LEYBOURN, a market-town in the parish of WENSLEY, western division of the wapentake of HANG, North riding of the county of YORK, 46 miles (N. W. by W.) from York, and 236 (N.N.W.) from London, containing 810 inhabitants. This town is pleasantly situated in a fertile and picturesque district; adjacent to it, along a continued ridge of rocks, is Leyburn Sparol, one of the finest natural terraces in the kingdom. It is well built, and consists principally of an oblong square, which forms the market-place. The mineral productions in the vicinity are lead, coal, and lime. The market is on Friday; fairs are held on the second Fridays in February, May, October, and December, and are noted for large sales of cattle. There are places of worship for Independents and Wesleyan Methodists, also a Roman Catholic chapel. A school is supported by voluntary contributions; and various benefactions have been made for apprenticing poor children, and other charitable purposes.