Leland's Itinerary of England and Wales: Volume I, Appendix I.
Thinges excerptid out of rolle that Mr. Brudenel of Dene shewid me.
Ivor, sunne to Cadwalader, went, at his commaundement, into Wales, and he succedid his father, and ever, as he might, made chalenge to the Saxons: and his bloode reignid in Wales onto the tyme of Llewlin, Prince of Wales, in Edwarde the first tyme.
After Yvor reignid Yne; then Roderwagh; then Aneraughe; then Idwalwille; then Joge; then Kanahaugh; then Griffine, which was behedid; then Llewelin; then Griffine; then Lleweline, in the tyme of Edward the first, the which gave bataille onto hym for chalenging of his corone onto England, and killid hym, and namid hymself Prince of Wales.
This Llewelin of Wales dyed withoute issue.
Then to returne to the next yn blode to the aforesaide Yvor, we must cum to Ydewalowitle, of whom descendid Rodry Malvinek, of whom Essill Gignant, of whom Morverine, of whom Rodry Maur, of whom Cadelle, of whom Howeld, of whom Owen, of whom Reynold, of whom Cadelle, of whom Theudre Maur of whom Res, of whom Guenellen, of whom Gregorie Vahan, of whom Theudre, of whom Gregori, of whom Theudre, of whom Mereduk alias Moreys, of whom Owen, of whom Edmunde father to King Henry the 7. The which Owenen maried Quene Catarine, and was father to Edmunde, Erle of Richemont, and Gaspar, Erle of Penbroke.
This linial descent was shewid by thaforesaide Quene Catarine, and by her counsel openly in the kinges courte of
parlament before the lordes, the which thing was ther approbate and taken for excuse of her mariage.
The aforesaid Edmunde, Erle of Richemont, maried the doughtter (Margarete) and heire to Duke John of Somersete, of whom he got Henry the vij. King of England.
This John, Duke of Somersete, was sun to John, Erle of Somersete; which John was sunne to Duke John of Gaunte, by his 3. wife, Dame Catarine Swineforde, borne in matrimonie. Henry, Cardinale of Winchester, Thomas, Duke of Excestre, and Jane, Countes of Westmerland, were borne baste,
Duke John of Gaunt had by his first wife no sunne but Henry the 4., whose issue is gone to God.
He had by his secunde wife a doughter caullid Constance. So that then this John, Erle of Somersete, and his issue, is next of that bloode to the corone of England.
Henry the vj. sayde that Henry the vij. then beyng yn childehod should obteine the corone of England as his right.
Thinges excerptid owt of a rolle that Mr. Brudenel shewid me.
Edmunde of Bullingbrok, eldest sun to Henry the 3. resignid in open parlamente, by reason that he was sore deformid by a crokid bak, his title of the corone to his brother Edward, reserving to hymself and his heyres the countes of Lancaster, Lincoln and Leircester. Leyland.
(In these few wordes be divers falsites. First Edmunde was not borne at Bullingbrok. Secundely he was not croke bakkid, but a ready and a notable capitaine in warre. Thirdely there is no recorde of any such parlament. And as for the counteshippes he reservid not them to hymself, but rather had them of the liberalite of Henry the 3. his father: and especially Leircester by the atteindure of Simon Monteforte.)
Thomas the eldest of Edmunde, Erle of Lancaster, was behedid at Pontefracte.
Henry brother to Thomas was erle after hym.
Henry, sun to Henry, had a doughtter caullid Blaunch, that was maried to John of Gaunt, the 3. sun to King Edward the thirde, by whom she had Henry the 4., Phillipe, Quene of Portingal, and Elisabeth, Countes of Huntingdon, by John Holand her husband.
John Holand, Duke of Excester, weddid Anne of Staford.
Henry, Duke of Excester, weddid Anne the Duche of Yorkes doughter.
Philip, doughter to Blaunche, had by King John of Portingale, Edward, after King of Portingale.
After whom Alphonsus was King of Portingale.
The batelle of Shrobbesbyri was betwixt King Henry the 4. and Percy Erle of Northumbreland anno D. 14 ... wher Percy was slayne, and Humfrede Erle of Staforde, and Sir John Blunte withe were slayne on the kinge's part.
Henry the 4. died at Cantewarebyri.
Henry the 4. had to wife the erles doughtter of Hereforde, by whom he had Anne, maried to the Emperor of Almain sunne, and Isabella Quene of Denmark. And 4. sunnes, of the whiche 3. of the younge, Humfrede Duke of Glocester, John Duke of Bedeford, and Thomas Duke of Clarence had no issue.
(This erles doughter of Hereford was Countes of Darby, and is buried at Newark-College in a marble tumbe yn the midle of the quier.)
Henry the v., eldest sun to Henry the 4., had by Catharine Kinge Charles doughtter of Fraunce, Henry the sixte, the which maried Margarete the King of Siciles doughter, by whom he had Prince Edward slayne at Tewkesbyri.
John of Gaunte, Duke of Lancaster, had by Catharine Swinford, first his concubine, and after his weddid wife; John Erle of Somerset, Thomas Duke of Excester, and Henry Cardinale of Winchester; and a doughter caullid Jane, Countess of Westmerland.
(Of the 4. childern, as I have redde, was onely John Erle of Somerset legitime. The other were legitimatid by the Bisshop of Rome,)
John, Erle of Somerset, had John, Duke of Somerset, by Margaret the Erle of Kent doughter.
This Duke John had by the doughtter of the Lorde S. John a doughtter caullid Margarete, after maried to Edmunde Erle of Pembroke, by whom she had Henry the vij.
(Syr William Parre told me that this Margarete had to her first husband Staford, Erle of Wileshire, uncle to the last Duke of Buckingham.)
John, Erle of Somerset, had also Edmunde, after Duke of Somersete that weddid the Erle of Warwikes doughter; he had Henry of Somerset and Edmund Somersete, and a doughter, after Countes of Staforde.
John, Erle of Somersete, had also Jane, Quene of Scotland, and mother to King James.
Leylande. (There append yn the rolle no issue by Thomas, Duke of Excester, sun to John of Gaunt and Catarine Swine: ford.)
Jane, doughter to John of Gaunte and Catarine Swineford, had by Rafe Neville, Erle of Westmerland, Richard Neville, Erle of Saresbyri by his wife. This Richard had Richard, Erle of Warwike, by his wife Dame Anne.
(There was sette in a roundel under the name of Richard, Erle of Warwike, these wordes: The Lady Spensar: wherby it is to be said, that other his wife was Lady Spensar, or that he had a doughter by her caullid the Lady Spensar.)
Jane, wife to Rafe Nevile, had also by hym William, Lord of Fauconbridge by his wife.
Jane had also Thomas, Lorde Latimer by his wife.
Jane had also by Rafe Neville Edward, Lord of Burgeyni by his wife.
Jane had also Robert Bisshop of Dureham.
Jane had also Cecile Duches of Yorke.
Edward the first had by his wife Quene Eleanor, the King
of Spaines doughter, Edwarde Cair Arvon, Elianor, Duches of Barre, and Margarete, Duches of Brabante.
Edwarde the first had also by his 2. wife, Margaret doughter to King Philip of Fraunce, Thomas Erle Marescal, of whom the Dukes of Northfolk do descend, and Edmund, Erle of Kent.
Edwarde Cair Arvon King of England had by his wife Isabelle (sister to Charles King of Fraunce, and for lak of issue of Charles the right inheritor of Fraunce) Edwarde the 3, John of Eltham, and Isabelle Quene of Scottes.
(Thomas Erle Marescal had in the rolle to roundelles, one under another lineally. In the first was written Richard Erle Marescal, and then Duke of Northefolk. And yn the other roundele was written Richard the secunde Duke of York: but how Richard cam to Thomas Marescal landes there was no mention made.
Edmunde, brother germane to Thomas Erle Marescal, was Counte of Kent, of whom descendid Thomas and Eleanor (after wife to the Blak Prince) as the rolle sayith.)
Edmonde was Erle of Kent after his brother Thomas, and had no issue. Thomas Duke of Surrey, and Erle of Kente, dyed withowte issue.
Thomas was weddid to Alice, doughter to Richard, Erle of Arundale, and had issue Alice, wife to Roger Mortimer, Erle of Marche, and of Ulster: Margaret, Countes of Somerset, by Erle John: the Countes of Saresbyri, wife to Sir Thomas Monteacute.
Edwarde the 3. had by his wife Philip, doughter to the Erle of Henaude, Edwarde Prince of Wales, Leonel Duke of Clarence, Johnf of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster Edmundt Duke of York, and Thomas, Duke of Glocester.
(I found in another roulle that Edward the 3. had ij. doughters, Marie, Duches of Britaine, that had a sun, Giles Duke of Britain: and Margaret, Countes of Penbrok, that had a doughter namid Eleanor, maried to Gray of Ruthine.)
Prince Edwarde had by Eleanor of Kent Richard, after King of Englande.
Leonel, Duke of Clarens, had by the doughter and heir of the Erle of Ulster ...
Edmunde, Erle of Marche, maried the doughter and heire of Duke Leonelle.
Roger, Erle of Marche, and of Ulster, weddid Alice doughter of the Erle of Kente.
Edmunde, Erle of Marche, had no issue: but left his sister Anne heire.
I saw in another rol a roundel derivid from Dame Philippe, heir to Leonel Duke of Clarence, with this writing, Da. Elisabeth nupta Henrico Percy: and in a roundel under Elisabeth was written, Henricus Percy Comes Northumbriae.
Edmunde, Duke of York, the 4. sunne to Edwarde the 3. had by the Kinges Peters doughter of Spaine 2. sunnes: Edward Duke of York, that was slayne at the batel of Egincourt anno D. 141 5. and Richard, Erle of Camebridge.
(There folowid in the rolle no roundelles of issue of Edwarde.)
Edward maried Anne, sister and heire to Edmunde Erle of March, and Ulster: and in her remaynid the inheritance of thafore said 2. erledoms.
Richard Duke of York (Richardus filius Richardi comitis Cantabr.) after his uncle Edward, and Erle of Marche and Ulster by Anne his mother, had issue Edwarde Erle of the Marche, John Erle of Rutheland, George, Anne Duches of Excester, and Elisabeth.
Thomas Duke of Glocester the fiveth sunne of Edward the 3. had by the Erle of Herefordes doughter a doughter and heir caullid Anne.
Humfrey Erle of Staford maried Dame Anne, heir to Thomas Duke of Glocester, by whom he had Humfre Erle of Staford and Duke of Bokingham.
(There was writen in a roundel by Humfre Duke of Bokingham these wordes: Benet Duches of Bokingham.
And under the roundel of Humfred Duke of Bokingham was another roundel having this writing: Humfrei Erle of Staford weddid the Duke of Somerset doughter.)
Dame Anne of Glocester had to her secunde husband Sir William Boucher, and he had by her issue Henry the Lord Boucher, Erle of Essax; Thomas Archebisshop of Cantewarbyri; William Boucher, and John Boucher knighttes, (this John was Lord Barnes) and a doughter Alienor maried to John Duk of Norfolk.
William Bouchier was Lord Fitzguarin, and had a sun caullid Fulco.
John Boucher had a sunne caullid Humfrede.
Isabel, doughter to Richard Counte of Cambridg, was maried to Henry Boucher Counte of Estsax, by whom she had William Boucher knight; Humfre Boucher knight, caullid Lord Crumwel; John Boucher knight, and Thomas Boucher knight.
Thinges extractid owt of a rolle that Mr. Brudenel shewid me.
Hugo de Mortimer miles, et Matildis Longespe consors sua.
Rogerus Mortimer, filius et heres dicti Hugonis et Matildis. Radulphus Mortimer miles, et Gladuse duy consors ejus, filia et heres Lewelini Principis Wallice. Rogerus Mortimer miles, filius et heres Rudulphi et Gladusce. Ds. Johannes de Genevilla Comes Ultonice. This John Greneville had a sun caullid John, a frere of the order of S. Dominic.
Ds. Gul. de Burgh miles, et Matildis ejus consors, filia et heres Joannis de Geneville.
D. Joannes Burgh, Comes Ultonice, primas Hibernice. D. Joan. Burgh, Comes Ultonice, et Elisabeth ejus consors. Leonellus dux Clarentice, et Elisabeth ejus consors, filia et heres Joan. Burgh. Ds. Edmundus Langeley dux Ebor. et Isabel ejus consors, filia et heres Petri Regis Hispanice.
Ds. Edmundus Mortimer, et Philippa filia Leonelli ejus consors.
Rogerus Mortimer, Comes March, heres Britan. et Franc. Anna filia et heres Rogeri Mortimer nupsit Richardo Comiti Cantabrigice.
Richard Duke of York had issue Edward the 4; Richard Duke of Glocester; Edmunde Erle of Rutheland; George Duke of Clarence; Anne, married to Henri Holand Duke of Excester; Elisabeth, maried to John Duke of Southfolk; and Margarete.
Owte of a roulle of the genealogie of the Erles of Westmerland.
Gilbertus Neville cam yn with King William Conqueror, and was his admirale. Galfredus was son and heire to this Gilbert.
Asketillus Bulmer had a sun caullid Berthram, and they were lordes of Branspeth: Berthram had a doughtter and heire maried to the heir of the Nevilles, and so cam Branspeth to the Nevilles.
Ther was in the rolle a petygre derivid from Owtrede Erle of Northumbreland yn strait line to one Mildrede. This Mildrede had a sunne caullid Robert: and Robert had a doughter and heire caullid Emme, by whom the Nevilles had Raby.
Ribaldus frater Alani Nigri, Comitis Britanniae et Richemont, was Lord of Midleham: and by mariage with an heire generale of this line the Nevilles cam to Midleham.
Da Raby the first Erle of Westemerland had a xx. childern by his 2. wives. Mary, one of the Lady Nevilles of Raby, was buried at Coverham, and her husband to as I remember.
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