Leland's Itinerary of England and Wales: Part III.
Begunne about 1538.
From Wadebridge I rode a mile, and ther I passid over a brooke.
This broke [a] risith a 2. miles by est north est above St. Esse, and so cumming by S. Esse, rennith a 5. miles to this bridge, and so goith above Wadebridge into the streame of Alane. [b]
There cummith a broke from Carnseys house, and goith into Alane by est ripe a myle above Padestow.
This brooke is caullid the Laine.
From this bridge to Dunmere Bridge of 3. arches a 2. miles, under the which Alane rennith.
A very litle beyond ys a bridge of one arche, under the which the broke that cummith from Bodmyn risith, and a litle beneth Dunmere Bridge goith ynto Alane.
There is a nother broke cumpng from south west, that goith a 2. miles byneth this confluence into Alane on the same side above Wade Bridge.
From Dunmere Bridge to Bodmyn a mile.
The toune of Bodmyn lyith almost in lenghth by west and est.
There is a chapelle at the west end of the towne, at
[a] Allen r.
[b] Now the Camel r.
the est ende is the paroche churche with a Carnarie chapell in the churche yard.
The priory stode at the est south est part of the paroch chirch yard.
Ther lay buryed before the high altare in a high tumbe of a very darkesche gray marble one Thomas Viviane Prior of Bodmyn, and Suffragane Megarensis Episcopatus. He dyed not long sins.
Ther was a place of Gray Freres by south on the market place of Bodmyn. One John of London a marchaunt began it.
Edmunde Erle of Cornewaulle after was a great benefactor to it.
There lay Sir Hugh Peverelle and Sir Thomas Peverelle, benefactors to the house.
A ryver and a bridge. This ryver cummith from south est and goith into Alane a 2. miles above Padestow by the west ripe: and it ebbith and flowith up from Alane up into the creke of this ryver.
From Bodmyn to S. Columbes an 8. miles.
From Bodmyn to S. Laurence, wher a poor hospital or lazar house is, about a mile. One of the Peverelles gave a litle annuite onto this house. Here I passid over a stone bridge, and under it renneth a praty broke that cummith out of the hylles from south este, and goit into Alane a 2. miles above Padestow by the weste ripe, and by the meanes of the se and creke it ebbith and flowith up into the creke of this ryver.
From S. Laurence I passid by morisch ground al baren of woodde a vj. miles, leving about this vj. miles ende S. Columbes about a 2. miles of on the right hond.
And ther about I lefte Castelle Endinas on the same hand, a good mile of. But I saw no building on it, but an hille bering that name.
Thens to Michel a litle thoroughfare a 2. or 3. miles by morisch ground all baren of wood.
Thens a 5. miles to a litle village and paroche churche cawlen Alein. And hereabout very good corne. And so a mile to Gwarnek, Mastar Arundels house.
This Arundale gyvith no part of the armes of great Arundale of Lanhiran by S. Columbes.
But he told me that he thought that he cam of the Arundales in Base Normandy that were lordes of Culy Castelle, that now is descendid to one Mounseir de la Fontaine a French man by heire generale.
This Arundale ys caullid Arundale of Trerise by a difference from Arundale of Lanheron.
Trerise is a lordship of his a 3. or 4. miles from Alein Chirch.
Arundale of Trerise had to his first wife one of the 2. doughters and heire of Boville alias a Beville, and Graneville had the other, and they had betwixt them litle lak of 400. markes of landes by the yere in partition.
The house that John Arundale of Trerise dwellith yn was Bovilles: and this Boville gave the ox in gules in his armes. There ys yet one of the name of the Beviles, a man of a C. li. land, purchased by the grandfather of ... Bevile now living. This Beville hath ... ed ... brother of John Arundale of Trerise.
Humfre Arundale a man of mene landes brother to old Arundale of Lanheron.
Humfre Arundale a man of mene landes nephew to Arundale.
Syr John Arundale sun and heir to Arundale of Lanheron.
Syr Thomas Arundale brother to Syr John. ... Arundal brother to Syr John and Thomas hath land of his fathers ... e.
Arundale of ... yn Falmuth Haven cam out of the house of Lanheron. ... Carihais wher Trevagnion now dwellith was once the Arundalles.
Armes in Castel Cairdin.
Sir Wiliam Godolchan and Strowdes doughter his wif of Pernham in Dorsetshire.
Sr. Wiliam Godolchan and Margaret Glynne his first wife. Margaret was one of the 3. heires of Glyn of Morevale by low water toward S. Germans. Vivian of Trelawaren had another. Richard Kendale of Worngy had the 3.
(Vivian's grant-father was a man of mene land.
Vivian's father was a galant courtier set forth by Somerset Lord Herebert.
Vivian now being heir hath sum more land then his father had, and yet he hath scant an hunderith marke by yere.
This Vivian hath an uncle a lawier a man of mene landes.
The heir of the eldest house of the Vivians is now Lord of Tredine Castelle at the southe west point of Cornewal. There was found in hominum memoria digging for the fox a brasse pot full of Roman mony.)
William Godolchan the sunne and Blanch Langdon his wife.
Langdon dwellith at Kenerel by S. Germanes.
S. Albine his stok cam out of Britaine.
Ther is another house of the S. Albines in Somersetshire.
Milatun dwellith at Pergroinswik.
Fortescue of Phile. }
Fortescue of Preston. }
Fortescue of Sprillestun. } al in Devonshire.
Fortescue of Wymestun. }
Robert Fortescue of Wood. }
Fulford a Knight at Fulford in Devonshire.
Campernulphus alias Chambernoun Dni olim de Trewardreth et fundator prioratus monachorum, qui post domini erant ejusdem monaster, manerii. Campernulphus nunc Dni de Modbyri in com. Devoniae. He was lord of Bere, toward Excestre.
{ Carow of Mohuns Oterey.
Men of fair landes. { Carow of Hacham by Torbay.
{ Carow of Antony in Cornewaulle by Aisch.
{ Vivian.
al 3. in Menek. { Reskimer.
{ Erisi at Erisi in Menek.
Cowlin at Treueglis.
Cavel maried Sir William Godolcan sister.
Petite was a man of very fair landes in Cornewaulle: and emong other thinges he was lord of the Isle of Pryven that now descendith to Kiligrew.
Bewpray: id est de Bello prato.
Tresinny at Penrine, a man of 40. mark landes, most part of it lyith about Padestow.
Ex vita Sanctae Breacae.
Barricus socius Patritii, ut legitur in vita S. Wymeri. S. Breaca nata in partibus Lagoniae & Ultoniae. Campus Breacae in Hibernia, in quo Brigida oratorium construxit, et postea Monasterium in quo fuit et S. Breaca. Breaca venit in Cornubiam comitata multis Sanctis, inter quos fuerunt Sinninus Abbas, qui Romae cum Patritio fuit, Maruanus Monachus, Germmocus rex Elwen, Crewenna, Helena. Tecla appulit sub Revyer cum suis, quorum partem occidit Tewder. Breaca venit ad Pencair. Breaca venit ad Trenewith. Breaca aedificavit eccl. in Trenewith et Talmeneth, ut legitur in vita S. Elwini.
Pencair an hille in Pembro paroch, vulgo S. Banka.
Revier Castellum Theodori in orientali parte ostii Hayle fluvii nunc, ut quidam putant, absorptum a sabulo. It was on the North Se.
Trenewith a litle from the paroch chirch of Pembro, wher the paroch chirch was or ever it was set at Pembro.
Talmeneth a mansion place in Pembro.
Cairdine an old mansion of the Cowlines, wher now William Godalcan dwellith.
Carne Godalcan on the top of an hille, wher is a diche, and there was a pile and principal habitation of the Godolcans. The diche yet apperith, and many stones of late time hath beene fetchid thens; it is a 3. miles from S. Michael's Mont by est north est.
Cair Kenin, alias Gonyn et Conin, stoode in the hille of Pencair. There yet apperith 2. diches.
Sum say that Conan had a sun caullid Tristrame.
S. Germocus [a] a chirch 3. miles from S. Michael's Mont by est south est, and a mile from the se. his tumb is yet seene ther.
S. Germok there buried.
S. Germoke's chair in the chirch yard.
S. Germoke's welle a litle without the chirch yard.
Garsike, alias Pengarsike, nere the shore a 3. miles by est from S. Michaeles Mont.
One Henry Force was lord of it.
One of the Worthes wives gave a late this land with a doughter of hers to one of the Milatuns of Devonshir.
Milatum hath Milatun yn Devonshire; Milatun hath part of Mewis land in Devonshire by one of the heires generale of Mewis of ... Mewes. Urth, a daughter and heire of the Godalcans, married to Henry Force. Young Milatun hath Sir ... Godalcan's daughter to his wife.
Markesin [b] a great long toun burnid 3. aut 4. anno Henr. 8. a Gallis.
The paroch chirch of Markine a mile of. A pere by the Mount. Markine [b] and the Mount be both in S. Hilaries paroche.
Comes Moritoniae et Cornubiae made a celle of monkes in S. Michel Mont.
This celle was ons gyven to a college in Cambridge. Syns given to Syon.
A fair spring in the Mont.
[a] Germoe.
[b] Marazion.
Ludewin, alias Ludevaulles, wher, as sum suppose, was a castel a mile by west from Markesin, it longid to the Lord Brooke.
Pensandes [a] 2. miles of by west; ther is a litle peere.
Newlin a mile lower on the shore; there is a peere.
Newlin is an hamlet to Mousehole.
Mousehole a mile lower. There is a pere.
Mousehole in Cornish port enis, portus insulae.
A bay from Newlin to Mousehole caullid Guaverslak. [b]
A litle beyond Mousehole an islet and a chapel of S. Clementes in it.
There hath bene much land, building, and wood devourid of the sea betwixt Pensandes and Mousehole.
There was found of late yeres syns spere heddes, axis for warre, and swerdes of coper wrappid up in lynid scant perishid, nere the Mount in S. Hilaries paroch in tynne workes.
Ther is an old legend of S. Michael that spekethe of a tounelet in this part now defaced and lying under the water.
King Ethelstan founder of S. Burien's College and giver of the privileges and sanctuarie to it. S. Buriana an holy woman of Irelond sumtyme dwellid in this place, and there made an oratory.
King Ethelstane goyng hens, as it is said, onto Sylley and returning made ex voto a college wher the oratorie was.
Tredine Castel ruines at the south west point of Penwith. Manifesta adhuc exstant vestigia.
I hard say that one Myendu was lord of it.
Myendu, blak mouth or chimne.
Revier Castel almost at the est part of the mouth of Hayle ryver on the North Se, now, as sum think, drounid with sand. This was Theodore's Castelle.
Combe Castelle, ubi tamen loci vestigia: and Pencombe a litle foreland about a mile upper then Kenor on Severn.
Basset hath a right goodly lordship caullid Treheddy by this Cumb.
Ther cummith a good brooke down by Combe.
[a] Penzance.
[b] Gwavas Lake.
Cayl Castelle a mile by est from river in S. Filakes [a] paroche.
Nikenor a 2. miles from Ryvier, [b] sumtyme a great toun, now gone. 2. paroche chirchis yet seene a good deale several on from the other, sumtyme yn the towne, but it is now communely taken to be in S. Guivian's [c] paroch, and ther cummith a broket to the sea.
Carnbray on an hil a castelet or pile of Bassets a mile to west of Refvier toun. Ther was sumtyme a park now defacid.
There be countid a 140. islettes of Scylley that beregresse exceding good pasture for catail.
S. Mary Isle is a 5. miles or more in cumpace, in it is a poore toun and a meately strong pile: but the roves of the buildinges in it be sore defacid and woren.
The ground of this isle berith exceding good corn; insomuch that if a man do but cast corn wher hogges have rotid it wyl cum up.
Iniscaw [d] longid to Tavestoke, and ther was a poore celle of monkes of Tavestoke. Sum caulle this Trescaw, it is the biggest of the islettes, in cumpace a 6. miles or more.
S. Martines Isle.
S. Agnes Isle so caullid of a chapel theryn.
The Isle of S. Agnes was desolatid by this chaunce in recenti hominum memoria. The hole numbre almost of v. housoldes that were yn this isle cam to a manage or a fest into S. Mary Isle, and goinge homewarde were al drownid.
Ratte Islande.
Saynct Lides Isle, wher yn tymes past at her sepulchre was gret superstition.
There appere tokens in diverse of the islettes of habitations now clene doun.
Gulles and puffinnes be taken in diverse of these islettes.
And plenty of conyes be in diverse of these islettes.
[a] Phillacks.
[b] Ryvier.
[c] Gwithian.
[d] Trescow.
Diverse of these islettes berith wyld garlyk.
Few men be glad to inhabite these islettes, for al the plenty, for robbers by the sea that take their catail of force. These robbers be French men and Spaniardes.
One Davers a gentilman of Wilshir, whos chief house is at Daundesey: [a] and Whitington, a gentilman of Glocestreshire, be owners of Scylley; but they have scant 40. markes by yere of rentes and commodites of it.
Scylley is a kenning, that is to say about an xx. miles from the very westeste pointe of Cornewaulle.
Petites principal house was at Ardeueranian in Faulmouth Haven by the peninsula caullid Ardeuerameur.
Petites landes be now descendid to Arundale of Trerise, Granville knight, and Killigrew.
Thomas Levelis about S. Burianes.
Kiwartun at Newlin by Mousehole.
John Godolcan at Mousehole.
Cauelle in S. Cua paroch at Trearach.
Carnsew at Bokelley in S. Cua paroch.
Nicolle in S. Tedy paroch by Bokelly.
Trecarelle at Trecarelle by Launston.
From Mr. Godalcan to Pembro wher the paroch chirch is to Mr. Godolcan.
The personage impropriate to Heyles in Glocestreshir.
The South Se is about a mile from Pembro.
From Mr. Godalcan to Lanante a 4. miles.
No greater tynne workes yn al Cornwal then be on Sir Wylliam Godalcan's ground.
Heyle Haven shoken with sand of tynne workes.
Heile Ryver cummith of 4. principale heddes or brokes.
One risith by south, and other by south west, another by south est, the 4. by north est.
Passage at ebbe over a great strond: and then over Heyle River.
Mr. Mohun hath a fair lordship by S. Erthe's caullyd ...
Trewinard a gentilman dwelling at Trewinard yn S. Erth paroch.
[a] Dauntsey.
S. Erth a good mile above Lanant. [a]
S. Erth bridge a good mile from Lannante of 3. archis a litle bynethe the paroche that stondith on the est side of the haven.
This bridge was made a 200. yeres syns and hath a 3. arches, afore ther was a fery.
Ther cam to this place ons, the haven beyng onbarrid and syns chokid with tynne workes, good talle shippes.
There was a castel caullid Carnhangibes, as apperith, or maner place now clene doun, not far from the bridg.
Dinham, as sum say, was lord of this place, and to the court therof be longging many knightes and gentilmens services.
The toune of Lannant is praty, the church therof is of S. Vnine.
S. Jes a 2. miles or more from Lannant. The place that the chief of the toun hath and partely dooth stonde yn is a very peninsula, and is extendid into the se of Severn as a cape.
This peninsula to cumpace it by the rote lakkith litle of a mile.
Most part of the houses in the peninsula be sore oppressid or overcoverid with sandes that the stormy windes and rages castith up there.
This calamite hath continued ther litle above 20. yeres.
The best part of the toun now standith in the south part of the peninsula up toward another hille for defence from the sandes.
There is a blok house and a fair pere in the est side of the peninsula, but the pere is sore chokid with sande.
The paroch chirch is of Ja, a noble man's doughter of Ireland and disciple of S. Barricus. Ja and Elwine with many other cam into Cornewaul and landid at Pendinas.
This Pendinas [b] is the peninsula and stony rok wher now the toun of S. Jes stondith.
One Dinan a great lord in Cornewaul made a chirch at Pendinas at the request of Ja, as it is written yn S. Jes legende.
[a] Uny Lelant.
[b] Pendeen.
Ther is now at the very point of Pendinas a chapel of S. Nicolas, and a pharos for lighte for shippes sailing by night in those quarters.
The town of S. Jes is servid with fresch water of brokettes that rise in the hilles therby.
The late Lord Brooke was lord of S. Jes, now Blunt Lord Monjoy and young Poulet.
S. Piranes [a] in the sandes is an xviij. miles from S. Jes upward on Severne.
And S. Carantokes [b] is a 2. miles above that on the shore.
Els litle or no notable thing on the shore for so farre.
The shore from S. Jes is sore plagued to S. Carantokes with sandes.
There dwellith a gentilman of a 50. markes land by yere caullid Glynne yn S. Jes.
From Mr. Godalcan's to Trewedenek [c] about a 4. miles, wher Thomas Godalcan yonger sun to Sir Willyam buildith a praty house, and hath made an exceding fair blofcke house and mille in the rokky valley therby.
Alle the brookes that cummith from the hilles thereabout gather toward this botom and go into Lo Poole [d] a 2. miles lower.
Lo Poole is a 2. miles in lenght, and betwixt it and the mayn se is but a barre of sand. And ons in 3. or 4. yeres what by the wait of the fresch water and rage of the se it brekith out, and then the fresch and salt water metyng makith a wonderful noise. But sone after the mouth is barrid again with sande. At other tymes the superfluite of the water of Lo Poole drenith out thorough the sandy barre into the se.
If this barre might be alway kept open it wold be a goodly haven up to Hailestoun. [e]
The commune fisch of this pole is trout and ele.
Hailstoun, alias Hellas, stondith on an hil, a good market toun having a mair and privileges, and coinage twis a yere for tynne blokkes.
[a] S. Piran.
[b] Crantock.
[c] ? Trewennack.
[d] Loo Pool.
[e] Helston.
There hath bene a castelle.
One paroch chirch at the north west ende of the towne.
An hospital of S. John yet stonding at the west south west end of the town, of the fundation of one Kylligrin.
The fresch water that goith to Lo Poole cummith down on the west side of the toun, but not even hard by it.
Wike [a] mille water cummith within about half a mile by the east side of Hailstoun.
From Hailstoun to Mogun [b] bridge about a 2. miles dim. Thorough this bridge rennith at ebbe a litle brooke that risith a ... miles upper by weste.
It ebbith and flowith aboute a mile above this bridge.
I saw on the lifte hand a litle beside this bridge the principal arme of Hailford Haven [c] caullid Wike, the wich flowith about a 3. miles upland by north to Wike mille, and this arme is beten with 2. litle fresch brokes bering the name of Wyke.
A flite shot beyond this bridge I came to a causey of stone, in the midle wherof was a bridge having but one arche. It flowith above this bridge: and at the ebbe there resortith a broke thorowgh this bridge that cummith doun from south weste. A litle beneth these bridges both thes brokes in one ren into Wik water.
These bridges be a 4. miles or more from the mouth of Heilford haven.
About a 2. miles beneth this confluence rennith up on the est side of the haven a creeke of salt water caullid Poulpere (Poul Wheverel [d] about half a mile lower, having a brooke resorting to it) and hemmith in a peace of Mr. Reskymer's parke at Merdon,e so that with this creke and the main se f water of the haven apon a 3. partes the parke is strenkthyd.
There is on the same side half a mile lower anojther creke callid Cheilow alias Calm ... ansak. [f]
[a] Gweek r.
[b] Mawgun.
[c] Helford r.
[d] Polwheveral.
[e] Merthen.
[f] Calamansack.
The be 4. crekes on the south side of the haven thus namid: (eche of thes crekes hath a broket resorting to them). Pen Kestel the first from the mouth, 4. miles beneth the bridges, whither shipes do resorte, and here is a trajectus from the one side of the haven to the other. This is a mile from the haven mouth, and here the shippes communely do ly. Caullons half a mile upward.
Then Mogun [a] 2. miles higher, wher the bridge is with the broken stone. S. Mogun's chirch up apon Mogun creeke.
Gaire, wher the bridg is with the causey and one arch: so that this brekith as a creek out of Mogun. S. Mawnoun a chirch at the very point of the haven on the side toward Falmuth, a se marke.
Gelling [b] Creeke agayne S. Mawnoun's on the other side, hard without the haven mouth. Gilling Creke brekith at the hed into 2. crekes.
The patronage of S. Antonies longid to Trewardreth.
St. Antonie's chirch or chapel beside at ... sand.
St. Antonies standith in the point of the land of Gilling Creke, and the mouth of Hailford Haven. [c]
S. Keverin's [d] 2. miles from Gilling Creek and not a mile from the se.
S. Keverin's longgid to Bewle Abbay in Hampshir a sancjtuarie privilegid at S. Keverin's.
S. Piranes, alias Keuerine, wher the sanctuarie was, ... mile from S. Antonies: and not a mile from the main se.
Mr. Reskimer hath a maner caullid by his own name a mile from Moreden.
There hath beene a fair house, but it felle to mine in tyme of mynde.
Mr. Reskimer berith in his armes a wolphe.
One of the Reskimers gave land to S. Keverines, for sustentation of certein poore folkes.
From Gaire Bridg to Tremain, wher Mr. Reskimeur now dwellith a good mile.
[a] Mawnan.
[b] Gillan.
[c] Helford r.
[d] S. Keverne.
This litle house longgid to Tremain, and in tyme of mynde cam by heire general to one Tretherde.
This Trederth hath beside landes and a praty maner place at ...
John Riskimer's mother was Tretherth's daughter.
There is in Devonshir one of the Tremains, a man of faire landes.
From Tremayn over Heilford Haven to Morden [a] wher Mr. Reskimer hath a ruinus maner place and a fair park welle woddid, wherof 3. partes is with the principal streme of the haven, and a creke caullid Poole Penreth, hemmid yn. Morden in Constentine paroch.
Then I rode half a mile and more of, from Morden over the fresch water that riseth no far distance of yn the hilles and goit strait into Poulpenrith Creeke.
About half a mile farther I rode over an arme of the broke that cummith doun to Poulwitheral [b] Creeke, and sone after I rode over the greater arme of the same broke, the salt arme lying in the botom hard under it.
Then I rode a 4. miles by morery and rokky ground.
And then within the space of half a mile I cam to S. Budocus chirch. This Budocus [c] was an Irisch man and cam into Cornewalle and ther dwellid.
A litle from the chirch there enterid betwixt ij. hilles on the shore a shorte creke lyke an havenet, but it was barrid.
And a quarter of a mile farther I cam to Arwennak Mr. Keligrewis place, stonding on the brimme or shore within Falemuth Haven.
This place hath beene of continuaunce the auncient house of the Killigrewes.
There was an other house of the Keligrewis descending out of this: and it was in the toun of Penrine. Now both these houses be joynid yn one.
The very point of the haven mouth being an hille wheron the king hath buildid a castel is caullid Pendinant [d] and longgith to Mr. Keligrewe. It is a mile in cumpace by the cumpace and is almost environid with the se, and where it
[a] Merthen.
[b] Polwheveral.
[c] Budock.
[d] Pendennis.
is not the ground is so low, and the cut to be made so litle that it were insulatid.
There lyith a litle cape or foreland within the haven a mile dim. almost again Mr. Kiligrewis house caullid Penfusis. [a]
Bytwixt this cape and Mr. Keligrew's house one great arme of the haven rennith up to Penrine toun.
Penrine [b] 3. good miles from the very entery of Falemuth Haven and 2. miles from Penfusis.
There dwellith an auncient gentilman caullid Trefusis at this point of Penfusis.
From S. Mawnon to Pendinas by water a 4. miles. The king hath set his castel on Pendinas at one of the pointes of Falemuth Haven.
Pendinas almost an isle.
Levine Prisklo, alias Levine Pole, [c] betwixt S. Budocus and Pendinas; it were a good haven but for the barre of sande.
The first creke or arme that castith outh on the north west side of Falemuth goith up Perin, [d] and at the ende it brekith into 2. arjmes, the lesse to the college of Glasenith, unus viridis nidus, or Wag Mier at Perin,the other to S. Gluvias the paroch chirch of Penrine therby.
Owt of eche side of Penrine Creke breaketh out an arme or ever it cum to Penrin.
Stakes and foundation of stone sette yn the creeke at Penrine afore the toun a litle lower then wrier it brekith into armes. A gap in the midle of the stakes and a chain.
Good wood about the south and west syde of Penryn.
One Water Good Bisshop of Excestre made yn a more caullid Glesnith in the botom of a park of his at Penrine a collegiate chirch with a provost, xij. prebendaries, and other ministers. This college is stronly wallid and incastelatid, having 3. strong towers and gunnes at the but of the creke.
Betwixt the point of land of Trefuses and the point of
[a] Trefusis Point.
[b] Penryn.
[c] ? Swan Pool.
[d] Penryn r.
Restronget Wood is Milor Creek, and ther is S. Milor's chirch, and beyond the chirch is a good rode for shippes.
Milor Creke goith up a mile.
Good wood in Restronget.
The next creek beyond the point in Stronget Wood is caullid Restronget, and going ij. miles into the land and brekith into 2. armes, and St. Pe ... chirch standith in the land betwixt; and on the arme is a stone caullid Carr Bridg in the way thens to Truru.
Betwixt Restrongith Creke and the Creeke of Truru be two creekes that ar caullid Feoke, and ther is S. Scaf ... cawlyd S. Cay. [a]
Trure Creeke is next, and goith up a 2. miles creking up from the principal streme.
This creke brekith withyn half a mile of Truru and castith yn a creke westward by Newham wood.
This creke of Truru afore the very toun is devidid into 2. partes, and eche of them hath a brook cumming doun, and a bridge, and the toun of Truru bytwixt them booth. The White Freres House was on the west arme [b] yn Kenwyn streate.
Kenwen Streat is severid from Truru with this arme: and Clementes Streat by est is seperate on the est side from Truru with the other arme.
One paroche chirch in Truru self.
Kenwen and Clementes Streates hath several chirchis, and bere the name of the sainctes of the paroch chirchis.
Coynage of tynne at Midsomer and Michelmas at Truru.
Truru is a borow toun and privilegid.
Ther is a castelle a quarter of a mile by west out of Truru longging to the Erle of Cornwale now clene doun. The site therof is now usid for a shoting and playing place. Out of the body of Truro Creke on the est side brekith a crek estwarde a mile from Truru: and goith up a mile dim.' to Tresilian Bridge of stone. Ther is a paroche of S. Michell.
At the entery and mouth of this creeke is a rode for shippes caullid Maples Rode, here faught a late xviij. sail of marchant Spaniardes, and 4. shippes of warre of Depe. The Spaniardes chac'd hither the French men.
[a] Old Kea.
[b] Kenwyn r.
A mile and an halfabove the mouth of Truru Creke caullid Lan Moran [a] Creke of the chirch of S. Moran. This creke goith into the land a quarter of a mile from the maine streme of the haven.
The mayne streame goith up 2. miles above Moran Creke, ebbing and flowing, and a quarter of a mile above is the toune of Tregony, vulgo Tregny; here is a bridge of stone aliquot arcuum apon Fala River. [b]
Fala River risith a mile or more of Rochehille, and goith by Granpondborow, wher is a bridge of stone over it. Graunpond a 4. miles from Rac ... and 2. litle mile from Tregony. Mr. Tregyon hath a maner place richely begon and amply but not ended caullid Wuluedon, alias Goldoun. Fala Ryver betwixt Graunpond and Tregony.
From Tregony to passe doune by the body of the haven of Falamuth to the mouth of Lanyhorne Creeke or pille on the south est side of the haven is a 2 miles.
This creke goith up half a mile from the principale streame of the haven.
At the hed of this creeke standith the Castelle of Lanyhorne sumtyme a castel of a 7. tourres, now decaying for lak of coverture. It longgid as principal house to the archedecons.
This landes descendid by heires general to the best Corbetes of Shorpshir, and to Vaulx of Northamptonshir.
Vaulx part syns bought by Tregyon of Cornewaul.
From Lanyhorne Pille is a place or point of land of 40. acres or therabout as a peninsula, and is caullid Ardeueraueur, [c] and is a mile from Lanyhorn Creke; and the water or creke that cummith or rennith into the south south est part is but a litle thyng, as of an half mile up into the land. The creke that hemmith this peninsula yn on the west south west side is the greatter. The mayn land betwixt Crameur Creke and this ...
From the mouth of the west creke of this peninsula to S.
[a] Lamorran.
[b] Fal r.
[c] Ardevora.
Juste Creeke a 4. miles or more. In this creke is S. Justes, paroche church to S. Mawns. [a]
From S. Juste Pille or Creke to S. Manditus Creeke is a mile dim.
The point of the land betwixt S. Just Cr. and S. Maws is of sum caullid Pendinas. on this point stondith as yn the entery of S. Maws Creek, wher is a castelle or forteres late begon by the king.
This creke of S. Maws goith up a 2. myles by est north est into the land, and so far it ebbith and flowith, and ther is a mylle dryven with a fresch brook that resortith to the creke.
Scant a quarter of a mile from the castel on the same side upper into the land is a praty village or fischar toun with a pere cawllid S. Maws, and there is a chapelle of hym and his chaire of stone a litle withjout, and his welle.
They caulle this sainct there S. Mandite, he was a bisshop in Britain and paintid as a schole-master.
Half a mile from the hedde of this downward to the haven is a creke in manner of a poole with a round marke made in the charte on the which is a mille grinding with the tyde.
A myle beneth that on the south side enterythe a creke half a mile, and this is barrid only by a smaul sand banke from the main se a mile benethe this and almost agayn S. Maw, a creke or poole goynge vp a litle in ..., at the but of this is a myle and a celle of S. Antonie longging to Plympton Priory: and here of late dayes lay 2. chanons of Plymptoun Priory.
All the crekes of Fala welle woddid.
From S. Antonies point at the mayn se to Penare Point [b] a 3. miles dim.
Gref Islet [c] lyith scant half a mile est of Penare wherin breadeth guiles and other se foulles.
This Gref lyith north from the Forne, a point or foreland
[a] S. Mawes.
[b] Nare Head.
[c] Gull Rock.
in Britain, bytwene the wich is the entery of the sieve of the occean.
And betwixt Forne and Grefe is a v. kennynges, and here is breviss. trajectus by estimation from Cornewaulle into Britaine continentes.
About a myle by west of Penare is a force nere the shore in the paroche of S. Geron's. [a] It is single dikyd, and within a but shot of the north side of the same apperith an hole of a vault broken up by a plough yn tylling. This vault had an issue from the castelle to the se. A mile dim. from this force is another in the side of an hille.
And a litle by north of the castelle a 4. or 5. borowes or cast hilles.
... are a quarter ... from the lordship of ... thy, sumtymethe Archdekens now Corbettes and Tregions.
Dudeman Foreland or Point is about a v. miles from Grefe.
No wood on the very cost from S. Antonies Point to Dudeman. [b] Inward yn the land some woodde ...
This Chapelle Land or Point is in the park of Bodrugam. And yn this park was the house of Sir Henry Bodrugam, a man of auncient stok atteyntid for takyng part with King Richard the 3. agayn Henry the 7. and after flying into Ireland Syr Richard Eggecomb, father to Sir Pers Eggecombe, had Bodrigan and other parcelles of Bodrigan's landes.
And Trevagnon had part of Bodrigan's landes, as Restonget and Newham, both in Falamuth Haven.
From Chapel Land to Pentowen [c] a sandy bay, wither to fischar bootes repair for a socour, a 2. myles.
Here issuith out a praty ryver that cummith from S. Austelles about a 2. miles dim. of. And there is a bridge of stone of the name of the town.
This ryver rennith under the west side of the hille that the poore tour of St. Austelles stondith on.
[a] Gerrans.
[b] Dodman Point.
[c] Pentewan.
At S. Austelles is nothing notable but the paroch chirch.
From Pentowen to the Blake Hedd about a mile.
There is a fair quarre of whit fre stone on the shore rokkes betwixt Pentowen and Blak-Hed, whereof sum be usid in the inward partes of S. Mawre Forteresse. The residew of more tone and slate. And Pendinas Castelle [a] is all of more stone except the fillinge.
And in the cliffes betwen the Blak-Hed and Tywartraith Bay is a certeyn cave, wheryn apperith thinges lyke images giltid. And also in the same cliffes be vaynis of metalles, as coper and other.
There is a mile from the entery of Tywartraith Bay up yn the land, at the but ende of it a paroch chirch of S. Blase, and ther is a new bridge of stone of the sainctes name over a broke that ther cummith into the bay.
Tywardreth, a praty toun but no market, lyith a quarter of a mile from the est side of the bay.
Ther is a paroch chirch, and ther was a Priory of Blak Monkes, celle sumtyme to a house in Normandy.
Sum say Campernulphus was founder of this Priory. Sum say that Cardinham was founder. Arundale of Lanhern was of late taken for foundder.
I saw a tumbe in the west part of the chirch of the Priori with this inscription:
Haec est Tumba Roberti filii Wilihelmi.
This Robert Fitz Williams was a man of fair landes tempore Edwardi 3. reg. Ang.
From Tywardreth Toun to Fawey [b] Toun a ij. miles.
The point of land on the est side of Tywardraith Bay is caullid Penarth-Point. [c]
From Penarth to the haven mouth of Fawey is about a 2. miles.
Ther is at the west point of the haven of Fawey mouth a
[a] Pendennis castle.
[b] Fowey.
[c] ? Gribbin Head.
blok house devisid by Thomas Treury and made partely by his cost, partely by the town of Fawey.
A litle higher on this point of the hille is a chapel of S. Catarine.
And hard under the roote of this hille a litle withyn the haven mouth is a litle bay or creke bering the name of Catarine.
About a quarter of a mile upper on this the west side of Fawey Haven is a square toure of stone for defence of the haven made about King Edward the 4. tym, and litle above this tower on the same side is Fawey town lying alonge the shore and buildid on the side of a great slatty rokkid hille.
In the midle of the toun apon the shfore self is a house buildid quadrantlyin the haven which shodowith the shippes in the haven above it from 3. partes of the haven mouth and defendith them from stormes.
The name of the toun of Fawey is in Cornisch Couwhath. It is set on the north side of the haven, and is set hangging on a maine rokky hille, and is in length about a quarter of a mile.
The towne longgid to one Caridinham, a man of great fame; and he gave it to Tywartraith Priorie, of the which sum say that Cardinham was founder, sum say Campernulph of Bere.
But at this gift Fawey was but a smaul fischar toun.
The paroch chirch of Fawey is of S. Fimbarrus, and was impropriate to the priorie of Tywartraith.
The glorie of Fawey rose by the warres in King Edward the first and the thirde and Henry the v. day, partely by feates of warre, partely by pyracie, and so waxing riche felle al to marchaundice: so that the town was hauntid with shippes of diverse nations, and their shippes went to al nations.
The shippes of Fawey sayling by Rhie and Winchelsey about Edward the 3. tyme wold vale no bonet beyng requirid, wherapon Rhy and Winchelsey men and they faught, wher Fawey men had victorie, and therapon bare their armes
mixt with the armes of Rhy and Winchelsey: and then rose the name of the Gallaunts of Fawey.
The French-men diverse tymes assailid this town, and last most notably about Henry the vj. tyme: when the wife of Thomas Treury the 2. with her men repellid the French out of her house in her housebandes absence. Wherapon Thomas Treury buildid a right fair and stronge embatelid towr in his house: and embateling al the waulles of the house in a maner made it a castelle: and onto this day it is the glorie of the town building in Faweye.
In Edwarde the 4. day 2. stronge towers made a litle beneth the toun, one on eche side of the haven, and a chayne to be drawen over.
When warre in Edward the 4. dayes seasid bytwene the French men and Englisch, the men of Fawey, usid to pray, kept their shippes and assailid the French-men in the sea agayn King Edwardes commaundement; wherapon the capitaines of the shippes of Fawey were taken and sent to London, and Dertemouth men commaunded to fetche their shippes away; at which tyme Dertmouth men toke them in Fawy, and toke away, as it is said, the great chein that was made to be drawen over the haven from towr to towre. Thomas Treury now livinge and the towne made a blockehouse on S. Catarine's Hille botom.
From Fowey town end by north in the haven is Chagha Mille Pille a litle uppeward on the same side.
A good mile above Chagha Mille Pille is on this west side Bodmyn Pille having for wares then to be caried to Bodmyn.
A quarter of mile from Bodmyn Crek mouth up into the haven on the same side is Gullant [a] a fischar tounlet.
From Gullant to Lantian Pille or Crek about half a mile: it goith up but a litle into the land.
Barret a man of mene landes dwellith bytwixt Gullant and Lantient Pille.
Lantiant lordship longid to the Erle of Saresbyri. From Lantiant Pille to Bloughan Pille or Creke nere a mile, it crekith up but a litle.
Carteis a gentilman almost of an 100. mark land dwellith bytwixt Blowghan and Penknek by Lostwithiel.
[a] Golant.
From Bloughan to Lostwithiel scant a mile on the principal streame of Fawey River. It hath ebbid and flowen above Lostwithiel, but now it flowith not ful to the toun. In Lostwithiel is the Shir Haul of Cornewaul.
Therby is also the Coynege Haul for tynne.
The towne is privilegid for a borow: and there is wekely a market on Thursday.
Richardus Rex Ro. comes Cornubiae privilegid this toun.
The paroche is of S. Barpholome. There comithe a broket from west throghethe syde of Lostwithel; and goithe est into Fawey River devydinge Penkhek from Lostwithiel.
Penknek is yn Lanleversey paroch. [a]
The park of Restormel is hard by the north side of the town of Lostwithiel.
Tynne workes in this park.
Good woode in this parke.
Ther is a castel on an hil in this park wher sumtymes the Erles of Cornewal lay. The base court is sore defacid. The fair large dungeon yet stondith. A chapel cast out of it, a newer work then it, and now onrofid. A chapel of the Trinite in the park not far from the castelle.
The castel of Cardinham a 4. miles or more by north from Lostwithiel.
To this castelle longith many knightes services: Arundale of Lanhern, the Lord Souch, Compton and ... partith Cairdinhams landes.
The ryver of Fawey risith in Fawey More about a 2. miles from Camilford by south in a very wagmore in the side of an hil.
Thens to Draynesbridge of flat more stones.
Thens to Clobha Bridg drounid with sand ij. miles and more.
Thens to Lergen Bridge of 2. or 3. arches a mile lower.
Thens to Newbridg of stone archid a 2. miles.
Thence to Resprin bridge of stone arched, alias Laprin, about 2 myles.
A litle above Lostwithiel Bridge of stone the ryver of
[a] Lanlivery.
Fawey brekith into 2. armes. Wherof at this day the lesse goith to the ston bridg, the bigger to a wodde bridge even again and but a litle way of from the stone bridg, and after a praty way lower the armes cum agayn to one botom.
The great part of Fawey Water is by policie turnid from the stone bridg for choking of it and for to put the sande of from the botom of the toun. The stone bridge in tyme of memorie of men lyving was of arches very depe to the sight, the sande is now cum to within a 4. or 5. fote of the very hedde of them. The sande that cummith from tynne workes is a great cause of this: and yn tyme to cum shaul be a sore decay to the hole haven of Fawey. Barges yet cum with marchanties within half a mile of Lostwithiel.
From Lostwithiel doun along Fawey Ryver to S. Winnous a an abbate chirch a good myle.
By the wich chirch of old tyme enhabitid a gentilman Joannes de S. Winnoco.
After the Lordes Hastinges wer owners of it: and then sold to Guiliam Loures gret grauntfather now lyving.
This Lower hath to wife one of the 2. doughters of Thomas Treury.
By this chirch is a warfe to make shippes on. Much good wood at S. Ginokes [a] and on the other side of the haven agayn it.
From S. Guinows [a] chirch to the point of S. Winows Wood half a mile.
Here goith yn a salt crek half a mile on the est side of the haven, and at the hed of it is a bridge caullid Lerine [b] Bridge, and the creeke berith also the name of Lerine.
At the north side of this Lerine Creke almost at the hedd is Trenthey, Laurence Courtineis house. It longgid ons to Stonnard, sins to Cayle: and now last to the Courteneis of the house of Devonshir descendinge.
From Lerine Creke to S. Carac Pille or Creeke about half a mile lower on the said est side of the haven, it goith a mile dim. up into the land.
In midle of this creke on the north side was a litle celle of Sainct Cyret and Julette longging to Montegue Priory.
[a] S. Winnow.
[b] Lerryn.
From the mouth of S. Carak Pille to Poul-Morlande [a] Pille about a mile, it goith scant a quarter of a mile up into the lande: and at the hedde goith into ij. armes.
From the mouth of Poulmorland to Bodenek [b] village half a mile, wher the passage is to Fawey, and from ...
Mr. Mohun hath a maner place caullid the Haul on an hil above this village.
From Bodenek to Pelene Point a quarter of a mile, and here enterith a pille or creek half a mile up into the land.
At the hed of this pille is a chapel of St. Wilow, and by it is a place caullid Lamelin late longging to Lamelin, now to Trelauny by heir general.
Trelauny's house is at Meneheneth by Liscard.
On the south side of this creke is the paroch chirch caullid Lanteglise [c] juxta Fawey being the paroch chirch of Bodenek and Poulruan.
From the mouth of this creke to Poulruan, a good fischar toun, a quarter of a mile. Hereby on the hill is a chapell of S. Salvator.
And at this Poulruan toun is a tower of force marching again the tower on Fawey side.
Ther was ons, as it is said, a chaine to go over the haven from tower to toure.
The haven mouth of Fawey is a 2. bow shottes of.
The very point of land at the est side of the mouth of this haven is caullid Pontus Crosse, [d] vulgo Paunch Crosse.
From Lostwithiel to Casteldour now clene doun 3. good miles by plentiful ground of corn and gresse.
Casteldour longgid to the Erle of Saresbyri.
A mile of is a broken crosse thus inscribid: Conomor et filius cum Domina Clusilla.
From Pontus Crosse to Poulpirrhe [e] about a vj. miles, wher is a litle fischar toun and a peere, with a very litle creke and a brooke.
There is a crikket betwixt Poulpirrhe and Low.
From Poulpirrhe to Low [f] Creeke dry at half ebbe a 2. miles.
[a] Penpoll.
[b] Bodinnick.
[c] Lanteglos.
[d] Pont.
[e] Polperro.
[f] Looe.
On eche side of the entery of this creke is a toun, the one caullid Estlow, the other Westlow. [a] Estlow is a praty market toun.
There is a great bridge of a 12. arches over Low Creke to go from the one toun of Low to the other.
Good wood about Low Creke.
Ther is a maner place caullid Trelaun about this Low Creke, sumtyme Bonvilles, now the Marquise of Dorsetes.
Salmon taken yn this creke.
Kendale and Code, gentilmen, dwelle in Morel paroch on the est side of this creke.
From Low Creeke to Seton [b] Bridge of stone of a 2. archis and Setoun Ryver a 3. miles.
From Seton to Ramehed [c] about a 9. miles.
From Fawey over the haven to Bodenek a fischar toun, wherby Mr. Mohun hath a manor place.
Thens a v. miles by very plesaunt inclosid ground prately wooddid plentiful of corn and grasse.
Then a 3. miles by mory and hethy ground.
Then 2. miles by hilly and woddy ground to Liscard.
About half a mile or I cam to Liskard I passid in a wood by a chapel of owr Lady caullid our Lady in the Park, wher was wont to be gret pilgrimage.
This chapelle of ease longgith to Liskard, and so doth 2. or 3. more.
Liskard stondith on rokky hilles, and is the best market toun at this day in Cornwaul saving Bodmyn.
In this toun the market is kept on Monday.
The paroch chirch is of S. Martine, stondith on an hil, and is a fair large thing.
The personage is impropriate to ...
There was a castel on an hille in the toun side by north from S. Martin. It is now al in ruine. Fragments and peaces of waulles yet stond. The site of it is magnificent and looketh over al the toun.
This castelle was the erles of Cornwall; it is now usyd somtym for a pound for catell.
The towne knowlegith fredom and privileges by the gift of Richard King of Romanes and Erle of Cornewaul.
[a] East Looe, West Looe.
[b] Seaton.
[c] Rame Head.
Ther is a goodly conduct in the midle of the town very Cornwall, plentiful of water to serve the town.
From Liskard to Fawey 10.
From Liskard to Launstoun 12. miles.
From Liskard to Lostwithiel 10.
From Liskard to Bodmyn 10.
From Liskard to Low Market 7.
From Liskard to S. Germaines a 6. miles.
From Liskard to Plymmouth a 12. miles.
Cumming out of Liskarde about half a mile I left Cortyder, a goodly lordship, and an old maner place on the right hond; it is a hunderith pounde by the yere.
This is now fawllen onto heir general in partition.
Cotyder [a] and the lordship of Tregjelly now caullid Minheneth [b] lordship longgid, as Mr. Trelawny told me, to one Heling or Eling, an oder cam after ... e therof na ... Cotyder ... had male ... Cotyder now Beket hath Cotyder self. Corington and another of them had ...
From Liskard to Minheneth 2. miles, wher is a fair large old chirch. The personage of it is impropriate to ...
The maner of Minheneth was sumtime caullid Tregelly, wherof the name and sum ruines yet remaine.
Trelawney now lyving is the 4. of that name that hath be Lord of Minheneth.
There was one Sir John Trelawney an auncient gentilman father to the first Trelawney of Minheneth. But be likelihod he had an elder sun, for Trelawney now living hath none of the landes: but it is descendid to heires generales.
From Mynhenet to the ruines of Bodulcan's place a 2. miles.
Half a mile of a great brooke after the course of a 4. miles resorting to Liner [c] and S. Germane's Creeke a this side S. Germane's.
[a] Cartuther.
[b] Menheniot.
[c] Lynher r.
Another broket a quarter of a mile beyond that resortith to the other.
Thens to Natter Bridge of 2. or 3. archis 4. miles, it stondith on Liner Ryver.
This ryver, as far as I could leme, risith by north est up towardes the quarters of Launstoun.
The soile betwixt Minheneth and Natter Bridg very good, and enclosid, and metely wel woddyd.
From Natter [a] Bridge to S. Germane's about a 2. mile.
The town of S. Germane's is on the hither side of Liner as I cam to this bridg.
S. Germane's is but a poore fischar town. The glory of it stoode by the priory. S. Germane's stondith about a 3. miles in Liner Creeke from the mayne strond of Tamar Haven.
From Liner Bridge to Asche [b] aboute a 4. miles by much like ground.
Asche is a praty quik market toun and is set from the toppe of a rokky hille as by west to the roote of the same and very shore of Tamar Haven by este.
The tounes men use boothe marchandise and fischar. There is a chapel of ease in Asche.
The paroche chirch is caullid S. Stephan's, about half a mile of by south, the personage wherof is impropriate to Windesore College.
By S. Stephanes and in S. Stephanes paroch is the greaunt and auncient castelle of Tremertoun [c] apon a rokky hille: wherof great peaces yet stond and especially the dungeon.
The mines now serve for a prison.
Great libertees long to this castelle.
The Valetortes, men of great possession, wer owners, and, as far as I can gather, builders of this castel, and owners and lordes of the toun of Aische.
Morwel the Abbat of Tavestok House about a mile from Morleham.
Tamar a litle from Morwelle.
From Tavestok to Greston Bridge a 6. miles: and then 3. miles to Launston.
Tamar 2. miles and more from Tavestok.
[a] Notter.
[b] Saltash.
[c] Trematon.
Calstok Bridge or New Bridge two miles from Milbrok the first creek.
S. John the next.
Liner the 3.
The 4. a litle above Asche.
The 5. without fail is the maine streme of Tamar.
From Reddon the land lying south west on S. Nicolas Isle to Cair Grene wher Tamar turnith west a 6. miles, Tamar going a mile west for the most part after goith north.
These crekes I notid on the west side of Tamar:
Fyrst I markid in sight above Aschetoun a 2. miles or more the principal arme of Tamar Haven going up into the land about a 10. miles from that place to Caulstoke Bridge, wither to it almost ebbith and flowith.
And shippes cum up within a mile of this bridg to a place caullid Morleham. [a]
And this place is but 3. miles from Tavestoke.
Tavestoke is countid to be but x. miles from Asche to go the next way.
Betwixt the 2. miles from Asch to the mayne arme of Tamar in sight I markid descending in the haven 3. crekes breking out into the land, wherof the first lyith by north west creking up into the land.
The secund lyith west north west.
The 3. plaine west, and this crekid in to the land scant half a mile.
Scant a mile lower lyith Liner Creke goyng up onto S. Germane's.
The toune of Asch stondith bytwen these 2. crekes.
Then brekith a litle creke out caullid S. John's or Antony.
And at the mouth about S. Nicolas brekith in a creek goyng up to Milbrok 2. miles up in land from the mayn haven.
This Milburne is a riche fischar toun.
Penle [b] a fore land lyith 3. miles lower from this creeke
[a] Morwelham.
[b] Penlee.
into the land. And the promontorie of Ramehed a mile lower.
Creekes from the mouth of Plym and Tamar upon the est side of the haven:
The Mylle Bay.
The Stone House Creke.
Kaine Place Creke, wher is a maner place of Mr. Wises.
The creek ... having a mille at the hed; it is in lenght a 2. miles.
A 4. mile upper a creke going up to Mr. Budokes side, wher is his manor place, and S. Budok [a] chirch. Ther dwellith by this creke also Copsto of Warley a man of xx. C. marke of land, as it is saide.
Then is the uppermost wher Tave Water [b] cummith onto Tamar. And on the est side of this creek is Bukland. And on the west side is Bere wher the Lord Brokes house and park was.
Bere is a mile from the crek mouth.
Bukland is a 2. miles from the creke mouthe.
The towne of Plymmouth is about a 3. miles from the passage of Asche.
The trajectus self at Asch half a mile.
The ground betwixt the passage and Plymmouth hath good corn but litle wod.
The toun of Plymmouth is very large, and at this tyme is devidid into 4. wardes: the old Towne Ward, Venarwarde, Lowewarde, Vintrewarde alonge by the gulf: and ther is a capitaine yn eche of these wardes, and undre eche capitaine 3. conestables.
This town about King Henry the 2. tyme was a mene thing as an inhabitation for fischars. and after encreasid by a litle and a litle.
The oldest part of the toun stoode by north and west sumwhat, and this part is sore decayed, and now cum to the leste of the 4.
The name of Plymmouth toun and the privilege to have a mair was yn King Henry the 6. dayes the xvj. yer of his
[a] S. Budeaux.
[b] Tavy r.
reign first grauntid by act of parlament. The prior of Plympton was afore chife ruler in Plymmouth and kept courtes there.
The toun was caullid afore by the old name Sutton, and was devidid into Valetort, that was in the north part of the toun, now the leste parte of it. This was longging to one Valetorte.
The midle and hert of the town was cawllid Sutton Prior.
The est part was caullid Suttoun Rad, and in this part was the White Freres, and the Gray Friers, with the ... of the towne.
In Sutton Prior standith the paroch chirch of S. Uthu. One Painter, that of late dyed a rich marchaunt, made a goodly house toward the haven, wher Catarine Princes Dowegar lay at her commynge out of Spayne.
Ther is but one paroch chirche yn Plymmouthe, the personage wherof was impropriate to Plymton priorie.
One Thomas Yogge, a marchant of Plymmouth, paid of late yeres for making of the steple of Plymmouth chirch. The toun paid for the stuffe.
This Thomas Yogge made a fair house of more stone in the toune toward the haven.
This Thomas made a goodly house of more stone on the north side of the chirch yard of Plymmouth paroche chirche.
This Thomas build a fair chapel on the northe side of Plymmouth chirch.
Ther is an hospitale house on the north side of the chirch.
The chirch and much of the ground wheron Suttoun, now caullid Plymmouth, was buildid was longging to one of the prebendes titulo S. Petri et Pauli of Plymtoun a collegiate chirch, alias Capella libera dni Regis before the Conquest.
Ther is a righte goodly walke on an hille without the toun by south caullid the How, and a fair chapel of S. Catarine on it.
Al such as hath by continuance sins the tyme of Henry the secund buildid houses in Suttoun Priory, now the greatest
part of Plymmouth, toke licens of the priorie of Plymtoun as of their chief lord.
The mouth of the gulph wherin the shippes of Plymmouth lyith is waullid on eche side and chainid over in tyme of necessite. On the south west side of this mouth is a blok house: and on a rokky hille hard by it is a stronge castel quadrate having a eche corner a great rounde tower. It semith to be no very old peace of worke.
Hard to this casteile waul Veysy now bysshope of Excester began a peace of an highe and stronge waull.
Perse Eggecombe had a manor by Ramehed.
Perse Eggecombe hath a goodly house in Cornwalle on Tamer at the mouth of Plimmouth Haven.
From Plymmouth by good enclosid ground but hilly to the place wher I crossid over Plym ryver at the ebbe, about a 3. miles.
The ryver of Plym risith at ... a vj. miles by north north est from this place.
There be 2. bridges on Plym that be notably spoken of, Bykley [a] and Plym.
Passing over Plym I left the ryver on the left hand: and by estimation it ebbid and flowied about a mile above this place.
About the place wher I passid over Plym is the confluence to be seene at ebbe of Torey brooke and Plym.
I markid after yn the haven of Plym but 2. notable crekes, one on the west side of the haven entering into the land about a mile or more from the haven mouth: and a nother bigger then it on the est side of the haven caullid Schilleston about a 2. miles from the mouth of Plym haven. There is a goodly rode for great shippes betwixt the haven mouth and this creeke.
After that I passid over Plym ryver I rode about half a mile along by Torey broke, whos color is alway redde by the sand that it rennith on and caryeth from the tynne workes with it: and so to Plymtoun Marie, [b] so caullid bycause the chirch there is dedicate onto our Lady.
[a] Bickleigh.
[b] Ridgeway, Plympton St. Mary.
The glory of this towne stoode by the priorie of Blake Chanons there buildid and richely endowid with landes. The original beginning of this priorie was after this fascion:
One William Warwist, Bisshop of Excester, displeasid with the chanons or prebendaries of a fre chapelle of the fundation of the Saxon kinges, because they wold not leve theyr concubines, found meanes to dissolve their college, wherin was a deane or provost and 4. prebendaries with other ministers.
The prebende of Plymton self was the title of one, and the prebend of S. Peter and Paule at Suttoun, now caullid Plymmouth, a nother. Bisshop Warwist, to recompence the prebendaries of Plymton, erectid a college of as many as were ther at Bosenham in Southsax, and annexid the gift of them to his successors Bisshops of Excester. Then he set up at Plymton a priorie of canons-regular, and after was there buried in the chapitre house.
Diverse noble men gave after landes to this priorie, emong whom was Walterus de Valle torta, lord of Tremerton [a] in Cornewal, and, as sum say, of Totenes, but yet I know no certentie of that.
I know that he was a man of fair possessions about Plymmouth, and that he gave onto Plymtoun priorie the isle of S. Nicolas cum cuniculis, conteyning a 2. acres of ground, or more, and lying at the mouthes of Tamar and Plym ryvers.
I hard say, that the landes of Valletorte were for a morther doone by one of them confiscate, and sins the great part of them have remaynid yn the kinges handes.
There were byried sum of Courteneis and diverse other gentilmen in the chirch of the priorie of Plymtoun.
Plymtoun Mary stondith not apon Plym river; for it is distant almost half a mile from it. But it stondith on Torey brooke by the est ripe of it, wherby the lower and first buildinges of the court of the priorie be almost clene chokid with the sandes that Torey bringgith from the tynne workes.
One Prior Martine the 3. or 4. prior of Plymtoun buildid the substance of the chirch that there a late stoode.
[a] Trematon.
There is kept a fair at Plymtoun Marie on S. John's Day at Midsomer.
Plymtoun Thomas is a quarter of a mile from Plymtoun Marie, so caullid of Thomas Beket: but now the chirch there is of S. Mauricius, knight and martyr.
In the side of this town is a fair large castelle and dungeon in it, wherof the waulles yet stonde, but the logginges within be decayed.
Balduinus Reduerse, Erle of Devonshire, was lord of this toun and castelle.
And after Isabella de Fortibus, the last of that familie, was lady of it. Many gentilmen hold their landes of this castelle.
This Isabella gave great privileges to her town of Plymton, wher yet is a pratie market.
The Courteneis, Erles of Devonshir, were syns lordes of this town.
From Plymtoun Thomas to Le [a] bridge of stone of 3. archis.
This bridge stondith on Yaulme [b] water, and a 2. miles lower on it is Yaulm bridge, and a mile lower it goith to the se, a 4. miles, as I esteme, by south est from the main mouth of Plym water.
This river risith by north north est.
From Le bridge to Ivy bridge a 3. miles.
The ryver of Arme, [c] or Armine, rennith under this bridge, and a 2. miles lower on it is Armington bridge.
Sum say that part of Philippe King of Castelle navie was driven toward the mouth of this water, wher is no haven, but periculus rokkes. This river risith by north est, and rennith apon great rokky stones with no smaul noise.
From Ivy bridge to Modbury a 2. miles.
The ground is fertile of corne and pasture, and sum good wooddes betwixt Plymtoun Thomas and Modburie.
The tounelette of Modbury is privilegid, and hath diverse hamlettes longging onto it.
Sum say that the Ruans, sum say that the Oxtons were lordes of Mudbury.
Campernulph is now chief lord there: and he told me
[a] Lee Mill Bridge.
[b] Yealm r.
[c] Erme r.
that Oxton was lord of it immediately afore the Campernulphes: but he contendid that the Campernulphes were lordes of it afore the Oxtons.
Campernulphe of Modburies graundfather maried the sole doughter and heyre of Childerle of Devonshir by Excester: and had 80. li. land by her.
Ther was a nother house of the Campernulphes more auncient, caullid Campernulphe of Bere. The last of this house left a doughter and heire caullid Blanch, and she was first maried onto Copestan of Devonshir: and after devorcid and maried onto the Lorde Brooke, steward onto Henry the vij. and he had by her a 700. markes of land by yere.
There dwellith one Prideaux in Modburi, a gentilman of an auncient stoke and fair landes, ontil be chaunce that one of his parentes killid a man: wherby one of the Courteneis Erle of Devonshire had Colum John and other landes of the Prideaux.
Prideaux isle in Modbury chirch. Hille a gentilman in Modburi paroche. This name rose by a lawier and juge that left onto his heires a 300. markes of land.
The grand father of Hille now lyving sold an 100. li. land.
Ther is one of the Fortecues dwelling in Modbury, whos father had to wife the mother of Syr Philip Chaumburne now lyving.
Ther was a house of monk aliens of the French order at Modbyri. The site of their mansion is yet seene on the north side of the chirche. The founder was ther scant knowen. I take it that Ruan or Oxton were founders of it.
This priory with the personage of Modbyri impropriate was given yn King Edward the 4. tyme to Eyeton College.
From Modbyri to the forde, wher I passid over Awne [a] ryver, about a 4. or 5. miles.
This water cummith by Estbrenton, [b] and a litle lower even by the toun is a bridge over Aune.
Estbrenton is in the highway betwixt Plymmouth and Excestre.
Estbrenton is a vj. miles from the forde, wher I passid over Awne, and Garebridge [c] on Aune is a 2. miles lower.
[a] Avon r.
[b] ? South Brent.
[c] Garabridge.
Mr. Stoure house a litle beyonde this ford on an hille side.
Awne and Arme rivers go to the se at Arme mouthe.
From this forde to Rostbridge a 2. miles, wher I passid over a brooke caullid communely Harburne Water: but it is written, as I lernid, Hurbertoun.
This ryver cummith out of a welle a 2. miles by north est above Rostbridge, and goith from Rostbridge a 2. miles lower to Bowbridge in the valley betwixt Ascheprentoun and Corneworthy. And a litle lower is a creke of salt water breking into 2. crekes or armes at the hedde, wherof the one receivith Hurberton water, the other castith up toward Corneworthy.
From Rostbridge to Totenes a 2. miles. Al the ground betwixt Modbyri and Totenes plentiful of good gresse, corn and woodde.
The towne of Totenes lyith along from the toppe of an high rokky hille by west onto the roote of it by est. This toun hath beene waullid: but the waulles be now clene downe.
A man may see wher the foundation was of them.
Ther be yet 3. gates by west, est and ...
The castelle of Totenes stondith on the hille north west of the towne. The castelle waul and the stronge dungeon be maintainid. The logginges of the castelle be clene in ruine. Many gentilmen hold their landes by gard and service to this castelle.
The Lordes Zouches were long time lordes of this town and castel, now Eggecombe by gift of atteindure of Zouche.
King John gave first privilege of a mairalte to Totenes.
King Edward the first augmentid the libertes of Totenes.
There is but one paroch chirch in Totenes, and that is set in the midle of the toun. Ther is a greate steple tour, and the greatest belles in al those quarters.
There was a priorie of Blak Monkes at the north est side of this paroch chirch impropriate to the priorie of Totenes.
There is an hospitale by the chirch yarde.
Ther is a lazar house on the south part of the toun endowid with sum landes.
Totenes Bridge on Darte of 7. archis.
Litle Totenes a flite shot byneth Totenes Bridge.
The toune of Totenes is servid with conducta of water having 3. castellettes in the toune.
Delabont Lord of Litle Totenes erectid ther a celle of freres ord. S. Trinitatis.
Oldham Bisshop of Excestre suppressid this house, and gave the landes to the vicars of the cathedrale chirch of Excestre.
Byri Pomerey Town lyith hard on the est ende of Totenes Bridge. Byry Pomerey [a] chirch almost a mile of: and Byri Pomerey castelle aboute half a mile from the chirch.
Dartington Park half a mile above Totenes Bridge, on the same ripe of the water that Totenes is. In this park is a great maner place that longid to the Duke of Excester. S. Liger, that maried the Duches of Excester, kept house in this place.
A litle lower then this parke cummith down on the same ripe a brooke from west caullid Gulle, [b] and goith into Darte Ryver.
The river of Darte by tinne workes carieth much sand to Totenes Bridge, and chokith the depth of the ryver all downeward, and doth much hurt to Dertmouth Haven.
Derte Ryver cummith out of Dartemore, and the hed of it is rekenid to be a 15. miles above Totenes.
Dertmore is of very greate compace, and is suche a wilde morisch and forest ground as Exmore is.
Bridgges on Darte Ryver.
From Totenes to Aschprenton [c] by hilly but fruteful ground a 2. miles.
Thens to Corneworthy Village by like ground a mile, and here was a priorie of nunnes lately suppressid.
In the valley bytwene Corneworthi and Ascheprenton rennith a brooke caullid Hurbertoun Water [d] communely Harburne.
[a] Berry Pomeroy.
[b] ? Bidwell brook.
[c] Ashprington.
[d] Harbourne r.
This water cummith out of a welle spring, and so renning about a 2. miles passith thorough a stone bridg caullid Roste. Thens a 2. miles lower to Bowbridge, and ther goith into salt water that crekithinto the land out of the maine streame of Dartmouth Haven.
This creke at the hedde brekith for a litle space up into 2. armes. The one goith up toward Bowbridge, [a] the other to Corneworthi.
From Corneworthy to Dertmouth by like ground a 4. miles.
About half a mile above Dertmouth town is a creke goyng out of the maine streame of the haven caullid Old Mylle Creke.
There is a tounlet or I enterid into Dermouth toune Arnesse. caullid Hardenesse inhabitid most by fisschar men and sum marchauntes, having in it a chapel of Clare: and also the great ruines of Hauley's Haul, an exceding rich marchant and a noble warriour.
There is only a bay fillid by fluddes with salt water, driving at the ebbe 2. milles, that devideth Ardenes from Dertmouth Town: and over this bay is a stone causey and 2. flatte bridgges.
Ther be evident tokens that of old tyme ther hath beene much building betwixt the toun of Dertmouth now inhabitid and Stoke Fleminge, wherapon it must folow that Old Dertmouth stode that way, or els that Stoke Fleming was larger then it is now.
The toune of Dertmouth lyith in lenght on a very rokky hille on the haven side, about half a mile from the very mouth of it, and extendith in lenghth aboute a quarter of a mile. There be good marchaunt men in the towne: and to this haven long good shippes.
This toune is servid with conduct water. There is a fair chirch in the towne, but it is but a membre of the paroche chirch of Tunstale, b half a mile of on the top of an hille.
Sum think that wher the personage house of Tunstalle now is was sumtyme an house or celle of French monkes.
The personage of Tunstalle was impropriate to Torrebay Abbay.
[a] Bow.
[b] Townstall.
John Hawley, a riche marchant and noble warrior again the French men, lyith burid afore the high altare with his 2. wives in Dertmouth chirch. Obiit ao. Di. 1403.
Copestan, now a man of great landes in Devonshire, maried the heir generale of Hawley, wherby his landes were much augmentid.
The Briens, emong whom Guy Brien was famose, were lordes of Dertemouth towne.
King John gave privilege of a mairalte to Dertmouth. Edward the 3. gave licens to the town of Dertmouth to purchase. King Edwarde the 4. gave xx. li. fee to Dertmouth towne. Richard the 3. gave x. li. more: and Henry the 7. x. li. A faire bulwark made of late in Dertmouthe toune.
There be 2. towers at the haven mouth and a chaine to draw over; one of those toures stondith by Sir George Carew castelle caullid Stoke Fleming at the haven mouth. Bridges on Teigne.
The hedde of Teigne-Mouth is a 20. miles from Teignemouth that risith in Darte-More at a place caullid Teigne Hed.
Jagforde [a] Bridge and toune; the bridge is half a mile above the towne, having a market and 2. faires.
This bridge is a 4. or 5. miles from the hed.
Clifford Bridg of stone a 4. miles lower.
Brideford Bridg of stone 4. miles and more lower.
Chiddeley [b] Bridge of stone a 5. miles lower.
Teigne Bridge a 3. miles lower.
This bridge is in the midle way betwixt Newton Busshel market toun and Kings Steinton. [c]
Newtoun Busshel is a mile from Teigne, as I cam, ripa citeriori.
Kinges Steinton a litle from Teigne, as I cam, ripa ulteriori.
Leman Water [d] cummith by Newton Busshel from north west a 5. miles of. Leman Water cummith a mile byneth Newton into Teigne. Aller Water risith about a 3. mile by
[a] Chagford.
[b] Chudleigh.
[c] Kingsteignton.
[d] Lemon r.
south west from the place wher it goith into Teine almost at the same place and ripe wher Leman dothe.
The mariners at Dertmouth counte the haven of Plymmouth to be about a kenning from Dartemouth.
Saultecumbe [a] Haven, sumwhat barrid and having a rok at the entering into it, is about a vij. miles by west south west from Dertmouth: and aboute half a mile withyn the mouth of this haven longging to the privilege of Dertmouth is Saultcombe a fisshar toune.
The est point of Saltcombe Haven is a great foreland into the se caullid the Sterte. [b]
Hilton [c] Castelle, longing to Courteney of Poudreham, is about a mile above Saltcomb on the same side of the haven.
And a 3. miles upper at this haven hed is Kingesbridg, sumtyme a praty town.
Slaptoun a praty college toward the shore is almost in the midle way betwixt Dertmouth and Saltcombe Haven. Guy Brien was founder of this college.
Ther is a very large poole at Slapton a 2. miles in lenghth. Ther is but a barre of sand betwixt the se and this poole.
The fresch water drenith into the se thorough the sandy bank. The waite of the fresch water and rage of the se brekith sumtime this sandy bank. Good fisch in Slapton Poole.
Arme Haven [d] is a ... miles above Saultcombe Haven. The mouth of this lyith ful of flattes and rokkes, and no ship cummith in tempest hither, but in desperation. Too of Philip King of Castelle shippes felle to wrak in this haven when he was dryven into England by tempeste.
Arme Ryver cummith to this haven: And, as I hard say, Aune Ryver likewise.
Yaulme [e] Haven ... miles above Arme Haven.
Yaulme Ryver resortith to this haven.
From Yaulme Mouth to Plymmouth.
I ferid over from Dartmouth Toun to Kingeswere a praty
[a] Salcombe.
[b] Start Point.
[c] Ilton.
[d] Erme Mouth.
[e] Yealm.
fisschar towne againe Dertmouth, wherof Sir George Carew is lorde.
This toun standith as a pointelet into the haven.
These thinges I markid on the est side of the mouth of Dermouthe Haven:
First a great hilly point caullid Doune, and a chapel on it, half a mile farther in to the se then the west poynt of the haven. Bytwixt Downesend and a pointlet caullid Wereford is a litle bay.
Were is not a mile from Downesend inner into the haven. Kingeswere toun standith out as a nother pointelet, and bytwixt it and Wereford is a praty litle bay.
A litle above Kingeswere town goith a litle crek up into the land from the maine streame of the haven caullid Water Hed, a place meete to make shippes yn.
About half a mile above Water Hed goith into the land a creke long in respect of the first, caullid the Nesse [a] Creeke.
And a mile above this is a greate creke caullid Gaunstoun [b] Creek, and Gaunston Village stondith at the hed of it.
This creeke hedde is heere about half from the maine se by the cumpasing of it in Torrebay.
From Kinges Were to Gaunton a 3. miles by hilly ground.
From Gaunton to Pentown [c] almost 3. miles. Here cummith downe a praty broke, and renning by the shore sandes goith into the se in Torrebay.
Torrebay Village [d] and Priorie a mile of.
There is a peere and socour for fisshar bootes in the botom by Torre Priory.
In this Abbay by 3. fair gate houses.
William Bruer the first made this house on his own ground. Bruer bought Torre Mohun therby and gave it to this abbay. Petrus filius Mathaei there buried gave land to it. Dawney gave Northton to this priory ... is eakre a rich merchant gave much to this priory.
The west point of Torrebay is caullid Byri: [e] and more then within a mile of this point is a praty towne of fischar men
[a] Noss.
[b] Galmpton.
[c] Paignton.
[d] Torquay.
[e] Berry Head.
caullid Brixham: and this towne is a membre of the privilege of Dertmouth, and hath a peere by it.
Men of Dertmouth caulle it but 5. miles betwixt the mouth of Dert and Torre, but I take it to be more, and that but only to Byri Pointe. [a]
I take the bay of Torre by estimation to be a x. miles and more in cumpace, and Byri and Peritorre [b] Pointes be distant a greate lege, that is about a 4. miles.
Fisschar men hath divers tymes taken up with theyr nettes yn Torrebay musons of hartes, wherby men juge that yn tymes paste it hath be forest grounde.
I markid almost in the midle of this bay one house sette on the hard shore: and a smaul peere by it as a socour for fischar botes.
The est point of Torrebay ys caullid Petitorre, [b] and to the sight it is not so much pointid into the se as Byri Hed is.
Ther is by Peritorre a great rokke caullid Isleston, as an isle environid with the se.
Ther is an other rokky isle far bigger then Isleston, and is caullid Horestane. [c] It lyith a mile by south est into the se from Peritorre Point.
There is also an islet caullid Blak Rok. This lyith by the shore about a mile by south est from Peritorre toward Teignmouth. From Petitore to Teignmouth by a shore a litle baying in a v. miles scant.
The hole ground bytwixt Torrebay and Exmouth booth sumwhat to the shore and especially inward is wel inclosid, fruteful of corne and grasse, and meatly welle woddid: and this quarter is caullid the Southhammes being the fruteful est part of all Devonshire.
From Torrebay priorie and town [d] to Hacham [e] a 3. miles.
Hacham lordship of olde tyme longgid to one of the
[a] Berry Head.
[b] Petit Tor; but the present Hope's Nose seems intended.
[c] Oar Stone.
[d] Torquay.
[e] Haccombe.
Archidekens, of whom ther be dyverse fair tumbes in the chirch ther.
This lordship with other landes cam to one of the Carews, and diverse of this name be also buried in the same chirch.
The very utter west point of the land at the mouth of Teigne is caullid the Nesse, and is very hy redde clif ground.
The est point of this haven is caullid the Poles. This is a low sandy grounde other cast out by the spring of sand out of Teigne, or els throuen up from the shores by rage of wynd and water: and this sand occupieth now a great quantite of ground bytwene Teignmouth towne, wher the ground mountith, and Teignmouth Haven.
Ther be too tounes at this point of the haven by name of Teignemouth, one hard joining to the other: the souther of them is Teignmouth Regis, [a] wher is a market and a chirch of S. Michael, and a peace of an embatelid waul again the shore: and this is taken for the elder town; and at the west side of this town is a peace of the sanddy ground afore spoken of, ther caullid the Dene, wheron hath beene not many yeres sins diverse howses and wine celler.
The inhabitantes ther telle how their toun hath bene defacid by the Danes, and of late tyme by the Frenchmen. The other toun caullid Teignemouth Episcopi [b] standith a lytle by north on the same shore upper into the haven.
Ther is a chirch S. Jacobi.
Teigne ebbith and flowith up a five miles not to but as far as Newton Bushelle. [c]
First I markid a litle start above the haven mouth on the west side of it, a creeke caullid Stoken Teigne Hed, no great thing.
Ther is another creeke called Come Teignehed [d] about half a mile upper into the haven, and this goeth a litle farther into the land then Stoken Teignehead.
From Teignemouth to Exmouthe about a 4. miles. From Exmouth to Exchester a 7. miles.
[a] Kingsteignton.
[b] Bishopsteignton.
[c] Part of Newton Abbot.
[d] Combeinteignhead.
Sepulchra Eccl. Exon.
In sacello S. Mariae coram Altari sub plane marmore jace. Petrus Quivil. Petra tegit Petrum nihil officiat tibi tetrum.
In boreali parte ejusdem sacel. sub arcu.
Hic jacet Edmundus de Stafforde intumulatus, Quondam profundus legum doctor reputatus. Verbis facundus, comitum de stirpe creatus: Felix et mundus pater hujus pontificatus.
In australiparte ejusdem sub arcu.
Gualterus Brounescombe Epus Exon. Fundator collegii de Glasney apud Penrine. Olim sincerus pater omni dignus amore. Primus Walterus magno jacet hic in honore. Edidit hic plura dignissima laude statuta, Quae tanquam jura servant hic omnia tuta. Atque hoc collegium, quod Glaseney plebs vocat omnis, Condidit egregium, pro voce data sibi somnis. Quot loca construxit, pictatis quot bona fecit, Quam sanctam duxit vitam, vox dicere nequit? Laudibus immensis jubilet gens Exoniensis, Et chorus et turbae, quia natus in hac fuit urbe. Plus si scire velis, festum statuit Gabrielis. Gaudeat in coelis igitur pater iste fidelis.
In presbyterio coram supremo altari.
Tho. Bytten Epus Exon. Bruer Epus Exon. fundator 4. dignit, Eccl. Exon.
In australiparte presbyterii.
In Berkley natus jacet hic Jacobus tumulatus.
In borealiparte presbyterii.
Stapletun Epus Exon. Lacey: whos tumbe Heines Dene of Excester defacid. Henricus Mareschal Epus Exon.
In australi insula chori.
Oldham Epus Exon. Chichester miles.
In boreali insula chori.
Speke in quodam sacello. Stapletun miles e regione sepulchri Stapletun Epi Exon. fratris ejus.
In transepto ecclesiae ad austrum.
Joannes Epus Exon.
In navi ecclesiae.
Hugo Courteney Comes Devoniae et Margareta ejus uxor, filia et Heres. Brentingham Epus Exon. in boreali insula navis ecclesiae e regione tumuli Hugonis Courteney Comitis Devoniae. Joannes de Grandison extra portam occidentalem navis eccl. in sacello. Joannes Thesaurarius Exon. Ecclesiae fecit capellam Carnariae in coemiterio cathedr. eccl. Exon.
The town of Excester is a good mile and more in cumpace, and is right strongly waullid and mainteinid.
Ther be diverse fair towers in the toun waul bytwixt the south and the west gate.
As the waulles have be newly made, so have the old towers decayed.
The castelle of Excester standith stately on a high ground bytwixt the est gate and the north.
Ther be 4. gates in the toune by the names of est, west, north and south.
The est and the west gates be now the fairest and of one fascion of building; the south gate hath beene the strongest.
There be diverse fair streates in Excester, but the high streate, that goith from the west to the est gate, is the fairest.
In this streate be castella, aquaeductus, et domus civica.
There be xv. paroche chirchis in the towne.
The cathedrale chirch of S. Peter and Paule: the cimiterie wherof having 4. gates is environid with many fair housis.
The college house, wher the cantuarie prestes lyith, made of late tyme by John Rese Deane of St. Burianes.
The Vicares College.
The Carnarie chapelle in the cemitery, made by one John Tresurer of the cathedrale chirch of Excester.
A chapelle in the cimiterie.
There was a priorie of S. Nicolas, a celle to Bataille-Abbay, in the north side of the toune.
Joannes de Grandisono Bisshop of Excester made an hospitale of S. John, and endowid it with landes. This hospitale is hard by the est gate.
There is an other poore hospitale in the toun wherin yet sik men be kepte.
There was an house of Gray Freres bytwixt the north and west gate neere the towne waulle, now a plain vacant ground caullid Frerenhay.
Bytten Bisshop of Excester remevid thens the Gray Freres, and buildid them an house a litle without the south gate.
There was an house of Blake Freres in the north side of the cemiterie of the cathedrale chirch, but withoute the close.
The Lorde Russelle hath made hym a fair place of this house.
There appere 2. fragmentes of inscriptions of the Romaines sette by chaunce of later tymes in the town waulle renewid on the bak side of this house sumtyme longging to the Blak Freres. One of them stanjdith in a tower of the waul, the other is in the waull hard by the tower.
The suburbe that lyith without the est gate of Excester is the biggest of al the suburbes of the towne, and berith the name of S. Sithewelle, where she was buried, and a chirch dedicate ther to her name.
The surburbe without the north gate is caullid S. David downe, alias ...
The suburbe without the west gate is caullid S. Thomas suburbe.
In this suburbe is a greate stone bridge of 14. arches over Ex river.
The suburbe without the south gate is caullid by the name of S. Magdalene.
Bridges on Ex.
Excester Bridg of xiiij. archis.
Cowley a mile and more upward, having a xij. archis undre the Gut and Causey.
Thorberton [a] about a 4. miles upper.
Tuverton [b] Bridge a v. miles upper.
Tuverton Town is on the est ripe of Ex ryver.
Ex vita S. Rumwaldi auctore incerto.
Rumwoldi pater rex fuit Northanhumbr.
Rumwoldi mater filia Pendae Regis Merciorum.
Rumwoldus natus in Sutthun pago.
Rumwoldus baptizatus apud Sutthun ab Widerino Epo.
Rumwoldus ab Eadwoldo Presbytero in baptismate susceptus.
Rumwoldus 3. tantum vixit diebus.
Rumwoldus obiit 3. Nonas Novembr.
Rumwoldus sepultus est ab Aedwoldo in Sutthun.
Ano, sequente translatus est ab Widerino in Braceleam.
Ano, ab ejus obitu 3. translatus est in Buccingaham.
Ex vita S. Brinstani Epi Ventani, qui successit Fridestano tempore Aethelstani Regis.
Brinstanus constituit Xenodochium ante portam Ventanae urbis.
Obiit Beatus Brinstanus ao. 935. Ano. Reg. Aedelstani Regis 11o.
[a] Thorverton.
[b] Tiverton.
Sepultus est Ventae.
Successit Brinstano Aedelwoldus.
Ex Vita S. Winnoci.
Quadanocus, Ingenocus, Madocus et Winocus Britones monachi in Sithui Monasterio cui praeerat Bertinus.
Ex Vita S. Willebrordi.
Willebrordus filius Wilgis monachi in Coenobio S. Andreae in Northumbria.
Willebrordus Hagustaldunum Scottos petiit.
Willebrordus Epus Trajectensis.
In Bibliotheca Exoniensi.
Dialogus Barptolemei Episcopi Exon. contra Judaeos ad Balduinum Archiepiscopum Cantuar. - Quamvis fides Catholica.
Eulogium Joannis Cornubiensis ad Alexandrum 3. Pont. Ro. - In Concilio Turonensi quod dudum congregasti.
Bacon de aspectibus lunae ad alios planetas.
Bacon de victoria Christi contra Antichristum.
Bacon de copia vel inopia cujuscunque hominis ex nativitate ex horis solis in 12. signis.
Fasciculi Zizaniorum Joan. Wiclif.
Tractatus Arnulphi monachi de corpore et sang. Dni.
Odo Parisiensis super Psalterium.
Ex Vita Sanctae Sativolae.
Benna pater Sativolae.
Sativola nata Exoniae.
Sativola dolo novercae a Feniseca amputato capite occisa, ut suburbana praedia ei praeriperet.
Fons Sativolae.
Ecclesia constructa in honorem Sativolae.
Joannes de Grandisono abbreviavit Legendas Sanctorum in usum Exon. Eccles. ao. D. 1336o.
Ex Charta Edwardi de Donat. Cathedr. Eccl. Exon. et Leofrico Episcopo.
Eadwardus rex et Eadgydis regina.
Cornubiensem Dioecesim, quae olim in Beati Germani memoria atque Petroci veneratione Episcopali solio adsignata fuerat, ipsam cum omnibus suis adjacentibus paroeciis [a] terris, villis, opibus, beneficiis, S. Peiro in Exon. civitate trado, scilicet ut una sit sedes episcopalis unumque pontificium etuna ecclesiastica regula propter paucitatem atque devastationem bonorum et populorum, quoniam pyratici Cornubiensem ac Cridiensem ecclesias devastare poterant, acper hoc in civitate Exonia tutiorem munitionem adversus hostes habere visum est.
Testes Donat. Edwar. Regis.
Leofricus Dux.
Siwardus Dux.
Spegen Dux.
Haraldus Dux.
Radulphus Dux.
Tosti Dux.
Thinges notable on the west shore of Exmouth Haven. There lyith a great vaste plaine and baren sandy feld at the west side and very point of Exmouth Haven:
And in the west part of this haven mouth a litle above this sand goith in a creke a mile or therabout into the land. Sum caulle it Kenton Creke.
Kenton personage impropriate to Saresbyri Chirch.
A 2. miles upper in the haven from this creeke is Kenton, a very pety thoroughfare: and a right goodly chirch in it.
[a] Parochiis.
This tounlet is within a very litle of the main streme of the haven.
Powderham late Sir William Courteneis castelle; it stondith on the haven shore a litle above Kenton. Sum say that a lady being a widow buildid this castelle; it is strong, and hath a barbican or bulwark to bete the haven. I think that it was Isabella de Fortibus.
Passing from Kenton I cam to ... village a 2. miles of, seing a praty lake on the lift hond, and an issue out of it.
Thens to Exminstre a praty townlet, wher be ruines of a maner place embatelid in the front. I trow it longid to the Marquise of Excester.
Thinges notable on the est side of Exmouth.
Exmouth a fisschar tounlet a litle withyn the haven mouth.
Apsham [a] a praty tounlet on the shore a 4. miles upper in the haven. Heere is the great trade and rode for shippes that usith this haven: and especially for the shippes and marchant mennes goodes of Excester.
Men of Excester contende to make the haven to cum up to Excester self.
At this tyme shippes cum no farther up but to Apsham.
Ex legenda sanctorum secundum usum Exonien. eccl. auctore Joanne Grandisono episcopo Exon.
Ex vita S. Bonefacii archiepiscopi.
Bonefacius in West Saxonum provintia Angl. apud Creditoniam in Devonia ortus est.
Pater ejus direxit ilium ad monasterium Examcestre, quod modo Exonia dicitur, et abbati Wulfhardo commendavit.
[a] Topsham.
Bonefacius cum confratribus Trajectum petiit ut evangelium praedicaret: sed infecto opere domum rediit.
Bonefacius a Daniele episcopo Wentano Uteris commendatus Romam petiit.
Bonefacius apostolus a Gregorio juniore episcopo Ro. missus ad Bavaros, Thuringos et Fresones evangelium praedicavit tanquam Willebrordi cooperator.
Bonefacius in Madeburgh cellam construens Hessis evangelizavit
Bonefacius factus archiepiscopus a Gregorio 3. pont. Ro.
Ex vita S. Gul. archiepiscopi Ebor.
Gulielmusfilius Hereberti comitis strenuiss. ex Emma sorore Stephani regis Angl.
Ex vita S. Cuthburgae.
Cuthburga Kenredi regis Westsax. filia, soror Inae regis et S. Kenburgae virginis.
Cuthburga nupsit Alchfrido regi Northumbr. eruditiss.
Cuthburga servata virginitate a marito obtinuit ut se ad monasterium conferret: unde constructo apud Winburne coenobio virginum coetum collegit.
Ex vita S. Melori.
Melorus filius Meliani regis Cornubiae.
Haurilla comitis Riuoldi filia in Devonia orta mater S. Melori.
Riuoldus fratricida et invasor Cornubiae nepotem suum Melorum altero pede et manu altera privavit.
Melorus enutritus in coenobio S. Corentini.
Melorus consilio Riboldi patrui sui a nutritio suo occisus est.
Ex vita Thomae Cantelupi episcopi Herefordensis.
Cantelupus natione Angl.
Cantel: factus Capellanus Innocentii 4. pont. Ro.Lugduni in quodam concilio. Thomas postea studuit Aureliae in legibus civilibus.
Cantelupus cancellarius Henrici 3. regis Angl.
Cantelupus factus doctor theolog. Oxon. tempore Roberti de Kilwarby archiepiscopi Cantuar.
Cantelupus recuperavit dominium venationis de Malverne a comite Glocestriae.
Cantelupus orta inter ilium et Joannem Pecham archiepiscopum Cantuariens. lite de jure suae eccl. adpont. Ro. appellavit, ac ad urbem veterem pervenit.
Cantelupus ad Florentinum juxta montem Flasconis divertit, ubi et obiit ao, D. 1282.
Ossa ejus postea delata ad Hereforden. eccl.
Ex charta Edwardi confess, regis Angl. de translat. sedis episc. ad Exoniam.
Constituo cathedram sedis episco. in monaster. S. Petri intra moenia civitatis Exon.
Eadgydis uxor Edwardi confess.
Constituta sedes episcop. in Exonia tanquam in loco tutiori.
Ex vita Karantoci.
Karant. filius Keretici regis Britan.
Karant. construxit oratorium in loco quidictus Guerith Karantauc.
Karanton, i.e. villa Karantoci, locus datus Karant:
Ex vita Pirani.
Piranus, qui et Pieranus, et Kyeranus, de Hibernia oriundus in provint. Ostrige.
Domuel Pater Pirani, mater ejus Wingela dicta.
Piranus discipulus S. Patritii.
Piranus venit in Britan:
Piranus obiit et sepultus est in Britannia.
Wingela mater Pirani in loco prope filium cum Sanctis virginibus habitabat.
Bruinet filia cujusdam reguli.
Syr Rafe Chenduit, Baron of Chenduites Langelegh that now is Freren Langelegh in Hertfordshir.
Syr John Chenduit his sunne.
Syr Rafe Chenduit Syr John sun.
William Chenduit Syr Rafe sun.
Thomas Chenduit Rafes sun.
John Chenduit sun to Thomas.
Ex charta Richardi comitis Cornubiae de libertatibus de Lostwithiel et Penkenek.
Penkenek, nunc pars Burgi de Lostwithiel, discernitur rivulo ab altera parte Burgi.
Testes. Robertus de Esthal archidiac. Wigorn.
Reginaldus de Boterellis, nunc Botreaux.
Philippus de Bodrigan.
Thomas le Archideken.
Alanus Bloyon.
Rogerus de Bodrigan.
Gul. de Lancoik,
Michael de Northampton.
Joannes Beuprai, i.e. de bello prato, tunc senescallo et vicecomite nostro Cornubiae.
Datum apud Watlington 12. anno reg. Richardi regis Ro. et comitis Cornubiae.
Ex vita S. Fimbarri.
Fimbarrus in Durconensi natus oppido.
Erat enim filius Armagin, filii Diducui, filii Airth, filii Elavil, filii Ecocac, filii Caprii Degen, quern bestia nutrivit in heremo.
Fimbarrus in baptismo Joannes dictus.
Postea a pulchritudine capillorum Fimbarrus dictus.
Corpensis episcopus praeceptor Fimbarri.
Fimbarrus Albaniam petiit.
Fimbarrus consecratus in episcopum a Gregorio episcopo Ro.
Fimbarrus in Hiberniam rediens fit episcopus Corcagensis.
Nomina Episcoporum Exon. Eccl.
Leofricus. Joannes Graunson. Osbertus. Thomas Brantingham. Gul. Warmest. Gul. Courteney.
Robertas. Edmundus Stafforde. Barptolemeus. John Katerek. Joannes. Edmundus Lacey. Henricus. Georgius Neville. Simon. John Bouth. Gul. Brewer. Peter Courteney. Richardus. Richardus Fox. Gualterus primus. Oliver King. Petrus. John Arundel. Thomas Bytton. Richard Redmayne. Gualterus Stapleton. Hugo Oldeham. James Berkeley.
The cathedrale chirch of Excester remaynid after the tyme of Leofricus, the first Bisshop of Excester, after one rate to the tyme of Peter the first, that began the cathedrale chirch, now standing in Excester, and levied a subsidie of the clargie of his diecese to the setting forward of it.
Joannes de Grandisono Bisshop of Excester enlargid the west part of the chirch, making vij. archis wher afore the plot was made but of v.
This Joannes voltid the body of the cathedrale chirch of Excester.
This Joannes Grandisonus convertid the landes and frutes of S. Marie Oterey to a collegiate chirch.
Sum think that ther was a celle of French monkes at Oterey: or an house of religion yn Fraunce with landes there. The wich celle or landes Graunson convertid to the use of the college now beyng in Oterey.
This Joannes Grandisonus chaungid an hold fundation of an hospital of S. John's in Excester and melioratid it, putting crossid brethern in it.
This Joannes Grandisonus turnid an old almose house of xij. poore menne, and as many women, to whom nomination was given fratres Calendarum, to the use of the logging of the vicares chorales in the cathedrale chirch of Excester.
Brentingham Bisshop of Excester finishid this college in building.
Hugh Oldham Bisshop of Excester gave and procurid a
litle celle of freres Ordinis S. Trinitatis at Totenes ... comune tablinge in the ...
Joannes de Grandisono collectid the legendes as they be now redde in divine services in the diocese of Excester.
Bisshop Stapleton of Excester voltid the Presbyterie.
Bisshop Stapleton made also the riche front of stone worke at the high altare in the cathedrale chirch of Excester: and also made the riche silver table in the midle of it. Yet sum say that Bisshop Lacye made this sylver table; but ther is no lykelyhod yn it.
Bisshop Neville, as I hard say, made the Chapitre House as it is now at Excester.
Syns I hard that Edmund Lacy began the Chapitre House, and Neville performid it.
Ex Chronico quodam.
S. Edwardus Confessor ao regni sui sexto Dni no. 1044o. quidam Lewinus habirit istos tres episcopatus, Wigorniensem, Cornubiensem et Cridiensem. Istoque mortuo, successit ei Leofricus ultimus Epus Cornubiae et primus Exon.
Ex Tabula quadam de Genealogia Joannis Grandisoni Epi Exon.
Hic erat filius Gut. Grandisoni degenere Imperatoris, qui frater fuit nobilissimi Dnl Othonis de Grandisono in Burgundia Dioecesis Lausenensis ubi Castrum de Grandisono est situm firmis saxis.
Mater istius Episcopi erat Dna Sybilla filia et semiheres Domini Joannis Tregor decora, Dni Castri de Ewisham Herefordiam juxta, ubi terras, dominia possidebat et castra.
Qui Tregor fuit filius Dnae Julianae sororis Sa. Thomae de Cantilupo Epl Herefordensis.
Idem Joannes Grandison habebat quatuor fratres germanos nobiles Petrum et Othonem Milites, Thomam ac Gulielmum clericos spirituales, temporalia et spiritualia strenue regentes.
Insuper idem Episcopus quatuor sorores habebat, Agnetem, quae Dno Joanni de Norwode nubebat, Mabillam
secundam Dns Joannes de Pateshul ducebat, qui multos viriliter bellando devincebat, Matildem tertiam monialem ac priorissam de Acomebyri, et vita semper devotissimam. Catarinam quartam Dno Gulielmo spetiosam De Monte Acuto Comiti de Sarum nuptam; de qua duos filios cito progenuit, Gulielmum, qui unicam filiam maritavit Dni Edmundi nobilis Comitis tunc Cantiae, Fratris Edwardi Regis, utentis tunc Corona Angliae. Edwardus Rex a Conquestu 2 s. erat iste.
Joannes secundus filius audacitatis mirae Dni Thomae de Monthermer unicam filiam duxit, cujus Mater Joanna Comitissa Gloverniae fuit soror praedicti Edwardi Regis, militiaque floruit.
Ex eadem Catarina Gulielmus 3. filias genuit.
Prima erat Elizabeth, formosa vocabatur, Dno Egidio de Badelesmer statim maritatur. Et post mortem illius Dno Hugoni Spenser sponsaiur. Qui in suis actibus militiosus vocabatur.
Secunda filia nomine vocata Sybilla Edmundo filio et heredi libere fuit data Comitis Arundeliae: et tertia Philippa Rogero de Mortuo mari quam cito conjugata.
Obiit Joannes Graunson praesul Exon. ao, milleno ter centeno sexageno undeno.
This inscription is graven in a flatte marble stone, under the which Guliam Bruer Bisshop of Excester is buried:
Hic jacet Gut. Bruer Epus Exon. primus fundator quatuor dignitatum hujus Ecclesie.
The Graunt of King Edward the Confessor was that the landes of viij. monkes that were yn his tyme yn the abbay of Excester should be distributid emong 20. prebendaries.
From Excester to Cowley Bridge about a mile. There brekith out a litle above this bridge an arme out of Ex ryver as I cam to the bridge ripa citer., and after dryving certein milles returnith into Ex above Excester.
From Cowley Bridge to Syriok Newton [a] Bridg of 4. archis
[a] Newton St. Cyres.
over Cride [a] Ryver a 2. miles dim. and half a mile farther is the village or tounlet of Syriak Newton.
From Newton to Crideton 2. miles.
The ground betwixt Excester and Crideton [b] exceding fair corn, gresse and wood.
There is a praty market in Kirton. [b]
The toun usith clothing, and most therby lyvith.
The place wher the old cathedrale chirch of Crideton stoode is now occupied with buildinges of houses by the new chirch yarde side. The olde chirch was dedicate to S. Gregory.
The chirch ther now stonding hath no maner or token of antiquite.
One Sir John Scylley a knight and his wyfe sumtyme dwellyng in that paroche be buried in the north part of the transsept of this.
The bisshop of Excester hath a maner place or palace by the chirch yarde, and to this maner place longith a parke.
Ther is a deane, and he is as the curate; but he is no prebendarie of course.
Ther be xij. good prebendes in Kirton, beside certen bursaries, ministers and choristes.
Crideton stondith on the west ripe of Cride Water.
Cride Water risith about a 2. miles by north west above Crideton, and so descendith to Crideton, and 3 miles dim. lower goith under Newton Bridg of 4. arches, and thens about a ij. miles dim. lower rennith under a stone bridge of 2. arches cawllid ... and scant half a mile lower goith flat south into Ex river a litle above Cowley Bridge.
From Excester to Clist [c] Bridg a 3. myles. Under this stone bridge archid rennith a pratie broke caullid ...
This broke goyng about half a mile lower rennith by Clist, the Bisshop of Excester goodly manor place.
A 5. miles farther I passid by a forde over a riveret caullid Tale, that a mile dim. lower above S. Mari Oterey toun goith into Oterey Water.
Ther is a bridge off stone by the ford of Tale. From this
[a] Creedy.
[b] Crediton.
[c] Clyst.
ford of Tale I rode about a 2. miles farther to Veniton [a] Bridges, where Oterey Water is devidid into 4. armes by pollicy to serve grist and tukking milles.
Apon 3. of these streames I roode by fair stone bridges.
The first arme of the 4. was the leste, and had no bridg that I markid. On the north side of the first bridge was a chapelle now prophanid.
S. Marie Oterey town is ... from Veniton bridgges.
From Veniton bridges to Honiton a 2. miles on the est ripe of Oter River.
Honiton is a fair long thorough fare and market toun, longging to Courteney of Powdreham: beyng just xij. miles from Excester by est in the high way to London.
A litle beyond Honiton I left London way on the right hond and rode north est 3. miles to Mohun's Oterey.
The hedde and course of Oterey. [b]
Oterey risith flat north a 5. miles above Mohun's Oterey at about a place caullid Oterford.
Thens it rennith a 4. miles to a village caullid Upoter. [c]
Thens a mile to Mohun's Oterey.
Mohun's Oterey sumtyme caullid Oterey Fleming. Syr George Carew hath a goodly maner parke at Mohun's Oterey.
Syr George Carew told me that this lande was not of the landes of Mohuns, Erles of Somerset, but of a nother Mohun, of whos name ther were Barons.
He said that Mohun of Somersetshire the Erle bare in gold a crosse ingraile sabelles: and that Mohun of Devonshir gave the arme with the pouderid maunch. Much of the land that this Mohun had cam by an heir general of one Fleming, that was Lord of Stoke Fleminges lordship and the castelle at Dertmouth.
Alanus Fleming was a notable man in that Stoke.
Carew maried an heir general of the Stoke of Mohun of Devonshir.
[a] Feniton.
[b] Oter r.
[c] Upottery.
Carew trew name Montgomerik, and he is written thus in old evidence, Montgomerik Dns de Carew.
Syr Nicolas Carew cam out of this stok.
The very auncient armes of the Carews be 3. lions sabelle in gold.
Ther was and is a chapelle of S. Patrike, as I remember, yn the castelle of Dartemouth: and it hath beene yn tymes paste, as it apperith, sum litle celle annexid to sum great abbay.
Oterey goith from Mohun's Oterey to Honiton a 3. miles.
Thens to Veniton Bridge a 2. miles.
Thens to S. Mary Oterey.
Oterey goith from S. Marie to Newton Bridge about a mile of.
Thens to Oter Mouth and the very se a v. miles.
Oterton a praty fischar toun standith on the est side of the haven about a mile from Otermouth.
And on the west side of the haven is Budelegh [a] right almost again Oterton: but it is sumwhat more from the shore than Oterton.
Lesse then an hunderith yeres sins shippes usid this haven, but it is now clene barrid.
Sum caulle this haven Budeley Haven of Budeley toun.
The mouth of Oterey Haven lyith south west.
Ther is a fisshar village lower then Oterton, even at the very est south est point of Otermouth. This village is caullid Salterne, and hath beene in tymes past a thing of sum estimation: and of this village the haven of Otermouth was caullid Saltern Haven: or peraventure of a crek cumming out of the mayn haven into it.
From Mohun's Oterey to Colington [b] v. miles by good corne pasture and sum wood.
About a mile or I cam to Colington I saw from an hille Shoute, [c] a right goodly maner place, a mile of on an hille side of the Lord Marquise of Dorsete, and by it a goodly large parke.
The toun self of Colington is no very notable thing; the personage of it is impropriate to ...
The Bisshop of Excester's Chauncelar is vicar of this town and a fair house ther.
[a] Budleigh Salterton.
[b] Colyton.
[c] Shute Hill.
Coley [a] river rennith under the rote of an hille that this town stondith on.
This brooke risith, as I could esteme, by west north west a ... miles from Colington, by the which it rennith: and then, as I markid, it passith by Colecombe Park hard by Colington lately longging to the Marquise of Excester, and thens going a mile and more enterith betwixt Axbridge and Axmouth towne into Ax ryver.
From Colington to Seton now a mene fisschar toun scant 2. mile.
I passid over Cole Water [a] again at Coliford, or I cam to Seton.
Ther hath beene a very notable haven at Seton: [b] but now ther lyith betwen the 2. pointes of the old haven a mighty rigge and barre of pible stones in the very mouth of it: and the ryver of Ax is dryven to the very est point of the haven caullid Whit Clif, and ther at a very smaul gut goith into the se: and her cum in smaull fishar botes for socour.
The town of Seton in now but a meane thing, inhabited with fischar men, it hath bene far larger when the haven was good. The Abbate of Shirburne was lord and patrone of it.
On the west part over an hille byyond Seton is Wiscombe, a fair maner place, sumtyme the Lord Bonvilles; now longging to the Marquise of Dorsete.
Ther longgid and doth yet a chapelle to Seton caullid Bereword nere the shore, and ther is an hamlet of fischar men.
There was begon a fair pere for socour of shippelettes at this Bereword: but ther cam such a tempest a 3. yeres sins as never in mynd of men had before was sene in that shore, and tare the pere in peaces.
The men of Seton began of late day to stake and to make a mayne waulle withyn the haven, to have divertid the course of Ax ryver, and ther almost in the midle of the old haven to have trenchid thorough the Chisille, and to have
[a] Coly r.
[b] Seaton.
let out Ax and receyvid in the mayn se: but this purpose cam not to effect.
Me thought that nature most wrought to trench the Chisil hard by Seton toun, and ther to let in the se.
The west point of Axmouth Haven is caullid Bereword, [a] scant half a mile distant from the very toune of Seton.
Sidmouth a fisschar toun with a broke [b] of that name and a bay, vj. miles west Seton ... by west above Sidmouth.
The est point of Axmouth Haven is caullid White Clif.
These 2. pointes be almost a mile in distance.
The veri issue and mouth of Ax into the se at this tyme is hard under the rootes of Whiteclif.
I passid from Seton at ebbe over the salt marsches and the ryver of Ax to Axmouth, an old and bigge fischar toune on the est side of the haven.
The Priory of Sion was lord patrone here.
And heere I lernid that ther is an abbay in Normandy caullid Mountborow, [c] and this place shewith by writinges that Axmouth, Sidmouth and Oterton were celles to it.
The Descent and Course of the Ryver of Ax from the Hed.
Ax risith a mile est from Bemistre, [d] a market toun in Dorsetshir, at a place caullid Ax Knolle, a ground longging to Sir Giles Strangwais in a more on the hangging of an hille: and thens rennith south west a 4. miles to Forde Abbay, stonding in Devonshire on the farther ripe of it. And here about it is a limes to Devonshir and Somersetshir.
Ax thens rennith to Axminstre, a pratie quik market toun a 3. miles lower ripa citeriori. This toun is in Devonshir.
The personage of Axmister, as I lernid, is impropriate to the chirch of York.
The chirch of Axmistre is famose by the sepultures of many noble Danes slain in King AEthelstanes time at a batel on Brunesdoun therby: and by the sepultures likewise of sum Saxon lordes slain in the same feld.
[a] Beer.
[b] The Sid r.
[c] Monteburgh Abbey.
[d] Beaminster.
Ax thens rennith thorowgh Axmistre bridge of stone about a quarter of a mile lower then Axmistre town.
Sumwhat lower then this bridge enterith Yartey ryver, being sumtyme a raging water, into Ax ryver.
Artey risith by north west, and enterith into Ax by est.
Ther is a stone bridge on Artey about half a mile from the place wher it enterith into Ax.
This bridge of sum is caullid Kilmington Bridge, a village not very far from it.
About half a mile lower then Axmistre Bridge is Newenham, sumtyme an abbay of Bernardines, of the foundation of Mohun Erle of Somerset, and it stondith on the hither ripe of Ax to the est in Devonshire.
Ax rennith a mile dim. lower thorough Ax bridg of 2. archis of stone. This bridg servith not to passe over at high tydes, otherwise it doth.
Thens Ax rennith half a mile lower to Axmouth town.
And a quarter of a mile lower it goith undre White Clif into the occean se, ther caullid Ax Bay. [a]
From Axmouth to Lime [b] a 4. miles by meatly good ground but no plenty of wood.
Lime is a praty market toun set in the rootes of an high rokky hille down to the hard shore.
This town hath good shippes, and usith fisshing and marchauntice.
Merchauntes of Morleys in Britaine [c] much haunt this town.
Ther cummith a shalow brooke from the hilles about a 3. miles of by north, and cummith fleting on great stone thorough a stone bridge in the botom.
The tounes men communely caul this water the Buddel. [d]
One Borowgh a marchaunt man in time of minde buildid a fair house in Lime, having a goodly towr at the entery of it.
Ther is but one paroch chirch in Lime.
Ther is no haven at Lime: but a quarter of a mile by west south west the toun is a great and ... in the sea for succour of shippes.
[a] Seaton Bay.
[b] Lyme Regis.
[c] Morlaix in Brittany.
[d] ? Lyme r.
Lime is distant from Colington a v. miles.
From Colington to Charmouth by metly goode ground a fo. 44. good fisshar toune, a long mile.
Here I first passid a litle broket, and after in the very botom and farther end of the toun I passid over Charebroke, [a] that a litle lower goith into the se: and of this ryver the town takith the name.
Chare Water risith a 3. miles above Charemouth by north in a park of the Kinges caullid Marsche Woodde.
From Charmouth to Chidwik [b] a 3. miles by meatly good grounde. This is a fisshar town distant a mile from the shore. Arundale of Lanheron in Cornwaul is lord of this town, and hath a manor place and park there.
In the farther end of this town I passid over a broke that thens resortith to the se.
From Chidwik to Bridport by corne, pasture and wood, 2. miles.
At the west ende of this town rennith a ryver: and going a mile lower enterith into the ocean.
Nature hath so set this ryver mouth in a valley bytwixt 2. hilles that with cost the se might be brought in, and an haven made.
Britport, of sum written Bruteport, is a fair larg town, and the chief streat of it lyith in lenght from west to est. Ther crosse a nother fair strete in midle of it into the south. At the north ende of this streate is a chapelle of S. Andreas, wher sum say that the paroch chirch was yn old tyme.
The paroch chirch of the town is now stonding in the south end of this streate.
I saw a tumbe on the north side of the high altare in this chirch having this inscription:
Hic jacet Gutielmus, filius Elizabeth de Julers, Comitissae Cantiae, consanguineae Philippae quondam Reginae Angl.
[a] Char r.
[b] Chideock.
Ther was in sight or ever I cam over the ryver into Britport a Lazar House: and not far of a chapelle of S. Magdalene in the which is a cantuarie foundid.
And over the bridge a litle by west in the town is a chapelle of S. John.
Ther is also a chapelle in the town of S. Michael.
The town longgith to the king and hath privilege for a market and 2. bailives.
From Britport to the north west point of the Chisil a renning from Portland thither about a 5. miles by shore somewhat baying.
The Course of the Ryver that cummith to Britporte.
This ryver [b] risith by north litle more then half a mile above Bemistre, and descendith as yet a smaul water down by the est ende of Bemistre under a litle stone bridge of 2. praty arches.
Bemistre is a praty market town in Dorsetshire, and usith much housbandry, and lyith in one streat from north to south: and in a nother from west to est.
Ther is a fair chapelle of ease in this town. Netherby [c] is the paroch chirch to it: and Bemistre is a prebend to the chirch of Saresbyri.
Bemistre is but 4. miles from Crookeshorn, [d] a market in Somersetshir by north from Bemistre.
Hoke [e] Park having an auncient maner place on it is but a mile dim. by est south est from Bemistre.
Shirburn is 6. miles toward the est from Bemistre.
The ryver goith from Bemistre a mile lower to Netherbiry an uplandisch toun, leving it on an hille on the farther ripe toward the west. Heere be 3. prebendes togither longging to the chirch of Saresbyri.
The first is communely caullid Netherbyri in Ecclesiis. Antonie Chalcedonie hath this.
[a] Chesil Bank.
[b] Brit r.
[c] Netherbury.
[d] Crewkerne.
[e] Hooke.
The secund is caullid Netherbyri in terris.
The 3. is caullid ...
The ryver from Netherbyri rennith a 3. miles lower on to Britport Bridg. And a mile lower by south into the se.
I rode from Britport 3. miles to Netherbyri, and then a mile farther to Bemistre.
The ground al this way is in an exceding good and almost the best vain of ground for corne, and pasture, and wood, that is in al Dorsetshire.
I rode from Bemistre a mile to the toppe of an high hille, and ther I left not far of on the lift hande northworde Ax Knolle, wher Ax ryver risith that goith to Axmouth.
Then I rode a mile farther by corn, pasture and wood.
And after a 3. miles most by morisch but good pasture ground for brede of catelle onto Evershot, a right homble and poore market toun.
And so a mile to Milbyri [a] by very good ground.
Mr. Strangeguayse hath now a late much buildid at Mylbyri lapide quadrato, avauncing the inner part of the house with a loftie and fresch tower.
Ther be 2. of the Browninges sumtyme lordes of Milbyri that hath tumbes in the chirch hard by the maner place.
Hic jacet Joan. Bruning, filius et heres Joan. Bruning et Aliciae ux. ejus, filiae et heredis Joan. Mautravers Militis, qui fuit 2. filius Joan. Mautravers Militis Dni de Hoke: et Alenora uxor ejus, filia et una heredum Thomae Fitznicolle Militis, Dni de Hulle juxta Berkeley in Comit. Glocestr., qui quidem Joan, obiit 16. die Decembr. ao. D. 1416.
Hic jacet Gul. Brouning armiger, filius Joan. Brouning de Melbury, armigeri, et Alienorae uxoris ejus, filiae et unius heredum Thomae Fitznicol Dni de Hul juxta Berkle in Comit. Glocest: et Katarina ux. ejus, filia Laurentii Dni de Southcote juxta Reding in Comit. Barkshir: ac Alicia Burton postea uxor praed. Gul., filia Joannis Burton, et Isabellae ux. ejus, filiae et hered. Joan. Twiford armigeri; quae quidem Alicia hanc tumbam fieri fecit ao. D. 1467o.
These epitaphies were writen apon 2. tumbes yn the
[a] Melbury.
chirch at Melbury. But I lernid there that a saying was, that the body of one of these Bruninges was buried at Milton Abbay, and the body of the ither to Cerne.
Inscriptions made at the Request of Master Trewry at the Castelle of St. Maw's.
Henricus oct. Rex. Angl. Franc, et Hiberniae invictissimus me posuit praesidium reipubl. terrorem hostibus.
Imperio Henrici naves submittite vela.
Semper honos, Henrice, luus laudesque manebunt.
Edwardus fama referat factisque parentem.
Gaudeat Eduuardo duce nunc Cornubia felix.
Ther is a fair park hard by the maner place of Milbyri. And yn this park is a pond, out of the wich issuith a broketh that with the course of a right few miles goith into Ivelle [a] ryver.
The Stranguaise cam to this lordship by purchace.
From Milbyri up the hille about a mile by frutefulle and meatly welle woddid ground.
Then a vj. miles stille by champaine ground on an high rigge, wher in sight was litle corn and no wood, but al about great flokkes of shepe, from whom al the ground therabout is very propice.
Here at the ende of the rigge or I descendid I markid to brookes going to Fraw or Frome ryver:
The one caullid Sidling or Silling going into Frome about Bradeforde on the right hond, and this broket rennith not from the hed past a 2. miles.
The other was on the lift hand cumming from Combe Valaunce and goith into Frome.
Thens I passid down the hille to Frome toun a praty husband
[a] Yeovil.
town a mile of, and so I passid at the tounes ? end over a bridge of 3. arches stonding on Frome water.
The Course of the Water of Fraw or Frome from the Hedde.
Sum say, that the farthest spring of Frome is at a place caullid Kenford about a 2. miles above Hooke Park.
The most common opinion is, that Frome risith in a great pond in Hoke Park and thens goith to ...
Thens to Frome toun lying on the south west side of the ryver.
Thens to miles to Bradeford [a] stonding on the same ripe of Frome.
Thens 2. miles to Dorchester.
Fordington bridge off Stone is a litle beneth Dorchester town.
About a 2. miles lower is Woddeford [b] Castelle on the lift hond and ripe, as the streame cummith down.
Thens to Wolle [c] bridge a 5. miles.
Byndon is a litle lower then Wolle bridge, and stondith on the right hond and ripe as the ryver descendith.
Thens scant 3. miles to Holme on the right hond and ripe. And a litle lower about a quarter of a mile lower is Holme bridge of 4. arches.
From Frome to Uphil [d] al by hilly ground, baren of wood but exceding good for shepe, a 4. miles.
At this Uphil on the right hond as I cam is the very hedde of Way ryver, that of sum ys caullid Wile.
Heere I cam into the way that ledith from Dorchester to Waymouth 3. good miles distant from this place, by al the which way I rode as yn a base level ground.
[a] Bradford Peverell.
[b] Woodsford.
[c] Wool.
[d] Upway.
Dorchester is 8. miles from Waymouth.
Ther is a townlet on the hither side of the haven of Waymouth caullid Miltoun [a] beyng privilegid and having a mair. This toun, as it is evidently seene, hathe beene far bigger then it is now. The cause of this is layid onto the French-men that yn tymes of warre rasid this towne for lak of defence. For so many houses as be yn the town they be welle and strongly buildid of stone. Ther is a chapelle of ease in Milton. The paroch chirch is a mile of: a manifest token that Milton is no very old town.
Ther was a fair house of Freres in the est part of the town: and the chief house of the Rogers in Dorsetshir was founder and patrone of it.
Milton stondith as a peninsula by reason of the water of the haven that a litle above the toun spreddith abrode and makith a bay: and by the bay of the mayne se that gulfith in on the other side.
The tounlet of Waymouth lyith strait agayn Milton on the other side of the haven, and at this place the water of the haven is but of a smaul brede: and the trajectus is by a bote and a rope bent over the haven; so that yn the fery boote they use no ores.
Waigmouth hath certein libertees and privileges, but ther is no mair yn it. Ther is a kay and warf for shippes. By this toune on an hille is a chapelle of ease. The paroche chirch is a mile of.
The ryver of Way [b] or Wile risith not 4. miles ful above Waymouth by north west at Uphil in the side of a great hille.
The se ebbith and flowith up aboute a 2. miles beyond Weymouth.
Ther is a litle barre of sand at the haven mouth,
There rennith up by the right hond of the haven a great arme of the se: and scant a mile above the haven mouth on the shore of this arme is a right goodly and warlyke castel made, having one open barbicane.
This arme rennith up farther a mile as in a bay to a point of land wher a trajectus is into Portland by a long causey of pible and sand.
[a] Melcombe Regis.
[b] Wey r.
This arme goith up from the strait of the trajectus and is of a good bredth, and so se lyke goith up to Abbates-Byri about a vij. miles of, where is a litle fresch resorting to the se.
A litle above Abbates-Byri is the hed or point of the Chisil lying north weste, that from thens streach up 7. miles as a maine narow banke by a right line on to south est, and ther buttith on Portland scant a quarter of a mile above the new castell in Portland.
The nature of this bank of Chisil is such that as often as the wind blowith strene at south est so often the se betith it and losith the bank and sokith thorough it; so that if this winde might most continually blow there this bank should sone be beten away and the se fully enter and devide Portland, making it an isle, as surely in tymes past it hath beene as far as I can by any conjecture gather.
But as much as the south est wind dooth bete and breke of this Chisille bank, so much doth the north west wynd again socor, strengith and augmentith it.
On the farther point of the trajectus into Porteland cumming from Waymouth is a point of land like a causey al of pible and sand cast up by rages of the se, wheron I went scant a mile to the lowest part of the rotes of the high ground of Portland, wher a late a right strong and magnificent castel is buildid. [a]
And from this castelle to the very south est point of the Chisil is but a litle way: and the arme of the se that goith up to Abbates-Byri gulfith in bytwixt the south est point of the Chisil and the castelle.
Portland hath bene of auncient tyme be al likelihod environid with the se, and yet berith the name of an isle. It is eminent and hilly ground on the shore of it, and a great plain yn the midle of it. The cumpace of it is countid to be about a 7. miles. But if a man should cumpace it by the
[a] Portland Castle, built in 1520.
very rootes and depe shore the cumpace wold mount to a x miles.
The soile is sumwhat stony: and the shore very rokky.
The isle is fruteful of corn and gresse: and hath plenty of sheepe.
There be at this present tyme about a 80. housis in the isle. Ther hath beene al most as many mo as it apperith by ruines.
There is but one streat of houses in the isle, the residew be sparkelid.
There is a castelet or pile not far from the streate: and is set on an high rokke hard by the se cliffes a litle above the est ende of the chirch.
The paroche chirch that is but one at this tyme in the isle, is longe and sumwhat low, buildid in the hangging rootes of an hille by the shore.
This chirch and paroche is about a mile dim. to go the next way to it from the kinges new castelle in the isle: and to go to it by cumpace of the shore it is 3. miles or more. Sum say that in tymes past ther was a nother paroch chirch in the isle: but I there lernid no certente of it.
There be very few or utterly no trees in the isle, saving the elmes about the chirch. Ther wold grow more if they were ther plantid; yet is the isle very bleke.
The people bring wood thither out of Wight and other places. They brenne also cowe dung dryed with the hete of the sunne.
The people of the isle lyve most now by tillage, and sumwhat faulle from fisshing.
The people be good ther in slyngging of stonys, and use it for defence of the isle.
The people ther be politique inough in selling theyr commoditees and sumwhat avaritiose.
The personage sette in the high streat is the best building in the isle.
The Bisshop of Winchester is patrone of the chirch.
The isle is the kinges: and much of the land there is holden by ... of hym.
From the est south est point of the haven of Waymouth caullid S. Aldelmes Point, [a] beyng a litle foreland, is a litle bay scant of a 2. miles, by the which I rode: and vij. mile farther I saw on the shore a litle fisshar toun caullid Lilleworth, [b] sumtyme longging to the Newborows now to Poyninges, wher is a gut or creke out of the se into the land, and is a socour for smaul shippes.
West Lilleworth on the west side of the creke.
Est Lilleworth is a mile and more from West Lilleworth and standith up into the land.
The soile betwixt Waymouth and West Lilleworth is not very frutefulle, apter for catelle then corn, and no great plenty of wood. But about Est Lilleworth is metely good ground, plenty of wood.
The goodly maner place of the Newborowes, lordes of Est Lilleworth, is hard by the paroch chirch.
The Newborows sepulchres were at Byndon Abbay wherof they were founders.
The laste of that name, whos doughter and heyre was maried to Syr Henry Marney, dyid in Estsax or Southfolk, and ther was byried.
There stondith a tumbe in Est Lilleworth chirch that was erectid for his buryal.
The genealogie of the Newborows and the name of heires general that they maried with be yn glasse windows in a parler in the maner place at Est Lilleworth.
Wher as the limites of Est Lilleworth do end, ther beginnith Porbek forest ground.
(Loke whither Purbeke be not so corruptely caullid for Corbek.)
From Est Lilleworth to Holme a celle to Montegue, and a litle lower to Holm bridge a 2. miles, most by low and blake morisch ground, over growen with heth and mosse.
Thens to Ware by much like ground, saving that about Wareham self the ground is frutefuller.
[a] Or St. Albans.
[b] Lulworth.
The lenght of Wareham, as it is now, is from north to south.
Ther is at the south end a fair bridge of vj. archis apon Fraw or Frome ryver.
Wareham is now, within the waulles faullen doun, made into gardeins for garlike.
I have the description of Wareham in an other Itinerarie of myne.
A 2. forow lenghtes out of Wareham by north is a great bridge of vi. archis over Trent ryver, alias Pyddildour. [a]
The Course of Trente.
From Wareham to Lichet [b] village a v. miles by sumwhat low and morisch ground, such as is yn Purbek Forest.
Ther cummith a smaul gut as in a fenny ground out of the haven of Pole onto the toun of Lichet or I enterid into it.
When I rode out of Lichet ther lay a way to Pole by a fery agayn Pole self: so that by this way Poole is but 2. miles from Lichet.
But I roode from Lichet about: and so Pole is 3. miles distant from Lichet.
Pole is no town of auncient occupying in marchantdise: but rather of old tyme a poore fisshar village and an hammelet or member to the paroche chirch.
It is in hominum memoria much encreasid with fair building and use of marchaundise.
It standith almost as an isle in the haven and hangith by north est to the mayne land by the space almost of a flite shot. And in this place is a dike, and to it often cummith thorough out the haven water, and here is an embatelid gate of stone to enter in to the town.
The lenghth of the toun liythe almost fulle by north and south.
The key for the shippes standith south est.
Ther is a fair toun house of stone by the kay.
[a] Piddle or Trent r.
[b] Lytchett.
King Richard the 3. began a pece of a toun waulle at one ende of the kay; and promisid large thinges to the town of Pole.
I can gather no otherwise, but wheras of old tymes shippes cam sumwhat nere Wereham up the haven, and there had vente of their wares, and synnes shippes lost their rode ther for lak of depth of water shippes kept and resortid nerer to Pole toun, and so it by a litle encreasid, and Wareham felle clene to mines. Howbeit Wareham was ons sore rasid in the Danes warres.
Ther is a fair chirche in Pole. [a]
Ther lyith agayn the kay a point of land as a causey after the fascion of a brode swerd with a sharp point, the point is again the town: the brode parte hangynge up to the land, and by this causey men cum from Lichet to the fery.
The water of Poole Haven gulfith in on bothe sid of this cause or point of ground.
If a man should round aboute cumpace the water withyn the mouth of Poole Haven it wold streach welle toward 20. miles.
There ly 3. isles withyn this haven, wherof the most famose is Brunkesey. [b] Sum say that ther hath bene a paroch in it. Ther is yet a chapelle for an heremite, it longid to Cerne Abbay.
Ther be men alyve that saw almost al the town of Pole kyverid with segge and risshis.
Christes-Chirch Twinham viij. miles from Pole.
From Pole to the haven mouth ...
From the mouth up on the shore by south west is in a bay a 3. miles of a fisshar toun caullid Sandwiche, [c] and ther is a peere and a litle fresch.
The very utter part of Sainct Aldelmus [d] Point is 5. miles from Sandwich.
And from this point in an other bay lyith west West Lilleworth, wher is sum socour for shippes.
Waymouthe is countid 20. miles from Pole.
From Pole to Winburn 4. miles, wherof 3. and an half be by morisch and hethy ground.
[a] Poole.
[b] Branksea or Brownsea.
[c] Swanage.
[d] St. Alban's.
The soile about Winburn Minstre self is very good for corne, grasse and woodde.
Or I cam into Winburn by half a mile I passid over Aleyn [a] bridg of xij. archis apon Stour.
Bridges on Stour byneth Blanford Bridg.
Blanforde Bridge is 4. miles lower on Stour then Stoureton Minster. [b]
From Blanford Bridge to Stourmister [b] bridge of stone a 3. miles.
Thens to Juliane bridge of stone at the one ende of Twinburne, [c] and half a quarter of a mile lower to Aleyn bridge of xij. fair archis at the other ende of Twinburn.
Thens to Iver bridge of stone a vj. miles lower.
Thens 2. miles to Christe-Chirch Twinham.
Christes-Chirch is communely countid to be viij. miles from Winburn.
The toun of Winburn is yet meatly good and reasonably welle inhabitid, it hath beene a very large thing, and was in price in tyme of the West-Saxon kinges.
Ther be in and about it diverse chapelles that in tymes paste were, as I have lernid, paroche chirchis of the very toun of Winburne.
The Saxon kinges had hard by the toun a castelle now caullid Badbyri, [d] but clerely down. The diches, hilles, and site ther of be yet evidently seene, now conyes borough in it.
Ther hath beene sins a fair maner place caullid Kingeston- Haul, and this is also now in a maner clerely defacid. It berith in wrytinges the name of Kingestoun Lascy. [c] Wherapon I gather that one of the Lacys, predecessors onto Henry Lascy Erle of Lincoln, buildid this house, and I gather therby also, that the Lascys were lordes of Winburne, and by hym it cam to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancastre, to the which duke dom it yet longgith. And the courtes for Winburn be yet kept at Kingeston.
The famose wood of Bathan, now communely caullid of sum Bothom, is nat far from Kingeston.
[a] Allen r.
[b] Sturminster.
[c] Wimborne.
[d] Badbury.
[e] Kingston Lacy.
Kingestoun lyith by north west in a maner hard to Winburne.
The chirch of Winburne Minstre was first a nunnery erectid by S. Cuthburge.
It is but of late tymes that a dene and prebendaries were inductid into it.
The cryptes in the est part of the chirch is an old peace of work. S. Cuthburga was buryid in the north side of the presbyterie.
King Etheldrede was byried by her, whos tumbe was lately repairid, and a marble stone ther layid with an image of a king in a plate brasse with this inscription: In hoc loco quiescit corpus S. Etheldredi, regis Westsaxonum, martyris, qui ao. Di. 827, 13o. die Apr. per manus Danorum Paganorum occubuit.
Cuthburga sins was translatid to the est end of the high altare.
Erle John of Somerset, or, as I rather think, John Duke of Somerset his sun, lyith buried in a goodly tumbe with his wife in the south side of the presbiterie sub arcu.
There lyith in a goodly large tumbe of marble in the south isle by the quire one Barok or Berwike, as I hard say there. Lady Margarete mother to Henry the vij. foundid and endowid a grammar schole in Winburne.
The ministers of the chirch of Winburne hath a praty house or college to inhabite.
The Deane hath a fair house.
The Course of Winburn River.
Winburn risith a 3. miles by estimation above S. Giles Winburne, and so cumming by north est by S. Giles Winburne, wher Mr. Asscheley hath his maner place and park, descendith a 6. miles lower to Wadeford bridg of 4. archis of stone in the ... ende of Winburne town, and so goith down half a quarter of a mile lower, and breking ynto 2. armes rennith thorough 2. bridges of 3. archis a peace in the very town of Winburn, caullid Isebroke Bridges, one beyng nere the other: and strait cumming ynto one botom
goith a litle lower to a mylle, and a litle lower goith into Stour by est south est not much above Aleyn Bridge.
From Winburn to Horton 4. miles much by woddy ground.
This was sumtyme an hedde monasterie, syns a celle to Shirburn. The village was now a late brent.
Here is a litle broke that goith by the botom of the toun, and therabout hath 2. litle bridges on it, and goith toward S. Giles Ascheley [a] into Winburne.
From Horton to Cranbourn a 3. miles al by champain ground having nother closure nor wood. Cranbourn is a praty thorough-fare, and for one streat meatly welle buildid.
There rennith a fleting bek thorough it, and passid doun thorough the streat self on the right hond. I gessid it to resorte to Horton, but I am not sure of that.
Here was sumtyme an hedde abbay, after made a celle to Tewkesbyri by an Erle of Glocester.
From Craneburn I passid about a 2. mile or more, al by playne champain ground, leving Blakden, [b] the kinges great park hard on the lift hond.
Thens a 6. miles by like ground to Honington a good village.
In the botom of this toun goith a great water, and ther I passid over a bridg of a 3. archis, and so to Saresbyri al champayn ground a 2. miles.
This water or ryver is caullid Chalkbourn [d]; it risith a vj. miles from Shaftesbyri, yn the way betwixt Saresbyri and it, a mile from the high way in a botom on the left hond riding from Saresbyri to Shaftesbyri, and thens to Honington, cummith thys ryver, that is about a xij. miles from the hed of Chalkbourn Water, and a 2. miles dim. byneth Honington it goith into Avon about a mile byneth Harnham bridge.
And, as I remembre, Mr. Baynton hath a place on this water, wher his father was wont to dwelle.
The toun of New-Saresbyri with the suburbes of Harnham Bridge and Fisschertoun is two good miles in cumpace.
Ther be many fair streates in the cite of Saresbyri, and especially the High Streate, and the Castel Streate, so caullid
[a] Wimbourne St. Giles.
[b] Blagdon.
[c] Salisbury.
[d] Ebble r.
bycause it lyith as a way to the castelle of Old-Saresbyry. Al the streates in a maner of New-Saresbyri hath litle streamelettes and armes derivyd out of Avon that rennith thorough them.
The site of the very toun of Saresbyri and much ground therabout is playne and low, and as a pan or receyver of most parte of the water of Wyleshire.
The market place in Saresbyri is very fair and large and welle waterid with a renning stremelet; in a corner of it is domus civica, no very curius pece of work but stronly buildid of stone.
The market of Saresbyri is welle servid of flesch; but far better of fisch: for a great parte of the principal fisch that is taken from Tamar to Hampton resortith to this town.
There be but 2. paroche chirchis in the cyte of Saresbyri, wherof the one ys by the market place as in the hart of the town, and is dedicate to S. Thomas.
The other is of S. Edmunde, and is a collegiate chirch of the fundation of Delawile Bisshop of Saresbyry. This chirch stondith at the north west ende of the toun hard by the town diche.
This diche was made of the tounes men at such tyme as Simon Bisshop of Saresbyri gave licence to the burgeses to strengthen the town with an embatelid waulle.
This diche was thoroughly caste for the defence of the town so far as it was not sufficiently defendid by the mayn streame of Avon: but the waulle was never begon; yet, as I remembre, I saw one stone gate or 2. in the town.
Harnham bridge was a village long afore the erection of New-Saresbyri. and there was a chirch of S. Martine longgingtoit.
There standith now of the remain of the old chirch of S. Martin a barne in a very low medow on the north side of S. Nicolas Hospital.
The cause of the relinquisching of it was the moystenes of the ground often overflowen. For this chirch was ther a new dedicate to S. Martine in a nother place that yet standith.
Licens was get of the king by a Bisshop of Saresbyri to
turn the kingges high way to New-Saresbyri, and to make a mayn bridge for passage over Avon at Harnham.
The chaunging of this way was the totale cause of the ruine of Old-Saresbyri and Wiltoun. For afore this Wiltoun had a 12. paroch chirches or more, and was the hedde town of Wileshir.
Ther was a village at Fissherton over Avon or ever New- Saresbyri was buildid, and had a paroche chirch ther as it yet hath.
In this Fisschertoun, now a suburbe to New-Saresbyri, was sins the erection of the new toun an house of Blake Freres buildid not far from Fissherton bridge.
Ther was also an house of Gray Freres withyn the toun of Saresbyri of the fundation ... Bisshop of Saresbyri.
The cite of Old-Saresbyri standing on an hille is distant from the new a mile by north weste, and is in cumpace half a mile and more.
This thing hath beene auncient and exceding strong: but syns the building of New-Saresbyri it went totally to ruine. Sum think that lak of water caussid the inhabitantes to relinquisch the place; yet were ther many welles of swete water.
Sum say, that after that in tyme of civile warres that castelles and waullid townes wer kept that the castellanes of Old-Saresbyri and the chanons could not agre, insomuch that the castellanes apon a tyme prohibited them cumming home from Procession and Rogation to re-entre the town. Wherapon the bisshop and they consulting togither at the last began a chirch on their own propre soyle: and then the people resortid strait to New-Saresbyri and buildid ther: and then in continuaunce were a great numbre of the houses of Old-Saresbyri pullid doun and set up at New- Saresbyri.
Osmund Erle of Dorchestre and after Bisshop of Saresbyri erectid his cathedrale chirch ther in the west part of the town: and also his palace. Wherof now no token is but only a chapelle of our Lady yet standing and mainteynid.
Ther was a paroch of the Holy Rode beside in Old-Saresbyri: and an other over the est gate wherof yet sum tokens remayne.
I do not perceyve that ther were any mo gates in Old-Saresbyri then 2, one by est, and an other by west. Withoute eche of these gates was a fair suburbe. And yn the est suburbe was a paroch chirch of S. John: and ther yet is a chapelle stand inge.
The ryver is a good quarter of a mile from Old-Saresbyri and more where it is nerest onto it, and that is at Stratford village, south from it.
There hath beene houses in tyme of mynd inhabitid in the est suburbe of Old-Saresbyri: but now ther is not one house nother within Old-Saresbyri or without inhabited.
Ther was a right fair and strong castelle within Old-Saresbyri longging to the Erles of Saresbyri especially the Longespees. I reede that one Gualterus was the first Erle after the conquest of it.
Much notable ruinus building of this castelle yet ther remaynith. The diche that environid the old toun was a very deepe and strong thynge.
The Course of Avon Ryver.
Avon Ryver risith by north est not far from Wolphe-Haul yn Wyleshir. The first notable bridg that it cummith to is at Uphaven.
Thens a 4. miles to Ambrosbyri, [a] and there is a bridge.
Thens to Woddeford village a 4. miles, standing on the right ripe, and Newtoun village on the lift ripe.
The Bisshopes of Saresbyri had a propre maner place at Wodford. Bisshop Shakeston pullid it doun bycause it was sumwhat yn mine.
Thens to Fisscharton [b] bridg of vj. stone arches a 3. miles.
Thens a very litle lower to Crane bridge of a vj. arches of stone. Thens a forowgh lenghte lower to Harneham bridge of vj. gret arches of stone, a mayne and stately thing.
[a] Amesbury.
[b] Fisherton.
Here is at the west ende of this bridge only a litle islet distante betwixt a nother bridg of 4. praty arches, and under this rennith a good streme as I take it of Avon Water as an arme breking out a little above and sone after rejoyning; or els that Wilton Water hath ther his entery into Avon.
From Harnham bridge to Dunton [a] a fair bridge of stone a 4. miles.
Thens to Fording bridge of stone a 4. miles.
Thens to Ringwodde bridge a 5. miles.
And so a 5. miles to Christes-Chirch Twinham, and strait to the se.
Christe-Chirch xviij. miles from Saresbyri.
The Course of Wile Ryver. [b]
Wyle risith a 3. miles or more above Wermistre, [c] and so cummith a x. miles doun to Hanging Langforde standing as the descent is on the right hond of it.
Thens a 3. miles to Stapleford village on the same hand. Here cummith into Wyle from north west Winterbury water whos ...
Thens cummith Wyle a 2. miles and rennith thorough the town of Wilton dividid in armes.
And here cummith into Wile a ryver caullid Nadder, alias Fovington Water, bycause it risith about Fovington village 5. miles by west from Wilton.
From Wilton to Saresbyri 2. miles.
Here about Harnham bridge is the confluence of Wyle and Avon.
Ex Tabella in Sacello S. Mariae.
Orate pro anima Richardi Poure, quondam Sarum Episcopi, qui Ecclesiam hanc inchoari fecit in quodam fundo ubi nunc fundata est ex antiquo nomine Miryfelde in honorem B. Virg. Mariae 3. Cal. Maij in festo S. Vitalis Martyris Ano, D. 1219. regnante tunc Rege
[a] Downton.
[b] Wiley r.
[c] Warminster.
Richardo post Conquestum primo. Fuitque Ecclesia haec in aedificando per spatium 40. annorum temporibus trium Regum, videlicet antedicti Richardi, Joannis, et Henrici 3. Et consummata 8. Cat. Apr. Ano. D. 1260. Iste Richardus Episcopus fundavit missam Beatae Mariae Virginis solenniter in hac Capella quotidie celebrandam, et appropriavit Rectoriam de Laverstoke ad sustentationem ejusdem missae. Qui quidem Richardus Episcopus postea translatus fuit ad Episcopatum Dunelmensem: fundavitque Monasterium apud Tarraunt in Comit. Tarentum Dorset, ubi natus nomine Richardus Poure: ibique cor Durotrigum. ejus, corpus vero apud Dureham humatum est. Et obiit 15. die April. Anno Dom. MCCXXXVII. XXI.
Incipit Prologus in Philobiblon Richardi Dunelmensis Episcopi, quern librum compilavit Robertus Holcot de ord. Praedicatorum sub nomine dicti Episcopi.
Dicta Halarij Episcopi super Matthaeum et 7. Epistolas Canonicas.
Versus plus minus 300. Micha'elis Cornubiensis contra Magistrum Henricum Abrincensem coram Do. electo Winton. et Episcopo Rofensi.
Poenitentiale Egberti Archiepiscopi Eboracensis. Computus Rabani.
Incipit sticcinctus Dialogus Ecclesiasticae Institutionis a Dno Ecgberto Archiepiscopo Eburacae Civit. compositus. Birinus Episcopus Dorcastrensis et Apostolus Gewissorum natus Romae.
Birinus sepultus Dorcastriae.
Hedda Episcopus transtulit corpus Birini ad Ventanam Civitatem.
Aethelwoldus 26. Episcopus Ventanus rursus ejus corpus ad summum Altare transtulit.
Robert Lord Hungreford dyed xviij. of May anno Do 1459.
Robert is buried on the north side of the altare of our Lady Chapelle in a chapelle of his own fundation.
Margaret wife to Robert and doughter to William Lord Botreaux is buried in the midle of the same chapelle in an high tumbe.
Sub hoc lapide marmoreo desuper insculpto humatum est corpus Reverendi Patris Nicolai Longespe, quondam Sarum Episcopi, qui plurima huic contulit ecclesiae, et obiit 18. mens. Maij ao. D. 1291. ex cujus parte austrait jacet Robertus Wichamton, ex parte boreali Henricus Brandesburn requiescit.
Ther lyith under an arche on the north side of our Lady 2. noble men of the Longespee.
Ther lyith in a chapelle on the south side of our Ladies Chapelle altare Rich. Beauchaump Bisshop of Sarum in the midle of the chapel in a playn marble tumbe.
Bisshop Beauchamp's father and mother ly also there in marble tumbes.
Syr John Cheyney late Knight of the Garter lyith also in this chapel.
Bisshop Beauchamp had made afore a riche tumbe and a chapel over it at the west end of our Lady Chapelle, but one John Blith Bisshop of Sarum was after buried under it.
It is said that Beauchampe axid ons a sister of ... how she likid this tumbe.
S. Osmundes first tumbe on the south side of our Lady whil the shrine was a makyng.
In Presbyterio ex parte Bor.
Audeley Episcopus Sarum.
Rogerus Mortyvalle Episcopus Sarum, qui plurima huic contulit ecclesiae. Obiit 14. die mensis Martii, ao. D. 1302.
Ex parte Australi Presbyt.
Simon de Gandavo Epus Sarum: obiit a . D. 1297. 4. Nonas Apr.
In med. Presbyterii.
Robertus Wyville Epics Sarum.
In Australi Insula.
Egidius de Britport Epus Sarum.
Richardus de Medford Epus Sarum.
In Insula Bor.
Wytte Epus Sarum cum imagine aenea de aurata.
In Navi Ecdesiae.
Joannes Chaundelar Epus Sarum primus Thesaurar. et Decanus ejusdem Eccl. obiit ao. D. 1426.
Alter Epus Sarum ibidem sepultus.
In Bor. Insula navis Eccl.
Sepulchra duorum Episcoporum veteris, ut autumant, Sarum.
Inscriptio alterius sepulchri:
Adfer opem, devenies in idem.
Gualterus Hungreford Miles, qui fuit captus a Gallis et a suis redemptus.
There is also a sepulchre with an image of 4. fote in lenght of a bisshop.
There be auncient tumbes on the south side, wherof one hath a image of marble of a man of warre.
There is a bisshop buried by the side of the waulle of the south isle again the high altare without as in a cemitery, wherin the vergers ly, and in one of the mayne butteres of the chirch ther is hard by an inscription ... Latin sumwhat defacid.
Thingges excerptid out of the Martyrologe Booke at Saresbyri.
Nonis Januar. obiit Walterus Walrond, qui dedit terram de Estdeona ad communit. hujus Ecdesiae. Obiit 2o. Non. Januar. Walterus de la Wyle Epus Sarum, qui fundavit eccl. conventu. S. Edmundi.
Obiit 3o. Cal. Febr. Serlo Decanus Sarum et postea Abbas Cirencestriae.
Gualterus primus Decanus Sarum.
Arestaldus Sacerdos advunculus S. Osmundi.
Helias de Derham Canon. Sarum, qui a prima fundatione Rector fuit novae fabricae Eccl. Sarum 25. annis.
Henricus de Winterbum dedit in commune Ecclesiae Sarum decimas de dominico suo de Winterbum.
Robertus Wykehampton Epus Sarum obiit 4. Calendas Maij.
Hubertus de Burgo Justiciarius Angl. obiit 7. Idibus Maij.
Nicolaus Langespe Epus Sarum obiit 15. Cat. Junii. Galfridus Dispensator vir nobilis.
Ernulphus Falconarius dedit duas praebendas Eccl. Sarum.
Hubertus Epus Sarum postea Archiepus Canluar.
Hardingus Is. Thesaurarius Eccl. Sarum.
Berbertus de Percy dedit praebendam de Cerdestoke Eccl. Sarum.
Henricus Cessun Canon: Sarum impetravit translationem Eccl. Sarum.
Robertus Cementarius rexit per 25. annos.
Alicia Bruer contulit huic Eccl. totum marmor ad novam fabricam per 12. annos.
Gualterus Scamel Thesaur. Dec. et postea Epus Sarum obiit 12. Cal. Octobr.
Gualterus de la Wyle Epus Sarum obiit 12. Cal. Octobr. sepultus est ad altare S. Edmundi.
Nova Eccl. Sarum dedicata ao. D. 1258. a Bonifacio Archiepo Cantuar. praesente Rege et Regina tempore Egidii Episcopi.
Robertus Wyville Epus Sarum obiit 5. Id. Octobr. Tertio Non. Novembr. Robertus de Bingham Epus Sarum obiit Ao. D. 1246.
Et invictus princeps Thomas de Monte acuto, comes Sarum.
Jocelinus Epus Sarum obiit 14. Cal. Decembr.
Egidius Epus Sarum obiit Id. Decembr.
Richardus Comes Cornub. et rex Romanorum dedit gardinum ... ae.
Ther be 10. archis in eche isle of the body of Saresbyri chirch exceding richely wrought in marble.
There be in eche side of the first transeptum by north and south of the west ende of the quier 3. archis.
The west side of the first transeptum hath no archis, but a strait upright flat waulle.
Ther be in eche isle on the quier taking the presbyteri with it 7. archis.
Ther be in eche part of the secund transeptum, that standith as a lighte and division betwixt the quier and the presbyteri, 2. arches.
Ther be in the great and fair chapelle of our Lady at the est ende of the high altare 3. pillers of marble on eche side.
The vestibulum on the north side of the body of the chirch.
The tourre of stone, and the high pyramis of stone on it, is a noble and a memorable peace of work.
The chapitre house large and fair, and ys made 8. square and a piller in the midle.
The cloistre on the south side of the chirch is one of the largest and most magnificentist of England.
A notable and strong square tower for great belles and a pyramis on it on the north side of the cathedrale chirch in the cemiterie.
The bisshopes palace on the south est side of the cemiterie.
Bisshop Beauchaump made the great haulle, parler, and chaumbre of the palace.
The great and large embatelid waulle of the palace having 3. gates to entre into it thus namyd; the Close gate as principale by north ynto the town, Sainct Annes Gate by est, and Harnham Gate by south towarde Harnham Bridge. The Close waulle was never ful flnishid, as yn one place evidently apperith. I redde that in Bisshop Rogers dayes, as I remembre, a convention was betwixt hym and the canons of Saresbyri de Muro Clausi.
The vicars of Saresbyri hath a praty college and house for their logginges.
Egidius Bisshop of Saresbyri, caullid Britport, because he was borne at Britport in Dorsetshir.
This Egidius kyverid the new cathedrale chirch of Saresbyri thoroughout with leade.
This Egidius made the college de Vaulx for scholers betwixt the palace waulle and Harnam Bridg.
Part of these scholars remaine yn the college at Saresbyri, and have 2. chapeleyns to serve the chirch ther, beyng dedicate to S. Nicolas.
The residew studie at Oxford.
The scholars of Vaulx be bounde to celebrate the anniversarie of Giles theire founder at the paroch chirch of Birtport wher he was borne.
Richard Poure, Bisshop of Saresbyri and first erector of the cathedrale chirch of New-Saresbyri, foundid the hospitale of S. Nicolas hard by Harnham Bridge, instituting a master, viij. pore wimen, and 4. pore men in it, endowing the house with landes. On the south side of this hospitale is a chapelle of S. ... standing in an isle.
And on the north side of this hospitale is an old barne, wher in tymes past was a paroch chirch of S. Martine.
This chirch was prophanid and a nother new made in Saresbyri for it, bering yet the name of S. Martine.
The cause of the translation was bycause it stoode exceding low and cold, and the ryver at rages cam into it.
This chirch of S. Martine and the hammelet or village of Harnham stode or ever any part of New-Saresbyri was buildid.
One Aschue, alias Aschgogh, Bisshop of Saresbyrif in Henry the 6. tyme was beheddid in a rage of the communes for asking a tax of money, as sum say, on an hille hard by Hedington; wher at this tyme is a chapelle and heremitage. The body of hym was buried in the house of Bon-Homs at Hedington.
This Aschue was a Master of Arts.
Bisshop Simon gave leve to the burgesis of his toun of New-Saresbiri to diche and to environe the toun of Saresbyri with a waulle. The great diche and long yet ther apperith, but the waul was never begon.
Clarington Park and Maner Place about a mile by south est from Saresbyri.
The parke of Clarington [a] is a very large thing, and hath many kepers yn it.
Ther was at Clarington a priory caullyd Ivy Chirch.
From Saresbyry to Rumesey [b] xiiij. miles.
From Rumesey to Hampton.
From Saresbyri to Thomas Beketes bridge of 2. stone arches a mile al by champayn.
Under this bridg rennith a praty broke [c] rising a 3. miles above it by north est.
This broke goith ynto Avon about a mile beneth Harnham Bridge.
Passing a 3. miles farther I left a mile of on the right hond Bukholt Woodde, a great thing, wher in tymes past by likelihod hath bene a chace for dere.
Thens 8. miles al by champayn grounde baren of woodde Hampshire, to Stoke Bridge of ... stone archis. Stoke stondith as the broke rennith on the lifte hand of it.
Andever water [d] passith thorough this bridg, but it metith afore with Horwel streme.
Andever is 3. miles of by north from Stoke Bridge.
Ther is a stone bridge at Andever over the water.
The hedde of Andever water is not far above Andever.
Ther is no notable bridge on this water betwixt Andever and Stoke Bridge.
This water resortith into Teste Ryver at ...
Rumesey a xij. miles from Stoke Bridge.
From Stoke to Winchestre 8. miles al by champayn ground baren of wodde.
The soyle betwixt Saresbyri and Winchestre of white clay and chalk.
The toun of Winchester is by estimation a mile dim. in cumpace withyn the waulles.
The lenghth of it lyith from est to west: the bredth from north to south.
Ther be in the waulles vj. gates, by est one: by west an other: the third by south: the 4. by north. The 5. is caullid
[a] Clarendon.
[b] Romsey.
[c] Bourne r.
[d] Anton r.
the Kinges Gate, and is betwixt the south gate and Wolvesey the Bisshopes palace. The 6. is bytwixt north gate and est gate, no great thing but as a postern gate namid Bourne Gate.
The castelle joynith hard to the south side of the west gate.
The cathedrale chirch and the close lyith on the south side of the towne, and is in cumpace with the cemitery nere half a mile: and one side of it hemmith in the towne as the waul of it, even almost from the Kinges Gate to the very palace waulle of Wolvesey.
The castelle or palace of Wolvesey hemmith yn the toune waulle from the close waul almost to the est gate.
The palace is welle tourrid, and for the most part waterid about.
St. Mary Abbey a litle by est withyn the west gate, welle waterid with an arme of Alsford Ryver that rennith thorough it, and after to Wolvesey the bisshop's palace.
Ther is a fair chapelle on the north side of S. Mary Abbay chirch in an area therby; to the wich men entre by a certen steppes; under it is a vault for a carnarie. One Inkepenne, a gentilman that berith in his sheld a scheker sylver and sables, was founder of it. Ther be 3. tumbes of marble of prestes custodes of this chapelle.
Entering ynto Winchestre by thest gate ther was hard within the gate on the right hand an house of Gray Freres.
And hard by on the same hand a litle more weste is a fair hospital of S. John, wher pore syke people be kept. Ther is yn the chapelle an ymage of S. Brinstane, [a] sumtyme Bisshop of Wynchester: and I have redde that S. Brinstane foundid an hospitale yn Winchestre.
The Blake Freres College stoode sumwhat toward the north withyn the town.
The White Freres.
The Augustines house a litle without the south gate on the left hond in the way to Hampton.
S. Swithunes, now caullid the Trinite, standith in the south side of the toun.
A chapelle with a carnary at the west ende of the cathedrale chirch.
[a] St. Beornstan.
The new college lyith without the toun wal by south hard agayn the close waulle.
The water that cumrnith from Wolvesey and the close goith hard by the este side of the college, and so toward Saynct Crosse.
The college of S. Elizabeth of Hungarie, made by Pontissara [a] Bisshop of Winchester, lyith strait est apon the new college: and ther is but a litle narow causey betwixt them. The mayne arme and streame of Alsford water devidid a litle above the college into 2. armes rennith on eche side of the college.
Withyn these 2. armes not far fro the very college chirch of S. Elizabeth is a chapel of S. Stephan.
Ther was an hospitale for poore folkes a very litle without the Kinges Gate maynteinid by the monkes of S. Swithunes now suspressid.
There hath beene withyn the town waulles a ... paroche chirches. Bisshop Fox suppressid dyverse, of them, inviting the people of them to maintain the other yet standing: and to make som honest lyving onto the incumbent. Ther be yet ... paroche chirches standing within the waulles of Winchester.
Ther is a streate in Winchestre that leadith right from the High Strete to the north gate, caullyd the Jury, by cause Jues did enhabite it, and had theyr synagoge there.
The staple houses for wolle at Winchestre lay from the west gate yn a bak way to the north gate.
S. Michael's Gate in Winchestre is spoken of of aunciente wryters, but that name is now out of use. Ther is a chirch of S. Michael by the Kinges Gate, wheron I conjecture that the Kinges Gate was sumtyme caullid S. Michael's Gate, or els the south gate.
Ther is a suburbe at the est gate of sum caullid the Soken: and is the biggest of al the suburbes longging to the cyte of Winchester.
In this suburbe be 2. paroche chirchis: and a litle without this suburbe estwarde on the toppe of an hille in the way to London is a chapelle of S. Giles, that sumtyme, as apperith, hath bene a far bigger thyng.
Waldavus, Erle of Northumbreland, a noble Saxon or
[a] John of Pontoise.
Dane was behedid by the commaundement of King Wylliam Conquerour.
Ther is also a litle suburbe without the west gate, and in it was a chirch or chapell that now servith for a barn.
The suburbe without the northe berithe the name of Hyde.
In this suburbe stoode the great abbay of Hyde, and hath yet a paroche chirche.
This abbay was ons caullid Newanminstre and stoode in the close hard by S. Swithunes, otherwise then caullid Ealdenminstre.
But when it was translatid thens to Hyde it bare the name of Hyde.
The bones of Alfredus, king of the West-Saxons, and of Edward his sunne and king, were translatid from Newanminstre, and layid in a tumbe before the high altare at Hyde: in the which tumbe was a late founde 2. litle tables of leade inscribid with theyr names. And here lay also the bones of S. Grimbald and Judoce.
On the south side of Hyde Abbay betwixt it and the waulle is a medow caullid Denmark, wher the fame is that Guido Erle of Warwik killid great Colebrande the Dane singulari certamine.
There is yet a paroche chirch yn Hyde suburbe.
Ther is a litle suburbe without Dome Gate or postern.
Ther is a fair suburbe without the Kinges Gate caullid the Kinges strete.
Ther lyith also a litle suburbe without the south gate: and here about was a fair chirch of S. Feith suppressid by Bysshope Fox: and the paroche annixtd to Sainct Crosse.
Ther was a very fair chapelle of S. Catarine on an hille scant half a mile without Winchester toun by south. This chapelle was endowid with landes. Thomas Wolsey cardinal causid it to be suppressid, as I hard say.
Ex libello Donationum Winton. Eccl.
Kinewaldus rex dedit Cometon, Alresford, Wordiam et Wordiam.
Adulphus rex contulit Chiltecomb. [a]
Egbertus rex contulit Drokenesford, Wordy, Awelton et Bedehampton.
Edwardus rex dedit Overton.
S. Edwardus rex dedit Portland, Wikes, Holewelle et Waymuth.
Aethelstanus rex dedit Chibalton et Elendon quod est Worston.
Edredus rex dedit Husseborn.
Athelstanus rex dedit Merdon et Ecberbyri.
Emma regina dedit Brandesbyri.
Ailwinus nobilis dedit Witten.
Eritheswiglia regina dedit Taunton.
Agelwinus dux dedit Cleram.
Alwara nobilis uxor Leowin dedit Alwarestok.
Elphegus praefectus dedit Crond ... del ... ... it Wyly id ... St ...
Hospitale de Fordingbridge given to the Kinge's College in Cambridg.
Abbatia de Waverlegh.
Ab. de Letelegh.
Prioratus de Selebourne prope Aulton or. S. Aug.
Prioratus de novo loco: Newwark in comit. Surrey prope Okyng.
Prior, de Burton in insula Vecta ord. S. Aug.
Prior, monialium de Ivingho, ex Eundat. episcopi Winton. in dioecesi Lincoln.
Domus Dei de Hampton.
Decanatus de Somebourn: prope Winton.
Prior de Motesfont.
Prior, de Caresbrok in insula Vecta.
Ab.de Quarrere in Vecta.
[a] Chilcomb.
Prior, de Hayling habet in Cheling insula.
Prior, de Selebourn.
Prior, de Brommore prope Avon.
Prior S. Crucis.
Abbat. de Durford.
Prior, de Hamelerise: novum possidet.
Prior, de Apledorcomb.
Prior, de Okebourn.
Prior, de Ankerwik.
Prior, de Edenwelle. ... eta insula. ... stoke.
The course of Alresford Ryver.
This ryver [a] first beginnith of a great numbre oi fair sylver springes a good mile above Alresford: and these resorting to a botom make a great brode lak, communely caullid Alsford Pond.
Then it cummith into a narow botom and rennith thorough a stone bridge at the ende of Alresford toun, leving it on the lifte hand or ripe.
Thens to Hichin [b] Stok village a 3 miles, wher is a litle bridge for horse men and fote men.
Thens 2. miles to Eston village, wher is a wood bridge for cartes.
Thens to a village or place caullid Worthy: and here the water beginnith to breke into armes, and those again into other armelettes that resorte to Hyde, and the lower partes by est of Winchestre, serving the streates plentifully of water, the close, S. Maries Wolvesey and the new college.
The great streame of Alresford water cummith from Worthy to the est bridg of Winchestre, having 2. arches of stone.
Thens half a quarter of a mile to Sainct Elizabethes College, and ther breking into 2. armes rennith on eche side of it: and thens goith toward Sainct Crosse, leving it a quarter of a myle on the right hond.
And after goith to Twyford a myle dim. lower, wherabout
[a] Aire r.
[b] Itchen Stoke.
al the water gatherith into one botom, and thens goith a vj. myles to Wood Mylle, and ther enterith into a salt creke.
Mr. Philepotte dwellith by Twyforde.
Ther is a wood bridge a litle above Wood Mille caullid Blak Bridg.
Blake Bridge made of wod is betwixt S. Elizabeth and Est Bridge.
Oterburne village a 3. miles strait south out of Winchester. Here cummith a broke downe caullid Oter from west, and rennith by est into Alresford water.
The way from Winchester to London.
To Alreford vij. miles.
To Altoun vij. miles.
To Farenham [a] vij. miles.
To Guldeforde ix. miles.
To London xxv. miles.
From Winchester to Southampton x. miles, that is 3. miles to Oterburn, and vij. forewarde.
The soile in sum part betwixt meately good and mouch dry feren ground, apter for brede of catelle then to bere come.
The most part of the ground betwixt enclosid and reasonably woddyd.
Ther is a park a 3. miles out of Winchester, almost by south, caullyd Hursley, longging to the Bisshop of Winchester.
And by this park was a castelle caullid Merden, wherof sum smaul ruines or tokens yet remayne.
The town of Old Hampton a celebrate thing for fisschar men, and sum merchauntes, stoode a quarter of a mile or ther aboute from New Hampton [b] by north est and streatchyd to the haven syde. The plotte wheryn it stoode berith now good corn and gresse, and is namyid S. Maryfeld by the chirch of S. Mary stonding hard by it.
Sum men yet alyve have seene dyvers houses (especially up into the lande of Old-Hampton) withyn the feld self now caullyd S. Maryfeeld.
[a] Farnham.
[b] Southampton.
Some thinke that the great suburbe standing yet with out the est gate of New Hampton and joyninge to S. Marie Chirche is part of Old-Hamptoun.
Ther is a chapel of S. Nicolas a poore and smaul thing yet stonding at the est ende of S. Marie Chirch in the great cemiterie, wher constant fame is that the old paroche chirch of Old Hampton stoode. One told me there that the litlenes of this chirch was cause of the erection of the great chirch of our Lady there now stonding by this occasion: one Matilde, Quene of England, askid what it ment, that a great numbre of people walkyd about the chirch of S. Nicolas, and one answeryd; it is for lak of rome in the chirche. Then she ex voto promisid to make ther a new: and this was the originale of S. Marie Chirch. Thys Queene Matilde, or sum other good persones folowing, had thought to have made this a collegiate chirch; but this purpose succedid not fully. Yet nevertheless S. Marie Chirch at thys day in token of the auncientnes of Old-Hampton is mother chirch to all the chirches in New-Hampton. Andyn testimonie of thys the commune sepulture of New Hampton ys in the cemiterie of S. Marie Chyrche.
And there be many fair tumbes of marble of marchauntes of New Hampton buryed in the chirch of S. Marie, as yn their mother and principale chirch.
Ther is on the south side of the cemiteri a fair mansion place of stone longging to the person of S. Maries.
The old town of Hampton was brent in tyme of warre, spoyled and rasyd by French pyrates.
This was the cause that the inhabitantes there translatid themself to a more commodius place, and began with the kinges licens and help to builde Newhampton and to waulle yt yn defence of the ennemies.
Ther be yn the fair and right stronge waulle of New- Hampton these gates:
Fyrst Barre gate by north large and well embatelid. In the upper parte of this gate is domus civica: and underne the is the toun prison. There is a greate suburbe withfout this gate, and ther is a great double dike welle waterid on eche hand without it. And so 4. tourres in the waulle, (wherof the 3. as a corner towre is very fair stronge) to the est gate.
The est gate is stronge, but nothing so large as the Barre-gate.
There is a suburbe withoute this gate, and S. Maries the mother chyrch of Newhampton stondith yn it.
There be vj. fair tourres in the walle betwixt the est gate and the south gate: and loke as the town without the waulle is doble dichid from the castelle to Barre-gate, and so to est gate; so it is from est gate almost even to south gate.
The south gate stondith not even ful south but south est: and ther is ioinyd to it a castelet welle ordinancid to bete that quarter of the haven.
Ther is a nother meane gate a litle more south caullid Goddeshouse-Gate, of an hospitale yoinid to it.
And not far beyond it is a fair gate caullid the Water gate: without the wich is a faire square key forsid with piles into the haven water for shipfpes to resort to.
Then a 3. towrres to the west gate.
The west gate is strong, and even without it is a large key for shippes, as there is without the water gate.
Ther be 2. gates beside, wherof one is as a posterne, and the other is by the castelle.
The glorie of the castelle is yn the dungeon, that is both larg, fair, and very stronge, both by worke and the site of it.
There be 5. paroche chirches withyn the toun of Hampton.
The Holie Roode Chirch stondith yn the chief strete of the town.
There was a college of Grey Freres in the est south est part of the toune touching to the toune waulle betwixt the est and the south est gates.
There is an hospitale yn the toun toward the south caullyd Goddeshouse, wheryn is a chapelle dedicate to Saynct Juliane the bisshop.
Thys holspitale was foundyd by 2. marchauntes beyng bretherne, whereof the one was caullyd Gefrvasius the other Protasius, of the sayntes day by likelihod that they were borne on.
These 2. brethern, as I there lernid, dwellyd yn the very place wher the hospitale is now at such tyme as Old Hampton was brent by pyrates.
These 2. brethern for Goddes sake cause their house to be turnid to an hospitale for poore folkes, and endowed it with sum landes.
I redde in an old registre at Wynchester, wher names of abbays, priories and hospitales that were of the patronage of the Bisshop of Winchester were named, emonge the which was hospitale sive domus dei de Hampton.
I take it this, that sum Bisshop of Winchester renewid the old fundation adjecting more lande, and so had the patronage.
Syns by the request of a quene it was impropriate to the Quenes College yn Oxforde. They maynteynthe hospitale, and take the residew of the profites.
There be 3. principal streates yn Hampton, whereof that that goithe from the barre-gate to the water gate is one of the fairest streates that ys yn any town of al England, and it is welle buildid for timbre building.
There ys a fair house buildid yn the midle of this streat for accomptes to be made yn.
There cummith fresch water into Hampton by a conduct of leade, and there be certen castelletes onto this conduct withyn the town.
There be many very fair marchauntes houses in Hampton: but the chefest is the house that Huttoft, late custumer of Hampton, buildid in the west side of the toun.
The house that Master Lightster, chief barne of the Kinges escheker, dwellith yn is very fair.
The house that Master Mylles the Recorder dwellith yn is fair.
And so be the houses of Nicoline and Guidote Italianes.
A Brefe Description of the Haven of Southampton.
The bredth of the mouth or the entery of Southampton haven is by estimation a 2. myles from shore to shore.
At the west point of it is a stronge castelle a late buildid caullid Caldshore, communely Cawshot. [a]
There is on the est side agayne it a place caullid Hamelhooke, [b] wher be a 3. or 4. fisshars houses.
The haven shorith up a 7. miles on the west side tyl it cummith up to Hampton toun standing on the other side: and here by estimation the trajectus is a mile from land to land.
Thens it goith up farther a 3. miles to Redbridge: and ebbith and flowith a myle above that.
And to this salt arme as the highest and principale hed of the haven resortith both Teste Ryver and Stoke Bridge water yn one botom.
On this side of the haven I markid few other thinges notable.
But I markid that the body and principale streame of the haven enterid by south as at the mouth: and went up by ...
A 3. miles from Hamelehooke, that lyith as at the est point of the haven, goith a creke by nforth east up yn to the lande caullid comfmonly Hamelle Creeke: [c] and of sum Hamelle haven, wheryn is a very fair rode for greate shippes.
It takith name of a good fisschar toun caullid Hamelrise, [d] that lyith about a mile ynward from the creke mouth on the lift hand by weste.
This towne now longgith to the new college in Winchester. It longgid afore to a priorie of religious men in the same toune.
A 3. miles above Hamelrise at the very hedde of the creke is a good village caullid Budley or Botley.
And to this creeke by my estimation resortith the water cummyng from Bisshops Waltham, a praty tounlet a 3. miles of.
Scant a mile from the mouth of Hamelrise Creeke lyithe Letelege [e] on the shore upward in the mayne haven,
[a] Calshot.
[b] Hook.
[c] Hamble r.
[d] Hamble.
[e] Netley.
Here a late was a great abbay in building of white monkes.
About a 2. miles upward brekith in a great creeke out of the mayne haven and goith into the land by northe.
On the lift hand of this creke by west a litle from the shore stondith a chapelle of our Lady of Grace sumtime hauntid with pilgrimes.
Right agayn it is Hichyn a smaulle village on the est side: and hereof the trajectus is caullid Hichin-Fery.
A 2. miles upper in the creek lyith S. Dionise on the left hand and west ripe, where of late was a priorie of chanons ord. S. August.
And on the right hand on the est ripe lyith almost agayn it Bythern, [a] sumtyme a castelle longging to the bisshopes of Winchester, wherof yet sum ruines remayne: now a ferme longging to the Bisshop of Winchester.
Wood Mille lyith scant a mile upward, as at the hedde of the creeke: and hither resortith Alresford Ryver augmentid with dyverse brokes.
At Wood Mylle is good taking of salmons.
The toun of Hampton is not half a mile above the mouth of this creke.
The shore from Caldshore to Christes-Chirch Twinham.
From Cauldshore [b] castelle upward by south west a ... brekith in a creeke [c] that goith up into the land a 3. or 4. miles, and at the hedde of this creeke was Bewley, an abbay of white monkes, a tounlet and a certen territorie of ground privilegid with saunctuarie.
The castelle at Hurste on the shore is countid to be a xiiij. miles from Caldshore.
This castelle is set almost righte agayne the farther ende of the land of the Isle of Wighte.
And the trajectus heere from land to land is about a 2. miles, the which narow place is defendid by Hurst castelle. Christe-Chirch Twinhambume is a vj. miles above Hurste; and this toun being in Hamptonshire is the limes and the ryver by it of Hamptonshir and Dorseteshire.
[a] Bitterne.
[b] Calshot.
[c] Beaulieu r.
The New Castelles in Wighte.
Ther be 2. new castelles sette up and furnishid at the mouth of Newporte, that is the only haven in Wighte to be spoken of.
That that is sette up on the est side of the haven is caullid the Est Cow: and that that is sette up at the west syde is caullyd the West Cow, [a] and is the bigger castelle of the 2.
The trajedus betwixt these 2. castelles is a good myle.
The next part of the land and shore of Hamptonshire is a vij. miles from the Cowes.
From Hampton to Hichin village that stondith on the farther side of the fery about a mile.
Thens to Hamelrise a fisschar toun by much enclosid and hethy ground myxt with feme a 3. miles.
Thens over the fery and to Tichefeld a 2 good miles by lyke grounde.
Yet in sum vaynes about Tichefelde is very good grounde.
I left a praty lake on the lifte a litle or I enterid into Tichefeld toun.
Mr. Wriothesley hath buildid a right stately house embatelid, and having a goodely gate, and a conducte castelid in the midle of the court of it, yn the very same place wher the late monasterie of Premostratenses stoode caullyd Tichefelde.
There is a gramer schole propter ripam fluminis.
There is also a parke, the ground wherof is sumwhat hethy and baren.
Buddeley [b] is caullid but 3. miles from Tichefelde.
The Course of Tichefeld Water.
This ryver risith about Estmayne [c] a x. miles by north est from Tichefeld. It cummith from Estmaine to Wikeham or Wicombe a praty townlet on the right hand a 5. or 6. miles lower, where the water brekith into 2. armelettes, and goith under 2. wodden bridgges soone cumming to one streame agayne. Thens a 3. or 4. miles to a wood bridge by Mr. Wriothesleys house, leving Tichefeld toun on the right
[a] East and West Cowes, built in 1540.
[b] Botley.
[c] East Meon.
rype, and a litle beneth goyth under Warebridge of tymbre. Hither it ebbith and flouith. Thens withyn a myle it resortith into the water of Hampton haven,
From Tichefeld to Gosport a litle village of fisshar men by much hethy and feren ground a vj. miles.
Heere stoode a prophanid chapelle nere the shore of Portesmouth Haven scant half a mile from the very mouth of the haven.
Thinges that I notid on the West Part of Portesmuth Haven.
The lande at the west point of Portesmouth Haven is a sandy nesse and sone brekith of, gyving place to the open se.
Ther is a round stone toure with ordinaunce at the west point of the mouth of Portesmouth Haven.
And a litle way upper to the haven is a greate creke goyng by west up into the land a mile caullid Ostrepole Lake. [a]
Scant a quarter of a mile above this is Gosport village.
About a mile above this village is a nother creke caullid Forten of Forten a litle village by it.
A myle and an half above this is Bedenham Creeke, so caullid of a village standing by it. This creeke mouth lyith almost agayn Portchester castelle.
Fareham a fisschar village lyith aboute a myle more upward at the very hedde of the haven.
It is about a 7. miles from the west point of Portesmuth Haven to the est point of Hampton Haven, and in the mifdle way almost betwixt is a fisshar village caullid ...
Thingges that I notid on the este side of Portesmuth Haven.
The land heere rennith farther by a great way strait into the se by south est from the haven mouth then it dooth at the weste poynte.
There is at this point of the haven Portesmuth toun, and
[a] Haslar lake.
a great round tourre almost doble in quantite and strenkith to that that is on the west side of the haven right agayn it: and heere is a mighty chaine of yren to draw from tourre to towre.
About a quarter of a mile above this tower is a great dok for shippes, and yn this dok lyith yet part of the rybbes of the Henry Grace of Dieu, one of the biggest shippes that hath beene made in hominum memoria.
There be above this dok 2. crekes in this part of the haven.
The castelle of Portchester standith a 3. miles by water from Portesmuth toune.
The towne of Portesmuth is murid from the est tour a forowgh lenght with a mudde waulle armid with tymbre, wher on be great peaces both of yren and brasen ordinauns, and this peace of the waulle having a diche without it rennith so far flat south south est, and is the place most apte to defende the town ther open on the haven.
Then rennith a diche almost flat est for a space: and withyn it is a waulle of mudde lyke to the other: and so thens goith round aboute the toun to the circuite of a myle.
There is a gate of tymbre at the north est ende of the town: and by it is cast up an hille of erth dichid; wherin be gunnes to defende entre into the toun by land.
There is much vacant ground within the toun waulle.
There is one fair streate in the toun from west to north este.
There is but one paroche chirch in the town.
There is a chapelle in a vacant ground in the southe weste syde of the town toward the waulle and shore.
There is also in the west south west part of the toun a fair hospitale sumtyme erectid by Petrus de Rupibus Bisshop of Winchester, wheryn were a late xij. poore men, and yet vj. be yn it.
I lernid in the toun that the 2. towers in the haven mouth were begon in King Edwarde the 4. tyme, and sette forewarde yn building by Richard the 3. Kyng Henry the vij. endyd them at the procuration of Fox Bisshop of Winchester.
King Henry the vij. at his firste warres into Fraunce erectid in the south part of the towne 3. great bruing houses with the implementes to serve his shippes at such tyme as they shaul go to the se in tyme of warre.
One Carpenter a riche man made of late tyme in the mydle of the high streate of the town a town house.
The toun of Portesmouth is bare and litle occupied in time of pece.
King Henry the vij. of late tyme sette in Portesmuth capitaines, and certen soldiours in garnison.
The town of Portesmuth standith in a corner of an isle bering the name of Portesmuth. [a]
This isle is in lenght a vj. miles and a 3. myles in bredth.
This isle berith good corn and grasse.
The ground is made an isle by this meene: There brekith out an arme of the mayn haven about a 3. miles above Portesmuth, and goith up a 2. miles or more by marisch grounde to a place caullid Portebridge 2. miles from Portesmuth. Then brekith there out a nother creke out of the mayn se or Avant Haven and goith up also to Portebridg, and there is the ground insulatid.
The ground within the isle of Portesmuth is partely enclosid, fruteful of corn and hath sum wood.
From Portesmuth toun to Portesbridge of 2. arches of stone ij. mjles.
This bridge is the limes of the isle.
And heere I markid one arme of salte water ebbing and flowing that cummith owt of Portesmuth Haven up by marsch ground onto Portebridge. And an other creke thens from the mayne se to the same bridge. And these 2. crekes meting at the bridge make the Isle of Portesmuthe.
From Portebridge partely by Portdown a playn ground, partely by woodde, to Southwike a 4. miles.
Southwik is a good bigge thorough fare but no celebrate market. The fame of it stoode by the priory of the Blake Chanons there and a pilgrimage to Our Lady.
Here lyith by est Southwike a great forest ground wel woddyd caullid Est Bere, [b] welle replenishid with deere.
There is a nother chace and forest ground of this name a 3. or 4. miles by west of Winchestre, and is caullid the Forest of West Bere.
[a] Portsea Is.
[b] Forest of Bere.
From Southwike to Wikeham by enclosid ground 3. miles.
There standith on the lift hand of Estmain [a] Ryver Master Wodales maner place agayn the towne. Wikham is a large thorough fare, and welle occupied.
From Wikham to Waltham [b] a praty town 3. miles by enclosid ground, good pasture, wodde and corne.
Here the Bisshop of Winchester hath a right ample and goodly maner place motid aboute and a praty brooke renning hard by it.
This maner place hath beene of many bisshops building.
Most part of the 3. partes of the base court was buildid of brike and timbre of late dayes by Bisshop Langton.
The residew of the inner part of the house is al of stone.
The hedde of this brooke [c] for the most parte risith within a mile of the town of sundry springes in the way to Winchestre. This brooke goith toward Budley and Hamelrise Creke.
From Waltham to Winchester a 7. miles. 3. by enclosid and woddy ground: and 4. by champain.
In the Church of Farley, Com. Somerset.
Hic jacet Thomas Hungreforde Chevaler Dns de Farley, Welewe, et Heitesbyri, qui obiit 3. die Decembris ano. 1398. cujus animae propitietur Deus. Amen.
Hic jacet Do. Joanna, uxor ejusdem Thomae Hungerford, filia Dni Edmundi Husee, militis, quae obiit primo die Mensis Martii ao. D. 1412.
Out of a Table in the Chapelle of Farley Castel.
Thomas Hungreford knight and Dame Johan his wife. Syr Gualter Hungreford Lord Hungreford, Knight of
[a] East Meon r.
[b] Bishops Waltham.
[c] Hamble r.
the Garter and High Tresorer of England, sun and heir to Thomas and Johan.
Catarine heire to Peverel was wife to Syr Gualter.
Syr Robert Lord Hungreford sunne and heir to Walter.
Margaret lady and heir to Botreaux his wife.
Robert Erle Hungreford sun to Robert.
Heleanor Lady Molens, heir to Molens, wife to Erle Robert.
Erle Robert and Eleanor buried at Saresbyri in the cathedrale chirch.
The Line of Walter late Lord Hungreford.
Gualter Hungreford knight. Jone his wife. Edward sun to Walter. Jane his wife. Syr Walter Lord Hungreford. Susan. Alice. Elizabeth. Gualter and Edward his sonnes.
Davers of Daunsey in Wileshir by Bridg ... Susan Davers Alice Sannes Elizabeth Husee.
Thingges notid apon the Book of Bath.
Aeiston, nowcaullid Long Aeiston, by Bristow about a 3. miles from Bristow by 1 ...
Priscton a 4. miles from Bath by south west in Cainesham Hundrede.
Corston a 3. miles by west south west from Bath.
Aelvestun, alias Olvestoun, in Glocestreshire 16. miles out of Bath almost on Severn.
Cold Aeschtun 4. miles out of Bath playn north.
Dyddenham longgith to the bisshop.
Westun a mile west from Bath.
Hamptune a mile by est north est owt of Bath.
Northstok north west 3. miles by north on Launtesdune from Bath.
Sondestok 2. miles south from Bathe.
Stantune Stanton Prioris 4. miles by south west from Bath.
Counton a 4. or 5. miles and more west south west from Bath: and it joynith with Corston.
Aeischwik about a 12. miles from Bath on Mendepe.
Dunestorre a celle to Bath wher Master Luterelle now dwellith.
Corlecombe a mile north out of Bath.
In Transepto Eccl. in Merid. parte.
Thomas Stawel miles.
Horologium. Petrus Lightfote monachus fecit hoc opus.
Geffre Fromont Abbas Glaston.
Hugo Doctor. Theolog. fr. Walteri Monington Abb. Glaston.
In Bor. parte.
Edvardus de la Zouche monach. Glaston. cog. Edvardi 3.
Gualterus More Abbas Glaston.
Epit. Joan Taunton Abb. Glaston.
Ut multo tandem sumptu multoque labore
Fit Pastorjamjam co?nmoda multa parat.
Rura colit Christi docet et praecepta Joannes,
Mox animi exuvias condit in hoc tumulo.
Epit. Michaelis Ambresbyre Abbatis.
Qui serpentinas fraudes et vincla resolvit,
Restituitque ovibus debita rura suis:
Postquam turbida tranquillasset iempora saxo
Ecce sub hoc Abbas integitur Michael.
Epit. Roberti Pedreton Abbatis Glaston.
Liberal oppressos Pedreton ab aere alieno,
Demum hac composita pace quiescit humo.
Gualterus de Tantonia alias Hec Abbas Glaston ante imaginem Crucifixi.
Hic fecit frontem Chori cum imaginibus I. id etss ubi stat Crucifixus.
Lectura antiqui operis ex dono Richardi Bere Abbatis Glaston,
Gualterus Monington in Choro Abbas Glaston.
Hic fecit voltam Chori et Presbyterii et auxit longit.
Presbyterii 2. arcubus.
In Presbyterio.
Edmundus Senior in bor. parte.
Edmundus Irenside in merid. parte.
Arcturus in medio.
Epit. Arturii.
Hic facet Arturus flos regum, gloria regni,
Quem mores, probitas commendant laude perenni.
Versus Henrici Swansey Abbatis Glaston.
Infer, adpedem ejusdem tumuli.
Arturi jacet hic conjux tumulata secunda.
Quae meruit coelos virtutum prole secunda.
Inscript, in capite tumuli.
Henricus Abbas.
Crucifixi imago in capite tumuli.
Arturii imago adpedes.
Crux super tumulum.
2. Leones in capite et duo ad pedes tumuli attingentes terres.
In Meridionali Insulae adjac. Presbyterio.
John Breynton Ab. Glaston.
Sepulchrum armati in lapide.
Joannes Selwod Ab. Glaston. ante cap. S. Andreae.
In Bor. Insula.
Joannes de Cantia Abb. Glaston. in alto tumulo.
In Navi Eccles.
Adam Sodbyri Abbas. Mater ejus a laeva. Pater a dextra. Nicolaus From Abbas Glaston. Fuit Paduae et in Basiliensi concilio. Staford comes Devon, sub arcu in parte merid. Richarde Bere Abbas Glaston: in meridion: insula navis Eccles.
In Capella S. Mariae a Bor. part. Chori in Sacello. Joannes Biconel miles et Elizabeth. Gil. Semar miles in eadem volta.
Gualterus Fromont abbat began the great haul. Gualter Monington next abbate to hym endid it.
Gualter Monington made to the midle parte the chapitre house.
John Chinok abbate his successor performid it, and ther is buried in sepulchro cum imagine alabastri.
This John Chinok buildid the cloyster, the dormitor, the fratery.
Abbate Adam gave a vij. great belles.
Richard Bere abbate buildid the new lodging by the great chambre caullid the kinges lodging in the galery.
Bere buildid the new lodginges for secular prestes, and clerkes of our Lady.
Abbate Beere buildid Edgares chapel at the est end of the chirch: But Abbate Whiting performid sum part of it.
Bere archid on bothe sides the est parte of the chirch that began to cast owt.
There be vj. goodly windowes in the top of eche side of the est part of the chirch. There were 4. of old tyme, sins 2. addid, and the presbyterie enlonggid by Gualter Monington abbate.
Bere made the volte of the steple in the transepto, and under 2. arches like S. Andres crosse, els it had fallen.
Bere made a rich altare of sylver and gilt: and set it afore the high altare.
Bere cumming from his embassadrie out of Italie made a chapelle of our Lady de Loretta, joining to the north side of the body of the chirch.
He made the chapelle of the sepulcher in the southe end Navis ecclesie wherby he is buried sub plano marmore yn the south isle of the bodie of the chirch.
He made an almose house in the north part of the abbay for vij. or x. poore wymen with a chapel.
He made also the maner place at Sharpham in the parke a 2. miles by west from Gleston: it was afore a poore lodge.
Wyral Park lyith hard to Glaston by west.
Nordwood Park a mile by est from Glaston. John Selwod abbat buildid a place there.
Pilton Park about a vj. miles from Glaston by est. John Chinok abbate buildid a maner place ther.
Weston a litle maner Place ... mile west by Glaston.
Mere a fair old maner place 2. miles from Glaston by north.
Dameron a mene maner place a vij. miles west south west from Saresbyri in Wileshir.
Estbrent a 10. miles by north north west from Glaston a faire maner place.
Sturmestre Newton castelle in Dorsetshir, a 4. miles from Shaftesbyri. Edmund Irenside gave it to Glaston.
Stafford folowid Nicolaus Bubwith. This Stafford was translatid to Cantwarbyri.
Then was Thomas Bekington, borne be likelihod at Bekington in Selwod, sumtyme a scholar and felaw of the New College in Oxford.
Robert Stilington folowid, felow of Al Soullen College yn Oxford.
Richard Fox folowid afore Bisshop of Excestre.
Oliver King Secretarius Henr. vij. folowid.
Adrianus Card, folowid.
Thomas Wolsee Card: folowid.
John Clerk.
Guliam Knighte makith a crosse cumpassid with 7. then 6. and one piler in the midle.
S. Andres Water.
Doultingcote [a] and a bridge. Coscumbe [b] is about a 3. mile above that, and Shepton a mile above that.
Everchriche [c] and the Bisshops house.
Golafre Bridge one arche; ther is a broke. Milton a litle above on the hille. This is Milton Water, it rennith into Briwe [d] 2. miles beneth Briweton Bridge at a place caullid ...
Both sides of Briweton [e] in Selwood onto the Market Crosse.
Briwe risith at Briwecumb about ... miles by est north est above ...
Claustrum juxta Australem partem Navis Eccl. Wellensis.
Thomas Bekington made the west ende of the cloyster with the volte, and a goodly schoole with the schole master logging and an escheker over it, having 25. wyndowes toward the area side.
Bekington began also the south side of the cloyster. But one Thomas Henry, Treasorer of Welles and Archidiacon of Cornewaull, made an ende of it in hominum memoria.
This side hath no housing over it.
Thomas Bekington obiit 14. die Januar. ao D. 1464.
Thomas Bubwith made the est part of the cloyster with the litle chapel beneth and the great librarie over it having 25. windowes on eche side of it.
There is no part of the cloystre on the north side of the area to walk yn, for it is onely hemmid with the south isle
[a] Doulting.
[b] Crosscombe.
[c] Evercreech.
[d] Brue r.
[e] Bruton.
of the body of the chirch. Ther is only a chapelle yn that side of the area made by one Cukeham.
There is set to the est ende of the cloystre an exceding goodly chapel in transepto of Bisshops Stillington and King.
Sepulchra in Navi Eccl. Wellensis.
Decem arcus in utroque latere navis Ecclesie praeter campanile in utraqueparte transepti, sex in utroque latere orientalis partis ecclesiae. Decem arcus ex utraque parte navis Ecclesiae Welien.
Robertus Burnell Episcopus Wellensis. He lay not many yeres sins in an high tumbe with an image of brasse, now undre a plain marble.
Thomas Lovel.
Nicolaus Bubbewith in bor. parte sub arcu; Obiit 27. Oct. ao D. 1424; fecit Capellam in qua humatus est, et ibidem 4. capellanos instituit.
Hic dedit Eccl. Wellensi et Bathon. duos calices aureos.
Fecit quadratam turrim et campanas ad boreale latus occident, partis Ecclesiae, et panellam Claustri cum capella inferius, et libraria superius, et libris pretiosis ditavit.
Hospitale 24. pauperum in urbe Wellensi praeter Hospit. S. Joannis, quod fuit situm juxta pontem amniculi in meridionali parte urbis versus Glessenbyri. Hoc opus inceptum a Gul. Bubbith Episcopo Wellensi, et absolutum ab ejus executoribus.
A dextra Capellae Bubwit jacet sub piano marmore Gualt. Haselhaw Epus Wellen.
E regione ad merid. a dextra alterius Capellae jacet Richardus Epus Wellen. sub piano Marmore.
Sepulchra in Transepto Eccl. Wellen.
Hic jacet Joanna, Vicecomitissa de Lisle, una filiarum et heredum Thomae Chedder Armig. quae fuit uxor Joannis, Vicecomitis de Lisle, filii et heredis Joannis, Comitis Salapiae, et Margaretae ux. ejus, unius filiarum et heredum Richardi, Comitis Warwici, et Elizabeth uxoris ejus, filiae et heredis Thomae de Berkeley, militis, Di de Berkley, quae obiit 15. die mensis Julii Ano. D. 1464. 4. E. 4.
Hugo Sugar Canon. Wellen. executor Thomae Bekington et Roberti Stilingtoni Vicarius gener. multa bona fecit Eccl. Wellen. jacet in Navi Eccl., reparavit domos Vicariorum, opus ante inceptum a Bekingtono.
Joannes Storthwaith Cancellar. Wellensis, executor Bubbewith Episcopi Bathon. fecit Capellam et Cantariam in boreal, parte primi Transepti.
In superiori Transepto versus boream sunt tres celebres tumuli; duae tumbae sunt e marmore sine ulla inscriptione ... Thomae Episcopi Wellensis ...
In superiori Transepto versus meridiem jacent in elegantibus tumulis 2. Episcopi, et quidam Bikenelle canonicus Wellensis, Bikenelli cujusdam nobilis consanguineus, in alta tumba. Hic canonicus dedit terras Eccl. S. Andreae.
In Presbyterio versus Austrum sub Arcu.
Bekington in tumba celeberr. Epus Wellen.
Jocelinus sepultus in medio Chori Eccl. Wellen. tumba alta cum imag. aerea.
About Polydorus armes in the clothes hanging over the staulles in the quier: Haec Polydori sunt munera Vergilii. About his armes in the same clothes: Sum laurus virtutis honos pergrata triumphis.
Ad Boream.
Radulphus de Salapia Epus. Wellen. hic antea tumulatus fuit ante supremum altare, sed tumulus obfuit celebrantibus ministris.
In Boreali Insula juxta Chorum.
Quatuor tumuli et imagines Episcoporum Wellen. quae referunt magnam vetustatem.
In Meridionali Insula juxta Chorum.
Quatuor tumuli Episcoporum Wellensium, quorum tres imagines habent antiquitaiem referentes. Quartus est Gulielmi Bytton, quern vulgus nuper pro Sancto coluit.
Primus tumulus sic inscriptus est Bvrwoldus superstes circa an. Do. 1000.
Quidam Episcopus Wellen, jacet in sacello ejusdem insulae: et Gunthorp Decanus Wellen. et Ds. privati sigilli jacet ibidem.
In Capella D. Mariae ad orientaliss. partem eccles. Gul. Wellensis cum e ...
Joannis Drokisford Episcopus Wellensis sepultus in capella S. Joannis at the south west end. Guil. Bytton primus. ...
Ask for Radeclif Maner longging to Welles.
Ask wher Lidyard Episcopi is a 3. or 4. miles from Taunton.
Ask wher Knap is.
Ask wher Berlinch Priory is. It is in the utter part of Sommersetshir toward Devonshir.
Ask for Stokcury Priory in Somersetshir.
Aske where is the maner of Lillesdon.
Iren owr found a late in Mendipe, and yren made ther.
Mr. Guise hath at his maner of Elmore in Glocestreshir okes the rootes with yn the ground whom be convertid into very hard stone. And ther sum say that ther is ground that if a man cut a pece of wod ther and stike it in it wyll grow.
Palatia Episcopi.
Banwelle 12. myles by west from Welles, in radicibtis Mendepe.
Chew x. miles by north west from Welles, and v. miles from Bristow.
Everkriche, now yn ruine, a 7. miles from Welles by south este.
Welles Palace.
Twiverton, alias Twirton.
Clavertun, manerium Episcopi, cujus Curiam construxit Radulphus de Salapia.
The toune of Shirburne [a] is in cumpace a 2. miles.
S. Mary the abbay chirch, sumtime a paroche chirch, burnid a hunderith yeres or more sins by a sedition in the toune for a font broken doun by a boucher caullid Water Gallor.
Sum say that a prest shot an arow with fier to a pece in the partition of the abbay chirch and paroch chirch then be chaunce readid or thatchid.
The toun was compellid to help to the reedification of it.
Abbate Bradford, in whos tyme it was brent, build agayn the est part.
Peter Ramsunne, next abbate save one to Bradeford, buildid al the west part of the chirch, and the chapelle of our Lady of Bow on the south side of the old Lady Chapel.
Ramsun made the new Yn and dyvers houses in the north part of the toun.
One of the Sainct Johns lyth buried in the south side of the chapitre house.
Abbate Frithe not long afore Bradford made the cloyster.
Ther be paintid yn the volt of the chapiter house the bisshops that set at Shirburn.
Abbate Myer the last abbate save on made the tower over the conduct.
Philip Fizpaine and his wife lay buried ... on the south side of the presbyterie.
Ther was a paroche chirch of S. Emerentiana in the north part of the toune, wher now is a playn close.
Alhalowes paroche chirch pullid doun alate, and the paroch chirch made in our Lady Chirch at the abbay.
S. Michel Chapelle now doune.
S. John Heremitage by the mylle now down.
[a] Sherborne.
A new chapelle in S. Mary Chirch yard on the south side made by one Dogget a chanon of Saresbyri.
Thomas Bekkettes chapelle by the new Yn.
An hospitale begon to be indowed 4. anno Henrici vj. The king is taken for principal founder. But men of the landes by pece meales.
The castel is yn the est ende of the toun, and ther is a chapelle withowt the castelle in a close by est.
The toun is of the hold and lordship of the Bisshop of Sarum.
The mere lyith by est the castel, it was very far bygger. Ther be vij. spring, alias vij. sisters, in an hylle syde north est from Shirburne. They gether strait to one botom and cum to the mere, and thens the broke cummith from the mere in one botom, and rennith on the south side of the toune.
Ther cummith as bigge a brooke for Puscandel a 3. miles by flat est betwixt the park and the mere, as the streame of the meere, and joyneth at the lower mylle of the mere.
Newelle a litle burne rising in the west part cummith by the west part of the abbay, and so goithe to the ryver.
John Myer abbate of Shirburne said that he had redde in Latine bookes of his house that Shirburne was caullid Clarus fons.
Shirburn Water goith a 3. miles benethe Shirburn to Clifton, wher Mr. Horseys house is, and a litle beneth that is the confluence of Shirburne Water and Ivel [a] Ryver.
Above this confluence cummith yn on the same side Coker Water, a praty streame, rysing by west at Westcoker, and then renning a 3. miles, and so into Ivel.
Sum think that one of the farthest heddes of Ivel should be about Coscumb, a 2. mylys by ... from Ivel.
[a] Yeo r.
Ivelle village standith on the same side of the ryver that Ivelcestre [a] doth, and 3. miles lower the ryver cummith by Ivel village that standith on the other ripe contrary to Ivel and Ivelcestre.
This Ivelton is scant a mile above Ivelcestre. Limington sumtyme longid to one Juverney a famose knight, richely buried in a chapel on the north side of Limington chirch. Limington cam to the Bonevills by heir general.
St. Barbe dwellith at ... a mile from Limington. S. Barbe hath but a mark land. His grantfather was nepos, and sold most of the lande.
Bonville Lord Bonvile had many bastardes, emong whom he left sum land to one whos issue male yett remainith.
Ther was but on of the Bonvilles lord, and that was Syr William, whos landes by heir general cam to Harington.
In Stoke under Hamden Chirch in Somersetshire.
Icy gist le noble et vaillant Chivaler Maheu de Gourney iadys seneschal de Landes; et capiteyn du Chastel Daques pro nostre seignor le roy en la Duche de Guyene, que en sa vie fu a la Batail de Beuamarun, et ala a pres a la siege Dalgezire sur les Sarazines, et auxi a les baitalles de Le Scluse, de Cressy, de Deyngenenesse, de Peyteres, de Nazara, Dozrey, et a plusours autres batailles et asseges en les quex il gaigna noblement graunt los et honour par le space de iiij. et xvj. ans, et morust le xxviij. jour de Septembre lan nostre seignor Jhu Christ mill, cccc.vj. que de salme dieux eit mercy. Amen.
Rookesbridge next to Bridge-Water the lesser arme.
Highbridge toward Uphil.
Uphil ys the hed wher al the water issueth to the Severn Se.
[a] Ilchester.
Treveth one of the heires by manage to William Bruer.
Treveth endyd Bridge-Water Bridge.
Treveth armes on the bridge.
Gul. Bruer junior made the Gray Freres.
Treveth hymself buried yn Cornwalle.
Botreaux hart buryed at the Gray Freres.
Lady Botreaux ther buryed.
Wyllyam Poole made the Chapel of S. Salvior.
Bruer made S. John's and the castelle.
An almose house made by the toun. It hath litle or no landes.
A fresch bek rising a 4. miles of by west at Bromfeild. Devonshire. Simon's Bath, this water resortith toward Tivertun into Ex.
The partition of the shire a mile and more by northe west from Simon's Bath at the towres. The toures be round hillokkes of yerth sette for limites.
Taw risith in Exmore south est from Berstaple.
Tautun lordship and the priorie lordship on Berstaple side.
Taustok lordship and Fremingtun lordship on the farther ripe longging a late to the dukedom of Excestre, now to the Lord Russelle.
The cumpace of Berstaple by the old walle more then half a mile.
Foure gates est, west, north and south.
One paroche chirch, 4. chapelles, one chapel doune, a chapel of Al-Halow at the north gate self, a chapel of S. Nicolas at the west gate self.
The castelle.
The bridge of xvj. arches last made, as sum say, by Thracy.
The priory made by Johel of Totenes sunne to Alurede.
Tracy lord of the castelle, toun, and priory. Philippus de Columbariis lord of the same, he and his wife buried at the priorie of Berstaple, and so was Johelus.
Philippus obiit circa annum D. 1344 (aut 7).
Diverse of the lordes of Slane buried in Berdestaple priory.
Gul. de Meretun lord of the castelle, toun, and priory of Berstaple.
The Duke of Excestre lord of Berstaple.
Margarete, Henry the vij. mother, lady of Berstaple.
Henry Duke of Richmont and Sumerton lord of Berstaple.
The chapelle in the paroche chirch yard fundatore Holmanno Vicario paroch. Eccl.
From Berstaple to the haven mouth 5. miles.
Budeford Bridg first begon by revelation of a poore prest.
The bridge hath xxiiij. arches and a chapelle of our Lady at the farther ende.
Landes gyven for maintenaunce of Budeforde Bridge.
The fair paroch chirch of Budeford on the farther ripe and the better part of the toun.
Appledre village on the farther ripe of Budeford Haven 2. miles of, then a mile to the haven mouth, a smaul thing at ebbe of water.
The haven entery is barrid with sande, and the enterie into it is daungerus.
From the very point of the haven mouth of Taw to cut strait over to Hertey Point is a 6. or 7. miles. And Hertland priory a 3. miles above Hertey Point, and standith not a mile from the se. But bytwix the mouth of Tawe and Hertey Point lyith a very cumpasid bay, and almost in the midle therof is a place caullid Clovelle, wherabout Caryl dwellith: and here is the nerest trajectus into Lundey Isle.
Newton 3. miles.
Alston (Alscote).
Master Bedlow. This man hath recoverid two lordshippes that were the baron of Slanes.
One Stawford a marchant of London made the causey and a bridge at ech end of it betwixt Berstaple priory and Pylton.
The side of the lift hond of Pilton Strete longgid to Berstaple priorie.
The side on the right hond for the most parte to Clif Abbay.
Ethelstane gave Pilton lordship to Malmesbyri.
The abbay of Malmesbyri had the personage of Pilton and kept a celle ther.
Pilton stondith by making of cloth.
This King Ethelstane gave great liberties to Berstaple.
Bedlaw dwellith at Alscote.
Master Monke dwellith about a mile from Litle Tarington.
Mr. Rollys hath a very fair brik house at S. Giles half a mile by est out of Taringtun.
Taringtun a bigge market toun, and hath a mair.
Ther was a great castelle at Taringtun on Turege ripe, a litle above the south bridge of 3. arches of stone.
Ther standith only a chapelle yn the castelle garth.
I hard that one Syr William of Turington and his sunne after hym were lordes of it.
There is but one paroche chirch. Dr. Chaumbre is persun there.
Fristok priori about a mile from Taringtun.
The water of Turege risith a 3. miles from Hertland by north weste in a moore even hard by the hedde of Tamar.
Turege cummith to Depeforde bridg of 3. arches of stone.
Thens to the south bridge of Torington: and half a mile lower to the north bridge of stone bigger then the south. Thens to Budeford Bridge.
The first notable bridge of stone on Turege is Kissington.
Thens aboute half a mile to Pulforde Bridge.
Thens a 2. miles to Woodforde Bridge.
And aboute a 2. miles to Depeford Bridge and so
Depeford is a 7. or 8. miles by land from Taringtun.
Bedeford is a 3. or 4. miles by neth Taringtun.
Depeford is a 9. miles from Hartland.
Bedeford x. miles from Hartland.
Torington 12. miles from Hartland.
Lidford 18. miles from Torington.
Moltun a good market town a 7. miles by est from Berstaple.
The Erle of Bath hath a goodly maner place toward Tivertun caullid Bampton.
Bridges on Tamar.
A bridg of stone at Tamertun, there is a village on the est ripe.
Yalme Bridge 2. miles lower.
New-Bridge a 2. miles lower, it hath 3. great high arches and one low.
Polstun Bridge a 2. miles lower. The abbay of Tavestok made this bridge, and hath fair landes therabout.
Greistun Bridg about a 2. miles lower.
Another bridg caullid New-Bridge.
Lidford Bridge.
A long suburbe.
The toune waul about a mile in cumpace on the toppe of a rokky hille.
The dungeon of the castelle hath 3. wardes.
One paroche chirche.
A broket or pirle of water renning out of an hille nere the toun and cumming thorough a peace of the toun withyn the walle.
A broke renning yn the botom in the suburb, caullid Aterey; it risith a xij. miles of by west north west toward Bodmyn.
Bodmyn 20. miles from Launstoun.
Bodmyn 20. miles from Tamartun.
Tamartun 4. miles from Launstun.
The priorie of Blake Chanons by Launstoun suburbe.
A broket dimming from an hille therby and renning thorough a praty wood hard by the house, and so thorow the offices of the howse, and then ynto Aterey.
The old house of prebendaries at S. Stephan's on the hil a mile out of the toun.
One Mabilia a countes was buried in the chapitre house.
Prior Horestun had a fair tumbe in the south isle.
Prior Stephan richely tumbed.
Gawen Carow hath the priory in Ferme.
S. Catarines Chapel on an hille withoute the toun, now defacid.
From Launstun toward Botreaux a ij. miles metely good ground, and enclosid and sum wood.
Then a viij. miles by mory, wild ground, baren of corne, and wood round aboute in sight, and then about a 2. miles toward Botreaux by ground bering sum corne but clene baren of wod. The people ther brenne for the most part firres and ling.
My Lord of Huntendune hath a place caullid the Parke, wher Botreaux had a fair maner or castelle a vj. miles by south from Botreaux. The late Lord Hungreford had half this lordeship.
Botreaux a xviij. miles from Harteland.
Ther is a prety toun and market a myle from witheyn the land caullid Strettun, a xij. miles upper on Severn shore from Botreaux, and then a 6. or 8. miles upper to Hertland Point.
Tredewi and a broke and 2. rokkes as islelettes.
Bosuenny a privilegid toun and broke of Tredewi water, and this goith out at Bosuenny.
A point of a litle land at Bosuenny, and a havenet if the pere were made.
S. Simphorian Chirch.
S. Julianes Chapel in Tintagel Castel.
A broke into the se a mile of I rode, and a se rok as an isle a litle by weste of the mouth.
Then about a 3. miles to Portissek, a praty fischar village, wither resortith a litle broke and makith a smaulle creke.
And then a 2. miles farther to Porteuin a fischar village; wher is a fischar village with a broke resorting to a smaulle creeke, and so to Padstow Haven mouth aboute a 3. miles.
To S. Esse about a 4. miles from Tindagel.
About S. Esse the soile wexith better for al thinges.
To Trelille a 2. miles.
M. Carnsey hath a place about a mile beyond Trelille, and ther is sum smaul wood.
From Trelille to Wade-Bridge about a 4. miles.
From S. Esse to Wade-Bridge good corn ground, but very litle or no wood.
One Lovebone, vicar of Wade-Bridge, began 80. yere ago or more the goodly bridge of Wade-Bridge of xvij. arches, and with help of the countery finishid it.
No bridges to be spoken of from Camilford, nor at Camilford on thys water to Wade-Bridge except Helham bridge and Dunmere bridge a 2. miles lower.
Helham bridge.
Dunmere bridge of 3. arches, it is a 3. miles be land higher then Wad-Bridg, and a 4. by water.
Padstow a 4. miles lower, no bridge thither nor thens on it to the se.
Bridges on Stour above Blanford.
Bridges on Stour beneth Blanford Bridg.
Stormester 2. miles lower of stone.
Juliane bridg of stone scant 3. miles lower.
Aleyn bridg of xij. archis scant a quarter of a mile lower.
A litle above this bridge is the confluence of Burne and Stour by ner a mille.
Iver bridg of stone a vi. miles lower.
Christes-Chirch Twinham is but 2. miles lower.
Ther is an hospitale of S. Giles endowid with landes at Wilton Town ende.
In hoc loco quiescit Corpus S. Etheldredi Regis Westsaxonum, Martyris, qui anno Dnl 827. 13. die Aprilis per manus Danorum Paganorum occubuit.
A tumb of one Barwik or Barok.
There is a place in Wyleshir caullid Combe Castelle, a 4. miles toward est from Chippenham: and to this place longe diverse knightes services and libertees. And this lordship now longgith to one Scrope.
Syr Richard ... de Aberbyri first made the castelle of Dunnington, the house of Crossid Freres, and the hospitale by Dunington.
VI. great arches in Harnham bridge on the principale arme of Avon; iiij. litle arches in the bridge at Harnham over the lesse arme.
A prest of Saresbyri told me that ther was an house or celle of Bonhomes at Ruthin by Denbigh land, and that sins it was translatid into a paroche chirch. I toke this knowlege that ther had bene an house of one of the 4. Ordres Mendicantes.
Bridges on Avon.
Fisscherton bridge of 6. archis of stone.
Crane bridge of a 5. archis.
Harnham bridge of vi. and ... 4. archis.
Duntoun stone bridge 4. miles lower.
Fording bridg 4. miles lower.
Ringwodde bridge ... lower.
Christe-Chirch Twinham 10. miles from Saresbyri.
A maire in Miltoun. [a] A chapelle. A house of freres in Milton. The paroche chirch of Milton a mile or more at ...
Miltoun hath beene far bigger then it is now, for it hath beene partly rasid by French-men as a toun without defence.
[a] Melcombe Regis.
Good building in Milton.
Waymouth toun right again Milton on the other side of the haven, it is bigger then Milton is now. Ther is a chapelle by on the hille. The paroch chirch a mile of. A kay for shippis in the towne. The haven mouth almost at hand.
Half a mile and more to the new castel. An open barbican to the castelle.
A mile to the trajectus.
By the hither part of it goith up a great arme to Abbatesbyri, 7. miles of at the hed of it: ther cummith in a smaul fresch.
On the farther point of the trajectus is a narow arme of land like a causey, gatherid with sand cast up with the se, and this goith up a mile to the rootes of the main land of Portland.
Ther is a new castelle set at thys causey end.
From the fote of this narow causey to the hed of the arme that goith up to Abbatesbyri makith a 6. ... tatio Gregorii Nazanzeni contra ... mianos Latinitate donata a ... chorno.
Bridges on Winburne.
Ise Broke bridges 2. in number, one but a litle way from the other, having 3. archis a peace.
Winburne streame partith into 2. armes a litle above these 2. bridges, so that ther is a bridge over eche of them.
Winburne a litle byneth these bridges cummith agayn into one streme, and so goith to a mille at Winburn town ende, and a litle lower, even a litle above Aleyn bridge, goith into Stowr.
Winburn risith a 2. or 3. miles above S. Giles Winburn, wher Master Asscheley dwellith: and thens a vj. miles to Walleford bridg of 4. archis, and thens to Isebek bridges in Winburn toun.
S. Giles Winburn is north from Winburn minstre. -
Lichet village and an arme out of Pole water beting with a litle fresch.
Lichet 2. miles by the fery way from Pole, els 3. miles.
The cause of the great desolation of Wallingford was a great pestilence in Edward the 3. dayes, wherapon they askyd to King Richard and had the toun fe ferme brought from 40. li to 17. li.
Mr. Pollard told me that it apperith by mater of recorde that there were 12. paroche chirchis in Walingford in the tyme of Richard the second. The great stone bridge at Abendun made by John of S. Hellen was a gret decay to Wallyngford, for that the Glostershire men had usyd Walyngford, that now go by Abyndun. Enteringe into Abyngdon I came ovar a stone bridge on Ouke watar, and strayte benethe the bridge it comithe into Isis hard by the hospitall, by west Seynt Helen's churche. This watar comythe downe from Wantage in Barkshire. Kynge Henry the 5. is taken ther for chefe foundar of this hospitall.
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