Leland's Itinerary of England and Wales: Part XI.
Nomina episcoporum Dorcacestrensium.
BIRINUS obiit 3. Call, Decembar anno dom. 650.
Bertinus tempore regis Offae.
Leofwinus qui conjunxit duos episcopates, scilicet Dorcaster et Leircester.
Wuwine tempore Wilhelmi Bastardi.
Nomina episcoporum Lincoln, a conquestu.
Robertus Bloeth: deceased anno 1123.
Robertus de Elienneto: deceased anno 11 ...
Galfridus qui translatus fuit a Lincoln. Ebor.
Gualterus de Constantia.
S. Hugo.
Gul. de Montibus.
Hugo Wells.
Robert Grosteste: deceased anno 1253.
Henricus Lexington: coram cap. S. Mar. in or.
Richard Gravesend.
Oliverus Sutton.
Johannes Dalderby.
Henricus Burwasche.
Thomas Weke.
Joannes Gynwelle, sepul. in Occident, par. eccles.
Joannes Bukingham.
Henricus Beaufort, translatus ad Winton. et postea card. S. Eusebii.
Philippus de Ripington.
Richardus Fleminge.
Gul. Gray.
Gul. Alnewik, sepultus occidentali. par. ecclesiae.
Marmaducus Lomeley.
Joan. Chedworth, sepul. boreali parte prope Sutton.
Thomas Rotheram translatus ad Ebor.
Joann. Russelle.
Gul. Smith, sepult. occiden. parte ecclesiae.
Thomas Wolsey translatus ad Ebor.
Gul. Awater, sepul. occid. part, eccles.
Johannes Longeland erexit sacellum cum sepulchro simillimo sepulchro Russelli.
Frater Adam scripsit vitam S. Hugonis episcopi Lincoln, et librum dedit R. Priori et monachis Withamensibus.
S. Hugo natus in territorio Gratianopolitano.
Petrus monachus Cisterc. postea archiepiscopus Tarentasiensis, praeceptor Hugonis.
Hugo praenotatus per Henri. 2. venit ad Witham in Anglia, ubipaulo ante ... Henr. monaster. Cartusianorum instituerat.
Sepultures in Lyncolne.
Henry Burwasch Bisshop of Lincoln buried in the est ende of the churche toward the northe.
There is also buried at his fete Robart his brothar, a knighte of greate fame in the warrs.
And there also is buried Barptoleme sunn to Robert Burwasche, and they foundyd 5. prists, and 5. pore scollars at gramar schole in Lyncolne.
In owr Lady chappell, at the est ende of the northe syde of the churche, is buried the bowells of Quene Elianor. The armes of Castle be on the syde of the tombe.
In the southe est chapell next to it is buried one of the Lorde Nicholas Cantilupes.
This Cantilupe foundyd a mastar and 2. or 3. cantuaris, aftar augmentyd to vii. Now the colledge is corruptely cauled Negem College.
And thereby at his hed lyethe one of the Wymbisches, a residensary of Lincolne in a fayre highe tombe.
In S. Nicholas Chapell is a merveylows fair and large Psaltar, full in the margin of goodly armes of many noble men.
S. Hughe liethe in the body of the est parte of the chirche above the highe altare.
Bysshope Fleminge liethe in an highe tumbe in the northe isle of the upper parte of the chirche in the walle; and thereby undar flate stones ly Oliver Sutton, and John Chadworthe byshope.
Bysshope Russell and Longland, now bisshop, tumbes be in to chapells cast out of the uppar parte of the southe wall of the churche.
Agayne this chapell is Fitz William knight buried.
In the southe parte of the presbytery lyithe in 2. severalle highe marble tumbes in a chapell Catarine Swineforde, the 3. wife to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, and Jane her dougtar Countes of Westmerland.
Byshope Thomas lyethe in the highest cross northe isle.
Robert Grosted lyethe in the hygheste southe isle with a goodly tumbe of marble and an image of brasse over it.
Bysshope Repington lyethe under a flate stone thereby.
In the lower northe crosse isle lyethe Bysshope Thomas Weke.
In the lower southe crosse isle laye Bysshope Dalberby; but his tumbe was taken away nomine superstitionis.
John Multon knyght lyethe in the body of the chirche.
Bysshope Gwyney lyethe in the body of the churche, and buyldyd a greate chapell_of Seint Magdalene without the very northe waull, but Joyninge on the north syde of the cathedrall churche, and foundyd a 5. cantuaries. and this
churche was aftar translatyd into the northe syde of the eskeker by the peace of west area of the churche yarde.
Where the Deane of Lyncolnes howse is in the minstar close of Lyncolne and there about was a monasterye of nunes afore the tyme that Remigius began the new mynstar of Lyncolne: and of this howse yet remayne certayne tokens of it.
The body of the churche of Lyncolne to the first crosse isle hathe viii. arches pilloryd with marble on eche syde. The first crosse isle is greatar and more in lengthe then the second crosse isle is.
The quiere betwixt the 2. crosse isles hathe on eche syde 4. arches and pillor of marble.
The est ende of the chirche hathe 5. arches on eche syde withe pillors of marble.
At the northe ende of the upper crosse isle is the cloystre, and in the este ende of it is the chapitre house, the este ende whereof is very fayre opere circulari, and the fornix is susteinid with a pillor of marble.
There is a very fayre dore in the upper part of the churche southeward to go into the close, and agayne this lyithe the bisshops palace hangginge in declivio.
Al the hole close is environid withe an highe stronge wawle havynge dyvers gats in it, whereof the principall is the Escheker Gate.
The paroche churche of Seint Margarete is within the close by of est southe est.
In paroch. eccle. de Gainesburge.
Dominus Thomas Burgh miles ordinis garterii obiit anno Dom. 1408. Sepultus est in australi parte supremi altaris cum Margareta domina de Boterax [a] ejus consorte.
Dominus Edmund Cornewaille dominus de Thonak jacet boreali parte ecclesi. et instituit ibidem tres cantuarias; obiit anno Do. 1322. 16. die Decembris.
[a] Botreaux.
Qwatermayne foundyd an hospitall at Tame in Oxfordshire.
One of the Qwatermains is buried in Tame Churche.
The Qwatermaynes were men of faire lands in the quarters of Oxford, Bukynghame and Barkshire.
The last of the Qwatermains left moste of his lands to one Fowlar, whose sune was after chauncelar of the Duchye of Lancastar, and this chaunselars sonne sold away all.
Ricote was one of Quatermains manor places.
Yonge Chambarlayne of Oxfordshire tolde me that the lordshipe of Cotes about Northampton was the auncients manor of the Chamberleins. He tolde me all that they had also the lands of a knight caulyd Helke by heires generalle.
Gul. de Perci in tempore Gul. com. dedit s. feodos militum collegio de Beverley, totidem S. Wilfrido de Ripon, totidem hospitalariis, totidem templariis, totidem S. Hildi de Whitby.
Ther was in the olde rowle set the name of Agelnoun with one of the first Percys.
Hic Gul. fundator fuit de Whitby. Alanus ejus filius confirmator.
Emma de Port nupsit Gul. Percy.
Gysbritus Tisonn fundator monasteriorum de Malton et Watton fuit dominus de Alnewik et Malton. This Tisonn gave the lordeshipe of Watton to a nece of his.
Gul. filius Gisbrighti interfectus in bello inter Haroldum et Guli. reges.
Surely, as far as I can perceyve, the Vescys heires to Tison were foundars of Watton and Malton, and not Tisonn himselfe.
Guil. Tisonn reliquit etiam unicam filiam, quae nupsit Yvoni de Vescy op. Normanniae.
Gisbrightus habuit etiam juniorem filium Richardum, cut multas ter. dedit.
And Richard's heires males in tyme decayng cam by a doughtar Bona Tisonn to Gul. Hilton. Gul. Percy 3. fundator de Hanke.
Ther was notyd in the old rolle apon the name of Jocelinus
de Lovain, sonne to the Duke of Brabant, how that at suche tyme as he shuld mary the heyre of the Percy, that he shuld othar take the name of Percy, or els Percys armes witheout addition of the armes of Brabant; whereapon he toke the name of Percy, and kept in his armes the blew lyon the armes of Brabant.
Percy cam by the Lucys land by meane of an heire generail of the Lucis that he maried, and she havynge no children by hym, and dyenge afore hym made hym hir sole heire by dede of mere gifte.
Ex tabula pencilibus Dunelmensis.
Anno Domini 1346. vigilia S. Lucae hora 9. bellum inter Scottos et Anglos in loco dicto Nevill's Crosse.
Rex David cepit Lidel.
Rex David venit ad Bewrepark, ubi fixit tentoria.
Hoc tempore exercitus Anglorum erat apud Akeland.
Barthram Copland mane irruebat cum parte exercitus in Scottos.
Menille et Henri. Percy postea fortiter cum Scottis dimicabant,
Gul. de la Zuche archiepiscopus Ebor. et Mowbray ejus diaconus, ac Robertus Ogle ejus subdiaconus fortiter pugnabant.
Thomas Carre vexillarius dixit Joanni Copland, cape Davidem regem.
Mundingden locus prope Norham caede Scotorum insignis.
Jacobus occisus apud Brankston.
Intelligit Gul. de la Souch archiepiscopum Ebor.
Sit pater invicte, sicco de stipite dicte,
Grande tuum nomen, tibi conditor attulit omen.
Sit laus armorum comiti vails calamorion.
Berdwith miles comitis Tosti violans pacem S. Cuthberti periit.
A stronge wardyd gate at Geteshed.
Tyne bridge hathe 10. arches and a stronge warde and towre on it.
A gate at the bridge ende.
Then turninge on the right honde to the key a chapell of the towne withe a Maesun Dieu.
Then a certen houses with a watar gate and a sqware haull place for the towne, and a chapelle there, as I remembar.
Then a mayne stronge waull on the haven side to Sandgate to Tinmouthe way.
Then 5. towers to Pandon gate.
There harde by dothe ... Deene watar dryve a mille, and passithe thrwghe the ... on this watar there by is a litle archid bridge.
And about this quartar stoode the howse of the Friers ordinis S. Trinitatis.
From Pandon gate to Pilgrime gate 15. towres.
Thens to Newgate 8.
The Observant Frires Howse stode by Pandon gate. It was a very fayre thinge.
And lower in the same strete, but on the contrary syde a litle with a lane, was the house of the Augustine Freires.
From Newgate to Westgate a mightye stronge thinge of 4. wardes, and an yron gate 13. towres.
The faire place of Blake Freres stode bytwixt Newgate and Westgate.
The Nunnes Dene havinge 2. bridges resortithe towards Pilgrime gate, and so downe ward to Tine.
The watar of boothe the Denes cummithe from the cole pitts at Cowhil or Cowmore halfe a mile owt of New Castelle.
Ther is a parke waullid and a lodge witheout the Blak Freres and the towne waulle.
From Westgate to Tine side 16. parte almoste round, parte sqware. There I saw the hospitall of S. ... and then the White Freres, whos garth cam almoste to Tine syde.
Ther be 5. hedds of conduiths for fresch watar to the toun.
Sepulchra episcoporum Dunelmen. in capitulo.
Robertus de Insula [a] in vano marmore.
Turgotus episcopus, Aldunus, et Walkerus [b] in uno tumulo.
Edmundus et Edredus in uno tumulo.
Guil. de Capilepho.
De Groystane natus jacet hic Robertus humalus. [c]
Nicolaus Ferneham episcopus.
Philippus episcopus. Richardus de Marisco.
Ranulphus, [d] as some say, buyldyd Norham Castle.
Walkerus that was slayne at Gatshed was first byried at Jarway.
Alterum sepulchrum sine inscriptione.
Ranulphus episcopus, Galfridus episcopus, Gulielmus 2., Walterus.
In Choro.
Skirlaw ad boream sub arcu.
Hatfeld ad austrum sub arcu.
Ludovicus Bellemont coram mag. altari sub piano marmore.
In orientali transepto ecclesiae.
Antonius de Becco subpiano lapide ad borealem parlem.
Richardus de Byri ad austrum.
In Galilea.
Thomas Langeley cancellar. Angl. tempore 3um. regum sepultus in Galilea.
Est autem Galilea eccl. adjecta Occident, parti mag. eccl. Habet in latitudine 5. paries distinctas, et unaquaeque pars arcus 4.
Langeley made the songe and the gramer schols at Dirham.
Robert Neville Bisshope of Durham lyithe in a highe
[a] Robert of Holy Island (Lindisfarne).
[b] Walcher, first buried at Jarrow.
[c] Robert of Graystanes, sub-prior and historian of Durham.
[d] Ralph Flambard.
playne marble tumbe in the Galile. As some say this Nevill made the Feretrum S. Cutheberti as it is now.
There liethe at the hedde of this Neville Richard de Castro Barnardi undar a flat stone. There liethe at his hed one of the Nevilles. There is also a tumbe of Bede the noble monke.
Two of the Lomeleys ly at the northe syde of the churche in the churche garthe in vario marmore.
Things that I lernyd of Mastar Hinmar Chauncellar of Durham.
A bysshop of Durham gave, as it apperithe by writinge, the lordeshipe of Ravensworthe apon Tine to a nephew of his. Sins it was one Humfrevills, then Lomeley, and now Gascoynes.
Bointon was owner of this castle no very longe tyme sens.
The lands wher now Greatham Hospitale is by Hertelpole was longinge to Peter Mountefort of the Erldome of Leyrcestar, and beinge attaynted the kynge enteryd on the lande. Then the Bysshope of Duresme made sute to the kynge, sayenge that attayntyd land in the byshopriche shuld be his, and provynge that to be trew, he had the land, and made there an hospitall, and induyd it withe the same.
Henricus de Puteaco brothar to Hugh Puteacus was foundar of Finkeshal Priorye on Were 2. mils benethe Duresme, and there is he buried; and also S. Goodelak the Heremite.
There is a place in the very hedde of Weredale caullid the Bysshop Stones, and there is the limes of the Bisshoprike.
There be 8. prebends or portions at Northton apon Tese a bout a mile above Stokton.
Yarham Bridge is 2. mils above it. Waltar Skirlaw Bysshope of Durehame made Yareham Bridge. He made also the Gate Howse at-Akeland, and also Finkley [a] Bridge on Were of 2. arches, or rathar one arche withe a pillor in the midle of it, was made by Skyrlaw. It was throwne
[a] Finchale.
downe 2. or 3. yeres agoo for lake of reparations in tyme. It stode a mile above Duresme.
This Skirlaw made all, or a peace of the lanterns at Yorke Minster, cast out of the vaults of the isles of eche syde of the highe altar. For there be his armes sette.
Skirlaw made at Swine in Holdernesse, where he was borne, a fayre chapelle, and there indued to cantuaries. His fathar, as some say, was a makar of ciffenes [a] for meale.
There is bothe yren and lede owre, and also cols in Werdale.
The water of Were is alway of a trobelyd color, as cumminge thoroughe morishe and owrische soyles.
Litle or no fishe is taken but eles in the upper parte of Were. For fishe can not ther well lyve in it.
Woulsingham Market in Weredale is cleane decayed. For none repayre thither with ware or intayle on the consuete day.
As far as Stanhope men of knowledge say that there nevar was market.
Mastar Chauncelar of Duresme holdithe opinion that the marmoruarium that is at Duresme in divers parte of the churche was taken nother out of Tese nor Were but at a meaner broke by Woulsingham.
There is a very good quarre of gray marble at Angleston.
Hugo de Puteaco, as the Dene of Duresme tolde me, made the howse that the Byshops of Duresme have at Darlengton.
Ex antiquo Codice Dunelmensi.
Tempore Berthrami Prioris vaccaria quaedam prope Dunelmum mutata est in locum solatii et aedificiis ornata; a quo tempore dicta est Beaurepair, id est, bellus reditus.
Omnes episcopi Lindisfarnenses et Conicastrenses ab Aidano ad Walkerum [b] Normannum fuerunt monachi.
Crux lapidea in coemiterio Dunelmensi delata erat a Lindisfarn cum corpore S. Cutheberti, in quo sculptum erat nomen episcopi facientis illam, s. Ethelwaldi. Prius erat
[a] Cyve, a sieve.
[b] Walcher the Norman.
fracta a paganis; sed postea plumbo artifitiose paries erant reunitae.
Insula Lindisfernensis continet 8. milliaria,
Ecclesia et villa de Norham per Ecgredum episcopum aedificatae et S. Cuthberto datae.
Corpus S. Cuthberti delatum Cregam, [a] ibi requievit 4. mensibus, et postea delatum est Cestram.
Hardeknute contulit S. Cuthberto totam terram inter Tese et Tine. Scottiin Mundingham prope Norham viri absorpti propter terras S. Cuthberti ab eis spoliatas.
Corpus S. Cuthberti requievit in Cestra annis 113. et postea apud Ripon 3. mensibus.
Stire nobilis vir dedit S. Cuthberto Darington cum pertinentiis, et duas carucatas in Lumlea.
Swaculf filius Kikelli dedit S. Cuthberto Bradebyri, Mordun, Sockburn, Griseby cum saca et socna.
Walkerus contulit Yarow cum pertinentiis.
Waldeophus comes Northiimbr. dedit monachis de Yarow Tinmouthe. Gul. Rufus rex dedit Alverton [b] S. Cuthberto.
Hugo de Ponteaco [c] episcopus Dunelmen. fecit murum castelli in porta aquilonari usque partem australem. Hugo etiam fecit pontem de Elvet, turrim de Norham.
Hugo fecit oppidum apud Alverton. Hugo Sadbrigiam [d] eruit a Richardo rege.
Waltherus episcopus Dunelmen. interfectus anno Dom. 1080. et ejus episcopatus anno 9. sub quo monachi introducti erant in Dunelmum anno Dom. 1083. 7o. Cal. Jun. feria 6. annis 89. ex quo corpus S. Cuthberti illuc delatum.
Gul. Conquestor fecit Novum Castrum super Tinam.
Leiland. Hoc opus Roberto Gul. Bastardi filio ascribitur.
Canutus rex dedit S. Cutheberto Stanthorpe et Raby cum aliis terris.
Epitaphium Matildae imperatricis.
Ortu magna, viro major, sed maxima partu, Hic jacet Henricifilia, sponsa, parens.
[a] Craike.
[b] Allerton.
[c] Hugh de Puiset or Puisac, otherwise Pudsey.
[d] Sadbergh.
Filia Henrici Imi regis Angl. uxor. Henrici imperatoris, mater Henrici 2. regis Angliae.
Tilleredus abbas Heffereham dedit Yoden australe S. Cuthberto.
Gutheardus dictus episcopus praestitit plures villas cuidam Alfredo filio Birutuswici exulis,
Elstanus rex Wermuth ausiralem cum suis appendiciis restituit S. Cuthberto.
Chronica feretri S. Cuthberti.
Robertus Courthose condidit Novum Castrum super Tinam. Sedes Ebor. post mortem S. Wilfridi primi vacavit annis 30. quo tempore Lindisfarnenses episcopi Cotmannus, Aidanus et Finnanus dioecesim illam regebant.
Aecfridus rex dedit Crege S. Cuthberto.
Ethelstanus rex multa ornamenta ecclesiastica dedit ministris S. Cuthberti.
Aethelstanus rex restituit S. Cutheberto australem Weremouth cum undecim villis.
Episcopi Dunelmenses a tempore Ludovici Bellemont.
Richardus Byri consecratus 14. Call.Januarii anno Dom. 1333. obiit 8. Cal. Maii anno Dom. 1345.
Thomas Hatfeld consecratus est n. Jul. videlicet 6. Idus Julii anno Dom. 1345., obiit i. Non. Maii anno Dom. 1381.
Johannes Fordeham consecra. Nonis Januar. anno Dom. 1381. et translahts est ad Eliensem 3. Non. Apr. anno 1389.
Walterus Skirlaw consecra. 3. die Apri. anno Dom. 1389. obiit 8. Cal. Apr. anno Dom. 1406.
Thomas Langele consecratus 7. die Maii anno Dom. 1406. obiit 28. d. Novembris anno Domini 1437.
Robertus Neville translatus a sede Sarum consecra. 27. die Januarii anno Dom. 1437. Alii scribunt consecr. esse 8. die Apr. anno Dom. 1438. obiit 9. die Jul. anno Dom. 1457.
Lawrentius South consecra. 25. die Septembris apud Shirburn in Elvet anno Dom. 1457. translatus fuit ad sedem Ebor. die S. Firmini episcopi.
Provocatus est rex Edwardus contra Antonium de Bek episcopum Dunelmensem, eo quod pacem inter ipsum et
Priorem mediante rege initam non observasset, et ex aliis caussis cum hac castrum Bernardi cum pertinentiis ab eo abstulit, et comiti de Warwik coniulit, Hert et Hertnesse Roberto de Clifford, Kevreston, [a] Galfrido de Hertilpole, quae episcopus habuit ex forisfactura Joannis de Balliolo, Roberti de Bruse, et Christophori de Seton. In charta tamen dicti regis addebatur istud verbum, salvo jure ecclesiae Dunelmensis.
Thomas Melsanbe Prior Dunel. fabricavit eccl. Dunelmen. de novo adjuvante Nicolao Fernham episcopo Dunelmen. prius reginae medico.
Anno Domini 1264. Hugo de Derlington Prior Dunelmen. fecit mag. campanile, parcos de Beaurepair et Muggeleswik, stagnum de Fery Pitington, Benliffe, Mukelinge. Ille fecit manerium de Ketton, capellam, aulam et cameras de eodem, cameras de Pitington, West-Stow et Wardlaw, postea a Scottis destructas. Fecit insuper cameram de Mugleswik, aquam de Devernensset et de Brown.
Ab anno Dom. 1408. usque ad annum Dom. 1498. expendebantur ad aedificationem claustriDunelmen. 838. li. 17. sol. et ob. ex quibus Waltenis Skirlaw dedit 600. libras; ex quibus episcopus vivens 200. eo mortuo executores 400.
Skyrlaw dedit etiam ad constructionem dormitorii 350. marcas. Aquae ductus in cellarium derivatus anno Dom. 1433. Blakeburne descendit in Horselehopbourne, [b] inde Horselehopbourne descendit in Derwent in orientali parte, sicut Hawkesburn descendit in Roneleshopbourne, et inde sicut Roneleshopbourn descendit de Derwent.
Owt of a Table in the Chapell of S ... withe in Barnard's Castell.
Cest memoratum avint le an del incarnation mil e deus cens e trentre troys al entre del an el secunde moys tut droyt le quart jor de Fefrer. dune trepassa le franc gerrer Alen le seignur de Galweyth. Pries ad dieu ke sa alme lui playse. Amen.
[a] Keverston.
[b] The burne of Horsley-hope.
Things lernyd out of a Petigre of the L. Scrope.
Walter le Scrop the first that was memorable of that name. The fifthe in descent aftar Water was Philipe, and he lefte 2. dowghtars that were maried, and died witheout issue.
Simon was brother to the aforesayde Philip, and was heire, and had isswe male. Philip and Simon ly buried in the southe porche sydes of Wencelaw paroche on Ure a mile or more above Midleham.
Henry le Scrop was in the beginning of the reigne of Edward the 3. a Baron of the Eskeker and made a lord of the Parliament, and dyenge was buried in the beginning of Edward the 3. dayes at S. Agathas by Richmont, where dyvers othar of that name were beried.
The Chanons of Seint Agathas tooke one Roaldus for theyr originall foundar. Som thinke thatf he was of the Scropes, some thinke rather nay.
Henry Lorde Scrope had a brother caulled Geffray, partaininge to the law, and he was made Lorde Scrope of Massham.
Richard Lorde Scrope was Chauncelar of England in Richard the 2. dayes. This Richard made out of the grownd the castle of Bolton of 4. greate stronge towres and of good lodgyngs. It was a makynge xviii. yeres, and the chargys of the buyldinge cam by yere to 1000. marks.
One Blaunche dowghtar to Michael de la Pole was maried to this Richard. This Richard had a sonne caullyd Gulielme, whom Kynge Richard the 2. made Earle of Willeshere. He was aftar behedyd, and had no isswe. Yet Richard lyved, and thowghe he wer not restoryd to his office of Chaunselar, yet was he made Threasorer to the Kynge, and dyed in honor.
Some of the Scropes wer buryed at S. Agathas by Richemount, and moaste of late dayes at Bolton.
There were of the Scrops of the Plessyes, and of the Frankes buried in the Grey Friers at Richemount.
One Robert Tipetote died in Edward the 3. days, and he had 3. dowghtars and heires, whereof one was maried to
Le Scrop, and by this Tipetote Le Scrope had the castell of Langham in Notinghamshire, where was a principall howse of the Tipetots.
William Scrope and heire of the Scropes afore they were lords, and the Lord Neville were founders of the ...
One Robertus de veteri ponte was Lorde of Appleby in Kynge John's tyme, and so was one of them in the first yeres of Edward the I.
Radulphus filius Ranulphi was Lorde of Midleham, and lefte 2. dowghtars. Mari the elder was maried to Nevile, Johan to Tateshall, and he dyenge witheowt isswe the hole cam to Nevile.
Snape lordshipe, where now the Lord Latimer dwellithe, was Fitz Randols.
The innar parte of the castle of Midleham was buildyd or ever it came to the Neviles hands.
Mounteacute Erle of Saresbyry was Lorde of Perithe Castle.
Richard Lord Scrope that buildid Bolton Castle boute the heire generall of S. Quintine that was ownar of Hornby Castle in Richemountshire.
This Richard was content that one Coniers a sarvant of his shuld have the preferment of this warde; and so he had Horneby Castle.
Gul. Coniers the first lorde of that name, grauntfathar to hym that is now, dyd great coste on Horneby Castle. It was before but a meane thinge.
There standithe the ruine of a castlet, or pill, in the toppe of an hill, and is callid Penhil. It standythe a 2. mills from Midleham. It longed to Rafe Fitz Randol, as Midleham dyd.
The fayre bridge of 3. or 4. arches that is on Ure at Wencelaw, a mile, or more, above Midleham, was made 200. yer,ago and more by one caullyd Alwine, parson of Wencelaw.
Sepul. archiepiscoporum in orient, parte ecclesiae.
Walterus Giffart obiit 7. Cal. Maii anno Dom. 1277.
Henry Murdak obiit anno Dom. 1153.
Gerardus obiit 12. Cal.Jun. anno Dom. 1108.
Defuit inscriptio.
Joannes de Thoresby, quondam Menevensis, postea Wigorn. et Ebor. archiepiscopus, qui fabricam ... obiit 6. die Novembris anno Dom. 1373.
Thomas junior obiit anno Dom. 1113. 5. Idtis Mart.
Johan. Romanus obiit anno Dom. 1295.
In bore. lat. Capel. S. Mar.
Rotheram archiepiscopus fuit cancellarius Angliae et Franciae. Obiit 29. die Maii anno Dom. 1500.
Georgius Nevile archiepiscopus obiit apud Blitheborow redeundo ad ecclesiam suam anno Dom. 1476.
In Sacello S ...
Thomas de Masham dominus de Scrope, vir nobilis, obiit ... Fecit in sacello S ... duas cantuarias.
Henricus primogenitus Joannis Domini Le Scrope obiit infans.
Philippa, uxor Henrici Domini Le Scrope et de Masham, filia Guidonis domini de Brieu, obiit 19. die Novembris anno 1406.
Dominus Joannes le Scrope de Upsaule [a] obiit anno Dom. 1455.
Stephanus Le Scrop, archidiaconus Richemond, obiit anno Domini 1418.
Jacent et alii 2. ejusdem nominis extra sacellum, sed ante fores ejusdem.
Salvage archiepiscopits Ebor. sepultus in choro in boreali parte super altari.
In australi ex traverso ecclesiae. Gualterus Grey.
Wilhelmus de la Souche. Obiit anno Dom. 1352.
Rogerus de Asc [b] fundavit monasterium monialium S. Andreae de Marig [c] in fundo sui patrimonii assensu domini sui Marrig. Warnerii filii Gummari, et concessione Conari comitis de Richemonte.
[a] Upsall.
[b] Aske.
[c] Marrik.
Ex libr. de archiepiscopis Ebor. eccks. usque ad mortem Thurstini, incerto autore.
Paulinus Imus. archiepiscopus Ebor. tempore Sax.
Edwinus rex Northumbr. fundator Eboracensis eccle.
Paulinus fundator eccl. Lincoln.
Honorius consecratus in archiepiscopum Cantuar. a Paulino in eccl. Lincoln.
Paulinus fugiens e Northumbr. barbarorum propter persecutionem factus episcopus Rofensis, ibique mortuus est.
Cedda 2. arch. Ebor. factus cum sedes vacasset proprio carens episcopo 30. annis. Hic Cedda ante fuerat abbas de Lestingei. [a] Usus est episcopatu 3. annis, et postea amore quietis vitae honori cessit. Postea ab Wulphero Merc, rege factus est episcopus Lichefeldensis in ecclesia S. Mariae; sed post constructa ibidem ecclesia S. Petri ossa ejus eo translata.
S. Wilfridus 3. arch. Ebor. Primo factus fuit ab Alchfrido, rege Berniciorum, episcopus Haugtistaldensis, postea ab Oswio factus archiepiscopus Ebor.
Wilfridus exulabat inperio Ecfridi regis.
Wilfridus factus episcopus Selesiensis. [b]
Wilfridus rursus factus episcopus Hagustaldensis, [c] vixit in episcop. annis 45.
Bosa 4. episcopus Ebor. rexit episcopatum 10. annis, et principio regni defunctus Ebor. sepultus est.
S. Joannes quintus de gente Anglorum natalibus nobilis.
Joannes bonis artibus instructus in monaster. de Streneshaul. [d] Postea Joan, heremiticam vitam duxit in loco super ripam.
Isabell Percy weddyd to Gilbert de Acton.
[a] Lastingham.
[b] Selsey, Sussex.
[c] Hexham.
[d] Strensall,
Henry the 6. had 2. wives, Mary dowghtar to therle of Lancastar. The 2. was the Lady Lucy. She dyed witheowt ysswe.
Mary had Henry the 7. Thomas Percy and Rafe. Henry the 7. dyed at the Batell of Shrewsbyry before his father. He was the 14. lorde.
Henry the 7. had to wife Elisabethe, dowghtar to the Erle of Marche.
They had Henry the 8. and Elisabethe weddyd to the Lorde Clifford.
Henry the 8. the 2. Erle of Northumberland maried Elianor dowghtar to the Erle of Westmerland.
They had Henry the ix. the 3. Erle. Thomas Percy Lord Egremount.
Gul. Percy Bysshope of Carlile. Ser Richard Percy. George Percy. Katerin Percy that maried Edmund Lord Gray of Ruthen. Ser Rafe Percy Knight. John Percy buried at Whitby. John Percy dyed yonge. Anne Percy. Henry Percy died yong. Ser John Percy Knight.
Out of a Petigre of the Lord Scrop.
Lord Richard Scrope, builder of Bolton Castell, was sett with the Lord Spensar's doughtar his wyfe.
Guliam sunn to Richard and Erle of Wilshire that was behedid by Henry the 4. was set withe his wyfe, Lady of the Isle of Man.
Rogerus Scrop was set next with his wife dowghter to the Lord Tipetote.
The Lord Tipetot that was in Edwarde the 4. dayes had suche lands as were left only to the heire mals of the auncienter Lorde Tipetote, that was in Edward the therd's dayes and Richard the second.
Then was set Richard Scrope 2. and his wife, dowghtar to the Erle of Westmerland.
Then was Henricus 2. set with his wife, dowghtar to the Lorde Scrope of Massham.
Then was set John Scrope, Knight of the Gartar, and his fo. 65 b. wyfe, dowghtar to the Lord Fitzhughe.
Then was set Henry Scrope the 3. and his wiffe, dowghtar to the Erle of Northumbarland.
Then was set Henry Scrope the 4. and his wyffe, dowghtar to the Lord Scrope of Upshall, and his second wyfe, dowghtar to the Lorde of Dacre and Graystoke. This Henry had no ysswe by his first wyfe; but he had the Lord Scrope that is now by his second wyfe.
And this Scrope hathe som by the Erle of Corberland's [a] dowghtar.
The trewthe is that Richard Lord Scrope bowght of the kynge the 3. dowghtars and heyres of the Lorde Tiptote, whereof the eldest was maried to Roger his 2. sonne. The 2. dowghtar was maried to William his eldist sonn, aftar Erle of Wilschere, by whom she had no ysswe, and aftar was maried to Wentworthe, by whome she had issue, and that parte of land the Lord Wentworthe hathe now. Stephan the 3. sonn of Richard Scrope maried the yongest dowghtar, and the isswe of this Scrope remaynethe yet.
Come Castell in the diecese of Wiceter.
Ther be 5. wapentaks in Richemontshire, and the hole contery of Richemont in discribinge ofYorkeshire is countid in the Northe-Rydynge.
Bysshops-Dale lyethe joyninge to the quarters of Craven.
Ure cummith thrughe Wencedale adjoininge to Bisshops-Dale.
The hed of Ure in a mosse about a myle above Coteren Hill is about a 14. miles above Midleham muche westward.
The uppar parte of Wencedale is forest of redd dere, longgynge to the kynge.
All the toppe of Coterne Hille, and somewhat farthar is in Richemondshire. And at the utter parte of the hill, or thereabout, is a bek cawlled Hell-Gille, because it rennithe in suche a deadely place. This gill commithe to Ure, and is divider of Richemont and Westmerland-Shires.
There is no very notable bridge on Ure above Wencelaw [b] Bridge, a mile above Midleham and more.
Bainbridge is above Wencelaw Bridge, Aiskar [c] Bridge above it, where Ure ryver faullethe very depe betwixt 2. scarry rokks.
[a] I.e., Henry Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, temp. Henry VIII.
[b] Wensley.
[c] Aysgarth.
There be a greate numbar of hopes, or small broks, that Yorkshire, cum into eche syde of Ure out of the rokky mountayns or evar it cum to Midleham.
The bridge over Ure by Midleham is but of tymbar.
About a mile benethe Gervalx [a] Abbay is a great old bridge of stone on Ure, caullyd Kilgram Bridge. Then almoste 4. miles to Mascham [b] Bridge of tymbar a litle bynethe Masseham, and vi. miles lower Northbridge at the hether end of Ripon, it is of vii. arches of stone. And a qwartar ot a myle, or lesse, lower, Huwike Bridge [c] of 3. arches. Skelle cummithe in betwixt thes 2. bridges.
Swadale [d] lyithe by yond Wencedale, and out of the hills rokks on eche syde cum many broks into Swale ryver.
There is a fair bridge on Swale at Gronton [e] 35. miles above Richemount; then Richemount bridge, and 3. miles lower Keterike [f] bridge of 4. arches of stone; then 5. mile to Morton bridge of wood; then 5. miles to Skiton [g] bridge of wod; then 3. miles to Topclif bridge of wood, and a 3. mils to Thorton [h] bridg of stone, and ... miles to Miton, [i] whereabout it goithe into Ure.
There be 4. or 5. parks about Midleham, and longing to it, whereof som be reasonably wooddyd.
There is meatly good wood about Ure Vaulx Abbay.
Bolton Village and castell is 4. miles from Midleham. The castell standithe on a roke syde; and all the substaunce of the lodgyngs in it be includyd in 4. principall towres. Yt was an 18. yeres in buildynge, and the expencis of every yere came to 1000. marks. It was finichid or Kynge Richard the 2. dyed.
One thinge I muche notyd in the haulle of Bolton, how chimeneys were conveyed by tunnells made on the syds of the wauls bytwixt the lights in the haull; and by this meanes, and by no lovers, is the smoke of the harthe in the hawle wonder strangly convayed.
Moste parte of the tymber that was occupied in buyldynge
[a] Jervaulx.
[b] Masham.
[c] Bridge Hewick.
[d] Swaledale.
[e] Grinton.
[f] Catterick.
[g] Skipton-upon-Swale.
[h] Thornton,
[i] Myton-upon-Swale,
of this castell was fett out of the forest of Engleby in Cumberland, and Richard Lord Scrope for conveyaunce of it had layde by the way dyvers drawghts of oxen to cary it from place to place till it cam to Bolton.
There is a very fayre cloke at Bolton cum motu solis et Lunae, and othar conclusyons.
Ther is a parke waullyd withe stone at Bolton.
Ther is a hille withe a leade mine 2. miles beyond Bolton.
Ther be some vaynes of coles found in the upper parte of the west montaines of Richemontshire, but they be not usyd for incomoditie of cariage to the lower parte.
Moste of the coale that be occupied about the quartars of Richemount toune be fetched from Rayle Pitts toward the quartars of Akeland.
The vaynes of the se coles ly sometyme open apon clives of the se, as round about Coket Island and othar shores; and they, as some will, be properly caullyd se coale; but they be not so good as the coles that are diggyd in the inner parte of the lande.
The vayne of coales somtyme lyethe as a yarde depe of the substaunce of the coale. Sometyme the vayne it selfe is an ele in depthe, somtyme the hole heithe of a man, and that is a principall vayne.
The crafte is to cum to it with leste paine in depe digginge. Some vaynes of coales ly under rokks and heades of stones: as some suppose that coales ly undar the very rokks that the minstar close of Duresme standithe on.
I redde in a booke at my Lord Scrops that Lucy, Fitz- Gualtar, Haverington and Multon were heires to the Lord Egremont's lands.
And I red in the same booke the claymes of rights of privilegis that Joannes de Britannia Earle of Richemont required bothe for his shire and towne of Richemount, as in makynge of writts at his courts, and liberties of his burge withe 2. faires in the yere at it, and gayle by hymselfe for his shire. And besyde fre warren in his grounds and forest ground in Wencedale with dyvers othar.
I rede in the same boke that Joannes de Britan: Erle of Richemont withe Beatrix his wife dyd compact withe the Prior of Egleston that vi. chanons shuld synge and be perpetually resydent in the castle of Richemount,
Baronia de Gaunt partita inter Rogerum de Kerdeston, et Julianam de Gaunt, et Petrum de Manley, heredes Gilberti de Gaunt. Patet recorda de anno 19. Edwardi I.
Anastasia uxor Radiilphi Fitzrandol. Robertas Tateshal Dominus Baroniae de Tateshal in Lincolnshire.
Part of the lands of Great Badelesmer of Kent cam to the Lord Scrope by mariage.
Genealogia comitum Richemont.
Eudo, comes Britanniae ante conquestum, filius Galfridi ducis, genuit 3. filios successive post eum praesidentes Britan. Alanum, dictum Rufttm vel Fregaunt, qui venit in Angliam cum Gul. Bastard.
Gul. Bastard auxilio Matildis reginae suae dedit Alano honorem et comitatum comitis Edwini in Eborashiria, qui inde vocatus Richemont.
Hic Alanus incepit facere castrum et munitionem juxta manerium suum de Gillinge pro tuitione suorum contra Anglos exheredatos et Danos; et nominavit dictum castrum patria lingua Richemount, i.e. montem divitem. Hic obiit sine exitu corporis sui, et sepultus est apud S. Edmundum.
Alanus niger ejus frater successit ei in honorem Richemont, cujus gubernat. an. 16. quidam miles Acharias, filius Bardolfi, fundavit monaster. apud Fors in Wendeslay Dale, quod postea translatum est ad Witton per Stephanum comitem, et vocabatur, Jorvalis. Hic Alanus niger obiit sine liberis. Stephanus ejus frater successit ei. Stephene genuit filium nomine Alanum, et obiit anno Dom. 1164. Sepultus fuit apud Beger. [a] Cor ejus sepultum est in monaster. S. Mariae juxta Ebor. quod ipse prius construxerat et ampliss. possess. donaverat anno Dom. 1088.
Alanus filius Stephani obiit in Britann. 3. April, anno Dom. 1166.
Conanus filius Alani comitis Britann. et Richemont comitis successit. Hic accepit in uxorem Margaretam Gul.
[a] Begar, near Richmond, Yorkshire, a cell to Begar in Brittany,
regis Scotiae filiam, ex qua genuit Constantiam, quam Galfredus frater Richardi I. regis Angl. accepit in uxorem. Hic Conanus aedificavit turrim magnam in castro Richemont. Obiit in Britann. et sepultus est apud Begar anno Dom. 1170.
Constantia filia Conani ex Galfredo genuit Arthurum, quem Joannes rex Angl. occidi fecit. Constantia postea nupsit Ranulpho cotniti, a quo divortiata est propter adulterium, et postea nupsit Guidoni Tearcho, [a] et ex eo genuit filiam nomine Adeliciam, quae post mortem parentum remansit in custodia regis Fraunciae; et postea nupsit Domino. Petro Manclerk militi suo cum Britannia. Obiit in Britann. sepulta apud Begar anno Dom. 1201.
Adelicia obiit in Britann. et sepulta est apud Plonarmel anno Dom. 1221.
Joannes, filius Adeliciae, obiit in Britan. anno Dom. 1214. Nunquam fuit comes.
Joannes, filius Joannis, comes Richemont desponsavit Beatricem filiam Henrici regis, ex qua genuit Arthurum, Petrum et Joannem. Occisus fuit Lugduni in coronat. dementis pontif. Ro. anno Dom. 1305. ibidemque sepultus est. Arthurus dux Britan. sed non comes Richemont, filius Beatricis obiit in Britan. et sepultus est apud Plonarmel anno Dom. 1311.
Johannes, frater Arthuri comitis, obiit in Britan. sepultus apud Vanes [b] anno Dom. 1330.
Joannes, filius Arthuri comitis, obiit in Britann. sepultus Plonarmel anno Dom. 1341.
Sepulchra nobilium in eccles. de Ripon. In boreali parte insulae transm7.
Two tombes withe ymagis of the Markenfelds and theyr wyves. And a tumbe of one of the Malories in the southe
[a] Guy de Toarche, or Thouars. (Dugdale, Bar., i, 493.) [b] Vannes.
parte of the crosse in a chapell: and without, as I herd, lyethe dyvers of them undar flate stones.
On the northe syde of the Quiere.
Ranulphus Picot obiit anno Dom. 1503.
S. Wilfridi reliquiae sub arcu prope mag, altare sepultae, nuper sublatae.
There be v. fayre arches in the syde isles of the body of the churche.
The body selfe of the churche is very wyde, and was a late new buildyd, especially by one ... Prebendary of the same churche. Sence I hard say he was but paymastar of the works.
In the crosse isle on eche part be 2. or 3. arches.
Inscriptio: in novo muro Capellae S. Mariae Ripitoni.
S. Cuthebertus episcopus Lindifarnensis hic fuit monachus.
S. Eata archiepiscopus Ebor. hic fuit monachus.
S. Wilfridus archiepiscopus Ebor. hiefuit monachus et i . abbas.
S. Willebrordus archiepiscopus Walretensis hicfuit monachus.
Nid ryver risethe muche by west 5. miles above Pateley bridge of wood, a litle a this syde a chapell caullyd Midlemore, and as I could learne it is in the paroche of Kirkeby Malesart.
From Patley bridge and village, a membar of Ripon paroche, to Newbridge of tymber 3. miles. Thens to Killinghal bridge of one great arche of stone 3. miles, and 3. miles to Gnaresbrughe, where first is the west bridge of 3. arches of stone, and then a litle lower Marche bridge of 3. arches. Bothe thes bridges serve the towne of Knaresborow. Gribololbridge is about a mile benethe Marche bridge, and is of one very greate bridge for one bowe. Then to Washeford [a] bridge a 4. miles, it is of a 4. arches. Then to Catalle [b] bridge of tymebar a 2. miles, to Skipbridge of tymbar and
[a] Walshford.
[b] Catal.
a great caussy. The last and lowest bridge on Nidde is this Skipbridg.
This cawsey by Skipbridge towards Yorke hathe a 19. small bridges on it for avoydinge and over passynge carres cumming out of the mores thereby. One Blakeburne, that was twys Maior of Yorke, made this cawsey, and a nothar without one of the suburbs of Yorke. This Blakeburne hathe a solemne obiit in the minstar of Yorke, and a cantuari at Richemond.
This Blakeburne had very onthrifty children; wherefore he made at Yorke 4. cantuaries at Alhowen in the Northe Strete, and as many at Alhalow in the Thauimen. [a]
The hed of Cover is muche by west a 6. miles above Coverham Priorie, and a very litle above this priorye over Cover is a bridge, and thens scant 2. miles it goithe somwhat benethe Midleham Bridge into Ure. [b]
Ther is no notable thinge to speke of from the head of Cover to Coverham Priorie.
Bowrne risethe at a place by west in the west hills caullid More Heade, and thens goithe into Ure a litle benethe Massenham bridge and towne on Ure.
Agayne the mouthe of this on the othar syde of Yore ryver lyethe Aldeburg village.
And a mile farthar by est liethe Thorpe, one of Mastar Danby's howses. Howbeit he hathe one that he more occupiethe at Farnbey a 2. miles from Leeds.
There be 2. lordshipps lyenge not very far from Ripon, that is Norton Conyers and Hutton Coniers. Norton hathe Northeton Coniers, and Malory hathe Hutton Coniers. Thes lands cam to theyr aunciters by two dowghtars, heirs generall of that Coniers.
Malory hathe an othar place caullyd Highe Studly a litle from Fontaines. There be 3. Studeleys togethar: Highe, Midle and Lowe.
Plomton of Plomton a mile from Gnaresburghe.
[a] Sic, but should be "Pavement," i.e., the Church of All Saints
on the Pavement.
[b] Ure or Yore r.
This Plomton hathe by the heire generall a good parte of the Babthorps lands: but Babthorpe the lawyer kepithe Babthorpe selfe, that is, as I remembar, in Holdernesse.
Markenfilde dwellith at Markenfelde, [a] and his manar place berithe his name.
Wiville dwellithe a litle above Masseham on the farther ripe of Ure.
The Lorde Lovelle had a castelle at Killerby within a quartar of a mile of the Ripe citerioris of Swale a myle benethe Keterike Bridge.
There appere gret ruines.
Mastar Metecalfe hierithe the lordeshipe of the Kinge. Som say that ther cam watar by conductus into the topps of som of the towres.
There was a howse at Barwike ordinis S. Trinitatis; but Antony Beke, Bysshope of Duresme, destroyid it, and then one William Wakefilde mastar of the howse in Barwike at the defacinge of it cam to New Castelle, and by the aide of Gul. Acton and Laurence Acton bretherne, bothe marchaunts of New Castell, buildid within the towne of New Castell a howse of the religion S. Trinitatis, where Wakefeld hymself was first master.
There cum diverse smaul broks ripa ulter. into Weland or Rutland, evar it rennithe by Rikingham. [b]
Litle Eye cummith into Weland halfe a mile benethe Rokingham Bridg ripa ulteriori, and this broke is limes betwixt Leircestershire and Ruthelandshire.
Wrete or Wrek [c] cummithe into Weland halfe a myle benethe Colyweston Bridge ripa superiori. There is a bridge archid with stone at Ketton a mile above the place where it enterith into Weland.
Washe cummethe from a litle above Okam [d] in Rutheland, and thens a 8. mile to Byry Casterton, [e] where is a bridge of 3. arches, and then a mile, or more, to Newstede Bridge, and sone after into Weland.
Bridges on Weland ryver bynethe Rokingham Bridge. Coliweston, Stanford, Uffington, Westdepinge, Estdeping, Croiland.
[a] Markingfield.
[b] Rockingham.
[c] Wreak r.
[d] Oakham.
[e] Great Casterton.
Thyngs learnyd of a man of Westmerland.
There is a greate broke caulled Owse Water, [a] in Westmerland. The hede of this watar lyethe about a myle by west from the hedde of Loder, that cummethe by Shap Priorye. The place where it risethe is caullyd Mardale. First it rennith aboute halfe a mile in a narow botom, and then stagnescit, makinge a poole [b] of a 2. mils in lenght, and then it cummithe again in alveum, and so renninge halfe a mile, it goithe by Bampton village strait into Loder. [c]
Bampton is 3. mils lower then Shap.
The poole cummith agayne to a narow botom, and betwixt the lower end of the poole and the mouthe of Ose into Loder is a bridge of stone.
On Loder be no more bridges of stone but Shap Bridge a this syde Browgham.
Ther be about halfe a mile lower then Brougham on the west ripe of Aymote [d] ryver, hard by the ripe, certeyne caves withe in a rokke, as haul chaumbers and othar necesary romes.
The castell of Pendragon is by the farther ripe of Suale, and ther the ryver is a marche betwixt Richemontshire and Westmarland.
Pendragon is not far distaunt from the very hed of Swale. Ther standithe yet muche of this castell.
Gentlemen of name in Westmerland.
The way on Watlyngestrete from Borow Bridge to Carlil.
Wattelyngestrete lyethe about a myle of from Gillinge and 3. miles from Richemount.
From Borow Bridg to Caterike 16. miles, xii. to Lemig, [e]
[a] Hawes Waterbeck.
[b] Hawes Water.
[c] Lowther r.
[d] Eamont r.
[e] Leming.
a pore village, and vi. to Caterike. Thens x. good miles to Westmor- Gretey, [a] then v. miles to Bowes, a very excedinge poore land, thorowghe fayre, and viii. myle to Burgh [b] on Stane More, and v. so to Appleby about a 4. miles, and v. to Browham [c] where the strete cummithe thrughe Whinfelle Parke, and ovar the bridgs on Eimote and Loder, and levinge Perithe [d] a quartar of a mile or more on the west syde of it goithe to Cairluell xvii. miles from Brougham.
The toune of Brougham is now very bare, and very ill buyldyd. Yt hathe bene some very notable thinge.
Eydon [e] ryver rennythe within a quartar of a myle of Broughe.
Mayden Castell, where now is nothinge but an hille diked, is harde on the est syde of Wathelynge Strete, v. miles a this syde Browgh.
Robert Englyshe and Thomas Thirland, Maiors of Notingham, and riche marchaunts, buryed in S. Marie's Churche.
There were vi. or vii. gates in the towne waulle, now all be downe save 3.
S. John Hospitall almoste downe without the towne.
The Gray and White Friers.
As far as I can lerne the chefest howse of the Chaundose that they had in England was at Cowberley in Wileshire.
Syns I red that the name was Cow, and of Berkeley Cowberkley.
Chandois had fayre pocessions in Gascoyne, and of them he had paiment owt of the Kyng's Eskeker.
Ther were dyvars knyghts of fame of the Chaundos afore the tyme of hym that was in Edward the 3. dayes a noble warriour. This Chandois dyed witheout ysswe, and left his two systars heires, whereof one was maried to Bridgs, and the othar to Pole.
Bridges had Cowberle and othar lands to the some of 300. marks by the yere.
Poole had Rodburne [f] withein 4. myles of Darby, and othar 300. marks of land by yere.
[a] Greta.
[b] Brough.
[c] Brougham.
[d] Penrith.
[e] Eden r.
[f] Radbourne.
Chaundois in his old writyngs namithe hymselfe vicecomitem S. Salvatoris.
Chaundois had lands in or about Herfordshire. And he was foundar, as I remembar, of Goldclyve Priorye in Walles, and here, as I thinke, was his first and chefe howse.
The olde howse of Rodburne is no greate thinge, but the laste Chaundois began in the same lordshipe a mighty large howse of stone withe a wonderfull cost, as it yet aperithe by foundations of a man's height standinge yet as he left them. He had thowght to have made of his olde place a colledge.
The Earle of Rutheland in sum old writyngs is cawlyd Lorde Turbur.
Owt of an old boke that the Erles of Ruthland hathe.
In the yere of owr Lorde 734. Alfredus tertius Merc. rex in the ? yere of his reigne cam to the stronge castell of Albanac nere Grantham, and there desyryd to have for wyfe one of the 3. dowghtars of Guliam de Abanac, wherapon Gul. desired him to tary all night at his castle, and in the morninge Gul. brought his eldist dowghtar namyd Adeline starke naked in the one hand, and a swerde draune in the othar. His wyffe led the 2. caullyd Etheldred. Guliam, sone to William, led in one hand the 3. dowghtar caullid Maude, and a swerde in the othar.
Guliam the father then said to the Kynge Alfrid: Sir, heire be my 3. doughters, chese to wyfe whiche ye liste; but rather then ye shuld have any of them to your concubine I wold sle her with my owne hands. The kynge answerid that he ment to take one of them to wife, and chose Etheldrede that had fat bottoks, and of her he had Alurede that wan first all the Saxons the monarchy of England.
Leicestershire. Lincolnshire.
Ex antiquo Codice monasterii de Bello viso. [a]
Robertas de Toterneio, fundator monasterii de Beauvoir, jacet in capitulo.
Et juxta eum Gul. de Albeneio i . scilicet Brito, in parte boreali.
[a] Belvoir, on the edge of two counties.
Item in veteri eccl. ante crucem jacet Gul. de Albeneio 2. scilicet Mechines. Etjuxta eum Adeliza uxor ejus in parte australi. Et 2. uxor ejus Cecilia jacet sub muro veteris eccles. Gul. de Albeneio 3. jacet apud Novum locum, et cor ejus sub muro contra summum altare de Bever in parte boreali.
Gul. 4. jacet ante summum altare de Bever, et cor ejus apud Croxton.
Odonellus de Albeneio jacet in occidentali parte capituli.
Et juxta cum jacet Matildis de Unframville, mater ejus.
Et juxta eam jacet Albreda Biseth uxor Gul. 4.
Robertus de Ros jacet apud Kirkham. viscera autem ejus ante summum altare de Bever juxta corpus Gul. 4. de Albeneio, ex parte austr. qui obiit 16. die Kal. Junii anno Dom. 1285.
Isabella, uxor Roberti de Ros, jacet apud Novum locum juxta Staunford, obiitque anno Dom. 1303.
It. Gul. de Ros, filius ejus, jacet apud Kirkham.
Item Matildis Vaus, uxor dicti Gul. jacet apud Penleney, et viscera ejus in capella S. Mariae, scilicet in pariete.
Matildis, uxor Jacobi Domini de Ros, jacet in pariete inter Capell. b. Mariae et presbiterium.
Anno Domini 1459. nata fuit Margareta, filia Thomae domini de Ros, apud Blakeney I. die Jul.
Anno Dom. 1427. natus fuit Thomas, primogenitus Thomae domini de Ros, apud castrum de Cunnesborow. [a]
Anno Dom. 1429. natus Richardus, filius Thomae domini de Ros, apud castrum de Belvero.
Hic supra scriptum Henricus de Albeneio.
Robertus de Toterneio, fundator Prioratus de Belvar, obiit 2. Nonas Augusti.
Petrus de Valloniis,fundator eccl. de Byham, obiit 13. Call. Aprilis.
Prioratus de Belvero cella monaster. S. Albani.
[a] Conisbrough Castle.
Inscript. tumuli in eccle. S. Pauli:
De Bello-campo jacet hic sub marmore Simon fundator de Newenham.
The prebendaries of S. Paules at Bedeford had theyr howsys round about circuite of S. Paule's churche.
There remayne yet in Bedeforde howses of prebends now longynge to Lyncolne Churche.
Roisia, wyfe to Paganus de Bello-campo, and mothar to Simon, convertyd the Chanons irregular of Bedford into Chanons regular.
Symon de Bello-campo translatyd them to Newnham.
Paganus de Bello-campo had the barony of Bedford gyven to hym aftar the Conquest.
Bothe the hospitalls in Bedford were of the towns men foundations. They of late dayes, for bringinge theyr feeferme frome XL. pound to 20. pound, gave the title and patronage of one of them to Ser Reynald Bray.
Roisia was founderes of Chiksand in Bedfordshire, and there was she buried in the chapter howse.
Cawdewell Priory, [a] a litle without Bedford, was of the foundation of the Beauchamps.
The barony of Bedforde was devided at the last emongs 3. dowghtars of the last Beauchaump.
Mowlbray had the eldest.
The Lord Latimer bought the lands of the 2.
The third was maried to one Straunge.
Straunge's parte cam to 2. dowghtars. Pigot maried the one, and Pateshul the othar. A pece of Pateshul's parte is come to S. John.
In navi ecclesiae Warwike.
Johannes Rouse capell. cantuar. de Gibclif, [b] qui super
[a] Caldwell Abbey.
[b] Guy's cliff.
porticum australem hujus eccl. librarian construxit, et libris ornavit. Obiit 14. die mensis Januarii anno Dom. 1491.
This Rowse was of the howse of the Rousis of Ragley by Alcester, as it is supposed.
He bearethe 3. crouns in his armes.
William Barswelle, [a] Dene of Warwike, and one of the executors of the testament of Erle Richard Becham, that saw the new buyldynge of the college, and the buyldynge of owr Lady Chapell finishid, that were begon in Richard Erle of Warwyke tyme.
Johannes Tunstall, miles.
In australi insula navis eccl.
Power armiger.
Hungfordi 3. avus, pater, filius, heires of Edmund's-Cote [b] halfe mile or more by este out of the towne.
Bewfo, an esquier, to whom parte of Hungford's lands descendyd.
In transepto eccl.
Thomas de Bello-campo, comes Warwike.
Gul. Peito dominus de Chesterton et ejus uxor.
Richard Erle of Warwike lay wher Alestre, Deane of Warwike, lyethe at the west ende of the Lady Chaple without.
Haseley, schole-mastar to Henry the 7. and Deane of Warwyke. He translatid Erle Richard, and he lyeth ther also buryed.
In owr Lady Chapell.
One of the Lorde Latimers at the west end of it without stone, or writynge. Kylled at a feld; some say Egcote [c] by Banberye.
[a] Berkswell, Dean of the collegiate church; see Dugdale's Warwickshire,
1656, p. 353.
[b] Emscote.
[c] Edgcott.
Epitaphium Richardi comitis Warwyke.
Pray devoutly for the sowle, whom God asseyle, of one of the moaste worshipfull Knyghts in his dayes of manhod and connynge, Richard Beauchampe, late Erle of Warwike, Lord Dispenser of Bergeveny, and of many othar great Lordships, whos body restithe here under this tombe in a full fayre vaulte of stone, set in the bare rocke: the whiche visyted with longe sycknes in the Castle of Rohan therin deceasyd full christianly the last day of Aprile in the yere of owr Lord God a 1439. he beinge at that tyme Livetenaunt Generall of Fraunce, and of the Duchye of Normandye, by sufficient auctoritie of owr Sovereigne Kynge Henry the 6. The whiche body with great deliberation and worshipfull conducte by sea and by land was browght to Warwyke the fowrthe of Octobar the yere abovesayde, and was leyde with full solempne exequies in a fayre chest made of stone in the west dore of this chapell, accordynge to his last wylle and testament, therin to rest tyll this chapell by hym devisid in his lyfe wer made. All the whiche chapell foundyd on the rocke, and all the members ther of his executors dyd fully make and apparail by the aucthorytie of his sayde last will and testament; and thereaftar by the sayde autoritie they dyd translate worshipfullye the sayd body into the vault above sayde. Honoryd be God therefore.
Owt of the glase wyndowes in owr Lady Chappell.
Elisabethe, dowghtar and heyre to Thomas Lord Berkley et de Isle, first wyfe to Richard Beauchamp, Earle of Warwyke. This woman had by hym 3. dowghtars:
Margaret that was maried to John Earle of Shrewsbery, cawlled Lord Talbot and Furneval.
Alienor the 2. maried to Edmond Beauforte and of Somerset.
Elisabeth the 3. maried to George Nevile Lord Latimer.
Isabell 2. wyfe to Erle Richard Domina de Spencer, de Glamorgan and Morgannok.
Henry Duke of Warwyke, sonne and heire to Richard and Isabell the first Duke of Warwyke, the whiche maried Cecile, dowghtar to Richard Nevile, Earle of Salesberie.
Anne, dowghtar to Erle Richard and Isabell, maried to Richard Nevill, sonne and heire to Richard Neville, Erle of Saresbyry.
In choro.
Thomas de Bello-campo, comes Warwike, pater Thomae comitis et avus Richardi; et uxor Thomae ibidem in eodem tumulo.
Catarina, primogenita ejusdem Thomae, jacet sub piano marmore ad ejus caput.
Olde Erle Thomas, grauntfathar to Richard Erle of Warwyke, was cawser that the new quier of the Collegiate Churche of owr Lady in Warwyke was newly reedified by the executors of his testament. The mansyon of the olde denry and colledge stode where the est southe est parte of the churche yarde is now.
The new is of a latar buyldynge.
V. prebendaries and a deane.
Seint Marie the chefe parishe churche collegiatid, and no mo within the towne. The chapell of Seint Peter over the est gate a prebend to Seint Marie's.
The chappell over the west gate of Seint James, a prebend.
A fraternitie of Seint George, and a litle college with priests on the northe syde of the west gate. Sum say that Richard Bechamp was a setter forward of this; and the same Earle Richard convertid the hermitage of Gibclif, [a] into 2. cantuaries, and erectid a new chapell there.
The northe gate at Warwyke is faullen downe.
The bridge servithe for the southe gate. It hathe xii. arches.
Bereford [b] wher is a greate stone bridge over Avon a 2. myles lower.
The castell stondethe harde by the bridge of the towne,
[a] Guy's cliff.
[b] Barford.
it is set on an huge mayne rokke. The est front hathe 3. towers. The kepe stondithe in mines by weste. There be a 3. towers besyde in the castle. The Kynge now buildith strongly on the southe syde, and there is all the fayre lodgynge of the castle. Kynge Richard the 3. began a stronge peace for artelerie on the northe syde of the castle. There be 2. goodly stretes in Warwyke. The Highe Strete (wherin is a goodly crosse) is est and west. The othar strete from northe to sowthe. The suburbe by este is cawled Smithes Streate, and at the ende of it was an hospitall of Seint John. The suburbe without the bridge by southe is cawled the Bridge Ende; and here is a chapell of Seint John, that longed to Seint John's at London. The suburbe be west is cawlled the West End. Ther is a suburbe by northe, in this was a master and bretherne of an hospitall or colledge of Seint Michell. Now it is muche in ruine, and taken for a fre chapell. There is also in the southe syde of the towne witheout the walls a parishe churche of Seint Nicolas, annexid as a prebend to Seint Maries. Rogerus de Bello- Mount, Earle of Warwike, translatyd the colledge out of the castle to Seint Maries. The Blake Friers stoode in the suburbs of the towne. Ther is a parke hard by Warwike longynge to the castle.
From Warwike to Coventrie viii. myles, 4. miles to Kyllyngworthe, and 4. to Coventrie. From Warwyke to Lichefilde xxiiii. myles by Coleshille. From Warwyke to Stratforde upon Avon 7. miles. From Warwike to Hanley a market towne, where be ruines of a castell, a vi. mylls. From Warwyke to Dudley Castle 20. myles.
Stowre in Warwykeshire within a 3. miles of Charlecote.
Chesterton, Peito's maner, a 4. myles from Warwyke.
The lordeshipe of Sudeley in Glocestershire longed to the Botelars that were western men.
One Rafe Boteler Lord Sudeley buylded the castle of Sudeley aboute the tyme of Henry the 6. and Edward the 4.
Butlar Lorde Sudley was emprisoned in Edwarde the 4. dayes, wherupon he resignid his castle into the hands of
Kynge Edward. This castle cam aftar to Caspar Duke of Bedforde that kept howshold in it.
The hawle of Sudley Castle glased with rownd beralls.
The Tracyes hold Todington lordshipe and othar lands by the gyfte of the Botelers.
Bovy Thracy in Devonshire longged to Thracyes of Toddyngton, but it was sold to the Erle of Devonshire. One told me that the Lorde Suddeley was Lorde of Hanley a marke towne and castle in Warwykeshire, [a] and that Mastar Belknape muche laboryd to have it restoryd unto hym as his heire.
The Lord Sudleys and Mountforts were taken for foundars of the Blacke Friers in Oxforde.
Wedenok [b] Parke nere to Warwik by northe, and longynge to Warwyke Castle.
Grove Parke thereby, and Haseley Parke also.
Edmonds Cote [c] bridge of stone about halfe a myle above Warwyke on Avon.
Berforde [d] bridge of viii. arches ovar Avon.
Fulbroke Parke on the northe syde of Berford, about halfe a myle of on the ryght banke of Avon. Ther was in it a castlet of stone and brike, wherin, as I hard say, sometyme the Duke of Bedforde lay; and a litle lodge callyd Bergeiney Gate. This castell stoode bremlye in the sight of Warwyke Castle, and was a cawse of harte-brinynge.
Compton of late dayes rasyd muche of it, bringynge parte to Commeton toward buildynge of his howse, and some parte he gave awaye.
Telesforde [e] a priorie of Maturin Friers Order Seint Trinite of the foundation of the Lucies, wherein divers of them wer buryed.
Marke that the moaste parte of Warwykeshire that stondithe on the lefte hond, or banke, of Avon, as the ryver dessendethe, is called Arden, and this contrye is not so plentifull of corne, but of grasse and woode. Suche parte of
[a] This seems to be an error for Worcestershire.
[b] Wedgnock.
[c] Emscote.
[d] Barford.
[e] Thelsford,
Warwikeshire as lyethe by sowthe on the lefte hand, or banke, of Avon is Daren of woode, but plentifull of corne.
Ther is a priory of nonnes 3. myles from Warwyke.
Ex inscriptionibus in occidentals parte Glocester Churche.
Osricus rex primus foundator of that monastary in anno Domini DCLXXXI. for nuns.
Saynt Arild Virgin, martired at Kinton, ny to Thornberye, by one Muncius a tiraunt, who cut of hir heade becawse she would not consent to lye withe hym. She was translatyd to this monasterye, and hathe done great miracles.
The great southe ysle of Gloucestar churche was made by oblations done at the tombe of Kynge Edward the Second.
Roger Lacye Erle of Hereford.
Roger Lord Berkley.
Hugo de Portu. Helias Giffard.
Mastar John Mangeant, Chanon of Herford, wer monks of Gloucestar.
Bernulf, Kynge of Merche, bringethe in seculer chanons and clerks, gyvynge pocessions and lyberties to them.
Kynge Canute for ill lyvynge expellyd seculer clerks, and by the counsell of Wolstane Bysshope of Wurcestar bringethe in monkes.
Aldred, Bysshope of Worcester, translatyd to Yorke, takynge a great parte of the lands of Glocestar to reedyfie the same.
A noble lord, callyd Wolphin Lekne, for 7. pristes kylled, had penaunce to find 7. monks at Glocestar.
William Conquerar gave Glocestar Abbay decayed to his chaplen Serlo.
Osrik first under kynge and lorde of this contrie, and the Kynge of Northumberland, with the licens of Ethelrede, Kynge of Mercia, first foundyd this monasterye.
Osrike by the counsell of Bosel firste Bysshope of Worcester putteth in nunes, and makethe Kineburge his sister abbas.
3. noble wemen, Kineburge, Edburge, and Eva Quenes of Merchie, and only abbesses for the tymes of nunes, the whiche was 84. yeres. The nunes wer ravyshed and dryven away by warres betwixt Egbbert and Kynge of the Marche.
Albredus, B. of Wircestar, dedicated the Church of Glocestar, whiche he had builded from the foundation to S. Petar, and by the Kyng's licens obteyned, constituted Wulstan abbot there.
Kynge William Conquerar gave, and his sonns also, liberties and pocessions to the monastarie of Glocestar.
Thomas Archebysshope of Yorke restoryd the land, the whiche Aldrede wrongfully dyd withhold.
Hanley and Farley abbats made owr lady chapell.
Horton Abbas made the northe syde of the crosse isle.
The sowthe syde of the crosse isle made by offeryngs at the tombe of Kynge Edward the 2.
Abbote Sebroke made a great peace of the belle towre in the midle of the quiere.
Abbate Froncester buryed at the west ende of the quiere made the cloistar.
Abbate Morwent made the new west end of the churche, and the goodly porche by north.
Gamage a knight of Wales and his wife wer buried at the southe west side witheout the qwere.
Osburne celerar made a late a sqware towre by northe west the churche yarde in Abbate Malverne, alias Parker's tyme.
Robert Courthose is buried in the Presbitere.
Some thinke that Stranbowe's [a] wyf Countis of Pembroke lay where Abbot Malvern had his tombe.
Sudeley Castell sold to Kynge Edward the 4.
From Winchelescombe [b] to Twekesbyrie 7. myles.
To Worcester 14. mils.
To Persore ix. mils.
[a] Strongbow.
[b] Winchcombe.
To Cirencester 15. miles.
To Glocester xii. myles.
To Eovesham 7. miles or 8.
To Southam 3. mils.
Sowtham longed to one Goodman, nowe to Hudelstan.
From Southam to Chilteham [a] market 5. miles. It longed to Tewkesberye. A broke; 2. brokes more.
To Glocestar vi. miles.
In Glocestar ar 11. pariche churches. Seint Ewines with out the suburbe. The abbey churche. Seint Oswalde. The Graye and Blake Friers within the towne. The White Frers. Seint Margaret, and Seint Magdalen's hospitales without the towne, Seint Margaret's bettar endevved. Bartolome's hospital beyond one of the bridgs, 30. poore folke. One Pouncevolt [b] lythe in the bodye of the church there, a greate benefactor to it.
K. Henry the 3. and Stephen de Harnshull knight foundyd the Blake Frers anno dom. 1239.
Lorde Barkley foundyd the Whit Friers.
vii. arches in the first bridge; one in a gut bridge beyond; v. arches in a bridge upon a pece of Severne; 4. in the cawse; 3. in a nother place, beside othar viii. at the ende.
Northe gate. Ailes gate by est. South gate. West gate beyonde the 2. first bridges new builded. Lands gyven by Henry the 8, Belle, and othar men to mayntayne the cawsies and bridges at Glocester.
Howsys longginge to the Abbat of Glocestar.
Pinkenes [c] 3. miles of by est with a goodly parke.
The vinyarde by west at the cawsey's end.
Hartebyriby [d] northe-west 4 miles of.
[a] Cheltenham.
[b] Pancefoote, see vol. ii, p. 59.
[c] Prinkness, now Prinknash Park.
[d] Hartpury. See also vol. ii, p. 62.
No bridge on Severne byneth Glocestar.
Newenham [a] village 8. miles bynethe Glocestar ripa dextra in the forest of Dene. There the watar at full se is halfe a myle over. A 2. myls lower the water at full se is a myle more ovar.
Barkeley an 18. miles from Glocestar, somewhat distaunt from Severne.
Thorneberye [b] a 22. myles, not very farre from Severne on a creke goynge up to it.
From Glocestar to Brightstow 30. myles by land, 40. by water and more.
No bridge from Glocestar to Twexberye. Ther a bridge. To Avon a litle above the towne.
Fowre myles above Twekexberye a stone bridge, but none on Avon.
Inscriptions in capitulo Glocester eccle.
Hic jacet Richard Strongbowe,filius Gilberti Earle of Pembroke.
Hic jacet Philippus de Fox miles.
Hic jacet Bernardus de Novo Mercato.
Hic jacet Paganus de Cadurcis.
Hic jacet Adam de Cadurcis.
Hic jacet Robertus Curtus.
Froncester a lordshipe of a c. marke a yere 8. miles from
Glocester, a myle beyond Standeley priory.
These howses of whit monks were made and erectid of [*] houses of a religion cawllid fratres grisei, an order that was afore the conquest.
Buldewas [c] in Shropshir apon the right banke of Severn hard by it. It is 7. mils from Shrobbesbyri.
Neth in Wals.
Basinge Werke in Flintshire.
Bukfast. [d]
[a] Newnham.
[b] Thornbury.
[c] Buildwas.
[d] Buckfastleigh.
[*] Seven Cistertian houses.
Bordesley in the forest of Fekenham in Worcesterschere.
Stratforde Langethorn in Est-Sex.
Rogerus Erle of Hereforde founder of Flaxley in the Forest of Deene. There was a brother of Rogers Erle of Hereford that was kyllyd withe an arow in huntynge in the very place where the abbay syns was made. There was a table of this matier hanggid up in the abbay churche of Flexeley. There was a bysshope of Hereford that holp muche to the building of Flexley.
Matildis Walerie founderes, as some say, of Acornbyry, a priorie of nuns in Acornbyry [a] Wood, 3. miles by sowth from Hereforde.
Fercher and Coryn, fathar and mothar to Seint Brendane the abbate, were buryed of olde tyme in the very place where now is made a new churche for the whole towne. Ther is yet in the west end of the pariche churche a token of the olde tombe.
Owen Meridek, corruptly cawlled Owen Thider, fathar to Edmund Erle of Richemount, and graund-fathar to Kynge Henry the seventhe, buried in the Grey Freres in the northe syde of the body of the churche in a chapell.
Richard Stradel, Doctor of Divinitie in Oxforde, and Abbat of Dowre, wrote Omelies upon the Pater Noster, and upon the whole text of the Evangelystes. He flowrished in the tyme of Edward ... [b]
There cam in the tyme of Ser Thomas Cantelope 3. friers prechars to Hereford, and by the favour of William Cantelope, brothar to Bysshope Cantelupe, they set up a little oratorie at Portfelde, [c] but Bysshope Thomas toke that place from the friers. Then one Syr John Daniell havynge a litle place in the northe suburbe, let them have the use of it. Then the Bysshope of Hereforde gave them a plot of ground hard by Daniel's place, and ther they began to builde, and make a solempne pece of work, Daniell helpynge them. But then the Barons Warrs by Thomas of Lancastar began agayne Edward the 2, and Daniell was taken and beheadyd in Hereford by Edward the 2. and his body was buried at the great
[a] Aconbury.
[b] Edward III. Straddel was living in 1330, according to Dugdale,
Mon., v, 553.
[c] Portfild is in the Inne Gate Suburbe of Heriford.
crosse in the minstar cemiteri of Hereforde. Then ceased the worke of the Blacke Friers colledge for a while, and then Kynge Edward the third holpe it, and aftar was at the dedication of it with many noble men, at the whiche tyme one Alexandar Bagle, Bysshope of Chestar, dyed at Heriford, and the kynge cam to his funeralls there. The bysshope was buried in the quiere of the Blake Freres undar a goodly flate stone.
Episcopi Hereforden.
Thomas de Cantilupo sedit annis 7. obiit 1282.
Richardus Swinfeld sedit annis 34.
Ade Orleton natus in Hereforde, sedit annis 10.
Thomas Chorleton (Tresurar of England) sedit annis 14.
Johannes Trillek sedit ann. 16. et dim.
Johannes Gilbert sedit ann. 13. fuit et translatus in Meneviam.
Ludovicus Chorleton 8 ann.
Guiliam Corteney 5 et dim.
Johannes Tresvaunt. [a]
Robertus Marshall.
Edmundus Lacy but elect, and translated to Excestar 1420.
Thomas Polton sedit an. uno et quar.
Thomas Spoford sedit ann. 26.
Richardus Beauchampe sedit 2. ann. et quart.
Reginaldus Bulers.
Johannes Stainbyri.
Thomas Myning.
Edmund Audeley, translated to Salysbury 1502.
Hadrianus Castellensis cardinalis.
Richardus Mayew sedit ann. 11 et dim.
Carolus Bothe sedit ann. 18. et 5. mens. 1517.
Edwardus Fox. 1535.
Edmundus Bonher. [b]
Joannes Skip.
[a] Trefnaunt probably in Leland's original.
[b] Bonner was elected Bishop of Hereford in 1538, but before he
could take possession was translated to London. Dr. J. Gairdner in
Die. Nat. Biog.
Thomas de Cantilupe theologiae doctor Oxon. archid. Staforden. et cancellar. Henry 3. sedit ann. 6. menses 11. dies 8. obiit 8. calend. September anno Dom. 1282. Vacavit sed. 3. moniths and 6. dayes.
Swynfilde doctor theologiae, consecratus 7. die Marche anno Dom. 1282. Obiit Ides of Marche Anno Dom. 1316. Praefuit ann. 34. mens. 3. dies 13.
Sext. Non. Jul. anno Dom. 1317. Adam Orleton, natus Heriford: decret. doctor, consecratus episcopus Heriford: 26. die mensis Septembar sedit annis 10. mens. 2.
De episcopis Herefordensibus tempore W. Conquerar.
Anno Domini 1077. tempore William Conquerar obit Walterus episcopus Hereforden: quinto anno regni Guillelmi.
Anno Dom. 1055. combustio ecclesiae cathedralis per Griphinum, et Algarum, filium Leofrici comitis Merc.
Anno Dom. 1079. Robertus de Loreing foetus est episcopus Hereford; qui obit anno Dom. 1094. 6. Calend. Julii, cui successit Gerardus. Obit Gerardus anno Dom. 1102.
Successit Reynaldus, alias Reynelmus, ut inscribitur sepulchro. Gulielmus Malmesbiriensis dicit Gerardum translatum fuisse ab Herford ad sedem Eboracum.
Reynaldus obiit anno Dom. 1115. 5. Calend. November, cui successit in episcopatu Richardus de Capella.
Sed secundum Guilhelmum Malmesbiriensem successit Reynaldo Galfridus, et Galfrido successit Richardus Ciericus privati sigilli.
Anno Dom. 1127. 17. Call. Septembar obit Richardus de Capella, cui successit Galfridus de Clive.
Robertus de Betune factus episcopus Hereford, ante Prior de Lantonie prima, anno Domini 1131.
Obiit Robertus Betune anno Domini 1148. 10. Calend. Maii. Successit Gilbertus Folioth abbas Gloucestriae.
Translatus est Gilbertus Folioth ad sedem London, anno Dom. 1163. Et electus est eodem anno Robertus Melun in episcopum Hereford.
Anno Dom. 1167. obiit Robertus de Melun. penul. Febr. alias 3. Calend. Mart., cui successit Robertus Folioth, qui ecclesiam abbat. de Wigmore, per nobilem virum Hugonem de Mortimer fundatam, dedicavit, et diversa jocalia dedit eidem ecclesiae die dedicationis ejusdem.
Obiit Robertus Folioth episcopus Herforden: nono die Maii anno Dom. 1 186. Successit Gul. de Ver. Obiit Guliam de Vere 24. die Decembris anno Dom. 1200.
Successit Aegidius de Bresa, quo anno obiit S, Hugo episcopus Lincolne.
Anno Dom. 1215. 17. die Novembar, id est 15. Calend. Decembar, obit Aegidius episcopus Herforden. Successit Hugo de Mappenor. Obiit Hugo de Mappenor anno Dom. 1219.
Successit Hugo Folioth. Obiit Hugo Folioth anno Dom. 1234. 7. Calend. August. Successit Radulphus de Maydenestan. Dictus Radulphus Maidenston 6o. anno episcopatus sui factus est fratar Minor anno Dom. 1239. et supervixit annis 5. diebus 35. Successit Petrus de Aqua Blancha Saubaudus.
Anno Dom. 1268. die November Petrus de Aqua Blancha obiit.
Successit Johannes Brueton. Obiit Brueton anno Dom. 1245. 12. die Maii, id est 4. Idus Maii.
Successit Thomas de Cantilupo. Thomas de Cantilupo consecratus a Robert Kylwarbye archebysshope of Cantorberye at Cantorbery in the Feaste of the Nativltie of owr blissed Ladye, anno Dom. 1275. Obiit Cantilupus ad urbem veterem crastino Barptolemaei, cujus ossa delata ab ecclesia S. Severi in urbe veteri Herefordiam. Successit Richard Swinesfild, qui ossa Cantilupi transtulit a capella beatae Mariae Hereforde ad capellam S. Joannis Baptistae ejusdem ecclesiae. Tandem rursum translatum corpus Cantilupi a Joanne Trilleke episcopo Hereford, in capellam S. Maryae 8. Calend. Novembar anno dom. 1349. et abobitu Cantilupi 67o.
1316. Richard Swinsfeld obiit anno Dom. 1316. die 5. Gregorii Pont. Ro. apud Bosburie. Sedit annis 34. Sepultus est pompa max. in Herifordensi ecclesia.
Anno Dom. 1317. Johannes 22. Pont. Romanus contulit in magistrum Adam de Orleton, natum Hereforde, decretorum doctorem, episcopatum Hereforden. Consecratus est Avinioni Id. Maii. Translatus est Wigorn. et postea Winton. Obiit 18. Jul. anno Dom. 1345.
Translatus fuit Orleton ad Wigorniam per Pont. Ro. qui Herefordensem ecclesiam dedit Thomae Chorleton anno domini 1327. Obiit Chorleton 11 Januarii 1343.
Ex schedula episcopor. Hereforden.
Petrus de Aqua Blancha et alii alienigenae expulsi sunt de Angl. per Barones apud Dover anno Domini 1262.
Radulphus de Maydenstane ex episcopo Hereforden. factus fratrum Minorum.
Ex chronico Antonini de Radulpho Maidestan.
In tantum autem fratres illi fuerunt in partibus illis sanctitate famosi, ut monachellus tile, qui fuit ibi primus receptus ad ord. Minorum, sed et dominus Radulphus episcopus Heriforden. et quidam abbas cum multis aliis ordine intrarunt, et tam humiliter conversati sunt, ut et ipse episcopus et abbas lapides portarentpro constructione conventus.
Hactenus ex Antonino.
Stetit autem Radulphus Maidestan tandem in conventu Glocestriae. Ibi obiit et sepultus est.
Anno Dom. 1265. obiit Dominus Gualterus de Cantilupo episcopus Wigornii, et frater D. Gul. de Cantilupo militis et seneschalli illustrissimi regis Angliae. Henrici 3. ac patris S. Thomae Hereforden. episcopi.
Edwardus Senior, filius Alfredi regj's, construxit Herfordiam.
Anno Dom. 1079. combusta est Herford ab Wallensibus cum ecclesia Seint Ethelberti martyris; quo tempore multi illius ecclesiae ministri gladiis fitnestis occubuerunt pariter cum episcopo.
Robertus Lotharingus episcopus Herefordensis defloravit Chronicon Mariani, teste Guli. Malmesbery, Gelbertus Folliot ex abbate Glocestri: episcopus Hereforden.
Gilbertus adversabatur maxime Thomae Beketo archiepiscopo Cantuar. Thomas Beket discipulus in scholis Roberto de Melun.
Mention is made of Robert Folioth in vita Thomas Beket, ubi numeratur inter eruditos.
Guliam Vere episcopus Hereforden. plurima aedificia in episcopatu construxit.
Hugo Folioth, Bisshope of Herford, made 2. cantuaries in Seint Catarine's Chapell of the southe syde of Herford Churche cloister, and the Hospitall of Seint Catrine at Ledburie.
Thomas Cantilupe bought lands, and gave them to his chirche. Thomas Chorleton episcopus Heryford: Treasurar of Yngland.
Orleton gave Shiningfeld [a] parsonage in Barkeshire to the fabrike of Hereford Churche.
Alicia mater Gulhelmi Ver episcopi Herford.
Ex libra Martyrologii ecclesiae Herifordensis.
The xviii. Calend. Februarii obitus Wuluivae et Godivae, quae dederunt ecclesiae Hereford: Hopam, [b] Prestonam, Pioniam et Northonam.
Radulphus Maidestan [c] primus appropriavit ecclesiam de Beysham, alias Cellach, in comit. Herford. eccl. Herfordensi, hoc lege ut quilibet canonicus praesens in suprema missa pecuniolam reciperet.
[a] Shinfield.
[b] Hope.
[c] R. Maidestone, bishop 1234.
Radulphus Maidestan emit aedes de Mounthaunte prope Broken Warth London: et dedit episcopis successoribus suis. Eynno Herforden: habetjus patronatus ecclesiae S. Mariae de Mounthante. [a]
Johannes Trillek episcopus Herforden: max. impensis transtulit ossa Thomae Cantilupi.
Johannes Gilbert translatus ad sedem Meneven.
Gul. Courteney translatus ad London.
Johannes Tuefnaunt [b] episcopus Heriford., ante Canon, ecclesiae Assaphi. et auditor causarum camerae apostolicae.
Robertus Maschal episcopus Herford. ante Carmel. Hic aedificavit chorum fratrum Carmelit. et presbiterium apud London. Aedificavit ibidem campanile eccl. Carmel. et multa oratoria eidem eccl. contulit, et ibidem in lapide alabastrite sepultus.
Edmundus de Laceie, electus tempore schismatis, translatus ad sedem Excestrensem in the yere of Christ 1420. in the 8. of H. the 5.
Thomas Polton translatus ad ... [c]
Thomas Spoford episcopus Hereforden. primo abbas Seint Marie Eborac. dein episcopus Rofensis electus, sed ante consecrat. translatus ad Hereford. Sepultus est Spoford Ebor. in Mariano monasterio.
Richard de Bello-campo translatyd from Heriford to Salisburye.
Reginaldus Butler translatus ab Herford ad Chester.
Johannes Stanbury Carmel. translatus a Bangor ad Herford.
Thomas Milling, [d] doctus theologus, et linguae Graecae gnarus, ex abbate Westmonaster: factus Herforde: episcopus. Fuit compater Edwardi principisfilii Edwardi 4. et ei a consiliis. Fuit magnus amator sacrorum musicorum, quorum numerum doctum alebat.
[a] St. Mary, Mounthaw.
[b] Trevenant, bishop in 1389. Stubbs.
[c] First to Chichester, and afterwards to Worcester; he held all three
bishoprics within six years.
[d] Thos. Milling, bishop 1474.
Edmund Audley [a] primum Rofensis, postea Herforden. novem circiter annis demum translatus ad Sarisberye. Aedificavit sacellum adjunctum capellae S. ... in Herforden. eccl. et cantuariam in eo fundavit.
Hadrianus Castellemis cardi: translatus ab Herford: ad Bath.
Richard Maiew, [b] Archedecon of Oxford, Chauncelor of Oxford, praeses colleg. Magd. Oxon. elemosinarius Henrid 7. orator in Hispania pro Catarina uxore Arthurii.
Charles Bouth [c] Archedeacon of Buckyngham, and Chaunselar of the Marchis of Wales, aftarward Bysshope of Herforde.
Edmunde Bonher translatyd to be Bysshope of London.
Ex vita S. Osithae Virgin and Martir, autore Vero Canon, fani S. Osithae , in Estsex.
Ositha filia Fredewaldi regis, et Wilburgae Pendae regis filiae. Ositha adhaesit doctrinae Edithae et Edburgae, quarum neptis erat.
Fredewaldus rex paganus.
Editha domina de Ailesbirie, quam villam non ex patris dono, sed extortam matris adepta gaudebat.
Ositha famulabatur Edithae in Ailesbiry.
Edburga, soror Edithae, habitabat apud Edburbiry, quae a nomine virginis, quae vico praevidebat, nomen hoc sortita est, ab Ailesbyri [d] decem stadiis interfluum habens amnem, qui saepe turgidus inundatione pluviarum et ventorum inpulsione itinerantibus molestum fadt transitum.
Ositha, quae secreto virginitatem deo voverat, inperio patris nupsit Sihero Christiana regi orient. Anglorum.
Eccha et Bedewinus presbyteri designati ab Wilburga regina curae Osithae.
Siherus rex instituebat Eccham et Bedewimim tanquam
[a] Bishop of Hereford, 1480-1492.
[b] R. Mayew, Bishop of Hereford, 1504 to 1516.
[c] C. Booth, bishop 1516 to 1535.
[d] Aylesbury.
episcopos aut parochiales presbyteros a Chelmeresforde [a] usque ad Chic, et alibipostea late perprovinciam suam.
Editha et Bedewinus baptizabant in eccl. apostolorum Petri et Pauli, publica tune temporis ejus regionis sepultura propter eccl. penuriam in coemitrio Petri et Fault,
Siherus rex ardet rem habere cum Ositha, sed ilia recusando rem habere distulit.
Dum Siherus venationi studet, Ositha absente viro velo caput consecrat.
Locus qui dicitur Gaiesdine ex re nomen habens, quia dicunt ibi Gaium applicuisse. Siherus rex exoratus votum virginitatis, quod voverat Ositha velo induto, aequo animo fert.
Siherus rex donavit Osithae villam suam de Chic. [b]
Ositha diutinis laboribus et multiformi inpensarum inpendio in Chic fabricari fecit ecclesiam in honorem apostolorum Petri et Pawli, necnon et aedificia sanctimonialium usibus commoda, miro lathomorum opere distincta. Gens de Northumbria et de Halmeresfolke.
Inguare et Hubba spoliant monasterium Osithae in Chic.
Osithae caput amputatum tyrannide Ingwer et Ubbae ad fontem prope Chich, ubi solebat se cum virginibus lavare.
Passa est anno Dom. 600. 2. Non. Octobris. Corpus Osithae sepultum ante introitum chori eccl. Petri et Pauli.
Mauritius episcopus London, transtulit corpus Osithae in orient, partem mag. altaris eccl. apostolorum Petri et Pauli in Chic.
Gul. Corboile archiepiscopus Cantuar. fabricata Cantuaria argentea theca transtulit in earn partem reliquiarum Osith. Hic Gulhelmus archiepiscopus ante fuerat institutor Canonicorum non Regularium in Chic, etprimus Prior eorundem.
Successit Mauritio episcopo London. Richard de Beaumeis Normannus natione, et peritus legis humanae secretorum Domini regis conscius, et caussarum et administrationum rei pub. non segnis executor; ita ut domino rege in remotis
[a] Chelmsford.
[b] St. Osyth, Chich.
terrae partibus agente ipse paries suas episcopo committeret, et maxime terram Wallensem conquirendam, et conquisitam custodiendam suo committeret examini, et comitatum Salopeshir terrae illi contiguum illius dominio manciparet.
Richard Beaumeis pervenit ad Chic, quod tune temporis membrum erat Clachentoniae, magni quidem ipsius domicilii.
Quatuor in eccl. S. Osithae reperit sacerdotes, quos Mauritius episcopus, ejus praedecessor, ibi constituerat, scilicet Edwinum, Sigarum, Godwicium, qui diclus est Menstre-Prest, qui et ipse decanus erat provinciae, et Wulfinum, quibus ad vitae necessaria constituerat unicuique 60. acras terrae praeter decimationes et altaris obventiones, quae multifarie proveniebant eccl. Richard episcopus missis ad Chic Nicolao et Ranulpho Batin clericis spoliat presbiteros S. Osithae oblationibus.
Gul. de Wochenduna, Mauritii olim episcopi London: alumnus; oravit, ut Richardusjam agrotans redderet presbyteris S. Osithae sua jura; id quod convalescens fecit.
Richardus de Belmeis tertius episcopus London: nepos Richardi, qui Mauritii successor, consilio Radulphi archiepiscopi Cantuari: coenobium Canon, regul. constituit in Chic.
Habebat turn quidem Richardus episcopus clericum insignem Gul. de Curbuil, totius literaturae communis peritum, quern ob probitatem morum, et literaturae et secularis prudentiae** ad se vocaverat.
Hic Gul. Curbuilfoetus est Prior Canon, de Chic.
Gul. Curbuil vocatus ad concilium a rege designatus est archiepiscopus Cantuari:
Richardus, successor Mauritii episcopi London: villam, quae Chic dicitur, solventem 20. libras infirma Clachentonia, [a] usibus Canon: profuturam instituit, necnon et ecclesias de
[a] Clacton, Essex.
Sumemster et Alechorne, [a] ecclesias de Clachenton, scilicet S. Jacobi et S. Nicolai, ecclesiam de Pelham, et de Aldebiria, [b] et de alia Pelham.
Rex Henricus contulit Canon. S. Osithae eccl. de Stowa et Bliebrg, in qua sepultus quiescere dicitur Anna rex.
Ecclesia de Blieburg [c] illustrata conventu Canon: consensu regis et abbatis S. Osithiae.
Richard Byshope of London dedit sedi suae London: Lodewik de patrimonio suo in commutationem pro Chec. Dedit etiam sedi suae praedia in Meilande [d] in terra Ernulfi de Wigtot.
Ex libra Veri Canon: S. Osithae de miraculis Osithae.
Westemutha litus prope Chic, ubiportus.
Hugo Haver pirata spoliavit Eadulvesnes, villam Canon: eccl. S. Pauli London: et naves ejusdem villae perforavit et demersit.
Hugo Haver depraedans littus Est-Sex: pepercit fortunis Canon: S. Osithae tempore Abelis Abbatis.
Propter piratarum incursiones delatum fuit antiquitus corpus S. Osithae a Chic ad Ailesbiriam, ubi nutrita et sacris disciplinis adprime erudita cum matertera Editha aliquandiu mansisse cognoscitur, et in eadem parochia apud Querendonam [e] in villa, quae nunc est Gul. de Mandevilla, originem nativitatis duxisse ab incolis praedicatur et creditur.
Gaufridus vir centum et 16. annorum in Ailesbiria.
Uxor fabri, servi cujusdam militis, habitantis in Ailesbyri, peperit quinque foetus.
Uxor autem militis, Domini fabri, peperit 7. foetus, cum longo ante tempore fuisset omnino sterilis.
Quadraginta et sex annis, ut ajunt, Ositha natale solum de Ailesbiri sui corporis praesentia illustrasse fertur. Quo modo autem ad nos relata fuerit pro certo antiquitas ipsa, et
[a] Southminster, Althome.
[b] Aldborough.
[c] Blythburgh, Suffolk, was a cell to St. Osyth.
[d] Mayland, Essex.
[e] Quarrendon.
diuturni nimis temporis prolapsus, notitiam abolevit. Cerium tamen habemus corpus ad locum martyrii fuisse relatum.
Ositha Eilesbiriam multis insignivit miraculis.
Aluredus presbiter Ailesberiensis, postea Prior Rofensis Monaster. Gul. filius Nigelli miles dominus de Burton prope Ailesbyri.
Lucia, filia Roberti Sever et Adelivae, nupsit Gul. filio Nigelli. Walterus de Haia miles et comprovindalis noster. Hilaria propinqua Mauritii iuri mat: uxor Gualteri de Haia.
Galfridus Malet vir dives et potens in Cantebergia.
Adelisia mater mea, nobilis matrona, degebat in viduitate 22. a morte mariti sui.
Fratres nostri ea temporis statione tres in Waullia militabant cum rege, primo scilicet congressu cum Wallensibus.
Ositha mater mea te praeelegit advocatricem, et relictis suis coenobiis, quae ipsa cum viro suo instituit, ad patrocinium tuum confugit.
Fulco Prior de Ledes. [a]
Henricus, filius Matildis Imperatrids, Colecestriam venit, ubi diem pads et concordiae cum Gul. comite Warennae,filio Stephani regis, praesente Theobaldo archiepiscopo Cantuari: et reg: baronibus.
Matildis regina, mater Gul. comitis Warenniae, manerium quod dicitur comitis, quodjuxta nos est, ex propria hereditate eccl: S. Osithae contulit, factum confirmante ejus marito Stephen rege.
Ego tunc temporis in curia Theobaldi Cantuar: militabam, et a Colecestria ad S. Ositham veniebam, ut matrem inviserem.
Gulhelmus episcopus Norwicen. consummatam ecclesiam novam S. Osithae consecravit.
Bethelem inventioni corporis Sancti Hieronimi exultans interfuit Agnes de Gueres comprovindalis nostra, uxor Adelardi de Gueres, constabularii Gaufridi comitis senioris.
Eustachius de Barentona forestarius regis.
[a] Leeds Priory in Kent.
Albericus de Ver, pater meus, mansionem habens afud Bonedeiam, vir quidem mag: nominis et accepti inter homines, regis eximii Henrici prioris camerarii, et secretorum ulteriorum non extremus, totius Angliaejustitiarius.
Adeliza, filia Gilberti de Clare, viri nobilis et eximii inter praedpuos regni principes.
Boneclea distat tribus stadiis ab eccl: S. Osithae.
Adeliza de Estsexa, filia Alberici Ver et Adelizae.
Rogerus, filius Richardi, nepos comitis Hugonis Bigot, duxit in uxorem Adelizam, filiam Adelizae.
Thomas avunculus Rogeri filii Richardi.
Ex vita Edmundi Martiris, dedicata Dunstano archiepiscopo Cantuari: auctore Abbone monacho Floriacensi.
Saxones orient: insulae partem sunt adepti, Jutis et Anglis ad alia tendentibus.
Morabatur Edmundus eo tempore ab urbe longius in villa, quae lingua eorum Hegilesdun dicitur, a qua et silva vicina eodem nomine vocatur. Passus est Edmundus 12. Calend. December. Multitudo provinciae in villa regia, quae lingua Anglica Beodricesworth [a] dicitur, Latina vero Beodrici curtis vocatur, construxit permaximam miro ligneo tabulatu ecclesiam, ad quam eum, ut decebat, transtulit cum magna gloria.
Oswin beata femina assidebat sepulchre martyris Edmundi.
Theodredus, cog: bonus, ejusdem provinciae episcopus.
Leoftanus, vir potens, filius Edgari, reseravit sepulchrum Edmundi Marty: et ejus corpus vidit.
Ex libro de miraculis Edmundi Marty: auctore incerto.
Tempore Athelredi regis quidam clerici, perpendentes martyrem mag: esse meriti, sub ejus patrocinio autoritate Aldulphi
[a] Bury St. Edmunds.
episcopi deo se devoverunt perpetuo famulari. Horum 4. sacerdotes, duo vero diaconi.
Leofstanus nobilis infestus collegiis S, Edmundi.
Dani duce Swino applicant apud Geynesburg. [a]
Egelwinus monachus orator ad Sweinum missus exorare non potuit ut parceret Collegio Edmundi.
Sweinusin somnis lancea ab Edmundo percussus non diu supervixit. In regione Flegge mariproxima. Corpus Edmundi martyris London: delatum.
Corpus Edmundi relatum ad Beodricesworth.
Canutus rex Angl, scholas per oppida jussit institui.
Elfwinus episcopus et monachus agit cum Canuto rege ut ordo monasticus in eccl: Seint Edmundi institueretur. Annuit rex. Annuit et Turkillus comes in cujus ditione eccl: Edmundi sita est.
Inducti sunt monachi in eccl: S. Edmundi anno Dom. 1020. a passione Edmundi 150.
Haroldtis et Hardecanutus reges Angliae opes Canutipatris quinquennia exhauserunt.
Edwardus 3. ante conquestum dedit monaster: S. Edmundi octo et semis centenaria, quae Anglice Hundredes vocantur. Unus primus abbas monaster: S. Edmundi.
Leofstanus 2. abbas.
Egelwinus monachus, qui orator missus fuit ab eccl: Edmundi ad Canutum, coccus fuit ante obitum.
Osgothe Claph, sitperbus Danus,et contemptorgloriae S. Edmundi. Baldewinus monachus S. Dionisiiprope parissios, 3. abbas eccl. S. Edmundi.
Gul: cog: longus patri Gul: in regno Angliae successit.
Rodbertus de Curcenn miles cupiebat abradere villam de Southwald, sibi Vietnam, ab eccl: Edmundi. Gul: de Curceum successor Rodberti de Curcenn 14. anno regni Henrici 2.
[a] Gainsborough.
Chelmeresford villa.
Ranulphus Capellanus tune regalium provisory et exactor vectigalium, postea quoque Dunelmensis episcopus. Segeba religiosa femina in eccl: S. Edmundi.
Ex annalibus, autore incerto.
Anno Dom. 1092. apud Sarisbiriam tectum turris eccl; violentia fulminis omnino dejecit s. die postquam earn dedicaverant Osmundus episcopus Sarisbir: et Remigius episcopus Lincoln.
Anno Dom. 1101. Wintonia conflagravit 16. Call. Jun. Eodem anno 13. Call. Jun. Glocestria cum monasterio arsit.
Anno Dom. 1113. Owen fuit Powisiae regulus.
Anno Dom. 1121. Glocestriae pars magna iterum cum monasterio arsit.
Anno Dom. 1151. fundata est abbat: de Morgan a Roberto comite Glocestriae.
Anno Dom. 1158. Gul. comes Glocestriae captus est in castello de Cairdif ab Wallis.
Anno Domini 1166. obiit Robertus filius Gul. comitis Glocestriae.
Anno Dom. 1167. villa de Kenfik prope Nethe ab Wallis combusta in nocte S. Hilarii.
Anno Dom. 1216. Gilbertus de Clare suscepit 2s. comit: Glocester et Herford: quorum heres fuit.
Versus ut ferunt, Giraldi Cambrensis de Gul. de Bellocampo, episcopo Eliensi.
Tam bene, tam facile, tam mag: negotia tractas, Ut dubius reddar si deus es vel homo.
Tam male, tam temere, tam turpiter omnia tractas, Ut dubius reddar bellua sis vel homo.
Sic cum sis minimus temptas majoribus uti, Ut dubius reddar simia sis vel homo.
The castell of Kilpek [a] 3. miles bynethe the hede of Worme, [b] banke sinistra. No notable thinge on Worme besyde Kilpek.
Sum say that it is called Diffrin dore, i.e., vallis aurea, a fertilitate.
The lowe grownd where Dules runnithe is called Diffrin Dule.
Ther was at Dour afore, the edification of the maner called Blak Berats Haulle.
The lordshipe selfe of Ewis Harold, wher it is narowest, is a myle in bredthe, and moste in lengthe 2. mile. It hath good corne, gresse and woode.
Dowr Abbay [c] vi. mills from Hereford flat sowth, x. miles from Monemuth by west north west, ix. from Abergeveny by playne northe.
The broke of Dour runneth by the abbay of Dour, and there it brekethe a litle above the monasterie into 2. armes, whereof the lesse arme rennethe thorowghe the monastery. The bygger arme levith the abbey a bowe shot of on the right hond or banke. The confluence is againe hard bynethe the abbey. The place where the confluence of Dour and Monow is, is 8. myles from Monemuth toune.
The valley [d] where Dour renneth betwin 2. hills is caullid Diffrine dor, id est, aurea vallis; but I thinke rathar a duro flu.
Wormes brooke cumythe into Dour river 3. quartars of a myle bineth Dour Abbey by the left ripe. It risethe by the Haye Wood 3. miles by south southe est from Herford. It rennythe 5. myles afonte.
Dulesse [e] broke comythe halfe a myle benethe this confluens
[a] Kilpeck castle.
[b] Worm r.
[c] Abbey Dore; see vol. iii, p. 49.
[d] Golden valley.
[e] Dulas r.
into Dour by the right ripe. This broke risethe by west a 2. miles above his confluence with Dour, and rennethe thrwghe Ewrs Harald. [a]
Dour riseth a litle above Dorston. Dorstone is a litle village about a 6. miles from Dour Abbay west northe west ripa dextra.
Dour 2. myles byneth Dour Abbay enterith into Monow by the lift ripe. There is a castell a mile and more benethe Dorston apon the right ripe of Dour. [b] It is called Snothil, [c] and ther is a parke wallyd, and a castle in it on an hill caulled Sowthill, and therby is undar the castle a quarrey of marble. The castle is somewhat in mine. Ther is a Fre Chappell. This castle longyd to Chandos. There was dyvers of the Chandos in the Grey and Blake Friers at Hereford.
The towne of Hereford West of sum is caulled in Walche Trefawith of multitude of beeches, and of some cauled Hereford of an ould forde by the castle of Heriforde.
The abbey of Dour foundyd in Kynge Stephen's dayes by one Robertus Ewias, so caullyd bycawse that he was lord of parte of Ewias. The fame goethe that Kynge Harold had a bastard namyd Harald, and of this Harold part of Ewis was named Ewis Harold. This bastard had yssue Robert foundar of Dour Abbey; and Robart had yssue Robert. The 2. Robert had one dowghtar caullyd Sibille Ewias, maried to Sir Robert Tregoz a Norman. Robert Tregoz had issue John Tregoz. This John Tregoz maried Lord William Cantelupe's dowghtar caulyd Julia, sistar to Thomas Cantilupe, Bysshope of Herforde, Chancelar to Henry the third.
John Tregoz had by Julian 2. dowghtars, Clarence maried to John Lorde de la Ware, and Sibille maried to Guliam de Grandesono.
John de la Ware had by Clarence Nicholas that sone dyed.
Guil. Graunson had Peter by Sybille. This Peter was buried in owr Lady Chapell of the Cathedrall Churche of
[a] Ewyas Harold.
[b] Dore r.
[c] Snodhill.
Hereford juxta Thomam de Cantilupo episcopum Hereforden:
Peter had John and Catarine.
John Graunson was Bysshope of Excester.
Catarine his sister was maried to Ser Guy Brien Lord of Theokesbiri.
Guy Brien had a doughtar by her maryed to the Lord Percy.
The fame is that the castell of Mapherald was buildid of Harold afore he was Kynge, and when he overcam the Walsche men Harold gave this castle to his bastard. Great parte of Mapheralde Castell yet standinge and a chapell of Seint Nicholas in it. Ther was sumetyme a parke by the castell. The castle stondythe on a mene hill, and on the right banke of Dules broke hard in the botom by it.
There is a village by the castle caullyd Ewis Haralde, in the whiche was a priorie or cell of blake monkes translatyd from Dulesse [a] village a myle and upper on the broke. Dules village longed to Harald. Filius Haraldi foundyd this at Dules.
Richard Brute lord of Bradwarane, nobilis hic Bruti requiescunt ossa.
Robertus Tregoz translatid it from Dules to Mapheralt. It was a cell to Glocestar.
Tregoz and Graunson were the last that were men of any greate estimation that dwellyd in Mapheralt.
Johan Beauchamp Lady of Bergeveny bowght of De la War and Graunson Mapeherault Castell.
Matild de Bohun wife to Ser Robert Burnelle, foundar of Bildevois [b] Abbey, (thowghe some for the only gifte of the site of the howse toke the Bysshope of Chester for founder,) was buryed in the presbitery at Dour.
Henricus de Pott alias Bruge. John Bruton knight and his wyfe, fathar to John Bruton Bysshope of Hereford, buried in Dour.
[a] Dulas.
[b] Buildwas.
Ther lay of the Botears buried in the Chapitre at Dour.
Giraldus in his Itinerarie showethe how Harald, a sonne of Kynge Harold, dyd nex the shores of Walls accompanied with the Norways.
Noble men buried in Dour Abbey.
Sir Robert Ewias the foundar, and Robert his sonne.
William Graunson and Sibil his wyffe.
Sir Richard Hompton lorde of Bakenton halfe a myle from Dour Abbey.
Caducanus, sumtyme Bysshope of Bangor, aftar monke of Dour, and there buried, scripsit librum omeliarum, quem ego vidi. Scripsit etiam librum cui titulus, Speculum Christianorum. Obit anno Dom. 1225.
The first Alanes lorde of Alanes More. The second was lorde of Kilpeke by his wyfe.
Sir Roger Clifford the yongar and the elder lords of Canterceley and Broinllese Castelle.
Syr Alane Plokenet lord of Kilpek Castle.
Ultimus Alanus de Ploknet hic tumulatur. Nobilis urbanus vermibus esca datur.
Waleranes lords of Kilpek, doughters; and Kilpek maried one of the Waleranes heyres, and had the castle. Kilpek had John by Walerane's doughter. This John maried one Joan, Bohuns Erle of Herford dowghtars.
Johan, doughtar to Bohun, foundid our Lady Messe in the Minster of Hereford.
Ex vita S. Gundlei regis.
Gundeleus filius regis australium Britonum.
Gundeleus ex Gladusa uxore Cadocum genuit.
Gundelei sex fratres cum eo tanquam principe regnabant.
Obiit Gundeleus juxta eccksiam quam construxerat, praesente Dubritio episcopo Landavensi, et Cadoco 4. Cal. Aprilis.
Griphini regis milites tempore Gul. senioris regis Angl. Gundelei eccl. diripiunt.
Ecclesia Gundelei spoliata a militibus Haraldi tempore Edwardi Confessoris.
Ex vita Henrici Heremitae.
Henricus Heremita de Coquet insula a Dam's originem duxit.
Ex S. Hildae vita.
Hilda suis precibus vertit serpentes in lapides, servata serpentum forma.
Et vita Hugonis.
Anno Dom. 1255. Judaei Lincolnia Hugonem puerum 8. annos natum, crucifixerunt.
Ex vita Ywii.
Iwius, filius Branonis, et Egidae, educatus a Cuthberto Lindisfarnae, obiit in Minori Britan. Corpus relatum in abbatiam Wiltoniae quiescit.
Ex vita Justiniani martyris
Justinianus natus in Minori Britan. Justinianus pervenit ad insulam Lemeneiam, in qua vir Deo devotus Honorius, regis Thefreauci filius, relicto mundo totum se deo commendabat.
Honorius peregre profectus Lemeneiam insulam Justiniano tradidit. David episcopus Justinianum ad se vocat.
Justiniani caput a servis quos alebat amputatum. Ipse vero in sua insula sepultus est.
Ex vita S. Keinae.
Keina Brethani filia. Keinewir, id est Keina virgo; locos ubi Keina habitabat serpentibus liberavit, et serpentes in lapides vertit, servata etiam serpentum forma.
Ecclesia Caine a Danis vastata. Cadocus materteram suam Keinam sepelivit.
Ex vita S. Maglorii.
Maglorius, ortus in Britannia Majori, S. Sampsonis consors fuit.
Ex vita S. Melori.
Melorus, filius Meliani, duds Cornubiae. Melori reliquiae tandem Ambresbyriam [a] delatae.
Ex vita Oswini regis et martyris.
In Gedlinge, modo Gillinger [b] vocato, non procul ab urbe Richemondiae sito, regina Eanfteda, Oswii regis uxor, et regis Oswini propinqua, in expiationem necis ejus, impetrata a rege Oswio licentia, monasterium construxit, in quo orationes assidue pro regis occisi, et ejus qui occidere jussit, animae salute quotidie domino deberent offerri; et virum devotum, nomine Trumher, nat: Angl. a Scotis ordinatum et edoctum, regis occisi propinquum, constituit abbatem. Qui postea sub rege Merc: Wulphero in provinc: Merc: et mediterr. Angl: episcopus effectus, gentium multitudinem adfidem convertit.
Coenobium ad ostium Tinae flu: spoliatum et dirutum a Danis.
Ex vita S. Paterni episcopi.
Paternus natus in Minori Britannia.
Paternus monasteria et ecclesias per totam Kereticam regionem, quae modo Cairdiganshir vocatur, aedificavit.
[a] Amesbury.
[b] Gilling.
Monasterium Paterni [a] prope urbem. Obiit Paternus 12. Cal. Jul.
Ex vita Petroci.
Petrocus genere Camber.
Petrocus 20. annis studuit in Hibernia,
Petrocus Romam petiit.
Petrocus Roma reversus est ad suum monaster: in Cornubia.
Petrocus obiit prid. Non. Jun.
Ex vita S. Richardi episcopi.
Richardus foetus est cancellarius Cantuar: ab Edmundo.
Richardus fit episcopus Cicestren: Obiit Richardus 3. Non. Aprilis.
Ex vita Roberti abbatis.
Robertus monachus Fountanensis.
Robertus postea abbas primus novi monasterii prope Morepath.
Ex vita Thomae Cantelupi.
Thomas Cantilupus filius Guliel: Cantilupi.
Melicenta mater Thomae\ quae a comitissa Eboracensi orig. duxit.
Ex vita Willebrordi.
Wilgis homo Northumbrorum regionis pater Willebrordi.
In australi insula chori.
Gul. de Vere episcopus Hereforden: praefuit 12. annis. Obiit 9. Call. Januarii anno Dom. 1198.
Dominus Robertus Foliot episcopus Hereforden.
Robertus de Melun sedit annis , ... tempore Henrici 2. filii. Hic fuit in omnigenere literarum insigniter eruditus.
Obiit anno Dom. 1147.
[a] Llanbadernfawr.
Dominus Robertas Betune episcopus Hereforden.
Dominus Reinelmus episcopus Hereforden.
Dominus Richard Maiew episcopus Hereforden. doctor theologiae, rector turbae Magdalenensis, archedecon of Oxford, Chanselar of Oxforde, eleemosinarius Henri the 7. praefuit Hereforden: eccl: 11. annis et amplius. Obiit 8. die April. anno Dom. 1516.
In transepto occidentali eccl. ad austrum.
Dominus Joannes Trefnant episcopus Herifordensis, canon. Assaphensis, et in camera apostolica causarum auditor.
In transepto occident: ad boream.
Dominus Thomas Chorleton episcopus Hereforden: Treasurar of England.
In Presbiterio.
Johannes Trillek doctor of Divinitie, cujus frater Thomas Trillek fuit episcopus Rofensis, et coadjutor fratri jam admodum seni.
In orient: transepto ad boream.
Richardus de Swinesfeld in Cantia natus, successit Thomae Cantilupo, cujus testamenti executor fuit.
In bor: insula Chori.
Robertus de Loreine episcopus Heriforden.
Dominus Galfridus de Clyve episcopus Herefordensis.
Dominus Hugo de Maggenore episcopus Herifordensis.
Petrus de Aqua Sabaudia Francus episcopus Herefordensis.
Dominus Aegidius de Brusa episcopus Hereforden.
Johannes Stanbury Carmelita episcopus Bangorensis 5. annis; translatus Hereford praefuit 21. annis. Obiit anno Dom. 1474.
Ther is a Bisshope of Heriford beried in owr Lady Chapell.
Petrus de Grandisono miles in sacello S. Marye sepultus.
Edmundus Audeley episcopus Hereforden: et posted Saresbir: adjecit sacellum et cantuar. australi parti* sacelli S. Mariae.
The chefe of the Lord Chorletons founders of the Grey Freres in Shrobbesbirie.
In navi ecclesiae.
Johannes Bruton episcopus Hereforden. custos Garderobe Dom. regis.
Gulielmus Devereux miles.
Carolus Bouth doctor legum Bononiae archideaconus Bukingam, et cancellarius marchiarum Walliae tempore Henrici principis. Bouthe reparavit palatium suum London, vocatum Mounthaut, et Bisshop Castelle, alias Treescop.
Pembridge miles.
Radulphus Maideston emit domum de Mounthault London.
Gul. Porter primo Card: Novi Collegii Winton: Oxon: postea cantor Hereforden: eccl.
Nomina episcoporum Hereforden.
Putta; Trutere, alias Tirde; Torhtere; Walhstode; Cuthberht; Podda; Acca; Eadda, vel Cedda; Ealdberth; Ceolmon; Esne; Utel; Thulfhwarde; Beonna; Eadwulf; Cuthulf; Mucel; Daeorlath; Cinemund; Eadgar; Tidelm; Thulfylin; Thulfric; Adulf; Adestan; Tremerin; Leofegar; Aldred; Walter; Rodbertus de Loregon; Girardus, qui postea archiepiscopus Ebor. Malmesbiriensis hic introducit Rogerum Lardarium electum tantum Herforden. Reinelmus fundator ecclesiae Hereforden. Gaufridus de Cliva; Richardus de Capella; Rodbertus de Bettinia; Gilbertus de Foliot; fo. 87 a. Robertus de Melun; Robertus Foliot; Gul. de Ver; Aegidius de Breosa; Hugo de Mapenor; Hugo Foliot; Radulphus de Maidenstan; Petrus de Aqua Blanca; Joannes le
Breton; Thomas de Cantilupo; Richard de Swinesfeld; Adam de Orleton, natus in Hereforde; Thomas de Charleton; Joannes Trillek; Ludovicus Chorleton.
Hugo de Foliot episcopus Hereford construxit hospitale S. Catarinae aput Ledebirie, quae non multum distat a montibus Malverniae.
Palatia episcopi Herforden.
Sugwas a flite shot, or more, of Wy ryver on the lifte ripe of it 2. miles dim. It stondithe in the roots of an hillet, and a park by it now without dere. Colwel a Park longed to the Bysshope of Hereford by Malvern Chace, and a pece of Malvern is the bysshops, fro the crest of the hill, as it aperithe by a dyche.
Bosberie [b] x. miles by north est from Hereford at the head of Ledon [c] reveret, and therby is a place longginge to Seint John's in London caullid Upledon. [d]
Gul. Ver episcopus', ut patet ex ejus epitaphio, multa egregia construxit aedifida.
Whitburne [e] 7. miles from Worcester. It is in the very extreme parte of Herefordeshire on the right banke of Temde [f] ryver.
Johannes filius Alani, Dominus de Arundel, cepit Byssops Castell, et constabularium castri fide data interfecit anno regni 45. Henrici 3. et inde tenuitpene 6. annis.
There was a faire mansion place for the bysshope at Ledbyri xii. miles by est northe est from Hereford, and vii. myles or more from Rosse. This hous is all in ruyne. The convict prison for the Bysshope of Heriford was at Rosse, now at Hereford.
Rosse at the veri west end of the paroche churche yarde of Rosse, now in clene ruynes.
Bysshops Castle a 23. miles by north northe west from Hereford in Shropshire. It is xii. miles from Shrowsbirie.
Prestebyri 5. miles from Glocester hard by Clife. [g] Ther is a parke hard by Prestebyri.
[a] Colwall.
[b] Bosbury.
[c] Leadon r.
[d] Upleadon.
[e] Whitbourne.
[f] Teme r.
[g] Cleeve.
Joannes le Breton episcopus Hereforden. fuit aliquanto tempore vice-comes Hereford: custos maner: de Abergeveney, et trium castrorum,
Breton episcopus custos Garderobe domini regis.
Kilpek Castelle a 5. mils from Hereford by southe west very nighe Worme brooke.
Sum ruines of the waulls yet stonde. Ther was a priorie of Blake Monks suppressydin Thomas Spofford's Bysshope of Herford's tyme, and clerly unitid to Glocester.
The priory stood from the castle a quartar of a myle.
The fathar of Thomas Cantelupe Byshope of Herford was Seneshall of England, and his mothar Melicent was Countis of Ebroice [a] in Normandie.
Walterus uncle by father to Thomas Cantelupe bysshope was Bysshope of Worcestar, and gave beneficis to Thomas his nephew aftar Bysshope of Hereford, and to Hughe Cantilupe, Thomas brother Archideacon of Glocestar.
Ex vita Ethelberti martyris autore Giraldo Cambrensi Canonico Herifordensi.
Athelbertus, Adelredi regis Orientalium Anglorum filius, et Leoverinae reginae. Qui et ipsi atavis editi regibus ex Orient. Saxo: regaliprosapia, Anna videlicet Enni filto, et Etheldredae virginis patre, Adelhero et Athelwaldo, Adulfo et Alfwoldo, quos Beda in Angl. historia commemorat.
Ethelbertus unicus heres Adelredi regis.
Guerro comes solicitat Ethelbertum de uxore ducenda, videlicet Seledriada Egeonis australis Britanniae regis filia.
Egeon rex infidelis Adelredo Ethelberti patri.
[a] Evreux.
Terrae-motus denotavit desolationem reg. Ab obitu enim Ethelberti multis annis sub regulis et tyrannis ad regis Edmundi tempora duravit.
Alftrida Offae filia apparatum Ethelberti ad Offam venientis collaudat.
Ethelbertus occisus consilio uxoris Offae a Grimberto familiari Offae 13. Call. Junii.
Alfrida filia Offae Anachoreta facta apud Croilande.
Offa praecepit corpus Ethelberti cum capite occulte sepeliri in ripa flu: quod Lugge didfur.
In loco primae sepulturae nunc est ecclesia parochialis de Maurdine [a] in sinistra ripa Luge flu. 4. millibus passuum ab Herefordia.
Castellum de Kinggett Southton non longe distat a Maurdine, ut neque a Luga. Extant ad hue usque vestigia hujus castri, ubi Offa rex convenit Ethelbertum. Nunc appellantur Southtoun Waulls. [b]
Offa poenitentia facti ductus Romam petit.
Ethelbertus Brichtrico praediviti viro nocte apparuit, praecipiens ei ut corpus suum effossum ad locum qui Status waie dicebatur efferret, etjuxta monasterium eodem in loco situm illud cum honore reconderet. Egmundus socius Brichtrici in transferendo corpore Ethelberti. Et sic procedentes usque ad locum praesignatum ibidem corpus sanctissimi honorifice sepelierunt, in loco videlicet qui Anglice Fernlega, [c] Latine interpretatum saltus filicis dicebatur; nostris vero diebus a comprovincialibus Herefordia nuncupatur.
Milefridus Merc, rex sanctitatem viri dei fama vulgante cognovit, qui et quendam episcopum suum virum sanctum ad locum destinavit,jubens de morte martyr: et caussa cognoscere.
Milefridus quanquam id temporis in remotis regni sui partibus ageret, transmissa ad locum eundempecunia multa ecclesiam egregiam lapidea structura ad laudem martyris a fundamentis incepit, primusque regum omnium eodem episcopum in loco constituens ecclesiam eandem cathedrali dignitate sublimavit. Terris quoque plurimis et praediis amplis, palliis
[a] Marden.
[b] Sutton, near Hereford.
[c] Fernhill.
holosericis et ornamentis egregiis, regia quoad vixit munificentia ditare quidem ac dotare non cessavit.
Egfridus, Offae regis filius, vix per annum et centum quadraginta dies pro patre regnavit.
Unde et huic nostrae paginae quod Asser historicus, verax relator gestorum regis Alfredi, de hac generatione perversa conscripsit, eisdem interserere verbis non indignum reputavi.
Edwinus, vir potens in finibus Ledburie et montibus Gomerici, [a] liberatus a paralysi dedit Ledburiam eccl. Herefordensi. Ledburie North et Bisshops Castell idem manerium, et in antiquis chartis nominatio est castri de Ledburie.
Offa rex terras plurimas circa Herefordam, martyri contulit. Est vicus in Orientalium Saxonum provincia, cui nomen Bellus Campus interpretatio dedit, in cujus praedio antiquitus lignea quaedam est basilica in honorem Ethelberti martyris.
Ex vita Ethelberti martyr: autore Osberto de Claro, monacho Westmonaster. ad Gislebertum Hereforden. episcopum.
Anna, Ethelredus, Ethelwaldus,fratres et reges Est Anglorum. Adelherus rex ex Heresivida sorore S. Hildae genuit Aldulphum et Alfwodum.
Adelherus rex una cum Penda rege in bello interfectus ab Oswio rege Northumbriae.
Aldulphus successitpatri in reg. Successit Aldulpho Alfwoldus ejusfrater in regno.
Berno de sanguine Alfweddi rex Est Anglorum.
Successit ejus filius Adelredus. Successit Adelredo Ethelbertus ejus filius, postea martyr.
Seledrida, filia et heres Egeonis mortui regis, in australibus Majoris Britanniae partibus destinata a Guerrone consule thoro Ethelberti, sed Ethelbertus earn recusavit.
Ethelbertus venit in reg: Merciorum ad vicum regium, qui villa australis dicitur.
[a] Montgomery.
Godescaleus miles, in cujus territorio Ethelberti martyris eccl: fuerat antiqua fabricatione constructa.
Pons factus super Vagam [a] apud Herefordiam tempore Henrici I. ipso rege jn perante et pits eleemosinam ad tam utile opus erogantibus. Facta haecpartim consilio domini Richardi episcopi Herefordensis, qui praecessit Roberto Betune episcopo.
Curatores operis aut pontifices primo Alduinus de Malvernia, deinde Aldredus monachus, postremo Alvericus.
In solo namque ecclesiae Norwicensis episcopio plures quam 24. ecclesia sancto Ethelberto martyri antiquitus dedicata.
Ex vita Roberti de Betune episcopi Herefurden: auctore Gul. Priore Lantonensi ad Reginaldum Weneloke.
Robertus Betunensis ex militari prosapia orig. duxit.
Gunfridus praeceptor et frater Roberti.
Hatyra mons prope Lanhondeny monasteri: Waulliae.
Robertus fit canonicus apud Lanhondeni in Wallia.
Hugo de Laceio fundator et patronus eccl: Lanhondenen: [b] in Waullia moriens sepultus est apud Wibeleiam in parte fundi quam in extremis agens eccl: donaverat.
Cum desivissent fratres locum religionis ibi fundare missus est Robertus tanquam operis procurator.
Ermsius Prior Lanhondenensis fit anachoreta, et ei in Prioratu successit Robertus.
Robertus procurantibus Pagano, filio Joannis, et Milone Constabulario, ab Henrico rege fit episcopus Hereforden: quo tempore vacaverat sedes quinque annis.
Radulphus decanus Herefordensis adversabatur Roberto episcopo Hereford: Canonici Lanhondenenses semel atque iterum spoliati tempore regis Stephani.
Robertus ad se accersivit conventum Canon: Lanhondensium, et aliquanto tempore in suis aedibus aluit. Interim
[a] Wye r.
[b] Llanthony.
quaesivit et inventfeis locum habitationis apud Glocestram sub Milone Constabulario.
Expensas dedit ad aedificandum. Secundo anno transtulit illuc conventum. Ad supplementum quoque subsidii dedit eis eccl: duas Frome et Prestebyri.
Robertus episcopus ecclesia et possessionibus ad tempusculum spoliatus,
Episcopus Robertus cum pace restituta in sua redisset ecclesiam suam reformavit, hostica de forts munimenta diruit clerum dispersum revocavit.
Venit ad Robertum conventus unus fratrum desolatorum numero 20. quos maledictio sterilis terrae de secessu nemoris post quinquennium expulerat.
Obiit Robertus episcopus in Remensi [a] urbe, eo ad concilium vocatus, quod Eugenius pontifex Ro. ibidem celebrabat.
Odo Remensis abbas, hospes Roberti episcopi. Corpus Roberti relatum Herefordam, et ibidem sepultum in ecclesia sua, quam ipse multa inpensa et solicitudine consummavit.
Cle [b] Hills.
Cle Hills be holy in Shropshire. Tende [c] river devide them from sume parte of Worcestershire, but from Shropshire by the more parte of the ripe.
No great plenty of wood in Cle Hills, yet ther is sufficient brushe wood. Plenty of cole, yerth, stone, nether excedinge good for lyme, whereof there they make muche and serve the centre about. Cle Hills cum within a 3. good myles of Ludlow. The village of Clebyri [d] standythe in the rootes by est of Cle Hills 7. myles from Ludlow in the way to Beaudeley. [e] There was a castle in Cleberie nighe the churche by northe. The plote is yet cawled The Castell Dike. There be no market townes in Cle Hills.
The highest parte of Cle Hills is cawlyd Tyderstone. [f] In it is a fayre playne grene, and a fountayne in it. There is anothar hill a 3. miles distaunt from it caulyd The Browne
[a] Rheims.
[b] Clee.
[c] Terne r.
[d] Cleobury Mortimer.
[e] Bewdley.
[f] Titterstone.
Cle. There is a chace for deare. Ther is anothar cawllyd Caderton's Cle, and ther be many hethe cokks, and a broket, caulyd Mille Brokcet, springethe in it, and aftar goithe into a broket cauled Rhe, [a] and Rhe into Tende by neth Tende Bridge. There be some blo shopps to make yren apon the ripes or bankes of Mylbroke, comynge out of Caderton Cle or Casset Wood.
Ex registro quodam.
Fowelppe [b] manerium domini Rickardi de Chaundos.
Prebenda de Whitington.
Asscheton Boterel.
Ecclesia S. Cruets de Acornbyrie. [c] Canonici Regul: de Abbatia Wigmore, filia S. Victoris Barisiensis.
Nomina Monaster: Herforden: dioec.
Major ecclesia Herefordensis.
Prior: S. Guthlaci Herifordensis.
Abbatia Canon, de Wigmore.
Prior: de Wenloke Clun: ord:
Prior: Leonminstre.
Prior: de Chireburie. Canon.
Prior: Canon: de Wormesley.
Abbat: de Dowre Cisterc: ord:
Abba: de Flexley in Foresta de Dene.
Moniales de Acornbyri.
Moniales de Lingebroke. [d]
Prior: de Clifford, Clun.
Prior: de Kilpek.
Prioratus de Newente.
Prior: de Bromefeld.
Prior: de Alberbury. Grandimontenses.
Dudelebyri an howse of Grandimontenses in Cornedale, now unitid to the Churche of Hereforde.
Acle Lyra [e] maner. Prioris de Lyra in Normannia cellula.
[a] Rea r.
[b] Fawnhope, co. Hereford.
[c] Aconbury.
[d] Limbrook.
[e] Lire (Eure dept.).
Fuit ibi tantum capella. Acle 4. mile from Hereford: versus Bromyard.
Nulla ecclesia collegiata sacerdotum in Dioecesi Hereforden: praeterquam Herefordia.
Castell From apon From ryver. From commythe into Luge ripa sinistra, about a myle above Mordeford Bridge.
Limites Dioecesis Herford.
Herefordshire integer.
Et pars de Shrobbeshir usque ad med: Tam flu: prope oppidum Shrobbesbyri: et foresta de Dene in com: Glocestriae.
Castellum Richardi [a] a 2. miles from Ludlow by sowthe, where is a paroche churche of the same name by it. The castle standythe on an hill. It is about a myle dim. from the right ripe of Temde. It was the Lord Vaulx lately. Pope bowght it. Now the Kyng's.
Ecclesi: parochialis Castriae Isabella.
Ex libello incerti autoris de comitatibus, episcopatibus et monasteriis Angliae.
Autor erat in Cantia natus.
Jam comperi ipsum Gervasium hoc opusculum scripsisse postquam absolverat historiam, quam scripsit de regibus Angliae; et archiepiscopis Cantuar.
Gervasius monachus Cantuar: scripsit praeter Chronicon, opusculum de regibus Angliae, et archiepiscopis Cantuar.
Anglia habens 34. Shires olim habuit tantum 32. Ad
[a] Richard's Castle, cf. vol. ii, p. 76.
Mappa Mundi.
legem West-Sax, pertinebant 9. ad legem Merc. 9. ad legem Danorum 14.
Domus religiosae in Cantia.
Archiepiscopatus ubi eccl. S. Trinitatis.
Rovecestre, S. Andreae.
Abbatia Sancti Augustini.
Abbatia Feversham S. Salvatoris.
Abbatia Boxley Monachi albi.
Abbat. Lesnes S. Thomae. Canon, nigri.
Abbat. Coumbwelle, Mar. Magdalen.
Abbat. Langdon, S. Ma. et S. Thomae. Canon, albi.
Abbat. Bradesole, S. Radegundis.
Abbat. Mallynge S. Mariae. Monial. nigrae.
Prior. Dover S. Martini.
Prior. Norton S. Johan. Evang.
Prior. Folkstan S. Mariae.
Prior. Lewesham. Mon. nigri.
Prior. S. Gregory.
Prior. Ledes. S. Nichol: Can. nigri.
Prior. S. Sepukhri.
Prior. Shepey, S. Mariae.
Prior. Blakwase, S. Nicolai Can. albi.
Prior. Lillechirch, S. Mar. Mon. nigri.
Prior. Daventre, [a] S. Mariae. Mon. nigri.
Hospitak S. Gregorii, S. Lawrence, S. Jacobi, S. Nicolai, S. Thomae Dovor, S. Joannis in Blekbakechilde, Roffe.
Aquae dulces in Cantia. Medewaie, Stura, Brooke, Derent, aqua de Bregge, aqua de Ospringe, aqua de Cray.
In South-Sax.
Abbat: de Otteham, S. Laurentii. Can. albi.
Prior: Arundell, S. Nicolas. Monachi nigri.
Prior: Atesele, [b] S. Petri. Monachi nigri.
[a] Davington, Kent.
[b] Sele, near Steyning.
Mappa Mundi.
Prior: Boiegrave, S. Martini. Mon. nigri.
Tortington, S. Mariae Magdalenae. Can. nigri.
Prior: Hastings, S. Trinitatis. Can. nigri.
Prior: Remsted. Moniales nigrae.
Prior: Lulleminster. Moniales nigrae.
Prior: Rospere. Moniales nigrae.
Decanatus Stening: Clerici Secul. Hospitale S. Jacobi: leprosi Cicestriae. Haling insula.
Aquae dulces in South-Sex: Limene, Medeway, Ichene, Chiern, aqua de Kneppe, aqua de Bradeham.
Castle at Bodiam.
In Southreia.
Prior: Horsiege. Moniales nigrae.
Goseforde castellum, Blechinlegen. Aquae dulces: Emene, Wayes.
In Southampton-Shire.
Abbat: de Quarraria in Wight. [a]
Prior: de Cairbroke. ibidem.
Prior: de Hamell, Sancti Andreae. Monachi Grisei.
Prior: Brumor. [b]
Hichene [c] aqua dulcis.
In Barkshire.
Prior: Hame. Moniales nigrae.
Prior: Bromhaul. Monial: nigrae.
Prior: de Poyhele. [d] S. Marg. Can. nigri.
Hospitalia S. Joannis apud Abingdon, et S. Joannis apud Wallingford, et S. Bartolemewi apud Newbyri.
[a] Quarr, I. of Wight.
[b] Bromere. See Wiltshire, p. 194.
[c] Itchen r.
[d] Poughley.
Mappa Mundi.
In Wiltshire.
Abbat: Stanlege S. Mar. Monachi albi.
Prior: Fernlege. Monachi nigri.
Prior: Briontune. Can. nigri.
Prior: Bromhore, S. Mar. et S. Mich: Can. nigri. [a] Hospitale de Bradelege, S. Mariae Magda. leprosi.
In Dorsetshire.
Prior: Camestern. Moniales nigrae.
In Sumersetsher.
Prior: Stoke, S. Andreae. Monachi nigri.
Prior: Bearew, S. Mariae. Monachae nigrae.
Aquae dulces: Bedret, Fenifle, Aven, Briu.
In Devonshir.
Abbat: Bukfester.
Prior: Cuich, [b] S. Andreae. Monachi nigri de Becco extrae Excestre.
Prior: Bernestaple.
Prior: Plintune.
Prior: Berdlescombe. Can. nigri.
In Cornwalle.
Prior: Tywardraith. Mon: nigrae de Angiers.
Prior: S. Cyriaci. Mon: nigri.
Prior: S. Antonii. Mon: nigri de Angiers.
Prior: S. Mariae del Val. Mon: nigri de Angers.
Prior: S. Nicolai, Core in Sylley.
[a] This description answers to that of Bromere in Hants, which was,
perhaps, erroneously put here in Wilts.
[b] Cowyke, near Exeter.
Mappa Mundi.
In Est-Sax.
Abbot: Chic, Petri, Paul: et S. Osithae.
Prioratus Ginge-Hestan, vulgo Ingerstone. [a]
Aquae dulces: Heaghbridge, Hobridge. Stura flu. dividit Est-Sax a Southfolke. Aqua salsafi Huolne.
In Midlesex.
Prior: Keleburne.
In Southfolke.
Abbat: Sibbetune. [b]
Prior: de Eia [c] S. Petri, Mon: nigri de Berney.
Prior: Clara vel Stoke, S. Joan. Mon. nigri de Becco.
Prior: de Wangford. Monachi nigri.
Prior: Romburgh, S. Mich.
Prior: Suthbyri, [d] S. Barptol: Mon: nigri de Westminster.
Prior: Waulton, S. Felicis. [e] Mon: nigri de Roffa.
Prior: Leistune, S. Mariae. Can. albi.
Liegate Castell. [f]
In Northfolke.
Prior: Horsham, S. Fides. Mon: nigri de Conchis.
Prior: Wirham, S. Winwallae. Mon: nigri de Musterell.
Prior: Welsingham.
Prior: Cogesforde. [g]
In Grantebrigeshire.
Prior: Snaveshith. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Swafham. Monach: nigri.
Castellum de Herwoydi.
[a] Ingatestone.
[b] Sibton.
[c] Eye.
[d] Sudbury.
[e] Felixstowe.
[f] Lidgate Castle.
[g] Cokesford.
Mappa Mundi.
In Lincolnshire.
Abbat: Brunne.
Abbat: Simplingham. [a]
Abbat: Heverholme.
Abbat: Sixle, [b] S, Mariae. Can: albi et moniales.
Abbat: Bulingtune. [c] Can: albi et moniales.
Abbat: Tupeholme.
Abbat: Stikeweld, [d]
Prior: Grisetum.
Prior: Torholme. [e] Can: nigri.
Abbat: Catteley. [f] Can. albi et moniales.
Castellum de Cliford.
Castellum de Swinesheved.
In Leircestreshire.
Prior: Berewedune. [g] Can. nigri.
Prior: Calc: Can: nigri.
Prior: Osuluestune. [h] Can: nigri.
Prior: Stane. [i] Moniales nigrae.
In Northamtunshire.
Abbat: Bitlesden, S. Mariae. Man: albi.
Abbat: de Withory. Mon. nigri.
Prior: Luffeld, S. Mariae. Monachi nigri.
Prior: Cateby, novus locus monialium de Semperhingham. Hospitale S. Joannis de Northampton.
Castell: de Alderington. [k]
In Hertfordshire.
Prior: de Belle loce. [l] Mon: nigri.
Prior: Chille. Mon: nigrae.
Prior: Chiltre. Mon: nigri.
[a] Sempringham.
[b] Sixhill.
[c] Bollington.
[d] Stikewold, or Stixwold.
[e] Torkesey.
[f] Catterley.
[g] Bredon.
[h] Owston.
[i] ? Stone, in Staffordshire.
[k] Alderton.
[l] Beaulieu.
Mappa Mundi.
In Bedfordshire.
Abbat: Helenestoke, [a] S. Mariae. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Harwood, S. Petar. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Beauliu, S. Mariae Magda. Monachi nigri de S. Albano.
Prior: de Prato, S. Mariae. Mon: nigri S. Albani.
Hospitale de Bedford, S. Joannis Baptistae.
In Bukynghamshire.
Abbat: de Paretresdune,
Abbat: de Lavendene. Can: albi.
Prior: de Bradeivelle, S. Mariae. Mon: nigri.
Hospitale de Buckyngham, S. Joannis.
Laundene Castelle, Hamslepe [b] Castelle.
In Oxfordshire.
Abbat: Briwere. [c]
Prior: Coges. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Nortune. [d] Can: nigri.
Prior: Garingey, [e] S. Mariae. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Brakeley, S. Mariae. Can: nigri.
Hospitale de Nortune.
Castellum de Bukeby. Castellum de Darington.
In Wirecestreshire.
Prior: Elnecester. [f] Can: nigri.
Prior: Cochelle. [g] Mon: albae.
Hospitale S. Oswaldi.
In Herefordshire.
Prior: Bertune. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Monemuth, S. Mariae, et Florentii. Mon: nigri.
Hospitalia: Bertune, Salopesbyri, Bruge.
[a] Elstow.
[b] Hanslope.
[c] Bruerne.
[d] Cold Norton.
[e] Goring.
[f] ? Alcester, Warwick.
[g] Cokehill.
Mappa Mundi.
Castellum, Cnucin, Blancmister.
Fluvii, Tirne, Mele, Blodwelle, Cunet.
In Warwikeshire.
Prior: Wrokeshale. Mon: nigrae.
Prior: Hinewode. Mon: nigrae.
Abbat: Merivaus. [a]
In Staffordshire.
Prior: Lappele, S. Remigii. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Fairwel. Monachae nigrae.
Prior: Briuern, [b] S. Mariae. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Briuern, [b] S. Leonardi. Mon: albae.
In Derbyshire.
Prior: Derlege, [c] vel Greslege. Can: nigri.
Prior: Dereby S. Jacobi. Mon: nigri.
Prior: Dereby. Mon: nigrae.
In Yorkeshire.
Castles: Sceltun, Kuninghburgh, Ferneltun.
In Richemontshire.
Abbat: Eglestune, S. Mariae: Can: albi.
Prior: Woderhale sanctorum trium. Mon: nigri.
[a] Wroxall, Kenwood, and Merivale.
[b] Brewood. The "Black ladies" were in Stafford, the "White
ladies over the border in Salop.
[c] Darley Abbey.
Prior: Ingelwde, S. Mariae, Mon: nigrae.
Prior: Marrig, Mon: nigrae.
In episcopatu Dunelmensi.
Prior: Mai vel Segelbreg. Mon: nigrae.
Prior: Brenkeburgh. [a] Can: nigri.
In Ioeneis reg: Scot:
Abbat: Mailros S. Mar: Mon: albi.
Abbat: Drieburgh. [b] Can: albi.
In Waullia: provinc. Landaven.
Prior: de Basselle. [c]
In Banchoren: dioecesi.
Prior: de Enisenae. Monac: albi.
In episcop. S. Asaphe:
Abbat: de Hudham. Mon: albae.
Ex vita Aidani abbatis, autort incerto.
Sedia ex regione Connactorum, pater S. Aidi, sive Aidani.
Venit Aidanus ex Hibernia in Britan. ad S. David episcopuns.
Beda scripsit vitam Aidani pontif: Lindifarn.
Ex vita S. Albani.
Heraclius quidam miles coecus oculis restitutes precibus Albani martyris. Passus est Albanus 10. Cal. Jul. anno Dom. 286.
Anno Dom. 723. Offa rex Merc: transtulit corpus S. Albani, et monasterium in ejus gratiam construxit.
[a] Brinkburne, Northumb.
[b] Melrose, Dryburgh.
[c] Basselech, or Bassaleg, Monmouthshire.
Anno Dom. 914. regnante Ethelstano Dani rupto scrinio reliquias S. Albani in Daniam ad monaster. Owense transtulerunt, et aliquandiu ibi servaverunt donee Egwinus monachus S. Albani in Angliam caspio furto reduxit.
Reliquiae S. Albani ob metum translatae in Ely insulam anno Dom. 1066o.
Dubium num remiserint Helienses vera ossa Albani.
Herbertus Duke et miles.
Ex vita Aldelmi.
Obiit Aldelmus anno Dom. 709. ab anno 9uo. factus est abbas Maildunens. 34. et episcop. sui anno 4, 50. fere passuum milibus Mailduno. [a] Translatum est corpus Aldelmi anno Dom. 949.
Ex vita Alredi abbatis.
Alredus abbas de Reuesby, [b] postea Rievallensis abbas.
Alredus scripsit vitam Davidis regis Scotiae, et vitam Edwardi Confessoris, Margaretae reginae Scotiae, 33. omelias super onus Babilonis in Esaiam, 3. libros de spirituali amicitia, de natura animae et quantitate et subtilitate libros 2. Multas quoque scripsit epistolas.
Ex vita Amphibali.
Amphibalus Verolamii flagellatus, postea jactu lapidum occisus.
Amphibali corpus a quodam Christiano tecte ablatum, ac sepultum a Roberto nomine plebeio villa S. Albani prope Radeburne, 3. vico Albani miliaribus, inventum est.
Ex vita Anselmi archiepiscopi Cantuari:
Anselmus ex nobilibus parentibus in Augustana dvitate Alpium natus. Monachus Beccensis sub Herlwino abbate. Anselmus invitatus ab Hugone comite Chestrensi venit in Angliam. Exulat ab Angl. Anselmus.
[a] Malmesbury.
[b] Revesby, Linc.
Ex vita S. Audoeni archiepiscopi Rothomag.
Reliquiae Audoeni translatae in Angliam tempore Edgari regis.
Ex vita Barptolomei Monachi.
Barptolomeus ex provincia Whiteby ortus.
Barptolemeus Norwegiam petiit.
Barptolemeus fit monachus Dunelmensis, et postea Prior,
Barptolemeus obiit in insula Farnen: "Hanc insulam Farnensem vetusta longaevitas quasdam perhibet aves in colere quae aves S. Cutheberthi ab incolis appellantur. Tempore nidificationis ibi conveniunt, et tantae mansuetudinis gratim a loci sanctitate possident, ut humanos contactus et aspectus non abhorreant. Quietem amant. Secus altare quaedam ovis cubant, nullusque eas laedere praesumit. Ova sibi et ceteris hospitibus fratres apponunt. Cum masculis in aequore victum aves illae quaerunt. Pulli cum creantur, matres sequuntur, et patrias undas semel ingresst, ad nidos non revertuntur."
Ex vita S. Benigni.
Benignus relicta Hibernia Glastoniam venit.
Anno Dom. 1091. translatae sunt reliquiae Benigni Glastoniam.
Ex vita Bernaci episcopi.
Bernacus Romam petit, deinde Minorem Britanniam.
Bernacus venit in Demeticam provinc. id est, Southe Wals. Obiit 7. Id. Aprilis.
Ex vita Birini episcopi.
Birinus in Britanniam ab Honorio pont: Ro: missus.
Birinus applicuit apud Occident: Saxones.
Birinus Kinegilsum regem West-Saxonum, ac Oswaldum regem Northumbr: baptizavit.
Kynegilsus dedit Dorchester S. Birino.
Birinus anno Dom. 635. Canon: seculares instituit apud
Dorchestar. Sedes translata a Dorchester Lincolniam per Remigium episcopum.
Alexandar episcopus Lincolne institute Canon: regulares apud Dorchester. Obiit Birinus 3. Nonas Decembar.
Ex vita Bonifacii episcopi.
Bonifacius fit monachus in Exancestre, [a] et postea petiit Huntscel monaster: ubi venerabilis Winbertus abbas praefuit.
Bonifacius Thuringiam petit, et postea in Frisia foetus adjutor Willebrordi episcopi.
Bonifacius Saxones et Hessos petit. Bonifacius Orthof monasterium construxit.
Multi ex Anglia confluunt ad Bonifacium.
Construxit Bonifacius 2. monasteria, unum in Frideslare [b] in honorem Petri, alterum in Amanaburgh [c] in honorem S. Michaelis.
Bonifacius senex episcopus Willebaldum et Burghardum facit episcopos in intimis Orient. Francorum partibus.
Occisus Bonifacius Non. Jun. anno peregrinationis suae 45. episcop. sui 36. mensibus et dies 6.
Lullo episcopus corpus ejus perduxit ad Folde monaster: monasterium. quod ipse construxeratjuxta Moguntiam [d] prope flumen.
Ethelbaldus rex Merc: a Beornredo occisus et apud Rependon sepultus.
Ex vita Saint Botulphi.
Botulphus et Adulphus " natalibus germana nativitate et charitate" ex gente Saxonica.
Adulphus fit episcopus Trajectensis. [e] Botulphus in Bri-
[a] Exeter.
[b] Fritzlar, in Hesse.
[c] Amoneburg, on the Ohm r.
[d] Fulda, Mentz on the Rhine.
[e] Utrecht.
tanniam rediit. Botulphus Icanno locum construendo monasterio aptum ab Ethelmundo rege accepit, ubi ad temporis heremus erat.
Obiit Botulphus in Icanno 15. Cal. Jun. et ibidem sepultus est.
Icanho [a] monaster: ab Inguaro et Hubba destructum.
Ulkitellus monachus jussu Ethelwoldi episcopi Winton: transtulit corpora Botulphi et Adulphi Thorneiam,
Erat tune temporis in Icanho sacellum in quo solus presbiter sacra faciebat.
" Construxit S. Ethehvoldus non longe a monasterio Thornemi in loco ubi beata virgo Christi Thoma inclusa fuerat, lapideam ecclesiolam delicatiss: cameratam cancellulis et duplici area, 3. dedicatam altaribus permodicis undique usque ad ejus muros vallatam arboribus diversi generis. Sedem ibi heremiticam si permisisset deus sibi elegit"
Ex vita S. Bregwini archiepiscopi.
Bregwinus in Saxonia ortus. Bregwinus relicta patria in Angliam venit.
Seint Bregwinus successit Cutheberto Anglo in archiepiscopatu Cantuari:
Cuthbertus ex illustri Anglorum: familia ortus ecclesiam in orientali parte majoris ecclesiae, eidem pene contiguam, in honore Joannis Baptistae "fabricavit, ut et baptisteria et examinationes judiciorum pro diversis caussis ad correctioncm scelerum inibi celebrarentur, et archiepiscoporum corpora in ea sepelirentur, sublata de media antiqua consuetudine, qua eatenus in eccl: apost: Petriet Pauli corpora antecessorum suorum tumulari solebant."
Bregimnus expletis in archiepiscopatu 3. annis obiit 7. Call. Septembar, et in ecclesia S. Joannis sepelitur.
[a] Icanhoe, or Ycanno, Lincolns.
Eccksia Cantuar. cum ecclesia S. Joannis igne consumptae
Lanfrancus postea ecclesiam "reparavit,etin ecclesiam novam corpora sanctorum episcoporum in aquilonari parte super voltam sub singulis locellis decenter collocavit. In ilia enim conflagratione quanta damna locus ipse perpessus sit, nullus edicere potest: scilicet in auro, in argento, in libris divinis et secularibus." Privilegia regum et episcoporum ex integro corrupta sunt.
Ex vita S. Brithuni.
Brithunus Anglus institutus abbas Deinvald, ubi nunc Beverlege. a S. Joanne episcopo Ebora: sepultus est Beverlaci.
Ex vita Caradoci.
Caradocus ortus in provincia de Brekenauc.
Caradocus vixit in Art insula, quam Norwegenses abducto eo spoliabant; sed postea insulae restituerunt.
Richardus, Tancredus et Flandrenses missi in Walliam infesti Caradoco heremitae. Obiit anno Dom. 1124. Caradocus, et in Menevensi ecclesia sepultus est.
Ex vita Karatoci.
Carantacus, filius Roderici regis. Carantocus fuit in Hibernia 30. annis ante nativitatem S. Danielis.
Ex vita Cedd episcopi.
Successit Saberto regi Swithelinus filius Sexbaldi, qui ab ipso Cedd baptizatus est.
Cedd recepit ab Ethelwaldo, filio Oswaldi regis Deirorum, Lestingey [a] locum monaster: condendo in montibus arduis et remotis, in quo monasterium secundum ritum Lindifernensis ecclesiae instituit.
Cedd episcopus Orient: Sax: obiit in Lestingay tempore pestis. Successit Cedd in monasterio Cedda ejus frater.
[a] Lastingham, Yorks.
Fratres 20. venientes exmonaster: Ceddin regione Orient: Saxonum venerunt Lestingey, et omnes praeter unum peste mortui.
Ex vita Ceddae episcopi.
Cedda agente Wulphero Merc: rege, et Theodora archiepiscopo Cantuar: fit episcopus Mer: et Lindispharorum.
Vixit Cedda in episcop: Lichefeldensi 2. annis et dim. Barwe in provincia Lindispharorum locus 50. familiarum datus ab Wulphero Ceddae construendo monasterio. " Habuit autem Cedda sedem apud Lichefeld, ubi sibi mansionem fecerat non longe ab ecclesia remotiorem, in qua secretius cum 7. vel 8. sociis, quotiens a labore et ministerio verbi vacabat, orare et legere solebat" Owinusprimus olim ministrorum S. Etheldrede monachus postea apud Ceddam.
Ex vita S. Clari.
Edwardus tempore Edmundi regis Angliae fuit in Orthestria, et Clarus mare petit, et apud Caesaris burgum [a] in Normannia applicuit.
Clarus monasteriolum construxit in nemore juxta Heptam [b] flu: in pago Wlcassino., Clari captum abscisum tyrannide potentis, quam ille turpiter aim amante fugiebat.
Ex vita S. Clitanci.
Clitancus Southe-Walliae regulus inter venandum a suis sodalibus occisus est. Ecclesia S. Clitand in Southe-Wallia.
Ex vita S. Eanswidae, filiae Edbaldi, regis Cantiae, et Emmae.
Elegit Eanswida locum a vulgi frequentia remotum Fulkestan nominatum, ubi et pater ejus Edbaldus in honorem Petri in apost: ecclesiam construxit.
[a] Cherbourg.
[b] Epta r.
" Ibi ergo ex parte man's quo remotior didfur esse ab ipsis ruricolis hujusmodi competentem fundavit ecclesiam cum qfficinis sibi suisque comitibusprqfessioni ejus necessaries, a plena tamen man's gurgite septem jugerum latitudine, i.e. 20. perticarum, distantem, quae hodie nusquam apparet. Terra namque a mari paulatim consumpta, post longum seculum corruit, et ripa man's coemiterium hausit"
Ex vita S. Ebbae.
Ebbafilia Ethelfridi regis Bernisiorum.
Eanfridus et Oswaldus tantum filii Ethelfridi ex Accay filia Ellae regis Deirorum.
Oswi, qui postea rex,filius Ethelfridi ex concubina.
Cadanus Scottus Ebbam amavit.
Ebba abbas Coludi urbis, i.e. Coldingham. Duo lympidi fontes in Coludi urbe. Coludi urbs 6. (8.) milliaribus distat a Berwico boream versus.
Ex vita S. Eadburgae.
Cantuariae vero in coenobio scriptum reperi quod anno Domini 1085. ab archiepiscopo Lanfranco fuerunt de tumults sanctarum Mildredae et Edburgae in Thanato insula elevatae reliquae, et in eccl: beati Gregorii, quam paulo ante Cantuariae ad pauperum solamen constructam ditaverat, collocatae.
Ex vita Edmundi martins.
Edmundus et Edwoldusfilii Alkmundi ex Siuara.
Offa rex Est-Angl. peregre proficiscens ad cognatum suum Alkmundum, in Saxonia commorantem, pervenit, ibique Edmundum ejus filium in heredem adoptavit.
Ex vita Edwoldi fratris Edmundi.
Edwoldus vitam heremiticam duxit apudfontem argenteum in Dorsetshir.
Ossa S. Edwoldi translata Cernelium [a] procurante comite Almaro tempore Dunstani.
Almarus comes fundavit monasterinm Cerneliense.
Ex vita Elfledae.
Elfleda filia Ethelwoldi et Brightwinae nata in Clara municipio. Brightwina mortuo marito Claram dedit tempore Edgari regis monaster: Rumesiensi. [b]
Elfleda autore Edgaro rtge fit monacha Rumesiae sub Merwenna abbatissa. Successit Merwennae Elwina, Elwinae vero Elfleda. Elwina cognito adventu Swani Danifugit cum fortunis Wintoniam. Rumesia a Swano depraedata.
Ex vita S. Erkendwaldi.
Erkenwaldus et Ethelburga, ejus sorer, nati in castro, seu villa, de Stallingeburg in Lindesiea ex prosapia Offae regis East-Angliae.
Erkenwaldus filius Offae regis Est-Angliae.
Erkenwaldus abbas Ceortesey, deinde episcopus London.
Erkenwaldus foundator monasterii de Ceortesey et Berkinge, quae suo patrimonio ditavit. Hildelitha transmarina prima abbatissa de Berkynge, et institutrix Ethelburgae.
Seint Erkenwoldus obiit apud Berkynge. Conflagravit Londinum tempore Mauritii episcopi London. Ignis incepit a porta Occident: et pervenit adportam orientalem.
Mauritius novae ecclesiae Paulinae inceptor. Richardus episcopus Mauritii successor, muros ecclesiae mirabiliter auxit. Richardus coemiterium Paulinae ecclesiae muro sepsit.
Gilbertus Universale ex Altisiodoro civitate Galliae vocatus fit episcopus London. Gilbertus tectum novo operi Paulinae ecclesiae London superimposuit.
Translatum est corpus Erkenwaldi anno Dom. 1140. die Novembris.
Ex vita S. Ethelwoldi episcopi Vent.
Ethelwoldus Wintoniae natus.
[a] Cerne Abbas.
[b] Romsey, Hants.
Ex vita S. Fiacrii.
Fiacrius in Hibernia natus.
Ex vita Finani episcopi.
Finanus, qui et Winninus, Caprei et Lasarae filius, in media provinc: Hiberniae natus.
Ex vita Fremundi.
Fremundus Offae regis et Batildae filius.
Fremundus uno anno et dim: successit patri suo Offa, viventi in regno.
Fremondus relicto reg: ad quandam insulam heremiticam acturus vitam navigavit, sumptis secum 2. presbiteris, Burghardo, qui ejus vitam conscripsit, et Edbritho.
Inguar et Hubba in Angliam venientibus, Offa Fremundum late quaerit et invenit.
Fremundus divino consilio Danis se opponit et vindt.
Oswy dux exerdtus Offae invidens gloriae Fremundi, caput ei in sidiis amputavit quinto Id. Maii area annum Dom. 866. inter Uchington [a] et Hareburebyry. Fremundi corpus sepultum apud Offa-churche infra domus regiae septum. Sepulchrum Fremundi inventum in loco quo confiuunt Charwelle et Brademere. Ecclesia S. sacerdotum in ripa Charwell prope sepulchrum Fremundi; unde a quodam Adelberto translatus est una cum S. Presbyteris ad Redicum, ubi ab eo facta est ecclesia.
Ex Collectaneis Gervasii monachi Cantuari: de regibus Angliae.
Mylthrudis, quae et Mildritha, monialis de Minstre in insula Thanet.
[a] Long Itchington, Warwickshire.
Successit Osredo in regno Northumbar: Ethelbertus, qui et Etheldredus dictus est. Fuit filius Mollonis; qui Mollo et Ethelwoldus dicebatur.
Cedwalla rex dedit S. Wilfrido quartam partem insulae Vectae, et villam quae dicitur Paggenham.
Ethelwolphus rex West-Sax, qui et Adulphus dictus est.
In hac nova foresta postmodum duo ejus filii Richardus in collo, Guhelmus in pectore sagittis confossi.
Monasterium de Wiltune captum a Roberto comite Glocestr: quod incastellatttm fuerunt a contra Stephani rege f et fratre ejus Henrico episcopo Winton. etc. ut Stephanus cum fratre, relictis vasis argenteis, turpiter fugerit.
Confirmata pax inter Stephanum et Henricum opera Gul. comitis Arundele.
" Unde Eustachius, regis Stephani filius, pro pace inita iracundiae felle commotus recessit a patre, etcum in patrimonio S. Edmundi in die S. Laurentii saeviret indignans ad mensam sedens in sanus effectus vitam finivit, et apud Faversham sepultus est, sicut et mater. " Gul. filius regis Stephani junior de equo corruit super Berhamdune, et tibiam fregit.
Coenobium de Boxley consensu Stephani a Gul. de Ypra fundatum est.
Rex Henricus 2. applicuit in Penbroke, inde cum classe in Hiberniam iturus.
Johannes rex cum Huberto archiepiscopo Cantuariae navim apud Shoreham conscendit habiturus colloquium cum rege Fraunce.
Hactenus ex collectaneis Gervasii.
Ex annalibus incerti autoris. Anno Dom. 1290. Gul. de Breosa senior obiit apud Findon, et sepultus est in monaster: de Sele. [a]
[a] Sele, Sussex.
Anno Dom. 1291. Joanna, filia regis Edwardi primi, et comitissa Glocestriae, Gilbertum filium suum primogenitum peperit apud Theokesbyri.
Anno Dom. 1292. 15. Cal. Apri. obiit apud Chilham. Domina Isabella de Dovora, comitissa de Assele. Sepulta est Cantuar: in ecclesia Christi.
Anno Dom. 1292. Non: Februarii obiit Ananias episcopus Assaphensis. Fuit de ord. Praedic. Eodem anno 8. Id. Apri: Leulinus de Bronflite [a] electus in episcopum Assaphen: Fuit ante can: Assaphensis.
Anno Dom. 1294. rex Edwardus I. constitidt Gull, de Leyburne capitaneum navium suarum.
Anno Dom. 742. Cuthbertus archiepiscopus Cantuari: celebravit concilium apud Clovesho, praesente rege Ethelbalde.
Anno Dom. 694. Withredus rex Cantiae, et Brightwaldus archiepiscopus Cantuar: celebraverunt concilium in Bakechild. [b]
Werburga regina uxor Withredi. Alricus filius Withredi.
Ex libro Gervasii monachi Cantuar. de vitis archiepiscoporum Cantuar: ecclesiae.
Augustinus praepositus monasterii quodest ad clivum Scauri Romae a Greg: pont. Ro: 14. anno imper: Mauritii Augusti in Britan: cum aliis monachis missus sociis ante omnibus circiter 40. Applicuit Augustinus in Thaneto.
Augustinus Doroberniam veniens permissu Ethelberti regis ecclesiam S. Martini celebrat, oratorium tune temporis Berthae reginae.
Augustinus jussu Gregorii consecratus in episcopum ab Eleutherio Arelatensi episcopo.
Augustinus in ecclesia Salvatoris Dorobern: monachos instituit.
Ethelbertus instinctu August: monasterium Petro et
[a] Leoline Bromfield.
[b] Bapchild, Kent.
Pawlo extra muros Dorober: [a] constmxit, locum videlicet Kent. sepulturae regum et archiepiscoporum Cantiae.
Tria pallia tempore August: in Britan. a Gregor. pont. Ro. missa.
August: sedit annis 16. Sepultus est in ecclesia Petri.
Successit Laurentius, qui tyrannidem Edbaldi filii Ethelberti metuens, relicturus Cantiam erat: sed divino oraculo monitus in Britan. permansit, et Edbaldum regem ad Christianismum revocavit.
Sedit annis 5. Obiit 4. No. Febru. et sepultus est in ecclesia S. Petri Dorobern:
Millitus primus London, episcopus Successit, vir pedibus aeger, animo valens. Praefuit annis 5. Obiit 8. Call. Matt. Sepultus est Dorobern. in ecclesia S. Petri.
Successit Justus prius episcopus Rofensis. Sedit annis 3. Obiit 4. Id. Novembar. Sepultus Dorobern. in ecclesia S. Petri.
Successit Honoritts. Hic misit Felicem Burgund. at evang: praedicaret provinc. Orient. Angl.
Sedit Honorius annis 19. Obiit 2. Id. Octobar. Vacavit sedes anno uno, mensibus 6. Sepultus in ecclesia S. Petri.
Successit Deus dedit de gente West-Sax. oriundus. Sedit ann. 10. Obiit 2. Id. Jul. Sepultus est in ecclesia S. Petri. Vacavit sedes annis 3.
Successit Theodorus. Hic Adrianum ab Ebroino dimissum fecit abbatem in monaster: Petri Dorobern. Omnes Britan: episcopi submittebant se Theodoro. Sedit annis 22. Obiit anno aetatis suae 88. Sepultus est in monasterio , Petri et Pawli Dorobern.
Successit Brighiwaldus abbas Raculf monasterii, quod est juxtaflu: Gearland. Consecratus est a Godwino Galliarum metropolitano. Sedit annis 37. et mensibus 6. Obiit quinto Id. Januarii.
[a] Dorobernia or Durovernum. apparently the name of the Roman town which preceded Canterbury.
Successit Tatwinuspresbiter monasterii Briudun in provinc. Merc. Sedit annis 3. Obiit 3. Calend. Augttst.
Successit Nothelmus presbiter London, et monachus Sedit annis quinque. Obiit 16. Cal. Novembris. Sepultus est Doroberniae in ecclesiae Petri et Pawlli.
Successit Cuthebertus prius episcopus Hereforden: Hic aedificavit sacellum S. Joannis in orient: parte ecclesiae Petri, et sepulchrum sibi suisque successoribus. Sedit annis 17. Obiit 7. Cal. Novembris. sepultus in ecclesia S. Joannis quam ipse construxit.
Successit Bregwinus. Sedit annis 3. Obiit 8. Call. Septembar. sepultus in sacello S. Joannis.
Successit Jambertus abbas ecclesiae S. Augustini Doroberniae. Sinodus celebrata apud Chealchite. Sedit Jambertus annis 5. Obiit 4. Decembris. Sepultus est in ecclesia S. Joannis Baptistae Doroberniae.
Successit Athelardus quidam abbas. Hic recuperavit pallium sedisuae ab Offa rege ablatum ac Lichefildensi ecclesiae collatum. Celebravit concilium apud Clovesho. Sedit annis 13. Sepultus est in ecclesia S. Joannis Bapt. Dorobern.
Successit Wulfredus. Hic dedit quasdam terras Werebardo cognato suo, quas ille moriturus ecclesiae Cantuar: restituit. Sedit annis 38. Sepultus est Dorobern.
Successit Flegildus abbas electus 7. Call. Maii, ordinatus v. Id. Jul. Obiit 3. Call. Septembar.
Successit Chelnothus Cantuar: ecclesiae, id est, prior, decanus, electus 3. Call. Jul. consecratus eodem anno vi. Call. Septem. Hic primis episcopatus annis quinque tantum monachos habuit in sua eccl: ceteris peste consumptis.
Dani hoc tempore Cantiam vastabant. Presbyteri et clerici in missi monacus psallebant in choro Cantuar: Sedit annis 41. Sepultus est Dorobern:
Successit Athelredus primo monachus Cantuar: postea
episcopus Wiltoniensis, Sedit annis 18. Obiit anno Dom. 893. Vacavit sedes 2. ann.
Successit Plegemundus, qui in Cestria insula, quae dicitur ab incolis Plegmundesham, per annos plurimos heremiticam duxerat vitam.
Septem ecclesias episcopis destitutas episcopis insignivit. Sedit ann. 34. Sepultus est Dorobern. in ecclesia Christi.
Successit Wulfelmus Wellensis episcopus. Sedit ann. 13.
Successit Odo Scireburn: episcopus, qui cum esset clericus, habitum monachialem suscepit. Hic pelicem ab aula Edwini regis facie candenti ferro notamt. Hic transtulit reliquias Wilfridi a Ripensi ecclesia Cantuar:
Hic tectum Cantuar: ecclesiae vetustate eorruptum reparavit.
Incertum quot annis sedit.
Successit Elfsins episcopus Winton. cognomento Lippe. Obiit inter eundum Romam in Alpibus.
Successit Brightelmus Dorsetensis episcopus. Hic parum idoneus visus postea Dorsetensem repetit ecclesiam.
Successit Dunstanus Wigorn: episcopus. Sedit annis 33. Obiit 988. anno aetatis suae 7o. 988.
Successit Ethelgarus Selesigensis episcopus. Sedit an. i. mensibus 3.
Successit Siricus episcopus Wiltuniensis. Sedit annis 5. Sepultus est Dorobern.
Successit Elfricus Shirebumensis episcopus. Sedit annis 11.
Successit Elphegus natalibus clarus monachus de Deorhurste, electus, anno Dom. 1006. aetatis suae anno 53. Hujus 1006. tempore direpta et tota miserrime spoliata a Danis Cantuaria, ac postea concremata.
Finianus abbas S. Augustini abire permittitur. Goduinus episcopus captus, et Leofruna abbatissa monasterii S. Mildrethae.
Elphegus archepiscopus captus, et carcere septem mensibus detentus, et deinde a Thrum Dano occisus 13. Call. Maii. Sedit ann. 6. mensibus 7. Sepultus primo London, in ecclesia S. Fault, postea translatus Cantuari:
Successit Livingus Wellensis episcopus. Sedit ann. 7.
Egeinothus decanus Cantuari: ecclesiae Successit. Decani
nomen tempore Ansdmi mutatum in nomen Prioris. Sedit ann. 17. Obiit 4. Call. Novembar. Sepultus est in ecclesia Christi.
Successit Eadsinnus episcopus Wentanus, capellanus Haraldi regis. Sedit ann. n. Obiit 5. Call. Novembar.
Successit Robertus, genere Normannus, episcopus London, ante monachus Gemeticensis. [a] Sedit ann. 2.
Stigandus, quondam Australium Sax. episcopus, postea invasor Winton. sedis, invasit sedem J Cantuar: Roberto adhuc vivente. Sedit ann. 18. Obiit Winton. in carcere. Vacavit sedes 2. annis.
Successit Lanfrancus abbas Cadomen: natione Longoberdus, filius Harebaldi et Rosae.
Celebravit Lanfrancus 6. concilia, primum Wintonia, 2. London. 3. Wintonia. 4. London. 5. Claudia. 6. Glocestria.
Lanfrancus renovavit ecclesiam Christi Cantuari:
Lanfrancus reparavit ecclesiam S. Andreae apud Rochestar.
Lanfrancus reparavit ecclesiam S. Albani.
Lanfrancus ecclesiam S. Gregorii extra Cantuari: et hospitale a fundamentis inchoavit.
Lanfrancus ecclesiam S. Nicholai ad occidentem Cantuariae, et hospitale leprosorum fecit. Sedit annis 19. Obiit 5. Call. Jun. Sepultus est in ecclesia Christi Cantuar: Vacavit sedes ann. 4.
Successit Anselmus abbas Beccensis. Natus in Augusta civitate patre Gundulpho, matre Ermenberga. Consecratus anno Dom. 1093. Discordia inter regem et Anselmum pro auctoritate Ro. pont.
Anselmus exulatus quia refutavit acciperepallium a manu regis. Restituttts sedi Anselmus. Sedit annis 16. Obiit 11. Call. Maii in anno Dom. 1109. aetatis suae anno 76. Successit Radulphus Rofensis episcopus, quondam Sagiensis [b] abbas. Successit Radulpho in Rofensi sede Ernulphus abbas de Burgo. Lis magna inter Thurstanum archiepiscopum
[a] Jumieges.
[b] Seez, in Normandy.
Ebora: et Radulphum Cantuar. Sedit annis 8. mensibus Kent. 6. Obiit 3. Callend. Novembar.
Successit Gul. Corbuil can. S. Osithes. Ab Honorio pont. Ro. factus est legatus in Anglia et Scotia. Collegium clericorum Dovariae suppressit, et novum coenobium monachorum in australi parte oppidi pro eo construxit. Sedit ann. 15. Obiit Cantuar. 6. Call. Decembris. Vacavit sedes annis 2.
Successit Theobaldus abbas Beccensis. [a] Tempore Theobaldi propter litem inter eum et Henricum episcopum Winton: fratrem regis Stephani de titulo legati, advenerunt multi caussidici in Angliam. Tuneprimus horum magister Vacarius in Oxenfordia legem docuit.
Lumbertus primus abbas de Boxley. Claribaldus primus abbas de Fauresham. Exulat Theobaldus ob depositionem Gul. Ebora: pont. in Remensi concilia.
Redit Theobaldus ad sedem mortuo rege Stephana. Sedit Theobaldus ann. 22. Obiit 14. Call. Maii anno Dom. 1161. Sepultus est in ecclesia Christi.
Successit Thomas Beket archiep. Cantuar: santuar: et cancellar: regis. Sedit ann. 9. Obiit 4. Callend. Januarii.
Successit Richardus natione Norman: monach: Cantuar: et Prior Doverensis coenobii.
Godefridus episcopus S. Asaph resignavit annulum episcop: Richardo Cantuar: in concilio Westmonaster:
Richardus regio edicto canon: seculares expulit ab Waltham, et can. regulares induxit. Sedit ann. 10. mensibus 8. Obiit apud Hallinges. Sepultus in ecclesia Christi in oratorio beatae Mariae.
Successit Baldewinus episcopus Wigorn: antea abbas de Forda.
Balduinus Exoniae ex infimo genere natus.
Balduinus a Barptolemeo episcopo Exon. factus archid: Exon.
Baldinus fit monachus in Forda, et postea abbas.
Mortuo Rogero episcopo Wigorn: Successit Balduinus.
Consilio Baldewini omnes episcopi Angliae studebant
[a] Abbey of Bec, Normandy.
monachos ab ecclesiis cathedralibus expellere, et dericos introducere.
Baldewinus novam ecclesi: Cantuar: fabricavit, stnatam ab eccle: monachorum, ubi jussit dericos suos domos 7. mansionarias facere.
Baldwinus monachos Cantuar: duriter tractat.
Ecclesia a Balduino incepta Cantuariae, et domus mansionariae eidem adjunctae demolitae. Baldwinus lapideam ecclesiam apud Lamhith prope London: ineepit, et domus mansionarias ibidem pro dericis suis fabricavit. Sedit annis. 5. mensibus n. Obiit in obsidione civitatis Aeon, et ibidem sepultus est. Capella de Hakington, opus Balduini Cantuar: jussu Celestini pont: Ro: demolita est.
Successit Hubertus primo ecclesiae Ebora: decanus, postea episcopus Saresbiriensis.
" Hubertus Sarisberi: episcopus apud Aeon in omnium oculis gratiosus, et in re militari adeo magnificus ut etiam regi Richardo esset admirandus. Erat enim statura procerus, consilio providus, ingenio callens, licet non eloquio pollens. Cum praefecto quondam Angliae Ranulpho de Glanvilla quodammodo regnum Angl. regebat, eo quod ipsius maxime consilio idem Ranulphus frueretur." Sepelivit Balduinum apud Aeon. Capella de Lamhith jussu pont: Ro. solo tenus complanata. Hic Hubertus Cantuar: infestiss.fuit Giraldo archiepiscopo Menevensi, qui pro pallio ecclesiae Menevensi, restituendo strenue laborabat Romae. Sedit annis 11. mens. 8. diebus 12. Obiit 3. Id. Jut. in villa de Tenham.
Hactenus ex Gervasio.
Vacavit, sedes an. I. mens. 11. diebus 16.
Successit Stephen Langton. Sedit ann. 22. diebus 23.
Hic prius erat Ro. ecclesiae presbyter Card: et ab Innocentio 3. Ro: pont, consecratus anno Dom. 1227.
Vacavit sedes anno i. et dim. mense, diebus 12.
Successit Richardtts cog: Magnus. Sedit annis 2. Vacavit sedes anno i. ebdomadibus 18.
Hic prius erat cancellarius Lincoln: Obiit anno Dom. 1231.
Successit Edmundus. Sedit ann. 8. Vacavit sedes ann. 3. mens. 2. diebus 3. Hic prius erat thesaur.
Successit Bonifacius. Sedit annis 26. mensibus 6. diebus 18. Vacavit sedes annis 2. ebdomad: 10. diebus 3.
Successit Robertus de Kilwardby. Sedit ann. 6. Vacavit 45. septimanis et diebus 3.
Hic fuerat ante de ord. Praed: Factus est a Gregor: 10. pont. Ro. archiepiscopus Cantuar: Viterbi: postea Card: Portuensis factus a Nicholao 3. pont: Ro.
Johannes Pecham de ord: min: Successit. Sedit ann. 13. et 45. septimanis, diebus 2. Vacavit sedes anno I.
Successit Robertus de Winchelsey. Sedit ann. 19. Vacavit sedes mens. 9. et sept. una. Obiit anno Dom. 1313. Fuerat prius. archid. Essex.
Successit Galterus Reginalds. Sedit ann. 13. mens. 10. diebus 3.
Hic prius fuerat thesaur: regis Angliae, et Wigorn. episcopus similiter, et cancellar: Dom. regis. Vacavit sedes mens. 6. sept. 3. et die una usque ad 6. Call. Jun. anno Dom. 1338.
Simon Mepham successit. Sedit 5. ann. 4. mens. et 17. diebus. Vacavit sedes 4. mens. diebus 10.
Johannes de Strateford successit. Sedit 11. ann. 6. mens. 3. sept. 4. diebus. Vacat eccle. 3. mens. et 11. diebus.
Successit Johannes Ufford electus et confirmatus. Sedit 6. mensibus et 4. diebus. Vacavit sedes 2. mens. 3. diebus.
Successit Thomas Bredwardine. Sedit 5. sept, et 4. diebus. Vacavit sedes 4. mens. diebus 2.
Successit Simon Iselepe. Sedit ann. 18. mens. 4. diebus 13. Vacat sedes 6. mensibus, 3. sept. 4. diebus. Hic prius erat can: Cicestrensis.
Successit Simon Langham primo abbas Westmonaster: et episcopus Eliensis. Sedit annis 2. sept. 3. Urbanus 5. pont.
Ro. elegit hunc in card: 10. Call. Octobar. quo tempore resignavit archiep. Cantuar. Vacavit sedes 7. sept, et die I.
Successit Gul. de Whitlesey episcopus Rofensis, postea Wigorn: Translates fuit Cantuar: per Urbanum 5 . pont: Ro: Sedit ann. 5. mens. 8. dies 14.
Vacavit cede: mens: 11. sept. 3. dies 3.
Simon de Sudbyri successitprius episcopus London, translatus per Gregorium 11. pont. Ro: Sedit ann. 6. dep. h" 6. diebus. Securi percussus fuit apud turrim London, a seditiosis. Vacavit sedes 4. mens. et 16. diebus.
Successit Gul. Courteney, filius comitis Devon, prius episcopus Hereforde, 2. London. Sedit annis 15. mens. 11. diebus 2. Vacavit sedes 3. mensibus et 3. diebus.
Successit Thomas Arundell primo Elien. episcopus. Sedit ann. 17.
Successit Henri. Chicheley legum doctor, prius cancellar. Sarum, et a Gregor. 12. pont. Ro. episcopus Menevensis factus. Sedit annis 29. Obiit anno Dom. 1443. 2. Id. April. Johannes Stratford successit.
It appearithe by the legende of S. Pandonia, that she was a kynge of Scotts dowghtar, and after flienge them that would have deflowrid hir, she cam to a kynns woman of hirs, priorese of a nunrey at Eltesley in Cambridgeshire, 4. myles from Seint Neotes, and aftar dyenge was byried in Eltesley by a well cawled S. Pandonia Welle. She was translatyd into Eltesley Churche anno 1344. as it aperithe by the lessons of hir translation made by one Ser Richarde, parishe priste there.
Some say that the olde priory was by the vicarage.
Croxton is halfe a myle from Eltesle, and is in Cambridgeshire. Elnig halfe a myle beyonde is in Huntyngduneshire. Eltesley was of late yeres inpropriate to Deney [a] Abbay. Syr Manok of Southfolke is lorde of that village.
One Mac William beinge a yongger brothar of a gentleman in Yrland cam to Bristowe, and there so increasyd in ryches that in continuance he bowght lands to the sume of
[a] Denney.
a 3. or 400. markes by the yere, and so the land continuyd a certeyn while in the heires males of Mac William, and aftar cam to a dowghtar of theyrs that was maried to one of the Semars.
This land, as I remembre that I have written in a nothar place, lay partely aboute Cainesham.
There was of late one of the Mac Williams in Est-Sex, and he left heyres males.
The last Lord Grey of Codnor left 3. doughtars, whereof one was maried to Syr Rowland Lentalle of Notynghamshire, a nothar to Newport of Shropshire, and the third to one Souche a yongar brothar of the howse of the Lord Souches. Thes 3. had the Lord Grayes lands in copartition, where of the lordeshipe of Ailesford in Kent and How Hundred was parte, the whiche Mastar Wyat now hathe bowght. There were some of the lord Grayes of Codnor byried at Ailesford Freres.
Lentall dyenge without isswe male lefte 2. dowghtars, whereof one callyd Catarine was maried to one of the Lord Souches, the other to Cornwale Baron of Burford, and so cam they to be copartiners in the Lord Grey of Codnor's lands.
The Lordes Souches hathe had by a good tyme parte of the Lorde Cantelupes, and the Lord S. Maures lands.
The castle of Gresby in Notynghamshire was the Lord Cantelupe's, and sum of the Cantelupes lay byried at Bewvale a house of Cartusyans there.
The Lordes Souches had aftar this castelle.
This Lorde Souche's father lay muche at a goodly manor place caullid Marsch [a] by Bruton in Somersetteshire. This house is now in ruine.
The Lorde Souche that is now hathe a faire manor place in Devonshir caullid ... It is a ... myles from Excester. And this manor with othar cam to this Lord Souche by one of the 4. dowghtars and heires of the Lord Dunham of Devonshire that was his mothar.
[a] Marsh.
The 4. dowghtars and heyres of the Lord Dunham were marled to the Lord Souche, to the Lord Fitz-Gwarin, to Arundell, and to the Baron of Carow.
(The cource of Dour, alias Stowr, ryver in Wicestershire.) Dowr, alias Stour, [a] ryver risethe out of the pondes of Hales Owen, a priori of Whit Chanons, and othar springs ther about. Thence it goithe to the tounelet of Hales Owen in Wicestershire, about a myle of in ripa super: Then to Sture Bridge in Wicestershire a market towne about a 4. myles of.
Thens to Kinuar [b] a thorough fare a 2. myles in ripa super. Thens to Sturton Castle (as I remembar in Staffordshire) a myle from Kinuar. [b] It stondithe on a hill a litle from the hither rype. (Bewdley is a 2. myles from Kidour.) Thens to Kidour Mynstre [c] a good market towne, and rennethe thrwghe the mydle of it, and at rages drownythe a pece of it. In Kidour Minstre is but one churche, but it is large. The personage was inpropriate to the chanons of Mayden Bradley in Wileshire. A litle benethe Kidour is a fayre manor place on Stour caulyd Candalewel. It was the Conxeys, and now it longethe to the Winters, men of fayre lande. Stowre goythe into Severne by the hither rype of it at Stourmouthe a litle benethe Mitton 2. myles from Kidour Mynster.
Clinte in Cowbage, [d] wher S. Kenelme was martirid, is a 2. miles from Hales Priorie.
Averey parson of Dene tolde me that he had redd that Askaperius, the murtherer of S. Kenelm, was maried to Quindred, sistar to S. Kenelme, and that he reynid a 2. or 3. yeres after Kenelme, untyll suche tyme that a kinnesman of Kenelmes put hym downe. But loke bettar for this mattar. Sens he tolde me that it is in S. Kenelme's lyfe that Ascaperius was maried to Quendrede, and reignid with her 2. or 3. yeres untyll Kenelm's uncle put hym downe. He
[a] Stour r.
[b] Kinver, or Kinfare.
[c] Kidderminster.
[d] Clent, Cowbach, a pasture near Hales Owen.
saythe that it aperithe by Seint Kenelme's legend that Winchelcombe [a] was oppidum muro cinctum. And he saythe that the towne buyldinge was muche toward Sudeley Castell, and that ther yet remayne sum tokens of a diche and the foundation of a wall, and that ther be tokens of an othar way up a praty way beyonde the highe strete above the churche where the farme of Cornedene is: so that of old tyme it was a mighty large towne.
The monastery was set in the best parte of all the towne, and hard by it where the parioche churche is was Kynge Kenulphe Palace. Winchelcombe is set in the rottes of Cotiswolde.
The ryver [b] that cummythe as the old towne stoode thorough the mydle of Winchelcombe is comonly caulyd ther Grope cunte, but aftar a litle benethe Todington, by the whiche it rennith, it changythe the name, and aftar a this syde Eovesham at a litle village caullyd Ampton [c] it rennythe into Avon. The head of this rivar is a 2. myles above Wynchelescombe in the hill.
This riveret cummythe within a qwartar of a myle of Hayles [d] monasterie in the valley under it.
Olde Ser Umfrey Stafford's father was on the feeld, and a very stiffe agayne Henry the vii. where he was taken, and after behedid at Bewdele towne aboute the wiche quarters he had muche lande.
Sudeley Castell by Winchelcombe was buildid, as it is there comonly spoken, ex spoliis nobilium bello Gallico captorum.
Butlar Lord Sudeley.
Lancashire. Dorset.
The Lord Harington, a man of fayre lands in Lancastreshire and othar partes, marid the heire of the Lorde Boneville of Devonshire, by whom he had the lordeshipes of Winchecombe and Shoute [c] with othar landes. The last lorde of the very name of the Haringtons was slayne bello civili betwixt Kynge Henry the vi. and Edwarde the 4. whos wife the Lord Hastinges that was beheddid by Richard Duke then of Glocester in the tour of London did marie. Sens I hard that one Neville had Horneby. Harrington of
[a] Winchcombe.
[b] Isborne r.
[c] Little Hampton.
[d] Hayles Abbey.
[e] Shute.
Hornby. There was a yonger brother of the Haryngtons that had in gifte Horneby Castelle: and an heire generall of this howse was aftar maried to one of the Standeleys, aftar Lord Mountegle, that had a child, but dead borne, as sum saye, by hir: whereupon he required the lands for terme of lyfe, and beinge in pocession aftar bought the inheritaunce of it to hym and his heirs.
The sole dowghtar and heire of the Lorde Harington cawlyd ... was maried to Thomas the first Marquese of Dorset that favorid the cummynge of Henry the vii., and he had by hir a 14. children, bothe men and wimen, of excedinge goodly parsonage, of the whiche the first sune lyvyd not longe, and then had Thomas the name of Lorde Harington, and aftar was the second Marquese of Dorset.
There is a ruine and waulles of a castle in Lancastershire cawlyd Gleston Castell, [a] sometyme longynge to the Lorde Haringtons, now to the Marquise of Dorset. It stondithe a 2. miles from Carthemaile. [b]
Syr John Grey that maried the dowghtar and heire of the Lorde Ferrares of Groby was slayne bello civili, as I hard, at Northampton; but I am not sure of this. That Gray whose wyfe, dowghtar to the Lord Ryvars, was aftar maried to Kynge Edward, was fathar to Thomas first Marques of Dorset. The Marquese of Dorset by heires generales of the Rivers had the fayre manor place of Graftan, [c] and goodly parks and lands thereaboute, for the whiche he gave hym in exchange Lughborow with parks there about, and othar goodly lands in Leircestarshire. Lughborow was of the Bellemounts lands, and the late old Countes of Oxforde had it in dowre.
Luterworthe towne and lands there aboute be of enheritance to the Lord Marques of Dorset by the title of Groby.
Bewmaner, [d] wher Leonard Gray by the kyng's leave dyd dwell, was also the Lord Bellemonts, and so was the great pasture betwyxt Leircestre and Groby caulyd Bellemonts Lease. [e]
Wolvescrofte [f] Priorie of Blake Chanons about a mile from
[a] Gleaston Castle.
[b] Cartmell.
[c] Grafton.
[d] Beaumanor.
[e] Beaumont's Leys.
[f] Ulverscroft.
Brodegate [a] was the sepulture of diveres of the Ferrares of Groby. And there was buried a late the Co'untis of Wicester, wyfe to the Lord Leonard Graye.
As far as I could perceyve by questioninge with the auncient servaunts and officers of the Marquese of Dorsete, suche parte of the Erle of Leyrcester launds as cam to Saerus de Quinci Erle of Wynchestar fell aftar by heires . generals to the Lord Bellemonte, Ferrares and Lovelle.
Mastar Constable told me that the name of his familie was notablitatyd by the Erles of Chestar, and that it was a name taken by reason of office borne. He tolde me also that one of his predicessors maried a dowghtar of the Lacys Erle of Lyncolne.
The diches and the plotte where the castelle of Mere stoode appere not far from the chirche of Mere the market toune.
The goodly gate howse and fronte of the Lorde Stourton's howse in Stourton was buyldyd ex spoliis Gallorum.
Sir William Parre told me that his aunciters were men of xx. marks of land by the yere in the marches of Wales, and that one of them beinge clarke of the kechyn with one of the Lorde Rosses fell in love with a dowghtar of his, and maried hir agayne hir father's wille, by whome the castell of Kendalle, and 300. marks by yere of land cam to this parre, and so was the name first in the northe parte nobilitate.
Master Brudeneld told me that the Busseys of Lyncolnshire had a 1000. li. of lands by the yere in the tyme of Richard the second, and that a great peace of the vale and playne from Huntington to Lincolne was of theyr pocessions, and that they had 2. castells in that parte, whereof one was at Fokyngham, that sins the Lorde Bellemont had, and now the Duke of Northfolke hathe it as a pece of attayntyd land in gifte.
Ther is a great fe gateryd abowte Bostone parts by the name of Petronille de la Corone, dowghtar by lykelihode to
[a] Bradgate.
de la Corone, foundar of Friston [a] Priorie, and buried at Priorye. Croyland. This fe is now payde to the Lorde Rosse, but the Richemount fee is greatar there.
There is also a nothar fee cauled Pepardine, and that the Lorde Linsey had. And the owners of these fees be lords of the towne of Boston.
Mastar Paynell told me that he saw at Brakley in the parts by Bukyngham manifest tokens that it had bene a wallyd toune, and tokens of the gates and towres in the walles by the halfe cirkles of the foundations of them. (I sowght diligently, and could find no tokens of wales or diches.) And that there hathe bene a castell, the dyke and hills whereof do yet appere. (I saw the castle plott.) And that ther hathe bene dyvars churches in it. And that ther was of late a place of Crossyd Friers, and that one Nevill a great gentilman there was buried. And that one Neville apon a tyme kyllyd in the churche at Brakeley a priest and buried hym in his sacrid vestiments: and that this Nevill toke there an othar prist and buried hym quike.
Mastar Paynell tolde me also that he saw an olde boke in the quier, or the vestrie, of Brakeley Churche, wherein were many things of the acts done at that churche.
Nomina episcoporum Wigorn.
Boselus episcopus Wigorn: in anno Dom. 692.
Ostoforus in anno 717.
Eugenius, alias Exwinus, in anno 743.
Wilfridus anno Dom. 775.
Milredus anno Dom. 783.
Weremundus anno Dom. 791.
Thilherus anno Dom. 798.
Hetheredus anno Dom. 822. Dedit Icombe.
[a] Frieston.
Denebertus anno Dom. 846.
Headbertus anno Dom. 852. Dedit Crole.
Alchimus anno Dom. 915.
Wereferthus anno Dom. 922.
Athelwinus anno Dom. 929.
Wilbertus anno Dom. 937.
Kenewoldus anno Dom. 938. Dedit Odingley.
S. Dunstanus } circa an. Dom. 969. S. Oswaldus }
Adulphus anno Dom. 1003.
Wulstanus reprobus anno Dom. 1025.
Leofsius anno Dom. 1041.
Britegus anno Dom. 1052. praeceptor Wolstani postea episcopi.
Livingus anno Dom. 1061.
Aldredus anno Dom. 1062.
S. Wolstann anno aetatis suae plus quam 50. anno Dom. 1095. Hawkesbiri ante monachatum. Wolstanus natus apud Hichenion [a] in comit. Warwike.
Sampson anno Dom. 1112. Civitas Wigorn. cum ecclesia cathedrali, et omnibus aliis cum castello igne crematur.
Theodwaldus anno 1117.
Thulphus anno Dom. 1124.
Simon anno Dom. 1139. Johannes Pagham anno Dom. 1157.
Aluredus anno Dom. 1160.
Rogerus filius comitis Glocesteriae anno Dom. 1164. obiit in peregrinatione inter redeunditm ab Hierosolymis.
Baldivinus anno Dom. 1184.
Gul. Northale anno Dom. 1189.
Robertus anno Dom. 1193.
Henricus anno Dom. 1195.
Johannes de Constantiis anno 1198. ante decanus Rotomagensis.
[a] Itchington.
Maugerius anno Dom. 1200.
Gwalterus Grey anno Dom. 1215.
Silvester anno Dom. 1217.
Ecclesia cathedr: dedicatur in honore D. Mariae, Petrit et Sanctorum Oswaldi et Wolstani.
Gul: Bleys anno Dom. 1220.
Gaulterus de Cantilupo anno Dom. 1237.
Nicolaus anno Dom. 1268.
Godefridus Giffart anno Dom. 1269. Appropriatio ecclesiae de Grinley tempore hujus episcopi. Sedit annis 34. mensibus 4. diebus 4.
Gul. Gaynesburge de ord. fratnim Minorum anno Dom.
Walterus Reynaud anno Dom. 1308.
Gualterus Maidestane anno Dom. 1313.
Thomas Cobham anno Dom. 1317.
Adam Horleton anno Dom. 1337.
Simon de Monte acuto anno Dom. 1333.
Thomas Henihal anno Dom. 1337.
Wolstanus anno Dom. 1338.
Johannes Thoresby anno Dom. 1349.
Reginaldus Brian anno Dom. 1350.
David anno Dom. 1358,
Johannes de Bernet anno Dom. 1362.
Gul. Whitlesey anno Dom. 1367.
Gul. Lynne anno Dom. 1369.
Henricus Wakefelde anno Dom. 1375.
Tittemannus de Winchecombe anno Dom. 1385.
Richardus Cliffurd anno Dom. 1401.
Thomas Peverelle anno Dom. 1407.
Philippus Morgan anno Dom. 1419.
Thomas Pulton anno Dom. 1425. Obiit Romae.
Thomas Bulshere anno Dom. 1435.
Joannes Carpenter anno Dom. 1443.
Johannes Alcoke anno Dom. 1476.
Robertus Morton anno Dom. 1496.
Joannes Giglis anno Dom. 1497.
Sylvestar de Gigles anno Dom. 1521.
Julius anno Dom. 1522. Resignavit episcopatum Hieronymo, qui postea Clemens pontifex Ro. Hieronymus accepit episcopatum mense Mart: 1522. Hugo Latimer mense Augusti anno Dom. 1535.
Joannes Belle anno Dom. 1539.
Godefridus Giffart episcopus Wigorn: exornavit columnas orient: partis ecclesiae cathedralis Wigorn: columnellis marmoreis cum juncturis areis deauratis.
Thomas Cobham episcopus Wigorn: fecit testudinem borealis insulae in navi ecclesiae.
Wolstanus Brannesford Prior Wigorn: et postea episcopus Wigorn: erexit magnam aulam Prioris.
Brannesford Bridge super Tende duobus passuum milibus supra Powike.
Gul. Lynne cum equum conscenderet profecturus ad Parlamentum obiit Wigorn: correptus apoplexia.
Henricus Wakefilde episcopus Wigorn: auxit Occident, partem ecclesiae cathedr: Wigorn: 2. arcubus.
Erexit etiam porticum ecclesiae cathedr: Wigorn: versus boream.
Erexit etiam mag: capellam in castele de Herthisbyri. [a]
Tittemannus de Winchelescumbe episcopus Wigorn: orator regis in nuptiis filiae regis Angl: et duds Hannoniae.
Richardus Clifford Wigorn: episcopus, postea London, sepultus est in ecclesia cathedra: London, ad austrum prope S. Erkenwaldum.
Johannes Carpenter episcopus Wigorn: erexit magnam turrim, id est, the Gate House apud Herthisbiriam. Obiit at Northwike episcopi [b] et sepultus apud Westbyry prope Brightstow, ubifuit alter fundator.
Johannes Alcok episcopus Wigorn: erexit capellam S. Mariae in navi ecclesiae quam designaverat suo sepulchro.
Robertus Morton episcopus Wigorn: nepos Johannis Morton archiepiscopi Cantuar: sepultus est in navi ecclesiae cathedr: S. Pauli London:
[a] Hartlebury.
[b] Northwich Park.
Johannes de Gigles, i.e. de liliis, natus Lucae in Italia, episcopus Wigorn:
Julius Medices episcopus Wigorn: poslea Clemens dictus pont: Ro:
Johannes Pagham episcopus Wigorn: dedit Bibery [a] monaster: de Osney, et post emit Rime episcopi, et dedit sedi.
Maugerius Nothus ex decano Ebor: episcopus Wigorn: de quo in Decretalibus capitulo Cum Wigornenses.
Joannes Carpenter voluit in titulum assumere ut episcopus Wigorn: et Westbiriensis diceretur. Hic ex veteri collegia, quod erat Westebiriae, novum fecit, et praediis auxit, addito pinnato muro, porta et iurribus instar castelli.
Habent episcopi Wigornienses villam et ferarum septum apud Hendre non procul ab Westbyri: sed aedes olim amplae nunc patiuntur ruinam.,
Placis belongynge to the Bysshope of Wurcestar.
The palace at Worcestar. Herthilbery [b] Castle 7. myles from Worcestar, 4. myles to Ombresley [c] on Severn longynge to Eovesham, and 3. to Herthilberi, and 4. to Kidermister. Alechirch [d] 2. myles from Bordesley Abbey. Latimer repayred it.
Northwike in dominio de Claynes [e] 2. myles from Worcestar. This Northewike was one John of Wodds in hominum memoria, and bought of a bysshope for lake of a howse in Claynes. It is motid, and had a parke.
Whityngdon [f] in Coteshold in ruine.
Hillyngdon the paroche churche to Uxbridge, xv. myles from London.
Stroud Place at London.
Placis belonginge to the Prior.
Batnal [g] a mile out of Worcester with a parke and pooles.
Grymley [h] a 3. miles above Worcestar prope Severn agayne Ombresley in ripa dextra Sabrinae.
[a] Bibury, a parish in Gloucestershire.
[b] Hartlebury.
[c] Ombersley.
[d] Alvechurch.
[e] Claines.
[f] Whittington, Gloucestershire.
[e] Batenhall.
[h] Grimley.
Halow [a] a park withowt a howse a 2. myles from Worcestar.
Croule [b] a 4. myls from Worcestar.
More prope Tende a 10. myles from Worcestar prope fines Herefordshire.
Urso de Abetot vicecomes Wigorn: sepultus fuit ad pedes Joannis regis, et inde translates in borealem partem presbyterij juxta sepulchrum Eovesham Prioris Wigorn.
There is yet one of the Abetots, a man of 20. li. land in Worcester towne.
The names of noblemen that gave lands to Worcestar Churche be in the glasse wyndowes in the cloistrie there.
Gilbertus de Clare comes Glocestar et Hereford, et Joanna ejus uxor fieri fecerunt fossatum in summitate montium Chace de Malverne in praejudicium Godefridi episcopi Wigorn: etc.
In navi ecclesiae.
Henry Wakefeld episcopus Wigorn: obiit 11. Mart: anno D. 1394. et suae consecrationis 20. anno.
Joannes Beauchampe miles de familia comitum Warwici chants Edwardo 3. et Richardo 2. tandem decollatus tempore Henrici 4. This Beauchampe was owner of Holt, a praty pile a 3. myle by northe owt of Worcestar on Severne ripa dextra a mile above Grimley. At this Holt Kynge Richard the 2. made attorneaments.
In bor. insula navis.
Johan: Beauchaumpe de Powike et Elisabethe ejus uxor.
Richard Bray armiger, pater Reginald Bray, fuit medicus, ut quidam ferunt, Henrici 6. Henrici 6.
In australi insula navis.
Thomas Liteltone miles et justitiarius banchi, qui scripsit Tenuras.
Inscriptio Baptisterii in nigro marmore.
Hic fons est vitae. Mundandi quicunque venite. Suscipit ista revs, et parit unda deos.
[a] Hallow.
[b] Crowle.
In Presbyterio.
Johannes rex, cujus sepulchrum Alchirch sacrista nuper renovavit.
Sacellum in quo Arturiusprinceps sepultus est ad austrum. Grifith filius Rhesi in eodem sacello.
Epitaphium Alexandra Necham.
Eclypsim patitur sapientia: sol sepelitur. Qui dum vivebat studii genus omne vigebat. Solvitur in rineres Neccham, cui si foret heres. In terris unus, minus esset flebile funus.
William Fitz Alane foundyd Haghemon anno Dom. 1101. the 1. of W. Ruffus. Ther was an hermitage and a chapell before the erectynge of the abbey. W. Fitz Allyn and his wyffe, with Richard Fitz Allen and othar, ar ther buried, and Richard Fitz Alan a child, whiche child fell, as is sayde, by the neclygence of his norice out of hir armes from the batelments of the castle of Shrawardig. [a]
Where as I have wrytten that the castell and vyllage of Stoke Fleminge stode at Dertmowthe, I made ii. errors. Fyrst the castell berithe the name of Dertmouthe in an olde evydence, and not of Stoke Flemynge, thowghe the Flemings were the auncient lords and buyldars of it longe afore or it cam to the Carews hands. Secondly Stoke Flemyng is a praty olde tounlet toward the shore about a myle dim. west from Dertemouthe. Dyvers of the Flemings ar buryed at Stoke. Ther is a chapell of Seint Patrike in the castle of Dartemouthe, and by some old writynges it aperithe that it was a cell of monks. Yet I hard syns some contend that it was caulyd Stoke Castle.
The abat of Haghmon told me that he hathe hard that the castell of Acton Burnell or goodly manor place, where the Parliament was kepte, was first made by one Burnell a bysshope.
[a] Shrawardine.
The Universite Churche in Oxford, alias S. Marye Churche, was begon to be reedified in the tyme of Doctor Fitz-James, aftar Bysshope of London. He procuryd muche mony towards the buyldynge of it. The enbatylments of it wer full of pinacles: but in a tempestious wethar most parte of them were throwne downe in one nyght
Gualtar Erle of Sarum and Sibylle his wyfe founders of Bradenestoke, a priorie of Blake Chanons in Wyleshire.
Ther was a fayre colege in the Erls of Lancaster tyme a lytle with Banborow in Northumbreland, now clene downe. S. George Darcy told me of it.
Roder [a] ryver rysethe, as some say, in a great poole callyd Hurmer a 6. myles from Shrobbesbyry by northe.
Ther yssuythe out of this pole a broke, and aftar resortith to an othar poole callyd Wibbemere, and here, as the moste commune sayenge is, risethe Roden ryver, that aftar a 6. or 7. myles course commythe into Terne a 2. myles above Terne Bridge.
There were in Oxford of auncient tyme 800. burgeses houses and mo with in the towne of Oxford, and a 400. without in the suburbes.
The seale of Oxford hathe an ox on it withe a castle, or wallyd towne, and about it is writen Sigillum civitatis Oxoniae, etc.
Some say that there were 24. parishe churchis and mo in the towne and suburbs of Oxford.
Kynge Henry the first somewhat restoryd the towne of Oxforde.
The towne of Oxford moste floryshed withe scollars in an huge nombar, and other inhabitaunts, in Henry the 3. tyme. Ther was an infinit nombar of writars and parchement makers in Oxford in Henry the 3. tyme.
The bowrgesis of Oxford say that Vortimer made theyr towne. The nombar of scolars and inhabitaunts in Oxforde were so greate in Henry the 3. tyme that they had lybertye to provyd for vitails 2. myles about.
[a] Roden r.
Bridgs on Charwell.
Est Bridge at Oxford. To Iselep Brige of stone a 3. myles upper on Charwell by land. To Gosford Bridge a myle or more. To Emmeley [a] Bridge a 2. myles upper. To Heywood [b] Bridge a 2. miles uper etc.
Where as now the bridge of stone is ovar Charwell by Magdalen Colledge was a trajectus, or fery, in Kynge Henry the third's dayes, caulyd Steneford.
It apperithe by the preface of the donation of Kynge Edgare unto the Priory of Worcester that he was the very first Monarchic thrwghly in all regions of England and Scotland amonge the Saxon kyngs.
It aperithe also there that he had the whole homage of Scotland, and was taken for chefe Head and Governar of all the Isles about England even to Norwege.
It ther also aperithe that he was crownyd in Irland in Dubelin the chefe cite of it, and that all Ireland was subject unto hym.
The Duke of Buckyngham was lord of Hagmoundham, [c] sens the kynges, now Russel's, Lord Admirall.
Maindenhevid in Bukinghamshire, [d] of old tyme cawllid Sowth-Eilington. It toke the name of Maidenhed of a hedde that they sayd was one of the xi. thousand Virgines, to the whiche offering there was made in a chapell.
One Barentyne, a yongar brother of the chefe house of the Barentines, was a gold-smythe of London, and becam wonderfull riche and purchasid fayre lands, and dyenge, as it is sayde, without heires, gave parte of his lands to a yongar brothar of the Barentyns called Drew, and he had very many children, but in continuance they dyed, and it cam then to the chefe howse of the Barentynes.
The parsell of lands that Drew lefte to his name was Litle Haseley in Oxfordshire, wher Ser William Barentyne now dwellethe.
[a] Enslow?
[b] Heyford.
[c] Amersham. in Bucks.
[d] Leland and appears to have written this in error for Berkshire.
Barentyne the gold-smythe buyldyd the Maner Place at Litle Haseley.
Barentyn the gold-smithe gave faire lands to the societie of the gold-smithes of London, and they kepteavery solempne obite yerely for hym.
Barentyne dwellyd in the faire place right agaynst the Gold-smithes Haule, and I thinke that he buyldyd that howse, and I thinke that he buyldyd a pece of the goldsmythe haule.
Barentine's graundfathar now lyvynge maried the Countes of Renault's dowghtar, begotten on hir by Gullim Duke of Suffolke, that first maried hir, and aftar facto divortio to Chaucer's heire.
Barentyn Gold-Smythe lyethe buried in Seint Zacharies churche by the Gold-Smiths Haule.
The chefe howse of the Barentynes florished in Henry the first, in Henry the 3. and Kynge Edward the 3. dayes.
The heyres of the Barentynes from Edward the 3. tyme tyll nowe were nepotes.
The Vale of Aeilesbyrie is a greate thinge in compace. One way it stretchethe from the costs of the foreste of ... alonge by Tame, and still by the rotes of Chilterne Hilles almoste to Dunstable.
It goithe also to Newporte Panelle, to Stony Stratforde, to Buckyngham, and limitethe on eche of them. Birdestane Parke and lordshipe standithe one way some what highe, and is countyd to be the mydle parte of the Vale of Ailesburye.
The well of S. Osythe at Querendune [a] bytwyxte Aeilesbyry and Querendune.
Querendune, sometyme the Spencers lands, a goode myle from Ailesberie, and an hamlet longing to Ailesbery. An howse of Grey Friers at Aielesbery.
Aeilborow, [b] of some soundyd Hilborow, a 3. myles by southe from Aillesbyri. It was of late the Mounteacutes landes, and standithe on one of the Chiltren Hills.
Burton [c] a mile from Aeilesbery. Syr Antony ... fathar attayntyd for comynge withe Kynge Richard to Bosworthe Field; his sonne aftar restoryd to his lands.
[a] Quarrendon.
[b] Ellesborough.
[c] Bierton.