threescore", is printed in Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 350: but qu. its date?

Ibid. Funeral of lady Bowes. "The lady Anne Bowes, wyff to syr Martyn Bowes, departed this world the xixth of October in Ao. 1553, and was beryed the xxijth of the same moneth at St. Mary Wollars churche in Lombart strete". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 13b.) This was therefore the second of sir Martin's three wives, mentioned in the inscriptions on "A goodly marble close tombe under the communion table of St. Mary Wolnoth: Here lyeth buried the body of sir Martin Bowes knight, alderman and lord maior of London, and also free of the Goldsmiths' company: with Cecilia, dame Anne, and dame Elizabeth, his wives. The which sir Martin Bowes deceased the 4. day of August, An. Dom. 1566". His will was also kept in the same church "in a faire table", i.e., there was an inscription recording his having given lands to discharge the ward of Langbourne "of all Fifteenes to bee granted to the king by parliament". Sir Martin Bowes was sub-treasurer of the mint under Henry VIII. and Edward VI. and resigned that office in Jan. 1550-1: see three grants made him on that occasion in Strype, Memorials, vol. ii. pp. (271), 494. The portrait of sir Martin Bowes, still preserved at Goldsmiths' Hall, is described by Malcolm, Londinium Redivivum, ii. 411.

[1] Sir David Brooke, appointed chief baron on the 1st Sept. preceding,

[2] Sir Richard Morgan, of the common pleas. Sir Thomas Bromley was made chief justice of the queen's bench on the 4th Oct. which was two days later.

P. 48. Parson Chicken. "Another priest called sir Tho. Snowdel, whom they nicknamed Parson Chicken, was carted through Cheapside, for assoiling an old acquaintance of his in a ditch in Finsbury field; and was at that riding saluted with chamber-pots and rotten eggs". (Strype, Mem. iii. 113.) His real name, however, seems to have been Sowdley. Thomas Sowdley clerk was instituted to the rectory of St. Nicholas Coleabbey 25 July 1547, and to that of St. Mary Mounthaw 23 March following. He was deprived of both in 1554, but restored to the former after the return of the Protestant ministers, and died in 1564. (Newcourt, i. pp. 450, 507.)

P. 49. Creation of heralds. The office of York herald was vacant by the creation of Bartholomew Butler, esq. to be Ulster King of Arms (the first of that title) Feb. 2, 1552-3; that of Lancaster herald from the expulsion of Fulke ap Howell, esq. who had been convicted of counterfeiting Clarenceux's seal, and executed; Portcullis, Richard Withers, gent, had been degraded as an accomplice of Howell. [1] The new heralds and pursuivants were, 1. Martin Marruf, or Marlfe, made York herald; he died April 20 or 21, 1563. 2. Nicholas Tubman, made Lancaster; he died Jan. 8, 1558-9. (See p 185.) 3. Hugh Cotgrave, made Rouge-Croix, afterwards Richmond herald, 1566. (see more of him in Noble's History of the College of Arms, p. 182.) 4. William Colborne, "my lord Cobham's servant", created Rouge-dragon; afterwards York Herald, Jan. 25, 1564; he died Sept. 13, 1567, and was buried at St. Dunstan's in the West. (See the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. iv. pp. 99, 1 1 1.) 5. John Cockes, created Portcullis, was afterwards Lancaster, Jan. 18, 1558-9. (See p. 186.) His history is given in Noble, p. 183.

The writs of privy seal, dated the 22d and 24th Nov. for the creation of Lancaster and

[1] See Noble's College of Arms, p. 146, and in p. 155 "Lant says he was degraded". Yet in p. 147 that very blundering author has made Robert Fayery, the predecessor of Withers, to be the accomplice of Howell, - in 1551, although he goes on to say that he died in 3 Edward VI. i.e., 1549. Noble imagined that the cause of Withers's disgrace was his having attended on the duke of Northumberland to Cambridge; whilst it was also before his eyes (p. 183) that it was Cocke or Cocks the new Portcullis that had been the duke of Northumberland's servant.

York heralds, are printed in Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 357: and that for John Cooke (or Cockes) to be Portcullis, dated Jan, 3, in p. 359.

P. 50. Funeral of [sir Henry Parker, son and heir of] lord Morley. This funeral probably belongs to the son of lord Morley, who died in his father's lifetime. The funeral of lord Morley himself, who died in 1556, is noticed in p. 120.

Ibid. The king of Spain's ambassadors. These were ambassadors from the emperor Charles, father of Philip, to conclude a treaty for the queen's marriage - namely, the count d'Egmont, Charles count de Laing, Jehan de Montmorancy sieur de Corners, Philip Negri, and Simon Renard: see Strype, Mem. iii. 58, and the marriage treaty in Rymer, vol. XV. p. 393. An extract from their Instructions may be seen in Burgon's Life of Gresham, i. 145.

Ibid. No priest that has a wife shall not minister or say mass. The numbers to whom this prohibition would apply may be imagined from the many marriages of priests which occur within a short period in the register of one parish, St. Margaret's Westminster: -

1549. Feb. The fyrste day. Mr Doctor Henry Egylsby, prieste, with Tamasyne Darke.
1551. April. The vjth day. Mr John Reed, priest, with Isbelle Wyldon.
- Oct. The vjth day. Syr William Langborow, prieste, with Helen Olyver.
- Dec. The xxxj day. Raffe Felde, prieste, with Helen Chesterfyld.
1551. April. The xxiijth day. Sir William Harvarde, prieste, with Alyce Kemyshe.
- Dec. The xxvij day. Sir Frauncis Constantyne, priest, with Alyce Warcoppe.
1552. Jan. The xxiijth day. Sir Marmaduce Pullen, priest, with Margaret Pen.

On the miseries and scandals which ensued on the forced dissolution of these marriages it is sufficient to refer to the works of Foxe, Strype, etc.

Ibid. Every parish to make an altar, and to have a cross and staff. Among many expenses incurred on the restoration of the Romish worship at St. Margaret's Westminster for rebuilding and adorning the altars, erecting a holy-water stock, making church furniture and vestments, and providing sacred utensils, occur the following entries, having special reference to the order mentioned in the text:

"Item, payde to a paynter for wasshyng owte of the scriptures of the highe altar table ... xijd.
"Item, payde for a crosse of copper and gylte, with Mary and John, with a foote of copper ... xxxs.
"Item, payde for a crosse-clothe of taffata, with a picture of the Trynytie, and for a table of waynskot, and for the payntyng of the Crucifix, Mary, and John, in the highe altar table ... xlijs. viijd.
"Item, payde for tenne pottelles of oyle ... xjs. xd.
"Item, payde for the Roode, Mary and John ... vli.

And, next year,

"Item, payde for payntyng the Roode, Mary and John ... xls.

In the first year of Elizabeth all was again destroyed -

"Payde to John Rialle, for his iij dayse work, to take down the Roode, Mary and John ....... ijs. vijd.
"Item, payde to James Anderson for ij dayse work labouryng about the same, and for carieng of the stones and rubbishe abowt th' altars ... xijc?.

(Then follow several similar payments to other workmen).

"Item, to John Rialle, for taking down the tabille on the high altar, and takyng down the holly-water stock ... xijd.
"Item, to iij poore men for beryng of the allter tabelle to Mr. Hodgis ... iiijd.
"Item, for clevyng and sawyng of the Roode, Mary and John ... xijd.

P. 51. Funeral of master Sturley esquire. There seems to be no memorial of this gentleman remaining in connection with the history of Richmond. In August 1551, it was appointed that Mr. Sturley, captain of Berwick, should leave the Wardenship of the East Marches to the lord Evers; but that person is again mentioned as a knight, sir Nicholas Sturley, in the following October. (King Edward's Diary.)

P. 52. Sir Thomas Wyatt. A copious narrative of Wyatt's rebellion, together with the letters written by the duke of Norfolk, lord Cobham, and others, to the Privy Council, on the occasion, (from the originals in the State Paper Office), will be found in Cruden's History of Gravesend, 1842, 8vo. pp. 172 et seq.

Ibid. Sir George Howard was son of lord Edmund Howard, and one of the brothers of queen Katharine Howard. He was knighted by the duke of Somerset in Scotland in 1547; and in March 1550-1 had a warrant for office of Master of the Henchmen for one whole year. He was appointed to attend upon the young lords sent over the sea as hostages, whereof the earl of Hertford was one. Strype, Mem. ii. 539.

P. 54. He lycted behind a gentleman into the court. After his surrender sir Thomal Wyatt was taken to the court riding behind sir Maurice Berkeley on horseback. Stowe, p. 621.

P. 56. Funeral of George Pargeter. Sir Thomas Pargeter his father was lord mayor in the year 1581, and was buried at Allhallows, Bread-street. Catalogue of Lord Mayors, by W. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.

Ibid. Execution of Mans. No mention of this "rich man" occurs under Cranbrook in Hasted's History of Kent.

P. 57. Funeral of sir William Goring. The name here deficient is supplied by the useful MS. Harl. 897, f. 8: "Sir William Goryng knight dyed at Westmynster the 4th of Marche 1553, and was conveyd to his howse called Burton, and there buryed the xijth of Marche". He was one of the gentlemen of the king's privy chamber, and his monument at Bodecton alias Burton, is described in Dallaway's Rape of Arundel, p. 253 (with an error of viij for iiij). His funeral at length is in Coll. Arm. I. 3, f. 102.

P. 58. Funeral of lady Ascough. Sir Christopher Ascough, draper, who was the son of John Ascough of Edmonton in Middlesex, had been sheriff in 1525-6, lord mayor 1533-4, and was buried at St. John the Evangelist's in Watling-street. Arms, Gules, on a fesse argent, between three ass's heads couped or, as many estoiles azure. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 59. Cat hung on the gallows in Cheapside. The same outrage will be found noticed in Stowe's Chronicle, p. 623, where the consecrated wafer is there termed "a singingcake", and in Foxe's Actes and Monuments, vol. iii. p. 99.

P. 60. Funeral ensigns of alderman Kyrton. Stephen Kirton, member of the Merchant-taylors in 1534. He was never sheriff or lord mayor. He bore four coats quarterly, 1. Argent, a fess and chevronel in chief gules; 2. Argent, a crescent and bordure sable; 3. Paly, argent and gules, a fess between three leopard's heads, all counterchanged; 4. Argent, a fesse between three butterflies gules. (Lord Mayors, etc. by Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.)

P. 61. Funeral of the lady baroness Dudley, widow of lord Dudley, noticed in p. 334. She was the lady Cecily Grey, second daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset, by Cecily, daughter and heir of William lord Bonville and Harington.

P. 62. Proclamation. This was probably the proclamation transcribed in the Society of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 124. It is undated, but entitled "A proclamation for suppressing of seditious rumours and libelles".

P. 63. Lord Garrett created earl of Kildare. Gerald Fitzgerald, reckoned as the eleventh earl in succession of his family. His father Thomas was executed at Tyburn, together with his five uncles, on the 2d Feb. 1535; his grandfather Gerald the ninth earl having died a prisoner in the Tower of London on the 12th Dec. preceding; and was subsequently pronounced attainted by an act of Parliament in Ireland passed in May 1536. The young lord Garrett, or FitzGerald, having been educated abroad, is said to have been introduced to the court of king Edward the Sixth, and knighted by him in 3-552 (Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, by Archdall, vol. i. p. 94); but we have seen (p. 334) that the latter statement is erroneous, and it is more probable that he did not return before his kinsman and patron cardinal Pole and other eminent members of the old communion. His patent of restoration was dated May 13, 1554, (Lodge), and in the following November he returned to Ireland. He was now thirty years of age, and he died in London, Nov. 16, 1585.

Pp. 63, 139. Corpus Christi day. After the accession of Mary (says our Diarist, p. 63) this festival was kept with goodly processions, and torches garnished in the old fashion, and staff torches burning, and many canopies. All these particulars are confirmed by the parochial accounts of Saint Margaret's Westminster (still in perfect preservation at this and a still earlier period), from which the following extracts are made:

(In 1 Mariae) Item, payde for breade, ale, and beere on Corpus Christie day ... xixd.
Item, payde for a ffrynge of si[l]ke for the canypye, wayenge xviij ounces q'arter di. price the ownce xijd. summa ... xviijs. iiijd.
Item, payde to the brotherer for fasshonyng of the canopie and settyng on of the ffrynge ... xiiijd. Item, for iiij knoppes for the canopie staves, alle gilte ... iiijs.
Item, payde for garnysshyng the iiij torches for Corpus Christye day, and the cariage of them from Londone ... ijs.
Item, flowres to the same torches ... vjd.
Item, payde to iiij torche-bearers on Corpus Christye day ... viijd.
(In 2 Mariae) Item, payde for flowres for the torches on Corpus Christie day ... vijd.
Item, payde for v staf torches ... xs. xd.
Item, payde for the garnyshyng of them ... xxd.
Item, payde to v men for beryng of the sayde torches .. xd.
Item, payde for breade, ale, and beere ... xxd.
(In 3 Mariae) Item, payde for iiij newe torchis wayeng lxxxxijli. di. at vd. the li. ... xxxviijs. viijd.
Item, payde for bote-hyre and for cariage of thame torchis ... vjd. Item, payde for garnysshyng of the sayde iiij torchis ... xxd.
Item, payde to iiij men for beryng of the iiij great torchis ... viijd.
Item, payde to iiij children for bering the iiij staf torchis ... iiijd.
Item, payde to a man for beryng the great stremer ... jd.
Item, payde hym that did beare the crosse ... ijd.
Item, payde for breade, wyne, ale, and beere ... xxjd. Item, payde for flowres the same day ... iiijd.

P. 64. A man that would have plucked the sacrament out of the priesfs hand. Stowe gives his name, - "a joyner that dwelt in Colman streete called John Strete"; and adds that in Newgate he "fayned him selfe madde": but the latter statement is contradicted by Foxe, who has commemorated Strete more at length.

Pp. 64, 69, 74, 75. Removes of King Philip and queen Mary. These are thus recorded in the churchwardens' accounts of St. Margaret's Westminster:

"Allso payde to the ryngers the xij day of August (1553) when the queenes grace wente to Richmonde; and the xxij day of September when she came from Richmonde to Westminster; and the xixth day of December, when her grace wente to Richemont, and the xxx day of December when her grace cam to Westminster ... xvjd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers when the queenes majestie went from Westminster to Rychmond the xxix of May [1554; see p. 64] ... iiijd.

"Item, payde the xvij. and xviij. day of August, when the kyng and the quene cam from Richemonde to Sowthwarke, and so from thens to Westmynster, for bread and drynk to the ryngers ... vjd.

"Item, the xxj. day when they came to the mynster, and allso the xxiij. day when they went to Hampton Coorte ... viijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers the xviijth [read 28th] day of September, when the kyng and the queenes majestie cam to Westmynster [see p. 69] ... iiijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers of the belles the xij. day of November, when the kyng and the queenes majesties cam to the mynster to the masse of the holy gost [see p. 74] ... iiijd.
"Item, payde to the ryngers on sayncte Andrewis day, when the kynges majestie came to the mynster ... iiijd.

See this last mentioned in p. 77, but without noticing that it was the feast of Saint Andrew.

P. 66. Prince of Piedmont. Though our diarist mentions this prince twice in this page, some mistake may be suspected. The prince really arrived in December, as afterwards mentioned in p. 79. Probably the person who came in June was his ambassador.

Ibid. The maid that spake in the wall and whistled in Aldersgate-street. This prototype of the Cock-lane ghost is noticed more fully by Stowe: her name was Elizabeth Croft, "a wenche about the age of eighteene yeares".

Ibid. Proclamation for attendance of peers, etc., at the queen''s marriage. See this in the Soc. of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 125.

P. 67. Funeral of alderman John Lambard. "Father to William Lambard esquire, well known by sundry learned bookes that he hath published". (Stowe.) He was sheriff in 1552; and was buried in St. Michael's, Wood-street. Arms, Gules, a chevron vaire between three lambs argent. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.)

Ibid. Funeral of alderman Austen Hynde. Augustine Hynde, cloth worker, sheriff in 1551. Arms, Gules, a chevron between three hinds or. (Wm. Smith, Rouge- dragon.) He was buried at St. Peter's in Cheap, and his epitaph will be found in Stowe: it states his death on the tenth of the month, and MS. Harl. 897, f. 25b. names the xij. whereas our diarist says the viij. His descendants will be found in MS. Harl. 897. His widow was remarried to alderman sir John Lyons, who is noticed in the next page.

Ibid. King and Queen's style. The letters patent directing the lord chancellor to issue writs announcing the king and queen's style, dated at Winchester 27 July, 1554, are printed in Rymer's Foedera, xv. 404.

P. 68. Funeral of alderman sir Henry Amcotes. Son of William Amcotes, of Astrop, Lincolnshire. He had been lord mayor in 1548, was buried in St, Michael's, Crookedlane, where he had "a goodly ancient tombe within the south grated chappell: Hereunder lyeth the bodies of sir Henry Amcotes knight, alderman and lord maior of London, and dame Joane his wife. Which sir Henry Amcotes deceased the 5. day of September anno 1554. And the said dame Joane deceased the 4. day of September anno Dom. 1573". His arms were quarterly of eight, as blazoned and engraved in The Fishmongers' Pageant, fol. 1844, p. 14. A pedigree of his family will be found in the MS. Harl. 897, f. 62. They were afterwards of long continuance in Lincolnshire.

P. 69. Proclamation "for avoyding of vagabondes and idle persons from London, Westminster, and places adjoyning", - this is transcribed in the Society of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 126.

P. 70. Funeral of the duke of Norfolk. The MS. Harl. 897 says the duke died at Kenyng hall on Monday the 27. of August, and was buried at Fremyngham on Monday the last of September. His funeral is in Coll. Arm. I. 3, f. 103.

P. 71. Funeral of lord de la Warr. Thomas West, ninth lord de la Warr, succeeded his father 1525; K.G. 1549. He was buried at Broadwater, co. Sussex, where his tomb remains, and is described in Cartwright's Rape of Bramber, p. 38.

P. 72. Servant of sir George Gifford killed, Stowe says Clifford, but Gifford I believe is right. (See p. 335.)

Ibid. Imprisonment of Day the printer. John Day, whose great boast was that he had encouraged and supported Foxe in the construction of that gigantic work, the Actes and Monuments. See the memoir of Day by the present writer in the Gentleman's Magazine for Nov. 1832, vol. cii. ii. 417, where Day's monumental brass at Ampton, co. Suffolk, is engraved; also further particulars communicated by the late Francis Douce, esq. and D.E Davy, esq. in the same volume, pp. 597, 598; and a catalogue of the works printed by Day, and his portrait, in Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iv. pp. 41-177. One of the companions of Day's imprisonment was John Rogers, who suffered martyrdom soon after, (see p. 81), and we may suppose that it was very much owing to his own sufferings at this time that he was instigated to "set a Fox to wright how Martyrs runne by death to lyfe". (Epitaph.)

Ibid. Death of the earl of Warwick. John Dudley earl of Warwick, the eldest son of the duke of Northumberland, was one of the knights of the Bath at the coronation of Edward VI. On the 29th April 1562, he was made master of the horse to the king (Pat. 6 Edw. VI. p. 5); but Collins, (Memoirs of the Sidneys, p. 31), is wrong in saying he was afterwards chosen a Knight of the Garter. Strype, Mem. ii. 500, erroneously inserts the christian name of Ambrose to the patent of master of the horse. On receiving that office the earl of Warwick resigned that of master of the buck-hounds to his brother lord Robert Dudley. (Ibid. 501.)

P. 73. Sir John Lyons lord mayor. Son of Thomas Lyons of Perivale, co. Middlesex; a member of the Grocers' company: and sheriff 1550. "He dwelled in Bucklersbury, and was buried in St. Syth's church, which toucheth on the south syde of his house". Arms, Azure, on a fess engrailed between three plates each charged with an eagle's head erased sable, a lion passant between two cinquefoils gules. (List of Lord Mayors, etc. by Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.) Sir John Lyons bequeathed 100l. towards building a garner for corn at Queen Hithe, which was enlarged at the charges of the city in 1565. (Stowe.) See a notice of his widow hereafter, p. 346.

Ibid. Public penance at St. Paul's. Stowe, who varies in his account of the culprits, thus describes this ceremony: "The 4. of November, beeing Sunday, three preists that, beeing married, would not leave their wives, and two laymen that had two wives apeece, were punished alike, for they went in procession about Paules churche in white sheetes over them, and either of them a taper of waxe in the one hand and a rod in the other, and so they sate before the preacher at Paules crosse during the sermon, and then were displed on the heads with the same rods".

P. 75. Saint Erconwald's day. This passage may be completed (from Strype) thus - "should go to Paul's in procession in copes".

Ibid. Cardinal Pole. "The 24. of November cardinall Poole came oute of Brabant into England", etc. See Stowe's Chronicle, p. 625.

P. 76. The cardinal's oration. Cardinal Pole returned to England with legatine power to reconcile the kingdom to the church of Rome. He accomplished this mission as related in the Journals of the Commons, vol. i. p. 38; and in Foxe, iii. 110.

Ibid. Thanks for the queen's quickening. "The 28. of November the lord maior of London, with the aldermen in scarlet, and the commons in their liveries, assembled in Paul's church at nine of the clocke in the forenoone, where doctor Chadsey one of the prebends preached in the quire in the presence of the bishop of London and nine other bishops, and read a letter from the queen's councel, the tenor wherof was, that the bishop of London should cause Te Deum to bee sung in all the churches of his diocesse, with continual prayers for the queenes majestie, which was quickened with child. The letter being read, he began his sermon with this antbetime, Ne timeas Maria, invenisti enim gratiam apud Deum. His sermon being ended, Te Deum was sung; and solemne procession was made of Salve festa dies all the circuit of the church". (Stowe.) The letter of the privy council to the bishop here mentioned is printed in Fox, and in the Gentleman's Magazine for Dec. 1841, p. 596, taken from the broadside issued at the time by John Cawode the queen's printer. In the same article is also reprinted a ballad circulated on this occasion, accompanied by various other particulars of this disappointment of the unhappy queen. See also sir F. Madden's introduction to her Privy-Purse book.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Hugh Rich, K.B. Having married Anne, daughter and sole heir of sir John Wentworth, of Gosfield in Essex, his body was buried in that church. His widow married secondly Henry lord Maltravers, only son of the earl of Arundel; he died at Brussels, June 30, 1556. She married thirdly William Deane esquire, her servant, nephew to Alexander Nowell, dean of Saint Paul's. Having had no issue, she died Dec. 5, 1580, and was buried with her first husband at Gosfield.

Pp. 76, 82, 83. Juego de cannas. This sport, which the Spanish cavaliers brought with them from their native country, was long a favourite there. When Lord Berners was ambassador in Spain in 1518, "on midsummer daye in the morninge the king, with xxiij with him, well apparelled in cootes and clokes of goulde and gouldsmythe work, on horsback, in the said market-place (at Saragossa), ranne and caste canes after the countreye maner, whearas the kinge did very well (and was) much praysed; a fresh sight for once or twise to behold, and afterward nothing. Assoone as the cane is caste, they flye; wherof the Frenche ambassador sayd, that it was a good game to teche men to flye. My lord Barners answered, that the Frenchmen learned it well besides Gingate, at the jurney of Spurres". (Letter from the ambassador in MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. i. 177.) It continued in practice when Charles prince of Wales visited Spain in 1623, and a pamphlet entitled, "A relation of the Royal Festivities and Juego de Canas, a turnament of darting with reedes after the manner of Spaine, made by the king of Spaine at Madrid, the 21st of August this present yeere 1623", is reprinted in Somers's Tracts and in Nichols's Progresses of King James I. vol. iv. - "The Juego de Cannas", remarks Sir Walter Scott, "was borrowed from the Moors, and is still practised by Eastern nations, under the name of El Djerid. It is a sort of rehearsal of the encounter of their light horsemen, armed with darts, as the Tourney represented the charge of the feudal cavaliers with their lances. In both cases, the differences between sport and reality only consisted in the weapons being sharp or pointless".

"So had he seen in fair Castile
The youth in glittering squadrons start,
Sudden the flying jennet wheel,
And hurl the unexpected dart".

(Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.)

P. 77. The cardinal's coming to St. Paul's. A fuller account of this solemnity will be found in Stowe, p. 625. Like his predecessor Wolsey, Pole went in procession "with a cross, two pillars, and two poleaxes of silver borne before him".

P. 78. A sofferacan. "Old Bird, I suppose (says Strype), formerly bishop of Chester, now bishop Bonner's suffragan".

P. 79. Coming of the prince of Piedmont - "by water, from - Gravesend" is the word deficient (as appears in Stowe.) He "landed at the duke of Suffolkes place". The following passage occurs in a letter dated the xijth of October: "It was told me this day the ambassador of Savoy was yesterday to see my lady Elizabethes house at Strand, and that there was order given for the putting of the same in areadines for the duke his master". Francis Yaxley to sir W. Cecill, in Ellis's Letters, iii. iii. 314. - Emanuel Philibert, prince of Piedmont and duke of Savoy, was at this time an exile from his dominions, which had been taken from his father Charles by Francis I. of France. Having greatly distinguished himself as an ally of king Philip at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557, he concluded a peace with France in 1559, and married Margaret daughter of Francis I. He died in 1580.

Ibid. A Spanish lord buried at Saint Margaret's Westminster. From the records of that church this is shown to have been "John de Mendoca, knyght". During the time that the servants of king Philip were about the court at Westminster, several other Spaniards occur in the same register: their names are here extracted:

1554. Sept. The xvij day. Martyne, a spanyard.
- Oct. The xjth day. Martyne, a spanearde.
- - The xvijth day. Sr Uther, a launce knyght.
- - The xviijth day. Sr Henry, a launce knyght.
- Dec. The xxiij day. Joh'n de mendoca, a knyght spaynearde.
- March 2. Joh'n de bevaunte [Debevaunco in the churchwardens' accounts].
- - The xth day. Philippe, a spaynyshe childe.
- - The xiijth day. Peter, a spaynearde, slayn wt a horsse.
1555. May. The vjth day. Francisco de espilla.
- Auguste. The xxvij day. Peter, a spaynearde.
- September. The xjth day. Agnes ..., a spaynearde.
- November. The firste day. Fraunces, a spaynyshe childe.
- - The vjth day. Margaret, uxor Ispanie.
- January. The xvth day. Corby, a portyngal.
1556. November. 6to die. Marie Spaniard.
1557. March 28. Cornelius, spanyard.
- May. primo die. Peter Angle, spanyard.
- June. 28 die. Alberte, a spanyerd, off syknesse, of the house [i.e., a servant of the royal household.

The names of most of these are repeated in the churchwardens' accounts, indeed several times over, in this way:

Item, of Uther, a launceknyght, for iiij tapers ... xvjd.
Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for iiij torches ... viijd.
Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for his grave ... vjs. viijd.
Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for the clothe ... viijd.
Item, of Mr. Joh'n Demendoca, for knylle and peales ... xviijd.
Item, at the obsequy of Mr. Mendoca, kept the second and third day of January, for iij. tapers ... xxd.
Item, at the obsequy of Mr. Joh'n Mendoca, for the belles ... xviijd.

There is one Spanish marriage recorded in the register, but without names, merely thus: "1555 Nov. the xth day a Spanyeard", and a similar difficulty was felt in christenings, as "1558, Feb. the ixth day Mariana ispanica", and "March the xxj day Franciscus jspanicus". In Oct. that year occurs "The xxijth day, Philippe Ruyz a spaynearde".

P. 80. Funeral of lady Fitz Walter. Lady Elizabeth Wriothesley, daughter of Thomas earl of Southampton. She was the first wife of Thomas Ratcliffe, (afterwards) third earl of Sussex, K.G. and had issue two sons, who both died young.

P. 81. Knightes mayde by kinge Phillip in his chambre upon Sunday the of January, in Ano. 1554. (MS. Harl. 6064, f. 80b.)

Sir John Lyon, lorde maior of London.
Sir Robert Broke, lord chief justice of the comon place.
Sir Edward Saunders, judge.
Sir John Whiddon, judge.
Sir William Staimford [judge of the common pleas.]
Sir Clement Hygham [afterwards chief baron of the exchequer.]

The droughtes that is to be payde by them that be mayde knightes by the kinges Ma'tie in his chambre under the degre of a baron: (Ibid. f. 79.)

Imprimis, to the office of armes for the enteringe of their armes in record . xxs.
Item, to the gentlemen ushers of the chambre . xxs.
Item, to the yeoman ushers . xs.
Item, to the gromes of the chambre . vs.
Item, to the pages of the chambre . vs.

Notwithstandinge these recordes afore rehersed, their was taken by them of the chambre of divers knightes that were made by kinge Phillip the xxvijth of Januarie in Ao. 1554, these summes followinge, the which was never had before:

Item, to the gentlemen of the privy chambre . xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to the gentleman ushers of the chambre . xxs.
Item, to the yeoman ushers of the chambre . xs.
Item, to the gromes of the chambre . xs.
Item, to the pages . xs.

Ibid. Funeral of the duchess of Northumberland. Jane daughter and sole heir of sir Edward Guilford, lord warden of the Cinque Ports, and widow of John Dudley, duke of Northumberland. She gave birth to thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters. Her monument, decorated with coloured brass plates, still remains in Chelsea church, and is engraved in Faulkner's History of that parish. Her will, which is remarkable as having been written entirely with her own hand, though of considerable length, is printed in Collins's Memoirs of the Sidneys, etc. prefixed to the Sidney Papers, fol. 1746, p. 33.

P. 82. Burning of bishop Hooper. The letter from the queen to lord Chandos directing him to repair to Gloucester and assist at the execution of bishop Hooper, has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, iii. 284.

Ibid. Marriage of lord Strange. The date of this was Feb. 7th, not the 12th. "The vij. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court, the same day at night was a goodly pastime of Juga cana by cresset lyght; there were lxx. cresset lightes". Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

Ibid. The image of St. Thomas pulled down. It had been erected only two days before. One Barnes a mercer, who lived opposite to the chapel, was suspected of being accessary to its destruction. He, therefore, was committed with some of his servants, and afterwards bound in recognizance to watch it, and make it good if defaced. The 2d of March it was restored at his charge; but on the 14th (as Machyn records) again broken.

P. 83. Funeral of the earl of Bedford. John first earl of Bedford, K.G. created lord Russell 1539, and an earl in 1550. See a portrait with memoirs of him in Wiffen's House of Russell, vol. i.; another in Lodge's Illustrious Portraits; and his portrait is also in the collection by Houbraken, and in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. The chapel at Chenies, which has ever since been the cemetery of the Russells, was built by his widow in 1556, in pursuance of his last will. His effigy at Chenies is described in Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire: but in the inscription, "Lord President of the Western Portes" is an error for Partes.

P. 86. False report of the queen's delivery. See the article before referred to in the Gentleman's Magazine for Dec. 1841, at p. 598. At St. Benedict Gracechurch the churchwardens paid to a prieste and six clerks for singing of Te Deum and playing upon the organs for the birth of our Prince (which was thought then to be), 1l. 8s. (Malcolm.)

Ibid. Body of thief burned at Charing cross. The name of the "pulter", or poulterer, the object of this posthumous vengeance, was Tooly. His case is related at large by Foxe, He had received pardon of some other crime July 5, 1553, the very day before king Edward's death. (Strype, Mem. ii. 509.)

P. 88. The child supposed to speak. "By a lettere dated in London, 11 May, 1555, it appeares that in Poules churche yearde, at the signe of the hedgehog, the goodwyfe of the house was brought to bedde of a mane child, beinge of the age of 6 dayes, and dienge the 7th daye followinge; and halfe an houre before it departed spake these words followinge (rise and pray), and so continued halfe an howre in thes words, and then cryenge departed the worlde. Hereuppon the bushope of London examined the goodman of the house, and othur credible persones, who affirmed it to be true, and will dye uppon the same". (MS. Harl. 353, f. 145.)

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Westmerland. Katharine, daughter of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, K.G. and wife of Ralph earl of Westmerland. A letter from her to the earl of Shrewsbury, 25 Apr. 1544, has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Ladies, iii. 182. She died at Holywell, the house of her son-in-law the earl of Rutland, in the parish of Shoreditch, on Tuesday, May 14, 1555. (MS. Harl. 897, fol. 78b, 80.) In that church was erected a joint monument, with four kneeling effigies, representing Elinor (Paston) countess of Rutland, who died in 1551; this countess of Westmerland; her daughter Margaret countess of Rutland, who died 1560 (see Note hereafter to p. 215); and lady Katharine Constable, who died 1591, a granddaughter of the first; which see engraved in Ellis's Shoreditch, p. 56, or Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. ii. pi. xii.

P. 90. Funeral of the queen of Spain at Saint Paul's. The full ceremonial of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 111 - 114; and see a letter of the lord treasurer to the bishop of London respecting preparations for the solemnity in Strype, Memorials, iii. 220. The deceased was Jane, the grandmother of king Philip, and the aunt of queen Mary, being the elder sister of queen Katharine. She was the eldest daughter of Ferdinand the Catholic by Isabel queen of Castille; and having married Philip of Austria, they succeeded to the kingdom of Castille on the death of her mother in 1504. On the death of her father in 1516, her husband having previously died in 1506, she was from insanity unfit to reign, and her son Charles (afterwards emperor) was acknowledged sovereign of all Spain.

Ibid. Proclamation for bringing in heretical books. A printed copy of this, dated 13 June, is in the collection at the Society of Antiquaries: it is inserted in Foxe's Actes and Monuments, vol. iii. p. 271. Of its objects see also Strype, Mem. vol. iii. p. 250.

Ibid. At the Grocers' feast my lord mayor did choose master Lee sheriff for the king. The order observed "Upon Midsummer day, for the election of the Sheriffes of London, etc". will be found in Stowe's Survay, under the head of "Temporall Government". On that day (as still) the sheriffs were elected; but one had been previously "nominated by the Lord Maior according to his prerogative". This was done in the way intimated more than once in these pages, by drinking to him at a feast. A full and curious account of the mode in which this ceremony was performed at the Haberdashers' feast in the year 1583, is given in a letter of Mr. recorder Fleetwood to lord Burghley, printed in Ellis's Orig. Letters, 1st Series, ii. 290.

Ibid. Master Lee chosen sheriff. Son of Roger Leigh of Wellington in Shropshire, and apprentice of sir Rowland Hill, whose niece, Alice Barker, he married. He became "Sir Thomas Leigh, maior, the first yeare of Q. Elizabeth, 1559. He dwelled in the Old Jury, his house joyning on the north of Mercers Chapell, where he was buried. Arms, Gules, on a cross engrailed argent between four unicorn's heads erased or, five hurts each charged with an ermine spot. His sonnes have since altred the armes to, Gules, a cross engrailed and in dexter chief a lozenge argent". (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Sir Thomas Leigh died Nov. 17, 1571. His epitaph at the Mercers' Chapel will be found in Stowe's Survay and in Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. p. 464. By his second son William he was ancestor of the Lords Leigh of Stoneleigh, and by his third son William, grandfather of Francis Leigh, earl of Chichester.

P. 91. Funeral of alderman Thomas Lewen. That the name which our MS. has here lost should be thus supplied is shown by the following inscription from the church of St. Nicholas Olave's: "Here lies the bodies of Thomas Lewen, ironmonger and some time alderman of the city of London, and Agnes his wife; which Thomas deceased the 29. day of June, Anno D'ni 1555, and the said Agnes deceased the 26. day of October, Anno D'ni 1562. This monument of Thomas Lewen and Agnes his wife was newly revived and beautified at the charge of the right worshipful company of the Ironmongers, of which he was free, the 29th May, Anno D'ni 1623". By his will dated in the year of his death (which is enrolled at Guildhall), Lewen left to the Ironmongers a messuage in Breadstreet, and four other houses, for the observance of an obit, the support of four almspeople, and a scholarship at Oxford, and another at Cambridge of 50s. each: see the Report of the Commissioners of Public Charities, and abstract therefrom in Herbert's City Companies, p. 615. A portrait of alderman Lewen is still preserved at Ironmongers' hall. His arms were, Ar. on a chevron engrailed gules, between three crescents of the second, each charged with a bezant, as many estoiles or, and between them two lozenges of the field, each charged with a martlet sable, all within a bordure engrailed gu. - a somewhat remarkable example of a fully, but not unartistically, crowded coat. (MS. Harl. 6860.) He was sheriff 1537-8, but not lord mayor. - A few particulars remain to be given in a subsequent page on occasion of the death of Mrs, Lewen, the alderman's widow.

Ibid. Master Eton. George Eyton, master in 1557 (see p. 141.) William Heton was warden of the Merchant-taylors in 1566-7. Wilson's Merchant-taylors' School, p. 1160.

Ibid. Master Rowe. Sir Thomas Rowe was an alderman, sheriff in 1560, and lord mayor in 1568. By his will dated May 2, 1569, he was a munificent benefactor to the Merchant-taylors' company; as may be seen by the particulars given in Herbert's City Companies, p. 504. He died Sept. 2, 1570, and his monument at Hackney, having kneeling effigies of himself and wife, was engraved at the expense of his descendant Mr. Rowe-Mores in 1752, and inserted in Robinson's History of that parish, 1842, ii. p. 8. The very full and curious directions which he left for his funeral are printed in Lysons's Environs of London, 1811, vol. ii. p. 302. See memoirs of him also in Wilson's History of Merchant-taylors' school, pp. 5, et seq.; and a pedigree of his descendants in Rowe-Mores' History of Tunstall, 4to. 1780, p. xvii.

Ibid. Master Hylle warden. This was Richard Hills, the benefactor whom Stowe commemorates in his chapter on the "honour of citizens". He gave 500l. towards the purchase of the manor of the Rose, where Merchant-taylors' school was established; also (according to Stowe) fourteen almshouses for poor women on Tower-hill. The latter statement however is not confirmed by Herbert's account of the Merchant-taylors' almshouses; but it appears that by will dated June 28, 1586, he gave certain tenements in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, for the payment of 5l. yearly among six poor tailors, and that the Company still owns thirteen houses from this bequest. (Hist. of the City Companies, pp. 496, 506.) Strype mentions Richard Hills as having been resident at Strasburg in 1548, and commissioned by Cranmer to help Martin Bucer to his journey to England. He became master of the Merchant-taylors' company in 1561. (Wilson's Merchant-taylors' school, p. 10.)

Ibid. Master God. The Survay of Finsbury manor, dated 1567, mentions "a lodge and certain gardens and tenter grounds in the tenure of John God, merchant-taylor, inclosed on the north towards Chiswell-street by a brick wall". (Herbert's Twelve City Companies, ii. 389.) He was again warden of the company in 1563-4, and master in 1565-6.

Ibid. All v. born in London, and taylors' sons all. Herbert remarks, that, though "there are not at this time half a dozen tailor brothers of this dignified corporation", the case was quite the reverse formerly, (contrary to some affected aristocracy of the Merchant- taylors, absurdly advanced by the Rev. Dr. Wilson in his History of Merchant-taylors' School), and the company itself continued a working one until the reign of James I. When it is recollected that the great city historian Stowe was a taylor of London, and his cotemporary Speed, the general historian, as well as Anthony Munday, Thomas Middleton , and others, besides a fair proportion of the distinguished civic senators and benefactors of former days, there can be no reason to despise the brethren of this very necessary craft, at any stage of its history, even if, besides "manufacturing pavilions for our kings, robes of state for our nobles, and tents, etc. for our soldiers", (Wilson, p. xix.) they also condescended to become "makers of ordinary garments" (ibid.) by stitching jerkins for our prentices, doublets for our shopmen, and trunk-hose for our cooks. It is true that trades were much more subdivided formerly than at present: thus we hear of bowyers and fletchers; armourers and linen armourers (the latter were associated with the tailors); and there were cappers and hosiers, distinct trades, though the material they used, as well as the tailors, was cloth. But a tailor, or a "taylor", has remained much the same from generation to generation.

P. 93. Departure of king Philip. The king crossed to Calais on the 4th Sept. "and so foorth to Brusselles in Brabant to visite the emperour hys father". (Stowe's Summarie, 1566.) He went to assume the government of the Low Countries, and was received into Antwerp with great solemnity about the 18th January. (Ibid.)

P. 94. Funeral of lady Lyons. Alice wife of sir John Lyons then lord mayor, who has been noticed in p. 340. "A remembraunce for thenterement of my ladye Lyons" is in I. 3, in Coll. Arm. f. 94b. After the death of his first wife Alice, sir John Lyon married "Elsabeth doter of Lee and widow of Austen Hynde alderman and shreve of London. This Elsabeth dyed the xth of July in Ao 1569. He dyed the 7th Sept. 1564 sans issue, wherefore he made his heyre ... Lyon, his brother's son, of Acton, unto whosse sons he gave all his landes". (MS. Harl. 874, f. 25b.)

Ibid. The Lollards' Tower. When I wrote the note in this page, and another in p. 118, I was not aware that there had been any other "Lollards' Tower" than that still remaining at Lambeth. I have since noticed in Stowe's Survey that the southern bell-tower at the west end of St. Paul's cathedral was so called. The tower towards the north, next the Bishop's palace, was attached to "the use of the same palace; the other, towards the south, is called the Lollards' Tower, and hath beene used as the bishop's prison, for such as were detected for opinions in religion, contrary to the faith of the church". The last prisoner Stowe had known confined there was in 1573. It is probable therefore that our Londoner meant the Lollards' Tower nearest at hand.

P. 95. Funeral of master Barthelet. Thomas Barthelet, made king's printer by patent dated 22 Feb. 21 Henry VIII. (1529-30). The place of his interment is not recorded. What is known respecting him, with a catalogue of his works, will be found in Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. pp. 271, et seq.

Ibid. Burial of hereticks in Morefields. This was the usual practice with those who by a natural death (if such a term can be applied to the result of imprisonment and privations) escaped the stake and the faggots. See in Foxe, vol. iii. p. 537, a graphic cut of such a burial, with archers from the neighbouring butts as spectators.

Ibid. Funeral of doctor Wotton. In St. Alban's Wood-street: "Here lieth Edward Wotton, doctor of phisick, ob. 5 Octobr. 1555, set. 63, and Katharine his wife, who died 4 Decembr' 1558". (MS. Lansdowne 874.)

Ibid. The Serjeants' feast. As many as eleven barristers had been recently called to be Serjeants: see Dugdale's Chronica Series, p. 89. One of them, George Wood, had been excused. (Ibid.) Machyn, however, says, only seven were made. One of the new Serjeants, Anthony Brown, was appointed the king and queen's Serjeant by patent dated Oct. 16, the day of the feast. (Ibid. p. 91.)

P. 96. The lord mayor's pageant. The new mayor was "sir William Garrard, haberdasher, a grave, sober, wise, and discreet citizen, equall with the best and inferior to none of our time, deceased 1571, in the parish of St. Christopher, but was buried in this church of St. Magnus, as in the parish where he was borne. A faire monument is there raised on him. This monument is lately re-edified and new fenced by sir John Garrard, his Sonne, and L. Maior 1602". (Stowe's Survay.) "He dwelled at the pissing conduit in St. Xp'ofer's parish". Arms, Argent, on a fess sable a lion passant of the first. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 97. Funeral of lord chancellor Gardiner. The ceremonial of this is preserved in the Coll. Arm. I. 11. 121 - 124, and a second copy in pp. 127 - 133. - Machyn's extraordinary word "inowlle " is converted by Strype into "jewels": and in my marginal note I have suggested "enamel". Both explanations are wrong: as no doubt our painter meant that the banners were painted with images of saints in oil and "with fine gold".

P. 98. Committal of sir Anthony Kingston to the Tower. This was for his "contemptuous behaviour and greate disorder by him lately comytted in the Parlemente house". He was discharged on the 24th Dec. See the minutes of the privy council, Dec. 10, 11, 18, 24. (MS. Harl. 353, ff. 146, 147.) He soon after again got into disgrace, and, being summoned to attend the privy council, died on his road to London. See Bayley's History of the Tower, pp. 449, 450.

P. 99. Funeral of alderman Henry Heardson. His widow Barbara was remarried to alderman Richard Champion; and she erected a monument in St. Dunstan's in the East, with kneeling effigies of herself and both the aldermen her husbands. See it described, with the poetical epitaphs, in Stowe's Survay. His arms were Argent, semee of fleurs de-lis gules, a cross engrailed sable. He was never sheriff nor lord mayor. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 100. Funeral of alderman Christopher Allen. This person also was not either sheriff or lord mayor, nor does his name even appear in Smith's lists.

Ibid. Penance of Thomas Samson. This could scarcely be Thomas Sampson, late rector of Allhallows, Bread-street, and afterwards successively dean of Chichester and Christchurch Oxford: for his enemies would scarcely have been satisfied with a mere penance. He was probably already fled abroad (see Wood's Athense Oxon.): his address to his late parishioners written at Strasburg is printed in Strype, Memorials, iii. Appx. No. xviii.

Ibid. Funeral of master Leygett. Thomas Legatt esquire of Havering, where probably he was buried. See Morant's Essex, vol. i. p. 62.

P. 101. Execution of Fetherston. Stowe gives the date of this as the 12th of March.

Ibid. The blasyng star. This is recorded by Stowe to have appeared on the 4th March, and continued for twelve days (Summarie 1566); but in his chronicle 1580 he limits its continuance to five nights from the 6th to the 10th of March.

Ibid. The blazing star which is noticed in this page, and of which Stowe's account has been quoted in p. 348, was calculated by Halley to have been the same comet which had before appeared in the year 1264, and which, having completed its presumed revolution of two hundred and ninety-two years, may be expected to appear again in the present year, 1848. The learned Fabricius described the comet of 1556 as of a size equal to half that of the moon. Its beams were short and flickering, with a motion like that of the flame of a conflagration or of a torch waved by the wind. It alarmed the Emperor Charles the Fifth, who, believing his death at hand, is said to have exclaimed

His ergo indiciis me mea fata vacant.

This warning, it is asserted, contributed to the determination which the monarch formed, and executed a few months later, of resigning the imperial crown to his brother Ferdinand.

Ibid. Funeral of Ushop Chambers. "Anno 1555, the vij. daye of February, being fryday, died the reverend father in God Joh'n Chambre, late bishopp of Peterborough, betwene x and xj in the nyght, comitat. Northampt. in good and perfauct memory, levyng for his executors,

Sir Thomas Tresham knight, of Northamtonshire
Mr. Gryffyn the queenes attourney.


Sir Thomas Tresham knyght, chief mourner
Sir William Fitzwilliam
Thomas Cotton esquier
Robert Wyngkfelde
John Fitzwilliam
Richard Wakerley
George Tresham
Banner berers

Thomas Hussey the baner of his armes
Joh'n Mountsteving the baner of the Trynytie
Joh'n Nauncycles the baner of our Lady
Robart Malorye the baner of St. Peter
Joh'n Mallorye the baner of St. John

"The saide bishopp was buryed in the mynster in a chapell in the high quyer on the ryghte hande on thursdaye the vjth of Marche, according to the estate of a bisshoppe". (MS. I. 3, in Coll. Arm. fol. 100b.)

P. 102. Gentlemen carried to the Tower. The crime of these parties is thus given by Grafton: "A conspiracye was made by certayne meane persons in England, whose purpose was to have robbed the queenes exchequer, to thys intent as the talke was, that they myght be hable to mayntayne warre against the queene. This matter was uttered by one of the conspiracie, wherefore Udall, Frogmorton, Pecham, and one Staunton, were apprehended and put to death for the same. And certayne of the sayd conspiracy fled into Fraunce and other places". Abridgement, 1563.

Ibid. Consecration of Cardinal Pole. An account of this ceremony, at which the queen was present, will be found in Strype, Memorials, iii. 287.

Ibid. Benett Smith hanged for the murder of master Rufford. "An act of parliament passed in 1555 to take away the benefit of clergy from Benedict Smith of Edlesborough, yeoman, who had instigated Francis Coniers, of London, gent, and John Spencer, yeoman, by the promise of 40s. (in part of which 40s. and a gold ring was afterwards paid), to murder Giles Rufford, esq. of Boteler's in Edlesborough, giving them two javelings and a dagge for that purpose. The murder was committed at Alconbury Weston, in the county of Huntingdon. This act, which is printed in Rastall's Statutes, was procured (the murderers being then not apprehended) by Margery, widow of Giles Rufford". (Lysons's Buckinghamshire, p. 691.) See also further particulars in Lipscomb's History of Buckinghamshire, vol. iii. p. 351; and the Journals of the House of Commons, vol. i. p. 45.

P. 105. Funeral of sir John Gage, K.O. The imperfect paragraph in this page probably relates to the funeral of sir John Gage, K.G. who died 18 April, 1556. He was buried at Firle in Sussex, where a monument with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife Philippa, daughter of sir Richard Guilford, K.G. still remains. See an engraving of it in Gage's History of Hengrave, 4to. 1822, and also a portrait and memoir of Sir John.

Ibid. Conspiracy of Throgmorton, Udall, etc. The intention was to rob the exchequer, as stated in the preceding page. The person called "Wodall" and "Waddall" by Machyn, is named Richard Udall by Holinshed (but once, p. 1766, 1. 6, misprinted Veale). He was probably Richard, a younger son of sir William Uvedale of Wickham, Hants, by Dorothy, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Troyne (see the pedigree in Hutchins's Dorsetshire, 2nd edit. vol. ii. p. *503). A curious paper showing the interchanging of the names of Uvedale and Woddall will be found in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, 1838, v. 241.

P. 106. Funeral of alderman sir Richard Dobbs. Son of Robert Dobbs, of Batby in Yorkshire; sheriff 1543, lord mayor 1551. Stowe mentions his monument in the church of St. Margaret Moyses, but gives no epitaph. Arms, Per pale argent and sable, a chevron engrailed between three unicorn's heads each charged with three gouts all counter-changed. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) See the death and funeral of his widow in pp. 268, 269.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Richard Morgan, chief justice of the common pleas. The following anecdote is recorded with regard to the death of this person, after describing the execution of lady Jane Grey: "Judge Morgan, that gave the sentence against hir, shortly after fell mad, and in hys raving cryed continuallye to have the ladie Jane taken away from him, and so ended his life". Holinshed, first edit. 1577, p. 1733; and Foxe, vol. iii. p. 37.

P. 107. Master West esquire slain by my lord Dacre's (Darcy's) son. Our journalist here, and at p. 121, has miswritten Dacre for Darcy. The murdered man was Lewis West, of Wales near Doncaster, esquire, son and heir apparent of sir William West, of Aughton in the same county, whose death followed before the end of the year, and his funeral occurs at p. 161. The lord Darcy's son was George Darcy, whose name is not mentioned in the peerages, but has been traced in some other documents by Mr. Hunter, who, in his History of South Yorkshire, vol. ii. pp. 173 - 176, has printed a curious contemporary ballad relative to this event, accompanied by some other particulars connected with it. It arose from one of those family feuds which were still prevalent in the sixteenth century; and the two sons of lord Darcy, John and George, were implicated in it, as well as the two sons of sir William West, Lewis and Edmund. The ballad is headed "The murder of the two brothers, Lewis and Edmund, by the sons of lord Darcy"; but this is an error, for only Lewis was killed and one of his men, as the ballad itself states. The brothers West were returning from Rotherham fair, held on Whitmonday, to their cousin's house at Aughton, when they were assaulted by the Darcys, who were much more numerously attended, "with men three score", and after a desperate fight the result was as already stated. George Darcy, the younger brother, who appears to have been the actual murderer, took sanctuary at Westminster, and an account of the penance he performed is recorded by our chronicler, p. 121, as is his subsequent trial in p. 165.

P. 108. The Grocers' feast. In Kempe's Loseley Manuscripts, p. 160, is printed a warrant from the marquess of Winchester to the keeper of the great park of Nonesuch, transferring to the wardens of the company of Grocers, for their feast this year, the fee buck to which he was entitled by virtue of his office of high treasurer of England. There is some discrepancy, however, in the dates given.

Ibid. Execution of lord Sands' son. "The 18. of June one Sands, a younger son of the lord Sands, was hanged at Saint Thomas of Waterings, for a robbery that hee and other had committed on Witsunday last of 4000. pounds". Stowe's Chronicle. - He is not named in Dugdale's Baronage.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Giles Capel. Son and heir of the rich citizen sir William Capel (historically known from the exactions he suffered from the ministers of Henry VII.), who died in 1515, and was buried in a chantry chapel which he had built at the church of St. Bartholomew the Little (recently removed to widen the approaches to the Royal Exchange). Sir Giles Capel was knighted in France in 1513, and his biography will be found in Collins's Peerage, 1779, vol. iii. p. 349: being the lineal ancestor of the earls of Essex. - The funeral of his son and heir sir Henry occurs in p. 164.

P. 109. Merchant-taylors' feast. This is the subject of the first imperfect paragraph; it was held on Saint Barnabas' day, the 11th of June.

Ibid. Condemnation of lord La Warre - "for high treason", says our diarist; which statement has been adopted by Strype, Memorials, ii. p. 302, and thence by Bayley, History of the Tower of London, p. 452. But his crime was of a more private character, and one would rather suppose this was the date of his pardon than of his sentence. He had attempted to poison his uncle and predecessor, and was consequently by Act of Parliament, in 2 Edw. VI. disabled from succeeding him in title and estate. His uncle was now lately dead (see p. 339), and shortly after we find that the young lord joined the army in France, and distinguished himself at St. Quintin's. His claim to the dignity of a peer was not acknowledged until 1679; on that subject see Retrospective Review, 2d Ser. ii. 300. He died in 1595.

Ibid. Execution of Peckham and Daniel. "The 8. of July, Henry Peckham, son to sir Edmond Peckham, and John Daniel, were hanged and headed on Tower-hill, for being of counsell with them that should have robbed the queenes treasure of her exchequer, and their bodies buried in Barking church". Stowe's Chronicle. - Daniel's name remains cut on the wall of his prison, "John Daniel, 1556". See Bayley's History of the Tower of London, p. 207.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Seymer. Sir Thomas Seymer, mercer, was lord mayor in 1526, and died 11 Dec. 1532, leaving Mary his widow: see his epitaph in Ellis's Shoreditch, p. 54.

P. 110. Funeral of lady Norwich. Sir Robert Norwich was made chief justice of the common pleas in 1531, and died 1536. But, as the name does not appear in Morant's History of Essex, it is not ascertained where this funeral took place.

P. 111. Death of alderman sir William Laxton. Sir William Laxton, grocer, was son of John Laxton of Oundle in Northamptonshire; sheriff in 1540, lord mayor 1544. He founded a school at Oundle; see Bridges's Northamptonshire, ii. 410. He had a fair monument in Aldermary church, with a poetical inscription, which will be found in Stowe. He married Joan daughter of William Kyrby and widow of Harry Lodington, but had no issue by her. (MS. Harl. 897, f. 24.)

Ibid. Pirates hung at Wapping at the low-water mark. Other instances of this will be found at pp. 131, 231, 256, 281. Stowe mentions Wapping as "the usuall place of execution for hanging of pirats and sea-rovers, at the low-water marke, there to remaine till three tides had overflowed them": adding, that in his time the gallows had been removed to a greater distance from the city, in consequence of the street which had grown up within the last fifty years, "almost to Radcliffe, a good mile from the Tower".

Ibid. Death of bishop Day. George Day, D.D. bishop of Chichester, consecrated in 1543. He was buried in his own cathedral. See a memoir of him in Dallaway's City of Chichester, 4to. 1815, p. 72. He refused to assent to the destruction of altars in 1550 (Archaeologia, xviii. 149), and in 1563 was summoned to preach the sermon at queen Mary's coronation (ibid. 174).

Ibid. Funeral of (Robert) Heneage esquire. Machyn was wrong in the christian name, giving, as in some other cases, the name of the son to the father. This was Robert Heneage esquire, auditor of the duchy of Lancaster, and surveyor of the queen's woods beyond Trent; and father of sir Thomas Heneage, afterwards chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and a privy councillor to queen Elizabeth. Though Stowe does not mention his monument at St. Katharine Creechurch, Collins (in Peerage, tit. Finch earl of Winchelsea) states that effigies in brass of Robert Heneage and his wife, who was Margaret sister to Thomas earl of Rutland, remained in that church, but the inscription was effaced.

P. 112. Funeral of doctor John Bell, formerly bishop of Worcester, His sepulchral brass, formerly in Clerkenwell church, is now in Parliament Street; a small copy is engraved by Malcolm, Londinium Redivivum, iii, 212. See the epitaph in Stowe and the other Histories of London.

P. 113. Funeral of Philip Dennis esquire, - of London, died 3 Sept. 1556. (Epitaph.)

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Soda. This singular name, which our Diarist alters to "Sawde", and which elsewhere occurs as Soday, was probably Spanish, the lady's husband having been a servant of queen Katharine. John Soda, the son, was apothecary to queen Mary, to which office he was appointed for life by letters patent dated 4 Jan. 1554, with a yearly fee of forty marks: see this document in Rymer, vol. xv. p. 359. His new-year's gift to the queen in 1556 was six boxes of marmalade and cordial. His daughter was the wife of alderman Greenway (see p. 405).

P. 114. Funeral of [John] Lucas esquire. "A faire plated stone on the ground in the chancell of St. Peter the poor. Here under this stone are buried the bodies of John Lucas of S. John's beside Colchester esquire, master of the requests to the most vertuous, noble, and worthy prince, king Edward the sixth. He departed this life the 28. day of October, An. Dom. 1556. And his daughter Margaret, late wife to Thomas Pennie doctor of physicke, here buried the 13. day of November 1587". (Stowe.) He was great-grandfather of the gallant cavalier who was created a peer by king Charles the First. (See Morant's Essex, iii. 227.)

Ibid. The Queen's return from Croydon. "Item, payde for ryngyng of the belles at the cumyng of the queenes majestie from Croydyn to Westminster the xxjth of September iiijd". This entry, from the accounts of St. Margaret's Westminster, differs two days from our Diarist.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Humphrey Foster. "Sir Humfray Foster knyght departed owt of this transytory worlde on fryday the xviijth daye of September, in the seconde and thyrde yers of our soveraynes kynge Philip and queen Marye, who left to his hole executor Mr. William Foster, son and hayre to the foresayde sir Humphery Foster; which was buryed the xxvth of September, in the parishe of Saint Nicolas besyde Charynge-crosse in the fylde, whose morners were these.

Mr. William Foster, his sonne and heyre, chef morner.
Mr. Wentworth.
Mr. Covertes.
Sir Anthony Hungerford.
Mr. Myndes.
Master Langley bare his standartt, and Mr. Shreve his pennon of armes.

Officers for the oversyght of the same enterement, Chester herralde and Rugcrosse pursevant". (MS. Coll. Arm. I. 3. f. 101b.)

P. 115. William Harrys esquire of Cricksea near Southminster, Essex, died 21 September 1555, says Morant, i. 366; which our Diary corrects to 1556. His pedigree will be found in MS. Harl. 874, f. 131b.

Ibid. Funeral of sir John Champneys. Son of Robert Champneys of Chew in Somersetshire; he was a skinner, sheriff of London and Middlesex 1522, lord mayor 1534. Stowe notes in his Chronicle that he was blind. He bore for arms, Per pale argent and sable, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure counter-changed. (List by Wm, Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was buried at Bexley in Kent, (see his epitaph in Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, p. 924.) His family long continued in that county (see Hasted, vol. i. p. 160, vol. iii. 326.)

Ibid. Funeral of lord Vaux. Thomas second lord Vaux of Harrowden, and K.B. succeeded his father 1523. Sir Harris Nicolas (Synopsis of the Peerage) was not certain of the date of his death.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Richard Cotton. King Edward visited sir Richard Cotton at Warblington on the 2 - 4 Aug. 1553; and he was made comptroller of the household on the 27th of the same month. (King Edward's Diary.) The queen dowager of Scotland had lodged at Warblington on the 28 Oct. 1552 (Ibid.)

Ibid. Funeral of sir Henry Huberthome. Son of Christopher Huberthorne of Waddingworth in Lincolnshire; sheriff 1542, lord mayor 1547. During his mayoralty he was knighted by king Edward VI. a few days after his accession, on the 6th Feb. 1546-7, immediately after the young sovereign had received the same degree from his uncle the Protector the earl of Hertford. There was a "fair marble stone under the communion table" at St. Peter's, Cornhill, recording his name and that of his wife Elizabeth, who died in 1551 (see p. 9.) "He dwelled in the very next house to Leadenhall, where sir William Bowyer [lord mayor in 1544] dwelled". Arms, Sable, a mascle within a bordure counterflory argent. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 116. Funeral of sir John Olyffe: sometimes written Ayloffe; sheriff in 1548-9, appointed the first alderman of Bridge ward Without, when the borough of Southwark was made one of the wards of the City, as detailed in Stowe's Survay, edit. 1633, p. 446. He was first a Barber-surgeon, and his portrait occurs in Holbein's picture of Henry VIII. delivering their charter to that company (see Gent. Mag. lix. 290); on becoming an alderman he was translated to the Grocers. He lived in Blackwell hall, and was buried in the adjoining church of St. Michael's Bassishaw; where was a long epitaph in English verse, printed in Stowe, but with the erroneous date 1548 instead of 1554. Arms, Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three estoiles gules, three stag's heads caboshed argent, attired or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) His son John died July 17, 1579, and was buried in St. Stephen's, Coleman Street. See his wife and children in MS. Harl. 897, ff. 62b, 131b.

Ibid. Burial of bishop Man at St. Andrew's Undershaft. "Henry Man, doctor of divinity in the university of Oxenford, and sometime bishop of Man, which Henry departed this life the 19. day of October, An. Do. 1556, and lyeth buried under this stone". - "before the doore within the chancell". (Stowe.) The letters patent of his appointment by Henry VIII. dated 22 Jan. 1545-6 are printed in Rymer's Foedera, xv. 85.

Ibid. Funeral of alderman sir John Gresham. Uncle to the celebrated sir Thomas. Biographical notices of him will be found in Burgon's Life of sir Thomas Gresham, vol. i. pp. 11, et seq. He was sheriff in 1537-8, and lord mayor in 1547-8. He was buried at St. Michael Bassishaw: and his epitaph is given by Stowe. Sir Rowland Hill and sir Andrew Judd were made overseers of his will. (Ibid. p. 19.) "He dwelled where sir Leonard Holiday now dwelleth". (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

The death of so many old persons at this period is attributed by Stowe to "the hot burning fevers". Seven aldermen died within ten months, - Hardson, Dobbs, Laxton, Hobblethome, Champneys, Ayloffe, and Gresham: they have all been noticed in these pages.

P. 117. Master Offley sworn lord mayor. Sir Thomas Offley, son of William Offley, of Chester, had been sheriff in 1553. He was knighted during his mayoralty on the 7th Feb.; see p. 125. "He dwelled in Lyme strete, towards the north end of it, not farr from St. Andrew's Undershaft, where he is buried". Arms, Argent, on a cross flory-delis azure, between four choughs proper, a lion passant guardant or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "The useful custom of the night-bellmen (preventing many fiers and more felonies) began in his mayoralty. He was the Zacheus of London, not for his low stature, but his high charity, bequeathing the half of his estate (computed, by a reverend divine, to amount to five thousand pounds) unto the poor. He died 1580, and was buried in St. Andrew Undershaft". Fuller's Worthies; and, after noticing two other citizens of the name, Hugh and Robert, he adds, "I believe it was the first of these three Offleys on whom the rhythme was made,

Offley three dishes had of daily rest.
An egge, an apple, and (the third) a toast.

This I behold neither sin nor shame in him, feeding himself on plain and wholesome repast, that he might feed others by his bounty, and thereby deserving rather praise than a jear from posterity".

P. 118. Funeral of alderman Goodyer, Henry Goodyer (whose name does not occur in Smith's list of aldermen, and who was never sheriff), became one of the trustees of the parish of St. Olave for Horseydown, in the 36th Hen. VIII. (See the account of St. Olave's grammar school in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1836, N.S vol. v. p. 139.) On the 19 Jan. 1586 Hugh Gooder released and confirmed the said land to the governors. (Communication of G.R. Comer, esq. F.S.A.)

Ibid. Funeral of lady Williams of Thame. "The lady Elsabeth, late wyff to the right honorable sir John "Williams knight, lord Williams baron of Thame, and lord chamberlen to king Phelype, doter of Bledloo, and afore wyff to Andru Edmondes of Essex, dyed on sonday the 25. of October 1556, and was beryed at Rycot in Bokynghamshire [Oxfordshire] the 4. of November next foloing". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 83.) The ceremony is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 3, f. 101, and I. 9, f. 150b. Christopher Edmundes esquire, her son by her first husband, bore the banner of her arms. See her husband's funeral in p. 217.

Ibid. Man set in the pillory. Stowe (1580) has a considerably longer account of this. The man was burnt on both cheeks, with the letters F and A for False Accusing one of the court of Common Pleas of treason. The like punishment the chronicler had once wished for one who had falsely accused his maister and eldest brother - apparently meaning himself.

P. 120. Funeral of lord Morley. "Sir Henry Parker lord Morley dyed on Wensday the 25. of November 1556, at his howsse of Hannyngbery Morley, and was beryed on Thursday the 3. of December next foloing". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79b.) In the church of Great Hallingbury: see Muilman's History of Essex, vol. iv. p. 143.

Ibid. Funeral of Robert Downe master of the Ironmongers. Of his benefactions to that company see Malcolm, ii. 40; and his will is enrolled at Guildhall.

Ibid. Gregory a Spaniard. Stowe calls this man "Gregory Carpenter, smith, and a Frenchman borne". His original crime was making counterfeit keys, wherewith to have opened the locks of Newgate.

P. 122. Mistress Bowes, daughter of my lord Scrope. Martin Bowes esquire, of Barking in Essex, second son of sir Martin Bowes, married to his first wife Frances, daughter of Richard Scrope, and heir of Elizabeth Amidas his wife, who was the daughter of Robert Amidas goldsmith of London by Margaret heiress of James Bryce; see their issue in Vincent's Middlesex, Coll. Arm. 119 f. 484, Vincent's Essex 124, f. 105; or MS. Harl. 897, f. 21. Our diarist was mistaken in supposing that this lady was "the do[ughter] of my lord Skrope", an error the more remarkable because Mary daughter of Henry lord Scrope married sir William Bowes (see Surtees's Durham, iv. 110.)

P. 123. Funeral of lady Chaloner. This appears to have been the first wife of sir Thomas Chaloner, a distinguished statesman and author, who lived in his latter years "in a fair house of his own building in Clerkenwell close", built on part of the site of the dissolved nunnery. (See Biographia Britannica, etc.) Her first husband had been sir Thomas Leigh, of Hoxton, who died Nov. 25, 1545; and his poetical epitaph, formerly at Shoreditch, is printed in Ellis's History of that parish, p. 54. The lady has not been mentioned by her second husband's biographers, for sir Thomas afterwards married Ethelreda, daughter of Edward Frodsham, esq. of Elton in Cheshire, and she was the mother of sir Thomas Chaloner the younger, governor to Henry prince of Wales. This is shown by the epitaph of the latter at Chiswick, which states him to have died in 1615, aged 51. He was therefore born in 1564, the year before his father's death. Sir Thomas Chaloner the elder was born in 1515, and dying Oct. 14, 1565, was buried in St. Paul's cathedral. His widow Ethelreda was re-married to Edward Brockett, esq. of Wheathampsted, Herts, second son of sir John Brockett, which Edward lived until 1599. (See his epitaph in Clutterbuck's Herts, vol. i. p. 523.)

P. 125. Lord Stourton's murder of the Hartgills. Some account of this tragedy will be found in Holinshed, Stowe, Strype, and the other historians of the period: but Sir R.C Hoare, in his History of Modern Wiltshire (Hundred of Mere, pp. 152 - 157) has collected at considerable length the particulars preserved of it - the first page and a half derived from various passages of our own diarist, but the narrative of the crime itself from an authentic MS. of the time. Some years before, lord Stourton's arbitrary violence had attracted the censure of the privy council: see its minutes under July 17, 21, 28, 1551. (MS. Harl. 353.)

Ibid. Funeral of sir William Portman. He had been made chief justice in 1554. His funeral insignia (made by our diarist) were remaining when St. Dunstan's was visited by Nich. Charles; see Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 99: see also his epitaph in Stowe, and the pedigree of Portman in Hutchins's Dorsetshire, vol. i. p. 154.

P. 127. Funeral of the earl of Sussex. "Sir Henry Ratclyff erl of Sussex and vyscount Fitz Water, lord Egremont and Burnell, knight of the garter, lieutenaunte of the counties of Norffolk and Sussex, and late countrolor to the king and queries majesties, dyed at sir Harry Sydney's howsse in Chanon Roo at Westmynster on Wensday the 15. [17] of February in the 3. and 4. yere of king Phelyp and queene Mary, 1556, and was beryed at St. Mary Poultney in London on Saterday the 27. of the same mounth". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) The heralds' account of the ceremony is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 225, and printed in the appendix to Wilson's History of the parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 4to. 1831. That author states, (p. 10), "In the north aisle of this church, originally parochial, then collegiate as well as parochial, and after the surrender again parochial only, were interred several members of the Radcliffe family, particularly Robert Radcliffe, earl of Sussex, who died 27th Nov. 1542, and Henry Radcliffe his son, who died 17th Feb. 1556-7. But at length the remains of these two earls were removed to Boreham in Essex". At Boreham was erected a sumptuous monument (now in ruins) with effigies of the three earls; see Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, etc. (1762, i. 160), and the epitaphs in Antiq. Repertory, or Wilson, ubi supra.

Ibid. A Duke of Muscovea. In preparation for his arrival, the Privy Council sent "A lettere to th' officers of the warderobe in the Tower, to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Mr. Hussey, Governor of the Marchauntes-adventurers, or to three of that Company which he shall send for that purpose, a bed of estate with furniture and hangings for the chamber of the duke of Muscovia, to be by the said marchauntes redelivered when the said embassador shall be departed". Also another letter "to the officers of the Jewell-howse to deliver ij. pair of grete silver pottes to the said Governor to be used ut supra". (Burgon's Life. of Gresham, i. 372, from Minutes of the Privy Council, in the Council Office, f. 511.) In p. 371 Mr. Burgon has by mistake called "master Dimmock's house" Denmark house. A full account of the reception of the ambassador, and a list of the presents he brought, will be found in Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, pp. 629, 630.

Ibid. last line. For Sturton read Salisbury, as in the next page.

P. 128. Funeral of sir Edward Montagu. The progenitor of the dukes of Montagu and Manchester, and earls of Halifax. He was buried at Weekley in Northamptonshire, where is his effigy, and the epitaph will be found in Bridges's History of that county, vol. ii. p. 347; also in Collins's Peerage, 1779, vol. ii. p. 83, together with his will and biographical notices; but his monument is there incorrectly placed at Hemington.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Oliver Leader. "Item, upon the seconde day of February in Ano 1554 sir Oliver Leader was made knight by kinge Phillip". (MS. Harl. 6064.) See in Thomas Mountain's narrative of his troubles, Strype's Memorials, vol. iii. p. 187, a picturesque account of his being received into the custody of sir Oliver Leader, then Sheriff of Huntingdonshire, "a man of much worship, and one that keepeth a good house", and of his courteous entertainment during his halt. Sir Oliver appears to have facilitated Mountain's escape at the sessions, by purposely forgetting to bring the writ with him. His funeral is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 272b.

P. 132. Sir Thomas Chamber. Some more of the pranks of this merry parson are related in p. 205: and see the note on that passage hereafter.

P. 133. Funeral of lord Chandos. "Sir John Bruges knight loord Chandos dyed at the castell of Sudley in Glostershire on monday the xijth. of Apryll 1556, and was buryd the 3. of May in Ao predicto in the churche of Sudley". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79b.) In Collins's Peerage his death is erroneously dated on the 4th of March.

Ibid. Creations of Thomas Percy to the barony of Percy and earldom of Northumberland. Our chronicler has given correctly the dates of these restorations. The patents are printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 461, 462. In the following August the Earl was made Warden of the Middle and East Marches towards Scotland. Ibid. pp. 468, 472, 475.

P. 135. Scarborough castle. Strype in his Memorials, vol. iii. Appen. lxxiii. has printed "the Names of the Prisoners taken in Scarborowe Castell the 28th of Apryll, An. 1557". Five were committed to the Tower of London, and twenty-seven remained in York Castle.

Pp. 135, 136. Death and Funeral of sir Jaques Granado. He was a native of Brabant: having distinguished himself in the campaign in Scotland in 1547 (Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1620), he was one of the knights made at its close by the duke of Somerset at Berwick, Sept. 28. (Ibid. p. 1633). An annuity of 50l. was granted March 10, 1549-50, to sir Jaques Granado and Magdalen his wife, and to the longer liver: see the patent printed in Rymer, xv. 210. He appears to have filled the office of equerry or some similar post, as in Oct. 1551, he had a passport to conduct sixteen horses sent by Edward VI. to the French king. His widow "Mawdelyn " became the second wife of sir Robert Chester, and his daughter Katharine was married to Edward Chester, sir Robert's son and heir. (MS. Harl. 897, f. 55b.)

P. 137. Three more hanged at Tyborne (May 28), 1557. Stowe says these were Streightly or Stretchly (called William Stowe by our diarist in p. 142), Bradforde, and Proctor - three of Stafford's company from Scarborough castle.

Ibid. Celebration of Ascension day. On this occasion in the preceding year (1556) the churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster made the following payments:

"Item, payde for breade, wyne, ale, and beere, upon th' Ascension evyn and day, agaynst my lord abbot and his covent cam in procession, and for strewyng erbes the same day, vijs. jd".

P. 138. Proclamation of war with France. A transcript (from the printed copy) of this Proclamation may be found in Starkey's collections, MS. Harl. 353, f. 184. See also Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1767; Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, p. 631.

Ibid. Began a stage-play at the Gray freers of the Passyon of Cryst. The word "began" seems to imply that the play lasted more than one day in its representation, or else that it was repeated. Mr. Collier has noticed its performance in his Annals of the Stage, vol. i. p. 167, and states it was first performed at the same place on Corpus Christi day 1556 (the previous year) before the lord mayor, the privy council, and many great estates of the realm; but he quotes no other authority but the present diary.

P. 140. Burning of Store-house at Portsmouth. The date was left incomplete in the MS. thus - "The x day of June". Strype has accordingly (Mem. iii. 377) attributed this event to the 10th of June. The real date is given by a contemporary account of the catastrophe under the hands of the mayor and burgesses of the town, which is printed in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, (1835), ii. 251. In our diary, p. 140, the words supplied to the last deficiency, instead of "both were" should probably be "the beer-cellar".

P. 141. Master Malory chosen sheriff. Richard Mallory, mercer, son of Anthony Mallory, of Papworth, Cambridgeshire; sheriff 1557, lord mayor 1564-5. "He was a mercer, dwelled in Cheapsyde at Soper lane end, at the signe of the Golden Kay, and was buried in the Mercers' chapell". Arms, Or, a lion rampant and bordure gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Christening of the duke of Norfolk's son. Philip earl of Surrey, as he was called in his infancy, and afterwards the distinguished earl of Arundel of that name, was "borne at Arundell place in London 28. of July [June] 1557". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) Stowe also has recorded his christening "in the queenes chapell at Westminster, in a font of gold". The king and lord chancellor stood godfathers "in proper person".

P. 143. A great army. In Starkey's collections, MS. Harl. 353, f. 188b. will be found "The Booke of the officers and Captaynes of horsmen and footmen of a Regiment of a Thousand horsmen, Four Thowsand footmen, and two thowsand Pyoners, wth. their Wages and entertainments, at the goinge to St. Quintens in the tyme of Queene Marye, primo July ano. 1557". (It is imperfect.) The word "Regiment" in this case appears equivalent to Army. A list of the captains will also be found in Holinshed, p. 1767.

P. 144. Funeral of lady Reche. It is difficult to ascertain whose widow this could be. There was a sir William Roche, lord mayor in 1541, but we have the funeral of his widow afterwards in p. 190. No other name resembling Reche occurs in the list of mayors.

Ibid. Funeral of master Latham. Ralph Latham, esq. of Upminster, Essex, died July 19, 1556. (See Morant, i. 108.)

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Draper, of Camberwell. See genealogical notices of this family in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, vol. iii, p. 150.

Ibid. Arrest of Waxham from the sanctuary at Westminster. Abbat Feckenham was censured by the people for consenting to the surrender of this sanctuary man, and in his sermon at the funeral of the lady Anne of Cleves, he publicly defended his conduct, as may be seen in the Excerpta Historica, p. 312. The name of the culprit, which our diarist writes in three ways (see pp. 160, 151), is there spelt "Vawgh'am".

P. 145. Inclosing of the nuns of Syon. This royal foundation was one of the few that queen Mary was able to reinstate. Of this transaction see Aungier's History of Syon Monastery, 8vo. 1840, p. 96.

Ibid. Funeral of the lady Anne of Cleves. A very particular narrative of this solemnity, from MSS. in the College of Arms, will be found in the Excerpta Historica, 1831, together with the Will of the deceased. The body of the queen was buried, as Stowe says, "at the head of king Sebert", where "she lyeth in a tomb not yet finished". Engravings of what was erected of this tomb will be found in the Vetusta Monumenta, vol. ii. pi. 35, as well as in Dart and the other histories of Westminster Abbey. In p. 145, for sir Robert Freston read Richard; and in p. 146, for William duke of Cleves read John.

Ibid. Hearse for the king of [Portugal]. Machyn here made the error of naming the the king of Denmark, instead of the king of Portugal, John III. who succeeded his father Emanuel in 1521, and died 1557. He had married Jane aunt of king Philip, and hence arose the special observance of his obsequies in this country. They are briefly noticed by Holinshed, p. 1768; but are recorded at full in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 246. At the beginning of this paragraph for xviiij read xviij.

P. 149. Funeral of Hawley, Clarenceux. "Thomas Hawley esquyer late Claren' kyng of armes dyed at his howsse in the parish of St. Gyles withowt Crepyllgate in London on sonday the 22. of August 1557, and was beryed in the churche there the 25. of August". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 17.) His funeral is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 254.

P. 149. Death of the duchess of Norfolk. She had not recovered from the birth of her first and only child. "This Mary duches of Norffolk, late wyff to the right highe and myghty prynce Thomas duke of Norffolk, erl of Surrey and Waren, lord Mowbray, Segrave and Brusse, and erl marshall of England, departed on Wensday the 25. of August at th'erl of Arundell her father's howsse, called Arundell place in St. Clementes parishe called the Danes withowt temple barre in London, 1557, in the 4. and 5. of kyng Phelyp and queen Mary, and was beryed the fyrst of Septembre next foloing in the parish churche of St. Clementes the Danes". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) A long narrative of her funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 14, 95-99, and I. 15, 256-261.

P. 150. Funeral of sir Harry Hussey, "Sir Henry Hussy knight dyed at his howsse of Slynfold, co. Sussex, on saterday the xxviij of August, and was buryed in the parish church there on thursday next after, 1557. His wyef dyed in October next foloing, and buryed by her husband. His wyf was Brydget daughter of Spryng of Lanam in Suffolk: married first to William Erneley of Kacham in Sussex, by whom she had Richard, John, and Katharine; and secondly to sir Henry Hussey, by whom she had no issue". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 27b.) His month's mind is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 263.

Ibid. Death of lord Harry Dudley. Fourth son of John duke of Northumberland. He was condemned at the time of the ruin of his family, (see p. 48), but pardoned by the queen. He married Margaret only daughter of lord chancellor Audley; and, leaving no issue, his widow became the second wife of Thomas fourth duke of Norfolk, and from this match descend the earls of Suffolk and Carlisle. The duke's former lady had expired just before the death of lord Henry Dudley, and their surviving partners intermarried before the end of the year. The duchess Margaret died at Norwich Jan. 9, 1563-4. (See lord Braybrooke's History of Audley End, 1836, 4to. pp. 27, 296.)

P. 151. Death of sir John Cheke. He was buried in London in St. Alban's, Woodstreet; and his epitaph in Latin verse will be found in Stowe. His biography is well known from the Life by Strype; his "Gospel according to St. Matthew and Part of St, Mark, translated from the Original Greek, with Notes", was first published in 1843, with an Introduction by James Goodwin, B.D.

Ibid. Monsieur Regamus. Can this name mean Simon Renard, or Reynard? who had been in England shortly before (see p. 337).

P. 152. Master Waters, serjeant at arms. The name of "Edward Waters esquire, Serjeant at armes, 1558", is among the burials at St. Dunstan's in the East recorded by Stowe.

P. 153. Funeral of John Sachville esquire. Of Chiddingleigh, Sussex, M.P. for Greenwich; he married Margaret Boleyne, a great-aunt of queen Elizabeth, and was grandfather of the first earl of Dorset. He was buried at Withyham in the same county. See his will printed by Collins, Peerage 1779, vol. ii. p. 155.

P. 154. Funeral of mistress Mildmay. Agnes, daughter of ... Read and wife of Thomas Mildmay esquire, auditor of the court of augmentations, who shared so largely in the spoil of the monasteries that he greatly enriched his family, and (contrary to the view taken by Spelman "on Sacrilege", etc.) his descendants flourished so much, that in the reign of James I. there were nine families of Mildmay possessed of large estates in Essex. (See Morant, ii. 4). Sir Walter Mildmay of Apthorpe in Northamptonshire, chancellor of the exchequer to queen Elizabeth, founder of Emanuel college Cambridge, and ancestor of the earls of Westmoreland, was the auditor's fourth and youngest son. His eldest son, having married the heiress of the Ratcliffes earls of Sussex, brought the dignity of baron Fitz Walter to his descendants, of whom the last in the male line was created earl Fitz-Walter in 1730, and died s. p. in 1756.

P. 155. Funeral of the countess of Arundel. A full account of this funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 15, ff. 266 et seq. The lady was previously countess of Sussex, and a letter written under that signature in 1537 has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, vol. ii, p. 306. "This Mary, doter of sir John Arundell of the West [and widow of Robert earl of Sussex, who died in 1542], departed this lyff on Wensday the 20. of October 1557, in the 4. and 5. yeres of king Phelyp and quene Mary in the said erl of Arundelles place in St. Clementes parishe called the Danes withowt temple barre in London, and was beryed the xxviij. of October next folowinge". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) The same authority supplies the following record of the earl of Arundel's former wife: "The lady Kateren Maltravers, doter of the lord marquis Dorset, departed owt of this world the fyrst day of May in the xxiiijth. yere of H. 8. (1532), and lyeth beryed at St. Bartylmewes the lyttell within sir Gyles Capell('s) chapell". (p. 13b)

P. 156. Funeral of sir William Cavendish. Treasurer of the chamber to king Henry VIII. king Edward VI. and queen Mary, and a member of the privy council. He had three wives, and the last was the memorable "Bess of Hardwick", afterwards countess of Shrewsbury; who gave birth by him to two sons, William afterwards the first earl of Devonshire, Charles father of the first duke of Newcastle, and three daughters, Frances wife of sir Henry Pierrepoint and ancestor of the dukes of Kingston, Elizabeth countess of Lennox and mother of the lady Arabella Stuart, and Mary countess of Shrewsbury. The life of Elizabeth countess of Shrewsbury has exercised the pen of several biographers; but see particularly Miss Costello's Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen, 1844, vol. i.

Ibid. Funeral of serjeant Walpole. John Walpole, made a serjeant at law in 1554. Nothing but his coat and peneron remained in St. Dunstan's church, temp. Nich. Charles: (Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 102). Of this serjeant Walpole a full account will be found in Collins's Peerage, 1779, vol. v. p. 38.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Nicholas Hare. Having been a master of requests to Henry VIII. and Edward VI. he was constituted master of the rolls by patent 18 Sept. 1553. His wife Catharine survived him not quite a month. See their epitaph printed in Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, fol. 1671, p. 178.

P. 157. Funeral of sir John Hodylstone. "Sir John Hodylston vyschamberlen to the kynge and one of the prevy counsell dyed at Sawson in Cambrydgeshire the 4. of November 1557, and was buryed the xjth of the same mounth in the parishe churche there. He maryed Brydget doter to sir Robert and syster to sir John Cotton, and had issue Edmond son and heyr, William, and Ales". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 25b.) There is a full narrative of his funeral in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 275.

Ibid. Funeral of master ... anell. Was this Pranell the rich vintner, father of the first husband of the celebrated duchess of Richmond?

P. 158. Funeral of sir [John] Arundell. "Sir John Arundell knight dyed at his manner of Southorne in the county of Oxford the 7th of November in Ao. 1557, and was buryed the xiiijth of the same mounth in the parish churche there". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 15b.) He was the elder son of sir Thomas Arundell, who died in 1545, by lady Alianor Grey, daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset; and brother to sir Thomas, who was beheaded in 1551-2 (see pp. 15, 323.) Sir John was also for some time confined in the Tower; as mentioned in the minutes of the privy council April 7, 1550, and 13 April 1551 (see MS. Harl. 352, ff. 76, 149b.) By lady Anne Stanley, daughter of Edward earl of Derby, he was ancestor of the Arundells of Lanherne in Cornwall and Chideock in Dorsetshire.

Ibid. Funeral of Tyrell captain of the galley. "1557, Nov. 15, Mr. William Turrell sometime knight of Rhodes". Register of St. Martin's Ludgate; and his marriage at the same church, "1553, Nov. 9, sir William Tyrrell knt. and Mrs. Anne Freeman widow". Malcolm's Londinium, vol. iv. pp. 357, 358. He was brother to sir Henry Tyrell, of East Horndon, Essex: see Morant's History of that county, vol. i. p. 209.

Ibid. Coronation of Norroy king of arms. The instrument of the creation and coronation of Laurence Dalton to be Norroy king of arms, by letters patent dated 6 Sept. 1557, is printed in Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 477; and that for William Harvey to be Clarenceux, dated the next day, in the following page.

Ibid. Funeral of lord Bray. "John lord Bray dyed in the late Black fryers in London on thursday the xixth of November 1557 and was beryed at Chelsey in the middest of the high chauncell with his father and grand-father the 23. of November". MS, Harl. 874, f. 79. - The full narrative of his funeral, which is recorded in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 279, has been printed by Lysons in his Environs of London, and by Faulkner in his History of Chelsea.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Clifford. Widow of sir Thomas Clifford, knt. governor of Berwick, who had a gravestone in Westminster abbey, which was removed for the marble pavement. Dart, vol. ii. p. 23.

P. 160. Funeral of lady Roiolett. Dorothy, daughter of John Boles, of Wallington, co. Herts, and first wife of sir Ralph Rowlett, of whom see further in a subsequent note. There is a pedigree of Rowlett in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. i. p. 217; but further information may be derived from that in the MS. Harl. 897, fol. 42.

P. 161. Funeral of sir William West. Strype, Mem. iii. 387, says "the same, I suppose, with him that went over lately in the expedition to St. Quintin's", but that was sir William West, the titular lord de la Warr (already noticed in p. 350). The present knight had served at an earlier date in the army of Henry VIII. He was of Amerdon hall in Essex, and Darley abbey, co. Derby, and the father of Lewis, whose untimely death has been noticed in p. 349. See the pedigree in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 173. "Sir William West knyght dyed at his howsse at Smythfeld in the suberbes of London the 8. day of December 1557, and buryed in St. Pulcres churche withowt Newgate of London the xiiith of the same mounth. He had issue Edward, etc". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 19.)

P. 162. Musters in London. On the 6th Jan. the Privy Council sent "a letter to the maior of London that, albeite he was willed to send the vc. men levied in London to Dover, forasmuche as it is sithence considered here that they may with beste speede be brought to the place of service by seas, he is willen to sende them with all speede by hoyes to Queenburgh, where order is given for the receavinge and placing of them in the shippes, to be transported with all speede possible". (MS. Harl. 643, p. 198.)

Pp. 162, 163. Soldiers sent to Calais. The several parishes of the counties where musters took place were obliged to send their quota. Thus the churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster paid "for setting owt of soldyers the vijth day of January as apperethe by a bylle, iijli. viijs. vijd. ob". "Item, for settyng forthe fyve soldyers to Portismothe the last yere of quene Mary xxxiijs. iiijd".

P. 163. Funeral of lady Powis. Anne widow of Edward lord Grey of Powis, whose death occurred in p. 7. She had remarried Randle Hanworth, esq.; and by the note of his will which Dugdale gives, Baronage, ii. 284, it appears that she desired to be buried either at St. Paul's or Westminster abbey. His interment was not at the parish church of St. Margaret's, Westminster, the register of which I have examined.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Richard Freston. He was interred at Mendham in Suffolk, where his monument remains, (See the Topographer, 1848, vol. ii. p. 239.) Dame Anne his wife, who died shortly before him (see p. 161), was a Coke.

Ibid. Funeral of sir George Gyfford. "Sir George Gyfford knight, son of Roger Gyfford esquyer [who maryed the doughter of Ansehalles, and had issue by her 13 sons and 7 doters, and dysseassed the xxiijth of January 1522], dysseased on St. John's day in December 1557, and his mounthes mynde was kept the xxth of January next foloinge. Sir George Gyfford maryed to his fyrst wyff the doter of Dyke of Sussex and wedoo of Goryng of Sussex; [secondly?] one of the doters and heyres of John Bardfyld of Sheffeld in the county of Essex; [thirdly?] doughter of Robert Trappes of London goldsmyth, late wyff to Shawe haberdasher of London, [and had issue by the last] Thomas, Prudence, and Lettyce". MS. Harl. 897, f. 23b. where see trickings of the arms and alliances.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Powis. Though the interment of this lady (as stated in p. 362) is not recorded in the parish register of Saint Margaret's Westminster, yet the following entries relative to her funeral occur in the churchwardens' accounts:

Item, of my lady Anne Pois for iiij tapers ... ijs. viijd.
Item, at the obsequy of my lady Anne Poys for the belles ... iijs. iiijd.
Item, of my lady Anne Pois for the clothe ... viijd.

P. 164. Funeral of sir Henry Capel. Son and heir of sir Giles Capel, before noticed in p. 350. He had married a sister of the earl of Rutland, and had a numerous family; but, as they all died before him, he was succeeded by his brother Edward.

Ibid. So to the abbay to the masse. "Item, payde for ryngyng when the Queenes Ma'ti cam to the masse of the holy gost the xxth of January, vjd". (Accounts of St. Margaret's Westminster).

P. 165. Funeral of Arthur Stourton esquire. Ancestor of the Stourtons of Over Moigne, co. Dorset. See Collins's Peerage and Hutchins's Dorsetshire.

P. 166. Funeral of alderman sir George Barnes. Son of George Barnes, citizen and haberdasher of London; sheriff 1545-6, lord mayor 1552-3. He was buried at St. Bartholomew the Little, as was his widow (see p. 199). "He dwelled in Bartholomew lane, where sir William Capell once dwelled, and now [1605] Mr. Derham. His arms, Argent, on a chevron wavy azure, between three barnacles proper, three trefoils slipped of the first, were taken downe after his death by his sonne sir George Barnes, and these sett upp in stede thereof, Azure, three leopard's heads argent". The second sir George Barnes was also a haberdasher, and lord mayor in 1586-7. "He dwelled in Lombard strete, overagainst the George, in the house which was sir William Chester's, and is buried in St. Edmund's church hard by". He bore the coat of leopard's heads quartered with, Argent, a chevron azure between three blackbirds.

P. 167. Death of lady White. Sir Thomas White, son of William White of Reading; sheriff 1546, lord mayor 1553. The founder of St. John's college, Oxford, and the principal benefactor of Merchant-taylors' school, as well as his native town and many other places. He died at Oxford Feb. 11, 1566, aged 72, and was buried in the chapel of his college. (See further particulars of him in Wilson's Merchant-taylors' School, p. 3.) The present paragraph relates to his first wife, whose parentage is not ascertained, but she was probably nearly related to lady Laxton the chief mourner at her funeral. Sir Thomas White's remarriage to lady Warren is noticed in p. 179, and the lady in a previous note (p. 330).

P. 168. Funeral of lady Jenyns. This daughter of sir John Gage, K.G. was the wife of sir John Jenyns, of Halnaker in Sussex, gentleman of the king's privy chamber, and in 1544 master of the ordnance at Boulogne, who died in 1547. See Gage's Hengrave, p. 235.

Ibid. Loan from the city to the queen. A loan was then called a "prest", which is probably the word our diarist could not remember. The amount of this prest was 20,000l. and it was to bear interest at 12 per cent. (Stowe.)

P. 169. Earl of Sussex took his journey toward Ireland. Where he had been for some time lord deputy.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Rowlett. Sir Ralph buried two wives within seven months (see before, p. 362). The second was one of the daughters of sir Anthony Cooke, and the circumstances of the marriage are thus mentioned in the Diary of sir Thomas Hoby: "Monday June 27, 1558, a mariage was made and solemnised between me and Elizabeth Cooke, daughter of sir Anthony Cooke knt. The same day was also her sister Margaret the queen's maid maried to sir Rauf Rowlet knt. who {i.e., the lady) shortly after departed out of this lief". (Communicated by the Right Hon. Lord Braybrooke.) "Sir Raff Rowlett had maryed ij. wyves, and dyed withowt issue of ether at his howsse of St. Albons the xixth of Apryll 1571, and was beryed in the parish church of St. Albons by his father the xxixth of May next foloinge". His father, also sir Ralph, had been one of the masters of the mint to Henry VIII.

P. 170. Master Hawes chosen sheriff. Alderman John Hawes; sheriff 1558-9, not lord mayor. Arms, Azure, on a chevron between three demi-lyons rampant or, three cinquefoils gules. (List by William Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Master Champion, the other sheriff, was a draper, afterwards sir Richard, "maior Ano. 1566. He died without issue 1568. Buried at St. Dunstan's in the est, with these armes in the margent, Argent, on a fess gules between three trefoils slipped sable a spread eagle or, all within a bordure engrailed azure, charged with eight bezants: which were after taken downe, and these sett upp in the same place: Quarterly, 1 and 4 Argent, three trefoils slipped sable; 2 and 3 Argent, three human legs couped gules; on an inescucheon argent, a griffin segreant sable", (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Sir Richard Champion's monument has been already noticed in p. 347.

Ibid. Funeral of master Dodmer. Son of sir Ralph Dodmer, lord mayor in 1530, who had been buried at St. Stephen's, Walbrook,

Ibid. Funeral of doctor Huwys. The letters patent appointing Thomas Huis or Huys, M.D. ordinary physician to the queen, with diets and allowances of wine, wax and bowge le courte, and an annual fee of 100l. were dated 2 Oct. 1553, and are printed in Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 341.

Ibid. Death of alderman Machell. John Machell, sheriff in 1556. Arms, Per pale argent and sable, three grey-hounds courant counterchanged, collared gules. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "He married Jone daughter of Harry Lodyngton, and she was remarried to sir Thomas Chamberlen knight, and she died 28. April 1565". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 24.)

Ibid. The Oeorge in Lombard street. "Next is a common osterie for travellers, called the George, of such a signe". Stowe: who adds that it had been the town mansion of the earls Ferrers, in which the brother of one of them was murdered, so early as 1175.

P. 171. Funeral of master Morton. Thomas Moreton, bachelor of law, was collated to the sinecure rectory of Fulham Sept. 23, 1554, and to the prebend of Bromesbury in the cathedral church of Saint Paul's Aug. 9, 1555. (Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 118.) It appears, then, that those called the "grey amices" of St. Paul's were the prebendaries.

Ibid. Funeral of doctor Peryn. William Peryn prior of the Black Friars, whose name has before occurred as a preacher in pp. 100, 119, 131. A memoir of this person will be found in Wood's Athenae Oxonienses (by Bliss), vol. i. p. 248. Our diary corrects that biographer's supposition that he survived queen Mary, and retired abroad.

P. 172. Funeral of doctor William Cooke, dean of the Arches. He died August 25, 1558, and his widow erected "a comely small monument" to him in St. Gregory's by St. Paul's; the Latin verses on which will be found in Stowe's Survay.

Ibid. The brethren of Jhesus, who attended the same funeral "in satin hoods and JHS upon them", were the members of a guild which maintained a chapel in the crypt of St. Paul's, which is mentioned in p. 179 as "Jhesus chapell", and again in p. 221 as "Jhesus chapell under Powlles". It was afterwards called St. Faith's, and there is still a parish which retains vaults for interment in the same situation. The dean of St. Paul's was rector of the guild; and in Knight's Life of Colet, p. 84, will be found some account of its cartulary, beginning thus, "This booke bought and ordeigned by maister John Colett doctour of divinitie, dean of the cathedral churche of Paules, and rectour of the fraternitie and guild of Jhesus in the croudes of the said churche, William Cromwell and John Monk wardens of the same, recordeth", etc. The bells in the clochier or bell-tower which stood in St. Paul's churchyard were called Jhesus bells, and Stowe relates that sir Miles Partridge won them of Henry VIII. on a cast of dice against 100l.

Ibid. Funeral of lord Windsor. "William lord Wyndsor maryed to his first wyff doter and heyr of Samborne, and after the doter of Cowdrey of Hampshire: he dyed at his howsse of Brad[en]ham in Bokynghamshire on sonday the 14. of August in the 5. and 6. yeres of Phelyp and Mary, 1558, and was beryed on monday the 22. of the same mounth". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80.) His son Edward lord Windsor, who died at Spa in Germany in 1573, desired in his will "his heart to be inclosed in lead and sent into England, to be buried in the chapel of Bradenham under the tombe of his lord and father, in token of a true Englishman", which was done accordingly (see Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire, vol. iii. p. 558); but there is now no other monument of the Windsor family in that church.

Ibid. Funeral of sir William Stamford. "Sir William Staunford knight, one of the kinges and the quenes ma'ties justyces of the common banke, dysseassed the xxviijth. August Ano D'ni 1558, about iiij. of the cloke in the afternone the same day in the 49 yere of his age, and iiij. dayes, and was buryed at Hadley jo die Septemb' in Ao D'ni 1558. He marled Ales doughter of Joh'n Palmer esquyer, and had issue Robert Stamford son and heyr, 2. Thomas, 3. William, 4. Henry, 5. Raff, 6. Joh'n; Frances wyff to Thomas Repington esquyer, Doraty, Kateren, Margaret". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 18.) His funeral insignia were remaining in Hadley church when visited by Nich. Charles, and will be found drawn in the Lansd. MS. 874, f. 60, with other memorials of his family. His personal biography will be found in Wood's Athense Oxonienses, (by Bliss), vol. i. p. 262. He was the editor of the first edition of Ranulph de Glanville's treatise "De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglige, printed by Tottel in 1564. (See Wright's Biographia Literaria, vol. ii. p. 279.)

Ibid. Funeral of judge Morgan. Francis Morgan, judge of the queen's bench, died on the 29th Aug. 1558. His burial was at Heyford, co. Northampton; where a monument with effigies still remains. See it described, and the epitaph, in Baker's Northamptonshire, i. 188; Bridges's Northamptonshire, i. 523: see also his pedigree in Baker, i. 184.

Ibid. Marriage of alderman John White. This civic senator, whose name has frequently occurred in this volume, was the son of Robert White, of Farnham in Surrey. He was of the Grocers' company, served sheriff in 1556, and lord mayor in 1563. His first marriage has been mentioned in p. 378, in the note on the funeral of his brother the bishop of Winchester. The imperfect passage in p. 172 relates to his second marriage with the widow of alderman Ralph Greenway. She was Katharine, daughter of John Sodaye of London, apothecary to Queen Mary (see p. 403), and was again married to Jasper Allen, and buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, Oct. 9, 1576. In her will, dated the same year, she mentions her brother Richard Sodaye. Sir John White was buried at Aldershot in Hampshire in 1573: see his epitaph, with some extracts from his will, in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, vol. vii. p. 212. See also his funeral atchievements engraved at the conclusion of the Introduction to the present Volume.

P. 173. Funeral of master Dalbeney. Arthur Dawbney, warden of the merchant-taylors 1566-7 and 1571-2, master 1574-5.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Cave. This funeral was not at Stamford, but at Stanford, co. Northampton, where there are still recumbent effigies of sir Thomas Cave and his wife; see the epitaph in Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 582; and in Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. iv. pi. liii. fig. 1. is an engraving of the monument (Mr. Nichols having devoted two plates to the whole series of the Cave monuments, out of respect to the Rev. Sir Charles Cave, Bart, to whom he was indebted for an important portion of the materials of his work).

Ibid. Funeral of sir Andrew Judd. A name still well known as the founder of Tunbridge school. He also founded the Skinners' almshouses near Saint Helen's, Bishopsgate: see Herbert's City Companies, ii. 350. He had been sheriff in 1544, and lord mayor in 1551. His monument still remains in St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, and has kneeling effigies of himself, the first of his three wives, four sons, and one daughter: it is engraved in Wilkinson's Londina Illustrata, 1825, where also is a full memoir of him. Maitland, p. 1107, has printed the poetical epitaph without his name: it bears out our diarist's designation of him as a "merchant of Muscovy", -

To Russia and Muscovea,
To Spayne, Gynny, withoute fable
Travaild he by land and sea
Both mayor of London and staple, etc.

"His only daughter Alice was maried to Tho. Smith customer, mother to sir John, sir Thomas, and sir Richard, now living". (1605). Arms, quarterly, 1 and 4, Gules, a fess regulee between three boar's heads couped argent; 2 and 3, Azure, three lyons rampant argent. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 174. Funeral of sir Thomas Essex. "In the north transept of Lambourn church is the monument of sir Thomas Essex, who died in 1558, with effigies of himself and Margaret his lady in alabaster". Lysons's Berkshire, p. 310.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Southwell. I have not ascertained who this was; but it may be as well to remark that Strype assumed she was the "wife to a privy councillor of that name"; and sir Henry Ellis, in his History of Shoreditch, p. 357, has quoted Strype apparently without having met with the lady's name in any other authority.

P. 176. Funeral of lady Pecsall. Eleanor fourth daughter of William first marquess of Winchester, K.G., and the first wife of sir Richard Pecsall: see pedigree in MS. Harl. 897, f. 54. There is a magnificent monument in Westminster abbey with kneeling effigies of sir Richard and both his wives, and of his four daughters by the first. See it engraved in Dart's History of that church, vol. i. p. 17.

Ibid. Saint Martin's with the well and two bokettes. This was the name by which the church of St. Martin Outwich was commonly known in the time of our diarist; and he mentions it again in pp. 211,215, 302. Stowe says, after noticing Three Needle street (now Threadneedle street), "On the south side of which street, beginning at the east, by the Well with two buckets, now turned to a pumpe, is the parish church of S. Martin, called Oteswich, of Martin de Oteswich, Nicholas de Oteswich, William Oteswich, and John Oteswich, founders thereof", etc. The antiquities of this church have been excellently illustrated by engravings in a 4to volume of plates, published by Mr. Robert Wilkinson in 1797.

Ibid. Funeral of Ralph Preston. His name occurs as a member of the Skinners' company in a list made in 1537, and so do the same names as those of his mourners, namely, Thomas Percy, and three Banks', Rogier, Raynbone, and John.

Ibid. Funeral of George lord Cohham. The full ceremonial of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 387. The monument of lord Cobham, with the effigies of himself and wife, remains in the church of Cobham near Gravesend, and was repaired in the year 1840 at the expense of Francis C. Brooke, esq. of Ufford Place, Suffolk, under the superintendence of the present writer and of Charles Spence, esq. of the Admiralty. (See Gent. Mag. N.S vol. xv. p. 306.) A portrait of lord Cobham by Holbein is engraved in the beautiful work by Chamberlain: it represents him in singular dishabille, with a bald head, surmounted by a flat cap.

Ibid. Funeral of [Michael] Wentworth esquire. Michael Wentworth esq. was the second son of Thomas Wentworth esq. of Wentworth Woodhouse, co. York. He is described in 1 Mar. 1554, as of Ottes in Essex esquire, and one of the masters of the queen's household. (Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 388.) He afterwards became cofferer. He died October 13, 1558, and his name is entered in the parish register of St. Margaret's Westminster, as "Mr. Mychaell Wentworth". His son Thomas was seated at Mendham priory, Suffolk; but his grandson Michael bought Wolley in Yorkshire, where the family has since continued (the representation passing in the last generation to a younger son of sir George Armytage, bart. who assumed the name). See Mr. Hunter's pedigree, ubi supra.

P. 177. Funeral of doctor Owen. George Owen, M.D. assisted at the birth of king Edward VI. and was afterwards his chief physician. An account of him will be found in Wood's Athense Oxonienses, (by Bliss), vol. i. fol. 274.

P. 178. A proclamation of queen Elizabeth, dated 18 November, declaring the date of her accession to have been "from the beginning of the xvijth", will be found in The Egerton Papers, p. 28.

Ibid. Death of cardinal Pole. It seems to have been supposed by some persons at the time, that Pole died on the same day as queen Mary; and it is so asserted by Hume and other writers. According to our diarist (who even mentions the hours) the cardinal survived the queen for two days.

P. 179. The queen's coming to London. See a note by Mr. Bruce on this subject in Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, p. 9.

Ibid. Funeral of master Skynner. "Anthony Skynner esquyer, one of the 6 clarkes of the Chauncery, departed this world on monday the 21. of November, and beryed on fryday after, the 25. of the same mounth, in A. D'ni 1555. His wyff was the doter of Byllyng. He was buryed in Saint Brydes churche". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 22b.)

Ibid. Funeral of lady Cobham. Anne eldest daughter of Edmund lord Bray, and sister and coheir of John lord Bray. The ceremonial of her funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 293. Her effigy is on the monument already mentioned in p. 367.

P. 181. Funeral of lady Cholmley. The wife of sir Roger Cholmley, made serjeant at law 1532, king's serjeant 1545, chief baron of the exchequer 1546, chief justice of the king's bench 1552, and imprisoned for a time after queen Mary's accession (see before, pp. 38,43).

Malcolm quotes from the register of St. Martin's Ludgate the burial of lady Cholmley as having taken place Dec. 8, 1658, and that of sir Roger Cholmley, July 2, 1565. Londinium Rediv. iv. 358. His daughter "my lady Beckwyth" was married at the same church to Christian Ken, esq. April 19, 1559. (Ibid. p. 357.) Sir Roger Cholmley and Christian his wife had a grant to purchase of the crown the manors of East and West Ham and Pleshey in Essex, March 24, 1652-3. (Strype.)

Ibid. Funeral of sir Anthony Hungerford. This was sir Anthony Hungerford, of Down Amney, in Gloucestershire, sheriff of that county 1552, and knight of the shire 1653. His body was carried to Great Bedwyn, Wilts, where "Anthony Hungerford knighte was buyried the xixth day of November 1558". Collect. Topogr. et Geneal.v.28.

Ibid. Funeral of doctor Dunne. Gabriel Dunne, M.A. was collated to the prebend of Mapesbury in the church of St. Paul's March 16, 1540, and admitted to the sinecure rectory of Stepney Oct. 25, 1544. He held both until his death. (Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 175.) He had previously been a monk of Stratford abbey, near London, and the last abbat of Buckfastleigh in Devonshire: and was "the basest betrayer" of the reformer Tyndale. See Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, vol. i. pp. 534 - 637, and the Index.

Ibid. Funeral of dr George Harper, "Sir George Harper knight dysceased the 7. of December at his howsse within the late Blacke Fryers in London in the fyrst yere of quene Elizabeth 1558, and was buryed in the parishe churche of St. Marten's in Ludgate the xijth of December. He had maryed Awdre doughter of sir John Gaynsford of Surrey, wyff before to George Tayler of Lyngfield in Surrey, and after to Caryngton of Sussex". (MS. Harl. 897, p. 26.) His widow was buried at the same church Jan. 27, 1559. Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, iv. 358.

P. 182. Funeral of queen Mary. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 19 - 30, and again in ff. 202 - 214; and the painters' charges at f. 198.

P. 184. Funeral of lady Rich. Elizabeth, sister of Thomas Jenks of London, was the wife of the successful lawyer (himself of a London family) who founded the family of Rich, afterwards earls of Warwick and Holland. Richard first lord Rich survived until 1568, and was buried at Felstead, Essex. See Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 388.

Ibid. Funeral of the bishop of Chichester. John Christopherson, previously dean of Norwich, consecrated 21 Nov. 1557, deprived 1668.

Ibid. Obsequies of the emperor. The emperor's ambassador was present as chief mourner. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, f. 3, and 1. 16, f. 284.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Cheney, K.G. Sir Thomas Cheney had been henchman to king Henry VII. He was honoured with the garter, made treasurer of the household to three successive sovereigns, and died warden of the cinque ports, Dec. 8, 1558. His liberality was great, his hospitality unbounded. He kept thirty horses in his stables, and two hundred and five servants in livery, for all of whom he more or less provided at his death, "Well", says Holinshed, "was that nobleman's son that happened to be preferred into his service". See his eulogy in Holinshed, vol. ii. p. 1171, and see Wiffen's Memoirs of the House of Russell, i. 396. "Sir Thomas Cheney knight, lord warden of the v. portes, knight of the garter and tresorer of the queues howshold, dysceased at the Tower of London on thursday the xvth of December in Ao, jo. Elizabeth, 1558, and after conveyed to his howsse called Sherland in the isle of Shepey, and there buryed on tewsday the 3. of January next foloinge". (MS. Harl. 897, f 17b.) His epitaph is in Weever's Funerall Monuments, p. 284, and in Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 290. His second wife and widow Anne, daughter and heir of [sir John] Broughton, died at Toddington, co. Bedf. May 18, 1662, and was buried in the parish church there on the 27th. (Ibid.)

P. 185. Funeral of sir John Baker. Chancellor of the exchequer from the ... Hen. VIII. throughout the reigns of Edward and Mary. He is said to have been the only privy councillor who refused to sign the letters patent popularly called the will of Edward VI. He was buried at Cranbrook in Kent, in which parish his mansion of Sisinghurst was situated. See Hasted's History of that county, vol. iii. p. 49.

Ibid. Funeral of Edmund ...Hapsam is probably the name deficient, as he was one of the painters employed for queen Mary's funeral. (MS. 1. 14, in Coll. Arm. f. 198.)

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Matson. Anne, daughter and heir of Richard Sackville, of Chepsted, Surrey, married first to Henry Shelley, of Worminghurst, Sussex, esquire, and had issue; and secondly to Thomas Matson, gent. (Visit. Sussex.) His funeral occurs in p. 208.

P. 186. The Knights of the Bath made at the Coronation of queen Elizabeth were in number eleven, viz.: -

Sir Robert Rich,
Sir John Berkeley,
Sir Roger North,
Sir Edward Unton,
Sir John Zouch,
Sir Henry Weston,
John lord Darcy of the North,
John lord Sheffield,
John lord Darcy of Chiche,
Sir Nicholas Pointz,
Sir George Speke.

See Anstis's History of the Order of the Bath, App. lxx.; and Nicolas, Appx. p. xiv.

P. 187. Funeral of Thomas Greenhill, waxchandler. Our diarist, if he was not related to Greenhill, had much to do with him in the course of business, the wax-chandlers being greatly employed to provide lights for funerals. The Index will be found to refer to various particulars relating to him and his family.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Oliver Lattrence. "Sir Olyver Larance knight dyed the fyrst of January 1559, and was buryed at Fernam, and after the seremony done, his hachementes were removed to the church of St. Mychell in Steple within th'yle of Purbek in the county of Dorset. Sir Olyver Larance knight maryed and had issue Edward his son and heir, who maryd doter of Trenchard". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 12b.) His wife was Anne Wriothesley, sister to the earl of Southampton. (Hutchins's Dorset, i. 325.)

P. 188. Funeral of the marchioness of Winchester. "Lady Elsabeth late wyff to the right noble and puissant prynce William marques of Wynchester erl of Wylshire knight of the garter and lord treasorer of England, dyed on Crystmas day the xxv. of December 1558, and was beryed at Basyng on Sonday the 5. of February next foloinge". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80.) She was the daughter of sir William Capel.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Pope. This was the founder of Trinity college, Oxford. The original place of his interment is a matter of question (see the Biogr. Brit. 1760, p. 3404), which our diary does not determine. In his will he directed his executors to bury him in the church of that parish in which he should chance to die. This would be Clerkenwell. Stowe has preserved an inscription formerly in St. Stephen's, Walbrook: "Hic jacet Thomas Pope primus Thesaurarius Augmentationum, et Dna Margaretta uxor ejus, quae quidem Margaretta obiit 16 Jan. 1538". Margaret, who was his second wife, was no doubt interred there; but the remains of both, it seems, were afterwards removed to the college chapel, according to the inscription round the verge of the tomb - "corpora Thome Pope ... et duarum Elizabethe et Margarete uxorum ejus". Elizabeth had been the name of his first as well as his third wife, but from the former he was divorced. It is to be presumed, therefore, the third was intended by the name Elizabeth; and she, after remarrying sir Hugh Poulet, of Hinton St. George, was brought to rest in the chapel in 1593. There is however only one female effigy lying by the founder's side: see an engraving in Skelton's Pietas Oxoniensis, 4to. 1830.

Ibid. Fishmonger set in the pillory. This man's punishment lasted three days, and is more fully described in Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1778. It was a stroke of domestic policy, in order to acquire popularity for the queen, by the punishment of one of the hated royal purveyors. The victim was "one of maister Hunning's servants, that was also one of the takers of freshe fishe for the provision of the queenes house".

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Oxford. Anne, daughter of Thomas Howard, second duke of Norfolk, K.G. and widow of John 14th earl of Oxford, who had died in 1526.

P. 190. Funeral of lady Roche. Sir William Roche was lord mayor in 1541, and buried in St. Peter's le Poor in Broad street (Smith's List), where the body of his wife was laid by his side.

P. 191. Funeral of the old countess of Bedford. Anne, sole daughter and heiress of sir Guy Sapcote, of Thornhaugh, co. Bedford, married first to sir John Broughton, of Toddington, co. Bedford; secondly, about 1518, to sir Richard Jerningham, who was one of the governors of Tournay, and afterwards employed in an embassy to Spain, who died in 1524; and, thirdly, in the spring of 1526, to sir John Russell, afterwards earl of Bedford (see note, p. 343). By her will, dated 19 Aug. 1557, she committed her burial to the discretion of the marquess of Winchester lord treasurer, the abbat of Westminster, and the lord St. John. See further in Wiffen's Memoirs of the House of Russell, i. 391.

Ibid. Funeral of sir John St. Loe. This was the father of sir William St. Loe, captain of the guard to queen Elizabeth: see the memoirs of the latter, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. in the Retrospective Review, Second Series, ii. 315. Stowe has enumerated in his list of persons buried at Great St. Helen's "Sir William Sanctlo, and sir William Sanctlo, father and sonne": the former should (apparently) be sir John, and sir William would be buried there within a few years after.

P. 192. Funerals of sir Anthony St. Leger, K.G. and lady St. Leger. "Sir Anthony Stleger knight of the garter dyed at his howsse of Vuckham in Kent on thursday the 16. of Marche in Ao jo Elizabeth, 1558, and buryed on wensday the 5. of Apryll next foloing in the parish church of Alhalows hard by the said howsse". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 17.)

"Lady Agnes Stleger late wyff to sir Antony Stleger knight of the garter, doter of Wadham of Hampshire, dyed at her howsse Vucham in Kent the 24. of Marche in Ao jo Elizabeth, 1558, and was beryed ther in the parish churche on tewsday the 4. of Apreli next foloinge". (Ibid. f. 17b.) It is remarkable that the wife died eight days after the husband, but was buried one day before him. She was daughter of Hugh Warham of Croydon, and niece to archbishop Warham. Their seat and place of burial in Kent is properly written Ulcombe: see Hasted, ii. 423.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Thomas Tresham. The heralds' account of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 9, f. 158. His monument at Rushton Allhallows, Northamptonshire, is described in Bridges's History of that county, vol. ii. p. 72. It bears his effigy "in a gown, with his hands erected". See some anecdotes of sir Thomas Tresham and his thumb ring in Fuller's Church History.

Ibid. At Powlles cross master Samsun. This it appears was the Rehearsal of the spital sermons just before mentioned. There had been no sermon at Paul's cross for many weeks, in consequence of the prohibition of unlicensed preaching. "Hereuppon no sermon was preached at Paules crosse untill the Rehearsall sermon was made upon the Sunday after Easter: at which tyme, when the preacher was ready to mount into the pulpit, the keye could not be found: and when, by commandement of the lord mayor it was opened by a smyth, the place was very filthy and uncleane". Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, p. 5.

Ibid. Disputing between the Bishops and the new Preachers. On this Conference see Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, p. 19, and the references there given by Mr. Bruce; also Zurich Letters, 1st series, letters iv. and v.

P. 193. Funeral of lady Cary (misnamed by the diarist Gray). Joyce, sister of sir Anthony Denny, knt. privy councillor to Henry VIII. was born 24 July, 21 Hen. VII. married first to William Walsingham, of Scadbury in Chiselhurst, Kent, by whom she had three sons, of whom the illustrious secretary was third and youngest; and secondly to sir John Gary of Plashey, co made a knight of the carpet in 1 Edw. VI. by whom she was mother of sir Edward Gary, father of the first viscount Falkland and sir Adolphus Gary (see Glutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. i. p. 129, vol. ii. p. 107).

Ibid. Peace with France. See Hayward's Elizabeth, p. 36; Hayward dates the proclamation the 7th instead of the 8th April. The treaty, which was signed by Elizabeth at Westminster on the 20th Jan. and by Henry at Chateau-Cambray on the 2d April, is printed by Rymer, Foedera, vol. xv. pp. 505 - 516.

P. 195. The Serjeants' feast. This took place at the Inner Temple on the 19th of April. In the second line read, "and ix. [serjeants made]". Dugdale, indeed, gives the names of ten as having been called to the degree by writ tested by the queen on the 12th Dec. namely, Thomas Garus, Reginald Corbet, John Welsh, John Southcote, William Simmonds, George Wall, Richard Harper, Ranulph Cholmley, Nicholas Powtrell, and John Birch; and to these was added Richard Weston by writ dated 24 Jan. making in all eleven. Dugdale's Chronica Series.

P. 197. Arrival of French ambassadors. These were, Charles cardinal of Lorraine, Anne duc de Montmorenci, Jacques Marquis de Fronsac, Jehan de Morvillier bishop of Orleans, and the chevalier Claude de l'Aubespiere (see Rymer, xv. 503.)

P. 199. Marriage of master Matthew Draper, for so it should be read, not "master Mathew, draper". After this marriage with the Latin mass, it seems that the parties were remarried a fortnight after at Camberwell: as their wedding is recorded in the register of that parish under the 13th of June. See further of them and the family of Draper in Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. iii. 199.

P. 201. May Game. The Ironmongers' company sent men in armour to "the Maygame that went before the queenes mageste to Greenewich". Malcolm, ii. 48.

Ibid. Funeral of Docwra. This person was not "a doctor of the law", as our diarist terms him; but a proctor only, as shown by his epitaph in St. Faith's: "Here under this stone resteth, in the mercy of God, the body of M. Thomas Docwray, notary, late one of the proctors of the Arches, citizen and stationer of London, and Anne his wife. The which Thomas deceased the 23. day of June, An. Dom. 1559, etc". (Stowe.)

Ibid. Bishops deprived. Mr. Bruce has given a list of the deprived bishops, founded upon documents in Rymer's Foedera, in Hay ward's Annals of Q. Eliz. p. 27.

P. 202. Muster before the queen in Greenwich park. Stowe has described this muster at some length. The Grocers' company were, by a precept from the lord mayor, required to contribute to it "190 personnes, apte and picked men; whereof 60 to be with calyvers, flaskes, touche-boxes, morions, swordes, and daggers; 95 to be in corselettes, with halbertes, swordes, and daggers, for a shewe at Greenwich". Heath's Hist, of the Grocers' Company, p. 65.

P. 203. Funeral of master Sadler, No such "alderman" occurs in the list of Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.

P. 205. Sir Thomas Chamber. Thomas Chamber clerk was presented to the rectory of Trinity the Less near Queen Hithe July 10, 1555. His cession is not recorded. Newcourt identifies him with the incumbent of Horndon on the Hill in Essex 1544, Bradwell near Coggeshall 1551 to 1554, St. Mary Bothaw in London 1562 to 1563, Northampsted, Herts, 1563 to 1565 (where he was deprived), and Langford in Essex 1565 to 1585, where he died. If all or most of these belong to one person, and the dates are in a succession, which makes it possible, his frequent changes, and the deprivation in 1565, are in accordance with the scandalous character represented in our Diary: of which a former specimen was given in p. 132.

P. 206. Master Sebastian, Phelips, and Haywood. "Sebastian scolemaister of Powles" gave queen Mary on new-year's day 1557 "a book of ditties, written". (Nichols's Progresses, etc. of Q. Elizabeth, 1823, vol. i. p. xxxv.) Mr. Collier supposes his surname to have been Westcott (Annals of the Stage, i. 1 55). - Robert Phelipps was one of the thirty-two gentlemen of the chapel to king Edward VI. (Hawkins's History of Music, vol. iii.p. 481. - Of John Heywood as an author of interludes and master of a company of "children" players various notices will be found in Mr. Collier's work.

Ibid. Nonsuch. A memoir by the present writer on the royal palace of Nonesuch will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for August 1837, New Series, vol. viii. pp. 135 - 144. The earl of Arundel, as lord steward of the household, had obtained an interest in it, which seems almost to have amounted to an alienation, but it reverted to the Crown in 1591. His first dealings with it were resisted by sir Thomas Cawarden, (the subject of the following Note), who had been the previous keeper.

Ibid. The Queen's grace stood at her standing in the further park. "Shooting at deer with a cross-bow (remarks Mr. Hunter in his New Illustrations of Shakespeare) was a favourite amusement of ladies of rank; and buildings with flat roofs, called stands or standings, were erected in many parks, as in that of Sheffield, and in that of Pilkington near Manchester, expressly for the purpose of this diversion". They seem to have been usually concealed by bushes or trees, so that the deer would not perceive their enemy. In Shakspere's Love-Labours Lost, at the commencement of the fourth Act, the Princess repairs to a Stand -

Then, Forester my friend, where is the bush
That we must stand and play the murtherer in?
Forester. Here-by, upon the edge of yonder coppice,
A Stand where you may make the fairest shoot.

Mr. Hunter further remarks that they were often made ornamental, as may be concluded from the following passage in Goldingham's poem called "The Garden Plot", where, speaking of a bower, he compares it with one of these stands -

To term it Heaven I think were little sin.
Or Paradise, for so it did appear;
So far it passed the bowers that men do banquet in,
Or standing made to shoot at stately deer.

P. 208. Death and funeral of sir Thomas Cawarden. Knighted by Henry VIII. at the siege of Boulogne in 1544, a gentleman of the king's privy chamber in 1546, and in his latter years master of the revels, tents, and pavilions. His altar-tomb remains in Bletchingley church, but without inscription. (Manning and Bray's Surrey, ii. 300.) Among other documents relating to sir Thomas Cawarden and his office, published in the Loseley Manuscripts, edited by A.J Kempe, esq. F.S.A. 1835, 8vo. are (p. 175) his will dated St. Bartholomew's day 1559, and (p. 179) the charges of his obsequies, amounting to 96l. 15s. 1½d. and the funeral feast to 32l. 16s. 8d. The death of his wife shortly followed, and the charges of her funeral are also stated.

P. 209. Thundering. See this storm described also by Hayward, p. 29; also by Stowe, both in his Chronicle and in his Survay, when describing the church of Allhallows, the spire of which, he adds, though "but little damnified thereby, was shortly after taken downe, for sparing the charges of reparation".

Ibid. Obsequy of the French King Henry II. This took place at St. Paul's, and the ceremonial is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 13, f. 8, and I. 14, f. 7. There is a full abstract of it in Strype, Annals, i. 128 - 130, which is copied in Nichols's Progresses, etc. of Queen Elizabeth, i. 76-79.

P. 211. Funeral of sir John Raynford. Of Manningtree, Essex; see Morant, i. 464.

P. 213. Prince of Sweden. John duke of Finland, second son of Gustavus king of Sweden. He came to negociate a marriage between his elder brother Eric and queen Elizabeth. See Hayward's Annals, p. 37. Notwithstanding the praise given him by Cecill in the passage which Mr. Bruce has there quoted, and the credit he gained by his princely living here (see our Diary, p. 230), his brother (then king of Sweden) imprisoned him on his return, in resentment for his ill success. (See Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, p. 640.)

Ibid. Alderman Lodge sworn sheriff. Son of William Lodge, of Cresset, in Shropshire: sheriff 1559-60, lord mayor 1563-4: "in which year he gave up his cloak, but lived many yeares after, and was buried in Aldermary church with sir William Laxton, whose daughter he had married". Arms, Azure, a lion rampant argent, crusilly gules, within a bordure flory-de-lis of the second. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was of the Grocers' company, and died, says Stowe, in 1583; but the inscription on his tomb in Aldermary church did not state the year of his death, but that of a more memorable mortality: "Here lyeth buried sir Thomas Lodge knight, and Dame Anne his wife. Hee was L. Maior in the yeere of our Lord God 1563, when God did visit this Citie with a great plague for our sinnes. For we are sure that our Redeemer liveth, and that we shall rise out of the earth in the latter day, etc. Job 19".

Ibid. Alderman Martin sworn sheriff. Afterwards mayor in 1567-8. Son of Lawrence Martin, of Melford in Suffolk. "He dwelled on the west side of Soper-lane, over against sir Stephen Soame". Arms, Argent, a chevron between three mascles within a bordure sable; quartered with, Gules a fess engrailed between three swan's heads erased argent. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) "A very good tombe" was erected in St. Antholin's, Budge-row, "Unto sir Roger Martin knight, a mercer and a marchant late", with verses, which may be seen in Stowe. He died Dec. 20, 1573, having had eight children, from Elizabeth "of Graecia soyle, and Castlynes race", the widow of Thomas Knowles, who died July 11, 1550, having had three children by him.

Ibid. Master Huett chosen lord mayor. Son of Edmund Hewitt, of Wales in Yorkshire. Sheriff 1553-4, lord mayor 1559-60. He was knighted during his mayoralty (see p. 224). This was sir William Hewitt, known as the ancestor of the duke of Leeds: Edward Osborne his apprentice, afterwards lord mayor in 1582, having married his only daughter and heir, whose life he had previously saved, when she fell from a window of her father's house on London bridge. Such is the tradition: but our old authority says that sir William "dwelled in Philpot-lane, nere Fenchurch-strete". Arms, Azure, on a fess flory-de-lis or, between three lyons passant argent, three pewitts proper. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He died in 1566-7, and was buried in the church of St, Martin Orgar's, as his wife had previously been (see p. 266). Some extracts from his will are given in Collins's Peerage.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Cobham. Dorothy, daughter of George lord Bergavenny, by Mary, daughter of Edward duke of Buckingham. This funeral is recorded in the College of Arms, I. 9, f. 161b, and I. 13, f. 14.

P. 216. Alderman Rowe's daughter married. The alderman had two daughters, Mary married to Thomas Randall, and Elizabeth to sir William Garrard, of Dorney, Bucks. (See Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire, iii. 274, 276.)

Ibid. Did preach Crolley sometime a printer. Strype has noted the first ordination of Robert Crowley as a deacon, by bishop Ridley, Sept. 29, 1551. In the bishop's register he is styled "stationer, of the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn". Of the productions of his press Strype has given some particulars in Memorials, book 1 , chap. 32; and of his Thirty-one Epigrams, published in 1551, fifteen are reprinted in Strype's Appendix O O. See also Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iv. pp. 325 - 335. In 1566 he was presented to the vicarage of St. Giles's without Cripplegate, where he died June 18, 1588. See further in Newcourt's Rep. Londin. i. 181, or Wood's Athenae Oxon.

Ibid. Funeral of sir William Fitzwilliam. The name of the place (to be filled up) is Windsor. " Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, of the great park of Windsore, married Jane, d. to Roberts". (MS. Lansd. 874, f. 53b. where his funeral atchievements are tricked.) His epitaph, of eight Latin verses, on an altar-tomb in St. George's chapel, will be found in Pote's History of Windsor, 1749, 4to. p. 372.

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Rutland. Margaret daughter of Ralph earl of Westmerland, wife of Henry second earl of Rutland, K.G. The conjoint monument of this lady, her mother, and two other female relations, has been already noticed in p. 343.

Ibid. Proclamation of Apparel. This Proclamation was printed by Jugge and Cawood. A copy is preserved in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. See Mr. Collier's note on this subject in The Egerton Papers, p. 247: also Strype, Annals, i. 186.

Ibid. One West, a new doctor. Probably this "railer" at roodlofts was the person commemorated in the following epitaph, who was not actually a doctor: "Here lyeth buried Mr. Reginald West, batchelor in divinity, and late parson of this parish, who deceased the second of October anno Domini 1563, for whose sincere, pure, and godly doctrine, as also his virtuous end, the Lord be praised for evermore". Under the Communion table at St. Margaret Pattens. Stowe.

P. 217. Funeral of Richard Knevett esquire. One of the gentlemen pensioners to the queen, died Nov. 1, 1559. Buried in the chapel of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster abbey. Dart, ii. 60.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Robert Southwell. Constituted master of the rolls July 1, 1542; resigned in 1550. He was brother to sir Richard Southwell, a member of the privy council, and executor to Henry VIII. Sir Robert resided at Jotes Place in the parish of Mereworth, Kent. (Hasted, iii. 269.)

Ibid. Funeral of lord Williams of Thame. Master of the jewel-house, temp. Edw. VI. He died on the 14th Oct. "within her majesties castell of Loudlowe in the conte of Sallop, wher he was late come, being lorde precydent ther appoincted of her grace's counsell in the said marches": his body was brought to Thame, and a long account of his interment is preserved in I. 9, in Coll. Arm. f. 150b.

Ibid. Funeral of Frances duchess of Suffolk. Daughter of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, and Mary queen dowager of France, daughter of king Henry VII. She was first married to Henry Grey, marquess of Dorset, who was created duke of Suffolk in 1551 (see p. 10); by whom she was mother of queen Jane: and afterwards accepted the hand of Adrian Stokes esquire, who erected her monument in Westminster abbey. Their portraits together are engraved by Vertue. Her style by our Diarist as "my lady Frances" did not arise either from ignorance or accident. The title "lady" was then equivalent to the modern title "princess"; and the duchess usually bore it, as her daughter "the lady Jane" had done, as distinctive of her being a member of the Blood Royal. - The heralds' account of her funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 9, f. 153-4, and I. 14, f. 154-157.

Ibid. Funeral of alderman sir Thomas Curteis. This person, who was M.P. for the city in 1547, sheriff 1546, and lord mayor in 1558, was the son of John Curteis, of Enfield, Middlesex. "He was first a pewterer, and dwelled at the upper end of Lombardstreet", (list of mayors, by William Smith, Rouge-dragon): afterwards, on becoming an alderman, he joined one of the twelve great companies, choosing the Fishmongers. A marble tomb to his memory was erected in St. Dionis Back-church, with an inscription in Latin poetry, which may be seen in Stowe. It states that his sole heir was his granddaughter Anne, daughter of his son Thomas, and married to a gentleman named Stukeley. His arms were, Undee argent and sable, a chevron or between three bezants, on a chief of the third two dolphins addorsed between two anchors proper; a crescent for difference.

P. 218. Funeral of bishop Tunstall. His epitaph, formerly on a brass plate under the communion table of Lambeth church, will be found in Ducarel's History of Lambeth, Appx, p. 40. It was written by Walter Haddon. He died on the 15 Nov. aged 85.

Ibid. Captain Grimston arraigned for the loss of Calais. This was sir Edward Grimston, who had been appointed comptroller of Calais, Aug. 28, 1552 (King Edward's Diary.) See the pedigree of Grimston in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, i. 95.

Pp. 218, 228. Sermons by bishop Jewell. In the edition of bishop Jewell's Works now in the course of publication by the Parker Society, the editor, the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. remarks that the challenge which originated the bishop's important controversy with Dr. Cole was first given in his sermon at Paul's Cross, Nov. 26, 1559 - the occasion noticed by Machyn in p. 218. "The sermon, with the challenge amplified, was preached at the court, March 17, 1560 [as mentioned in p. 228]; and repeated at Paul's Cross March 31, being the second Sunday before Easter". This last date is from the contemporary title-page of the sermon itself: and therefore is not to be doubted. Our Diarist, however (p. 229) says that Crowley preached at Paul's Cross on that day.

P. 219. Funeral of sir Fulke Greville. Grandfather of the celebrated sir Fulke Greville, K.B. the first lord Brooke. He died Nov. 10, 1559, and was buried at Alcester, co. Warw. where recumbent effigies of him and his wife were placed upon an altar-tomb an engraving of which will be found in Dugdale's History of Warwickshire.

P. 220. Murder of master Wynborne. "I have never met with Wynborne as the name of a family in Suffolk. John Whinburgh gent, of Whinburgh in Norfolk was also lord of Benacre in Suffolk, and it is possible the murdered man was of his family. Henry Whinburgh gent, by his will dated 31 Oct. 1544, left land in Whinburgh, Yaxhani, Rymerston, etc. James was his son. See Blomefield's Norfolk, x. 272". (Communication of D.E Davy, esq.)

Ibid. New bishops made. A tabular list of the new bishops will be found in Strype, Annals, i. 157.

P. 221. Funeral of my lady Copley. Elizabeth, widow of sir Roger Copley of Gatton, co. Surrey, who died in 1559, and daughter of sir William Shelley, justice of the common pleas. On an inquisition taken 29 April, 1560, she was found to have died seised of the manor of the Maze in South wark (see the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. viii. p. 255). See also the pedigree of Copley in the History of Surrey, by Manning and Bray, vol. ii. p. 231.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Chandos widow. Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund lord Grey of Wilton, married to John Brydges first lord Chandos: died 29 Dec. 1559. See her poetical epitaph in Jesus chapel, afterwards St. Faith's, printed by Stowe. Her will was proved on the 5th Jan.

Ibid. Funeral of the late bishop of Carlisle. Owen Oglethorpe, appointed 27 Oct. 1556, deprived June 1559.

Ibid. Funeral of the late bishop of LichHeld and Coventry. Ralph Baynes, elected 10 Nov. 1554; also deprived 1559. He died some weeks before Dr. Oglethorpe, when his burial at St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street, was thus entered in the parish register: "1559, Nov. 24. Mr. Doctor Banes". Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. iv. p. 116.

P. 222. Play [at White]hall. The conjecture made in the note is incorrect: for the play was at Whitehall. See the estimate of sir Thomas Cawarden for the court revels this Christmas, printed by Mr. Collier in his Annals of the Stage, vol. i. p. 174.

P. 223. Funeral of Richard Chetwode esquire. His pennon and surcoat were remaining at St. Dunstan's, temp. Nich. Charles, and their bearings are described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 101.

P. 224. Funeral of the late bishop of Winchester. John White, warden of Winchester college, consecrated bishop of Lincoln 1554 (see p. 58), translated to Winchester 1556, deprived 1559. He was brother to alderman sir John White, to whose house he had been allowed to repair on coming out of the Tower (see p. 203), this being an instance (to which there are many parallels) of two brothers bearing the same Christian name. Sir Thomas White, of South Warnborough, Hampshire, was his brother-in-law, for, though not nearly related in paternal descent, there had been two marriages which connected the families, sir Thomas White having married Agnes sister to the bishop and sir John, and sir John having married for his first wife Sibell sister of sir Thomas White. See the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. vii, p. 212.

P. 225. Funeral of John Williams esquire. Two members of this family were buried within a few days. The second (imperfect) paragraph relates to "John Williams esquyer, son and heyr to Renold Williams of Burfyld in Barkshire, maryd Cysely doter to Henry Poole of Wylshire, and dyed sans issu in Darby howsse near Powles the 16 of February 1559, and buryed at the parish churche of E(l)syng Spyttall". (MS. Harl. 879, f. 14.)

P. 228. Veron admitted parson of St. Martin's at Ludgate. John Veron, S.T.P. was instituted to this rectory 8 Mar. 1559, on the deprivation of John Morren, S.T.B. Newcourt (Repertorium, i. 415), has misprinted the name Heron, and supposed this rector to be the same with John Heron, who was vicar of Little Canfield in Essex in 1544-5. Veron afterwards obtained the vicarage of St. Sepulchre, Oct. 21, 1560, and held both livings until his death in 1563, together with the prebend of Mora, to which he was collated Nov. 8, 1559. His first ordination as a deacon took place at Fulham Aug. 2, 1551, from the hands of bishop Ridley, his name being entered in the register as "Joh'es Veroneus, Senonens. dioc. in Gallia": and he was made priest on the 24th of the same month. (Strype, Memor.) He previously translated into English from Latin the Short Pathway to Scripture of Zuinglius, which was printed at Worcester 24 May, 1550, and was dedicated to sir Arthur Darcy (see Strype, Memorials, Book I. chap. 34). On the 3d Jan. 1552 he was instituted to the rectory of St. Alphage in London, of which he was deprived in 1554. He is frequently noticed as a preacher by the writer of this Diary (see the Index).

P. 229. Proclamation relative to the French king and Scotish queen. See in Rymer, vol. xv. p. 569, the treaty with James duke of Chateau l'Herault, dated 27 Feb. 1559, the object of which was to prevent the union of Scotland to France.

P. 232. Procession of knights of the garter. This paragraph must not be passed without calling to remembrance a very curious print which exists representing queen Elizabeth accompanying the procession of the order of the garter, which was designed by Marcus Gerrard, and set forth by Thomas Dawes, Rouge-croix pursuivant, and of which there is a copy by Hollar in Ashmole's Order of the Garter, p. 515. It is, however, of a later date than the present Diary, namely the 20th year of the queen's reign, 1578.

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Malory. "April 26. Mrs. Anne Malory, wife of Richard Malory alderman, in the chapel of St. Thomas de Acre". Register of St. Pancras, Soperlane. (Malcolm, ii. 177.) Our diarist seems to say that she died in childbed with her seventeenth child. The alderman was remarried on the 8th April following to Mrs. Lane at St. Benet Fink. (Ibid. p. 463.)

P. 235. Funeral of mistress Allen. At St. Leonard's Fish street hill was this inscription: "Here under this stone lieth Joane wife of William Allyn citizen and alderman, who died in childbed of her 9th child the 22. of May 1560". (MS. Lansd. 874, f. 10b.) Sir William Allen (for he was afterwards knighted) was the son of William Allen, citizen and poulterer of London; was sheriff 1562-3, lord mayor 1571-2. "He was at first free of the Leathersellers, afterwards a Mercer. And dwelled when he was sheriff in Bow-lane; when he was maior, in Tower-strete. But buried at St. Botulphes without Bishopsgate, in which parish he was borne". Arms, Per fess sable and argent, a pale engrailed counterchanged, and three talbots passant of the second, collared gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Funeral of Dr. Wendy. Thomas Wendy, M.D. was one of the witnesses to the will of king Henry VIII. together with doctor George Owen and doctor Thomas Huicke, and they each received a legacy of 100l. (Rymer, xv. 117.) He was re-appointed physician to king Edward VI. March 3, 1546-7, with an annuity of 100l. (ibid. 143); and on the 22d Nov. 1548, was appointed one of the commissioners to visit the university of Cambridge (ibid. 178).

Pp. 236, 237. Death and funeral of Anthony Hussey esquire. From epitaphs in St. Martin's Ludgate, which will be found in Stowe, it appears that this person, a native of London, had been chief registrar of the archbishop of Canterbury and of the chapter of St. Paul's; and had also for some years performed the functions of a judge in maritime causes, and a master in chancery. At length in his advanced years (having apparently resigned his office of registrar of the court of Canterbury to his son William, who died in the November before him, aged 28), he became the governor of the company of merchants of Muscovy, which (it is stated in the same place) exercised their commerce among the Belgians as well as the Muscovites and Germans, - "lingua facundus, memoria tenax, ingenio, prudentia, doctrinaque pollens, morum comitate et probitate gratiosus". He died June 1560, aet. 63.

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Grafton, - "the wife of master Grafton the chief master of the hospital, and of Bridewell". This was Richard Grafton the printer, who is known from his books to have resided at Christ's hospital, and from this passage it seems to have been in an official capacity. There are other items in the present volume which may be added to what Dr. Dibdin terms "the comparatively full account" of Grafton, in his edition of the Typographical Antiquities, vol. iii. He was evidently a man active in public business. He occurs twice as warden of the Grocers' company (pp. 90, 108), as a master of Bridewell (pp. 205), and as an overseer for the repairs of Saint Paul's cathedral (p. 262). He was also elected to Parliament for the city of London in 1554 and 1556, and in 1562 for Coventry.

P. 238. Secretary Boxall. John Boxall, secretary of state to queen Mary: see notices of him in the Zurich Letters, 1st Series, p. 255.

Ibid. The Merchant-taylors' feast. As an old scholar of the grammar-school of this worshipful company, I cannot resist transcribing the memorandum made by the honest merchant-taylor John Stowe on the very memorable event of this year: "The xxj. of March, 1560, a notable grammar-schoole was founded by the mayster, wardens, and assistants of the worshipfull company of the Marchant-taylours of the citie of London, in the paryshe of S. Laurence Pounteney, the ryght worshypful Emanuell Lucar, Robert Rose, Wyllyam Merike, John Sparke, and Robert Duckyngton then being mayster and wardens of the same company". It will be seen that these names are the same as those given by our diarist in p. 239; but the Christian name of the master sorely puzzled him. Emanuell Lucar married the daughter of Paul Withypoll; she died Oct. 29, 1537, and her husband erected a monument to her in St. Lawrence Pountney, with a very remarkable testimony to her varied accomplishments, written in English verse, which is preserved in Stowe's Survay.

P. 239. Funeral of master Herenden. This family is not noticed in Hasted's Kent, but some of their epitaphs, formerly in the parish church of "St. Anne's in the willowes", in the ward of Aldersgate, will be found in Stowe's Survay of London, 1633, p. 326. Richard Herenden of West Farleigh in Kent, esq. (probably the person whose funeral is here recorded) was father of Edward Herenden esquire, citizen and mercer of London, who died 1572.

Ibid. Accident in Crooked lane. This passage, so imperfect in our diary, is elucidated by one in Stowe's chronicle of 1660: "The fifth of July, through shooting of a gunne which brake in the house of one Adrian Arten, a Dutchman in Crooked lane, and setting fire on a firken and barell of gunpowder, four houses were blown up, and divers other sore scattered".

Ibid. Funeral of the earl of Huntingdon. Francis second earl of Huntingdon, K.G. succeeded his father in 1554. He died at Ashby de la Zouche, June 22, 1560 (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80); and a full memoir of him will be found in Nichols's History of Leicestershire, vol. iii. pp. 580-583, and at p. 619 a description of his monument in the church of Ashby de la Zouche, of which a folio engraving is given, pl. lxxxiii. It bears recumbent effigies of the earl and of his countess, who was a niece of cardinal Pole, and acted in 1569 as administratrix of the cardinal's will.

P. 240. Funeral of lady Chester. Sir William Chester, draper (son of John Chester, citizen and draper of London), sheriff in 1554-5, lord mayor in 1560-1, was buried "with his wives", in the church of St. Edmund the King in Lombard-street. He was the son of sir John Chester, by Margaret, afterwards re-married to sir John Milborne, draper, lord mayor in 1522. Several memorials to these and other of his relatives were in the church above named; but Stowe's account of them is confused. Sir William Chester "dwelled at the upper end of Lombard-street, over against the George, nere to St. Edmund's church, where he is buried". Arms, Per pale argent and sable, a chevron engrailed between three goat's heads counterchanged, horned or, within a bordure gules bezantee. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 241. Master Folkes proposed for sheriff. Richard Folkes, cloth worker, was an alderman, but never actually served sheriff. Arms, Sable, two bars argent charged with three cinquefoils azure; a mullet for difference. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Alderman Draper. Christopher Draper, son of John Draper, of Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire; sheriff 1560-1, lord mayor 1566-7. Arms, Argent, on two chevronels between three escallops sable, six martlets or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, and Stowe gives his epitaph, but with the incorrect date 1560. He died in 1580, aged 70. His daughters were married to Sir William Webbe, sir Wolstan Dixie, and sir Henry Billingsley, all subsequently lord mayors.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Warner. "Elizabeth, late wiff to sir Edward Warner knight, lieutenaunte of the tower of London; she was doter of Thomas Cobham, and dysceased the 8. of August 1560, and left issue a [son] whosse name is Edward". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 19.)

Ibid. Funeral of master May, dean of Paul's. William May, LL.D. He was the "new dean of Paul's", inasmuch as he had replaced Dr. Cole, but he had been previously dean from 1545 to the accession of Mary. At the time of his death he was designated to the archiepiscopal see of York: see in Dugdale's History of St. Paul's his epitaph, formerly in the choir of the old cathedral church.

Ibid. This year (1560) were all the Roodlofts taken down in London. Those parishes which had been backward in removing this relic of idolatry were now compelled to do so by authority. "Memorandum. At a vestry holden the 27th day of December in Anno 1560, there was showed unto the parishioners a letter sent from the lord of Canterbury's grace, directed to master alderman Draper, sheriff of London, and to the churchwardens with the rest of the parish, concerning the translating and pulling down of the rood-loft; whereupon it was agreed by the whole vestry, that the rood-loft should be taken down and translated by the discretion of the churchwardens. In witness whereof we the said parishioners have set-to our names the day and year above written". (Account of the church of St Dunstan's in the East, by the Rev. T.B Murray.)

So at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where the Rood itself had been removed in 1559 (see p. 399), the Roodloft was left to the following year. It had been built at great expense in 1519, and its "new re-forming" was also a considerable charge to the parishioners: -

"Item, paide to joyners and labowrers abowt the takyng downe and new reformyng of the Roode-loft, as by a particuler booke therof mad dothe and may appeare, ... xxxvijli. xs. ijd.
"Item, paide for boordes, glew, nayles, and other necessaries belonging to the saide loft ... xiiijli. xiijs. ixd.
"Item, paide to a paynter for payntyng the same ... xijd.

(Then follow several other charges respecting the scaffolding.)

P. 242. Funeral of lady North. Alice, daughter of Oliver Squyer, of Southby, near Portsmouth, widow of Edward Mirfyn of London (son of sir John Mirfyn, lord mayor in 1519), and also widow of John Brigadine, of Northampton. After this, lord North married another lady who had had three husbands, and died himself before the end of 1565. The present lady was the mother of his children.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Amy Dudley. The name of "Amy Robsart" is invested with a prevailing interest as the heroine of poetry and romance. I have collected what is known of her, and endeavoured to sift the mysterious rumours of her assassination, in a memoir which appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine for December, 1845. I have now to append the following additional memorial: "Lady Amie Robsert, late wyff to the right noble the lord Robert Dudley, knight and companyon of the most noble order of the garter, and master of the horsse to the queues moste excellent majestie, dyed on sonday the 8. of Septembre at a howsse of Mr. Foster, iij. myles from Oxford, in the 2, yere of queue Elizabeth, 1560, and was beryed on sonday the 22. of September next enshewenge in our Lady churche of Oxford". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80".)

P. 243. Funeral of sir (Nicholas) Pelham. Sir Nicholas Pelham (to whom our diarist erroneously gave the Christian name John, which was that of his son and heir), was of Laughton in Sussex, and lineal ancestor of the earls of Chichester. He was M.P. for Arundel 1547, sheriff of Surrey and Sussex 1549, and knighted Nov. 17 in that year, and afterwards twice knight of the shire for Sussex. He died Dec. 15, 1560, aet. 44, and was buried in St. Michael's church, Lewes, where is his monument, with a kneeling effigy: of which see an engraving in Horsfield's History of Lewes, 4to. 1824, or the Gentleman's Magazine for Sept. 1825, p. 215.

Ibid. Funeral of lord Monteagle. Thomas Stanley succeeded his father 1523; made K.B. at the coronation of queen Anne Boleyne; married first lady Mary Brandon, daughter of the duke of Suffolk, and secondly Helen daughter of Thomas Preston esquire of Levens in Westmerland, and widow of sir James Leybourne. He died at his castle of Hornby, co. Lancaster, Aug. 18, 1560, and was buried on the 16th Sept. at the parish church of Melling. His funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 13, f. 27; see also MS. Harl. 897, f. 83.

Ibid. Reduction of the coinage. On this subject see Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, vol. ii. pp. 135-142, Burgon's Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, vol. i. pp. 354-360, and the Zurich Letters, 1st Series, p. 93.

P. 244. Funeral of Francis earl of Shrewsbury, K.G. Misled by the diarist's spelling of the name Frances, the word "countess" was inadvertently inserted instead of "earl". He died at his manor of Sheffield 28 Sept. 1560, and the funeral took place at the same place on the 21st Oct. The ceremonial at full is printed in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, lib. vii. pp. 17-21; and also in Hunter's Hallamshire, p. 56.

Ibid. Burial of master Bulstrode ("Bulthered"). Thomas Bulstrode, of Hedgerley, Bucks, died 9 Nov. 2 Eliz. in the parish of St. Sepulchre. See the pedigree of Bulstrode in Aungier's History of Syon, Isleworth, and Hounslow, opposite p. 495.

Ibid. Funeral of sir John Jermy. Sir John Jermy was of Metfield and Brightwell in Suffolk, the latter of which is about five miles from Ipswich, and was therefore the residence to which our diarist alludes. He had been one of the knights of the Bath made at the coronation of queue Anne Boleyne.

P. 245. Funeral of mistress Luson or Leveson. This was the widow of "Nicholas Leveson, mercer, sheriff 1535. Buried at St. Andrew's Undershaft". Arms, Azure, a fess undy argent and sable, between three leaves or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 246. Funeral of master Trapps, goldsmith. This was one of a family of which several memorials were in the church of St. Leonard's, Foster-lane, which will be found printed in Weever's Funerall Monuments, and the several histories of London; particularly some curious English verses (Ao. 1529), alluding to funeral ceremonies, which begin

"When the bells be merrily roung,
And the masse devoutly soung.
And the meate [be] merrily eaten,
Then shall Robart Trappis, his wyffs and his children be forgotten".

Another monument to Joyce Frankland, widow, daughter of Robert and Joane Trappes, was the erection of the principal and scholars of Brazenose college, Oxford.

Ibid. Man slain in Saint Margaret's (Westminster) churchyard. Buried, "Dec. the xxij day. John Harrys kylde". (Par. Reg.)

P. 247. Installation of the duke of Vanholt at Windsor. Adolphus duke of Holstein, elected 10 June, 1560, installed (by proxy) the 15th Dec. (Beltz.) He died Oct. 1, 1586.

Ibid. Funeral of master Scott. The registers of the family of Scott at Camberwell were printed in the Collectanea Topog. et Genealogica, vol. iii. p. 145, but the funeral described in this paragraph is not there recorded. He appears, however, to have been the Thomas Scott there mentioned in a note, whose name occurs in Cole's Escheats, i. 441.

Ibid. Marriage at St. Pancras. This was St. Pancras, Soper-lane, as appears from the register recording another event in the same family in the previous April (see p. 379).

P. 254. Funeral of lady Jane Seymour. Daughter of Edward duke of Somerset, and supposed to have been destined by him to become the consort of his nephew king Edward. A Latin letter written by her (of course under the dictation of her tutor) to the Reformers Bucer and Fagius, dated at Syon, June 12, 1549, is published in the Third Series of Zurich Letters, printed for the Parker Society. She was one of queen Elizabeth's maids of honour, and shortly before her death she had taken an active part in promoting the clandestine marriage of her brother the earl of Hertford with her companion the lady Katharine Grey, a line of conduct which would certainly have brought upon her the anger of her royal mistress, had she lived until it was discovered. (See Ellis's Orig. Letters, Second Series, vol. ii. p. 272.) Her age was only nineteen. See an engraving of her monumental tablet, with the inscription, erected by "her deare brother" the earl, in Dart's Westminster Abbey, vol. i. pi. 12. In the accounts of St. Margaret's parish, Westminster, is an entry of 10s. received at her funeral.

Ibid. Death of sir Arthur Darcy. Sir Arthur was the second son of Thomas lord Darcy, who suffered death for his share in the Pilgrimage of Grace. He had married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Nicholas Carew, K.G. whence his death at Beddington, the mansion of that family. Lady Darcy's funeral has before occurred, in p. 222. Their epitaph in St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, will be found in Stowe's Survay.

Ibid. Funeral of Bartholomew Compagni, a Florentine. See a licence to him as the king's factor in Oct. 1550, in Strype, Mem. ii. 538, and his name occurs elsewhere Anglicised to Compayne. Margaret, his daughter and heir, was mother of the maids to queen Elizabeth, and married to John Baptist Castillion, of Benham Valence, Berks. (Archaeologia, xxxii. 371.)

P. 259. Funeral of lady Wharton. "Lady Anne Ratclyff, daughter to Robert erl of Sussex and lady Margaret his wyff daughter of Thomas erl of Darby, late wyff to sir Thomas Wharton knight, son and heyr to Thomas lord Wharton, dyed the 7. of June, 1561, at the honner of Bewlew, otherwysse called Newhall, in Essex, and was beryed in the parishe churche of Boreham the xiiijth of the mounthe aforesaid: leaving issue Phelyp Wharton son and heyre, Thomas Wharton 2 son, Mary Wharton, Anne". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 18.)

P. 260. Proclamation for slips and half slips. This proclamation was dated 12 June 1661, and a MS. copy is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. See its contents described in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno. The name "slips" does not occur in the document, but it appears that the coins referred to were "base monies", one current for three half-pence, and the other for three farthings: and the same term was in use for many years after, as appears by the example frotn Shakspere's Romeo and Juliet, with others from Ben Jonson, etc. given in Nares's Glossary, From "Theeves falling out", by Robert Greene, we derive this exact definition: "Certain slips, which are counterfeit pieces of money, being brasse, and covered over with silver, which the common people call slips". (Harl. Misc. viii. 399.)

P. 262. The king of Sweden. In Haynes's Cecill Papers, p. 369, is the minute of a curious letter from the secretary to the lord mayor, dated 21 July, 1561, commencing with a statement that "The queenes majesty understandeth that sondry bookebynders and stationers do utter certen papers, wherin be prynied the faces of her majesty and the king of Sweden. And, although her majesty is not miscontented that ether hir owne face or the sayd kyng's be prynted or portracted, yet, to be joyned in one paper with the sayd king, or with any other prynce that is knowne to have made any request for mariadg to hir majesty, is not to be allowed"; and the said portraits were therefore to be withdrawn from sale.

P. 264. Burial of [William] Bill, dean of Westminster. His sepulchral brass remains in the abbey, and has been engraved, as also a portrait derived from it, for the series of portraits of the deans of Westminster which accompany their lives in Neale and Brayley's History of Westminster Abbey. See also an engraving in Dart, i. 101.

Ibid. Christening of Robert Dethick. It was no unfrequent honour paid by queen Elizabeth to her subjects to stand godmother to their children. In a list of her presents of plate there are nine instances between the 21st April and the 24th Nov. 1561, and among them, "Item, given by her Majestic the 15th of July, to the chrystenyng of sir William Dethyk, alias Garter king at armes, his childe, oone guilte cup with a cover, per oz. 19¼ dim. oz. Bought of the Goldsmyth". Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, edit. 1823, vol. i. p. 129.

P. 265. Master Avenon chosen sheriff. Son of Robert Avenon, or Avenand, of King's Norton in Worcestershire; sheriff 1561-2; lord mayor 1569-70, and knighted. He was "buried at St. Peter's, at the Cross in Cheap". Arms, Ermine, on a pale gules a cross flory-de-lis argent, on a chief sable a mascle between two escallops of the third. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) The epitaph of his widow "the lady Alice Avenon", at St. Laurence in the Jewry, will be seen in Stowe. She was the daughter and co-heir of Thomas Huchen, citizen and mercer, and married first Hugh Methwold mercer, and secondly John Blundell mercer, and had children by both, who are enumerated. The marriage took place in his mayoralty, as thus recorded in the register of Allhallows, Breadstreet: "1570, Oct. 22, was married sir Alexander Avenon, lord mayor, and Blunden, widow, by a license, within his own house". Malcolm, ii. 12.

Ibid. Master Baskerville chosen sheriff. Humphrey Baskervilie, mercer, buried in the Mercers' chapel, 1563. Arms, Argent, on a chevron gules between three hurts a crescent or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Master Gilbert chosen alderman. Edward Gilbert, goldsmith. Never sheriff or lord mayor. Arms, Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine between three spread eagles or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 266. Funeral of auditor Swift. He was auditor to the church of St. Paul's, and had this epitaph on a stone in the south aile of St. Botulph's without Bishopsgate: "Hic jacet Petrus Swift de London, generos, dum vixit auditor eccles. cathedrali D. Pauli London. Qui obiit 2. die Septemb. An. Dom. 1562. Cujus, etc". (Stowe.)

Ibid. The young earl of Hertford brought to the Tower. This was on account of his marriage with lady Katharine Grey, sister to the late queen Jane. Respecting this stolen alliance see several letters in Ellis's Second Series, vol. ii. pp. 272, et seq. and Bayley's History of the Tower of London, pp. 458-460.

Ibid. Master Swift of Rotherham. Robert Swift esquire, mercer, of Rotherham, where he "lyvyde many yeares in vertuous fame, grett wellthe, and good woorship", and had attained his 84th year. See his epitaph in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 18, and further particulars of him and his family in vol. i. of that work, p. 205. The name of his eldest son is of constant occurrence in Lodge's Illustrations, as one of the servants and most frequent correspondents of the earl of Shrewsbury.

Ibid. Funeral of sir James Boleyne. One of the uncles of queen Anne Boleyne. He was of Blickling, co. Norfolk, and was buried there on the 5th Dec. 1561; having died without issue. See the pedigree of Boleyne in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. iii. p. 94; and see the History of Norfolk, by Blomefield and Parkin, fol. vol. iii. p. 627.

Ibid. Great reches that myght have bene sene, and gyffyne to ... The "great riches" burnt were church books and ornaments deemed superstitious. The MS. is as above; but it seems probable that the Diarist, repining against the act, with his Old Church bias, was thinking of the apostles' complaint against Mary Magdalene, and that the articles burnt "might have been sold, and given to the poor".

P. 267. Funeral of master Cotgrave. This may very probably have been the father of Hugh Cotgrave, who soon after became Richmond herald. His kinsman "master Tott, Serjeant painter to Henry VIII". was an Italian, Antonio Toto, whose naturalisation occurs in Rymer, xiv. 595, and several notices of whom will be found in the Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, 8vo. 1827.

P. 268. Christening of the earl of Hertford's son. This was the first offspring of the stolen alliance noticed in the preceding page. The son was christened Edward, but died in infancy; and the second son, whose birth is afterwards mentioned in p. 300, received the same name.

Ibid. Master Harper elected lord mayor. Sir William Harper, son of William Harper, of the town of Bedford, sheriff 1556-7, lord mayor 1561-2. "He dwelled in Lombard-streete, where Mr. Butler now (1605) dwelleth. But was buried at Bedford, where he was borne". Arms, Azure, on a fess between three spread eagles or a fret between two martlets azure. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) This was another of those worthy citizens, so many of whom have occurred in these pages, whose names are still remembered as the founders of our great educational establishments. The estates left by sir William Harper for the grammar-school of Bedford, lying in the vicinity of Bedford Row, the Foundling Hospital, and Lamb's Conduit-street, have of late years vastly increased in value, and proportionately benefited his foundation. He died Feb. 27, 1573, aged 77; and was buried in St. Paul's at Bedford, where is his effigy in brass plate, from which an engraving was published in Waller's Monumental Brasses, fol. 1841.

P. 269. Master Gowth. This preacher, who our Diarist informs us to have been son of John Gough the printer (see Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. pp. 202-416) is again mentioned in p. 285 as the parson of St. Peter's in Cornhill. He was John Gough clerk, presented to the vicarage of Braintree in Essex by John Gooday clothier, 3 Dec. 1554, deprived 1556; presented to St. Peter's Cornhill, by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of London 15 Nov. 1560, deprived 1567. (Newcourt, Repert. Lond.i. 526; ii. 89.)

P. 271. Death and funeral of the good sir Rowland Hill. This reverend senator has the highest character given him in his epitaph, which was placed "on a faire stone in the south aile of St. Stephen's Walbrook":

A friend to venue, a lover of learning,
A foe to vice, and vehement corrector,
A prudent person, all truth supporting;
A citizen sage, and worthy counsellor;
A lover of wisdome, of justice a furtherer,
Loe, here his corps lyeth, sir Rowland Hill by name,
Of London late lord maier, and alderman of fame.

He was the son of Thomas Hill, of Hodnet in Shropshire; was sheriff 1541-2; lord mayor 1549-50. He founded a grammar school at Drayton in Shropshire, and performed other admirable acts of beneficence recorded by Stowe in his Survay, in his chapter "Honour of Citizens". "He dwelled in Walbrook, over against the said church of St. Stephen; and was buried at St. Stephen's in Walbrook 1561". Arms, Azure, two bars argent, on a canton sable a chevron between three pheons of the second, an eagle's head erased of the third, between two mullets gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 272. Proclamation onjoreign coins. This proclamation was dated the 15th of Nov. 1661, and is extant among the collection in the Society of Antiquaries' library. It is curious as representing in woodcuts the counterfeit angels of Tournay and Holland, in comparison with a genuine angel of Henry VIII. (See Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno.) The same proclamation is noticed in a Norwich Chronicle as follows:

"This year, upon sunday the 23d of November, there was sent from the Queen a Proclamation to be published, that pistoles and other foreign crowns of gold and silver, only French crowns excepted, should not pass from man to man as current money, but as bullion be brought into the Tower, there to have as much as they are worth". Papers of the Norwich and Norfolk Archaeol. Soc. vol. i. p. 145.

P. 273. Funeral of Laurence Dalton, Norroy king of arms. See his epitaph in Stowe, and his funeral insignia described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. pp. 101-111. His funeral ceremony is recorded in the College of Arms. I. 13, f. 32, and his brass is drawn in the MS. Harl. 1099.

P. 274. Christmas festivities in the Temple. A long account of the celebration of these festivities will be found in Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, pp. 150 et seq. and extracted in Nichols's Progresses, etc. of Queen Elizabeth, 1823, vol. i. p. 131.

Ibid. The great O^Neill of Ireland. This person, whom our Diarist in the next page takes the liberty to call "the wild Irishman", was John or Shane O'Neill, eldest son of Connac O'Neill, created earl of Tyrone by Henry VIII. in 1542. After a career the turbulence of which fully justifies Machyn's epithet, he was slain in the year 1567, by Alexander Oge MacConnell.

P. 275. Funeral of the countess of Bath. Margaret, only child of John Donnington, of Stoke Newington in Middlesex, married successively to sir Thomas Kytson, sir Richard Long, and John Bourchier earl of Bath. The last died in 1560. Her monument in Hengrave church, Suffolk, with recumbent effigies of herself and her three husbands, is engraved in Gage's History of that parish, 1822, 4to. p. 65; and in the same volume are several letters to and from her, an inventory of her property, her will, and an account of her funeral expenses, etc.

Ibid. Play by the gentlemen of the Temple. This play was the celebrated "Ferrex and Porrex", written by Sackville and Norton, the old editions of which bear in their titlepage, that it was "shewed before the Queenes most excellent Majestie, in her Highnes court of Whitehall, the 18th Jan. 1561, by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple". Collier's Hist, of English Dramatic Poetry, i. 180.

Ibid. Robert Cooke, afterwards Clarenceux king of arms, was created Rose-Blanch pursuivant Jan, 25, and Chester herald Jan. 29, 1561; his patent for the latter office is printed in Rymer's Foedera, etc. vol. xv. p. 620; followed by that advancing his predecessor, William Flower, to the office of Norroy (see the ceremony of creation mentioned in p. 276).

Ibid. Funeral of Charles Wryothesley, Windsor herald. He died "at CAMDEN'S HOWSSE, in the parish of St. Pulcres in London". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 27b.) "Item. On Sounday the 25th of January, Ano. 1561, departed out of this world about sixe of the cloacke, Charles Wryotheley al's Windsour herauld, who was buryed at Saint Sepulcres churche w'hout Newgate, on Tuesday in the morning, at the which buriall the sayd corsse was covered with a pall of blacke velvett, and on the same was laid a rich coate of armes, and of each corner of the sayd corpes went a pursivant of armes in a mourning gowne and hood, and in their coates of armes. And after the corsse went Somersett herauld in his gowne and hood, and after him Mr. Garter and Mr. Clarencieux, and after them the rest of the office of armes not in blacke". From the Papers of Sir Edward Walker, Garter, "Heralds, vol. I. p. 120, Coll. Arm". See also the MS. I. 13, f. 34.

P. 276. Julyus Sesar "played". I appended the editorial note to the word played in this passage, because it appeared to me very doubtful whether it was not added by a person who misunderstood what our Diarist meant to record. It is possible there was no play of Julius Caesar performed on this occasion, beyond his personation among the men of arms, in the cavalcade, like one of the "men in armour" in my Lord Mayor's show. Mr. Collier, however, (Hist. of English Dramatic Poetry, i. 180; ii. 415), has quoted this passage of our Diary as attesting the existence of an historical play, called Julius Caesar, and which would have been the first English drama derived from Roman history.

P. 277. Christening of master Cromwell's daughter. The first supposition in the footnote is correct. The child's mother was the daughter of sir Ralph Warren, formerly lord mayor of London, and "my lady White" was grandmother as well as godmother, as will be seen by consulting the note already given in p. 330.

P. 279. Funeral of Robert Mellish. Died March, 1562. Epitaph in Stowe.

P. 280. Marriage of master Bacon's daughter. James Bacon, a brother of the lord keeper, was a fishmonger and alderman of London, and sheriff in 1569, but died in 1573, before arriving at the mayoralty. He was buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, and his epitaph will be found in Stowe's Survay, edit. 1633, p. 139.

P. 281. Funeral of sir Giles Strangways. This was the name of the knight our Diarist calls Strange. "Sir Gyles Strangwysh, of Melbury Sanford, in the county of Dorset, knight, dysceased the xjth of Apryll, 1562, and is beryed in the churche of Melbury. He maryed Jone doter of John Wadham of Meryfelde in the county of Somerset, and by her had issue John Stranguysh son and heyr, George 2 son, Nycolas 3 son, Anne". (MS. Lansd. 897, f. 20b.)

Ibid. Monstrous child. The prodigious births of the year 1562 (see pp. 281, 282, 284) will be found duly chronicled by Stowe, and they are thus noticed in a letter of bishop Jewell to H. Bullinger: "Incredibilis fuit hoc anno toto apud nos coeli atque aeris intemperies. Nec sol, nec luna, nec hyems, nec ver, nec aestas, nec autumnus, satisfecit officium suum. Ita effatim et pene sine intermissione pluvit, quasi facere jam aliud coelum non queat. Ex hac contagione nata sunt monstra: infantes foedum in modum deformatis corporibus, alii prorsus sine capitibus, alii capitibus alienis; alii trunci sine brachiis, sine tibiis, sine cruribus; alii ossibus solis cohaerentes, prorsus sine ullis carnibus, quales fere imagines mortis pingi solent. Similia alia complura nata sunt e porcis, ex equabus, e vaccis, e gallinis. Messis hoc tempore apud nos augustius quidem provenit, ita tamen ut non possimus multum conqueri. Sarisberiae, 14 Augusti, 1562". Zurich Letters, 1st Series, epist. L.

P. 283. Funeral of master Godderyke. It seems not improbable, from the attendance at this funeral, that this was a brother or near relative of the late bishop of Ely and lord chancellor. In the register of St. Andrew's he is styled sir Richard Goodricke. (Malcolm.)

Ibid. Funeral of lady Cheney. See the note on sir Thomas Cheney in p. 369. There is an effigy of the lady at Toddington; see the Topographer, 1846, vol. i. p. 156.

P. 284. The Ironmongers' Feast. At "A courte holden the xxvij. day of May, Ao 1562", the following order was made, "Whereas the dyner hath hearetofore bene used to be kept upon the sondaye next after Trynitie sondaye, that the dyner shall from henceforthe be kepte upon the monday sevennight after Trynitie sonday, that is to saye, the mondaye next after the olde accustomed daye; and that the yeomondrye, as well househoulders as others, must be warned to be at the hall upon the sayd monday in their best arraye, as they have bene accustomed to be heretofore upon the sondaye, for to offer at the churche as aforetime ewssid". This was an alteration in accordance with the increased respect for the sabbath enjoined by the Reformation. Mr. Christopher Draper, alderman, was master of the company on this occasion; William Done and John Miston, wardens. (Communicated by John Nicholl, esq. F.S.A.)

Ibid. Helyas Hall. The real name of this prophet was Elizeus Hall: many particulars respecting him will be found in Strype, Annals, chap. 25.

P. 285. The monument of sir William Walworth. This memorable civic hero had founded a college for chantry priests attached to the church of St. Michael's, Crookedlane; see his will printed in the Excerpta Historica, 1831. 8vo. The college shared the fate of other religious foundations; but the monument was now restored by the zeal of a member of the Fishmongers' Company, which afterwards kept it in repair, until it was destroyed in the great fire of 1665. The poetical epitaph, which was added at one of the repairs, will be found in Weever's Funerall Monuments and the several Histories of London. Stowe states the epitaph in his time bore the name of Jack Straw in lieu of that of Wat Tyler, - an historical error for which he severely censures the Fishmongers as "men ignorant of their antiquities"; but our own Diarist has made a still graver error in naming Jack Cade, the rebel of the days of Henry VI.

P. 286. Master Fuwilliam. This probably records the burial of Thomas Fitz-William alias Fisher, who was a natural son of the Earl of Southampton, mentioned by Ralph Brooke in his Catalogue of Nobility. The Earl, who died at Newcastle when commanding the Van of the army sent against Scotland in 1542, left no legitimate issue.

P. 287. The Skinners attend the Merchant-taylors' feast. In the 1st Rich. III. a dispute for precedency between the Skinners and Merchant-taylors was determined by agreement that either should take precedence in alternate years, and that the master and wardens of each should dine with the other company on their respective feasts of Corpus Christi and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. See the ordinance effecting this arrangement in Herbert's Twelve City Companies, vol. ii. p. 319; and see remarks by the present writer in Archaeologia, vol. xxx. p. 500.

P. 288. Marriage of master Coke and master Nicholl's daughter. "John Nicolls of London, gentleman, at this present (1568) comtroller of the workes at London bridge, and all other lands and revenues of the same, and in charge for provision of corne for the city of London", married for his first wife Christian Thompson, and had issue two daughters, Mary married to Francis Gerrard, and Elizabeth married to Edmond Cooke of Lizens in Kent gentleman - the marriage mentioned by Machyn. Mr. Nicholls married, secondly, Elen daughter of James Holt of Stubley, co. Lancaster. (Visitation of Middlesex, by Robt. Cooke, Clarencieux, 1568.) Machyn has afterwards (p. 305) noticed a christening at Mr. Nicholls's, probably of a daughter, by his second marriage. The descendants of his brother Thomas Nicholls (among whom was William Nicholls, dean of Chester), are recorded in the Bedfordshire visitation of 1628. MS. Harl. 1531, f. 158.

Ibid. My lord Giles's daughter. Another daughter of lord Giles Pawlet was christened the next year at the same church: "lady Elizabeth Pawlett, 31 Aug. 1563": and on the 25th Julie, 1572, was buried at St. Botulph's "Lady Pallat, wife to the right hon. lord Gyles Pallat". Malcolm's Lond. Rediv. i. 344.

P. 289. Alderman Chamherlain chosen sheriff. "Rychard Chamberlen, ironmonger, alderman and late shreve of London, dyed on tuesday the xixth of November, 1566, in Ao 9o Elizabeth' Regine, at his howsse in the parishe of St. Olyff in the Old Jury, and was beryed on Monday 25. of November, in the parishe churche there. He married first Anne, doughter of Robert Downe of London, ironmonger, and had issue Elizabeth wyff to Hugh Stewkley of London lawyar, Thomas Chamberlen, Rychard, Alexander, Robert, Margery, John, George; secondly, Margarat, wedo of Bristo groser of London, doter and one of th'eyrs of Nycolas Hurleton, of Cheshire, somtyme clerk of the grene cloth to king H. 8. She dyed sans issu". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 30.) Alderman Chamberlain's epitaph will be found in Stowe.

P. 290. Funeral of the earl of Oxford. "This John Vere, erl of Oxford, dysseased at his castell of Hemyngham in Essex on Monday the 3. of August, in the 4. yere of the quene our soveraigne lady Elizabeth, etc. 1562, and was beryed on tewsday the 25. of August next enshewing, at the parishe churche of Hemyngham. He married first Doraty, doughter of Raff erle of Westmerland, and had issue Kateren wyff to Edward lord Wyndesor; secondly, Margery doughter of Golding, syster to sir Thomas Goldinge, and hud issue Edward erl of Oxford, and Mary". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 81.)

P. 291. Master Hulsun master Heyword's deputy. Sir Rowland Hayward died Dec. 5, 1593, having lived "an alderman the space of 30 yeares, and (at his death) the ancientest alderman of the said city". (Epitaph in St. Alphage, where his monument still remains, with effigies of two wives and sixteen children, and was repaired in 1777, when the church was rebuilt.) He was sheriff in 1563-4, It is therefore possible that sir Rowland may have been the "master Heyword" mentioned in this page; but then he appears to have been alderman of Cripplegate ward, and dwelt in Philip lane, by Cripplegate, in the house adjoining St. Alphage's church. (Arms of the Lord Mayors, by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Master Hulsun may have been "deputy" alderman of the same ward; but buried at saint Bride's in Fleet-street on account of his connection with Bridewell hospital.

Ibid. Funeral of the countess of Bedford. Margaret daughter of sir John St. John of Bletsoe, and first wife of Francis second earl of Bedford. "Lady Margaret, countess of Bedford, dyed at Owborne the xxviijth of August, and was beryed the xth of September at Chenyes, in Ao 1562". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 84.)

P. 292. Funeral of lord (not lady) Mordaunt. John first lord Mordaunt, summoned to parliament in 1558, died 28 Aug. 1562, at Turvey, co. Bedford, where he was buried, and a sumptuous monument erected with effigies of himself and lady, of which there is an engraving in Halstead's Genealogies, fol. 1785, p 593.

Ibid. Saint Anthony's school. This notice of Saint Anthony's school, so flourishing in 1562 as to have a hundred scholars, is remarkable, inasmuch as it seems to have shared the fate of the religious foundations. Stowe says in his Survay, "This schoole was commended in the reign of Henry the sixth, and sithense commended above others, but now decayed, and come to nothing by taking that from it which thereunto belonged", and he ascribes its "spoile" to one Johnson, the schoolmaster, who was "made prebend of Windsor". (Edmund Johnson, installed canon of Windsor 1560. Le Neve.)

P. 293. Funeral of sir Harry Grey, hrother to the earl of Kent. Richard earl of Kent, having much wasted his estate by gaming, died at the sign of the George in Lombardstreet, in 15 Hen. VIII. and was buried at the White Friars in Fleet-street. Whereupon his brother and heir male, sir Henry Grey of Wrest, by reason of his slender estate, declined to take upon him the title of Earl. (Ralph Brooke's Catalogue of Nobilitie.) He died Sept. 24, 1562; and in his epitaph at St. Giles's, Cripplegate, was styled "Sir Henry Grey knight, sonne and heire to George lord Grey of Ruthen and earl of Kent". (Stowe's Survay.) The dignity was resumed by his grandson Reginald, in 1571. "Sir Harry Grey knight dyed at his howsse in London in Sant Gyles parishe the xvjth day of September, in the 4th yere of our soveraigne lady queue Elizabethe, and was buryed in the parishe churche there the xxijth of the same mounthe, and lyeth in the chapel of the south syde the quere. The said sir Henry maryd Anne doghter of John Blenerhasset, in the county of Suffolk". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 20b, where his issue is also stated.)

P. 294. Cree-church. The duke of Norfolk's town mansion (here written "Chrychyre") was near the church called St. Katharine's Cree-church or Christ's church, in the ward of Aldgate. It has been before mentioned in p. 186.

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Chamley. This paragraph is so imperfect that it is not certain that it relates to the wife of the Recorder. He, however, was buried at St. Dunstan's in the West in the following April (see p. 395), and his epitaph commenced - "Ranulphus Cholmeley chara hic cum conjuge dormit".

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Lewen. See a former note (p. 344) on this lady's husband. At "a quarter court (of the Ironmongers' company) 19 Jan. 1562[-3] was brought into this house 2 salts with a cover, all gilt, weighing lxv, oz. which Mrs. Agnes Lewen lately gave at hir deceas to this company". Richard Chamberlain the sheriff, executor, and William Draper the overseer, of mistress Lewen's will, were both members of the same fraternity.

P. 296. Master Hunton that married my lady of Warwick. Sir Edward Unton, K.B. on the 29th April, 1555, married Anne, one of the daughters of the protector Somerset, and widow of John Dudley, earl of Warwick, the eldest son of John duke of Northumberland. See the memoirs prefixed to Unton Inventories, 1841, 4to. p. xxxvii.

Ibid. Funeral of Arthur Dericote esquire. Citizen and draper: see his poetical epitaph in Robinson's History of Hackney, vol. ii. p. 27, accompanied by some account of his funeral, derived from the present Diary. See also the MS. Lansdowne 874, f. 123b.

P. 297. Funeral of sir Humphrey Browne. This venerable judge of the common pleas had been first appointed in the 34 Hen. VIII. 1543, and had continued to sit on the bench through the reigns of Edward and Mary. Stowe records that he bequeathed "divers houses" to the parish of St. Martin Orgar's, but describes no other memorial of him.

Ibid. Funeral of William lord Grey of Wilton, K.G. The circumstancial account of this ceremonial, drawn up by one of the attendant heralds, is appended to the "Commentarie of the Services" of this nobleman, in the volume edited for the Camden Society by Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Bart. The church (left blank in p. 298), was Cheshunt, co. Hertford; the preacher was Michael Reniger; and in line 17, for "master de[an's] plase", read "master De[nny's] plase".

P. 299. Funeral of lady Dormer. Sir Michael Dormer, who had been lord mayor in 1541, died in 1545, directing his body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Lawrence (not St. Olave's) in the Jury, London, where Elizabeth his wife lay; leaving issue by his wife Katharine (who was the lady here recorded) several children, whose names will be found in Collinses Peerage, tit. Dormer.

P. 300. The double marriage of lord Talbot to lady Anne Herbert, and lord Herbert to lady Katharine Talbot. Francis lord Talbot died before his father, and without issue, in 1582. The marriage here recorded of Lord Herbert, afterwards second earl of Pembroke, (who had been previously contracted to the lady Katharine Grey, and whose third wife was the celebrated Mary, sister to Sir Philip Sidney), was also fruitless. On the occasion of Lady Katharine Talbot's marriage, her father inforced the ancient feudal right of receiving a benevolence from his tenants as ayde pour fille marier. See a letter of his on the subject, dated "From Coldharbar, the xxth of Marche, 1562[-3]", in Lodge's Illustrations of British History, i. 348; followed by an account of the sums collected in the counties of York, Nottingham, and Derby, which amounted to 321l. 7s. 6d.

P. 301. Exposure of a termagant wife. A custom somewhat similar still existed in parts of Berkshire towards the end of the last century, and about 1790 one of the members of the Camden Society witnessed a procession of villagers on their way to the house of a neighbouring farmer, in the parish of Hurst, who was said to have beaten his wife. The serenaders, consisting of persons of all ages and denominations, were well supplied with kettles, tin cans, cover-lids, hand-bells, pokers and tongs, and cows' horns, and, drawing up in front of the farm, commenced a most horrible din, showing at least that the ceremony was properly known by the name of "rough music". After some time the party quietly dispersed, apparently quite satisfied with the measure of punishment inflicted by them on the delinquent. - For similar practices see Brand, ii. 151, and MS. Sloane 886.

P. 302. Sir William FitzWilliam, who died in the time of king Henry VIII. in the year 1534, was a merchant-taylor of London, and alderman of Bread-street ward. He was the first of his family at Milton, co. Northampton (now the seat of his descendant earl Fitz William), and was buried at Marham in that county: see Bridges's History thereof, vol. ii. p. 520.

Ibid. Loss of the queen's ship the Greyhound. A short account of this event will be found in Stowe's Chronicle. Sir Thomas Finch had been appointed to succeed sir Adrian Poynings as knight marshal of the army in France; and, having previously sent over his brother sir Erasmus Finch to have charge of his band, and his kinsman Thomas Finch to be provost marshal, he at length embarqued in the Greyhound, "having there aboord with him, besides three score and sixe of his own retinue, foure and forty other gentlemen, two of them being brethren to the lord Wentworth, to wit, James Wentworth and John Wentworth, with divers others, who in the whole (accompting the marriners) amounted to the number of two hundred persons and upward". Having been driven back from Newhaven, they unwisely urged the captain "to thrust into the haven" of Rye "before the tide", and consequently the lives of all were lost, except four "of the meaner sort".

Ibid. Sir Thomas Finch was of Eastwell, co. Kent, by marriage with Katharine, elder daughter and co-heir of Sir Thomas Moyle, chancellor of the court of augmentations; his eldest son, sir Moyle Finch, was created a baronet in 1611, and was direct ancestor of the earls of Winchelsea and Nottingham.

P. 303. Funeral of lady Chester. Katharine, daughter of Christopher Throckmorton esquire, of Coorse Court, co. Glouc. and the first wife of sir Robert Chester, receiver of the court of augmentations: see before, p. 316, and the pedigree of Chester in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. iii. p. 363.

Ibid. Funeral of lady Lane. Sir Robert Lane was of Horton in Northamptonshire, being the son of sir Ralph Lane by Maud daughter of William lord Parr of Horton. By Katharine his first wife, daughter of sir Robert Copley of Bermondsey, (see before, p. 378) who is the lady here commemorated, he had three sons, all afterwards knighted, sir William Lane, sir Parr Lane, and sir Robert Lane. Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 368.

Ibid. Funeral of alderman David Woodroffe. Son of John Woodroffe, of Uscombe, Devonshire; sheriff 1554. In that capacity he was present at the executions of Bradford and Rogers the protestant martyrs, and John Foxe much abuses his cruel behaviour, contrasting it with the mildness of his colleague sir William Chester. "But what happened? Hee was not come out of his office the space of a weeke, but he was stricken by the sudden hand of God, the one halfe of his bodie in such sort, that he lay benumned and bed-red, not able to move himself, but as he was lifted of other, and so continued in that infirmity the space of seven or eight years, till his dying day". He gave 20l. towards the conduit at Bishopsgate. (Stowe's Survay.) His son Stephen died Sept. 25, 1572, and was buried at St. Andrew Undershaft (Ibid.); and his grandson sir Nicholas Woodroffe, who lived at Leadenhall (in that parish), was lord mayor in 1579. A pedigree of the family, which was allied to others of eminence in the city, will be found in the History of Surrey, by Manning and Bray, vol. iii. pp. 176, 177.

P. 307. Funeral of Ranulph Cholmley esquire, Recorder of London. He had been elected Recorder in 1553. See his epitaph in Stowe's Survay, and his armorial insignia in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 102. His place in the pedigree of Cholmondeley will be seen in Ormerod's Cheshire, vol. ii. p. 356.

P. 308. Funeral of sir James Stump. This was the son and heir of a wealthy Wiltshire clothier, who made his fortune at Malmesbury, where he set up his looms in the abbey church and buildings immediately after the Dissolution, as related by Leland in his Itinerary. See the pedigree of this family, whose inheritance passed to the Knyvetts and so to the earls of Suffolk and Berkshire, in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, vol. vii. p. 81; also the funeral certificate of his daughter lady Knyvett and her husband in the Topographer, 1846, vol, i. p. 467. The churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster, received, "Item, of the overseers of the last will of sir James Stumpe knight, for a fyne of certen black clothe hanged up in our Lady chappelle the tyme of his buryall ijs. vjd,; for his grave xiijs. iiijd.; for the belles iiijs. viijd".

Ibid. Funeral insignia of master Gyfford. For "Northamptonshire" the Diarist should have written Southamptonshire: for this funeral gear was doubtless made for "John Gyfford esquire, heir apparent of syr William Gyfford knyght", who died 1 May, 1563, and was buried at Crondall, Hants. See his epitaph in Collectanea Topograph, et Genealogica, vol. vii. p. 223.

P. 309. Funeral of lord Paget. The first peer of that family, whose active part as a statesman is familiar from general history. £This William lord Paget dysseased at his howsse called Drayton, on wensday the ixth of June, in the 5. yere of queue Elizabethe, 1563, and was beryed on Thursday the xviijth of July next enshewinge". (MS. Harl. 897, f. 81.) There is a monument with his effigies in Lichfield Cathedral, an engraving of which forms Pl. XVI. of Shaw's History of Staffordshire.

P. 310. Ringing on the queen's removes. The ringing of bells at these times was a constant observance: see particularly the extracts from the parochial accounts of Lambeth and St. Margaret's Westminster, published in Nichols's "Illustrations of the Manners and Expenses of Ancient Times", 1797, 4to. and continual entries throughout the Progresses of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. On the 20th of April, 1571, the ringers of Lambeth were paid 1s. "for rynging when the queenes majestie rode about St. George's fields". It might be supposed that Elizabeth was very fond of this noisy salutation; but the truth is, that her harbingers enforced their fines, as noticed in the present passage of the Diary, if the service was omitted. The same usage was customary at an earlier date, as shown by the following entry from the accounts of St. Margaret's for the years 1548 and 1549, "Also payd to the kyng's amner, when he would have sealyd up the church doors at the departure of the kyng's majestie the ij day of July, because the bells were not rung, ijs. iiijd".

Ibid. A cross of blue set at every door. These sad badges of the plague seem to have been made separately, probably painted on canvas. The churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster paid at this time, "Item, to the paynter of Totehill-street for payntinge of certeyne blewe crosses to be fyxed upon sondrie houses infected, vjd".

P. 311. Proclamation. On further consideration the sense of this paragraph seems to be that Englishmen were to be allowed privateering against the French: therefore, for the word "no", read "any" or "every". The proclamation next mentioned (p. 312) would be one relating to London only, where the French residents were to remain unmolested.

P. 312. Taking of Newhaven. The 28th of July was the day the town of Havre de Grace surrendered to the prince of Conde and his English allies. See Stowe's Chronicle under this date. On this subject see also the preface to the Chronicle of Calais, p. xvii.

Ibid. Proclamation for killing dogs. This was on account of their carrying the plague from house to house. The churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster paid this year, "Item, to John Welche for the killinge and carreinge awaye of dogges during the plague, and for the putting of theym into the ground and covering the same, iijs. ijd". The like measure was adopted on the recurrence of the plague in 1603, when, at seven payments from the 19th June to the 30th July, the churchwardens of St. Margaret's paid for the slaughter of no fewer than 327 dogs, at 1d. each.

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