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Printed for the Worcestershire Historical Society,
1303. (Fol. 1.) Whereas the church of Wykewane, belonging to the Cistercian Abbey of Bordesley, which was applied to his own uses by Godfrey [Giffard] late bishop, by title of appropriation, is without a vicar, no sufficient portion for his maintenance having been assigned; the bishop assigns for the maintenance of a perpetual vicar to serve the said church, a portion of the profits of the church, of which the value has been ascertained by inquisition of clergy and laity, as follows: the area in the town of Wykewane in which is situated the house called the priest's house (domus) with the whole area adjoining, and with a garden on the church soil, west of the rectory house (mansuni), enclosed with hedges and ditches as they are now, lying between the house (mansum) on one side and a mill-pond on the other side, to be built suitably by the convent before the feast of S. John the Baptist next; tithes of wool, milk, calves, young pigs, geese, eggs, honey and bees, of gardens, courtyards (pedeculturarum), dovecots, mills, flax and hemp; all mortuary dues except those which ought to be given in live animals; offerings at the altar, yearly and thirty-yearly oblations for the dead, and generally all small tithes and offerings at the altar; tithe of the meadow hitherto paid in money; one quarter of wheat and one quarter of barley, pure and clean grain, to be received from the grange of the convent in the town of Wykewane, on S. Martin's day in winter. The convent shall pay to the vicar 60s. yearly, viz., at the feast of the Purification, 20s., at the feast of the Annunciation, 20s., and at the feast of the Holy Trinity, 20s., and shall keep the chancel in repair and provide
[1] (On the fly-leaf:- )
Registrum Reverendi patris domini Willelmi Geynesburgh Episcopi Wigorniensis,
Anno Domini MCCC tercio.
sufficient books in the same. The vicar shall pay the archdeacon for procurations, and also shall pay him half a mark on the feast of the Purification, and shall provide lights, vestments and necessary ornaments for divine worship in the chancel, with a suitable clerk. The convent and the vicar shall bear all other extraordinary charges which shall be decided to fall to their respective shares. In addition to this ordinance the archdeacon shall have power to correct and punish parishioners and servants of the convent, of whatever condition, for offences in the parish or rectory house, and exercise other archidiaconal functions, notwithstanding any privileges obtained by the convent. The bishop and archdeacon shall have power to compel the convent to observe the present ordinance by ecclesiastical censure and sequestration of their goods, without legal process or notice. Four marks of the profits of the convent arc reserved to the bishop for procurations to be paid in the said church every year when the bishop shall happen to visit it. Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Jan., 1303, second year of consecration [1].
1304. To E., archdeacon of Gloucester. To induct the abbot and convent of Bordesley to the church of Wykwane, reserving to the bishop four marks for procurations, and to the perpetual vicar the portion assigned by the bishop. Alvynechirch, 18 Kal. Dec, second year of consecration.
(Folio 1d. [2]) To the archdeacon of Gloucester. Forbids him to allow Thomas, perpetual vicar of the church of Wikewane, to be troubled before the bishop, if he has provided as clerk a suitable minister in minor orders, and not a deacon who is objected to, as some assert to be the case. Wyk', 10 Kal. Aug., 1304.
Declaration that the bishop adds to his former ordinance concerning the church of Wykewane that the abbot and convent of Bordesley shall pay the synodal fees to. the ordinary. Whereas the perpetual vicar of the said church is bound to provide a suitable clerk, and it is found by inquisition taken by the dean of Caumpeden
[1] Ginsborough was consecrated at Rome on the 28th October, 1302.
[2] At the foot of folio 1 is a note that the institution of the vicar of Kydermynstre
is entered on folio 38.
at the instance of the parishioners, that from time immemorial it has been customary for the clerk to be a deacon, the bishop adds to his former ordinance that the clerk shall be in deacon's orders unless the parishioners at any future time shall be content with a clerk in minor orders. Alvynechirch, 14 Kal. Aug., 1305.
Process of sentence concerning the position of J., prior of Worcester.
1303. Submission of John [1], prior of the cathedral church of Worcester, to the bishop's ordinance, to be completed before the feast of the Purification next, touching the position of Stephen de Wytton, his fellow-monk, and the prejudice of the bishop's right in the matter of appeals; saving a composition formerly made between William de Bleys, bishop of Worcester, and the chapter, as it has been kept hitherto, and saving the right of his monastery. Sealed with the prior's seal. Alvynechirch, u Kal. Jan., 1303.
Renouncement by the convent of appeals from the bishop, to any person, see or court, obtained or to be obtained by them jointly or separately, especially by Gilbert de Maddel' and John de Brymesgrave. Made in the chapter of Worcester, by John de Brymesgrave, monk, one of the proctors of the convent, in presence of the prior and convent, masters W. de Wotton, J. de Rodeberwe, William de Gloucester, Geoffrey de Northwyc, Benet de Feriby, J. Bradewas and J. Caleys, notary. The said masters W. and J., the bishop 's commissaries, required the said notary to make this a public instrument. 10 Kal. Jan., 1303.
Appointment of masters J. de Rodeberwe and W. de Wotton, as the bishop's commissaries, to pronounce on the article of unlawful entry objected against J. de Wyk', prior of the cathedral church of Worcester, in the bishop's recent visitation. Sealed. Alvynechirch, 11 Kal. Jan., 1303.
Sentence by John de Rodeberwe, clerk, the bishop's commissary, that the entry of the said prior was canonical. Read by the commissary in the monks' chapter, in presence of the prior and convent, masters W. de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, G. de Northwyc, W. de Gloucester, clerks, John Caleys and John de Bradewas, notaries public. Sealed with the said commissary's seal. Monday next after the feast of S. Thomas, Apostle, 1303.
[1] John de Wyke.
1304. (Folio 2.) Commission to William de Morton, the bishop's proctor for the church of Helyndon, of the custody of the bishop's manor in London. Alvynechirch, 6 Kal. Jan., 1303 second year of consecration.
Letter to William Le Taverner of London directing him to deliver to the said William the custody of the said manor and household. Same date.
William de Morton, clerk, is appointed proctor for the church of Hylingdon in the diocese of London, together with William, perpetual vicar of Hilingdon. 4 Kal. Jan.
Commission to Ralf de Geveldale, of the custody of the manors of Hampton and Stratford and the hundred of Gilpyt, in absence of the steward. Alvynechirch, 7 Id. Jan., 1303, second year of consecration.
Similar commission to the said Ralf de Gaveldale of the custody of the manors of Tredyngton and Blockeleye. Blockeleye, 6 Kal. Feb.
Order to W. de Mortimer and John Randulf, justices, to hold an assisc of novel disseisin between Thomas de Pyreton and W. Lucy, concerning a tenement in Bishamton, during this Lent, provided that it be held before Mid-Lent and not protracted beyond it. Blockeleye, 6 Kal. Feb., 1303, second year of consecration.
Order to the prior of S. Peter of Gloucester, and master J. de Rodeberowe, rector of the church of Hertlebur', to hear a matrimonial or divorce case between John Lucas of Gloucester and Clemence de Wydemere of the diocese of Worcester. Wythingdon, 3 Kal. Feb., second year of consecration.
Order to the dean of Wych', to absolve John Colleware and John Banard, clerks, from the sentence of excommunication for violence done in the church of S. Peter of Witton by Wych, to the bishop's ministers and the archdeacon of Worcester, by Richard
Banard whom they assisted; after performance of the following penance. On Sunday next after the feast of the Purification, in the cathedral church of Worcester, they shall offer to the sacristan the arms which they used on the day of the crime, viz., John Colleware a bow of yew (yuyo) with two barbed arrows and a long knife, and John Banard, a sword and a knife. On the following seven Sundays, before the introit of the Mass, to enter with crowns suitable to their condition with tonsure, and in white surplices, the church of S. Peter, where the deed was done, and standing behind the baptismal font, without hoods, holding torches or candles in their hands, after placing two psalters before them on the baptismal font, each of them shall separately recite a nocturn from the psalter after the introit of the Mass to the end. When Mass is finished to offer their torches or candles at the high altar and put off their surplices there. On the four following Sundays similar penance shall be done in the churches of S. Andrew, S. Nicholas, S. John, and Doderhull', and on the sixth and seventh Sundays their penance with two nocturns shall be performed in the said church of S. Peter where they are said to have committed the crime. Wythingdon, 2 Kal. Feb., second year of consecration.
1304. Receipt for John, rector of the church of Ryndecomb', for payment of four of the ten marks in which he was bound to the bishop under the bishop's seal. Wythingdon, Kal. Feb.
(Folio 2d.) Order to the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester to exercise the office of the bishop on Wednesday, the first of this Lent, towards those of the diocese, doing public penance, who shall then present themselves at the doors of the said church. Bybyr', 4 Id. Feb., 1303, second year of consecration.
Order to the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester to prohibit J. de Aston, his fellow-monk, who has abused the right of imposing penance as the bishop's deputy penitentiary from exercising this right towards corrupters of nuns and the excommunicate, and also in judicial and other cases in which a special dispensation of the bishop is required. Bybur', 4 Id. Feb., second year of consecration.
1304. Order to the dean of Worcester. The Bishop has heard in his visitation by common report, that certain vicars and priests in the city and suburbs of Worcester, " non sane sapientes, sed proprie salutis immemores," hear confessions, without distinction, and give verbal absolution of sins of which absolution is reserved to the bishop; to the prejudice of the episcopal court, the danger of souls and grave scandal. The dean is to prohibit during Mass, on two Sundays and festivals in each parish church of the city and suburbs, all rectors, vicars, and priests from hearing confessions of such sins or laying an absolving hand on such penitents; all such penitents shall have recourse to the bishop's deputy penitentiaries in the cathedral church of Worcester and in the house of the Friars Minors of Worcester, to obtain the benefit of due absolution. Bybur', 4 Id. Feb., second year of consecration.
Order to Richard, warden of the order of Friars Minors, of Gloucester to hear confessions and pronounce absolution, in the archdeaconry of Gloucester, in the cases in which absolution is reserved to the bishop; other than to corrupters of nuns and the excommunicate, and in judicial and other cases in which special episcopal dispensation is required. Bybur', 15 Kal. Mar., second year of consecration.
Order to the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester to absolve his fellow-monks and converts who lately incurred the sentence of excommunication by carrying off documents touching the promotion of the said prior. Horton, 5 Non. Mar, second year of consecration.
Order to the dean of Warwick and the master of the hospital of S. John of the same place to demand from sir John Randulf, knight, and Nicholas de Warr', justices, who will be at Warwick on Monday next after the feast of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, the clerks now imprisoned at Worcester awaiting trial, and to keep them in custody that they may be tried in an ecclesiastical court. Horton, 3 Non. Mar., second year of consecration.
Grant of administration of the goods of W. de Sarden, formerly prebendary of Button, to J. de Cook, executor, the will having
been proved before R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury. Horton, 2 Non. Mar., 1303.
1304. License to Walter de Bercheston, priest, to act as assistant to Walter, rector of the church of Rokehampton, broken down with age and incurable illness, and to prepare an inventory of the rector's goods committed to him, for which he will have to account. Camme, 9 Kal. Maii, 1304, second year of consecration.
(Folio 3.) Order to the dean of Warwick to hear a cause between Nicholas de Kynton and sir Richard de Wodeford, chaplain. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, 9 Kal. Apr., second year of consecration.
Prohibition to the prior and convent of the Holy Sepulchre, of Warwick. Forbidding them to alienate any possessions of the priory, movable or immovable, the alienation of which may cause future injury to the priory, or to let to farm any church without the bishop's special licence, and bidding them revoke the alienations which they are commonly said to have made in evasion of the bishop's recent visitation, the bishop reserving the penance to be inflicted on them for it. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, 9 Kal. Apr., second year of consecration.
Order of Robert [Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury, to the dean of Bristol. The archbishop has found in his visitation of the deanery, that by a custom which might better be called a corruption, rectors, vicars, and parish priests in the municipality of Bristol pertinaciously demand two pence for each child baptized, that pledges therefor are violently taken within the churches; that for probate of wills, accounts of the goods of the deceased, freedom from the charges of administration, and letters of acquitance granted thereon, the ordinaries have been used to extort heavy sums. Inhibits, publicly and strictly, anything being exacted for the sacrament of Baptism, ordering that what the parents, or those bringing the child wish to offer, be devoutly received, under pain of the greater excommunication; also publicly inhibiting ordinaries, under the same pain of excommunication, from making the said extortions, the annoyances of which have hitherto driven
citizens to remote places outside the municipality. The dean is to cause these inhibitions to be solemnly published in each church in the deanery, and shall have announced within the municipality that merchants living in one parish, and having shops in another where they exercise their trade by day, shall observe the recent ordinance of the bishop as to payment of tithes and offerings until the archbishop ordain otherwise; the dean is ordered if required by the mayor and corporation to make them a copy of this mandate, under his seal. Cyrncestr', 15 Kal. Jun., 1303, second year of consecration.
1304. Writ at the suit of Denise, formerly wife of William Le Dayer of Northlete, delivering to the secular power, Walter, rector of the church of Hynnyngton, who has been under the sentence of excommunication for forty days and more. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, 7 Kal. Apr., 1304.
Monition to sir J. Gyffard, knight, patron of the church of Wcston under Egge, enjoining him to present to the said church which is vacant, as appears by letters of R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, Kal. Apr., same year.
Letter to the dean of Caumpeden, directing him to treat the said church as vacant, and to enjoin Godfrey, the incumbent, not to meddle with the church or the profits thereof. Same date.
Dispensation for Thomas de Bibur', acolyte, from illegitimacy, in accordance with the bull of pope Benedict XI.; after inquisition as to his life, morals and conversation. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, Kal. Apr., second year of consecration.
(Folio 3d) Order to the abbot of Wynchecomb' and Thomas de Berton, rector of the church of Clyve, to audit the accounts of the executors of master Robert de Letch', formerly rector of the church of Marteleye. Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, Kal. Apr., 1304.
1304. Dedication of the chapel of Westreleye. The bishop celebrates Mass, and preaches on the text: "My house shall be called a house of prayer. [1]" 16 Kal. Maii, same year.
Acknowledgment by Roger de Cherleton, rector of the church of Pokelchirche and of the chapel of Westreley, annexed to it, John de Frompton, Roger de la Snode, William atte Stote, Roger le Hunte, Thomas de Sthurugg', Adam atte Hulle, William Coppe, John atte Tenne, William Chaynel and John de Nubbelega, parishioners of the said chapel, on behalf of all the parishioners thereof before the bishop, that the parishioners are bound to the rector in 40s., to provide sufficient timber for the construction of a chamber within the rectory enclosure, forty-eight feet long and of proportionate width, with a stone roof, and for the carriage, at their own cost, of the timber and roof; as a gift to the rector and his successors, and in honour of SS. Andrew and James. The bishop orders the parishioners to pay the said money, timber roof and the carriage of the same, before the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist, on pain of excommunication. Sealed with the bishop's seal. 16 Kal. Maii, Thursday next after the Sunday on which is sung the office, Misericordia Domine, 1304.
(Folio 4.) Dispensation for William de Nategrave, scholar, from illegitimacy, who was born of single parents; after inquisition by the official of Gloucester. Camme, 9 Kal. Maii, same year.
Dispensation for Adam de Matheme, clerk, from illegitimacy, who was born of single parents; after inquisition by the official of Worcester. Gloucester, 2 Non. Maii, same year.
Dispensation for John, son of Thomas de Luda, scholar, from illegitimacy; after inquisition by the dean of Durseley. Gloucester, 7 Id. Maii, same year.
Writ to deliver to the secular power, William de Connubya of Bristol, who has been under sentence of the greater excommunion
[1] S. Mark xi. 17.
for forty days and more. Bredon, 8 Kal. Jun., 1304, second year of consecration.
1304. Dispensation for Geoffrey, son of Richard de Merston Meysi, deacon, from illegitimacy; after inquisition by the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 6 Kal. Jun., same year.
Commission to the prior of Lanthony and the dean of Gloucester to demand clerks imprisoned at Gloucester from sir J. Randolf, knight, and Nicholas de Warr', on Monday next after the feast of S. Petronilla. Bredon, 2 Kal. Jun.
Commission to B. de Fer[iby] to carry out a visitation of the priory of Beckford. Bredon, Kal. Jun., 1304.
Commission to Thomas de Stratton, clerk, to institute Thomas de Weston, priest, as rector of the church of Weston under Egge, at the presentation of sir John Giffard, knight. Wynchecomb', 8 Id. Jun., 1304.
Commission to J. de Rodeberowe to audit the accounts of the executors of master Robert de Letche, formerly rector of the church of Marteley, all other commissions for this purpose being revoked. Wynchecombe, 8 Id. Jun., 1304.
Dispensation for William de Bagenden, priest, from illegitimacy, after inquisition by the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester ; the penance of suspension from the celebration of divine service for a fixed time is imposed on him for having received all holy orders without dispensation. Brcdon, 16 Kal. Jul.
Commission to the sacristan of the cathedral church of Worcester and the official of the archdeacon of the same place to hear the causes between the prior and canons of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick, and John de Wytteley of Warwick, Margery Mesuage his wife, and William de Kenelword of the same, called Pylede; in accordance with a papal mandate on behalf of the said prior and canons. Hartlebur', 5 Non. Jul., second year of consecration.
1303. (Folio 4d.) Reconciliation by the bishop of the church of Doddeleye, polluted; for which he receives four marks. 6 Non. Jul., same year.
Commission to W. de Wotton and B. de Fer[iby] to hear all causes which should come before the bishop. Bredon, 12 Kal. Oct., 1303, first year of consecration.
Dispensation for Andrew de Fayrford, priest, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Kemeseye, Non. Jul.
Commission to B. de Fer[iby], clerk, to hear a cause of adultery between R. Feet of Worcester, priest, and Christine la Wytt of Poy, and to remove the said Robert from his benefice if guilty. Kemeseye.
Commission to B. de Fer[iby] and Thomas de Stratton to hear all causes which should come before the bishop. Brockeleye, 17 Kal. Feb., 1303.
Renunciation by Edward Duredent (presented to the church of Great Resindon [1] by sir Walter de L'isle, knight) before the bishop of all his right to the said benefice, in favour of John de Wakerley, presented by the same. At the bishop's chapel of Hampton, 17 Kal. Nov., 1304.
Commission to the deans of Wynchecombe and Stowe to demand Henry Sevar' of Gloucester, clerk, imprisoned at Sloughtre, from William de Brockeworth and others, justices, on Wednesday next before the feast of S. Kenelm, the King. Kemeseye, 7 Id. Jul., 1304.
Commission to B. de Fereby, clerk, to hear a cause of plurality against Ralf de Vasto Prato, who calls himself rector both of the church of Wythindon in the diocese of Worcester and of the church of Bekynton in the diocese of Bath and Wells. Kemeseye, 4 Id. Jul., 1304.
[1] The marginal heading has Little Resindon.
1304. Dispensation for William, son of Simon de Fayrford, acolyte, from illegitimacy Wyk', 11 Kal. Aug.
Prohibition to the prior and convent of Friars Minors of Malvern, who are of the bishop's patronage, against alienating immovables without his special licence, the property of certain religious houses of the diocese having very greatly decreased through this practice. Wyk', 12 Kal. Aug.. 1304.
Dispensation for Richard ate Felde, clerk, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Alvynechirch, 8 Kal. Aug., same year.
Commission to B. de Fereby, to examine witnesses produced by Adam, vicar of the church of S. Nicholas, to inquire into the allegation against master John de Rodberwe, the bishop's commissary general, before whom a cause was lately heard between the abbot and convent of S. Augustine of Bristol, and the said Adam. Kemeseye.
Commission issued to J. de Rodberwe, to hear a cause between Simon called Brun of Habbelench' and Ralf Nulph, rector of the chapel of the same place. Alvechirch, 3 Kal. Aug., same year.
(Folio 5.) Commission to the prior of Lanthony and the deans of Gloucester and Wynchecombe, to demand clerks imprisoned at Gloucester, from sir J. de Acton and Nicholas Frembaud, knights, justices, on Tuesday next after the feast of S. James. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Aug., same year.
Commission to John de Fekcham master of the carnaria (charnel-house), and the dean of Worcester, to audit the accounts of the executors of Robert de Cophull'. Alvynechirch, 8 Kal. Aug., 1304.
Grant to Richard de Brokeberwe, of 20s. yearly for term of the bishop's life, for his service, to be paid on the feast of
the Annunciation or within eight days thereof by J. de Stanweya, rector of the church of Fladebur', who is bound to pay the bishop the said yearly sum. Alvynechirch, 6 Kal. Aug., same year.
1304. Bond to Frisett de Monte Claro and Tott', his brother, merchants, for a loan of 77l. 5s. 10d. to be repaid at the feast of Easter, 1305, in the house of the Friars Minors of London. Alvynechirch, Thursday next after the feast of S. Peter's chains, 1304.
Dispensation for William Hamund of Warwick, clerk, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Hampton, 3 Kal. Sept., same year.
Bond to sir Thomas de Berkeley, the elder, knight, in one hundred marks to be paid at the feast of Easter next, at Berkeley. Hampton-upon-Avon, 5 Id. Sept., 1304, second year of consecration.
Letter to Edward I., asking that the secular power against laymen who have entered the parish church of Weston over Egge, and detained it by force of arms, may be put in force. Hampton-upon-Avon, 18 Kal. Oct., 1304.
Dispensation for William de Lytchirne, clerk, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Hampton, 17 Kal. Oct., same year.
Dispensation for Simon de Berford, clerk, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Hampton, 17 Kal. Oct., same year.
Dispensation for John son of William de Gloucester, clerk, born of single parents, from illegitimacy. Hampton-upon-Avon, 16 Kal. Oct., same year.
1304. Commission to master B. de Feriby, clerk, to audit the accounts of the executors of sir Walter de Beauchamp, knight. Hampton-upon-Avon, 8 Kal. Oct., second year of consecration.
Commission to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester to hear a cause between Simon de Brun and Ralf who calls himself vicar of Habbelenche. Hampton, 5 Kal. Oct, second year of consecration.
Commission to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester to hear a cause between William called Clerk, of Monks' Wotton, and the executors of sir Peter de Leycestre. Hampton-upon-Avon, 8 Id. Oct., second year of consecration.
(Folio 5d.) Commission to the dean of Warwick to hear before Christmas next a cause between Absolon de la Guave and his co-executors of the testament of John Aboneton of Folebrok, plaintiffs, and Agnes, widow of the said John, and John Hewe, defendants. Hampton -upon- Avon, 4 Kal. Nov., same year.
Commission to the prior of Lanthony by Gloucester, the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester, and the dean of the same place, to demand from the justices, John Foun of Tuttebur', clerk, imprisoned at Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 11 Kal. Dec., 1304.
Commission to John, called Caleys, clerk, appointing him notary public, under the bull of pope Boniface VIII., given at the Lateran, 8 Kal. Dec., the eighth year of his pontificate, which empowers a bishop to appoint a suitable person and contains the form of the notary's oath. Monks Wotton, 10 Kal. Mali, 1303, first year of consecration.
Letters dimissory for Robert de Codestone, deacon, for ordination as priest by the bishop of Hereford. Hertelbur', 19 Kal. Jan., same year.
(Folio 6.) Admission by the bishop as monks of the cathedral church of Worcester, of Walter de Kereswell, William called Mose of Worcester, Roger de Hornynton, and Alexander de Breerhull,
clerks, and on the following day, of John de Pedewardyn and Richard de Saltford; presented for admittance by John Brevel, monk, in place of the prior. Kal. Jan. at Hertelbur', the prior prays that their entrance may be expedited. Hertlebur', 2 Non. and Non. Jan., 1304 [1]
1305. Grant of inspeximus and confirmation, at the instance of sir John de Covele, of a licence of R[ichard de Gravesend], bishop of London, given at Foleham, 7 Id. Mar., 1298, the nineteenth year of his pontificate, with consent of G[odfrey Giffard], bishop of Worcester, to Margery de Covele, to hear divine service celebrated by her own priest, in her old age, in an oratory in her manor of Covele within the parish of Hilyngdon, in the dioceses of London, without prejudice to the mother church; if at any time offerings are made in the oratory they shall be delivered to the vicar of the said church. This licence shall continue in force during the lifetime of sir John de Covele, her heir. Hilyngdon, 11 Kal. Febr., 1304, third year of consecration.
Appointment of masters Henry de Luseby and Adam de Kirkeby, clerks, as the bishop's proctors at the Roman court. Hilyngdon by London, 4 Kal. Mar., 1304, third year of consecration.
Commission to the prior, sub-prior, and penitentiary of the church of Worcester, to exercise the office of the bishop on Wednesday the head of this Lent, towards those of the diocese solemnly doing penance in the said church. Hilyngdon, 4 Kal. Mar., 1304.
Commission to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester to institute and induct William de Dersyngton, priest, to the vicarage of the parish church of Astleye, on the bishop's presentation. London, 7 Id. Mar., same year.
Appointment of master Philip de Barton, archdeacon of Surrey, one of the executors of J[ohn de Pontissera], formerly bishop of Winchester, as proctor to administer the will, by the
[1] In the margin, against this entry, is written: "Fals."
bishop of Worcester and other executors. Hilyngdon, 4 Id. Mar., 1304, third year of consecration.
1305. Letters dimissory for Simon de Halsted, rector of the church of Jerdeleye [Yardley], acolyte, for his ordination as subdeacon by any bishop of the province of Canterbury. Hilyngdon, 3 Id. Mar., same year.
Bond to the creditors of Thomas de Thorp, minister of Ireland, in fourteen marks to be paid at the feast of the Purification, in one or more years as the creditors may need the same. Made in the chamber (in camera) and signed by R. Hilyngdon, 17 Kal. Apr., 1304, third year of consecration.
Litera missa de curia Romana per magistrum H. de Luceby de discordia cardinalium.
Ad vestre dominacionis aliquale solacium hec noua vobis scribo que sequntur. Dominorum cardinalium status et curie sic se habent, quod ad bipartitam corum discordiam non solum ciuitas Perusina quo ad maiores suos, sed adiaccntes sibi ciuitates et terre parti saltern alteri cardinalium mutuis confederacionibus initis sub nephandis nominibus Gibelynorum et Gelforum adherentes, adeo in emulacione graui paciebantur seccioni, quod uersus ciuitatem Perusinam partes sic diuise vi armata se parabant aduersarios sibi intendentes opprimere, et papam facere iuxta votum suum, propter quod populus Perusinus suam et suorum ac ciuitatis et comitatus sui formidans non inmerito ruinam tune instantem spretis dictis m.nioribus et diligent! deliberacione prehibitis, die Vcneris proxima ante festum Purificacionis beate Virginis condixit et statuit constitucionem fore penitus obseruandam, et post paucos dies si nccessitas urgcat, acrius procedendum, ut discooperiatur palacium et paramcnta singula ac cooperimenta tollantur, suam super hoc capitanes suo plenam tribucns potcstatcm. Cuius pretextu, factis prius ex parte populi cisdem dominis frcquentibus monitis prccibusque deuotis, ipsi domini cofinos suos ct libros et alia statim emiscrunt furorem popularium ac spoliacionum predam quam vcrisimiliter timerc poterunt volentes cuitare. (Folio 6d.) quod quidcm statutum in tantum exccucioni demandatur, quod singulc loca per quc in palacium quiuis p.itebat aditus necnon ecclcsie
cathedralis hostia et fencstre propter sui contiguitatem pro parte muris lapideis et pro parte ligneis firmiter obturantur armatorum multitudine quasi obsidione munita, adco quod penitenciarii pape pro confessionibus audiendis aliam ecclesiam ingredi opus erat. In ipsa eciam ecclesia cathedral! ncc celebrantur diuina, nee campane pulsantur. Domus eciam vicine palacio per quas cum cordis ct funibus solebant in palacium trahi palam et occulte necessaria ad terram prostcrnimtur. Ligna pro coquinis et cameris et cetera omnia quc pro tempore longo sibi prouiderant eiciuntur in momento vnde spes cst firmissima quod in breui prouidebitur ecclesie de pastore. Data Perusie, vij Idibus Februarii. Hec litera venit ad dominum apud Hilyngdon, Idibus Marcii sero ualde, anno predicto.
Letter sent by Master H. de Luceby from the Roman Court as to the quarrels of the Cardinals.
As some solace to your highness I send you the following news.
The condition of the Curia and Cardinals is such that their division into two parties affects not merely the city of Perusia, as used to be the case, but also the neighbouring cities and places, so that the adherents of each party of the Cardinals, under the unspeakable names of Ghibelines and Guelphs, are divided to such a degree that the parties opposed to Perusia are anxious to put down their adversaries by force, and elect a Pope by their own votes. On this ground the people of Perusia, being, not unreasonably, in dread for themselves and their city, fearing its immediate destruction, on the Friday after the Purification of the Virgin, set aside all advice, decreed and ordered what should be done, and propose shortly to use sterner measures to overawe the palace and take away all aid and assistance, giving to their leaders full authority to carry them out. Acting on this pretext, that everything is done on behalf of the people at the request and advice of their leaders, they sent away certain of the leaders to avoid the popular anger and plunder, which they were very ready to escape. Such being the state of things, every place from which the palace could be approached, both the doors and windows of the Cathedral Church, on account of the nearness to the wall, are blocked up partly with stone walls and partly with wooden, and from the number of the armed guard, the place appears
as if fortified for a siege, so that the Papal Penitentiaries, when they have to hear confessions, arc obliged to go to some other church, as in the Cathedral no services are performed, no bells rung. The houses adjoining the palace, from which all necessaries used with cords and ropes to be drawn into the palace, have been pulled down. The logs for the kitchens and chambers and all the other stock of necessaries, which had been laid in, have been thrown out. So it is to be hoped that in a short time the Church will be provided with a Pastor. [1] Dated at Perusia, 7 ides Feb. [1304].
The letter came to the Bishop at Hilingdon very late on the ides of March in the year aforesaid.
1305. Commission to the prior of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick, the master of S. John's hospital and the dean of Christianity of the same place, to demand clerks imprisoned at Warwick from sir P. de Geyton and Roger de Beaufou, justices, on Friday next before Passion Sunday. Hilyngdon, 5 Kal. Apr., 1305.
Here begins anno Domini 1305, and the date is changed.
Bond to Francis of the company called the White Circle (de circulo albo), and his companions, Florentine citizens and merchants of the said company, for a loan of 2Ol. received in money on the date of the bond, to be spent in promoting the affairs of the bishop and his church, to be paid at London, at the inn (hospicio) of the said Francis and his companions, on the feast of Whitsunday next, 1305. Hilyngdon, 2 Kal. Apr, 1305, third year of consecration.
Bond to William Koumartyn, in one hundred marks to be paid at the feast of S. Peter's Chains, or at the feast of Michelmas next at furthest. Hilyngdon, 2 Kal. Apr., 1305, third year of consecration.
Letters dimissory for John Mile, rector of the church of Haseleya, subdeacon, for his ordination as deacon by any bishop of the province of Canterbury. 11 Hilyngdon, 4 Non. Apr., same year.
[1] This letter describes the state of things on the death of Benedict XI.; he was poisoned at Perugia after a Pontificate of 8 months and 17 days. A long and stormy contest ensued over the election of the new Pope who was not chosen till the 7th July, 1304, when Bertrand Gottho, Archbishop of Bordeaux was elected Clement V.
1305. Letter to John de Stanewaya, rector of the church of Fladebur', informing him of the appointment of Richard de Brokeberwe, marshal of the bishop's household, to receive in the Bishop's name 20s. yearly, portions of tithes within the parish of Fladebur' sometime belonging to the church of Wikewane, payable to the bishop of Worcester by ordinance of the ordinary. Wythingdon, Thursday next before Palm Sunday, 1305.
Letters dimissory for John called Marshal, of Gloucester, subdeacon, for his ordination as deacon and priest. Wythingdon, 2 Id. Apr., same year.
1303. Appointment by Pope Benedict [1] of the bishops of Winchester, London and Worcester as conservators of the privileges of the order of Friars Minors of the English province, in accordance with the constitutions of himself and Boniface VIII. S. Peter's, Rome, 4 Non. Apr., first year of pontificate.
(Folio 7.) Appointment by Pope Benedict of the archbishop of York and the bishops of Worcester and Bath and Wells as conservators of the privileges of the order of Friars Preachers of the English province, in accord with the constitutions of himself and Boniface VIII. The Lateran, 6 Id. Mar., first year of pontificate.
1305. Letter from Pope Clement [2] to the master, prior and brothers of the order of Friars Preachers. In consequence of the persecutions which they have suffered, the Pope declares that those who shall break into their churches or houses shall be excommunicated, to be absolved only by himself or the conservators deputed by him. Perugia, 6 Id. Mali, first year of pontificate [1304].
Letter from W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, to the archdeacon of Shrewsbury, ordering him to cause the privileges of the Friars Preachers to be observed in accordance with the papal authority which he sends. Wythingdon, 18 Kal. Man, 1305, third year of consecration.
[1] Benedict XI. (1303-1304).
[2] Clement V. (1305-1314).
1305. Commission to the prior of Lanthony by Gloucester and the dean of Christianity of Gloucester to demand Richard son of Simon Wheuk' of Cheltenham, priest, imprisoned at Gloucester, from sir Nicholas Frembaude and Roger de Beaufou, justices, on Thursday in Easter week. Wythingdon, 13 Kal. Maii, same year.
(Folio 7d.) To J. de Rodeberg, clerk. To institute and induct P. de Piriton to the rectory of the church of Overbur', on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester. Wythingdon, 4 Kal. Maii, 1305.
Commission to John Salemon, clerk, to go over the accounts of the bishop's manors. Bredon, 4 Non. Maii, 1305.
Agreement between the convent of Hayles, appearing before the bishop by the abbot, and the priory of the hospital S. John of Lechlade, appearing by John de London, their proctor, on Saturday next before the feast of S. Dunstan, bishop, 1305, concerning petty tithes of nourishment of animals and other things belonging to the convent of Hayles, within the parish of the church of S. Laurence of Lechlade and appropriated to the use of the said priory. After long discussion, the abbot agreed to reinstate the priory in the position of receiving the said tithes after Sunday next before the feast of S. Dunstan, 1305, to deliver to them the possession of the same for the present year, and to permit them to receive them in future; the arrears of the said tithes having been restored by the priory with acquittance as follows:- Walter, prior of the hospital of S. John of Lechlade, and the convent of the same place, acknowledge that they have received of the abbot and convent of Hayles the lordship formerly belonging to the earl of Cornwall within the limits of the parish of their church of S. Laurence of Lechlade, the abbot and convent having and holding petty tithes of nourishment of animals and other petty tithes due to them from the priory, of which the prior and convent assert them to be quit and themselves satisfied, until the next Sunday before the feast of S. Dunstan, 1305, reserving to the priory, henceforth, the possession of petty tithes within the said parish. Given in their chapter at Lechlade, on the said Sunday. The bishop orders the said agreement to be observed. Bredon, Monday next before the feast of S. Dunstan, same year, third year of consecration.
1305. Appointment of Richard de Tregilian, clerk, as the bishop's proctor in the court of Arches and elsewhere. Blockeley, 14 Kal. Jun., same year.
Richard de Bristol, acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Bredon, 10 Kal. Jun., same year.
Letter to R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury. Appoints master Roger called le Mareschal, clerk, as his proctor for the consecration at Canterbury, of the bishop elect of Winchester [1]. Blockley, 15 Kal. Jun., 1305.
Robert [Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury, to King Edward I. Accedes to the King's request that he will not proceed until after the next parliament with the complaint of contempt brought by the dean of Arches against W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, who, notwithstanding the inhibition of the court of Canterbury, has removed the rector of the church of Doderhull. Hampton by Kyngestone, 12 Kal. Jun., 1305. This and the following letter came to Bredon, 9 Kal. Jun., by W. de Thorntoft.
King Edward I. to W[illiam], bishop of Worcester. Commands him to attend the next parliament to give evidence on the matter touching which the archbishop of Canterbury is challenged in the King's court, with which the King will not proceed until the meeting of parliament, that he may hear what has taken place on the same matter in the archbishop's court; as appears by the archbishop's letter which the King sends by his clerk, William de Thorntoft, bearer of these presents. Given under the privy seal, Kenyton, 22 May, 33 Edward I.
(Folio 8.) Grant to Adam de Howdan, the bishop's chamberlain, of 20s, yearly, for his service, for the term of the bishop's life, to be paid by John de Stanweya, rector of the church of Fladebur', on the feast of the Annunciation or within eight days thereof; the said rector being bound to the bishop in the said yearly sum. Bredon, 2 Kal. Jun., 1305, third year of consecration
[1] Henry Woodlock consecrated at Canterbury, 30 May, 1305.
1305. The rector of the church of Jerdele [Yardely], deacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest. Bredon, 2 Id. Jun., same year.
Robert Michel of Wynchecomb, deacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest, notwithstanding a blemish in his eye. Bredon, 18 Kal. Jul., same year.
Thomas Fraunceys of Campeden, acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Kemeseye, 12 Kal. Jul., same year.
Appointment of Stephen de Wytton, monk of the church of Worcester, as sacristan in the said church. Alvynechirch, 12 Kal. Aug., 1305, third year of consecration.
Order to the prior and convent of the church of Worcester to deliver the keys and other things belonging to the office of sacristan, to Stephen de Wytton, their fellow-monk, whom the bishop has appointed sacristan in place of J. de Hareleye. Alvynechirch, same date.
Manumission of Walter, called Hardman, bondman of the bishop in Kemeseye, with his family and goods, at the instance of sir Walter de Kemeseye. Alvechirch, 5 Kal. Aug., same year.
Authority for the dean of Christianity of Worcester, and John, rector of the church of S. Hellen, of the same place, to demand clerks imprisoned at Worcester from sir William Martyn, sir Henry Spigurnel, sir Gilbert de Cnowyle, knights, Roger de Beaufou and Thomas de la Hyde, justices, on Monday next after the feast of the Assumption. Bredon, Id. Aug., 1305.
Richard de Wottone, clerk, has letters dimissory for his ordination as acolyte. Gloucester, 18 Kal. Sept., same year.
To master William de Yrton, canon of the church of Chichester. Cause the privileges of the Friars Minors to be observed in accordance with the papal authority sent herewith. Gloucester, 17 Kal. Sept., 1305, third year of consecration.
1305. A commission to demand clerks, similar to that of Id. Aug., but with addition of the words, "or to be imprisoned on being in any way in danger", after "imprisoned". 16 Kal. Sept.
(Folio 8d.) Thomas de la Berwe' of Astleech' [Eastleach], Gloucester, has letters dimissory for all minor orders. 17 Kal. Sept., same year.
Anselm de Gyses, rector of the church of Slymbrugg, has letters dimissory for his ordination as deacon and priest. 16 Kal. Sept., same year.
John of Lanthony by Gloucester, deacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest. 16 Kal. Sept., same year.
To sir W. Martyn, and others, justices, at Worcester. Deliver clerks imprisoned at Worcester to J. de Feckenham and R. de Beverborn, dean of Christianity of Worcester. Bredon, Tuesday next after the feast of the Assumption.
Appointment of John de Feckenham, rector of the church of S. Hellen of Worcester, and Richard de Beverborn, dean of Worcester, to demand clerks imprisoned at Worcester from sir W. Martyn, and others, justices. Bredon, Tuesday next after the feast of the Assumption.
Thomas le Southerne of Otyndon, acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Hampton-upon-Avon, Kal. Sept., 1305.
John, son of Jordan de Hangin Aston [1], deacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest, and shows title of sufficient patrimony. Blockeleye, 6 Id. Sept., same year.
Authority to Robert de Sutton, rector of the church of Durseleye, to receive from the clergy of the diocese money due to the King from them, as appears by citations directed to the archdeacons or their officials. Blockeleye, 5 Id. Sept., 1305, third year of consecration.
[1] The marginal heading has:- John son of Jordan de Blockeleye.
1305. Letter to the abbot of S. Peter of Gloucester. Accedes to his request that Thomas de Ptame, Henry de Hamme, John de Zaneworye, Philip de Felda, Walter de Kyngeshemede, and John de Bolinghope, monks of his house, deacons, may be ordained priests by the bishop of Hereford. Thame, 4 Id. Sept., same year, third year of consecration.
John de Waleden, rector of the chapel of Barndesl', acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Hilingdon, Id. Sept., same year.
Bartholomew de Coveley, rector of the church of Ebrihton, deacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest. London, 16 Kal. Oct, same year.
Letter to R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury. Appoints J. Caleys, clerk, his proctor, for the consecration of J[ohn Langton], bishop elect of Chichester, to take place at Canterbury on Sunday after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, being himself prevented from being present by the King's urgent and repeated command that he should attend the parliament to be held at London on the octave of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. London, 16 Kal. Oct, 1305 [1].
(Folio 9.) Order to the official of the court of York, the see being vacant, and John de Nassington, rector of the church of Brayton of the same diocese, to cause in the diocese and province of York the privileges of the Friars Preachers to be observed in accordance with the papal authority of which a copy is sent herewith; and to carry out the sentence of greater excommunication already pronounced by the said official against those who, as is notorious in the diocese, have carried off the candles and funeral ornaments of Henry de Haterbergh, chaplain, deceased, who desired to be buried at the house of the Friars Preachers of Scardeburgh [Scarborough]; and to enquire as to the names of the said wrongdoers. London, 5 Kal. Oct., 1305.
[1] In the margin is written: Nota istam literam pro excusasione episcopi. Langton was consecrated at Canterbury 19 Sept.,1305, by Archbishop Winchelsey.
1305. Bond to sir T. de Berkeley, knight, in fifty marks, to be used in furthering the bishop's affairs in the Roman court; to be repaid at the feast of Easter next if the said affairs are not furthered before that time. London, 3 Non. Oct., 1305 [l].
John de Kermerdyn of Gloucester, subdeacon, has letters dimissory for his ordination as deacon and priest. He does not deposit his title in the archives, because he was ordained subdeacon in the time of G[odfrey Giffard], as it is found in the register. London, 3 Non. Oct.
Authority to John de Rodeberowe, rector of the church of Hertlebur', to hear causes in the consistory court until the feast of Christmas next. Hilyngdon, 6 Id. Oct., 1305.
Appointment of R. de Sutton, rector of the church of Duresleye, sequestrator in the diocese. Hylyngdon, 8 Id. Oct., 1305, year of consecration.
Nicholas, called Beaufiz, of Campden, acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. London, 4 Id. Oct., same year.
To master Bartholomew de Covele, deacon. Letters dimissory for his ordination as priest, notwithstanding that he has obtained, canonically as he asserts, the church of Ebrihton in the diocese of Worcester. London, 3 Id. Oct., 1305, third year of consecration.
Authority to the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester and J. de Rordeberg, rector of the church of Hertlebur', to hear accusations on the next lawful day after the feast of S. Luke, in the cathedral church of Worcester, if any accusers appear after public proclamation, against Ralf de Luttreword and Alan Wolney, clerks, accused of robbery. London, Id. Oct., 1305, third year of consecration.
(Folio 9d.) Bond to sir Thomas de Berkeley, lord of Berkeley, in a loan of sixty marks received on the date of the bond, to be repaid in Berkeley castle at Easter next. Westminster, 12 October, 33 Edward I.
[1] This entry is crossed through, and in the margin is written: Vacat.
1305. John de Budiford in Bristol, acolyte, has letters dimissory for all holy orders. London, 17 Kal. Nov.
Appointment of Thomas de Stratton and Richard de Tregyllion, clerks, as the bishop's proctors in the court of Arches. London, 16 Kal. Nov., 1305.
Appointment of Gilbert Acketoft of Coringham and William de Chf, clerks, as the bishop's proctors general. London, 16 Kal. Nov., 1305.
Appointment of Walter de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, canon of the collegiate church of Westbur', as vicar general, during the bishop's absence at the Roman court on the King's business. London, 16 Kal. Nov., 1305.
(Folio 10.) The bishop of Cork is commissioned to ordain friars of the Orders of Preachers, Minors, and Mount Carmel, and canons of the monastery of S. Augustine of Bristol who shall go to him to receive orders on Holy Saturday next. Bredon, 14 Kal. Apr., same year.
1306. Appointment of Richard de Bykerton as bailiff and keeper of the bishop's court and tenements belonging to the church of Worcester, in the parish of the church of blessed Mary of la Stronde by London. Bredon, 5 Apr., fourth year of consecration, 34 Edward I.
Grant to Ingelard de Warley, clerk, at the instance of Edward, prince of Wales, of 100s. yearly, payable at the feasts of Michaelmas and the Annunciation, until he shall be provided with a fitting ecclesiastical benefice. Bredon, 6 Id. Apr., 1306.
Letter under the great seal, delivering to the secular power Adam le Neweman of Camme. Bredon, 15 Kal. Maii, same year.
Commission to master Robert le Blake, rector of the church of Kyderminstre, to hear a matrimonial cause between Isabel
Pagge and John Pagge of Brimesgrave. Bredon, 1 Kal. Maii, same year.
1306. Writ under the great seal to sir William Martyn, sir Gilbert de Knovyle, sir Henry Spigurnel, sir Roger de Beaufou, and sir Thomas de la Hyde, justices, to deliver clerks imprisoned at Worcester to J. de Fekeham, rector of the church of S. Hellen of Worcester, and Richard de Beverborn, dean of the same place. Bredon, 8 Kal. Maii, same year.
To John de Stanweya, rector of the church of Fladebur'. Appointment of Percival called Le Waleys to receive in the bishop's name 20s. yearly, portions of tithes within the parish of Fladebur' sometime belonging to the church of Wykewane. Bredon, 15 Kal. Apr., 1305.
Grant to Percival called Le Waleys of 20s. yearly for his service, to be paid on the feast of the Annunciation or within eight days thereof, by John de Stanweya, rector of the church of Fladebur', who is bound to the bishop in the said yearly sum. Bredon, 15 Kal. Apr., 1305, fourth year of consecration.
Commission to B. de Feriby, Nicholas de Devyses, and Robert de Sutton, clerks, to hear accusations, on Wednesday and Thursday next after the feast of S. Mark, in the cathedral church of Worcester, if any accusers appear, after public proclamation, against Edmund de Bampton, Randolf le Wyte, Robert Giffard, John de Botyngdon, William de Hampton, Roger his brother, John at Aysc and Richard Bacoun, clerks. Bredon, 6 Kal. Maii, 1306, fourth year of consecration.
(Folio 10d.) Letters such as were sent to the justices at Warwick are sent to the justices at Worcester, sir Peter de Mauleye, sir Edmund de Dayncourt, and sir John de L'Isle, knights, to deliver clerks imprisoned to the prior of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick and the dean of Christianity of the same place. Alvynechirch, 6 Non. Maii.
To the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. To hear a matrimonial cause between John, son of John de Pesham, and
Mabel de Ubihale, daughter of Alice of the same, and to proceed therein with all convenient speed. Hertelbury, Non. Maii, 1306, fourth year of consecration.
1306. Commission to John de Rodeberg, rector of the church of Hertlebur' and Benet do Feriby, rector of the church of Brocton, clerks, and the dean of Christianity of Worcester, to hear accusations on Saturday next after the feast of the Ascension, in the cathedral church of Worcester, if accusers should appear, after public proclamation, against Ralf le White, rector of the church of Colesborne, priest, imprisoned for the homicide of Walter de Wotton, accessory to the death of William de Hembur' and reception of Nicholas de Staunton. Hertlebur', 3 Id. Maii, fourth year of consecration.
Writ to the keepers of clerks in the bishop's prison at Worcester to send, under safe keeping, on Saturday next after the feast of the Ascension, Ralf le White, rector of the church of Collesborn, who is in the said prison, to the cathedral church of Worcester, there to appear before J. de Rodeberg, Benet de Feriby, rector of the church of Brocton, clerks, and the dean of Christianity of Worcester, the bishop's commissaries. Hertlebur', 3 Id. Maii, 1306.
To Benet de Feryby, Simon Ravel, clerks, and the dean of Worcester. To hear accusations on Monday next after the feast of S. Petronilla, Virgin, in the cathedral church of Worcester, against Philip de Inceberwe, chaplain, Richard son of Richard de Bathen, cook, Richard de Chiltenham, monk of Bruer, Robert de Boclond and William called de Nonnechirch, clerks. Hertlebur', Non. Jun., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Order directing the keepers of the said clerks to deliver them to the said commissaries. Same date.
(Folio 11.) Appointment of Adam de Herwynton and Nicholas dc Warr' as the bishop's proctors to compound with the King for the Bishop's service in the war with Scotland to repress the rebellion of Robert de Bruys, for which purpose the King proposes
to be at Carlisle with his army a fortnight after the Nativity of S. John the Baptist next. Hertlebur', 7 Id. Jun., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
1306. William de Thornetoft, rector of the church of Doderhulle, is appointed proctor, for the same purpose. Same date.
To J. de Reddeberg, Benet de Feriby, and Thomas de Stratton, clerks. To hear all causes which should come before the bishop. Wythingdon, 17 Kal. Apr., 1305, fourth year of consecration.
To the abbot and convent of the monastery of S. Peter of Gloucester. License to have the altar erected to the honour of S. Paul, in their monastery, dedicated by any bishop who may visit them. Same date.
1307. To John de Rod[eberg], rector of the church of Hertlebur', the bishop's official. To act as his representative in all things belonging to the office of official in the diocese. Hertilbur', 6 Kal. Jan., 1306, fifth year of consecration.
License to John, rector of the church of Whitynton, clerk, to study for ordination, during the following three years, the order of subdeacon excepted. Bredon, 5 Id. Maii, 1307.
The said John has letters dimissory for his ordination as acolyte and subdeacon. Id. Maii.
Commission to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester, John de Feckenham, Richard de Beverborn and the dean of Worcester, to demand Reginald de Stratton, clerk, and other clerks imprisoned at Worcester from sir William Martyn and sir Roger de Beaufou, justices. Id. Maii.
John, deacon, vicar of the church of Prior's Wotton, has letters dimissory for his ordination as priest. Bredon, 4 Id. Maii, same year.
1307. William, rector of the church of Aston Somervile, acolyte, has letters dimissory for his ordination as subdcacon. Blockeley, 2 Id. Maii, same year.
Warrant to John de Feckenham to hold the bishop's court of Worcester and the courts of his manors of Wyston, Wyke, Kemeseye, Knythuzk (Knightwick), Rypple, Bredon, Fladebur', Hambur', Alvynechirch, Hertlebur' and Aston and of the hundred of Oswaldeslowe, and to protect his liberties in the county of Worcester. Blockeleye, Id. Maii, 1307, fifth year of consecration.
Commission to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester, the dean of Worcester, J. de Fek[enham], and Richard de Beverbourn, to demand clerks imprisoned at Worcester from sir W. Martyn and sir Roger de Beaufou, justices. A letter is sent to the said justices directing them to deliver the said clerks. Hilingdon, 8 Kal. Jul., same year.
Authority to J. de Rod[eberg], rector of the church of H[ertelbury], the bishop's official, to act as the bishop's representative during his absence from the diocese. London, 2 Non. Jul., 1307, fifth year of consecration.
(Folio 11d.) Commission to the archdeacon of Gloucester and the prior of Lanthony to audit the accounts of the executors of Agatha, formerly wife of Gilbert called Prest of Campeden. London, 4 Non. Jul., same year.
Commission to R[ichard de Swinefeld], bishop of Hereford, to consecrate W. de Herwynton, monk of the monastery of Pershore, and abbot elect of the same. London, 3 Non. Jul., same year.
1303. (Folio 13. [1]) Order to the archdeacon of Worcester or his official to induct William le Brette, clerk, to the moiety of the church of Morton Daubeneye, vacant by resignation of Robert de
[1] Folio 12 has been cut out.
Wykws, rector, the bishop having committed the custody thereof until the next ordination to the said William, who has been presented to the said moiety. Horton, 3 Id. Marc., first year of consecration.
1303. To Nicholas le Boteler. Institutes him as rector of the church of Taneworth, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Kenilworth. Horton, 17 Kal. Apr., same year.
To the abbot of the monastery of Bordesleye. Absolves him from the sentence of excommunication which he has incurred by giving contributions to the King, contrary to the constitution of pope Boniface VIII., as whose penitentiary the bishop is acting; on condition that he obeys the Roman Church in the matter, performs the penance which shall be enjoined on him, and abstains from the celebration of divine service and conferring of orders until Palm Sunday. Horton, 17 Kal. Apr., first year of consecration.
William, perpetual vicar of the church of Holendon, is appointed as the bishop's proctor for the rectory of the said church. Horton, 3 Id. Mar., same year.
To ---. To publish the orders to be celebrated by the bishop at Bristol on Saturday next before the feast of the Annunciation. Horton, 3 Id. Mar., same year.
John de Cerneze is instituted to the church of Natgrave, at the presentation of the earl of Warwick, and is ordained subdeacon. Bristol, Saturday on which is sung the office Scitientes.
Bond to Humfrey de Waledon in 80li, and 30s. for one hundred and four quarters of wheat, two hundred and eight quarters of drag, and two hundred and four quarters of oats in the manors of the bishopric of Worcester, thirty-eight oxen in the manor of Hambury by Wychum, and fifteen oxen in the manor of Knightwyck in the said bishopric, sold to the bishop by the said Humfrey on Saturday next before the feast of the Annunciation, 31 Edward I.; to be paid at Worcester on Sunday next
after the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist next. It is agreed that if a greater number of quarters shall be found in the manors of the bishopric, the bishop shall have them at the following prices:- a quarter of wheat for 4s., a quarter of drag for 2s., a quarter of oats for 18d., straw for the threshing and chaff for the winnowing. Westbiry, the said Saturday, 31 Edward I., first year of consecration.
1307. Peter has letters of induction to the church of Budbrok on the presentation of sir Ralf de Hengham, and is ordained acolyte. Institution is deferred until the next ordination. Saturday on which is sung the office Scitientes.
A letter of acquittance is made for 12l. delivered to William the marshal, for wine bought by the executors of the bishop's predecessor. Thornbiry, the day of the Annunciation [1].
1303. Geoffrey de Hambiri is appointed by letter as bailiff of the bishop's lands and manors in the county of Worcester, Walter de Beruchorp as bailiff of his manors in the county of Warwick, and of Blockele, Tredintton, Hampton, and Stretford-upon-Avon, and sir Simon Rivel of the lands and manors in the county of Gloucester, with the assistance of John de Fekenham, for the hundred of Oswaldeslowe. Kyngeswode, Wednesday next after the feast of the Annunciation, 1303.
(Folio 13d.) The bishop celebrated orders in the church of the Friars Minors at Bristol, on Saturday on which is sung the office Sdlientts, 1302. The names of those ordained are as follows:
Br. J. de Tytolneside, monk of Kengeswod.
Richard le Fraunceys.
Adam de Conitone.
Richard de Doursleye.
Richard le Wevur.
Peter de Barton.
Nicholas de Thornbiry.
[1] The Register now goes back to the beginning of the Bishop's Episcopate, 1303.
1303. Walter de Donthton.
Reginald de Kamme.
Br. Miles }
Br. Ralf } of the order of Minors.
Henry de Dodemerton.
Robert of the same.
Thomas de Clenche, rector of the church of Bridebrok, by the lord bishop of London.
William de Crundewell, rector of the church of Batescombe, by the lord bishop of Salisbury.
John de Brok, rector of the church of Osreword.
Br. W. de Scheldeleye }
Br. Edmund de Lodbrok } of the order of Minors.
John de Cerneye, at the title of the church of Nategrave.
Master William de Gloucester, rector of the church of Haslee.
Br. Robert de Laneste of the order of Carmelites.
Br. Richard de Sifton } of the order of S. Augustine, canons
Br. Roger called Morel } of Bristol.
Br. Giles de Gloucestre, of the order of Preachers.
Walter de Saunford, at the title of the abbot of S. Augustine's, Bristol.
William de Badmington, at the title of Edward de Berneval.
Thomas de Bladynton.
Master Walter de Stretton, rector of the church of Hatherap.
Br. W. de Alreleye }
Br. Roger de Bonhton } monks of Kengeswod.
Br. Roger de Tettebur' }
Br. Robert de Fonhop, friar minor.
Adam, son of Maurice.
Br. Ralf de Redyng }
Br. J. de Schaldbir' } canons of S. Augustine, Bristol.
Roger Corbyn, at the title of Richard de Brokeberth.
W. de Culva S. Ayluin.
Robert Scot.
John, rector of the church of Colneye Rogeri.
Walter de S. German.
Br. J. de Brestbur', of the order of Carmelites.
Br. J. Snowe, canon of S. Augustine.
John de Almundesburi.
John de Sywardby, rector of the church of Little Subbiry.
Br. W. de Lechelade.
John Benet, chaplain, is instituted to the vicarage of the church of Sandych (?), on the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester. Sunday on which is sung the office Misericordia Domini, first year of consecration.
Sale by Richard de Thomere to the bishop, of one hundred and four quarters of wheat in the manors of Fladebur', Newelond, and Alvechirch, two hundred and eight quarters of drag in the manors of Ryppel, Hampton, Paxford, Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, Fladbur', and Tredington, and two hundred and eight quarters of oats in the manors of Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, Hertlebur', Paxford and Hampton, any portion of the said corn wanting from the said manors to be supplied from the other manors of the bishopric; thirty-eight oxen in the manor of Hembur' by Wych, fifteen oxen in the manor of Knyghwyk, forty oxen in the manor of Wystan, eighteen oxen in the manor of Alvechirch, forty-nine oxen in the manor of Bredon, one cart-horse in the manor of Alvechirch, all corn in the manors of Wyk and Knythwyk, both in granges and in granaries, hay in the manors of Wystan, Hertlebur', Alvechirch, Knythwyk, Hembur' by Wych', Fladebur', Bebur,' Ryppel, Hampton, Strafford-upon- Alvon, and Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, fodder in the manors of Bebur', Rippel and Hampton, one quarter of oats in the manor of Hertlebur', three quarters six bushels of oats in the manor of Alvechirch, five quarters one bushel of oats in the manor of Knythwyk, and ten quarters of oats in the manor of Hambur' by Wych'; for the price of all of which the bishop is bound to Humfrey de Walyndene. The said Richard also grants to the bishop all wheat, drag and oats which are to be threshed and sold in the manors of the bishopric after the making of these presents, viz., a quarter of wheat for 4s., a quarter of drag for 2s., a quarter of oats for l8d, fodder and chaff for the threshing and winnowing,
reserving from the said fodder to be threshed at the cost of the said Humfrey sufficient food for his oxen while they shall remain in the manors of the bishopric. Hembur', Sunday, eve of the Annunciation, 31 Edward I.
1303. (Folio 14.) Bond to Humfrey de Walyndene in 80li, and 30s. for one hundred and four quarters of wheat, two hundred and eight quarters of drag, and two hundred and four quarters of oats in the manors of the bishopric, thirty-eight oxen in the manor of Hembur' by Wych, and fifteen oxen in the manor of Knyghtwyk; 91l. 12s. 3d. for all corn in the manors of Wyk' and Knyghtwyk both in granges and in granaries and for one hundred and seven oxen, viz., forty at Wystan, eighteen at Alvechirch, and forty-nine at Bredon, the price of an ox being 10s., besides one given over and above. Also for one carthorse at Alvechirch, price 3s., for hay at Wystan, 10s., hay at Hertlebur', 16s., one quarter of oats there, price 16d., hay at Alvechirch, price 13s 4d., and three quarters six bushels of oats there, price 5s. 7d. Also, for hay at Knyghtwik, 12s., five quarters one bushel of oats there, price 6s. 10d., hay at Hembur' by Wich, price 26s. 8d., ten quarters of oats there, price 15s., hay at Fladebur', price 40s., hay and fodder at Bebur', price 5s., hay and fodder at Rippel, price 16s. Also, hay at Hampton-by-Warwick, price 6s. 8d., fodder there, price 18d., hay at Stratford, 6s. 8d., and hay at Hembur' in the Salt Marsh, price 20s. 8d.; sold by the said Humfrey to the bishop, on Saturday next before the feast of the Annunciation, 31 Edward I. The said 173l. 2s. 3d. are to be paid at Worcester, on Sunday next after the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist next. If a greater number of quarters shall be found in the manors of the bishopric, the bishop shall have them at the following prices: a quarter of wheat for 4s., a quarter of drag for 2s., a quarter of oats for 18d., straw for the threshing and chaff for the winnowing, reserving from the said fodder to be threshed at the cost of the said Humfrey food for his oxen while they shall remain in the manors of the bishopric. Thornebur', Sunday, eve of the Annunciation, 1302, 31 Edward I., first year of consecration.
Goods in the bishopric of Worcester, bought from Richard de Thomere, for the use of the bishop, of which a bond is to be made:- All corn in the manors of Wyk and Knyghtwik, both in granges
and in granaries, for 28l., one hundred and seven oxen, viz., forty at Wystan, eighteen at Alvechirch, and forty-nine at Bredone, price of an ox, 10s., besides one given over and above; one carthorse at Alvechirch, price 3s., hay at Wystan, price 10s., hay at Hertlebury, price 16s., one quarter of oats there, price 16d., hay at Alvechirch, price 13s. 4d., three quarters six bushels of oats there, price 6s. 7d., hay at Knyghwik, 12s., five quarters one bushel of oats there, 6s. 10d., hay at Hambury by Wych, 26s. 8d., ten quarters of oats there, 15s., hay at Fladebury, 40s., hay and fodder at Bebury, 5s., hay and fodder at Rippel, 16s., hay at Hampton by Warwick, 6s. 8d., fodder there, 18d., hay at Stretford, 6s. 8d., and hay at Hambury in the Salt Marsh, 26s. 8d.
1303. Roger de Derhurst, chaplain, is instituted to the church of S. Aldath of Gloucester, at the presentation of the prior of Derhurst, and has letters of induction. Hertelbury, the feast of the Holy Trinity, 1303.
John de Wython, acolyte, has letters of institution and induction to the church of Reyndecombe, at the presentation of the earl of Gloucester. The feast of the Holy Trinity, same year.
John, called Horn, deacon, of London, has letters of institution to the portion of the church of S. Nicholas of Warwick, at the presentation of sir Ralf de Hengham. Same date.
(Folio 14d.) The bishop celebrated orders in the parish church of Kydermynstre, on Saturday in Whitsun week, 1303. The names of those ordained are as follows :
Br. Roger de Hothcombe.
Richard de Honyngborne, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to this order only.
Walter de Brewode, by letters dimissory, Coventry and Lichfield.
William de Ichington, by letters dimissory of the same, to all orders.
1303. John de Knytlicote, by letters dimissory of the same, to all orders.
Ingeram de Lych', by letters dimissory of the same.
Reginald de Weford, by letters dimissory of the same, to the order of subdeacon only.
Henry de Kenemesford, at the title of S. John of Lechelade, to this only.
William de Heyford, at the title of J. lord of Willemecote.
John de Wytenton, at the title of Coventry and Lichfield, to the order of subdeacon only.
William de Kynesbur', at the title of patrimony; to the order of subdeacon only.
Richard de Astebur', by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield; to this only.
Henry de Rydeware, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield; to the order of subdeacon only.
John de Benygesword, at the title of J. de Compton.
Roger de Blomynhil, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield.
Adam de Langberg', at the title of patrimony, attested Her' de Drayton, at the title of Ralf Basset.
John de Halton Courly, at the title of the hospital of Grafton.
William de Byrmyngham, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield; to all orders.
William de Bolney, at the title of patrimony, attested; in Yerdeleye, as he says [1].
Br. Richard Morice of the priory of S. Thomas by Stafford, by letters dimissory.
Robert de la Hethe, at the presentation of the prior of Worcester.
John de Kynemersford, at the title of the master of the hospital of Lychelade; to the order of subdeacon only.
Peter de Stanes, rector of the church of Sutton.
Philip de Alecetre, at the title of the house of the Holy Sepulchre; to all orders.
Geoffrey de Bruges, by letters dimissory of the official of the
[1] Against this entry is written: Queraius de isto.
dean of the chapel royal of the same; to the order of subdeacon only.
1303. Walter de Kynemersford, at the title of patrimony.
Henry de Schirley, by letters dismissory of the Archbishop of York.
Alexander de Besford of Pershore, at the title of patrimony.
William de Leone, rector of the church of Rokeby.
Hugh Sterre, by letters dimissory of the same.
Henry de Cerney, at the title of patrimony, by testimonial of the prior of Worcester.
Walter de Wyk', at the title of a chantry in the church of Hatfeld; to this only.
John Flour of Blokeley, at the title of patrimony, attested.
William de Dydebrok, at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Bradewey, at the title of the abbot of Leicester [l].
Henry de Langberch, at the title of the prior of S. Fredeswyde of Oxford.
John de Langberch, at the title of H., rector of the church of the same.
Thomas de Langberch, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Robert Toyte at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Compton ate Wynzhatt, at the title of patrimony.
William de Merston Meysi, at the title of religion, of Cricklad; to the diaconate only.
Simon de Walton Maudit', at the title of W. }
rector of Stretton. }
Simon de Rydeware, by letters dimissory }to all orders.
Coventry and Lichfield. }
Nicholas son of Ralf de Nothul of Grafton, at the presentation of the hospital of Grafton.
Robert de Barton Ennemersh, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Nicholas Tebaud, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield; to the order of deacon only.
[1] After this entry is written n' (= nihil ?).
1303. Nicholas Pope of Todeham, at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Brok', rector of the church of Oselword.
Richard de Weston } by the lord bishop.
John of Little Compton }
William Lew, at the presentation of the vicar of Brimmes'[field].
Nicholas de Throkemerton, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Henry le Spicer of Wyrcestre, at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Turkedene, at sufficient title, proved.
Thomas de Ilmyndon, at sufficient title, proved.
John de Staunton, at the title of patrimony, proved.
Richard de Heselow, at the title of patrimony, proved [by] letters of the archbishop; to all orders.
Robert de Kenemesford, by letters dimissory of G[odfrey Giffard] the bishop's predecessor.
John de Bodeley, at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Staunton, at the title of patrimony, attested.
William de Mukelton, at the title of patrimony, attested [1].
William Havedakre, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Robert de Pershore, at sufficient title, proved.
John Bernard of Stretford-upon-Avon.
Richard de Amondevile.
Peter de Lenche, at the testimonial of the prior of Worcester.
Richard de Chaddesley.
William de Dagelyngword.
Robert of Great Combton.
Ralf de Nonenton.
Roger de Bodeleye.
John de Chaveryngword.
Oliver de Edyngton.
Walter of Little Rysingdon.
Thomas Bassett } Warwick
Nicholas Loucok }
John de Gremhull.
Robert de S.John, by testimonial of the prior of Worcester only.
Thomas de Ilmyndon.
Philip de Twenyng.
[1] After this entry is written:- flm c.
1303. Walter de Dombelton.
Thomas de Percyvale.
Richard de Grimmeley.
Richard of Little Wirmenton.
Robert de Bissebur'.
Richard de Dombelton.
William de Belne.
Henry de Lockesley.
Gilbert of the same.
J. de Chelham, rector of the church of Colde Newton
Henry de Quenton.
William de Wykewane.
John Bernarde.
Gerard Durenassal, rector of the church of Spernore.
William de Weston.
Robert Tollepayn.
(Folio 15.)
William de Notyngham, sacristan }
of Lichfield } at the testimonial of the prior
John le Waleys of Lichfield } of Great Malvern.
Richard de Lych, by letters dimissory of the same.
William de Berton, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Robert de Blockeley, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Nigel de Herdewyk.
Geoffrey de Welleford, at the title of patrimony, attested.
John de Merston Meysi, at the title of patrimony, attested.
William le Draper, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Richard de Benyngword, at the title of the abbot of Evesham.
Philip de Alweston, at the title of J. de Stanway.
Nicholas Toly, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Richard of Great Compton, at the title of Master J. of the same.
John de Haselyngdene, by letters dimissory Lichfield and Coventry.
Roger, rector of the chapel of Eyton, by letters dimissory Lichfield and Coventry.
Hugh de Eppewelle, rector of the church of Brynkelowe.
John Cromppe of Ombersley, at the title of religion.
1303. Roger de Aston, rector of the church of Weston-upon- Trent, by letters dimissory Lichfield and Coventry.
Robert le Tayllour, by letters of the official of Buckingham.
Walter de Quenyngton, at the presentation of the Lord.
Henry Bertelmeu, rector of the church of Barlebursh, by letters dimissory Lichfield and Coventry.
Master Walter, rector of the church of Hatherop.
Adam, son of Maurice de Bristoll.
Robert de Lyndeword, at the presentation of the precentor of Worcester.
John de Suthcerney, at a title proved.
Richard de Wynricke, at sufficient title.
William de Pokechirche, at sufficient title.
Andrew de Fayreford, at the title of patrimony.
Hugh de Kemeston, at letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Robert de Compton, at the title of the abbot of Bittelesdene.
David de Pershore, at the title of 40s. of rent.
John de Kenemersford, at the title of patrimony, attested.
Henry de Henle, at sufficient [title],
John Fraunseys, at sufficient [title].
John de Lega, rector of the church of Dalbury, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield.
Walter, rector of the church of Stretton-upon-Fesse.
John le Despenser of Oumbersleye.
Alan de Tamword, by letters dimissory Coventry and Lichfield.
John, rector of the church of Colne Roger.
William de Stoure, at the title of the official of Worcester.
William de Waresley.
John Walenz, at the testimonial of the prior of Malvern.
Thomas Tangkard, rector of the church of Preston Bagot.
Walter, rector of the church of Stretton.
Thomas, rector of the church of Preston.
Drogo, rector of the church of Pyrinton.
1303. John de Stanway, clerk, is collated to the church of Fladebury, vacant by the death of Nicholas de Woddeford, late rector, the collation belonging to the bishop. By his institution
to the said church, he resigns the church of Rippil, of which he was rector. Bermyngham, 5 Kal. Jun.
1303. Master Walter de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, has a grant in commendam of the church of Rippil vacant by the resignation, on 5 Kal. Jun., of J. de Stanway, rector, the collation belonging to the bishop; for six months, in accordance with the last council of Lyons. He has letters of induction. Kemeseye, 6 Id. Jun.
Writ to the bishop to cause Simon Prewes, parson of the church of Tettebur', clerk, to appear before the justices at York, on the octave of S. John the Baptist, to answer to John de Bloxham, in a plea of debt of 10l., arrears of a yearly rent of 100s. Witness, W. de Hereford. York, 16 February, 31 Edward I. This writ came to the bishop on Saturday in Whitsun week, on which day the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester was directed to execute the same.
Writ to the bishop to cause Simon de Prewes, parson of the church of Tettebur', clerk, to appear before the justices at York, on the octave of S. John the Baptist, to answer to John de Bloxam, in a plea of debt of forty marks. Witness, W. de Bereford. York, 16 February, 31 Edward I. This writ came to the bishop on the same day as the preceding one, and execution was directed as above.
Writ to the bishop. Forbids him to admit a parson to the church of Neewenton-upon-Coteswald, vacant and said to be in the King's gift, the advowson of which is in dispute in the King's court, between the King, the bishop, the prior of Little Malvern, Henry de Newton and J. de Fekenham, keeper of the charnel-house of Worcester. Witness, the King. Chalfonte, 10 February, 31 Edward I.
(Folio 15d.) Roger de See is instituted to the vicarage of Stoke Giffard, vacant by the resignation of William de Kempeleye, the collation belonging to the bishop, and has letters of collation and induction. 18 Kal. Jul.
1303. Richard, called de Parys, acolyte, is admitted to the church of Torteworth, at the presentation of sir Nicholas de Kynggeston, knight, and has letters of institution and induction to the official of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, Id. Jul.
To the dean of Warwick. Publish the sentence of excommunication against master W., called de Caunvyle, rector of the church of Hewe. Alvynechirch, 3 Kal. Aug.
The said master W. receives absolution and has a letter to the dean; the penance to be inflicted on him is reserved. Alvynechirch, Non. Aug.
Master Thurstan de Hamslep is admitted to the church of Hampton Lovet, at the presentation of sir Peter le Blund, and has letters of institution and induction to the official of Worcester. Alvynechirch, 8 Id. Aug.
William Bret, acolyte, is admitted to a moiety of the church of Morton Daubeneye, and has letters of induction and institution. Kemeseye, 2 Id. Jun.
To the official of the Archdeacon of Worcester and the dean of Persore. Publish the sentence of excommunication during the solemnities of the Mass, with bells tolled, candles lighted and extinguishd, and Cross elevated, in every church in your districts, especially in the church of Bredon and neighbouring churches, against those who, as appears by the complaint of Walter, rector of the church of Bredon, have broken into his church, prevented the dean from holding a chapter there, appointed a new official and apparitors, and assaulted his ministers and clerks in the church and churchyard; and enquire into the names of the wrongdoers before the feast of S. Hilary next [1]. Alvynechirch, 7 Id. Dec., 1303, second year of consecration.
(Folio 16.) Bond by the bishop and brother J. de Bekyngham to sir Ely Russel, citizen of London, in 94l. 16s. 8d for things
[1] Three lines of writing in continuation of this entry are erased.
bought and delivered to the bishop from the clay of the Purification, 1302, until his enthronement, particulars being contained in three schedules under sir Ely's seal, in the bishop's wardrobe; to be paid within two months of demand. Kemsey, 18 Kal. Jul.
1303. Commission to the dean of Worcester and John de Fekenham, rector of the church of S. Hellen of Worcester, to demand from the justices, John de Haveryng, clerk, imprisoned at Worcester. Fladebury, 5 Kal. Jul., first year of consecration.
Writ to the bishop to levy from the ecclesiastical goods of the
prior of Brymifeld and Midelton, 22l. owed by him to the King,
and to send the same to the exchequer at York, on the morrow
of S. Margaret; a similar writ returnable on the octave of the
Holy Trinity having been ignored. Witness, W. de Carleton.
York, 12 June, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Fladebury,
4 Kal. Jul.
Writ to the bishop to levy the said 22l., the sheriff of Gloucester having certified the exchequer at York, on the morrow of the close of Easter last past, that the prior of Brymifeld has no lay fee from which he can levy, and to send the same to the exchequer at York, on the octave of the Holy Trinity. Witness, J. de L'isle. York, i May, 31 Edward I.
Return by Bishop to the two preceding writs.- The ecclesiastical goods of the said prior, consisting of two oxen, price one mark, and hay, price half a mark, have been sequestered, that the debt may be levied from these and any other goods which may be found after the following autumn. Alvynechirch, 2 Id. Jul., 1303 [1].
Appointment by Walter de Berton, rector of the church of Bredon, executor of the testament of Godfrey [Giffard], late bishop of Worcester, of John de Slougtre as his proctor in matters concerning the said testament. Bredon, Monday next after the commemoration of S.Paul, 1303.
[1] In the register this and the entry as to W. de Berton are transposed, with the mark 0 against them to connect it with the entries of the two writs.
1303. (Folio 16d.)
Indulgencia pro Rege. { Frater W[illelmus], permissione diuina,
{ Wygorniensis Episcopus, dilectis in
Christo filiis archidiaconis Wygorniensi et Gloucestriensi uel eorum
officialibus, salutem, graciam et benedictionem. Gens Scotorum,
sue fidelitatis oblita, pacis emula sediciosa in proximum, pro racione
voluntatem amplcctcns, futura nescia premetiri, sepius se agitans
in furorem, fines regni Anglie hostili inpetu repente aggressa, et
de die in diem interiores partes eiusdem hostiliter ingressa, nostratum
sanguinem innocentem quos reperit sine delectu sexus, condicionis
aut gradus fundit et effundit, agros depopulatur, villas et
opida depredatur, et quod tollere nequid igne consumit, Ecclesias
monasteria et alia pia loca post ablacionem ornamentorum sacrorum
vasorum et ceterum rerum incendit inhumaniter sicut relacio publica
illine veniencium communiter protestatur, et quod magis est timendum
ipsum solum regni quod calcat in abissum forsan dissipatura
si posset. Quamobrem, dominus noster dominus Edwardus Dei
gracia Rex Anglie illustris, de tante cladis euentu tarn subito et
inuasione surgente nimirum conturbatus, pro reprimenda versucia
dicte gentis et vtilitate rei publice ad partes illas cum exercitu suo
direxit nuperime gressus suos, Nos attendentes ipsum in tarn magno
periculo constitutum, cui exposuit se et suos, plus devotorum oracionibus
quam de militum aciebus, plus de diuina virtutis assistentis
quam de sua potencia indigere, vobis mandamus firmiter iniungentes
quatinus vos preces deuotas apud altissimum effundentes, ipsum
cum sibi adherentibus in ecclesia nostra cathedrali Wygorniense et
in singulis ecclesiis archidiaconatuum vestrorum conuentualibus exemptis
et non exemptis et parochialibus in fine singulorum sermonum
faciendis et singulis processionibus iuxta morem solitum et ea
occasione deuosius et libencius faciendis oracionibus astancium sinceriter
et specialiter commendare faciatis, nec non in singulis parochialibus
ecclesiis, singulis diebus dominicis, finita missa quando
parochiani exorantibus capellanis secundum consuetudinem locorum
ad oracionum suffragia excitantur, pro ipso et concomitantibus sibi
ut in presenti negocio quod incumbit: Deus et Dominus noster
sic iuuet et dirigat actus suos, quod ipso cooperante labor suis et
suorum pro repulsu huiusmodi emulorum nostrorum in tantum
haberi valeat fructuosos, quod cedat ad Dei laudem, gloriam et
honorem regni et ecclesie Anglicane ac incolarum eiusdem statum
prosperum et quictum possitque ex hoc toti regno tranquillitatis optate gaudium prouenire, orari specialiter faciatis sub hac forma: Deus in nomine tuo saliuim me fac, etc. cum gloria Patri, etc. Kyriel, etc. Pater noster. Et ne nos, etc. Domine saluum fac regem, mittc ei auxilium, etc. Domine Deus virtutum conuerte nos. Ostende nobis, Domine, etc. Domiiuis vobiscum, etc. Oremus, Deus in te sperancium fortitudo et certancium victoria gloriosa adesto propicius inuocacionibus nostris et presta ut rex noster ca sola que maiestati tue placita sunt prouida mente disponsa, et opere strenue sequatur, teque operante et potenter regente que susceperit regenda ad finem prosperum et felicem perducat effectum per Christum, etc. Vt igitur ad huiusmodi oracionum suffragia allectiuis indulgenciarum muneribus mentes fidelium excitemus, de Dei omnipotentis misericordia beate Virginis Marie beatorum Francisci Wulstani et Oswaldi confessorum et omnium sanctorum meritis confidentes, omnibus parochianis nostris, et aliis quorum dyocesani hane nostram indulgenciam ratam habuerint, vere contritis de peccatorum suorum maculis et confessis, qui pro premissis oracionem dominicam cum salutacione angelica dixerint mente pia xl. dies de iniuncta sibi penitencia misericorditer relaxamus. Valete. Data apud, etc. Fladbur' iiij Kalendas Julii, anno Domini mccc tercio, consecracionis nostre primo.
Indulgence on the } Brother William, by divine permission Bishop
King's account } of Worcester, to our beloved sons in Christ
the Archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester or their officials
The Scotch nation, regardless of its allegiance, forgetful of peace, seditious to its neighbours, taking its own will for reason heedless of the future, has once more risen in madness, suddenly making an armed attack on the English borders, and daily laying waste the adjoining parts of the country, shedding any innocent blood it may find without regard to sex, rank, or condition, wasting the country, plundering the houses and towns, burning everything it cannot carry away, and moreover, as the general report of those coming from there state, recklessly burning churches, monasteries, and other holy places after having plundered them of their ornaments, sacred vessels, and other property, and what is even worse, wasting, as far as possible, the very land of the realm. On account
of this our Master our sovereign Lord Edward, by the grace of God the renowned King of England, greatly moved by such slaughter and by the sudden invasion, in order to repress the insolence of the aforesaid race and for the public weal, has lately marched with his army to these places. We considering that he and those with him will in so great a danger be more in need of the prayers of the faithful than of the swords of the soldiers, and will obtain more from the divine aid than from his own strength, expressly order and command you to offer up your earnest prayers to the Most High for the King and his army both in our Cathedral Church at Worcester and in every church in your archdeaconries, whether conventual (and that whether they are exempt or non-exempt), or parochial, and that at the end of every sermon Procession shall be made according to usual custom, and that the prayers of the congregation be then devoutly and freely offered up. And further that you expressly and specially order that in all parish churches on each Sunday at the end of Mass, when the parishioners are charged by the clergy [capellani], according to the custom of the place, to offer up these special prayers, they are also ordered to make prayers for him and those with him in the present expedition as long as may be necessary, so that our Lord God may so direct and govern their acts that by his aid the task of the King and his army in repulsing our enemies may be so effectively performed that it may result in the praise of God, the glory and honour of the kingdom and Church of England, the prosperity and peace of the people. And further that this blessing of peace may be enjoyed by the whole kingdom, We order that you use the following special form of prayer:
O God, save me for thy name's sake, &c., with the Glory to the Father, &c., Lord have mercy upon us. Our Father .... lead us not, &c. O Lord save the King and ever more mightily defend him, &c. Send us help, O Lord God. Shew us, O Lord, &c. The Lord be with you, &c. Let us pray. O God, the strength of those who trust in thee, and the glorious victory of those who fight, mercifully give ear unto our prayers, and grant that our King may only dispose his mind to do such things as are pleasing to thee, and in deed earnestly pursue the same, that thou directing and powerfully governing whatever he may undertake as Governor, he may bring it to a successful end and a happy issue. Through Christ, &c.
And in order to induce the minds of the faithful by the attractive gifts of indulgence to offer up their prayers in this behalf, We out of the mercy of Almighty God, trusting in the merits of the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed confessors, Francis, Wulstan and Oswald, and of all saints, grant to all who are under our jurisdiction and to others whose diocesan Bishops shall have confirmed this our indulgence, that if they being truly repentant for the stain of their sins, and having confessed them, shall devoutly say on behalf of the aforesaid matters the Lord's Prayer and the Ave Maria, we release them from forty days of whatever penance has been enjoined upon them. Given at Fladbury the 4th day of July, 1303, the first of our consecration.
1303. Certificate that Thoms de Wychio, chaplain, stated on oath before the bishop, that he himself, about twenty-four years ago, celebrated a marriage between sir William de Montchensey and lady Amy, widow of sir J. de Hull, in the church of Hull Crombe, which he then served as parish priest, and that he has never said or preached publicly, to the prejudice of sir Hugh de Veer and Denise his wife, that the said marriage was never celebrated, as he is falsely said to have done by evil-speakers. Witnesses: R[ichard de Swinefeld], bishop of Hereford, J[ohn de Monmouth], bishop of Landaff, the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of Evesham, the abbot of Wynchecombe, the abbot of Oseney, the abbot de Tewkebur', the abbot of S. Augustine of Bristoll', the prior of Worcester, the prior of Kenilworth, the prior of Derhurst, the dean of Hereford, master William du Boys, master W. de Kengestok, sir Thomas de Berkeleye, sir John de la Mare, sir John de Wyl', sir Thomas de Gardin', sir Thomas de la Mare, sir Henry de Ponbr', sir Symon le Chaumberleyn, sir Nicholas de Wydemale, Knights of fhe preceptories of Guting and Bellsale, James Russel, R. de Buclescombe and Symon de Kenggesh', laymen. Worcester, 5 Id. Jun, 1303.
(Folio 17.)
Testamentum Godefridi Giffard, quondam Episcopi Wigorniensis.
In nomine sancte et indiuidue Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, amen. Ego, Godefridus Giffard, permissione diuina, ecclesie Wygorniensis, minister, animo testamentum condendi sane
mentis existens, illud ordino et facio in hune modum. In primis, commendo animam meam Deo qui ipsam creauit ex nichilo et in fine temporum resuscitabit per sui misericordiam et glorificabit cum carne. Et protestor me in fide catholica velle dies meos fatales finire, nee ab articulis fidei nee a religione Christiana, seu professione quam in baptismate sum professus in vita vel in morte velle recedere quoquomodo. Corpus vero meum ordino sepeliendum in ecclesia cathedrali Wygorniensi in qua de misericordia Dei omnipotentis confisus curam Episcopalem accepi ac gessi ad tempus. Et rogo caritatine ac moneo in Jhesu Cristo priorem Wygornie, qui pro tempore sepulture mei preerit ecclesie supradicte necnon et confratrum ipsius monasterii venerandum collegium, vt corpus meum sepeliant in tumulo quod iuxta magnum altare a parte dextra in eodem monasterio iuxta mee voluntatis arbitrium situatur. Volo, autem, quod idem prior et totus conuentus loci ipsius, fratres eciam minores ac pauperes fratres hospitalium sancti Wistani et sancti Oswaldi, necnon et sanctimoniales abbe de Wyston ciuitatis Wygornie ac omnes et singuli dicta die sepulture mee confluentes ibidem iuxta discrecionem executorum meorum in esculentis et poculentis ac aliis necessariis decencius procurentur. De famuliaribus.- Volo, eciam, quod omnes in speciali michi seruicio adherentes dum vixeram et moram post sepulturam meam facientes in villa Wygornie, quamdiu executores mei ibidem fucrint, meis sumptibus, vt premittitur, sustententur et quod antequam recedant ad propria vel alibi quo voluerint sibi quod eis legatur apertius exprimatur et certus terminus iuxta discrecionem executorum meorum similiter prefigatur, et locus vbi et quando sua legata recipere valeant absque tedii dispendio longioris. Et volo quod omnes pauperes die sepulture mee pro elemosina recipienda aduenientes ibidem, quilibet eorum habeat vnum denarium vel valorem eiusdem ad minus, et quod quilibet monachus dicti monasterii Wygornie habeat in crastino post funus meum traditum sepulture duos solidos sterlingorum, si executores mei tantam pecuniam tune promptam ad manum habuerint, et si non, certus dies non prolixus immo proximus et vicinus assignetur cisdem ad pecuniam recipiendam predictam, ita quod quilibet eorum de dicta pecunia facial prout libuerit et honestati conuenit absque sui reclamacione prioris. Et ad ista complenda, cli. libr' sterlingorum assigno vel cc. marcas si cli. libr' non sufficiant ad predicta. Et quia prefata legata sunt corporis mei
funeralia vel quasi, volo quod pre ceteris et hoc quam cito comode fieri poterit premissa omnia solide compleantur. Hiis autem sic iuxta voluntatem meam completis, volo quod omnia debita mea quibuscumque creditoribus meis ad plenum soluantur. De Archiepisco Cantuariensi. Item, do, lego domino Cantuariensi archiepiscopo qui pro tempore fuerit anulum capelle mee cum leone circumuallatum smaragdinibus qui semper suis successoribus archiepiscopis remancat, et vnum iocale precii decem marcarum. De episcopo Londoniensi. Item, domino Londoniensi episcopo vnum anulum cum secundis melioribus et episcopalibus cirotecis. Et volo quod quilibet episcopus Cantuariensis prouincie habeat vnum anulum sibi decentcm de meis dum durent, et si non sufficiant emantur ad perficiendum quod eis legatur nullus tamen sit minoris precii quam 1. uel xl. solidorum. De domino Rege.- Item, do, lego domino Regi Anglie vnam cuppam precii x. marcarum et anulum vnum cum preciosiori rubeto quem habeo. Teneor autem, domino Regi in xli. quas sibi de bonis meis volo persolui ad plenum. De terra sancta.- Et quia signaculum Sancte Crucis recepi iam est diu in voluntate mittendi vnum militem bellatorem in subsidium terre sancte ad generale passagium Anglicorum, volo quod alicui probo homini dentur 1li. de bonis meis pro me ad dictam peregrinacionem faciendam. De ecclesia cathedrali. Item, do, lego ecclesie cathedrali Wygorniensi meliorem mitram quam habeo et quam aliquando habui de dono germani mei, quondam Eboracensis archiepiscopi, vna cum amita stola et manipulo de preciosissimis margaritis secte eiusdem. Et restituantur omnino ecclesie antedicte omnia et singula vestimenta et alia que per manus sacriste loci eiusdem in prima creacione mea recepi. Do, lego, insuper, dicte ecclesie Wygorniensi ciphum meum aureum ad vnum calicem faciendum, et xl. solidos ad fabricandum eundem. Et vnum vestimentum integrum preciosius quod habeo ad deseruiendum pro loco et tempore maiori altari et duas capas chori auro contextas quasi vnius secte, in ornamentum ecclesie antedicte. Et omnia ornamenta mea de albo diaspero vna cum alba et amita mea de serico ac stola et manipulo eiusdem secte, do, lego et assigno ad deseruiendum altari capelle Virginis gloriose in ecclesia supradicta. De carnaria.- Item, do, lego et assigno vnum vestimentum integrum tercium preciosius quod habeo, carnarie Wygornie. Item, assigno altari Sancte Crucis in maiori ecclesia
cathedrali vestimentum quod habui de dono domine Mabille Giffard abbatisse de Schaftebury, sororis mee, cum paruris sericis plenis scutis et cum stola et manipulo eiusdem secte, et vnam casulam de rubeo samito quam habui de dono dicti germani mei archiepiscopi, et duas fiolas meas argenteas de mea capella. De residuis autem vestimentis meis superius noa legatis, ordinent executores mei in pios vsus vbi magis crediderint Domino complacere. De monialibus Wygornie.- Volo, tamen, quod specialiter prouideatur de illis vestimentis residuis maiori altari ecclesie abbarum monialium de Wyston, ad honorem beate Marie Magdalene in cuius nomine consecratur, et quod moniales ibidem Deo seruientes centum solidos habeant in pecunia numerata nomine legati. De priori Wygornie.- Item, do, lego priori ecclesie cathedralis Wygorniensis, qui tempore mortis mee prefuerit in eadem, cuppam vnam prccii c. solidorum et iustam vnam argenteam ad vinum cum potto vno argenteo ad aquam, et sint de melioribus iuxta discrecionem executorum meorum, et volo quod ilia transeant ad successores suos quamdiu durent. De N. de Norton.- Item, do, lego fratri N. sacriste Wygornie, qui modo est si plus me viuat, vnum ciphum precii xl. solidorum. Item, domino J. de Wylinton vnum ciphum precii c. solidorum. De Willelmo Giffard.- Item, do, lego Willelmo Giffard, meo germano, tres carucas boum in villa de Boyton. Alia, autem, mobilia ibidem omnia et singula et in aliis maneriis, tam mee hereditatis quam episcopatus, quocumque nomine censeantur, inuenta, preter ornamenta in capella de Boyton, vendantur omnino ad vltimam voluntatem plenius adimplendam. Item, do, lego eidem domino Willelmo, fratri meo, anulum capelle mee cum rubeto et smaragdine (Folio 17d.) gimellatum, eo quod archiepiscopus Eboracensis, meus germanus predictus, eundem michi tanquam suo heredi et successoribus meis, iure hereditario, michi succedentibus legauit vna cum quinque anulis veteribus et preciosis qui penes me resident in vno laqueo serico colligati, qui fuerunt antecessorum patrimonii mei et non ecclesie Wygorniensis, et similiter quatuor cornua de bugle apud Boyton existencia ad bibendum, vna cum quodam cornu habente pedem argenteum deauratum, quod in mea custodia residet in forma predicta. De P. de Chauent.- Item, do, lego domino Petro de Chauent ciphum vnum precii centum solidorum. Item, domine Agneti Giffard, nepti mee, moniali de Wilton, xx. solidos. De abbatissa Shaft'. Item, domine Mabille Giffard,
abbatisse de Shaftesbury, sorori mee, xij. scutella argentea cum totidem salsariis, ita quod in vsus successorum suarum in illo monasterio, quamdiu durent, remaneant, cum vno potto seu pichero argcnteo ad vinum et alio potto ad aquam et habeat pomum de ambra. Item, domine Margarete Aucher, nepti me de Schaftesbury, xl. solidos. De J. de Ebroycis.- Item magistro J. de Ebroycis nepti meo, do, lego mitram vnam dc margaritis quasi per totum inuelatam que fuit dicti germani mei, archiepiscopi, et vnum anulum precii 1. vel xl. solidorum, necnon et Bibliam meam minorem. De domino H. Aucher.- Item, do, lego domino Henrico Aucher, militi, nepoti meo, xli. cum lorica vna et ciligis ferreis et coopertorio ad equum vnum, et volo quod habeat electionem preceteris premissorum. Item, do, lego domino Hugoni de Escote tantundem per omnia, excepta electione. Item, do, lego domino Alexandro de Friuille xli. loricam vnam cum caligis ferreis et coopertorio ad vnum equum et meliorem equum quem voluerit eligere de carectariis meis. Item, Johanni Giffard, nepoti meo x. marcas. Item, Ricardo Aucher, nepos meus, habeat x. marcas et vnam loricam cum caligis ferreis et coopertorio ad vnum equum, nomine legati, cum vno equo de carectariis meis secundo meliori. Volo eciam quod Ricardus de Babinton habeat x. marcas et equum vnum iuxta ordinacionem executorum meorum. De Margaret Giffard.- Item, do, lego domine Margarete de Neuuille, vxori quondam domini Johannis Giffard, nepti mee, ciphum vnum centum solidorum et vnum fermaculum aureum, vel anulum aureum, precii 1x. solidorum. Item, Isabelle, domicelle sue, xl. solidos. Item, domine Agneti de Chauent, ciphum vnum, precii centum solidorum, et vnum anulum 1. uel xl. solidorum, et vnum pannum aureum. Item, domine Johanne de Wellinton, vnum ciphum, precii centum solidorum. Item, domine Sibille de Acton, nepti mec, vnum ciphum precii centum solidorum et pottum vnum argenteum ad vinum et alium pottum ad aquam, et melius fermaculum aureum quod habeo exceptis prelegatis. De Katerina Giffard.- Item, domine Katerine, vxori domini W. fratris mei, vnum ciphum meliorem quem habeo post legata superius, et pottum vnum ad vnum et alium ad aquam. De M. de Crombe. Item, vxori domini Simonis de Crombe, nepti mee, vnum pottum argenteum et ciphum de argento, cum xls. Item, domine Sibille de Boderyngham, nepti mee, vnum ciphum argenteum, precii c. solidorum. Et viro suo, vnum anulum, precii
xls. Item, domine Johanne, vxori domini Hugonis de Escote, vnum fermaculum aurcum et zonam vnam, precii quinque marcarum. Item, domine Johanne, vxori domini Alexandri de Friuille, zonam vnam et fermaculum aureum, precii predicti. De clericis commensalibus.- Item, do, lego cuilibet de clericis meis commensalibus vnum pannum scricum. Item, do, lego domino Thome de Wycheford ciphum vnum, precii c. solidorum. De armigeris.- Item, do, lego cuilibet armigerorum meorum, que me in aliqua linca consanguinitatis non attingunt, c. solidos. Et volo quod Simon Sauage pyncerna meus, qui diu stetit in seruicio meo, habeat xx. marcas. Item, do lego xxli. Galfrido de Hembury, balliuo meo, pro suo diutino seruicio mecum habito. De valletis officii. Et volo quod quilibet scruiens in coquina aliquid habeat secundum suorum exigenciam meritorum. Balliui, autem, terrarum mearum respiciantur satis decenter pro seruicio suo ad arbitrium executorum meorum. Item, Nicholao, camerario meo, lectum meum vna cum vna roba mea Integra ad opus vxoris eius. Item, do, lego Roberto Cissori, camerario meo, xl. solidos. Item, do, lego Roberto, braciatori, quinque marcas. Et Andree, hostiario aule, xls. Item, Thome, vigili, xl. solidos. Et omnibus aliis valletis de officio xx. solidos. De clericis capelle. Item, do, lego cuilibet clericorum meorum de capella, qui de beneficio ecclesiastico non sit prouisus xl. solidos. Et volo quod omnes carectarii et palefridarii mei et custodes someriorum meorum respiciantur decenter, secundum discrecionem executorum meorum et moram diutinam quam mecum fecerunt. Item, do, lego monialibus de Stodeleya iuxta Oxoniam vnum pannum sericum. De fratribus minoribus.- Item, fratribus minoribus Wygornie c. solidos. Et fratri Edmundo de Mandeuyle eiusdem ordinis xl. solidos. Item, pauperibus fratribus hospitalis sancti Wlstani Wygornie xl. solidos. Et hospitali sancti Oswaldi, loci eiusdem, xx. solidos. Item, fratribus predicatoribus Gloucestrie xl. solidos. Et fratribus minoribus, loci eiusdem, tantundem. Item, fratribus de Monte Carmeli, loci eiusdem, j. marcam. Item, hospitali sancti Bartholomei, loci eiusdem Gloucestrie, j. marcam. Item, fratribus minoribus Bristollie xl. solidos. Et fratribus predicatoribus ibidem xl. solidos. Et fratribus de Monte Carmeli ibidem j. marcam. Et fratribus de Saccis ibidem dimidiam marcam. Item, predicatoribus Warr[ewyk] xls. De executoribus.- Item, volo quod quilibet executorum meorum habeat vnum iocale precii
c. solidorum et aliquam platam argenteam in mei memoriam specialem et pottum vnum, si sufficiant. Et si aliquis legatariorum meorum premoriatur, extinguantur sibi legata et aliis cedant legatariis, vel pauperibus erogentur, iuxta discrecionem executorum meorum. Ad hanc autem meam vltimam voluntatem complendam assigno executoribus meis omnia bona mea vbicumque inuenta et eciam omnia debita que michi a quocumque debentur. Assigno, eciam, ad idem faciendum omnes libros meos cuiuscumque fuerint facultatis et in manibus quonumcumque existant, nisi aliter me superstite ordinauero de eisdem, quod intendo facere, Domino disponente. Et ad premissa omnia et singula solide facienda (Folio 18) si facultas afluerit et similiter defalcanda si necessitas id exposcat ordino, facio et constituo per presentes meos executores, videlicet, dominum Walterum de Berton, rectorem ecclesie de Bredon, magistrum Johannem de Rodeberge, rectorem ecclesie de Hertelbury, dominum Bartholomeum de Deuyses, Johannem de Staneway, rectorem ecclesie de Rippil, et Galfridum de Hembury. Quod si aliquis vel aliqui executorum istorum recusent vel recuset administracionem huiusmodi execucionis admittere, seu eciam premoriatur vel premoriantur, tune statim liceat aliis executoribus loco recusantis vel recusancium, defuncti seu defunctorum executorum istorum alium seu alios ad hoc ydoneos, quocienscumque et quandocumque volucrint, substituere, ponere et assignare ac subrogare, eorum propria auctoritate sine assensu querendo alicuius ordinarii prout in suis conscienciis melius viderint expedire. Executoribus, autem, predictis in remissionem peccatorum suorum iniungo quod predictum laborem non recusent subire, quos volo de bonis meis procurari decenter quocienscumque eos circa predicta legata contigerit laborare. Datum apud Kemeseyam iuxta Wygorniam, Idibus Septembris, Anno Domini M*CCC* primo. Presentibus testibus infrascriptis, videlicet, magistro Alexandro de Bourlyngham, dominis Thoma de Pershora, Johanne de Haueke, Willelmo de eadem, Johanne de Acton, non fuit presens, Willelmo de Burton, clerico elemosinarie mee, et aliis ad hoc vocatis, vna cum magistro Roberto de Sotton, clerico.
1303. Will of Godfrey Giffard, Late Bishop of Worcester. In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. I, Godfrey Giffard, by divine permission
minister of the Church of Worcester, being desirous of making my will, and being of sound mind, do ordain and make it as follows. In the first place I commend my soul to God who created it from nothing, and at the end of time will by His mercy restore it and glorify it with my body. And I declare that I desire to end my last days in the Catholic faith, not departing from the articles of faith, nor the Christian religion, nor the profession which I made in Baptism in any way either in life or in death. I direct my body to be buried in the Cathedral Church of Worcester, of which by the mercy of the Omnipotent God I was entrusted with the Episcopal charge, which I accepted and have held until now. And I ask for love's sake, and I exhort in Jesus Christ, that whoever may at the time of my funeral be the Prior and preside over the aforesaid Church and the worshipful body of brothers of that monastery, that they bury my body in the tomb which is situated alongside the High altar on the right hand in the same monastery according to the expression of my wish. I also desire that the same prior and all the convent of that place, and also the Friars Minor and the poor brethren of the hospitals of St. Wolstan and St. Oswald, and also the White nuns of Whiston, in the City of Worcester, and each and every of them shall assemble on the day of my burial and be provided according to the discretion of my executors with eatables and drinkables and other fitting necessaries. As to my servants.- I also desire that all who have belonged to me in domestic service during my life and remain after my burial in the City of Worcester, as long as my executors are there, with their permission, shall be maintained at my expense until they go home or elsewhere; and what is bequeathed to them shall be paid at a fixed time and place to be appointed at the discretion of my executors, when and where they can receive their legacies without long delay. And I desire that all poor on the day of my burial coming to it shall each receive one penny or its value, and that each monk of the aforesaid monastery of Worcester shall have two shillings sterling if my executors have sufficient money in hand, and if not, that a day not far off shall be appointed for them to receive the aforesaid money, so that each of them shall do as he likes and thinks right with the said money, without any claim by his Prior; and to carry out this I bequeath £100 sterling or 200 marcs, if £100 shall not be sufficient. And
because the aforesaid legacies are part of the funeral expenses of my body, I desire that they shall be paid as soon as possible, everything else being put aside until they are completed; and on this being done in accordance with my will, I desire that all my debts to all my creditors be paid in full. As to the Archbishop of Canterbury.- I give and bequeath to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being the ring of my chapel with a lion surrounded with emeralds, which shall always remain with his successors the archbishops, and one jewel of the value of 10 marcs. As to the Bishop of London.- Item, to the Lord Bishop of London, one ring with my second best episcopal gloves. And I direct that each Bishop of the Province of Canterbury shall have out of my stock a fitting ring, and if there shall not be sufficient, that rings shall be bought for them, and none of the rings shall be of a less value than 50 or 40 shillings. As to my Lord the King.- Item, I give and bequeath to my Lord the King of England one cup of the value of 10 marcs, and one ring with the most valuable ruby which I possess. I am bound to my Lord the King in 4Oli.; I desire it also be paid in full out of my estate. As to the Holy Land.- Because I have received the sign of the Holy Cross, and it has long been in my mind to send one warrior knight in aid of the Holy Land at the general expedition of the English, I desire that there shall be given to any good man out of my goods who shall make the said expedition for me £50. As to the Cathedral Church.- I give and bequeath to the Cathedral Church of Worcester my best mitre, which I sometime had as the gift of my brother, formerly Archbishop of York, together with the amice, stole, and fanon of very precious pearls of the same suit; and there are to be restored to the said Church all and singular vestments and other things which I received at the hands of the sacristan of the same place on my consecration. I give and bequeath to the said Church of Worcester my golden cup to make a chalice, and 40 shillings for making it, and one entire precious vestment I have, to be used there at the time and place for the high altar, and two choir copes, woven with gold, as of one suit, for the ornament of the said Church. And all my ornaments of white diaper, with my albe, amice of silk, and my stole and fanon of the same suit, I give, leave and bequeath to serve at the Altar of the Chapel of the Glorious Virgin in the said Church. As to the Carnary.- I give, bequeath, and assign one entire
set of vestments, the third most valuable I have, to the Carnary of Worcester. I assign to the Altar of the Holy Cross in the greater Cathedral Church the vestment which I had of the gift of the Lady Mabel Giffard, Abbess of Shaftesbury, my sister, with silk apparel full of shields, and with the stole and fanon of the same suit, and a chasuble of red samite which I had of my said brother, the Archbishop, and the two silver cruets of my chapel. As to the rest of my vestments not above bequeathed I direct my Executors to bestow them in pious use in the way they consider most pleasing to God. As to the Worcester Nuns.- I direct a special provision be made out of the residue of my said vestments for the high Altar of the Church of the White Nuns of Wyston, to the honour of the Blessed Mary Magdalen in whose name it is dedicated, and that the nuns there serving God shall have as a legacy 100 shillings in cash. As to the Prior of Worcester.- I give and bequeath to the Prior of the Cathedral Church of Worcester who at the time of my death shall be over the same, a cup of the value of 100 shillings, and one silver pot for wine, and one silver pot for water, and that they be of the best, according to the discretion of my executors; and I desire that they should go to his successors as long as they last. As to N. de Norton.- I give and bequeath to Brother N., sacrist of Worcester, should he survive me, one cup of the value of 40 shillings. Item, to J. de Wylinton one cup of the value of 100 shillings. As to William Giffard.- I give and bequeath to my brother William Giffard three yoke of oxen in the vill of Boyton. All my other movables there or in other Manors, whether my private property or as Bishop under whatever title they may be, except the ornaments of the Chapel of Boyton, I direct to be sold so as more fully to carry out my will. Item, I give and bequeath to the Lord William, my brother, a gimmel ring of my chapel, with a ruby and an emerald, which the Archbishop of York, my said brother, left me and my successors as his heir by hereditary right, with 5 old and precious rings which are fastened up in one silken bag, and were the property of my forefathers and not of the Church of Worcester, and also four bugle horns at Boyton for drinking, together with a certain horn having a silver gilt foot, which remain in my custody, as above said. As to P. de Chauent.- I give and bequeath to Peter de Chauent one cup of the value of 100 shillings. Item, to the Lady Agnes Giffard,
my niece, a nun of Wilton, 20 shillings. As to the Abbess of Shaftesbury.- Item, to the Lady Mabel Giffard, Abbess of Shaftesbury, my sister, 12 silver dishes, with the same number of saltcellars, to remain for the use of her successors in that house as long as they last, with one silver pot or pitcher for wine and another pot or pitcher for water. Item, to the Lady Margaret Aucher, my niece of Shaftesbury, 40 shillings. As to John of Evereux.- Item, to Master John of Evereux, my nephew, I give and bequeath one mitre of pearls which belonged to my said brother the Archbishop, and a ring of the value of 50 or 40 shillings, and also my lesser Bible. As to the Lord H. Aucher.- I give and bequeath to Sir Henry Aucher, Knight, my nephew, £10, with a breastplate and iron footgear, and a trapping for one horse, and I will he have his choice of the foregoing. Item, I give and bequeath to Hugo de Escote the same in all respects except in the choice. Item, I give and bequeath to Alexander de Friuille £10, a breastplate with iron footgear, and a trapping for one horse, and the best horse he likes to choose out of my cart horses. Item, to John Giffard, my nephew, 10 marcs. Item, to Richard Aucher, my nephew, 10 marcs, a breastplate and iron footgear, and the furniture for one horse as a legacy, with one horse, the second best of my cart horses. I also devise that Richard de Babinton have 10 marcs and one horse, according to the direction of my executors. As to Margaret Giffard.- Item, I give and devise to the Lady Margaret de Neville, wife of the late Lord John Giffard, my nephew, one bowl of the value of 100 shillings and one golden brooch or a gold ring of the value of 60 shillings. Item, to Isabelle, her maid, 40 shillings. Item, to the Lady Agnes de Chauent one cup of the value of 100 shillings and one ring of 50 or 40 shillings and one golden cloth. Item, to John de Wellinton one cup of the value of 100 shillings. Item, to the Lady Sibilla de Acton, my niece, one cup of the value of 100 shillings, and one silver pot for wine, and another pot for water, and the best gold brooch that I have, except those specifically bequeathed. As to Katharine Giffard.- Item, to the Lady Katharine, the wife of William, my brother, the best cup I have after the above mentioned legacies, and a pot for wine, and another for water. As to M. de Crombe.- Item, to the wife of Simon de Crombe, my nephew, one silver pot and a cup of silver, with 40 shillings. Item, to the Lady Sibilla de Boderyngham, my niece, one silver cup of the
value of 100 shillings, and to her husband a ring of the value of 40 shillings. Item, to the Lady Joan, wife of the Lord Hugo de Escote, one golden brooch and one girdle of the value of 5 marcs. Item, to the Lady Joan, wife of Alexander de Friuille, one girdle and a golden brooch of the price aforesaid. Of the Clerks who live with me.- I give and bequeath to each of my clerks who live in my house one silken cloth. Item, I give and bequeath to Thomas de Wycheford one cup of the value of 100 shillings. As to my esquires.- Item, I give and bequeath to each of my esquires who are not related to me 100 shillings, and I will that Simon Savage, my butler, who has been long in my service, shall have 20 marcs. Item, I give and bequeath £20 to Walter de Hembury, my bailiff, for the long service he has renderd me. As to the household servants.- I will that each of the servants in my kitchen shall have a remuneration according to his deserts. The bailiffs of my lands shall have for the same a remuneration according to their deserts at the judgment of my executors. Item, Nicholas, my chamberlain, shall have my bed, together with one entire robe of mine for the use of his wife. Item, I give and bequeath to Robert the tailor, my chamberlain, 40 shillings. Item, I give and bequeath to Robert the brewer, 40 shillings, and to Andrew, the hall porter, 40 shillings. Item, to Thomas the watchman, 40 shillings. And to all the other household servants, 20 shillings. As to the Clerks of the Chapel.- I give and bequeath to each of my Clerks of the Chapel who have not been provided with an ecclesiastical benefice, 40 shillings. And I will that all my carters, palfrey men, and keepers of my sumpters shall be properly cared for according to the discretion of my executors and the length of time they have been in my service. Item, I give and bequeath to the nuns of Stodeley, near Oxford, one silk cloth. As to the Minorites.- I give to the friars minors of Worcester 100 shillings, and to friar Edmund de Mandevyle of the same order, 40 shillings. Item, to the poor brothers of the Hospital of St. Wlstan at Worcester, 40 shillings. To the Hospital of St. Oswald at the same place, 20 shillings. Item, to the friars preachers of Gloucester, 40 shillings. To the minorites of the same place the same. To the friars of Mount Carmel of the same place, 1 marc. To the hospital of St. Bartholomew of the same place, Gloucester, 1 marc. To the friars minors of Bristol, 40 shillings. To the friars preachers
of the same place, 40 shillings. To the friars of Mount Carmel of the same place, 1 marc. To the friars of the Sack there, half a marc. To the (friars) preachers of Warwick, 40 shillings. As to executors.- I will that each of my executors have a jewel of the value of 100 shillings, and a silver plate in special memory of me, and a pot if there are enough. And if any of my legatees predecease me, his legacy lapses, and goes to the other legatees or to the poor, at the discretion of my executors. And in order to carry out this my last will, I bequeath to my executors all my goods wherever they may be found, and also all the debts which any one whatever owes me. I also bequeath for the same purpose all my books in whosesoever possession or power they may be, unless I otherwise appoint in my lifetime, which I purpose, God willing, to do. And for all matters aforesaid to be done if the estate is sufficient, and to be abated if it appears necessary, I ordain, make, and appoint by these presents as my executors, Walter de Berton, Rector of the Church of Bredon, Master John de Rodeberg, Rector of the Church of Hartlebury, Master Bartholomew de Devyses, John de Staneway, Rector of the Church of Ripple, and Walter de Hembury. And if any one or more of these executors refuse, or shall refuse to undertake the administration of the office, or has died, or shall die before me, then it shall be lawful for the other executors of their own authority to appoint another or others in the place of the dead, or refusing, executor or executors, whensoever and in whatever way shall seem to them fit, without obtaining the assent of any ordinary, as in their consciences may seem to them best to be done. And I implore my aforesaid executors for the remission of their sins that they refuse not to undertake the aforesaid work. And I desire that out of my goods they shall endeavour that each article shall be properly applied to satisfy the aforesaid legacies. Given at Kempsey, near Worcester, the Ides of September, 1301, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses: Master Alexander de Bourlyngham, Thomas of Pershore, John de Haucke, William of the same, John de Acton was not present, William de Burton, clerk, my almoner, and others assembled for the purpose, with Master Robert de Sotton, clerk.
1303. (Folio 18.) Bull of Pope Boniface VIII. [1], declaring the privileges of the abbot and convent of S. Augustine of Canterbury, which is exempt from jurisdiction of the ordinary. On appeal by the archbishop [2], and the chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury, who alleged that the abbots of Westminster, Waltham, and S. Edmund's, conservators of the said privileges, had exceeded their powers, it is declared that the convent of S. Augustine shall only present to those churches in the city and diocese of Canterbury of which they hold the patronage, the archbishop having institution, deprivation, and other spiritualities as far as usual rights permit; the convent shall have the spiritualities in churches appropriated to their own use, the archbishop spiritualities in the other churches in the patronage in which they claim and exercise jurisdiction. The provision as to persons living in churches and chapels is referred to the monks and convent. The customary honour shall be shown to the archbishop by churches in the jurisdiction of the said convent by ringing the bells when he passes through the city and diocese, and by yearly processions of the clergy and people to Christ Church. The Lateran, 14 Kal. Apr., ninth year of pontificate [1303].
(Folio 18d.) Attestation by John son of John de Haselarton, clerk, of the diocese of York, public notary, that he has copied and published the said bull.
Letter from the dean of Arches, commissary-general of the official of the court of Canterbury, to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Cite the bishop to appear in the court of Arches on the third law-day after the feast of S. James, to assist the proctor of Walter, late rector of the church of Northpydel, in a cause depending between the said rector and the prior and convent of Stodleye, concerning the possession of tithes of lands and goods of the hospital in Northpydel. The said Walter, since the cause began, has entered the religious of the Friars Preachers, and is still in the year of probation, and the bishop has assigned a portion of the profits of the said church to a parson who shall serve the same during the said year. London, 3 Non. Jul., 1303. This letter came to Alvynechirch, 15 Kal. Aug., the same year.
[1] 1294-1303. [2] Robert Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
1303. Writ to the bishop. Sequester the ecclesiastical goods of Ralf de Bulmere, clerk, one of the assessors and collectors of the eleventh and seventh in the county of Warwick, who has died without having rendered his account of the said tax. Send account of the goods sequestered to the exchequer at York in fifteen days from the festival of Holy Trinity. Witness, P. de Wylughby, in place of the treasurer. York, 8 May, 31 Edward I. This writ came to the bishop, 16 Kal. Aug., by the hand of sir J. de Stanewey, who had kept it so long that no return could be made to it [l].
(Folio 19.) Writ to Thomas de Gardinio, sheriff of Gloucestershire, and to the bailiff of Derham. Summon before Palm Sunday, W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, to appear before the King in fifteen days from Easter Day, to answer in a plea of Quare impedit concerning the church of Newenton-upon-Coteswold, which is in the King's presentation by reason of the vacancy of the bishopric of Worcester. Not dated.
Writ distraining W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, by all his serfs in his manor of Clyve for 60s., in respect of one and a half knight's fee in his said manor, granted for the marriage of the King's eldest daughter [2], half of which ought to have been paid at the feast of S. Peter in the Chair, 31 Edward I., and half at the feast of Easter following.
Writ to the bishop to produce before the King, in the octave of S. Michael, William de Dene, Peter de Bodmyn, chaplain, John de Turnay, chaplain, John Hommyng, chaplain, John de la Heggehome, clerk, and Henry de Craundon, clerk, to answer to Reymund Frunband for an assault made on him by night at Bristol, the sheriff of Gloucester having returned fifteen days from Easter that the said men were the bishop's clerks, and had no lay fee by which he could attach them. Witness, R. le Brabazoun. York, 27 April, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Aug., 1303.
[1] See post, p. 66. [2] Eleanor with Henry of Bar: they were married 1303.
1303. Similar writ concerning an assault made by the same on Aylmer de L'Isle at Bristol. York, 26 April, 31 Edward I. This writ came on 3 Id. Aug.
Return to the same: The said William Dene and others are cited to appear as above said.
Writ to the bishop to levy and send to the exchequer at York, on the morrow of S. Michael, 6l. 12s. of the ecclesiastical goods of the Prior of Wotton, with 10l. of the ecclesiastical goods of the priors of Brimifeld and Middelton which the bishop had already sequestered to the value of 20s., as appeared by his return made on the morrow of S. Margaret last past; being part of a debt of 24l. l0s. which the said priors owe to the King with other debts. Witness, J. de L'Isle. York, 27 July, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Alvynechirch, 2 Id. Aug., the same year.
Return:- The ecclesiastical goods of the prior of Wotton, to the value of 6l. 12s., have been sequestered in order that the sum may be levied as quickly as possible. Eight marks, 11s. 4d., have been levied of the ecclesiastical goods of the prior of Brymesfeld and are sent by the present bearers. No more can be levied this time.
(Folio 19d.) Writ to the bishop to levy 31l. of the ecclesiastical
goods of John de Ebroicis, rector of the church of Tredyngton, and
send the same to the justices at York on the octave of S. Michael,
to be delivered to Thomas de Sutham and Ralf de Lycestre,
being part of 44l. recovered by them against the said John before
the justices at York, as appears from an inquest held before W. de
Bereford at Sticheford Bridge, in the county of Worcester. Witness,
R. de Hengham [1].
York, 6 July, 31 Edward I. This writ
came to Hampton, 17 Kal. Sept., the same year [2].
Return:- The ecclesiastical goods of the said John have been sequestered, and are kept closely until buyers can be found [3].
[1] Ralf de Hengham had been Archdeacon of Worcester from 1287-1288. See Giffard Reg. IX. [2] See post p. 78. [3] In the MS. this return is added at the head of the folio, immediately before the entry to which it relates.
1303. Writ to the bishop to produce before the justices at
York, in three weeks from Michaelmas, Henry le Heyr of Hampton,
clerk, to answer to Robert le Bround of Snytenefeld in a plea of
debt ten marks, the sheriff of Warwick having returned that the
said Henry had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 12 May, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Hampton, 16 Kal. Sept.,
the same year.
Return:- The said Henry is enjoined to appear as above said.
Appointment by the bishop of brother Gilbert de Maddeley as sacristan of the cathedral church of Worcester. Hampton, 5 Kal. Sept., first year of pontificate.
Letter to the prior and convent of Worcester notifying the appointment of brother Gilbert de Maddeley as sacristan of their church, notwithstanding his late resignation of the said office. Hampton, 5 Kal. Sept., first year of pontificate [1].
Order to the dean of the parish church of Stratford to enforce on Agnes, wife of Richard de Kynton, convicted of adultery and perjury, having lived for ten years and more with Henry de Hatton, subdeacon, and born five children in adultery, and, by her notorious misdeeds caused great and long-continued scandal among the people, the following penance, that she with her hair down, wearing only a long shift, shall be flogged by the said dean on each of the next nine Sundays, before the procession in the parish church of Stratford, and attired as above on the next nine market-days, in the middle of the market-place, at the hour when the people most congregate, she shall receive nine strokes with a birch from the dean, he following her in surplice and stole. Finally, she is to be led to church and, kneeling before the Cross, humbly receive discipline from the dean or his substitute. The dean compelling her, under pain of ecclesiastical censure, to endure the said penance unless her true contrition and humility induce the bishop to deal more gently with her. Hampton, 2 Kal. Sept., first year of consecration.
(Folio 20.) Order to the dean of the parish church of Stratford to inflict the following penance on Henry de Hatton,
[1] See post, p. 80.
subdeacon, for his adultery with the aforesaid Agnes, wife of Richard de Kynton. That he stand with crown and tonsure fitted for the estate of subdeacon, in a white surplice, holding a lighted candle of two pounds of wax, in the parish church of Stratford on each of the next seven Sundays, the psalter placed before him on the baptismal font, he singing devoutly one nocturn, from the introit of the Mass to the end. Thirteen of the poor of the parish, men and women on alternate Sundays, shall stand by him and pitifully beseech the Lord for him, when Mass is over; only as much of his goods as shall fitly maintain them for the day shall be given to them. And, since his reformation must be effected not only by prayers and alms but also by fasting and abstinence, he shall fast for a year, on Tuesdays and Thursdays on bread, soup and beer, and on Fridays on bread and water, abstaining from fish, flesh and all that has its origin in flesh. As the said Henry was convicted because he failed to appear before the bishop's commissaries, he shall be compelled, by ecclesiastical censure, to do similar penance in the parish church of Hampton, in which parish he and the said Agnes committed the said crime; unless his deserts shall obtain a mitigation from the bishop. Not dated.
1303. Notice to the prior and chapter of the cathedral church of Worcester. Prepare for a visitation on Thursday next after the feast of S. Matthew the apostle, and give notice of this before the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next. Hampton, 3 Non. Sept., first year of consecration.
Notice to the archdeacon of Worcester or his official of a visitation to be begun in the cathedral church of Worcester before the feast of S. Matthew next, and to be continued throughout the archdeaconry; give notice of this before the said feast. 3 Non. Sept., first year of consecration.
(Folio 20d.) Writ to the bishop to produce Peter de Puryton, clerk, before the justices at York in the octave of S. Michael, to answer to William, son of William Peres of Wroxhale, for that he, together with John de Tarente, brought a writ in Court Christian concerning chattels and debts not connected with a matrimonial
or testamentary suit; the sheriff of Worcester having returned that the said Peter had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham. York, 17 June, 31 Edward I.
This writ came to Hampton, 8 Id. Sept. The official of the archdeacon of Worcester is directed to execute it.
1303. Return:- The said Peter is enjoined to appear as above said [1].
Order to the dean of Stowe to act in the case of the church of Combe, vacant by the death of the last rector, to which sir Richard de Barkevill, knight, has presented John de Barkevill, clerk, and answer to the sequestrator concerning the profits. Same date.
Appointment of Simon de Grenehill as steward and keeper of all the lands of the bishopric. Blokeleye, Sunday next after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1303.
License to Robert, rector of the church of Halford, at the request of sir P. de Leycestre, to attend upon him from the present date for three years, letting his church to farm meanwhile for the relief of his debts, on condition that the church is served by a learned and upright chaplain, and that the said rector account for all charges and give half a mark yearly to the poor of the parish. Bredon, 14 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Writ to the bishop to sequester the ecclesiastical goods of Ralf de Bulmere, one of the assessors and collectors of the eleventh and seventh in the county of Warwick, who died without having rendered his account of the said tax; and to send account of the goods sequestered to the exchequer at York, on the morrow of S. Michael, no return having been made to a previous writ to the same effect [2]. Witness, I. de L'Isle. York, 20 July, 31 Edward I. This writ was delivered to the bishop at Bredon, 14 Kal. Oct.
Return:- The ecclesiastical goods of the said Ralf are estimated at 34l. and shall be closely sequestered.
[1] In the MS. this return is added at the head of the folio, immediately before the entry to which it relates. [2] See ante, p. 62.
1303. (Folio 21.) Writ to the bishop to distrain Walter de Berton, master John de Rodeberow, Bartholomew de Dyvisis and Geoffrey de Hembury, clerks, executors of Godfrey, late bishop of Worcester, by their ecclesiastical benefices, to attend the exchequer at York, on the octave of S. Michael, together with John de Stanneway, their co-executor, with tallies and other acquittances, to account for the said Godfrey's debts to the King [1]. Witness, P. de Leycestre. York, 16 July, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Bredon 14 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Return:- W[alter] de Berton and John de Rodeberow, clerks, have been distrained to appear as above said; Bartholomew de Dyvisis has been long dead; Geoffrey de Hembury has no benefice in the diocese.
Writ to the bishop to produce before the justices at York in
three weeks from Michaelmas, Richard, rector of the church of
Hull Crumbe, executor of Nicholas de Hull, to answer, with
Bartholomew de Hertford and Margery, formerly wife of Nicholas de
Hull, his co-executors, to William de Bourne, in a plea of debt of
60s.; the sheriff of Worcester having returned to the justices
at York, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist, that the said Richard
has no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 11 July, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Bredon 11 Kal. Oct.
Return:- The said Richard is enjoined to appear as aforesaid.
Letter to the official of Worcester. Give notice of a visitation of the deanery of Worcester to be held in the cathedral church on Monday (Non. Oct.) and Tuesday next after the feast of S. Faith, Virgin, and of the deanery of Poywik, to be held in the parish church of Poywik on Thursday (6 Id. Oct.) and Friday following, and summon thereto four or six, according to the size of the parish, of the most trustworthy men from each parish. Kemesey, 8 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Notice to the prior and convent of Little Malvern [2]. Prepare for a visitation of their monastery to be held on Saturday
[1] See their appointment in Giffard's Will, ante, p. 54. Walter de Berton was rector of Bredon, John de Rodeberow rector of Hartlebury, John Staneway, rector of Ripple. [2] See post, p. 77. The Prior resigned.
(3 Non. Oct.) next after the feast of S. Michael. Kemesey, 7 Kal. Oct., 1303, first year of consecration.
1303. (Folio 21d.) Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuer temporum, next after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1303, in the conventual church of Tewkesbury.
Wlstan, rector of the church of Aylesford.
Roger de Lee, vicar of Stokegiffard.
William le Bret, rector of Morton Daubeny.
Alexander de Beseford, rector of the church of Flavele.
Walter Austyn of Norton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to this order.
John Welschote of Bristoll, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the same place.
John of Merston Meysi, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Feyrford, to this order.
John de la Sherde, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Feyrford.
Robert Enneston of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of the same place, to all orders.
Robert de Baddesey, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to all orders.
Walter de Alseley of Heneley, on the title of patrimony, by the official of Worcester.
John Kene of Donampney [Downampney], on the title of the prior of Creklad [Cricklade].
Walter Nony of the same, on the title of the said prior.
John de Sherdeley, on the title of patrimony of two marks, by leave of the bishop.
John Chopin of Stratford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stratford, to this order.
John Founteynes of Bachesore, on the title of patrimony, by the dean of Blockeley.
William le Saundrevile of Moreton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecombe.
Henry of Aston Somervyle, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the place.
1303. Edmund le Brun, on the title of the house of Wynchecombe.
Alan de Haunepen, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecombe.
William Philipp' of Alveston, on the title of Hugh, rector of Hampton.
Adam de Whatescote, on the title of }
patrimony, as proved by deed. } On condition that they
} come at a future date
Adam, son of Anthony de War', on } with sufficient titles.
the same title. }
Walter de Muculton, on the title of Roger, rector of Tackeley.
Roger de Somerby, on the title of the bishop, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lyncoln.
John de Rippill, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Rippill, to this order.
William de Pershore, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore, to this order.
Henry de Barndeslee, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bubyry [Bibury], to this order.
Robert de Seynbury, on the title of the bishop, by special leave.
Thomas de Compton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester, to this order.
John le Mareschal of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Richard of Great Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stow, to this order.
Robert of Little Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, to this order.
William de Welleburgum.
Walter de Tatelrestrop, on the title of patrimony, which master Wst has.
John de Briclampton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore, to this order.
Alan Blont, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stonhouse, to this order.
John Man of Bristol, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Roger Frankeleyn of Little Compton, on the title of the abbot of Bittlesden, to this order.
1303. Thomas de Beke.
Adam, called Beaufix, of Estletch [Eastleach], on the title of patrimony, by the official of Gloucester, to this order.
Henry Morine, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
Walter de Nortton, by the rector of Brokenbrig.
Walter de Nategrave, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowye.
Henry de Keynemesford on the title of master prior of Lychelad.
Richard de Stocton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
William de Heyford in Stratford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stratford.
Thomas, son of John de Clyve, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore.
Philip, son of Richard de Alcestre, on the title of the house of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick.
Walter de Kynemesford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Feyrford.
William de Holney, on the title of patrimony, in the Register as he says and swears.
Robert de la Hethe, on the title of the prior of Worcester, in the Register as he says.
John de Kynmesford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Feyrford.
John de Hampton Curly, on the title of the prior of Jerusalem.
John de Kygeswode, on the express order of the bishop.
Geoffrey de Herworton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore, for this order.
John de Neuton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean.
Robert called Leche, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk, for this order.
Robert of Preston by Cyrncester, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Cyrncestre, for this order.
William de Dersington, on the title of patrimony, by deed deposited with the bishop.
1303. William de Morton Daubney, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick, for this order.
John de Tressebur', on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Cyrncestre, for this order.
Walter de Defford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore, for this order.
Thomas de Bladyngton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, for this order.
Henry de Nategrave, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, for this order.
Henry de Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, for this order.
John de Benyngword, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk, for this order.
John of Great Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, for this order.
John de Wynchecombe, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecombe.
Walter de Saunford.
John de Dersinton, by brother J. de Weston.
Peter Gilberd of Bynyngton, by leave of the bishop.
William de Welneford } John de Tanglee } by brother J. de Weston. Robert de Welneford }
John, rector of the church of Newenton.
Gerard, rector of the church of Spernore.
William, rector of the church of Acton Beauchamp.
(Folio 22.) Nicholas, called Lovecot, of Warwyk, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
Richard de Amondevile, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
John de Aston Somervile, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Campeden.
Henry Bridde of Langeberg, on the title of the prior of S. Fredeswyde.
William de Dydebrok in Warwick, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
William de Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Poywyk.
Simon de Walton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
Richard de Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
John of Compton Wyngate, approved by the same.
Stephen de Quenton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Campeden.
Gilbert of Morton Brut, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
Thomas Basset, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk.
John Bernard, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore.
Oliver de Etyngdon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
Robert de S. John, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore.
Ranulph de Budiford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
Robert Toyte of Bradeston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the place.
Nicholas de Mottel, on the title of the prior of S. John of Jerusalem.
Peter de Beckeford, on the leave of the bishop, by letters of the prior of Worcester.
John de Heyhome, on the title of patrimony, under the seal of the warden of Bristol.
John de Colehurste, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk.
William of Colne S. Alwyn, on the title of patrimony, as proved by W. de Stoke.
Robert de Kynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk.
Henry de Lockeley, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk.
1303. William de Weston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwyk.
Richard de Mutton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bredon.
Walter of Little Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Alan de Slathtre, by William de Stoke.
Hugh Lovecot of Worcester, on the title of patrimony, by deed deposited with the bishop.
John Wyndout, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Pershore.
Thomas of Great Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Thomas de Langberg, on the title of patrimony, proved by Sir H. de Langberg.
Robert Page of Sloustre, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
John, son of Roger de Gloucestre, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Richard de Alecestre, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Campeden.
Thomas Pershival of Breilles, on the title of patrimony, by the dean of Warwick.
Geoffrey de Wellesburn, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwik.
Henry de Quenton.
Robert Large of Sloustre, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
William de Clive, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Clyve.
John de Quenton, by title of br. Robert de Bernlaye.
Henry of Worcester, on the title of patrimony, proved by many.
Hugh de Burgton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
John de Tourkeden, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Ralf Giffard of Sloustre, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
1303. John de Dorne, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Blokeley.
John de Malverne, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Henry de Upton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John de Staunton.
Henry de Twenyng, on the title of the abbot of Wynchecomb.
John de Charingword, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecomb.
John de Berkeston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwik.
Richard Scriptor of Wynchecombe, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecomb.
Adam of Colde Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Walter of Stow S. Edward, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Philip de Twenyng, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecomb.
William de Turkeden, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Walter Nowel of Stow, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Henry de Shirborn, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
William de Wellesborn, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwik.
Thomas, son of Morischal, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Warwick.
Thomas Messager.
Nicholas de Grafton.
(Folio 22d.) Declaration on oath by the prior of Worcester, Richard de Muscegros, rector of the church of Legh, Richard de la Lynde, Walter Herbert, Reginald le Porter the younger, William le Porter, rector of the church of Poywyk, and Robert de Belne, that Richard, son of Reginald le Porter of Pershore, Eustachia, wife of William de Doverdale, and Joan, wife of Walter le Blound,
residing in the diocese of Worcester, are legitimate. Not dated.
1303. Letters of legitimacy for Richard, son of Reginald le Porter of Pershore, Eustachia, wife of William de Doverdale, and Joan, wife of Walter le Blound. Worcester, 5 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Master Henry de Luceby took the three following letters with him to the Roman court.
Bond of the bishop and church of Worcester to Francis, cardinal deacon of the church of S. Laurence in Damaso [1], for a yearly payment of fifty golden florins for the advancement of the bishop's business with him, payable at a time and place to be arranged by the said Francis with Henry de Luceby, whom the bishop thereby appointed his proctor for the purpose. Worcester, 6 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Appointment of Henry de Luceby as proctor, to treat with the said Francis concerning the ordinance of his archdeaconry in the church of Worcester and its yearly farm. Same date.
Appointment of master de Trimisio and Adam de Kirkeby as the bishop's proctors in the Roman court. Same date [2].
Writ to the bishop to produce before the justices at York,
in the octave of S. Michael, Ely de Brisrugg and John de Stonhouse,
clerks, to answer to Ralf de Hengham in a plea of debt
of twelve marks from the said Ely and 12l. from the said John,
the sheriff of Gloucester having made return that they had no
lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 28 April, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Kemeseye 6 Id. Jun.
Return:- The said Ely and John are not beneficed in the diocese of Worcester, nevertheless they have been publicly cited to appear as above said.
Memorandum that Walter de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, received the bishop's seal, as his chancellor, at Kemeseye, at the hour of Vespers, 2 Kal. Oct., 1303.
[1] This was Cardinal Francis Neapoli, archdeacon of Worcester. See a letter in the Sede Vacante Register, p. 42. See Giffard's Register, p. 356. [2] See Sede Vacante Register, p. 42.
1303. Appointment of John de Feckham to hold courts in the manors of Winston, Wyk, Knytwyk, Kemeseye, Rippill, Bredon, Fladebury, Hambury de Wych, Hertlebury, Alvynechirch, Aston and Warwick, and the hundred of Oswaldeslowe, in absence of the steward. Kemeseye, Sunday, the feast of S. Faith, Virgin,
(Folio 23.) Writ to the bishop to produce before the justices
at York, on the morrow of S. Martin, Clement de Herford, rector
of the church of Shaddesleye [Chaddesley Corbett], to answer
Isabel Borey and Simon Borey, executors of John de Ludelewe,
in a plea of debt of 16l., the sheriff of Worcester having returned
fifteen days from the day of Holy Trinity that the said Clement
had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 26 June, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Kemeseye 2 Non. Oct., the same
year, and directions were sent to the official of Worcester.
Return:- The said Clement is enjoined to appear as above said. Alvynechirch, 2 Non. [Oct.].
Writ from W. de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucestershire, to the bailiff of Derehurst. Bind the bishop by sureties and pledges to produce before the justices at York on the octave of S. Martin, Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, to answer to John de Bloxham in a plea of debt; and to certify him of the execution hereof at Gloucester in fifteen days from Michaelmas.
This writ came on 5 Non. Oct, and on 2 Non. Oct. directions were sent to the official of Gloucester to enjoin the said Clement to appear as aforesaid, to sequester all his ecclesiastical goods, and to certify the bishop thereof before the feast of All Saints. The said official has certified that he has sequestered the goods of the said rector and has cited him [1].
Appointment of John de Saxeby as messenger and bearer of the bishop's letters to the Apostolic see and elsewhere. Kemeseye, 8 Id. Oct., first year of consecration.
Order to master R. de Sutton, sequestrator, and dean of Stonhouse, to hold inquisition concerning the conduct of Simon, rector
[1] See post for another writ to the same effect.
of the church of Tetteburi, who, as the bishop has heard from many persons, neglects his cure of souls, and does not serve his church, but consumes its goods on his own pleasures. Fladebury, 2 Id. Oct., 1303.
1303. Letter to the dean of Wych. Awaits the publication of the names of the excommunicate lest others ought to be added thereto, I. called Portes of Dod[derhill ?] has been lately convicted of laying violent hands upon the Vicar of Dod, and has incurred the sentence of the greater excommunication, from which he can only be absolved by the pope [1].
License to Roger, rector of the church of Kynewarton, to study within the Kingdom of England, from 17 Kal. Nov., 1303, for three years, receiving the fruits of his church meanwhile. He need not be ordained to holy orders, the subdiaconate excepted, during that time, by authority of the constitution newly published [2] and shall provide a competent vicar for his church, according to the said constitution. Not dated.
Notice to Walter, rector of Snyterfeld, to receive probate of the will and grant administration of the goods of I. de Moneroun, deceased, and certify the bishop thereof by letters patent before the feast of Christmas next. Kemeseye, 17 Kal. Nov., first year of consecration.
Appointment of Roger de Pyrie, monk of the convent of Little Malvern, as prior in place of William de Molendinis, resigned. Kemeseye, 14 Kal. Nov., first year of pontificate.
(Folio 23d.) Acceptance of the resignation of William, prior of Little Malvern, of the office of prior made at the visitation of 4 Non. Oct., first year of pontificate [3]. Kemeseye, 16 Kal. Nov., 1303, first year of pontificate.
Notice to the archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester, or their officials, to welcome in their next chapters, before all other
[1] This entry is not finished in the Register.
[2] By Boniface VIII.
[3] See ante, p. 67.
business except that of the fabric of the cathedral church of Worcester, the brothers of the hospital of the Holy Spirit in Saxia, of Rome, or their messengers, who shall come with papal privileges to ask the alms of the faithful; and admonish all parish priests to expound the affairs of the said hospital to their parishioners for three Sundays, according to a schedule which the bishop encloses, signed by his notary, to allow the friars personally to collect alms, and to pay them without diminution at times and places to be appointed by the bishop in the local chapters. Kemeseye, 15 Kal. Nov., 1303, first year of consecration.
1303. Order to the rector of the church of S. Hellen of Worcester to refrain, until further directions, from troubling Robert Pete, who, at the late visitation of the city of Worcester, was charged with incontinency with Christine le Wyte, and was lawfully corrected for the same before the bishop. Kemeseye, 15 Kal. Nov., first year of consecration.
License to Robert Russel, rector of the church of Streyngesham [Strensham], subdeacon, to study any subject, within the province of Canterbury, until the feast of S. Michael next; he shall not be bound to take higher orders meanwhile. He shall receive the fruits of his church and shall not defraud it of divine services. 13 Kal. Nov., same year.
Similar license to Andrew, rector of the church of Grafton under Flavel, subdeacon. 13 Kal. Nov., same year.
Writ to the bishop to sell to the value of 31l. the ecclesiastical
goods of J. de Ebroicis, parson of the church of Tredington, which
are already sequestered, and to send the money thus raised to
the justices at York on the octave of S. Martin, to be delivered
to Thomas de Sutham and Ralf de Leycester, being part of 44l.
recovered by them against him at York, by an inquest held before
William de Hereford, at Stycheford, in the county of Worcester.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 12 October, 31 Edward I. [1]
This writ came to Hertilbury, 8 Kal. Nov., and on the same day directions were sent to the deans of Caumpeden and Tredynton to certify the execution thereof before the feast of S. Martin. The letter was delivered to Henry de Makestok, page of the said R.
[1] See ante, p. 63, and post.
1303. Return:- The said goods are being levied to as high an amount as possible, which will probably be 10l. at most before Christmas next; no previous return has been made to the other writ, the goods having been sequestered to the value of 31l., as appears by the present writ.
Writ to the sheriff of Worcestershire to bind the bishop by
surety and pledges to produce before the justices at York, on the
morrow of S. Martin, Hugh de Babynton, rector of the church of
Hampton-upon-Avon, to answer to John de Lyttlinton in a plea
of debt of 4Os. and two robes, being arrears of a yearly rent of 20s.
and one robe; the bishop to shew cause why he did not produce
the said Hugh fifteen days from the day of Holy Trinity. Witness,
R. de Hengham.
York, 26 June, 31 Edward I.
This writ came to Hertlebury, 5 Kal. Nov., the same year. The dean of Warwick is directed to cite the said Hugh to appear as above said, to sequester all his ecclesiastical goods and to certify the bishop thereof two days before the said feast of S. Martin.
The said Hugh, rector, appears, and taking oath to save the bishop harmless in the aforesaid cause, the said sequestration is removed; in presence of W. de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon [1], B. de Feriby, John Caleys, and Gilbert de Coryngham. Alvynechirch, 2 Non. Nov.
(Folio 24.) Writ to the bishop to destrain by his ecclesiastical
goods Henry de Langebergh, clerk, one of the assessors and
collectors of the eleventh and seventh and the twelfth and eighth,
in the county of Oxford, to appear before the justices at York, in
the octave of S. Martin, with rolls, tallies, and writs, in order to
render his accounts, together with John de Ellesfelde, the other
assessor and collector. Witness W. de Carleton.
York, 12 October, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Hampton, 5 Id. Nov.
Notice:- The said Henry is distrained to appear as above said.
License for the rector of the church of Wydeford, at the request of the lady Mary, the King's daughter, to attend upon her, receiving the fruits of his church; on condition that he cause
[1] Chancellor of the Diocese, see ante, p. 75.
the said church to be served by a learned and upright chaplain, and that he pay all charges, and aid the poor of the parish according to his power. Hampton, Id. Nov., 1303, second year of consecration.
1303. Writ from Thomas de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucestershire, to the bailiff of Derhurste. Bind the bishop by surety and pledges to produce Ely de Brisnigg and John de Stonhuse, clerks, before the justices at York, in fifteen days from S. Martin's day, to answer to Ralf de Hengham in a plea of debt; and to certify the execution hereof, at Gloucester, before the feast of All Saints.
This writ came to Hampton, 4 Id. Nov., the said year, and the official of Gloucester is directed to sequester the ecclesiastical goods of the said clerks, and to certify the bishop thereof before the feast of S. Clement.
License to William, rector of the church of Morton Daubeneye, subdeacon, to study within the Kingdom of England from the feast of S. Michael, 1303, for one year, receiving the fruits of his church. He shall not be bound to take higher orders meanwhile, and his church shall be served by a good and competent vicar who shall be suitably paid from the profits of the church. Hampton, 3 Id. Nov.
License to John, rector of the church of Kyderminstre, priest, to attend upon the abbess of Wilton and his other lords, from the feast of S. Michael, 1303, for one year, on condition that he cause his church to be served by a good and learned chaplain, and that he pay all charges and help the poor of the parish according to his power. Hampton, 3 Id. Nov.
Appointment by the bishop of J. de Harleye, monk of the church of Worcester, as sacristan of the said cathedral church. Hampton, 17 Kal. Dec., second year of consecration.
Appointment of John de Harleye, monk of the church of Worcester, as sacristan in place of Gilbert de Maddeleye, resigned. Hampton, 18 Kal. Dec., second year of consecration [1].
[1] See ante, p. 64.
1303. License to Alexander, rector of the church of Flavel, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Hampton, 18 Kal. Dec.
(Folio 24d.) Writ to the bishop to distrain Walter Fitz Warin,
rector of the church of Upton, to appear at the exchequer at York
on the morrow of S. Nicholas, to answer to Robert de la Chaumbre,
servant of W. Langton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield [l], treasurer,
in a plea of assault. Witness, W. de Carleton.
York, 6 November, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Hampton, 15 Kal. Dec. The
dean of Wych is directed to execute the same and certify the
bishop thereof before the feast of S. Andrew.
Return:- The said Walter is distrained to appear as above said.
Discharge to sir John de Stanway, clerk, whose account has been audited by Simon de Grenehull and Roger le Mareschall, stewards, of moneys received and paid by him during the whole time that he was receiver of the bishop's wardrobe; his arrears of 9l. 9s. 8d. being forthwith paid by him. Hampton by Warwick, Wednesday, the feast of Blessed Edmund, King and Martyr, 1303.
Grant of the custody of the chapel of Burton, vacant by resignation of Robert de Harnehull, last rector, to Simon de Duyn, clerk, presented to the said church by sir Robert de Harnehull, knight, until the feast of S. Hilary next, on condition that he then procure institution to the same, and meanwhile satisfy the bishop as to his orders and morals, and as to his being beneficed elsewhere. The dean of Blockele is directed to deliver to him corporal possession. Hampton, 10 Kal. Dec.
Bond of the bishop to Amadeus, count of Savoy, in one hundred and ninety marks, by reason of the purchase from the King, when he restored the temporalities of the see, of a portion of the corn sown in the lands of the bishopric, which he granted to the said count in part payment of a bond of ten thousand marks; of which portion of corn the bishop acknowledges the receipt. He
[1] Walter de Langton, 1296-1321.
promises, at the request of Bernard de Mercato, the count's proctor and attorney, who is present, that the said one hundred and ninety marks shall be paid at the house of the merchants of the company of the Bellardi at Lucca, at Christmas next, and appoints Walter de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, and Simon de Grenhull, of the county of Northampton, to pay the same. Hampton-upon- Avon, Saturday, the feast of S. Andrew, Apostle, 1303.
Similar bond is made for 170l. 15s. 10d. to be paid into the King's exchequer at the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist, 1304.
(Folio 25.) Institution of Gilbert, called Swift, acolyte, to the church of Cromhale, vacant by the death of Roger de Kynggeston, last rector, on the presentation of sir William de Wauton, knight, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester or his official. Bredon, 2 Kal. Jun., same year.
License to J., rector of Combe, subdeacon, to study, from the feast of S. Michael, 1304, for two years. Bredon, 4 Non. Jun.
1304. Institution of John Corbet, acolyte, as rector of the church of Ebrihton, on the presentation of master William de Bosco, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester or his official. Wynchecombe, 8 Id. Jun., same year.
Institution of Thomas de Weston as rector of the church of Weston-under-Egge, by Thomas de Sutton, clerk, the bishop's commissary, whose commission is contained in the book of commissions, at the presentation of sir J. Giffard, knight, letters of institution and induction to the deans of Wynchecombe and Caumpeden. London, the house in which master J. Bloyon resides, Id. Jun., same year.
Ordinance concerning the church of Estlech, respecting which a dispute has arisen between John Caleys, rector of the same, and John de Throkmerton, presented to the said church by the prior and convent of Great Malvern. The bishop ordains that John Caleys shall peacefully keep the said church and that John de Throkmerton, who is only in minor orders, and, on account
of his condition, cannot proceed to higher orders without the bishop's special licence, shall renounce his right therein and shall receive yearly 40s. in the name of charity, from John Caleys as long as he holds the said church, unless he meanwhile obtains another benefice, in which event John Caleys shall be entirely released from the said payment. This ordinance is made in the bishop's chamber, in presence of the said John de Throkemerton and of Simon de Grenehull, the bishop's steward, Benet de Feriby, clerk, brother John de Morton, Ailmer le Vyneter of Northampton, John de Fekenham and many others. Bredon, Wednesday next before the feast of S. Barnabas, apostle, 1304.
1304. Collation of W. de Loriaco, priest, to the church of Bredon, of the bishop's patronage, vacant by the death of Walter de Berton, last rector [1], and is inducted thereto by John called Caleys, clerk. Bredon, 13 Kal. Jul., 1304.
Institution of Richard Croyser, priest, to the church of S. Alban of Worcester, at the presentation of the abbot of Evesham. Rippil, 1 1 Kal. Jul., same year.
License to John, rector of the church of Old Swyneford, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, and to let to farm his church for the relief of his debts to any ecclesiastical person through whom his own condition and that of his church may be improved, provided that the said church be not defrauded of divine services, or the cure of souls neglected. Hertelbury, 5 Non. Jul., same year.
Resignation by John de Throkemerton, clerk, of his right in the church of S. Martin of Astlech, to which he was presented by the prior and convent of Great Malvern. Sealed with a certain round seal and delivered into the bishop's hands, in his chamber, in presence of the prior of Great Malvern, J. de Foxle, J. de Rodeberwe, B. de Feriby, T. de Stratton, Roger le Marschal, and others. Kemeseye, 7 Id. Jul., same year.
(Folio 25d.) Collation of Thomas de Stratton, clerk, to the church of Wythindon, in the bishop's patronage, in presence of
[1] Executor of Bishop Giffard's will, see ante, p. 54 and p. 67.
B. de Feriby and J. Caleys; on the morrow he is inducted by the dean of Wynchecombe. Kemeseye, 17 Kal. Aug., same year.
1304. License to James Giffard, rector of the church of Kynton, to study from Michaelmas next for two years, and to let to farm his church meanwhile for the relief of debts, to any fitting person through whom his own condition and that of his church may be bettered. Kemeseye, 15 Kal. Aug., 1304, second year of consecration.
Institution of Stephen, called Malore, priest, to the church of Fayrford, vacant by resignation of R. de Hengham [1], last rector, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Teukesbury, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester or his official. Kemeseye, 14 Kal. August, same year.
Institution of William de Apperley, subdeacon, to the church of Thornbury, vacant by death of Peter de Leycestre, last rector, at the presentation of the convent of Teukesbury, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester or his official. At the same time, the said William resigns his right in the deanery of Warwick, by letter. Kemeseye, 13 Kal. Aug., same year.
License to Adam de Orleton [2], rector of the church of Wotton by Kyngg', to study letters from the feast of S. Michael next, for three years, within the kingdom of England or without. Wyk', 11 Kal. Aug., same year.
License to Walter, rector of the church of Wolward, priest, to let to farm his church to Hugh, vicar of Brayles, from Michaelmas next for three years, for the relief of his debts; saving to the bishop power to revoke the license at any time, if the good of the church and welfare of the souls of the parishioners render it expedient. Alvynechirch, 3 Kal. Aug., same year.
[1] Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, formerly Archdeacon of Worcester.
See Giff. Reg., p. 1x. W.H.S.
[2] Subsequently Bishop of Hereford, Worcester, and Winchester.
1304. Institution of Stephen de Mesiaco, monk of the house of S. Taurinus, to the priory of Astleye, vacant by resignation of Ralf de Fortes, on the presentation of Stephen de Carnages, monk and proctor of the said house, in the name of the abbot and convent, letters of institution and induction to the official of Worcester or the rector of Harley [Arley Kings], Alvynechirch, 2 Kal. Aug.
Grant of the custody of the sequestered profits of the vicarage of Northlech to John Gymel, vicar of Kynemersford, priest, until the feast of S. Michael next, on condition that the said church be not defrauded of services, and that he pays the charges on the same. Alvechirch, 4 Non. Aug.
Institution of William de Thorntoft, clerk, in the person of John de Cestre, his proctor, as rector of the church of Doderhull, on the presentation of the King, who has recovered the right of patronage against the prior of Worcester, true patron, the bishop of the diocese, the archbishop of Canterbury, and John de Middelton, incumbent by authority of the archbishop. Letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Worcester or his official, or to the dean of Wych. Alvechirch, 3 Non. Aug.
Ordination of William, called Mautravers, of Wodecestre, as acolyte, and he has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Alvynechirch, 5 Id. Aug., same year.
William de la Grave, of King's Norton, acolyte, has similar letters dimissory. Alvynechirch, same date.
License to Walter, rector of the church of Snyterfelde, to study letters from the feast of S. Michael next, for three years, Hampton, 2 Kal. Sept., 1304, second year of consecration.
(Folio 26.) License to Drugo [l], rector of the church of Piriton, to study from Michaelmas next, for three years, and to let to farm his church meanwhile to any ecclesiastical person of upright conversation. Hampton-upon-Avon, 8 Id. Sept., 1304.
[1] Instituted 1301. See Giff. Reg., 541.
1304. Institution of William de Eggesberwe, priest, as vicar of the church of Aston [White Ladies Aston], on the presentation of the prioress of Wystan, with charge of continual residence, letters of institution and induction to the official of Worcester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 14 Kal. Oct.
Institution of Gilbert de Foxle, subdeacon, to the chapel of Tormerton, on the presentation of sir Hugh de S. Philbert, knight, letters of institution and induction to the official of Gloucester. Same date.
License to the said Gilbert to study for two years from the said date. Same date.
Institution of Nicholas Makerel, clerk, to the church of Little Compton, on the presentation of the prior of Derhurst, letters of institution and induction to the official of Gloucester. Hampto-upon-Avon, 14 Kal. Oct.
License to the said Nicholas for non-residence for a year from the said date, and letters dimissory for all holy orders. Same date.
Grant in commendam to R. Tankard, priest, at the presentation of G[uy], earl of Warwick, to hold for six months in accordance with the last council of Lyons, the prebend in the collegiate church of Blessed Mary of Warwick, commonly called the deanery, lately held by W. de Appirle. Hampton, 15 Kal. Oct. same year.
Institution of Bartholomew de Covele, subdeacon, to the church of Ebrihton, on the presentation of master William de Bosco, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Stratford-upon-Avon, 13 Kal. Oct. [1]
Institution of Geoffrey de Compton, priest, to the church of Shipton Chaunflour, on the presentation of William de Solers, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 11 Kal. Oct.
Grant of the custody of the sequestration of the church of S. John of Bristol until the next ordination to Thomas de Ciston,
[1] See post, p. 89.
clerk, who has only received the first tonsure; presented to the said church by the abbot and convent of Teukesbury, on condition that he shall be then ordained acolyte and shall be instituted to the said church. He has letters to the archdeacon. Hampton, 5 Kal. Oct.
1304. License to Robert, rector of the church of Pipplinton, priest, to study letters from Michaelmas next for two years. Hampton-upon-Avon, 5 Kal. Oct., 1304.
License to John, rector of the church of Boxwell, priest, to let his church to farm and to go to Rome from the present date for a year, in order to further his affairs in the Roman Court before the feast of S. Michael, 1305. Hampton-upon-Avon, 4 Kal. Oct., 1304.
License to study to Andrew de Bonnhull, rector of the church of Grafton-under-Flavel, subdeacon, within the province of Canterbury, until the feast of S. Michael next. Rowynton, Kal. Oct., 1304, second year of consecration.
Institution of John de Haddesovere, priest, to the vicarage of Northletche, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Gloucester, letters of institution and induction, dated 17 Kal. Nov., to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Non. Oct., same year.
Institution of Thomas de Wade, priest, to the vicarage of Ameney S. Cross, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Teukesbury, letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 8 Id. Oct., same year.
License to Robert Russell, rector of the church of Strengesham, subdeacon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next, in the same form as the rector of Grafton-under-Flavel. Hampton-upon-Avon, Id. Oct., 1304.
Similar license to Thomas, rector of the church of Eggeword Hampton-upon-Avon, Id. Oct., 1304.
1304. (Folio 26d.) Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, at Stratford, on Saturday, Quatuor temporum, next after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1304, second year of consecration.
John, rector of Bishampton.
John de S. Cross } of Bruera, in the diocese of Lincoln,
Thomas de Suthford } by letters dimissory of the bishop
Ralph de Eton } of the said diocese.
John Dunclent, rector of the church of Salewarpe.
Richard Thursteyn of Crombe Simon, on the title of patrimony of 40s., approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
George, son of Richard Roger of Stodeley, on the title of patrimony of 30s., approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
William de Estletche, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
John Sely, on the title of the house of S. Mark of Bristoll, only to this order.
William le Northeren of Cheddeword, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester [1].
William de Doudeswell of Northletche, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
William Lock of Preston, on the title of patrimony of 4Os., approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter de Foxcote, on the title of patrimony, approved }
under the seal of the dean of Wythingdon [2]. } To this
Richard Gerarde of the same place, on the title of patrimony, } order
approved under the seal of the said dean. } only.
John Gerarde of the same place, on the title of patrimony, }
approved under the seal of the said dean. }
John Reede of Prestbury, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
Richard de Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Blockeley, to this order only.
[1] Against this entry is written:- (f'm.) falsum?
[2] Against this entry is written:- sigillum est ignotum.
1304. William le Brazour of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham; to only two orders.
Henry Crok of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
Robert de Patrica, rector of the church of Faryndon in the diocese of Winchester, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Winchester.
John Smith of Ameneye, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter de Quenton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
John de Wyke, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
John Lysane of Stowe, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
Robert de Northcote, on the title of patrimony of 30s., approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Thomas de Cherlecote, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester, only to this order.
Henry de Bubby of Warwick, on the title of patrimony of 36s., approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
Richard called Fremanteyl of Wynchecombe, on the instance of master Roger the steward, on condition that when he desires to be ordained to next orders, he have sufficient title.
John del Ovene of Preston, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester; to all orders.
John Salman of Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester; to all orders.
Richard de Dumbelton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
Adam Capel, rector of the church of Nymdesfeld.
Bartholomew de Covele, rector of the church of Ebrithton [1].
Nicholas de la Berowe, on the title of patrimony of two marks, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
Richard Purdome, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lychfield and Coventry, on the title of the house of Teulesford, only to this order.
William Hamond, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester; to all orders.
[1] See ante, p. 86.
1304. William de Charyngword, on the title of patrimony of 38s., approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester, only.
Nicholas, rector of Oselword.
Robert of Morton Lyndesey, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester; to all orders.
Robert Stevene of Great Kynton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester, only to this order.
Robert Prodomme of Great Kynton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester; to all orders.
Richard de Wykyngeston } of Breura, by letters dimissory of the
Robert de Sybeford } bishop of Lincoln.
Thomas de Cesterden }
Robert de Paxford, on the instance of John de Geynesburg, by license of the bishop.
Henry Canon, on the title of four marks. The seal appears false.
William de Wermeton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester, only to this order.
John Dabetot, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Salisbury, to the rectory of the church of Chetel', only to this order.
Thomas de Schirborn, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester; to all orders.
Walter Mayel, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter Nony of Dunnameney, on the title of the prior of the hospital of S. John of Jerusalem; to all orders.
Richard, son of Richard Miller of Fladebury, on the title of a certain chantry; as above in the Register.
Walter de Lenchewyk, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham; as above.
Henry le Juvere of Morton, by precept of the bishop.
Nicholas, son of William Rouge of Derlyngscote, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Tredyngton.
John Cyvyteus, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
1304. John Bruly of Wolfreton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
John de Wawenwotton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
Robert Wood of Yerdeley, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
Walter de Mukelton, on no title because he was admitted before.
Richard of Great Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Stowya.
John Tilleman of Wynchecombe, on a title which the dean has, on condition, etc.
William of Hampton Meysi, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Thomas, son of Thomas de Astletche, on the title of the dean of Fayreford.
Robert de Letchelade, admitted during the vacancy, without title, on condition that he should come again with a title.
Peter de Barton, rector of the church of Buddebrok.
Thomas de Kynemersford, on the title of the house of Letchelade only, on condition, etc.
John de Wonnecote, on no title because he was ordained previously, during the vacancy, on condition, etc.
Walter Flemyng, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
Robert de Were of la Berewe, on the title of patrimony, approved under seal, as previously.
Nicholas de Cherlecote, on the title of the house of the Holy Trinity of Teulesford.
Ralf of Preston-upon-Stor, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Robert de Dodemerton, on the title of the abbot of Malmesbury.
John of Preston-upon-Stor, on the same title as previously.
John, son of Adam de Wonecote, on the same title as previously.
Richard of Little Rysindon, on the same title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Peter, rector of the church of Sutton.
John, son of Robert de Beck, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Northwych, when he shall have a title by the pleasure of the bishop.
1304. William de Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Blockeley.
Simon de Arnyngword, by writ of the bishop at the instance of H. de Warr', by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Roger de Grousewolde, on the title of patrimony, approved above.
Richard Ingebold of Herverton, by writ of the bishop, as elsewhere.
Adam de Langeberowe, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Henry de Suthcerney, on the title, as previously.
Richard Gregori, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Bristoll [1].
William Smith of Ameneye, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
John, son of Robert de Beck, by writ of the bishop, without title, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Northwych.
Henry, called Coterel of Ocle, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
William le Bret, portioner in the church of Morton Daubeney.
Adam de Astletche, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Admund le Brun, on the title of the abbot of Wynchecombe.
Henry de Twenyng } on the same title.
John Martyn of Wynchccombe }
John Kene of Donameney, on the title of the prior of the hospital of S. John of Jerusalem.
Alan de Prestbury, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter Austyn of Norton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
William de Bernynyton, called Sturtop, without title, because ordained previously by the order of the bishop.
Robert de Seynesbury, by order of the bishop.
Ralf de Wynchecombe, by order of the bishop.
[1] Against this entry is written: fabricate [sigillo] falsum.
1304. John de Derlyngscote, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Tredyngton.
Henry de Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
John de Shipton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Tredyngton.
William de Bokelond, because previously admitted by G[odfrey] the bishop's predecessor.
Geoffrey Herverton, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Pershore, as previously.
Walter de Alseleye of Henleye, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Nicholas Thoralde of Hampton Meisi, on the title of the dean of Fayreford.
Robert Herforton, on the title of the prior and convent of the house of the Holy Sepulchre.
Richard de Chaddesley, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
John Punteys of Bacchesshovere, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Blockley.
Richard Rauf of Brimesgrave, because admitted previously.
Ely, rector of Haselton.
Walter to the church of Gloucester, because admitted previously.
William de Pershore, because admitted previously.
Robert de Barton in Hennemmersh, because admitted previously.
Robert de Nategrave, because admitted previously.
William de Syde, rector of Wynneston.
William de Wykewane, because admitted previously.
Walter de Nategrave, because admitted previously.
John Welshote of Bristoll, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of the same place.
Roger, son of Thomas of Little Compton, on the title of the abbot of Bitlesden.
John of Merston Meysi, on title approved before under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter de Kynemersford, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the dean of Fayreford.
Nicholas de Cherleton, by order of the bishop.
1304. Robert of Great Comberton, by consent of the bishop at the request of the prior of Kenylword.
John de Tysho, on the title of patrimony, as previously.
Nicholas Pope of Todenham, because admitted previously.
William of Thorp Watervil, vicar of Prees, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lychfield and Coventry.
Thomas le Venour, rector of the church of Madlee, by letters dimissory of the said bishop.
Alexander, rector of Flavel.
John de Letchelade, by order of the bishop, because admitted previously, etc.
Richard Spelly, by order of the bishop, without title.
William of Getyng Poer, because he was admitted by G[odfrey], on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Robert of Preston by Cyrnecestre, on title, as previously.
Walter de Dumbelton, without patrimony by leave of the bishop.
John Mareschal of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
John de Stowe, on the title as previously, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
(Folio 27.) William de Dagelyngword, on the title, as previously.
Richard de Welneford, by order of the bishop, at the instance of brother J. de Weston.
Richard de Bernyngton, because admitted previously.
John de Dagelyngword, because admitted previously.
William de Heyford, on the title of patrimony, as previously.
Peter de Lenche, by leave of the bishop.
Thomas Page of Wenriche, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter de Tadelestrop, on the title as shown previously.
John Chopyn of Lodyngton, on the title, as previously.
Walter of Little Rysindon, on the title shown previously.
William, called Philippe, of Alveston, on the title, as previously.
Thomas de Bladyngton, on the title, as previously.
Robert of Little Rysindon, on the title, as previously.
John of Little Compton, on the title, as previously.
Adam de Watecote, on the title, as previously.
Richard de Grimmeleye, on the title as previously.
1304. Institution of William de Borstalle, priest, to the church of Nymdesfelde, vacant by resignation of Adam Capel, at the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester, letters of institution and induction to the dean of Stonhous Hampton-upon-Avon, 8 Kal. Oct., 1304.
Institution of Richard, called le Godeboye, of Aston, acolyte to the church of S. Michael of Bristoll, vacant by resignation of Roger de la More, last rector [1], at the presentation of the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 5 Kal. Oct.
License to Reginald, rector of the church of Seynesbury, to study within the province of Canterbury, until the feast of S. Michael next. Hampton-upon-Avon, 10 Kal. Nov., 1304, second year of consecration.
License to Roger de Herberd, rector of the church of Oldebury, deacon, to study within the province of Canterbury until the feast of S. Michael next. Hampton-upon-Avon, 9 Kal. Nov., same year.
Institution of Adam Caple, subdeacon, in the person of master Walter de Holleberow his proctor, to the church of S. John in Gloucester, vacant by resignation of John de Haddesore, at the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 5 Kal. Nov., 1304.
Collation of Gilbert Acketoft of Gilby, clerk, to the church of Weston Brut, the collation having devolved to the bishop through lapse of time, on account of a dispute between several who had been presented to the said church; saving the right of the future patron. Hampton-upon-Avon, 4 Kal. Nov.
(Folio 27d.) Institution of John de Wakerle, priest, in the person of J. Caleys his proctor, in presence of W. de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, and Adam de Howden, to the church of Great Rysindon, on the presentation of sir Walter de L'Isle, knight. Induction is postponed until master T. [2]be called to shew why, etc. Alvechirch. 3 Non. Nov.
[1] See Giff. Reg., p. 337.
[2] Probably Thomas de Westell, instituted 1301; Giff. Reg. 544.
1304. Institution of Geoffrey de Waleden, acolyte, in the person of Nicholas de Circestre, priest, his proctor, to the church of Barndesle, on the presentation of Humfrey de Boun, earl of Hereford and Essex, letters of induction to the dean of Bybury. Alvechirch, 2 Non. Nov.
Institution of Walter, called Mynte, of Strugull, priest, to the church of S. Stephen of Bristoll, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Glastonbury, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 5 Id. Nov.
Institution of Walter de Duyn, priest, to the church of Schipton Moyne, on the presentation of Henry de Moyne, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Nov.
Further grant in commendam of the church of Overbury to Peter de Periton. 3 Id. Nov.
Institution of John de Cerney, subdeacon, to the church of Nategrave, vacant by resignation of John de Doucclent, on the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 17 Kal. Dec., same year.
Institution of John, called Ronhendd, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Stratton. on the presentation of Gilbert de Burghull, rector, letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 12 Kal. Dec., 1304.
Admission of Walter Burdon, in the person of William de Derby, clerk, his proctor, to the prebend of Horton, at the presentation of bishop of Salisbury [1]. The official of the archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to induct him. Alvynechirch, 11 Kal. Dec. 1304, third year of pontificate.
License to John de Cerneye, subdeacon, rector of the church of Nategrave, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Hertelbury, 18 Kal. Jan., same year.
[1] Simon of Ghent, 1297-1315.
1304. Institution of John de Wynchelseye, priest, in the person of William de Coleshull, substitute of W. de Chadeleshonte, his proctor, to the prebend of Button, vacant by the death of Richard de Wynton, at the presentation of the bishop of Salisbury; letters of induction and institution to the official or dean of Button. Hertelbury, 17 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of Thomas de Ciston, acolyte, to the church of S. John of Bristoll, vacant by resignation of Robert, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury; letters of institution and induction to the official of Gloucester. Ambresley, 14 Kal. Jan., same year.
License to Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Hertelbury, 13 Kal. Jan.
Institution of Walter de Buterleye, priest, from the diocese of Hereford, to the chapel of Oddynggest [1] [Oddingley ?], with cure of souls, vacant by the death of William de Solers, on the presentation of Roger de Mortimer; letters of institution and induction to the rector of S. Hellen of Worcester. Same date.
License to Hugh, rector of the church of Hampton-upon-Avon, priest, to study until the feast of S. Michael next. Hilyngdon, Non. Feb., same year.
License to Peter, rector of the church of Avenyng, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the present date for three years. London, Non. Mar., 1304.
(Folio 28.) Orders celebrated at Aumbresley [Ombresley], by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuor Temporum, next after the feast of S. Lucy, Virgin [2], 1304, third year of consecration.
Thomas de Ciston, warden of the church of S. John of Bristoll.
[1] See Giffard Register, W.H.S., App. IV. p. ccxxvi.
[2] 13 December.
1304. John Donclet, rector of the church of Salewarp.
Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll.
Henry called Grom, of Hilmedon, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester, only for this [order].
John de Etyndon, on the same title, to all orders.
William called Mariscal, of Wormynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Richard de Lythshirne, on the title of patrimony of S. John of Jerusalem, to all orders.
Guy de Torkedon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Richard de Bourton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
John de Bradewas, on the title of patrimony, approved by the prior of Worcester.
Richard de la Felde, by special leave of the bishop.
Bro. Thomas de Shitford, }
Bro. John de S. Cross, } of Bruwera, by letters dimissory of
Bro. Ralf de Eton, } the bishop of Lincoln.
Adam Sporoun of Pershore [1], previously admitted before, during vacancy.
Nicholas de la Berewe of Fekham [Feckenham], on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester, as above.
William called Riche, of Witton, on the title of patrimony, approved, as above.
Walter de Hulmancot, on title approved, as above.
Walter de Quenton, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Robert Stevene of Great Kynton, on the title of patrimony.
Nicholas de Fepeinton [2], previously admitted during vacancy.
Peter de Ameneye [2], admitted as above.
William Hammond of Warwick, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
[1] See Sede Vacante Reg., p. 23. He was ordained subdeacon Sept., 1302,
on the title of patrimony, by John, Bishop of Llandaff.
[2] Both ordained at the same time sub-deacons, on the title of patrimony, N. de
Fepeinton as "Nicholas de Phepsynton", ib. p. 23, post, p. 113.
1304. Henry Bulby of the same place, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
Richard de Dombelton, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
John de Wyke, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Robert Eustan of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of the same place.
Robert de Patrica, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Winchester, as above.
Richard Fremond of Wynchecombe, previously admitted without title.
Geoffrey de Hampton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
William Brasour of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of the same place.
Richard de Langeney, previously admitted during vacancy.
John de Stouhtre, on the title, as above.
John de Lench, previously admitted by G[odfrey], bishop.
Bro. Richard de Wykingeston, }
Bro. Robert de Sibbeford, } of Bruera, by letters dimissory
Bro. Thomas de Circedon, } of the bishop of Lincoln.
Simon de Sutton, rector of the church of Lench Rokolf.
Peter de Barton, rector of Buddebrok.
Roger, rector of the chapel of Oldebury.
Thomas de Kempston, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Richard, son of Richard the Miller of Fladebury, on the title of a chantry in the same place [1].
Robert Wood in Yerdeleye, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
Walter de Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
Simon de Arnyngworth, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
William de Bulneye, on the title of patrimony, approved as above.
Nicholas de Byke, of the diocese of Cicestre, by letters dimissory of the bishop of the said diocese.
[1] Against this entry is written: Memorandum.
1304. Henry de Teuk [1], admitted previously during vacancy.
Richard Ingebold of Herforton, by leave of the bishop, as above.
Henry le Juvene of Morton, by the same leave.
Walter de Lenchewyk, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Robert de la Hethe, previously admitted by letters of the prior of Worcester.
John Pypard of Pershore, on the title, as previously.
Thomas de Matheme, on the title, as previously.
Walter de Mukelton, because previously admitted, without title [2].
William de Botteote, on the title of patrimony and testimony of W. Moyn.
John de Grymenhull, because previously admitted.
Dispensation to John Donclet, rector of the church of Salewarp, subdeacon, to study within the kingdom of England, from the present date for two years. Hertelbury, 10 Kal. Jan., same year.
License to John de Wyghton, rector of the church of Ryndecombe, deacon, to study from the present date until Easter next. Hertelbury, 3 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of Simon de Halsted, of the diocese of London, acolyte, presented to the church of Yerdeleye, in the diocese of Worcester, by the prioress and convent of Catesby, in the diocese of Lincoln. Takes oath in supplement of an inquisition concerning the vacancy of the said church, that he is a free and lawful man, of good conversation, and an acolyte; on the morrow, 3 Non. Feb., he is instituted to the said church, vacant by resignation of sir R. de Hengham [3], letters of institution and induction to the official of Worcester or the dean of Kyderminster. Hilyngdon, 4 Non. Feb., same year.
Grant of the custody of the vicarage of Bisseley to John de Wyvelesford, subdeacon, until the next ordination, on condition that he be then ordained deacon. The archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to deliver the said custody to him. Stanes, 8 Id. Feb., same year.
[1] Probably Henry de Tewkesbury, ordained deacon by John,
Bishop of Llandaff, Sept. 1302. Sede Vacante Reg., W.H.S., p. 24.
[2] Against this entry is written: "decep' cler'".
[3] Chief Justice, see ante, p. 63. Giff. Reg., W.H.S. p. 1s.
1304. License to John Archer, rector of the church of Preston-upon-Stour, priest, to go to Rome in order to further his affairs in the Roman court. London, 16 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of Thomas, of Compton Wynyate, deacon, to the church of Compton Wynyate, vacant by the death of Robert, on the presentation of Robert, lord of Compton aforesaid; letters of institution and induction to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Hilyngdon, 2 Kal. Mar., same year.
Grant of the custody of the sequestration of the vicarage of the vacant church of Claverdon until the octave of Easter next, to Richard de Stokton, priest, presented to the said church by Albrach Gerardi, merchant of Florence, proctor and administrator general in temporalities and spiritualities in England of Francis, cardinal deacon, archdeacon of Worcester. Directions sent to master R. de Sutton. London, 6 Non. Mar., same year.
License to John Somery, rector of the church of Bishampton, acolyte, to study from the present date for three years. Hertilbury, 6 Kal. Jan., 1304.
(Folio 28d.) Institution of John de Waledena, acolyte, to the chapel of Barndele [Bardesley next Bebury] [1] vacant by resignation of Geoffrey de Waledena, on the presentation of Humfrey, earl of Hereford and Essex, at whose instance the bishop confers on the said John the sequestered fruits of the chapel. London, Non. Mar., 1304.
Letters dimissory for Nicholas de Bradewas, acolyte, for all holy orders to any bishop of the province of Canterbury. London, 2 Non. Mar., same year.
Like letters dimissory for William de Bradewas, acolyte. London, 4 Non. Mar., same year.
Institution of Henry, called Fraunceys, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Hanley [2] [Hanley Castle], vacant by the death of Geoffrey de Kyngesleye, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Little Malvern; letters of institution and induction to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Hilyngdon, 4 Id. Mar., same year.
[1] See Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 369.
[2] Ib. p. 270.
1304. Institution of John de Wyvelesford, deacon, to the vicarage of the first portion of the church of Bisseleye, vacant by the death of William Calf, on the presentation of Henry de Uphaven, rector of the said portion; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hilyngdon, 2 Id. Mar., same year.
Grant of the custody of the sequestration in the deanery of the collegiate church of Warwick until the octave of Easter next, after his grant of the same in commendam to R. Tankard, presented to the deanery, 15 Kal. Apr.
Institution of William de Staunford, priest, to the vicarage of Rouwynton, vacant by the death of Simon [l], on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Raddyngg; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. London, 12 Kal. Apr., same year.
License to Thomas de Wilton, rector of the church of Lappeworth, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the present date for three years. Hilyngdon, 13 Kal. Apr., same year.
Here begins the year of the Lord 1305.
1305. Institution of Philip Cok of Bristoll, priest, to the church of Siston, on the presentation of the King to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hilyngdon, 4 Non. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Apelton, acolyte, to the Church of Rindecombe, vacant by resignation, to the bishop, of John de Wyhton, last rector, 6 Kal. Mar., at Hilyngdon. Wycombe, 2 Non. Apr, same year.
Institution of Wistan de Scheldesleye, subdeacon, to the church of Morton Brut, vacant by resignation of William de Schireborn [2], priest, on the presentation of Richard de Ruhale, lord of Morton Brut; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. 3 Id. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Schireborn, priest, to the church of Daylesford, vacant by resignation of Wistan de Scheldesleya, on
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 423.
[2] Ib. p 452.
the presentation of Thomas de Hastinges; letters to the dean of Blockeleye. 5 Id. Apr., same year.
1305. Orders celebrated at Wythingdon, by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Holy Saturday, 1305.
Gilbert Swift, rector of Cromhale.
William de Bonham, rector of Crombe Abetot.
William Mariscal of Wormynton, admitted as previously, and by letters of the abbot of Heyles.
Collation of Richard de Stockton, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Claverdon, vacant by the death of Philip, the collation having devolved on the bishop by lapse of six months; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester; saving the right of the future patron. Wythingdon, 10 Kal. Maii, same year.
License to Gilbert de Swift, rector of the church of Cromhale, subdeacon, to study from the present date for one year. Wythingdon, Holy Saturday, 1305.
(Folio 29.) Institution of William Levelaunce, acolyte, to the chapel of Dishford, the cure being vacant by the profession of Nicholas, last rector, as a Friar Minor, on the presentation of John de Dishford Frary; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Wythingdon, 4 Kal. Maii, same year.
Institution of John de Stowya, chaplain, to the vicarage of the church of Driffeld, vacant by the death of William de Ameney, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Cyrencestre; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester. Wythingdon, 2 Kal. Maii, same year.
Institution of Peter de Bourton, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Blessed Mary, before the gate of the abbey of S. Peter of Gloucester, vacant by the death of William Chaumberleyn, on
the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter aforesaid; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, Kal. Maii, same year.
1305. Dispensation to John de Waleden, rector of the chapel of Barndesle, acolyte [1], to study from Michaelmas next for two years, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he has undertaken to receive within a year of accepting the charge of the said church. Bredon, 6 Id. Maii, same year.
Inquisition held in the church of Wottone, on the morrow of S. Oswald, in full chapter, by the rectors of Newyntone and Lasseberowe, the vicars of Berkeleye and Frontone, and the proctors of Slymbrugge, Wottone, Dorseleye, Camme, Yweleye, Rochamptone, Osleworth, Beverston, and Coveleye, concerning the vacancy of the church of Thornbury. The said church has been vacant since the day of the Conversion of S. Paul, 1304, by the death of William de Apperleye, last rector. The abbot and convent of Tewkesbury are the true patrons, and made the last presentation. The church pays a pension of 63s. to the said convent, which is not in dispute. The person presented is beneficed elsewhere, namely, in the church of Estletch of Assmer [1], with the dignity of the archdeaconry of Landaff. This inquisition came to Blockeley, 14 Kal. Jun., same year.
Grant of the custody of the sequestration in the prebend of the collegiate church of Blessed Mary of Warwick, commonly called the deanery, to R. Tankard, priest, until the feast of the Nativity of Blessed Mary next. Kemeseye, 3 Kal. Jun., same year.
License to Gilbert de Foxle, rector of the church of Tormerton, subdeacon, to study from 14 Kal. Oct. last for three years. Bredon Non. Jun., 1305, third year of consecration.
License to John, rector of the church of Boxwell, priest, to let his church to farm from the feast of S. Michael, 1305, for one year, and to go to Rome in order to further his affairs in the Roman court before the feast of S. Michael, 1306. Bredon, 5 Id. Jun., 1305, third year of consecration.
[1] See ante, p. 101.
1305. Institution of Roger de Beler, clerk, to the church of Adreston, vacant by resignation of William de Dalby, last rector, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Teokesbury ; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 3 Id. Jun., 1305.
License to the said Roger to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year, on condition that he be ordained subdeacon within a year from the time of his institution. Same date.
License to Gilbert, rector of the church of Cromhale, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year. Bredon, 18 Kal. Jul., same year.
Institution of Adam de Ouleberwe, acolyte, to the church of King's Stanley, vacant by the death of John le Sage, last rector, on the presentation of Emery le Despenser; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 8 Id. Jul., same year.
(Folio 29d.) Orders celebrated at Teokesbury by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuor temporum, the eve of the Holy Trinity, 1305, third year of consecration.
Peter de Bradeleye, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Durham, to this order only.
Baldewyn de S. Alban, by letters dimissory of the vicar of the elect of London [1].
Leonard de Beauchamp, rector of Bregham, in the diocese of Norwych, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Norwych; to all orders.
William de Appelton, rector of the church of Ryndecombe.
John, rector of the church of Bishampton.
William Levelaunce, rector of the church of Dicheford.
Edmund de Burgo, rector of the church of Morton, in the diocese of Exeter, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Exeter, to all orders.
[1] Ralph Baldock, consecrated 30 Jan., 1306.
1305. Hugh Stob of Warwick, literate, by special grace of the bishop, on condition that he remain in that order for a year, and produce letters attesting his title under seal of the official.
John, son of Peter of the Salt Marsh in Upton, literate, by order of the bishop.
Henry Sauvage of Kynemersford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
William de Wolaston of Old Swyneford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
John de Nethercote, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Walter Thurstan of Offenham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to all orders.
Henry de Sobbur', on the title of patrimony of 30s., approved by the official of Gloucester only.
Henry ate Yate of Bladyngton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Thomas, called Cromme of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot, to the orders of subdeacon and deacon only.
John, son of Robert de Neubold of the same place, by letters dimissory of the said abbot, to all orders.
Geoffrey de Hampton, by letters dimissory of the said abbot, to all orders.
John Faveril of Southcerney, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Hugh de Bladyngton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
William Gilemyn of Derhurst, on the title of patrimony, attested by the same, to all orders.
William, son of Gilbert Cole of Elmeley, of Little Comberton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Worcester, to all orders.
Thomas Neuman of Dombelton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Roger Nicol of Staunton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
John Mayon of Ombresl', on the title of 20s., attested by the official of Worcester only.
1305. Henry de Wythingdon, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Geoffrey de Ikelford, in the diocese of Lincoln, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, to all orders.
John de Wythingdon, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
William de Adelmynton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
Nicholas de Syde, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
William de la Grene of Quenton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Richard de Wolston, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Nicholas de Todyngham, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, if he remains for three years, to all orders.
John Bone of Wenriche, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
Hugh Messager of Aston Somervile, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
John de Wycheford, by order of the bishop.
Robert de Seggeberovve, by order of the bishop, at the instance of the official of Worcester.
John de Overbury, by order of the bishop.
Hugh de Bourton, on the title of the master and brothers of the hospital of S. James of London, to all orders.
William de Willareseye, by order of the bishop.
William called Tollemond of Teokesbury, by order of the bishop.
William de Staunton, by order of the bishop.
John de Wytheleya, at the instance of the abbot and convent of Alcester, to this order only.
John Moryn of Swyndon, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
John, son of Robert de Wenrich, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
William de Quenton, son of Walter Dod, on the title of patrimony, attested by the said official, to all orders.
Simon, son of John de Gardyns of Athereston, at the instance
of W. de Dalby, on condition that he again gives his title and remains for the year.
1305. Ralf Paunteleye of Northlech, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, on his undertaking to remain for two years, to all orders.
Peter de Sontford, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Roger le Mariscal of Gloucester, by order of the bishop; he undertakes to remain in this order for four years.
Adam de Gutyngg, by order of the bishop, at the request of the abbot of Wynchecombe.
William de Bredon, by order of the bishop.
Robert, son of Walter of Little Wormynton, by order of the bishop.
John of Worcester, of Bradewas, literate, on condition that he acquires a title.
William de Lechampton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, on condition he remain for two years, to all orders.
Richard de Malvern, by order of the bishop.
William de Sutton, on the title of the abbot of Westminster, to all orders.
Alan de Sudleye, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, undertaking to remain in this order for three years.
Henry de Aumbresl', by order of the bishop, at the request of Edmund de Grafton.
Walter Wodelond of Wythingdon, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, undertaking to remain for four years, to all orders.
Richard of Little Rysindon, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Worcester, for Persore.
William de Quenyngton, by order of the bishop.
Richard le Marischal of Gloucester, on the title of the hospital of S. Bartholomew, to all orders.
Adam de Snytnfeld, by order of the bishop, at the instance of the Friars Minors.
1305. Bartholomew de Coveleye, rector of the church of Ebrithton.
Simon, rector of the church of Ierdeleye [Yardley],
John de Cerneye, rector of the church of Nategrave.
John de Grava, rector of the church of Culne S. Denis.
Robert de Farendon, rector of the church of Hardeberewe, in the diocese of Lichfield, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lichfield only.
Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll.
John de Bibury, on the title of the prior of the hospital of S. Bartholomew of Gloucester, to all orders.
John Gerard of Foxcote, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester.
Richard Gerard of the same place, on the title to which he was first admitted, because as literate he may acquire a new title.
Richard Thurstan of Cromb Simon, on the title, as above.
Henry Canoun of Stowe, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
John del Ovene of Preston, on the title, as above.
William de Estlech, on the title, as above.
Robert de Norton Lyndesey, on the title, as above.
Ralf Cokayne of Evesham, on letters dimissory of the abbot, to this order only.
Robert Reynald of Burton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, he remaining in that order for a year, without a title.
John Sely of Bristoll, on the title of the house of S. Mark, to all orders, he remaining for a year.
Nicholas Smith of Cirncestre, previously admitted on the vacancy, remaining for a year.
John Fort of Ameneye S. Peter, on the title, as above, remaining for a year.
George, son of Richard de Stodley, on the title, as above, remaining for a year.
John Smith of Ameneye, on the title, as above, he remaining for two years.
Richard de Goderyngton, on the title, as above, he remaining for a year.
1305. William de Saundervill of Morton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the dean of Blokeley, he remaining for a year.
William Lok of Preston, on the title, as above, he remaining for a year.
John de Sodyngton, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, he remaining for a year, to all orders.
Robert Prodomme, on the title, as above, he remaining for a year.
John le Rede of Prestebury, on the title, as above, he remaining for two years.
William le Northerne of Cheddeworth, on the title, as above, he remaining for two years.
Robert, called Carpenter, of Gloucester, admitted previously during vacancy, he remaining for a year.
John de Brihtlanton, on the title, as above, he remaining for three years.
John Neuman of Offenham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Eveshame, to all orders, he remaining for two years.
William de Rowell, previously admitted during vacancy, he remaining in the order for two years.
John de Dovere in Doderhull, admitted during vacancy, he remaining for a year.
Walter of Coln Aylwyn, admitted before by G[odfrey], bishop, he remaining for two years.
William de Chaveryngworth, on the title, as above, he remaining for three years.
Thomas de Shirebourn, on the title, as above, he remaining for two years.
Adam de Swyndon, on the title, as above, he remaining for two years.
Walter de Stok Archer, previously admitted by bishop G[odfrey], he remaining for two years.
Guy de Torkedon, on the title, as above, he remaining for a year.
John de Bladynton, previously admitted during vacancy, he remaining for a year.
Richard de Bourton, on the previous title, he remaining for a year.
1305. Randulf of Marle Elyne, previously admitted during vacancy, he remaining for two years.
Hugh de Fraunkeleye, by order of the bishop, as previously admitted.
Richard de Liththirne, on the previous title, he remaining for a year.
John Fraunkeleyn of Slouhtre, on the previous title, he remaining for a year.
William Maudut of Fekham, previously admitted by J. de Burewell, he remaining for a year.
Robert de Ekynton, on the previous title, he remaining for two years.
John Lysane of Stowe, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester, he remaining for two years, to all orders.
John de Bradewas, on the previous title, he remaining for a year.
Thomas de Cherlecote, on the previous title.
John de Aston, previously admitted during vacancy, he remaining for three years.
Henry, called Grom, on the previous title, he remaining for three years.
Richard de Feckham, on the previous title, he remaining for three years.
Robert de Nethercote, on the previous title.
Adam de Kemeseye, on the title of patrimony.
Peter de Stanes, rector of the church of Button.
John Mile, rector of the church of Haseleye.
Thomas, rector of the church of Compton Wynyate.
John, vicar of the church of Biseleye.
Master William de Bonham, rector of the chapel of Crombe.
Walter Manel, on the previous title.
William of Hampton Meysy, on the previous title.
Richard of Great Resindon, on the previous title.
Richard de Dombelton, on the previous title.
Robert Steven of Kynton, on the previous title.
1305. (Folio 30.)
Walter Flemyng, on the previous title.
John Tilleman of Wynchecombe, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester.
Henry Bulby of Warwick, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Geoffrey of Hampton by Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot.
John Civiteux of Prestebury, on the previous title.
Richard, called le Frenshe, of Wolston, on the title of the preceptory of S. Thomas of Aeon, of London.
Nicholas de Cherlecote, on the title of the house of Teulesford, as before.
John, son of Patrick de Kynemersford, on the previous title.
John, son of Robert de Bek, on the title of patrimony, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Norwych.
Peter de Ameneye, on the previous title.
Richard Pentrich of Brimesgrave, on the previous title.
Walter de Staunton, on the previous title.
Robert But of Rodeberg, on the title of patrimony, admitted by G[odfrey].
Stephen de Tywe, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Robert, son of Richard de Pershore, on the previous title.
William de Wormynton, on the previous title.
Walter le Teynturer, on the title of the house of S. Bartholomew of Gloucester.
Hervey de Bilston, by letters dimissory of John de Everdon, dean of the King's free chapel of Wolverhampton.
Roger de Growsewolde, on the previous title.
Richard de Resindon, on the previous title.
William Hamond of Warwick, on the previous title.
Adam Spurn of Pershore, on the previous title.
John de Leya, previously admitted in the time of bishop G[odfrey].
Robert de la Trewe of the Salt Marsh, previously admitted in the time of [Godfrey ?].
Richard de Pakwode, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and on the title of the house of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick [1].
[1] Agairut this entry is written: "pe. I. Harp".
1305. John Spenser of Wick, on the previous title.
Robert de Forhampton, by special permission of the bishop.
Walter de Humelcot, on the same title as at first.
John, son of Geoffrey de Ryppel, on the previous title.
William Smith of Ameneye, on the previous title.
Walter de Staneweya, on the title of patrimony, attested by the official of Gloucester.
Henry Sely of Suthcerney, on the previous title.
Henry de Dodemerton, by order of the bishop.
Robert of the same place, by order of the bishop.
Thomas de Holme, by order of the bishop.
William Ryche of Wych, by order of the bishop.
Richard Prodomme of the diocese of Lychfield and Coventry, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry.
Richard de Didebrok, by order of the bishop.
Nicholas de Phepsington [1], on the title of patrimony.
John de Slouhtre, on the title of patrimony.
John de Lench, on the title as previously.
John Bruby of Wolfreton, on the same title as at first.
Walter de Cotes in Cirnecestre, previously admitted in the time of G[odfrey].
Robert de la Were of Berga, on the previous title.
Adam de Hawe, because previously admitted in the time of G[odfrey].
Br. { Thomas de Shutteford, } of Bruera, by letters dimissory
{ Ralf de Eton, } of the bishop of Lincoln.
Robert, son of William Dell, and John de Welles of the diocese of Norwych, ordained acolytes by letters dimissory of the bishop of Norwych in the bishop's chapel in his manor at Hertilbury, the first Sunday after the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist, 5 Kal. Jul., the said year.
License to John, rector of the church of Old Swyneford, priest, to study within the kingdom of England from the feast of S. Michael, 1305, for a year. Hertilbury, 4 Non. Jul., 1305, third year of consecration.
[1] See ante, p. 98.
1305. Order to the archdeacon of Gloucester or his official. To deliver custody of the church of Estynton to James de Thyknes, clerk, to whom the bishop has committed the same until the next ordination. Alvenechirch, 8 Id. Jul., 1305.
Institution of Robert de Ryppel, priest, to the perpetual chantry of the chapel of the Blessed Mary of Kydermynstre, vacant by the death of Peter, on the presentation of J. Byset, knight, lord of Kydermynstre, together with the community of the whole borough; he has the charge of continually celebrating the Mass of the Blessed Virgin in the same. Alvynechirch, 2 Id. Jul., same year.
License to Anselm de Gyses, rector of the church of Slymbrugg', subdeacon, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the present date for three years. Bredon, 16 Kal. Sept., 1305, third year of consecration.
Benediction of brother John de Gloucester, abbot of Hayles, by the bishop, as the manner is, on making his profession, as follows:- I, brother John, abbot of Hayles, promise to show to thee, lord father W[illiam], bishop, and to thy successors to be canonically appointed, and to the holy see of Worcester, the subjection, reverence, and obedience enjoined by the holy fathers according to the rule of S. Benedict [1], saving our perpetual order. The parish church of Bredon, 15 Kal. Sept., same year.
Collation of Hugh de Babynton, priest, to the church of Rippel in the bishop's patronage, vacant by the resignation on the same date of Walter de Morton, last rector. He is inducted by John Caleys, clerk, 8 Id. Sept., in presence of Henry, chaplain, Walter, chaplain, William de Clif, William Prat, Simon de Fladebury, and others. Blockeleye, Non. Sept., same year.
(Folio 30d.) Collation of Walter de Morton, subdeacon, collated to the church of Hampton-upon-Avon, in the bishop's patronage, vacant by the resignation on the same date of Hugh de Babinton, last rector [2], and is inducted by master Thomas de Stratton. Blockeleye, Non. Sept., same year.
[1] Hayles was a Cistercian House.
[2] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 429.
1305. License to Hugh de Babynton, rector of the church of Rippil, priest, to study from the feast of S. Michael next, for two years. Blockeleye, 6 Id. Sept., same year.
Similar license to William Levelaunce, rector of the chapel of Dicheford, from the feast of S. Michael next, for one year. Same date.
License to Hugh, vicar of the church of Tyso, priest, to go to Rome from the feast of S. Michael next until the feast of S. Peter in Chains following, in order to further his affairs in the Roman court. Tackeleye, 5 Id. Sept., 1305, third year of consecration.
Similar license to John, called Wolf, rector of the church of Watecote. Same date.
Institution of William de Eston, priest, to the church of Eccleshal, vacant by resignation of Peter de Eston, last rector, at the presentation of the prior and convent of Kenl [1]. London, 16 Kal. Oct., same year.
License to Walter de Morton, rector of the church of Hampton-upon-Avon, subdeacon, to study within the kingdom of England or without, from the present date for seven years, during which term he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders. London, 16 Kal. Oct., 1305, third year of consecration.
Order to the archdeacon of Worcester or his official to deliver the custody of the sequestration of the vacant church of Radmerley to Adam de Herwynton, priest. Hilyngdon, 2 Non. Oct., same year, third year of consecration.
License to William de Apelton, rector of the church of Ryndecombe, to study within the Kingdom of England, or without, from the present date for seven years, during which term he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders, and may let his church to farm if he wish. Hilyngdon, 6 Id. Oct., 1305.
[1] Kenilworth. See Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 545.
1305. License to Robert Russel, rector of the church of Strengesham, subdeacon, to study for two years. London, 3 Id. Oct., same year.
Institution of brother John de Brocia, monk of the monastery of Conches, in the person of Richard de Stanford, proctor of the said convent, to the priory of Wotton, vacant by resignation of John de Avryoun [1]; letters of institution and induction to the official of Worcester. London, 2 Id. Oct., same year.
License to Vincent, vicar of Inceberg [Inkberrow], priest, at the instance of J. de Burewell, to go to Rome in fulfilment of a vow, and in order to further his affairs there, letting his church to farm meanwhile, and returning before the feast of Whitsuntide. Same date.
Institution of Andrew de Lamborn, priest, to the church of Weston Brut, vacant by resignation of Gilbert Acketoft, last rector, on the presentation of John de la Sale of Lamborn; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. London, Id. Oct., same year.
(Folio 31.) Letter from brother John de la More, penitentiary of the pope, to the bishop. Earnestly requests him not to further interfere with Thomas de Beleye of his diocese, bearer of the presents, who, only having the first tonsure, has ministered in priest's orders in the diocese of Lincoln, and celebrated Mass before and after his marriage; for which he has received absolution, with imposition of the penance of returning to his wife and remaining in this union, as he is bound, the exercise of his orders and ascent to higher orders being for ever forbidden to him. The Lateran, 10 Kal. Dec., eighth year of the pontificate of Boniface VIII.
1303. Letter to the official of the archdeacon of Oxford. Sends the said Thomas de Beleye to him wholly absolved from the bishop's interference, with a copy of the foregoing letter, and charges him to deal according to his discretion with him and with the said woman, Agnes la Maystresce in Buriford, who is said to reside in his district. Alvynechirch, 7 Id. Jul., 1303.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 527.
1303. Letter to William de Loriaco, chaplain of Queen M[argaret], offering him the church of Kynewarton, vacant by the death of the last rector, and requests his presence thereupon. Fladebury, 4 Non. Jul., first year of consecration [l].
Offer by the bishop of the said church of Kynewarton to the said William in person, who expressly refuses to be admitted thereto, and so departs, nothing gained. Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Jul.
Collation of Roger, called Beere, clerk, to the church of Kynewarton, in the bishop's patronage, vacant by the death of Bartholomew de Devysis, last rector. Alvynechirch, 2 Id. Jul.
Letter to the prioress of the house of the Blessed Mary Magdalene of Bristoll, to give complete satisfaction to Margery de Wodeford and Agnes, her sister, for two and a half marks or thereabout, which she has demanded and received from the tenant of half a virgate of land in the vill and territory of Weston S. Lawrence, where the said sisters live, assigned to them by Nicholas de Wodeford, deceased, for term of their lives, during which the prioress has no right therein. Alvynechirch, 5 Id. Jul., first year of consecration.
Certificate that Robert de Brueria had letters dimissory for all holy orders to any bishop of the kingdom of England, on the title of patrimony, by testimonial of the prior of Worcester, although he is a subdeacon, as he said after the signing of the said letters. 4 Id. Jul., said year.
Institution of Thomas de Helyon, acolyte, to the church of Eggeworth in the archdeaconry of Gloucester, at the presentation of Peter de Helyon. Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Jul.
Institution of Richard, called de Parys, acolyte, to the church of Torteworth, at the presentation of Nicholas de Kynggeston, knight, and has letters of induction to the official of Gloucester; saving the future autumn fruits to which Robert de Haslehawe,
[1] The text of this letter speaks only of "a certain church", but the marginal heading gives the name of Kynewarton. See Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 408.
last rector, has resigned his right, the said Richard, now instituted, likewise resigning his right therein before I. Caleys, notary public, and others. Alvynechirch, Id. Jul [1].
1303. Declaration by the dean of Hetham, that on the preceding day, Non. Jul., he inducted Robert de Cesternclede, priest, to the church of Strixton, in accordance with the recited directions of the official of the archdeacon of Northampton, dated Stoke, 5 Non Jul., 1303, reciting a letter to the same effect from J. [2], bishop of Lincoln, dated Bukeden, 6 Non. Jul., fourth year of consecration. Esseby, Id. Jul., 1303.
(Folio 31d.) Letter. The following was sent to the dean of Hampton to sequester the profits of the vicarage of Wellesburn, and to answer for the same, because the incumbent is dean of Warwick, and is instituted to the church of Strixton:-
To the dean of Hampton. Sequester the profits of the vicarage of Welesburn from 5 Non. Jul. last, when Robert de Cesterneslade, who calls himself vicar there, was instituted by J. [2], bishop of Lincoln, to the church of Strixton, in the diocese of Lincoln. Alvynechirch, 15 Kal. Aug., first year of consecration.
Order to the prior of Lantony, without Gloucester, and the dean of Gloucester, to demand from John Randulph, justice, John called Foun of Tottebyry, clerk, imprisoned at Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 9 Kal. Aug., 1303 [2].
Institution of Richard de Keten, priest, to the vicarage of Wellesbourn, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Kenill[worth], with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Alvynechirch, 10 Kal. Aug.
[1] This entry if crossed through, and in the margin is written:- Postes
de precepto domini deleta fuit illa clausula, Salvis fructibus, etc.
[2] John Daklerby, 1300-1320.
[3] Against this entry is written:- Litera liberaciona J. Foun de gaola, per
Aliciam vxorem eius missa.
1303. Appointment of William Russel and J. de Tykhull, clerks, as the bishop's proctors in the court of Arches until the feast of the Assumption next. Alvynechirch, 9 Kal. Aug., 1303.
Acknowledgment before the bishop by Richard de Keten, vicar of the church of Wellesburn, of a bond of ten shillings, which, according to his own confession, he was sentenced by the archdeacon of Huntingdon to pay to the bishop before the feast of All Saints next on pain of excommunication; and this he swore to do in hope of obtaining favour in his process, as is believed. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Aug., same year.
Order by R. [1], archbishop of Canterbury, to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester, on pain of the greater excommunication, to publicly inhibit, throughout the archdeaconry of Worcester, and especially in the church of Doderhill and neighbouring places, those who have publicly threatened to withdraw tithes and offerings from John de Middilton, clerk, on whom the archbishop has conferred the said church, the right of which had devolved on him, enjoining them to acknowledge the said John as rector, under pain of the greater excommunication; ordering an inquiry to be held as to the names of those who shall disobey, and that they be cited to appear before the archbishop wherever he may be in the province of Canterbury, on the sixth lawful day after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to show cause why the sentence of excommunication should not be pronounced against them. Stibbenh', 2 Id. Jul., 1303, ninth year of consecration.
(Folio 32.) Letter from the bishop to the prior and chapter of Worcester. Exhorts them not to listen to the importunate request for confirmation of title by the chapter made by the possessors or tenants of certain demesne and leased lands given to the said persons by G[odfrey], the bishop's predecessor, for a long term, in some cases for life or for ever, under a moderate yearly rent or none; since such confirmation would redound to the prejudice of their church. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Aug., first year of consecration.
[1] Robert Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
1303. Order to the dean of Warewyk to hear the cause of Maud Folevyle of Arewe [Arrow], who has complained to the bishop of her unjust disseisin by Henry Smith and Christina Grymbaud of the same place. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Aug., same year.
Authority to the abbot of S. Peter of Gloucester, the prior of Lantony, Walter de Stratton, the rector of the church of Hatherop and the dean of the same place. To demand from the King's justices, J. Randulph and J. de Fouxlee, J. de la Grave, a clerk, imprisoned at Gloucester. Bredon, 10 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Absolution by the Bishop, of Henry, rector of the church of Langeberwe, from the sentence of excommunication which he incurred on the occasion of a gift made to the King under the letters of Gentilis, cardinal priest of S. Martin in Montibus, and dispensation for the irregularity which he committed by interfering in divine matters, on condition that he perform any penance which the Apostolic See shall enjoin on him. Alvynechirch, 4 Kal. Aug.
Writ to the bishop to levy for William de Stodleye out of
the ecclesiastical goods of Walter, parson of the church of Wolwardyngton,
six marks, 9s. 4d., part of eight marks which he recovered
against the said Walter before the justices at York, by
a jury held before William de Bereford at Warwick; also 100s.
adjudged to him as damages for detention of the said debt; and
to sell the goods already sequestered of the said Walter, to the
value of l6s., further part of the said eight marks; which he shall
pay to the said William, the sheriff of Warwick having made
return that the said Walter has no lay fee. The return to be
made to the justices at York, from Michaelmas in fifteen days.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 12 June, 31 Edward I. This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Kal. Aug.
Return to the same: Forty shillings have been levied of the ecclesiastical goods of the said Walter, and have been paid to William de Stodley by the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. More could not be levied this time.
1303. Order to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester to direct the dean of Pershore to induct Robert de Elmham, chaplain, to the church of Northpydel [l], in accordance with a recited letter of the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester, when acting by authority of the court of Canterbury in the administration of spiritualities in the city and diocese of Worcester during vacancy, dated Worcester, 4 Non. Feb., 1302; and to certify the said official thereof. Worcester, 4 Non. Feb., 1302.
Absolution of William Bildwas, excommunicated for laying violent hands upon Adam, clerk of Kemeseye, upon letters of the prior of Coventry on his behalf, having sworn that the injury was not severe. The following penance is enjoined on him:- He shall offer on the high altar in the church of the parish in which he struck the clerk, one candle of one pound of wax, and shall on three Fridays feed, on the first, three poor clerks, on the second, three poor women, on the third, three poor infirm men. Not dated.
Letter to master W. de Grenefeld, the King's chancellor. The bishop is bound, and will be ready, to obey the King's command in admitting a fitting person to the church of Newenton-upon-Coteswolde; nevertheless, since no letter of presentation has been offered to him, he has delayed to admit the King's presentee until he shall be canonically presented to the bishop. Meanwhile he will consider what will be best to do in the matter concerning which he has heard from the chancellor by H., letter-bearer. Alvynechirch, 2 Kal. Aug., first year of consecration.
(Folio 32d.) Order to the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury to re-admit within eight days, as their fellow-monk, Simon called Graunt, whom they have turned out of their community during his year of probation; otherwise the bishop will not refuse justice to the said Simon, who demands it for the third time, as former commands to re-admit him have been met by excuses. Alvynechirch, 2 Kal. Aug., first year of consecration.
Dispensation of illegitimacy for John Role, called de Charingworth, of Wynchecombe, clerk, in accordance with a recited letter,
[1] See post, p. 127.
of Pope Boniface VIII. Alvynechirch, 2 Non. Aug., 1303, first year of consecration. 1303. Institution of Nicholas de Eysi, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Preston, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Cirnecestre, with charge of continual residence; letters to the official of Gloucester. Blockeleye, 18 Kal. Oct.
Institution of John Donnclent, clerk, in the person of Richard de War', his proctor, to the church of Nategrave, vacant by resignation of John de Cerneye, on the presentation of G[uy], earl of Warwick; letters to the official of Gloucester. Bredon, 15 Kal. Oct.
Institution of Nicholas Comyn, clerk, to the church of Oseleworth, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester; letters to the official of Gloucester. 11 Kal. Oct.
Order to the abbot of S. Augustine of Bristoll to enquire concerning the conduct of the prior of the house of Langebrigg, of the bishop's patronage, who is said to squander and consume the goods of the said house; and if such is found to be the case, to appoint the dean of Dorseleye as coadjutor to the said prior, that the affairs of the house, both temporal and spiritual, may be ordered with his consent. Bredon, 9 Kal. Oct., 1303.
Institution of Thomas de Wylton, in the person of master John de Stratford, his proctor, to the church of Lappeworth, on the presentation of the master and scholars of the house of Merton, of Oxford; letters to the official of Worcester. Kemeseye, 8 Id. Oct.
Dispensation from illegitimacy for John de Barton, clerk, born of unmarried parents, upon inquisition by the official of Worcester. 8 Id. Oct, same year.
License to Nicholas le Boteler, rector of the church of Tanneworth, subdeacon, to study within the kingdom of England, from Michaelmas, 1303, for one year. Kcmesey, 3 Id. Oct., same year.
1303. Institution of Roger Herberd to the chapel of Oldebury, vacant by resignation of Robert de Wilmyndon, last rector, on the presentation of the King as guardian of the daughter and heiress of Nicholas Burdon, knight; letters to the official of Gloucester. Hertelbury, 11 Kal. Nov.
(Folio 33.) Institution of Robert de Blundeston, in the person of Peter de Caldwell, his proctor, to the rectory of the church of Newenton upon Coteswold, on the presentation of the King for this turn; letters to the official of Gloucester. Hertelbury, 10 Kal. Nov.
Institution of Simon de Salle, chaplain, to the vicarage of Wellesborn, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Kynilleworth, as perpetual vicar, with charge of continual residence; letters to the official of Worcester. Hertelbury, 19 Kal. Nov.
Collation of Walter, son of Simon Lycelyn of Morton, clerk, to the church of Ryppel in the bishop's patronage, vacant by resignation of J. de Stanewey, last rector [1], and he is instituted to the same, in the person of William de Apelton his proctor; the dean of Ryppel is directed to induct him. Alvynechirch, Non. Nov.
Institution of John de Baskervyle, acolyte, to the church of Coumbe Baskervile, vacant by the death of William de Tanaye, last rector, on the presentation of Richard de Baskervile, knight; letters to the official of Gloucester. Hampton, 4 Id. Nov.
License to Walter de Morton, rector of the church of Rippel, acolyte, to study within the kingdom of England or without, from the present date, for seven years, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year from accepting the charge of the said church. 3 Id. Dec., same year.
License to Robert, rector of the church of Suthcerneye, subdeacon, to study from the feast of the Annunciation next for four years. Alvynechirch, 4 Id. Dec.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., 354; see post, p. 127.
1303. Similar license to Stephen, rector of the church of Wolnordeley [Wolverley] [1], deacon. [Not dated.]
Institution of William Pypard, priest, to the church of Warmedon, vacant by resignation of John Bracy [2], last rector, on the presentation of Robert de Bracy, knight; letters to the official of Worcester. Alvynechirch, 17 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of Richard de Wynton, subdeacon of Well', in the person of William de Bathon, priest, his proctor, to the prebend of Button, vacant by the death of W. de Sarden, on the presentation of S., bishop of Salisbury [3]; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. 16 Kal. Jan., same year.
Order to the archdeacon of Gloucester to induct the said Richard to the said prebend. [Not dated.]
Institution of W. de Boneham, subdeacon, to the chapel of Blessed Mary Magdalene of Crombe Abetot, vacant by resignation of J. Abetot, last rector, on the presentation of Osbern Abetot [4]; letters to the official of Worcester. Alvynechirch, 13 Kal. Jan.
Institution of Roger, called Herberd, acolyte, to the chapel of Oldebury, on the presentation of the King; letters to the official of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 12 Kal. Jan.
Institution of Simon de Sutton, deacon, in the person of Richard, called Bachiler, his proctor, to the church of Lenche Rocolf, on the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick; letters of institution, but not of induction, because the inquisition found not whether the said church was vacant in fact. Alvynechirch, 10 Kal. Jan.
Letters of induction of the said Simon to the official of Worcester, the incumbent of the said church having resigned by letter. Hembury, 2 Id. Mar.
Institution of Peter de Barton, subdeacon, to the church of Buddebrok, on the presentation of sir Ralf de Hengham. The
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 524.
[2] Ib. 532.
[3] Simon de Ghent, 1297-1315.
[4] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 546.
said Peter promises, in the bishop's presence, to save him harmless touching a dispute between the said Peter and J. de Curthingstok, lately presented to the said church. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Jan.
1303. (Folio 33d.) Orders celebrated by William, bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuor temporum, the feast of S. Thomas, apostle, 1303, in the parish church of Bromesgrave.
William de Stoketh, rector of the church of Mellyng, in the diocese of York, by letters dimissory of the archbishop of York.
Walter, rector of the church of Rippill.
William, called le Ryche, of Wytton, on the title of l6s., attested under the seal of the official of Worcester, to the order of subdeacon, only.
Roger de Grousewolde, on the title of 60s., attested under the seal of the official of Worcester, to all orders.
Robert de le Were, on the title of 40s., attested under the seal of the dean of Poywyk, only.
Richard, rector of Torteword.
Peter, rector of Budibrok.
Robert de Baddesey, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to all orders.
John de Yerdeley, on the title of patrimony of two marks, as above in the Register, and he is told to produce letters attested under the seal of the official of the place.
Nicholas de Batheneston, vicar of Stanedishe.
Henry de Barndesley, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bebury, and he is ordered as above.
Walter de Donmawe, by letters dimissory of the bishop of London.
Walter de Asley of Henley, on the title ot patrimony, as above in the Register.
Henry de Malgeresbury, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe only.
Walter de Newenton, on the title of Richard de Brakenberow, as above in the Register, and he is ordered to bring letters attested
by the official when the bishop shall come into those parts, and deliver it under the seal of the official, to all orders.
1303. Henry of Aston Somervyle, on the title of patrimony, as above in the Register, and he is ordered as above.
Richard de Peyncryche of Bromesgrave, on the title of patrimony, proved by Geoffrey Sarre, John Vawes, sworn on condition that he, etc., before the feast of S. Hilary.
Roger de Somerby, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Roger de Lee, vicar of Stoke Giffard.
Br. John de Shirleye, } by letters dimissory of the bishop of
Br. Hugh de Westbury, } Lychfield and Coventry; of the house
Br. Robert de Pershore, } of Kenylword.
Andrew, rector of S. Peter the Great of Worcester.
Robert, called Leche, of Warwyk, on the title of patrimony, as above in the Register, by order of the bishop.
Richard Abraham, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of the archdeacon of Worcester.
Philip, son of Richard de Alecestre, on the title of the prior of the Holy Sepulchre.
Walter de Hatherop, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Feyreford.
William de Stretton, by letters dimissory of the administration of Lychfield and Coventry.
William Lewe of Bromesgrave, on the title of patrimony, and he is to bring as above.
William de Dersyngton, on the title of patrimony, and he is to bring, as above, within fifteen days.
Nicholas Horn, portionarius of the church of S. Nicholas of Warwyk.
Henry de Cerneye, on the title of patrimony, approved by the prior of Worcester.
Br. Henry de Coventry, } by letters dimissory of the Bishop of
Br. John de Pype, } Lychfield and Coventry, of the house
Br. Robert de Rodrington, } of Kenylword.
Institution of Nicholas de Bathoneston, deacon, to the vicarage of Stanedysshe, at the presentation of the abbot and convent
of S. Peter of Gloucester; letters to the official of Gloucester. Brymesgrave, 12 Kal. Jan.
1304. Institution of Robert de Elmham, priest, to the church of North Pydelee [l], on the presentation of Henry de Segrave, knight; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Alvynechirch, 3 Non. Jan.
License to Richard, rector of the church of Torteworth, subdeacon, to study from the present date for three years. Horton, Kal. Mar., 1303.
(Folio 34.) License to Peter de Barton, rector of the church of Buddebrok, to study for two years. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Jan.
Appointment of William de Appelton, clerk, as proctor, by Walter, son of Simon Lycelyne of Morton, clerk, of the diocese of Lincoln, presented to the church of Rippel. Sealed with a seal described as follows:- "Sigillum fuit aliquantulum rotundum in quo fuit sculptus vnus leo iacens super cuius dorso exierunt rami cuiusdam arboris in summitate quorum ramorum fuit vnum capud clerici et in circumferensia est scriptum Sigillum Walteri Lycelin de Morton clerici". Oxford, 4 Id. Aug., 1303.
Certificate of the official of the archdeacon of Stowe to the bishop that, by witness of trustworthy men of his native parts, Walter, son of Simon Lycelyn of Morton, clerk, is a free man and legitimate, of good and upright conversation, and of lawful age to obtain an ecclesiastical benefice if offered to him. Sealed with a seal described as follows:- "Sigillum predictum officialis Stowe fuit longum in quo fuit sculpta quedam ymago clerici stantis in quodam tabernaculo induti quadam capa, in cuius circumferencia fuit scriptum Sigillum Officialitatis Archidiaconatus Stowye." Lincoln, 10 Kal. Sept., 1303.
License to Philip, rector of the church of Aston Cauntelou, to be absent from the present date to the feast of S. Michael next, in order to attend upon Lady Isabel de Hastinges, receiving the fruits of his church meanwhile; provided that the said church
[1] See ante, p. 121.
be not defrauded of the services, and that due alms to the poor of the parish are paid by the rector himself. Alvynechirch, 7 Id. Jan., 1303.
1304. Institution of Robert, called Clerk, priest, of Gloucester, to a perpetual chantry in the church of the Holy Trinity of Gloucester, appointed by the testament of John de Stonhusse for his soul, on the presentation of Robert de Sandhurst, executor of the said testament; letters to the archdeacon or dean of Gloucester. Blokleye, 15 Kal. Feb.
Institution of Robert, called Ware, of Bristoll, subdeacon, to the Church of S. Laurence of Bristoll, on the presentation of Robert, called le Ware, of Bristoll; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester or the dean of Bristoll. Blockeleye, 14 Kal. Feb.
License of non-residence to Walter de Rudham, rector of the church of Lyhtthirne, from the feast of S. Michael last, for three years, on condition that the said church be not defrauded of its due services or the cure of souls neglected, and that the said rector give yearly during the said term twenty shillings to the poor of the parish by the hand of the dean, and acknowledge all charges, as is fitting [1]. Blockeleye, 8 Kal. Feb., 1303.
Institution of John de Abyndon, priest, to the church of Dontesborn Militis, vacant by resignation of Roger called Rous, last rector, on the presentation of John le Rous; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Wythingdon, 4 Kal. Feb., same year.
Institution of Roger de Solers, clerk, to the chapel of Schipton, with cure of souls, vacant by resignation of Robert de Solers, last rector, on the presentation of William de Solers; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Wythindon, Kal. Feb.
(Folio 34d.) License for R., rector of the church of Slouhere, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Wythingdon, 3 Kal. Feb.
[1] For a previous Licence see Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 146.
1304. Institution of John de Donclent, subdeacon, in the person of William de Harpetot, his proctor, to the church of Sallewarp, vacant by the death of John de Harlascot, last rector, on the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Bybury, 4 Id. Febr., 1303.
License to John, rector of the church of Kydermynstre, to attend upon the abbess of Wyllton and his other lords, if he have such, with advice and service, from the feast of S. Michael, 1303, for a year, receiving the fruits of his church meanwhile, on condition that the church be served by a lettered and upright chaplain and other fitting ministers, that the rector pay the charges, and himself go to the said church in time of vacancy, there to stay edifying both by word and example, and that, on peril of conscience, he aid the poor of the parish according to his power. Hampton, 3 Id. Nov., same year.
License to John, rector of the church of Ryndecomb, to study until the feast of S. Michael next. 13 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of Philip of Goodrich Castle, chaplain, to the chapel of Mattesdon, with cure of souls, vacant by the death of Hugh le Boor, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester. Cirnecestre, 12 Kal. Mar.
The said Philip has letters of institution and induction to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hembury, 10 Kal. Apr.
Institution of Simon de Dun, subdeacon, to the church or chapel of Burton, with cure of souls, on the presentation of Robert de Harnhull, knight; letters to the dean of Blockeleye. Cirnecestre, 12 Kal. Feb.
Institution of Thomas de Aldulvestre, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Wykewane, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Bordesley, with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bybury, 10 Kal. Mar.
1304. License to Walter de Kemeseye, rector of the church of S. Martin of Worcester, at the request of W., bishop of Bath and Wells [1], to attend upon him from the present date for three years, letting his church to farm meanwhile to any ecclesiastical person of upright conversation, on condition that it is served by a lettered and upright chaplain and other fitting ministers, and that the rector assist the poor of the parish according to his power. Bybury, 9 Kal. Mar., 1303, second year of consecration.
Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, at Bibury, on Saturday in the first week of Lent, 1303, second year of consecration.
Robert, son of Henry de Scoter, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, on the title of the prior and convent of Toukeseye, to all orders.
Richard de Dyddebrok, on the title of the Master of the Knights Templars, to all orders.
Thomas Helyon, rector of the church of Egeeworth } Beneficed. Roger, rector of the chapel of Oldebury }
Robert, rector of the church of S. Lawrence of Bristoll.
Nicholas de Cherlton.
Peter, rector of the church of Kemeseye.
Nicholas, vicar of Stondyshe.
William of Merston Meysi, on the title of the prior of the hospital of S. John of Crekelade.
(Folio 35.) License to Richard, rector of the church of Thonmerton, subdeacon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Bybury, 7 Kal. Mar., 1303, second year of consecration.
Similar license to Thomas, rector of the church of Eggeworth. 5 Kal. Mar., 1303.
[1] Walter Hasselshaw, 1302-1308.
1304. Letters dimissory for John Torald of Quenyton, subdeacon, to any bishop of the kingdom of England. Saperton, 5 Kal. Mar.
Institution of Richard de Inkepenne, acolyte, in the person of Henry de Mathine, clerk, his proctor, to the church of Frompton, vacant by resignation of Roger de Sowir', last rector, on the presentation of the King as guardian of the lands of the heir of Robert Walrand; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Same date.
Collation of John Caleys, clerk, to the church of S. Martin of Astlech [Eastlech], the collation of which has devolved on the bishop by reason of the negligence of the prior and convent of Great Malvern [1] as appeared at his late visitation of the deanery of Fayreford, saving the right of future patrons. The said John has letters to the dean of Fayreford, by whom he is inducted, in the person of John de Elnest, his proctor, 5 Non. Mar. Bybury, 5 Kal. Mar., second year of consecration.
License to Thurstan, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet, acolyte, to study any general study within the kingdom of England, from Michaelmas next for one year, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year of accepting the charge of the said church. Westbury, 2 Id. Mar., same year.
Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, in the church of Westbury, on Saturday on which is sung the office Sitientes, 1303.
Thurstan, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet. Godefrey de Ford, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Exeter.
[1] In 1282 the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury were patrons, and the Church was then called S. Andrew's; see Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 166. In the Sede Vacante Register William de Bonham was admitted in 1307 by the abbot and convent of Tewkesbury, p. 86. In 1313, Thomas de Britheampton is spoken of as rector of Estleech S. Martin, p. 152; and in 1361, John Smith was presented by the prior and convent of Great Malvern, p. 204. [Qy. was this Eastleech and S. Martin Eastleech ?] See post, p. 142.
1304. John, rector of Ryndecomb.
Thomas de Wenrych, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester only.
Walter de Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowye.
Richard Gregory, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John de la Scherde, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
William de Stoketh, rector of the church of Mellyng in the diocese of York, by letters dimissory of the archbishop of York.
Alan de Haunepenne, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Wynchecombe.
William de Badmynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Hauk'.
Robert, son of Henry de Scoter, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
John de Welschote, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bristoll.
Peter of Southbiffenham, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Walter de Newenton, on the title of patrimony, as above in the Register.
Richard de Wormynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Robert Warre, rector of the church of S. Lawrence of Bristoll.
Geoffrey of Weston-under-Egge, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bristoll.
Roger Corbet shall have a title under the seal of the dean of Bristoll.
License for John, rector of the church of Ryndecomb, deacon, to study until the feast of S. Michael next. 2 Kal. Maii, 1304.
1304. (Folio 35d.) Resignation of Roger de Lee, deacon, vicar of Stoke Giffard, before the bishop, of his right in the said vicarage, in presence of W. de Stoket, Richard de Keynesburg, and J. Caleys, the bishop's notary. Hembury in the Salt Marsh, 9 Kal. Apr., same year.
Collation of Roger de Somerby, of the diocese of Lincoln, deacon, in his absence, to the said vicarage of Stoke Giffard, and he has letters of collation but not of induction. Afterwards he is inducted by the dean of Bristoll. Same date.
Collation of Walter de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, although absent, to the prebend of Aust', in the collegiate church of Westbury, vacant by the death of Peter de Leycestre, in presence of B. de Feriby and Gilbert de Coringham. His letter of collation is prepared by J. Caleys. Hembury in the Salt Marsh, 7 Kal. Apr., same year, the beginning of the fourth year.
Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, at Hembury in the Salt Marsh, on Easter eve, 1304, second year of consecration.
Roger de Solers, rector of the church of Shypton.
Walter de Stanwaye, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bristoll, but which is of no value, by order of the bishop.
John, rector of Ryndecomb. Richard de Matheme, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester, to all orders.
William de Stoketh, rector of Mellyng, in the diocese of York, by letters dimissory of the archbishop of York.
John Flour of Blockeleye, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the same place.
Robert Scot of Bristoll, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the same place.
1304. Institution of Richard de Matheme, deacon, to the vicarage of the church of Haukesbury, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Pershore, with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hembury in the Salt Marsh, 6 Id. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Well', priest, in the person of John Magge of Well', his proctor, to the church of Morton, vacant by resignation of Henry de Derby, last rector [1], on the presentation of William Burnel, prebendary of Horton; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hembury in the Salt Marsh, 4 Id. Apr., same year.
License to Roger, rector of the church of Pokelchirch, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for a year, similar license for the preceding year having been already granted to him. Wyntreborn, 17 Kal. Maii, 1304.
Institution of John de Batsford, priest, to the church of Pebbemore, vacant by resignation of William de Eramavile, who was not of lawful age, on the presentation of William Schymplingford; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Wyntreborn, 17 Kal. Maii.
License for Robert de Bluntesden, rector of the church of Neuton-upon-Coteswold, to study from 10 Kal. Nov., 1303, on which date he was instituted to the said church, for seven years, during which he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year after his institution to the said church. Wyntringburn, 16 Kal. Maii, same year.
The said Robert has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Same date.
License to T. de Wytton, rector of the church of Lappeworth, at the request of W. Burnel, provost of Welles, to study for four years. Camme, 6 Kal. Maii, same year.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 509.
1304. (Folio 36.) Letters dimissory for Thurstan, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet, acolyte, for his ordination as subdeacon, at the request of J. Bloyhon. Camme, 6 Kal. Mail, same year.
Institution of John de Someri, acolyte, in the person of William de Lenche, his proctor, to the church of Bishampton [l], vacant by the death of Robert de Neuwynton, last rector, on the presentation of Robert de Someri; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. The priory of Lanthony by Gloucester, 2 Non. Maii, 1304.
Grant of the custody of the priory of Astleye to Stephen de Meisiaco, monk of S. Taurinus, in absence of Ralf de Porter, last prior [2], until the feast of the Assumption next, on condition that meanwhile the bishop be certified of the resignation of the said Ralf, and that a fitting person for the office of prior be presented by the said abbot and convent. Gloucester, 7 Id. Maii, same year.
License to Gilbert de Foxeleye, rector of the church of Little Compton, subdeacon, to study from the present date for two years. Teukesbury, 2 Id. Maii, same year.
License to Peter de Stanes, rector of the church of Sutton, subdeacon, to study from the present date for two years. Linc(oln), Ascension day, 1303.
License to William Brun, rector of the church of Longgedon, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael, 1304, for two years, within the kingdom of England or without. Bredon, 17 Kal. Jun., 1304.
License to Henry de Wonecote, rector of the church of Bunynton, dean of Warwick, subdeacon, to study from the day of the Holy Trinity next for two years. Bredon, 12 Kal. Jun.
Institution of Gilbert de Mursleye, clerk, to a prebend in the collegiate church of Blessed Mary of Warwick, vacant by the death of P. de Leycestre, on the presentation of G[uy], earl of Warwick; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 12 Kal. Jun.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 537.
[2] Ib. p. 526.
1304. License to Walter de Blythe, rector of the church of Stratton, priest, to study from the feast of S. Michael, 1304, for three years, within the kingdom of England or without. Bredon, 9 Kal. Jun., 1304.
Institution of John Mile, subdeacon, to the church of Haseley, vacant by resignation of William Ege of Gloucester, on the presentation of the prior and convent of the Holy Sepulchre of Warwick. Bredon, 6 Kal. Jun.
Grant of the church of Overbury, in commendam, to Peter de Peryton, priest, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester, the said Peter showing a letter of inquisition made thereon by the official of Gloucester; in presence of B. de Feriby, T. de Stratton, Roger de Tackeleye, W. de Stokheye, and J. Caleys. Bredon, 4 Kal. Jun., same year.
Order to the official of Gloucester to deliver corporal possession of the church of Overbury to the said Peter, to whom the bishop has granted the same, in commendam, for six months. He has letters patent of the same date. Same date.
(Folio 36d.) Orders celebrated by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, at Rippill, on Saturday, Quatuor temporum, eve of the Holy Trinity, 1304 second year of consecration.
SUBDEACONS. Walter Meryel, on the title of John de Rodeberowe, by order of the bishop.
Walter de Lenchewyk, on the title of the abbot of Evesham [1].
Walter, called Flemyng, of Stowe, on the title of patrimony, approved under seal of the official of Worcester only.
Nicholas, son of William Rouge of Berlynscote, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Tredyngton, to all orders. William Meisi of Hampton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
[1] Against this entry is written:- iste fecit scribi literas suas in vanum.
1304. Geoffrey of Hampton by Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to all orders.
Thomas de Kynemasford, on the title of the house of S. John of Lycchelad only.
John Bruly of Wolforton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester, to all orders.
Robert Wood of Yerdeley, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester, to all orders.
Nicholas de Cherlecote, on the title of the house of the Holy Trinity of Theulesford.
William Smith of Ameney, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
William de Morton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Blockeleye only.
John Fort of Ameney, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John de Uffeham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham only.
Richard de Goderyngton, on the title of the prior and convent of the hospital of Blessed Mary without the Gate, London.
William Maudut, by order of the bishop, on the instance of J. de Burwell.
John de Wanneswotton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
Simon de Arnyngworth, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, at the instance of Nicholas Warr', by order of the bishop.
Robert de Burton, on the title of patrimony, }
approved by the dean of Stowe. }
John de Sloustre, on the title of patrimony, }
approved by the dean of Stowe. }
Richard of Little Resingdon, on the title of } on condition, etc.
patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe. }
Adam de Swyndon, on the title of patrimony, }
approved by the dean of Wynchecombe. }
Henry Young of Morton, } by order of the bishop, without title.
Richard de Ingeholde, }
Richard, son of Richard Miller of Fladebury, on the title of a certain chantry in the church there.
1304. Ralf Ilger of Preston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Caumpden, on condition, etc.
John Godefray of the same place, on the same title, on condition, etc.
Walter de Hulmencote of Coveley, by order of the bishop, at the instance of Richard de Brokberg.
John Tilleman, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, which the dean of Wynchecombe has, and he shall pay 100s. to the bishop under penalty.
John, rector of the church of Combe.
Robert de Ekmerton, on the title of patrimony, approved under seal.
William, portioniarius of the church of Morton Daubeney.
Ely, rector of the church of Haselton.
Walter Austyn of Norton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, to all orders.
John Kene of Dunameney, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
John Marescal of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, shown at first.
John de Derlyngscote, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Tredyngton, to all orders.
Thomas de Marsfeld, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
Edmund Brun, by order of the bishop, by Stokech'.
Henry de Dodemerton, on the title of the abbot of Malmesbury only.
Alan de Prestbury, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Walter of Little Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, on condition, etc.
John of Merston Meysi, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John Chopyn of Stratford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of the same place, shown at first.
John Man, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bristoll, on condition, etc.
1304. John Punteys of Bachesovere, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Blokley, only.
Thomas of Compton Wynyate, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
Walter de Tadelestrop, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, on condition, etc.
Adam Benfiz of Astelecche, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, on condition, etc.
Roger, rector of the chapel of Oldebury.
Robert de Seymesbury, by order of the bishop, attested by Thomas de Stratton.
John de Rippill, by order of the bishop, by W. de Cliff.
Robert of Little Resindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Walter de Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe, on condition, etc.
Richard de Dyddebrok, on the title of the master of the Knights Templars.
Henry Morine of Twenyng, on the title of patrimony, approved before by the official of Worcester.
John de Stowe, on condition that he come again with sufficient title, to be ordained priest.
Nicholas Thoralde of Hampton Meysi, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Roger, son of Thomas le Fraunkeleyn of Little Compton, on the title of the abbot of Bytelesden.
Walter de Staunton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Gloucester, on condition, etc.
John Pyparde of Pershore, on the title as previously in the Register.
Adam de Watecote, on the title of patrimony, not approved on condition that he come, etc.
Walter de Stanwey, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bristoll, on condition, etc.
William de Pershore, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean, shown before.
Master Andrew de Asseborn, prebendary of Knoueshall, by letters dimissory of the diocese of Lychfield and Coventry.
Alexander, rector of the church of Flavel.
1304. Robert Beke of Burton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Thomas de Wenriche, on the title of patrimony, approved before by the official of Gloucester.
Robert de Stowe, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
Thomas de Matheme, on the title as previously in the Register.
William Syde, rector of the church of Wynston.
William Philippe of Alveston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Hampton, on condition, etc.
Roger de Somerby, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln. He is vicar of Stoke Giffard.
John Archer, rector of Preston.
Walter de Saunford, by order of the bishop, at the instance of the abbot of Bristoll.
Robert de Badeseye, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
John de Langberowe, on the title of the abbot of Oseney.
Henry de Kynemersford, on the title of the master and brothers of the hospital of Lecchelade.
Richard de Stokton, on the title of a corrody, approved by the prior of the cathedral church of Worcester.
John of Merston Meysi, on the title approved by the official of Gloucester.
Gilbert de Lokesleye, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean and rector of Hampton.
Henry de Malgaresbury, on the title of patrimony approved by the dean of Stowe.
Henry de Barndesley, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Bybury.
William de Badmynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Alan de Haunepenne, on the title of patrimony, approved by the said official.
John Agu, on the title of the prior of Great Malvern.
William, called Freman of Hampton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
1304. John Byri, of Newenton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Nicholas Kynshot, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
John de Staunton, on the title of patrimony, delivered at Kydermynstre [1].
Geoffrey of Merston Meysi, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
William de Mukelton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Richard, vicar of Haukesbury.
William, son of Ralf de Lecchelade, on the title of patrimony, of moderate value.
Walter de Campeden, by order of the bishop, attested by Thomas de Stratton.
Peter Gilberd of Bunyngton, by order of the bishop, as above.
Thomas, son of John de Clyve, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Persore.
John de Yerdeleye, on the title of patrimony, approved by master Roger de Tackeley.
Robert de Kynemersford, on the request of lady Mar [2], the King's daughter, by order of the bishop.
John of Hampton Corby, on the title of the prior of the hospital.
Robert de Scoter, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Walter de Defford, on the title shown previously, as appears in the Register.
Thomas, son of Robert de la Hoo, by letters dimissory of John de Everdon, dean of the King's chapel of Wolvernehampton, and by order of the bishop.
William de Shreborn, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
John de Dodeley, by order of the bishop.
Nicholas Rycheman, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Henry of Colde Aston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Stowe.
[1] Against this entry is written: iste fecit scribi literas suas in vanum.
[2] Margaret, daughter of Edward I., married John of Brabant.
1304. John de Benyggeworth, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John de Tanggeley.
Thomas Thursteyn, by order of the bishop.
John de Dyddebrok, on the title shown before.
John de Bromesgrave, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Poywyk.
Hervey, son of William de Bilston, by letters dimissory of the dean of the King's free chapel of Wolverhampton [1].
Institution of J. Caleys to the church of S. Martin of Astlech [2], on the presentation of the prior and convent of Great Malvern; the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester or the dean of Fayrford is directed to induct him. Kemeseye, Id. Jul., same year.
1305. (Folio 37.) A.D. 1305, third year of consecration.
License to Adam de Caple, rector of the church of S. John of Gloucester, deacon, to study from the feast of S. Luke, Evangelist, next, for two years. London, 17 Kal. Nov., 1305.
Institution of James de Thykenes, clerk, to the church of Estynton, vacant by the death of Henry de Poppam, last rector, on the presentation of sir Hugh de Aldytheleye, Knight; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. London, 15 Kal. Nov., same year.
The Register in the time of master W. de Wotton, archdeacon of Huntingdon, vicar general of W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, from Thursday next after the feast of S. Luke the Evangelist, 12 Kal. Nov., 1305, third year of consecration, on which day the bishop crossed the sea to the Roman Court.
Institution of Hugh de Barndesley, priest, as perpetual vicar of the church of Aston [3], vacant by the death of William de
[1] Against this entry is written:- falso - and after the entry:- qui non venit sed
quidam Rogeres falso confingens se vocari Herveum fecit se ordinari et falso subtucint nomen suum.
[2] See ante, p. 131.
[3] White Ladies Aston.
Seggeberowe, on the presentation of the prioress and convent of Wystan, with charge of continual residence; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Hampton-upon-Avon, 17 Kal. Dec.
1305. Letters dimissory for Wolstan, rector of the church of Morton Bruyt, subdeacon, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for the orders of deacon and priest. Hampton-upon-Avon, 12 Kal. Dec., same year.
Institution of William de Sheldon, acolyte, to the church of Hamptone, vacant by the death of Richard de Morton, last rector, on the presentation of John de Morton; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 8 Kal. Dec., same year.
Institution of John de Thormerton, priest, to the church of Staunton, vacant by the death of John de Suede, last rector, on the presentation of Robert, lord of Staunton; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 2 Non. Dec., same year.
Letters dimissory for John de Grava, rector of the church of Culn S. Denis, deacon, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, holding an ordination after the feast of S. Lucy; on condition that within a month after the ordination he proves he has received the said orders. Bredon, 7 Id. Dec., same year.
Similar letters dimissory for Adam de Ouleberwe, rector of the church of King Stanley, acolyte, on the same condition. Same date.
Letter by the vicar general [1] to Walter de la Flagge, abbot elect of the Premonstratensian monastery of Hales [2]. License to receive blessing from Thomas, bishop of Whithern, who is expected in those parts, or from any bishop having the grace of the Apostolic See. Bredon, 6 Id. Dec., 1305.
[1] Robert de Gloucester (?). See Giff. Reg., pp. 489 and civ.
[2] Halesowen.
1305. Letters dimissory to the said abbot for the ordination of brothers Henry de Bromewych, Robert de Alesleya, John de Waleshale, and Philip de Bromewych, canons of his house, at the ordination to be held in the diocese of Worcester by Thomas [1], bishop of Whithern, after the feast of S. Lucy, Virgin, next. Same date.
Petitions by the abbot of Beckwell and the said abbot of Hales, for the said letters dimissory and license.
Letters dimissory for James de Thykenes, rector of the church of Estynston, clerk, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for all minor orders and for the order of subdeacon; on condition that before Easter next he proves the orders he has received. Bredon, 6 Id. Dec., same year.
Grant of the custody of the sequestration in the chantry of the chapel of Rupe, vacant by resignation of Robert de Sudbury, to John le Crete, priest, until the feast of the Purification: on condition that meanwhile he confirm the right, which is disputed of Philip de Gayton, steward of the earl of Warwick, to present to the said chantry; otherwise, he will gain no subsequent right or possession therein, by reason of the said custody. Bredon, Id. Dec., same year.
(Fol. 37d.) Institution of John called Somervyle, of Aston, to the church of Aston Somervile, vacant by the death of Robert de Curtlingstok, last rector, on the presentation of Hawise, called Somervile, lady of Aston aforesaid; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 18 Kal. Jan., same year.
Letters dimissory for the said John Somervile, clerk, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for all minor orders. Bredon, Id. Dec., same year.
Institution of John de Cirnecestre, priest, to the perpetual chantry in the hospital of S. Margaret of Gloucester, vacant by
[1] MS.:- S.; but in the preceding entry Simon is crossed through and Thomas is written above it.
the resignation of Ely, chaplain, on the presentation of the abbot of Gloucester, with charge of perpetual residence and continual celebration of divine service; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 16 Kal. Jan., same year.
1305. Institution of Ingelardus de Warle, clerk and acolyte [1], as is said, in the person of J. de Bradewas, his proctor, to the church of Croppethorn, vacant by the resignation of P. de Piriton, last rector [2], at the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester; letters to the official of Worcester. Bredon, 16 Kal. Jan., same year.
Letters dimissory for Robert le Blake, clerk, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for all minor orders. Bredon, 14 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of John de Marisco of Colesbourn, priest, to the perpetual chantry in the chapel of S. Nicholas of Aumeleye, vacant by the death of Richard, chaplain, at the presentation of the prior and canons of Dodeford, with charge of continual celebration of divine service; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Kemeseye, 6 Kal. Dec., same year.
Letters dimissory for Robert, abbot of the monastery of Kyngeswode, for the ordination of Thomas de la Felde, William de Tettebury, John de Tydalsith, Ralf de Tettebury, William de Morton, Richard de Raventon, and Walter de Douhton, monks of his house, by the bishop of Landaff, or any other bishop of the province of Canterbury. Bredon, 3 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of William de Dalby, acolyte, to the church of Athereston, vacant by resignation of Roger le Baler, last rector, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Teokesbury; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bishop's Hampton, 6 Id. Jan., same year.
Letter by the vicar-general to J., prior of Stodleye [3]. Absolves him from the sentence of excommunication incurred by paying
[1] post, p. 149.
[2] Inducted 1298. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 507.
[3] Probably John de Wytenhull. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 394.
taxes to the collectors of the King of England in contravention of the new constitution of Boniface VIII., and dispenses him from the irregularity he has committed by afterwards celebrating divine service, for which offence he had been suspended for a month from the exercise of his orders; on condition that he swear to obey the commands of the Pope and Roman Church, and to perform any penance imposed on him: in accordance with a recited letter, dated Lyons, 9 Kal. Dec., first year of the pontificate of Clement V. [1], from Berengarius, bishop of Bourges, the Pope's penitentiary, whom the prior besought to obtain the Pope's mercy on the ground that he paid the taxes from fear of losing his temporal goods, and not voluntarily or in contempt of the church. Hampton-upon-Avon, 7 Id. Jan., 1305.
1306. Institution of Robert de Syleby, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Cherlecote, vacant by the death of J. [2], at the presentation of William de Lucy, lord of the said place, with charge of continual residence; letters of induction only to the dean of Hampton. Afterwards, letters of institution dated at Hampton, 2 Id. Jul., 1306. Wotton, Id. Jan., 1305.
(Folio 38.) Order by the vicar-general to the prior of Lanthony by Gloucester, the dean of Gloucester and Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael [3] of the same place. To demand clerks or other ecclesiastics indicted at Gloucester before J. Botetourt, William Haward, and Nicholas Frembaud, justices. Wotton, Id. Jan., 1305.
Appointment, by the vicar-general, of the dean of Gloucester and Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of the same place, to demand clerks indicted at Gloucester or Bristol before J. Botetourt, William Haward, Nicholas Frembaud, and Robert de Harewedon, justices, and to keep the said clerks according to the law and custom of the kingdom of England. Wotton, Id. Jan., 1305.
License from the vicar-general to J. Botetourt, William Haward, Nicholas Frembaud, and Thomas de Snyterton, justices, to hold
[1] Bertrand Goth, Archbishop of Bordeaux, was elected Pope Clement V
at Perugia in July, 1305. See as to the election, ante, p. 16.
[2] John de Wike. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 261.
[3] Richard de Walepel. Ib., p. 524.
pleas of novel disseisin and assise of mort d'ancestor, on Thursday next after Ash Wednesday of the present year, provided that they are not prolonged after that day. Bredon, 3 Id. Feb., 1305, fourth year of consecration.
1306. Institution of Robert le Blake, acolyte, to the church of Kydermynstre, vacant by resignation of John de Ulbeton, last rector [1], on the presentation of the prior, brothers and sisters of Mayden Bradeleye, in the diocese of Salisbury; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 2 Id. Feb., same year.
Letters dimissory for J., prior of Lanthony, for the ordination as acolyte of Henry of Stony Stratford, canon of his house. Bredon, 16 Kal. Mar., same year.
License to the prior of Worcester by the vicar-general to exercise the required office towards public penitents in the church of Worcester on Ash Wednesday next; at the request of J. Brevel, monk of Worcester, made on the prior's behalf in presence of the vicar-general. Bredon, 2 Id. Feb., same year.
Letters dimissory for William de Sheldon, rector of the church of Hamptonet, acolyte, to any Catholic bishop for the order of subdeacon, at the ordination to be held in the first week of Lent, on condition that he procures a release from the inhibition of the court of Canterbury. Bredon, 15 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of Roger called Corbet of Chadd', acolyte [2], of lawful age according to an inquisition held by the official of Worcester, to the church of Chaddesley, vacant by the death of Clement, last rector, at the presentation of William Corbet; letters to the said official. Bredon, 14 Kal. Mar., same year.
Letters dimissory for John called Wale of Crockeberowe, subdeacon, to any bishop (blank) Apostolic See, for the order of deacon, at the ordination to be held in the first week of Lent next. Bredon, 13 Kal. Mar, same year.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 128, ante, p. 80.
[2] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 518.
1306. Institution of Reginald le Porter of Pershore, subdeacon, to the church of Burnton, vacant by the death of Robert de Curtelingstok, last rector, at the presentation of the abbot and convent of Evesham; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 10 Kal. Mar., same year.
Letters dimissory for the abbot of Teokesbury for the ordination as priests of Henry Guge, Henry de Hansso, and William de Ledon, and as subdeacons, of John de Aston, Roger de Hereford, and William de Eldresfeld, monks of his house, by the bishop of Hereford, in the first week of Lent. Bredon, 7 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of Nicholas de Stafford, acolyte, to the church of Brochton Belne, vacant by the death of Ralf de Haggeley, last rector, at the presentation of lady Joan de Sudleye; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 6 Kal. Mar., same date.
(Folio 38d.) Institution of Reymund de Mora, acolyte, to the church of Seynesbury, vacant by resignation of Reginald le Porter, last rector, at the presentation of the abbot and convent of Evesham; letters to the dean of Blockeleye. Wythingdon, 17 Kal. Apr., 1305.
Grant by the Bishop of the custody of the sequestration of the church of Beverston to John de Kyrlseby, clerk. Wythingdon, 17 Kal. Apr., same year [1].
Institution of Giles de Baggeshovere, clerk, to the church of Aston Cauntelou, vacant by resignation of Philip de Kerby, last rector, on the presentation of John de Hasting'; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 15 Kal. Apr., same year.
License to Adam de Ouleberewe, rector of the church of King Stanley, subdeacon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Bredon, 14 Kal. Apr., same year.
[1] This is the first entry which shows that the bishop had returned from the Roman Court (see page 142); the words used are Dominus Wrgorniensis Episcopus commisti custodiam.
1306. Institution of Ralf le Blound, clerk, to the church of Hampton Lovet, vacant by resignation of Thurstan de Hampslape, last rector, on the presentation of Peter le Blound; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, 12 Kal. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Ardyngton, clerk, to the chapel of Sudley [Sudeley], with cure of souls, vacant by resignation of Nicholas de Stafford, last rector [1], on the presentation of John de Sudley, knight; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 11 Kal. Apr., same year.
Admission of Michael de la Stane, priest, in commendam, for six months, to the church of Saperton, vacant by the death of Walter de Cirnecestre, last rector [2], on the presentation of William de L'Isle, lord of Saperton; letters to the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 11 Kal. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Everdon, subdeacon, as rector of the church of Stowe S. Edward, vacant by resignation of Reginald de Wykewane [3], on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Evesham. Bredon, 10 Kal. Apr., same year.
Letters dimissory for the said William, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for the orders of deacon and priest. Same date.
Letters dimissory for Ingelard de Warle, rector of the church of Croppethorn, acolyte [4], to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for all holy orders. Bredon, 10 Kal. Apr., same year.
The year of the Lord, 1306.
Institution of Henry de Herwynton, clerk, by proxy, as rector of the church of Rydmarleye, vacant by resignation of Adam de Herwynton, made orally to the bishop, on the presentation of Geoffrey Dabetot, lord of Rydmarleye [5]. Bredon, 6 Kal. Apr., 1306.
[1] Instituted 1295. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 466.
[2] Instituted 1298; ib. 494. See post, p 152.
[3] Instututed 1300; ib. 539.
[4] ante, p. 145.
[5] In personam Walteri is added at the end of the entry, and the surname is not
1306. Grant in commendam of the church of Nategrave, vacant by the death of John de Cerney, for six months, to Reginald Tayleawe, priest, having the sole benefice with cure of souls, at the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick, Bredon, 6 Id. Apr., same year.
License to William Brim, rector of the church of Longedon, subdeacon, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the feast of S. Michael, 1306, for a year. Little Malvern, 2 Id. Apr., same year.
License to Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll, deacon, to study from the present date until Michaelmas next. Bredon, Id. Apr., same date.
License to Gilbert, called Surft, subdeacon, rector of the church of Cromhale, to study canon law and theology within the province of Canterbury, from the present date until the feast of S. Michael, 1307. Bredon, 8 Id. Apr., 1306.
(Folio 39.) License to Roger, rector of the church of Pokelchurch [1], subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for two years. Blockeleye, 18 Kal. Oct.
License to Andrew de Bornhull, rector of the church of Grafton under Flavel [2], subdeacon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Bredon, 10 Kal. May, same year.
License to Henry de Wonecote, rector of the church of Bunyngton, subdeacon, to study from the day of the Holy Trinity next for two years. Bredon, 7 Kal. Maii, same year.
License to Geoffrey, rector of the church of Abbot's Morton, priest, to let his church to farm from the present date for two years, to any fitting person of honest conversation, by whom the condition of the said church may be bettered, for the relief of his debts, and especially for his liberation from a deed, by which he is bound unjustly as he asserts. Alvechirch, 2 Kal. Maii, same year.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 536.
[2] ante, p. 78.
1306. License to Reymund de Mora, rector of the church of Seynesbury, acolyte, to study within the province of Canterbury from the present date until the feast of S. Michael, 1307, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year of his institution to the said church. Alvynechirch, 6 Non. Maii, 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Institution of William de Oupton, priest, as canon, to the prebend in the collegiate church of Blessed Mary of Warwick, vacant by the death of Nicholas de Haad, at the presentation of Guy; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Hertelbury, Non. Maii, same year.
License to Giles de Baggeshovere, rector of the church of Aston Cauntelou [1], to study within the province of Canterbury, from the present date for two years, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year of his institution to the said church. Hertelbury, 7 Kal. Jan.. 1306, fifth year of consecration.
Institution of Adam de Eglesfeld, priest, by William de Cotes, his proctor, as rector of the church of Beverston, vacant by the death of Thomas de Avenyng [2], on the presentation of the King, by reason of the vacancy of the monastery of S. Peter of Gloucester; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hertelbury, 3 Id. Maii, same year.
Consecration at Hartlebury of John Toky, abbot elect of the monastery of S. Peter of Gloucester, by the bishop who celebrated Mass in his chapel. The abbot makes profession in the following form:- "In the Name of God, Amen. I, brother John Toky, abbot elect of the church of S. Peter of Gloucester, profess to the cathedral church of Worcester, and to thee, Father William, bishop of Worcester, and to thy successors canonically entering, I promise faith, reverence, canonical subjection and obedience, and this I subscribe with my own hand". Letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester to instal him, and to the monks of the
[1] See ante, p. 148.
[2] Instituted 1283. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 174.
said house and others ministering in the same, enjoining them to obey and serve the said brother John, as abbot. Hertelbury, 8 Kal. Jun., same year.
1306. Licence to Peter le Blount, rector of the church of Hamslep, of the diocese of Lincoln, deacon, who has letters dimissory of J. [1], bishop of Lincoln, for his ordination as priest by R. [2], bishop of Hereford, to be ordained by him at Prestebury. Hertelbury, 8 Kal. Jun., same year.
Institution of Michael de Stane, priest, to the church of Saperton, vacant by the death of Walter de Cirnecestre [3], last rector, on the presentation of William de L'Isle, lord of Saperton; letters to the official. Wyke by Worcester, 5 Kal. Jun., same year.
Grant in commendam of the church of Wytmerton, vacant by the death of Walter de Chiltenham, last rector, to William de la Mare, priest, having the sole benefice with cure of souls; for six months according to the last council of Lyons. Hertelbury, 4 Non. Jun., same year.
Presentation of William de Wredenhale, chaplain, to the bishop by the preceptor and brothers of the hospital of S. Wolstan of Worcester, and admission as a brother of the said hospital. The cathedral church of Worcester, Saturday, eve of the Holy Trinity, 1306.
(Folio 39d.) Orders celebrated in the cathedral church of Worcester by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuor Temporum, eve of the Holy Trinity, 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Giles de Baggeshovere, rector of the church of Aston.
Ralf le Blound, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet.
John Brisete, by letters dimissory of the vicar of the bishop of Norwych, who is absent.
[1] John Dalderby, 1300-1320.
[2] Richard Swinfeld, 1283-1317.
[3] Instituted 1298. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 424. See ante, p. 149.
1306. Luke Mathei, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Coutances.
Robert de Saundeby, by letters dimissory of the archbishop of York.
Roger Corbet, rector of the church of Chaddesle.
Robert le Blak, rector of the church of Kyderminstre.
William de Dalby, rector of the church of Athereston.
Nicholas de Stafford, rector of the church of Beln Brouhton.
Henry de Haselton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester, to this order only.
John David of Lenchewyk, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Adam de Aldesworth, on the title of patrimony, approved by the said official, to all orders.
Henry de Hardepyr', of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, approved by the said official, to all orders.
Henry King of Todynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same, to all orders; he may remain for two years.
Walter de Assewell, on the title of the brothers and sisters of the hospital of S. James without London, and the rector of Langeberg, to all orders; he may remain for two years.
John de Cotes of Kynton, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Worcester.
Robert de Grouneswold, on the title of patrimony, approved by the said official.
Adam de Kynton, on a similar title.
Richard of Upton Snodebury, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of the English cardinal [l].
William de Saperton, by precept of the bishop, on the title of the archdeacon of Gloucester.
William de Grafton, by permission of the bishop, at the instance of the prior of Worcester.
Richard Prodomme of Brymesgrave, on the title of 16s., by writ of the bishop.
[1] Francis Neapoli, Cardinal of S. Lucia, archdeacon of Worcester.
1306. John Kyng of Worcester, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of his official.
John de Lemyngton, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of the warden of Worcester, who answered before for the sufficient title for which he wished to answer.
William de Slouhtre, on the title of patrimony, to all orders; he may remain for three years.
William de Pidele, on the same title, to all orders; he may remain for three years.
William of Lower Slouhtre, on the title of 50s., approved by the official of Gloucester.
Simon de Bekford, by writ of the bishop, on the instance of the friars of Worcester.
William Aylward of Preston, on the title of the master and brothers of the hospital of Crekelade.
Nicholas de Hynton, on the title of the abbot and convent of Bitlesden.
Richard "de Camera Eveshamie", by letters dimissory of the abbot of the same place.
William de Kynemersford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester.
Reginald de Eggeworth, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
Henry de Fayrford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
William de Fayreford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
John King of Aston Somervyle, on a similar title.
Edmund Malitorn of Kynemerford, on the same title.
Richard de Aldrinton, on a similar title.
John of Barton in Henmersh, on the title of patrimony, under the seal of the dean of Tredinton.
John Weaver of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John of Naylesworth in Gloucester, on the same title.
William Hankyn of Great Compton in Henmersh, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Tredynton.
Roger de Duntesborn, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
1306. Jordan de Preston, on a title approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Peter de Bekford, by writ of the bishop, on the instance of brother J. de Aston.
William, son of John de Clyve, on the title of one mark, by precept of the bishop.
Thomas de Hethrop, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
William de Egleshale, on the title of the prior of the hospital of S. John of Jerusalem.
Richard de Quenton, by special permission of the bishop.
Robert of Great Bernyngton, on a title approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
{ Robert de Malmesbury, } by letters dimissory of
Brothers { Thomas de Kyngeswode, } the abbot of the same.
William of Aston-under-Egge, by special permission of the bishop.
John, son of Roger le Heyberare of Gloucester, on the title of patrimony, by the official of Gloucester.
William Hepe of Gloucester, on the title of 20s., approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Martin de S. Maryna, on the title of the burgesses of Bristoll.
John Boventon of Coln S. Aylwyn, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Walter de Haselton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same official.
William de Shireborn, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
Richard Beudesert of Wynchecomb, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the same.
John de Opthrop, on the title of patrimony; approved by the same.
Simon de Edmundescote, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Tredington.
Henry Seryd of Rendewyk, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same official.
John de Bladynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
1306. William de Bynynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
William de Morton, on the title of the master and brothers of the hospital of S. Wolstan of Worcester.
Adam de Fourches of Cropthorn, on the instance of the prior of Worcester, by writ of the bishop.
Edmund de Bishampton, on the title of 16s., approved by the official of Worcester, attested by the warden.
Robert de Bladynton, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester, to all orders.
William of Hulle Morton, by writ of the bishop.
Robert de Alne, on the title of two marks, approved by the official of Worcester.
Robert de Chirindon, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
Gilbert de Snyterfeld, by writ of the bishop.
Adam de Ouleberwe, rector of the church of King Stanley.
Richard Lugore, rector of the church of Sohirst, in the diocese of Cicestre, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Cicestre.
Thomas de Helyoun, rector of the church of Eggeworth.
James, rector of the church of Estinton.
William de Sheldon, rector of the church of Hamptonet.
Robert, rector of the church of Upper Slouhtre.
Brother John de S. Cross of Bruer, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Geoffrey de Parco, rector of the church of Beghton, in the diocese of Norwych, by letters dimissory of the vicar of the bishop, who is absent.
Richard de la Felde, by writ of the bishop, as previously.
Thomas Croume of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of the same.
William Totlemounde of Teokesbury, by writ of the bishop, as above.
John de Overbury, by writ of the bishop, as above.
Robert, son of Walter de Wormynton, by writ of the bishop, as above.
William de Adelmynton, on the title of patrimony, as above.
1306. Walter, called de Thurstan, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, as above.
William de Sutton, on the title, as above; he may remain for a year [1].
Richard of Honyborn in Wynchecomb, admitted before; he may remain for a year.
Roger Nichol of Staunton, on the title of patrimony.
William de Staunton, admitted before by writ of the bishop; he may remain for a year.
Robert de Seggeberwe, admitted before by writ of the bishop; he may remain for a year.
Thomas Neuman, of Dombelton, on the title, as above; he may remain for a year.
Geoffrey de Hampton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham, as above; he may remain for a year.
John Shaverib of South Cerney, on the title, as above.
John de Etyndon, on the title, as above.
Hugh Stob of Warr', admitted before.
John Mayer of Aumbresl', on the title, as above.
(Folio 40.) Peter de Sanford, on the title, as above.
Thomas de Poywik, admitted before, during vacancy [2].
Henry Sauvage of Kynemerford, on the title, as previously.
William Dod of Quenton, on the title, as above.
William de la Grene of the same place, on the title, as above.
Nicholas de Todenham, on the title, as above.
Hugh of Aston Somervyle, on the title, as above.
Robert de Paxford, admitted before, by precept of the bishop.
John Amary of Worcester, admitted before.
Henry de Sobbury, on the title, as previously.
Richard de Wolston, on the title, as above; he may remain for two years.
Adam Antony of Warr', admitted before.
Hugh de Bourton, on the title, as above.
Richard Mariscal of Gloucester, on the title, as above.
[1] Against this entry is added: not admitted by the bishop before, but
now eroneously without letters dimissory, because he is of the jurisdiction
of Evesham.
[2] That is between the death of Giffard and the enthronement of Ginsborough.
He was ordained subdeacon at Worcester by the Bishop of Llandaff, Sept., 1302,
S.V. Reg., p. 23, on the title of patrimony.
1306. John de Wythindon, on the title, as above; he may remain for two years.
Henry de Wythindon, on the title, as above; he may remain for two years.
Nicholas de Syde, on the title, as above; he may remain for a year.
John, son of Peter de Saltmarshe, admitted before.
John, son of Robert Neubold, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham; he may remain for four years.
Richard de Morton, on the title, as previously; he may remain for two years.
Adam de Gutyng, admitted before.
Henry atte Gate of Bladynton, on the title of patrimony; he may remain for a year.
John Moryn of Swyndon, on the title of patrimony; he may remain for two years.
Robert de Grafton, ordained before by bishop G[odfrey].
Alan de Sudleye, on the title of patrimony; he may remain for a year.
William de Quenyton, admitted before, by writ of the bishop.
Nicholas de Burford, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Adam de Snyterfeld, admitted before, by writ of the bishop.
William de Wolaston in Swyneford, on the title, as above.
William de Willareseye, admitted before.
John de Wycheford, by writ of the bishop.
William de Lekhampton, admitted before; he may remain for two years.
William Gylemyn of Derhurst, admitted before; he may remain for two years.
William, son of Gilbert Cole of Elmeleye, on the title, as above.
John de Hertelbury, ordained subdcacon by G[odfrey].
Simon, son of John de Gardyns of Athereston, on the title, as previously.
John de Nethercote, on the title, as previously; he may remain for two years.
Walter de Wodelond, on the title, as previously; he may remain for two years.
John, son of Robert de Wenrich, ordained before.
1306. Henry Despenser of Aumbresl', ordained before.
John Bon of Wenrich, on the title, as previously.
Geoffrey de Warewyk, ordained by G[odfrey].
William de Wormynton, admitted before.
William de Doudeswell, admitted before.
Richard de Rysindon, admitted before.
Hugh de Blabynton, on the title, as previously.
John Waryn, rector of the church of Upton-upon-Severn.
Richard de Bray, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Ely.
Henry de Wychenor', by letters dimissory of the bishop of Coventry and Lychfield.
Nicholas, son of William Rouche of Derlingford, on the title of patrimony, approved by the dean of Tredington.
William de Astlech, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Robert de Stowa, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Thomas Bedel of Kynemerlord, on the title, as above.
Adam de Langeberwe, on the title of patrimony, as above, under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
William Lok of Preston, on the title of patrimony, approved by the same.
Robert Reynald of Boruhton, literate, as above.
John de Sodynton, on the title of patrimony, as previously.
John Fraunkeleyn of Lower Slouhtre, on the title, as above.
Henry Canoun of Stowe, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
Walter of Coln S. Aylwyn, ordained by bishop G[odfrey].
Ralf Cokayne of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot.
John Gerard of Foxote, on the title of patrimony, as above.
Randulph of Marie Clyve, ordained before.
Robert Prodomme of Great Kynton, on the title of patrimony, as above.
John del Ovene of Preston, on the title, as above.
William le Northerne of Cheddeworth, on the title of patrimony, approved by the official of Gloucester.
John le Rede of Prestebury, on the title, as previously.
Thomas de Marsfeld, on the title, as previously.
William de Doudeswell, on the title, as previously.
George, son of Richard de Stodleye, on the title, as above.
Thomas de Cherlecote, on the title, as above.
Ralf de Preston, on the title, as above.
John Fort of Ameneye, on the title, as previously.
Walter de Quenton, on the title, as previously.
John Godefrey of Preston, on the title, as at first.
William de Charingworth, on the title, as above.
Guy de Torkedon, on the title, as above.
Robert de Ekynton, on the title, as above.
John called Mey of Northlech, ordained by G[odfrey], and during vacancy.
John Neuman of Uffenham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Robert of Norton Lindesey, on the title, as previously.
John de Bladynton, ordained during vacancy.
Adam de Kemeseye, on the first title.
Richard de Bourton, on the first title.
Hugh de Fraunkel', by writ of the bishop, at the instance of W. de Grandissono.
Henry Toky of Chelmondescote, ordained before.
John de Bybury, on the first title.
Richard de Lyhthirne, ordained before.
Richard de Fekeham, ordained before.
Robert de Nethercote, on the title, as previously.
Ralf Brutoun of Longcdon, ordained by G[odfrey].
John Sely of Bristoll, on the title, as previously [l].
Adam Fraunceys of Worcester, ordained by G[odfrey].
Reginald de Wycombe of Bristoll, on a title attested by the dean of Bristoll.
William Saundrevyle of Morton, on the title, as above.
John Wale of Crokeberwe, on the title, as above.
William Maudut, ordained on the title, as above.
Richard Gerard of Foxcote, on the title, as above.
William de Welneford, on the title, as above.
John of Ameneye S. Cross, ordained by G[odfrey].
[1] Against this entry is added:- Memorandum: he had letters of the archdeacon of Huntingdon.
1306. Nicholas de la Berewe of Fekenham, on the title, as previously.
William de Rowell of Peplinton, ordained during vacancy.
John, son of Adam de Wennecote, ordained during vacancy.
John de Brihtlanton, on the title, as above.
Roger de Duddeleye, ordained previously by the bishop.
William de Stokeswell of Morton, on the title, as above.
John de Doveria of Doderhull, on the title, as above.
Robert called Carpenter of Gloucester, ordained by G[odfrey].
Henry le Grom of Ilmyndon, on the title, as above.
Henry de Eldesfeld, ordained by G[odfrey], on the title of 30s., by the official.
William called Brasour of Evesham, on the title, as above.
John Wyhous of Cirnecestre, on the title, as above.
Nicholas Smith of Cirnecestre, on the title, as above.
John of Great Bernynton, by writ of the bishop.
(Folio 40d.) Institution of Miles de Cirnecestre, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Marston Botyller, vacant by the death of Roger le Bor, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Alyncestre, with charge of perpetual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Hertilbury, 3 Non. Jun., same year.
Institution of Adam de Walecote, priest, to the church of S. Clement of Worcester, vacant by resignation of Henry, called de Herford, last rector, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. 2 Non. Jun. same year.
Admission of William de Wymbervylle, canon of the monastery of Osneye, to the cure of souls in the parish of Bibyry [1], until the feast of S. Michael next. Hertlebury, 7 Id. Jun., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Institution of William de Stanewaya, subdeacon, to the church of Bradwas, vacant by the death of Walter le Ster, last rector [2], on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. 4 Id. Jun., same year.
[1] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 545.
[2] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 345.
1306. License to Ralf, rector of the church of Collesborn [l], priest, to let his church to farm from the present date for three years to any ecclesiastical person of honest conversation, for the relief of his debts, for which he is bound to various creditors, on account of his long imprisonment. Alvynechirch, 15 Kal. Jul., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Institution of Robert de Wynton, acolyte, to the church of Camme, vacant by resignation of John de London, last rector [2], on the presentation of the King, by reason of the vacancy of the monastery of S. Peter of Gloucester; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. 12 Kal. Jul., same year.
Profession by Walter de la Flagge, abbot of the Premonstratensian monastery of Hales[owen], of canonical obedience, in presence of the bishop, in these words:- In the Name of God, Amen. I, Walter, abbot of the monastery of Hales, of the Premonstratensian order, in the diocese of Worcester, profess to the church of Worcester canonical subjection, reverence and obedience, and to thee Father, lord William, by the grace of God bishop of Worcester, and to thy successors canonically entering, I promise faith and canonical subjection, and this I subscribe with my own hand. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Jul., same year.
Resignation of William Russell, canon of the said house, vicar of the parish church of Hales[owen], of the said vicarage into the bishop's hands [3]. Same date.
The bishop ratifies the blessing bestowed upon the said abbot by the bishop of Whitherne. Same date [4].
Institution of John de Malvernya, priest, to the church of S. Aldath of Gloucester, vacant by the death of Roger de Derhurst, last rector, on the presentation of the prior of Derhurst; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 7 Kal. Jul., same year.
[1] Ralf de Northon, instituted 1291. See Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 406.
[2] Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 494. The vacancy was between the election of John de
Gamage and the election of John Toky. See ante, p. 151.
[3] Giff Reg., W.H.S., p. 287.
[4] See ante, p. 143. The bishop being abroad, the vicar-general gave the abbot
leave to be consecrated by the bishop of Withern.
1306. Institution of William de Fraunkeleye, canon of the monastery of Hales[owen], priest, as perpetual vicar of the parish church of Hales[owen], vacant by resignation of brother William de Doddel' [1], at the presentation of the abbot and convent of the said monastery; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Bredon, Kal. Jul., same year.
Collation of James de Bruera, clerk, to the church of Wydeford, of which the collation has devolved on the bishop for this turn by reason of the disagreement of the various patrons which has lasted for six months and more. Fladebury, 6 Non. Jul., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Institution of Robert Tanckard, priest, in accordance with the papal dispensation granted to him, to the prebend commonly called the deanery, with the cure thereto annexed, in the collegiate church of Blessed Mary of Warrewyk, on the presentation of Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warrewyk.
The canons and other ministers of the said church are enjoined to serve him as dean. Hampton-upon-Avon, 6 Id. Jul., same year.
(Folio 41.) License to Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Gloucester, priest [2], to visit the Roman Court or Apostolic See, on pilgrimage, on condition that he return before the feast of S. Martin next. Hampton-upon-Avon, 4 Id. Jul., 1306.
License to Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, to let his church to farm to Thomas de Wycham, rector of the church of Swaleclive, in the diocese of Lincoln, for the next five years, for the relief of his debts; also, license to the said Thomas to take the said farm. Thomas takes oath, in the bishop's presence, to save the bishop harmless, during the said five years, from all claim by occasion of any royal writ against the said Simon, and to replace the fruits of the soil of the said church during his term. Simon takes oath, in the bishop's presence, to bind himself to no one in any payment during the said five years without the bishop's license, and faithfully to observe the present agreement. In the presence of Benet de Feriby, Alan de Horncastell, Henry, called Blakemon, of Tettebury, brother Nicholas, monk
[1] See last page.
[2] Richard de Walepol, instituted 1300. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 524.
of Eynesham, Robert de Compton, esquire of the said Thomas, and Gilbert de Coringham, clerk. Hampton, in the bishop's chamber, 12 Kal. Aug., 1306.
1306. License to Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, priest, to let his church to farm from the present date for five years, to Thomas de Wycham, rector of the church of Swaleclive, in the diocese of Lincoln, for the relief of his debts, in which he is bound to various creditors for various causes. Hampton-upon-Avon, 12 Kal. Aug., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Agreement between Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, in the diocese of Worcester, of the one part, and Thomas de Wycham, rector of the church of Swaleclive, in the diocese of Lincoln, of the other. Simon, with the bishop's permission, lets to farm his church to Thomas, for a term of five years from the present date, with corn and hay, herbage and rents, reserving altar dues and four marks sterling yearly, to be paid to him by Thomas at the feasts of S. Michael and the Annunciation. Thomas to satisfy the following creditors, viz., Roger de Beaufoy in 46l., Hugh de Barton in 30l., Robert called Blound in 10l., Adam de Goldyngham in 4l., Walter de Stok in 4l., Alan de Honncastell in four marks, to be paid at Oxford, and the abbot and convent of Eynesham in 4l. 8s., being arrears of a yearly pension of 40s. due to them from the said church, and to continue to pay the said yearly pension during his said term, and to Ralf le Mercer of Oxford 30s. To himself he shall allow 67l., and shall bear the charge of procurations, impositions of tithes, taxations and exactions demanded by the archbishop of Canterbury, the diocesan, archdeacon, and other ministers, and all other ordinary and extraordinary charges on the said church during the said term; except that the said Simon shall provide two chaplains, one deacon, a bowl for a lamp, a lamp, incense, bread, wine, four torches, and bellropes. If Simon should die during the said term, Thomas to have the right of prosecuting for the payments to creditors beyond the profits of the church received by him. He shall rebuild, when necessary, at his own charges, the granges for corn and hay, the granary, ox-house, and long chamber, with one stable, to which he shall have free ingress and egress; the other houses remaining to Simon,
The court shall be maintained by him at his charges. At the end of the term the church shall revert to Simon with all damages and expenses incurred through Thomas; who shall deliver to Simon acquitances of his debts, and the bonds which shall come into his hands on payments of debts. If Thomas shall die during the said term, the church shall revert to Simon within a year from his decease, any sum which Thomas may have paid to creditors beyond the profits of the church received by him being repaid, according to the decision of the diocesan. All which the said Thomas will observe under penalty of twenty marks sterling in aid of the Holy Land, to be paid whenever he shall make default in part of the present agreement. Indenture sealed with the seals of the said Simon and Thomas, and of the bishop. Hampton-upon-Avon, 12 Kal. Aug., 1306.
1306. Consecration of John de Horseleye, abbot elect of the canons of S. Mary de la Dale, in the diocese of Coventry, of the Premonstratensian order, by license of the bishop of Coventry, from whom he shows letters remaining in the archives, and makes profession in these words:- I, brother John, to be ordained abbot of the canons at the title of S. Mary de la Dale, promise to father Walter [1], bishop, and to the see of the holy church of Lichfeld, the subjection and reverence appointed by the holy fathers, and obedience according to the precept of the sacred canons; saving my order. Hampton-upon-Avon, Non. Aug., same year.
Letters dimissory for William de Ardynton, rector of the chapel of Sudleye, acolyte, to any Catholic bishop for the order of subdeacon. Hampton, 5 Id. Aug.
(Folio 41d.) License to William de Shirebourn, rector of the church of Daylesford, priest, to set forth on pilgrimage to the Apostolic See, in fulfilment of a vow, on condition that he return before the feast of the Purification next, if he can conveniently do so. Tredynton, 14 Kal. Sept., 1306.
Grant in commendam to Michael de Staines, priest, of the church or chapel of Dowdeswell, vacant by the death of John de Doud', last rector, for six months, on the presentation of
[1] Walter de Langton, 1296-1321.
William de Dowdeswell; letters of induction to the dean of Wyth', and letters patent de commenda. Bredon, 10 Kal. Sept., same year.
1306. Institution of Adam de Caple, deacon, by J. de Wythindon, priest, his proctor, to the church of Iwele, vacant by the death of Robert de Lech', last rector, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 9 Kal. Sept., same year.
License to William de Dalby, rector of the church of Adreston, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year. Bredon, 6 Id. Sept., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
License to William Levelaunce, rector of the chapel of Disford Frary, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year. Kemeseye, 1 1 Kal. Oct., same year.
Orders celebrated in the cathedral church of Worcester, by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday next after the feast of S. Matthew, Apostle, 1306, fourth year of consecration.
Ingelard de Warle, rector of the church of Croppethorn.
William, son of William de Welle, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Norwych.
Ingelard de Warle, rector of the church of Croppethorn.
Robert de Sandeby, by letters dimissory of the archbishop of York, on the title of the burgesses of Evesham.
John, son of Walter de Lincoln, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, of his special grace.
Robert de Welle, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Northwych, on the title of the abbot of Evesham.
Abel le Joene, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, on the title of the prior of the hospital.
John de Wycombe, on the title of patrimony, attested under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
1306. Master Richard called Bacheler, portionarius in the church of S. Nicholas of Warwick.
John de Dombelton, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of brother Walter de Cnoll.
John, son of John Nichol of Quenton, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of the rector of the same place.
Robert, son of Ralf de Kempston, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
David de Gutyng, presented to the vicarage of the same place.
Adam de Wychio, on the title of the abbot and convent of Bytlesden.
John of Stowe S. Edward, on the title of patrimony, attested under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Philip of Great Wormynton, on the title of patrimony, attested under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Henry de Stowa, on the title of patrimony, attested under the seal of the official of Gloucester, approved.
John Fraunceys, rector of the church of Kyrkebrid, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Carlisle.
John de la Corner of Quenton, by permission of the bishop without title.
Ralf, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet.
John de Aldeword, on the title of patrimony, attested under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
William de Routheleye, }
William de Upton, } on the title of master de Grafton.
Richard de Swyndon, at the instance of master J. de Rod', by writ of the bishop.
Robert de Wynton, rector of the church of Camme.
James de Bruera, rector of the church of Wydeford.
Reginald de Coleby, of the diocese of Lincoln, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
John, rector of Bladynton.
Simon de Dun, rector of the chapel of Burton.
John, rector of the church of Bishampton.
Robert, rector of the church of Kydremynstre.
1306. Robert de Middelton, on the title, as above, by writ of the bishop.
John de Cotes, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, as above.
Richard de Opton by Snodesbury, by writ of the bishop, without title.
William de Ekelshale, on the title, as above.
William, son of John de Clyve, on the title, as above, by precept of the bishop.
William de Stowa, rector of the church of Bradewas.
Henry, called Kyng, of Todynton, on the title, as above.
Master Nicholas de Stafford, rector of the church of Beln Brocton.
Peter de Beckford, by writ of the bishop, as above.
John de Touck, rector of the church of Blore, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Coventry and Lychfield.
Walter de Langberowe, on the title, as above.
William de Pydell, on the title, as above.
Henry Seryd of Rendewyk, on the title, as above.
Richard de Quenton, by writ of the bishop, as above.
John de Lemynton, at the instance of the warden of Worcester.
Adam de Croppethorn, by writ of the bishop, at the instance of the prior of Worcester.
Roger de Doutesborn, at the instance of the prior of Worcester.
William de Morton, on the title, as above.
William de Kynemersford, on the title, as above.
William de Shireborn, on the title, as above.
John Kyng of Worcester, on the title, as above.
Richard Loveday of Fayreford, on the title, as above.
Adam de Aldesword, on the title, as above.
Adam de Perton, by letters dimissory of the King's free chapel of Totenhale.
Reginald de Eggeword, on the title, as above.
Edmund de Somery, on the title, as above.
Richard Palmer of Gloucester, on the title, as above.
Richard Brodome of Brymesgrave, on the title, as above.
William de Fayreford, on the title, as above.
William de Bevynton, on the title, as above.
Edmund Malicorn of Kynemersford, on the title, as above.
1306. John de Naylesword, on the title, as above.
Robert de Combe, on the title, as above.
John de Boveton of Coln S. Ailwyn, on the title, as above.
John Baban of Worcester, on the title, as above.
Robert Mayot of Alyncestre, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
(Folio 42.)
Walter de Bradewell, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln, with title of the Master of the Knights Templars.
Robert de Grafton, admitted before, by special leave of the bishop.
Stephen de Crondewel, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Salisbury, with title of the abbot of Oseney.
William de Beln, admitted before.
Adam de Snyterfeld, admitted before, by special leave of the bishop.
John, son of Peter de Saltmarshe of Upton, by leave.
Hugh Stob of War', on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Worcester.
John de Wyecheford, by leave of the bishop, as previously admitted.
William de Adelmynton, on the title, as above.
Robert le Joene of Seggeberwe, by leave of the bishop, as previously.
Adam Antony of War', admitted before.
William de Sutton, on the title, as above.
Walter of Stoke Archer, on the title of patrimony.
Adam of Northwydihull, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Salisbury.
Nicholas de Burford, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Thomas Newman of Dombelton, on the title, as above.
William, called Beaufuz of Little Wormington, on the title, as above.
Robert, son of Walter de Wormynton, by leave of the bishop, as above.
Richard de la Felde of King's Norton, on the title, as above.
1306. William de Willareseye, admitted as above.
John de Overbury, on the title, as above.
William de Staunton, on the title, as above.
John Shaneryl of Southcerneye, on the title, as above.
Henry ate Yate of Bladynton. on the title, as above.
Roger Nichol of Staunton. on the title, as above.
Nicholas de Syde, on the title, as above.
Walter, called Thorstan, of Offenham, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Henry le Despenser of Aumbresleye, at the request of E. de Grafton.
William Dod of Quenton, on the title, as above.
John, called Mayen, of Ambresleye, on the title, as above.
Hugh de Burton, on the title, as above.
William de Quenyton, by grace of the bishop, as above.
John de Bredon, admitted before by G[odfrey].
Henry de Wythingdon, on the title, as above.
Geoffrey de Hampton, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Thomas de Poywyk, on the title, as above.
Hugh de Bladynton, on the title, as above.
Alan de Sudleye, on the title, as above.
Thomas Croume of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot.
Thomas de Shirebourn, on the title, as above.
John de Worcester, on the title, as above.
Thomas de Helyon, rector of the church of Eggeworth.
Adam de Holeberewe, rector of the church of King Stanley.
James de Tykenes, rector of the church of Estynton.
Geoffrey de Parco, rector of the church of Beghton, in the diocese of Norwych, by letters dimissory of the vicar of the bishop of Norwich, who is in distant parts.
William de Sheldon, rector of the church of Hamptonet.
Robert, rector of the church of Slouhtre.
Richard, rector of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll.
License to John de Haueskesbury, rector of the church of Irneacton, to visit the Apostolic See for the remedy of his sins,
and to be absent from his church from the feast of S. Michael next for one year, letting his church to farm meanwhile to any fitting person through whom the condition of the said church can be bettered. Worcester, 6 Kal. Oct., 1306, fourth year of consecration.
1306. Letters dimissory to N. de Stafford, rector of the church of Beln Brohton, deacon, for priest's orders. Kemeseye, Kal. Oct., same year.
License to Richard de Stan', rector of the church of Weston-upon-Avon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Kemeseye, 4 Non. Oct., same year.
License to Robert de Wychio, rector of the church of Alvechirch, priest, to go to the Apostolic See on matters touching his church, upon his taking oath to return without unnecessary delay, on condition that his church and cure of souls be not neglected meanwhile. Kemeseye, 3 Non. Oct., same year.
License to Reginald le Porter, rector of the church of Bourton, subdeacon, to study for the year next following. Kemeseye, 8 Id. Oct., same year.
License to Thomas [1], rector of the church of Aumbresleye, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, from the present date for one year. Kemeseye, 7 Id. Oct., same year.
License to Roger Corbet, rector of the church of Chaddesley, subdeacon, to study from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next Kemeseye, 1 1 Kal. Oct., same year.
Institution of Ralf de Hokyngton, priest, to the church of Quenynton, vacant by the death of Gilbert Donmawe, last rector, on the presentation of Walter de Tothale, prior of the hospital of S. John of Jerusalem; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Kemeseye, 4 Id. Oct., 1306.
(Folio 42d.) Institution of William de Brocton, clerk, to the church of Roehampton, vacant by the death of Walter, last rector,
[1] Thomas le Butiller. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 512.
on the presentation of the King by reason of the wardship of the son and heir of J. Giffard, deceased; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Kemeseye, 3 Id. Oct., 1306.
1306. License to John, son of Warin, rector of the church of Upton-upon-Severn, priest, to study for the year next following. Kemeseye, 14 Kal. Nov., same year.
Letters dimissory to William de Ardington, rector of the chapel of Sudleye, for the orders of deacon and priest. Fladebury, 4 Kal. Nov., same year.
License to Andrew de Bornhull, rector of the church of Grafton-under-Flavel, subdeacon, to study within the province of Canterbury, from the present date until the feast of S. Michael next. Saltford, 3 Non. Nov., same year.
Institution of James de Done, priest, to the chapel of Rupa, vacant by resignation of Robert de Sudebury, priest, on the presentation of Robert de Mucegros, lord of Wollashull; letters of induction only to the official of Worcester. Fladebury, 3 Non. Nov., same year.
Grant in commendam to Roger Barbach, priest, of the church of Salewarp, vacant by resignation of John Dunclent, last rector, he having the sole benefice with cure of souls, on the presentation of G[uy], earl of Warwick. Hampton-upon-Avon, 7 Kal. Dec., same year.
Institution of John de la Hulle of Webeley, clerk, to the church of Whitynton, vacant by the death of Walter de Chiltenham, last rector, and granted in commendam to William de la Mare, priest, on the presentation of Richard de Croupes, knight; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alecestre, 4 Non. Dec., same year.
Appointment of Thomas de Alston, chaplain, with consent of Richard, perpetual vicar of Clyve Prior, as coadjutor to the said Richard, who is broken with age, blind, and infirm; enjoining
him to have an inventory, made by testimony of trustworthy men, of the goods of the said vicar, for the faithful administration of which he shall answer on oath. Stodeleye, 3 Non. Dec., 1306, fifth year of consecration.
1306. Grant in commendam of the church of Shipton Clyve, vacant by resignation of Henry, last rector, to J. de Rodeberg, priest, having the sole benefice, with cure of souls, at the presentation of Robert de Shipton Clyve. Stodleye, 6 Id. Dec., same year.
Letters dimissory for all Holy Orders to Robert de Blyburgh, rector of the church of Great Comberton. Fladebury, 4 Kal. Nov., 1306, fifth year of consecration.
License to Ralf, rector of the church of Hampton Lovet, subdeacon, to study, according to the constitution of Boniface VIII., from the present date for two years. Bredon, 12 Kal. Apr., 1305.
Institution of John Donclent, subdeacon, as rector of the church of Salewarp, vacant by resignation of Roger Barbast, who held it in commendam; on the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick; letters to the official of Worcester. Alvechirch, 2 Id. Dec., 1306.
Institution of Adam de Schobenhangre, clerk, to the church of Thormerton, vacant by the death of Gilbert de Foxleye, last rector, on the presentation of John de Drokenesford; letter to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 19 Kal. Jan., 1306.
Letters dimissory for William de Brocton, rector of the church of Rokhampton, to any Catholic bishop of the kingdom of England, for the orders of deacon and priest. Hertlebury, 15 Kal. Jan., same year.
(Folio 43.) Orders celebrated at Hertlebury, by W[illiam], bishop of Worcester, on Saturday, Quatuor temporum, next after the feast of S, Lucy, Virgin, 1306, fifth year of consecration.
1306. Robert de Rodeswell, rector of the church of Luddesdon in the diocese of Rochester, by letters dimissory.
Walter de Thornton, of the diocese of York, by letters dimissory of the diocesan.
Robert, son of Robert de Longedon, by letters dimissory of the abbot of Evesham.
Henry, rector of the church of Ryddemerleye.
Richard de Inckepenne, rector of the church of Dydesham, in the diocese of Exeter, by letters dimissory.
William de Brochton, rector of the church of Rokehampton.
Hugh de Hampton, rector of the church of Grotewych, in the diocese of Lychfield and Coventry, by letters dimissory.
Nicholas de Schepey, rector of the church of Coveleston, in the diocese of Salisbury, by letters dimissory.
Stephen de Scrop, rector of the church of Mersle, in the diocese of York, by letters dimissory.
John le Coner, of the diocese of York, by letters dimissory.
Henry de Warwyk, at the instance of Lady de Somery, by writ of the bishop.
Adam de Hylum, of the diocese of York, by letters dimissory, in which is contained a title.
William Chirchewart, by letters dimissory, of the abbot of Evesham.
Richard de Budiford, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
Simon, son of Nicholas de Appelby, of the diocese of Lyncoln, by letters dimissory.
John de Neuynton, by writ of the bishop.
Richard de Walmesgare, of the diocese of Lyncoln, by letters dimissory.
Thomas de Nethercote, on the title of patrimony, approved under the seal of the official of Gloucester.
1306. Roger Corbet, rector of the church of Chaddesley.
Roger, rector of the church of Pokelchirche.
James de Bruera, rector of the church of Wydeford.
Thomas, rector of the church of Great Comberton.
John de la Cornere of Quenton, on the title, as above.
John Davyd of Lenchewyk, on the title of the abbot of Evesham.
John, son of Walter de Lyncoln, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
Martin de S. Marina of Bristoll.
Richard de Swyndon, on the title, as above.
Davyd de Gutyng, presented to the vicarage of Gutyng.
Robert de Saundeby, of the diocese of York, by writ of the bishop, by letters dimissory.
Abel le Juven of Elnestowe, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lincoln.
John de Barton, on the title, as above.
Richard le Bacheler, portionarius in the church of S. Nicholas of Warrewyk.
Reginald de Colleby, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lyncoln.
Peter de Saunford, on the title, as above.
Adam de Croppethorn, on the title, as above.
Nicholas de Stafford, rector of the church of Beln Brocton.
Robert de Paxeford, on the title, as above.
John Kyng of Worcester, on the title, as above.
John de Luceby, of the diocese of Lyncoln, by letters dimissory of the bishop of Lyncoln.
William de la Grene of Quenton.
Robert Mayot of Alyncestre, as above.
Nicholas de Todenham, on the title, as above.
John Baban of Feckenham.
Richard de Opton by Snodesbury, by writ of the bishop, as above.
John de Wykewane, rector of the church of Bladynton,
1306. John, son of Robert de Newebold of Evesham, by letters dimissory of the abbot.
John de Somery, rector of the church of Bishnmpton.
John de Etyndon, on the title, as above.
William de Wolaston, of the parish of Swynford, as above.
Robert de Middelton, by writ of the bishop.
Robert le Blak, rector of the church of Kydremynstre.
License to Robert Giffard, rector of the church of Compton Greyvile, priest, to let his church to farm from Michaelmas next for two years, to any ecclesiastical person of upright conversation, for the relief of his debts, in which he is bound to various creditors on account of his long imprisonment. Hertlebury, 6 Kal. Jan., 1306, fifth year of consecration.
Letters dimissory for Richard Bacheler, rector of the third portion in the church of S. Nicholas of Warrewyk, deacon, for priest's orders, to any bishop of the kingdom of England. Hertelbury, 15 Kal. Jan., same year.
Institution of Richard, son of Richard de Brymesgrave, clerk, rector of the church of Nategrave, vacant by lapse of commendam granted to Richard Taylor; on the presentation of Guy, earl of Warwick. He is not inducted until the incumbent is called. Hertelbury, 13 Kal. Jan., same year.
Letters dimissory for Henry, rector of the church of Rydmerleye, acolyte, for all holy orders. Hertelbury, 14 Kal. Jan., same year.
License for the said rector of Rydmerleye to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from 6 Kal. April next for seven years, during which time he shall not be bound to proceed to higher orders, according to the constitution of Boniface VIII., except that of subdeacon, which he is under obligation to receive within a year of his institution as rector of the said church. Same date.
(Folio 43d.) Institution of Peter de Horton, acolyte, to the church of Horton, vacant by the death of William de Welles, last
rector, on the presentation of Walter Burdoun, canon of the church of Salisbury, and prebendary of Horton; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Hertilbury, Id. April, 1307.
1306. The said rector has letters dimissory for all holy orders. Not dated.
License to John, rector of the church of Coumbe Baskervyle, subdeacon, to study from the feast of S. Michael, 1306, for three years. Hertilbury, 17 Kal. Maii, same year.
Admissions and institutions to ecclesiastical benefices in the diocese of Worcester by J. de Rod' [1], official of W[illiam], bishop attending the parliament at Carlisle, from Christmas until Easter, the same year.
1307. Institution of Walter de Colewik, chaplain, to the vicarage of the church of S. John of Worcester, vacant by the death of Robert de Cirnecestre [2], on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester, with charge of continual residence. Worcester, 7 Id. Feb., 1306.
Institution of Henry le Scay, clerk, to the church of Weston Brut, vacant by the death of Andrew de Lamborn, last rector, on the presentation of William le Scay. Hertlebury, 13 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of Henry de Shipton, priest, as rector of the church of Shipton S. Oswald, vacant by resignation of J. de Rod', priest, who held it in commendam, on the presentation of Robert de Shipton. Hertlebury, 7 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of John de Quedesleye, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Letchelade, vacant by the death of Hugh Wynter, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Hayl' [Hayles], with charge of continual residence. Hertlebury, 6 Kal. Mar., same year.
[1] J. de Rodberough, rector of Hartlebury.
[2] See Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 443.
1307. Institution of John, called Forester, priest, to the church of Chirchehull, in the forest of Kynefar [1], vacant by resignation of Walter de Colewik, last rector, on the presentation of John Drogel. Hertelbury, 2 Kal. Mar., same year.
Institution of James de Berkeleye, priest, by his proctor [2], to the church of Slimbrugg, vaca.it by the death of Anselm de Gyses, last rector, on the presentation of Thomas de Berk', knight. Gloucester, 8 Id. Mar., same year.
Institution of William Pect, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Clyve Prior, vacant by the death of Richard Baret, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Worcester, with charge of continual residence. Worcester, 12 Kal. Apr., same year.
Institution of Philip de Langeford, clerk, to the church of S. John of Gloucester, vacant by resignation of Adam de Caple, last rector, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Gloucester. Gloucester, 5 Kal. Apr., 1307.
Institution of John de Wotton, deacon, to the vicarage of the church of Wotton, vacant by the death of Walter de Bishopesdon, on the presentation of brother John de Brocia [3], proctor of the abbot and convent of Conches, with charge of continual residence. Worcester, Non. Apr., same year.
Institution of William de Wicham, priest, rector of the church of Clifton, vacant by the death of (blank [4]), on the presentation of John de S. Lau. Bristoll, 4 Id. Apr., same year.
Commission to the dean of Gloucester, under the seal of the bishop's official, to demand clerks or other ecclesiastics, imprisoned, from Roger de Beaufoy and J. de Acton, knights, justices, at Gloucester, on Monday next after the feast of S. Mathias. Hertlebury, 6 Kal. Mar., 1306.
[1] Churchill, near Stourbridge, in the
Hundred of Halfshire. See Giff. Reg., W.H.S. p. 511.
[2] A blank space is left in the Register after the word persona
for the name of the proctor.
[3] John de Brocia was Prior of the House of Wotton. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 341.
[4] A blank space for the name of the last rector is left in the Register.
1307. Declaration on oath by Stephen, rector of the church of Wolvardeleye, deacon, sworn before the bishop [1], that during the last seven years, for which he was licensed for general study, he has continued in the schools according to the said dispensation, except when prevented by good cause such as sickness; and hereupon he produces the testimonial of the chancellor of Oxford. In the presence of B. de Fer(iby), T. de Stratton, and J. Caleys, notary, clerks. Bredon, 5 Kal. Maii, 1307.
Admission of Thomas de Weston, canon of the monastery of Oseneye, to the custody and cure of the parish church of Bebury, with the chapels adjoining, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Oseneye, to whose use the said church is appropriated. Bredon, 5 Kal. Maii, 1307, fifth year of consecration.
License to the said canon to hear the confessions of his parishioners, to absolve and to enjoin wholesome penance in cases in which power is allowed by the bishop. Same date.
(Folio 46 [2].) Letters dimissory for Stephen, rector of the church of Wolvardeley, deacon, for priest's orders. Bredon, 5 Kal. Maii, 1307.
Letters dimissory for Reginald le Porter, rector of the church of Boruhton, subdeacon, for the orders of deacon and priest. Bredon, Kal. Maii, same year.
Letters dimissory for David, called Not, vicar of the church of Gutyng, deacon, to any bishop of the province of Canterbury, for priest's orders; and he is instituted as vicar of the said church. Bredon, Kal. Maii, same year.
License to J. de Littelton, rector of the church of the same place, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the feast of S. Michael next for two years. Bredon, Kal. Maii, same year.
[1] This shews that the Bishop had returned from Carlisle.
[2] At the foot of folio 43d is written:- Verte ij folia.
This has accordingly been done in this abstract. The Calendar of
folios 44, 45 follows that of folio 46.
1307. Institution of Walter Belamy, chaplain, to the vicarage of the church of Coveley, vacant by the death of Ralf, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester, with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Bredon, 5 Non. Maii, same year.
License to Robert, rector of the church of Peplinton [l], to let his church to farm from the present date for three years, for the relief of his debts. Bredon, 3 Non. Maii, same year.
Institution of William de Stowa, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Maresfeld, vacant by the death of Walter de Lemynton, on the presentation of the abbot and convent of Teokesbury, with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Alvynechirch, 2 Non. Maii, same year.
License to Robert de Wynton, rector of the church of Camme, subdeacon, to study from the present date until Christmas next. Bredon, 7 Id. Maii, same year.
License to John de Cheltham, rector of the church of Colde Newynton, priest, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year. Bredon, 5 Id. Maii, same year.
License to William, rector of the church of Aston Somervyle, acolyte, to study from the feast of S. Michael next for one year. Bredon, Id. Maii, same year.
License to Walter de Blythe, rector of the church of Stratton-upon-Fos, priest, to study within the kingdom of England, or without, from the present date for three years. Bredon, Id. Maii, same year.
Grant in commendam of the chapel of Stowell, vacant by the death of Walter Gladewyne, last rector, to Walter de Reding, priest, having the sole benefice with cure of souls, on the presentation of Adam Marcel, son of Adam Marcel. Blockeleye, Id. Maii, same year.
[1] Robert de Peoperton, acolyte, instituted 1290. Gift Reg., W.H.S , p. 429.
1307. Institution of Philip de Boresworth, acolyte, to the church of Lenche Rocolf, vacant by the resignation of Simon de Sutton, last rector, on the presentation of Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick [1]. London, 3 Non. Jun., 1307.
Institution of Henry de Hampton, priest, to the church of Lythern, vacant by the death of Walter de Rodeham, last rector, on the presentation of Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick; letters to the archdeacon of Worcester. Hilyngdon, 15 Kal. Jul., 1307.
License to Roger, rector of the church of Chadd' [Chaddesley Corbett], deacon, to study within the kingdom of England, from the present date for one year [2]. Hilyngdon, 7 Kal. Jul., same year.
License to Adam de Caple, rector of the church of Iweley, deacon, to study within the kingdom of England, from the present date, for one year. Hilyngdon, 4 Kal. Jul., same year.
Institution of John de Doudeswell, clerk, as rector of the chapel of Doudeswell, vacant by lapse of commendam granted to Michael de la Stane, on the presentation of William de Doudeswell. London, 4 Non. Jul., same year.
(Folio 46d.) Admissions of clerks, in the time of J. de Rodeberwe, in absence of the bishop, being beyond the sea towards Poitou.
Institution of Simon de Warr', clerk, licensed previously, to the church of S. Mary in the South, Gloucester, vacant by the death of Gregory, last rector, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Lanthony, with charge of continual residence; letters to the archdeacon of Gloucester. Wynchecomb, 16 Kal. Aug., 1307.
Institution of Walter de Harewell, priest, to the vicarage of the church of Stonhous, vacant by the death of Hugh de Dynnesl', on the presentation of the abbess and convent of Elnestowe; reserving to the said convent nine marks of silver to be paid by the vicar yearly, at the feast of S. Michael and Easter, for the
[1] The Earl of Warwick was not patron on the last presentation,
but Sir Walter de Cooksey. Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 277.
[2] See ante, p. 171, for a previous license.
fruits and profits of the said church which he shall receive, according to an ordinance of W[illiam] de Bleys, formerly bishop of Worcester. The said vicar faithfully promising to pay the said nine marks, and to reside continually when he is able to receive freely the fruits and profits of the church. Bristoll, 7 Kal. Aug., same year.
1307. Institution of Walter, son of Alexander, chaplain, by Richard Bacheler, substitute for William, son of Adam, his proctor, to the church of Wolwardington, vacant by the death of Walter de Wolvard', last rector, on the presentation of John, lord of Wolvardington. Sir J. de Cantilupo, who previously opposed having renounced his right for this time. Worcester, 2 Kal. Aug., same year.
Grant to the abbess and convent of blessed Mary of Burnham, of the order of S. Augustine, founded and endowed by R[ichard], king of the Romans, to obtain to their own use perpetually the vacant church of Burnham, which is of their patronage by gift of the said king of Germany. Not dated [1].
1305. (Folio 44.) The following writ came to Fladebury, 9 Kal. Dec., same year [2]:- Writ to the bishop to levy from ecclesiastical goods and benefices, and to bring in person to Westminster in the octaves of S. Hillary, the following debts due to the King from clerks having no lay fee, any amount remaining, at the said octaves, to be paid or levied, will at once be levied from the bishop's barony.
From the church of Sheleslegh [Shelesley], 4s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of Wotton in the same, 2s. 8d. From the portion of the prior of Newent, 12d. From the church of Marteleye, 20s. 8d. From the portion of the abbot of Cormell' [Cormeilles] in the same, 2s. 8d. From the portion of the prior of Newent in the chapel of Arleye [Arley Kings], 4d. From the church of Kingwich [Knightwick or Kinswich ?], 4s. From the church of S. Martin of Worcester, 12s. From the church of S. Alban, 3s. From the portion of the abbot of Cormell in the church of Suckeleye, 3s. 4d. From the church of Mathine [Mathon], 21s. From the church of Berga,
[1] The Register proper ends here. The rest of the volume is
taken up with a list of writs served on the bishop at different
times during his Episcopate.
[2] The writ is dated 33 Ed. I., 1272.
8s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of Little Malvcrn in the church of Eldefelde [Eldersfield], 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the same, 10s. From the church of Hanley [Hanley Castle], 13s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the same, 21s. 4d. From the church of Maderesfeld, 4s. 4d. From the church of Elmelode [Q. Clevelode?] 2s. 8d. From the church of Poywyk, 49s. 8d. From the portion of John de Saham in the same, 12s. From the church of Little Malvern, 2s. From the church of Haggeleye, 8s. 4d. From the church of Old Swyneford, 24s. From the church of Clent with chapel, 37s. 4d. From the church of Duddeleye, 6s. 8d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 4s. 4d. From the church of Chaddesley, 30s. From the church of Brome, 8s, From the church of Yerdeleye, 24s. 8d. From the church of Brochton [Belbroughton), 36s. From the church of Wolfardesley [Wolverley], 12s. 4d. From the church of Northfeld, 16s. From the church of Stoke Prior, 30s. 8d. From the church of Upton Waryn, 17s. 4d. From the church of Haddesohovere [Hadzor], 5s. 4d. From the church of Hampton Lovet, 14s. 2d. From the church of Salewarp, 28s. From the church of Marton [Martin Hussingtree], 10s. 8d. From the church of Duderhull, 56s. From the church of S. Andrew of Wych, 8s. 8d. From the church of Blessed Mary of Wytton, 10s. From the portion of the vicar of the church of blessed Peter of Wytton, 3s. 4d. From the church of Alvechirch, 40s. From the church of Overbury, 16s. From the church of Elmeleye, 12s. From the church of Little Combrinton, 8s. From the chapel of Burlingham and Nafford, 4s. 2d. From the portion of the prior of Little Malvern, 6d. From the church of Lench Roud [Lench Rocolf], 8s. 8d. From the church of Dormeston, 2s. 8d. From the church of Herforton [Harvington], 6s. 8d. From the church of Abbot's Morton, 6s. 8d. From the church of Grafton, 8s. From the church of Humelton [Humbleton], 4s. 8d. From the church of Ebrihton, 4s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Croumbe, 8s. From the church of Fekenham, 33s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 13s. 4d. From the church of Hulle Crombe, 4s. 10d. From the church of Bishamton and the portion of the prior of Hereford, 7s. 4d. From the church of Kington, 6s. 8d. From the church of Bredon, 26s. 8d. From the church of Rippel, 53s. 4d. From the Chapel of Wenlonde [Welland], 8s. 8d. From the portion of Richard Brid in the church of S. Nicholas of
Warwick, 8s. 2d. From the portion of the canons in the church of S. Michael, 13d. From the church of S. Laurence, 11s. 4d. From the church of Buddebrok, with portion of a canon, 22s. 10d. From the church of Haseley, 13s. 4d. From the church of Rowynton, 13s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 5s. 4d. From the church of Lappeworth, 11s. 8d. From the vicar of Spernore, 4s. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Kocton, 8s. 4d. From the church of Arewe, 10s. 4d. From the church of Kynewarton, 10s. From the church of Wotton with chapel, 34s. 8d. From the church of Willeberewe, 21s. 8d. From the church of Morton Bagot, 8s. 8d. From the church of Preston, 8s. 8d. From the church of Claverdon, 31s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 4s. 4d. From the church of Wolwardynton, 26s. 8d. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Aston Cantelou, 3s. 4d. From the church of Budiford, 11s. 4d. From the church of Saltford, 21s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Norhampton, 8s. 8d. From the prebend formerly of Peter de Leycestre, 5s. 4d. From the prebend of the prior of the Holy Sepulchre, with portion of the same, 8d. From the portion of the prior of Kenelworth, 12s. 8d. From the church of Atheleston, 8s. From the church of Etyndon, 28s. From the church of Brailles, 27s. 4d. From the church of Tysho, 40s. From the church of Kington, 28s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 8s. From the church of Litthurne, 34s. 8d. From the church of Wellesbourn, 29s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 7s. 4d. From the church of Lockesley, 13s. 4d. From the church of Stretford, 46s. 8d. From the church of Bishop's Hampton, 26s. 8d. From the chapel of Cherlecote, 7s. 4d. From the church of Tredinton, 53s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of Kenelworth, 9s. 8d. From the church of Seynesbury, 13s. 4d. From the church of Burton, 4s. 6d. From the chapel of Shesencote, 2s. 8d. From the chapel of Stratton, 2s. 4d. From the church of Elmelode [Evenlode], 8s. From the chapel of Bageshovere, 4s. From the portion of the abbot of Bruere in Shesnecote and Condicote, 16d. From the issues of the archdeaconry of Worcester, 40s. From the church of S. John, 4s. From the church of All Saints, 33. 10d. From the church of S. James, 15s. 4d. From the church of Luttelton, 10s. 8d. From the church of Stoke Giffard, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of Almondesbury
4s. From the portion of the prior of S. Martin in the same, 15d. From the church of Olveston and the portion of the prior of S. Bartholomew of Bath and the abbot of Cormell', 52s. 8d. From the portion of the prior of Newent, 14d. From the portion of the abbot of Morgan, 6d. From the chapel of Tokynton, 4s. From the prebend of Richard de Vyenna, 13s. 4d. From the prebend formerly of Nicholas de Wodeford, 20s. 8d. From the prebend formerly of Peter de Leycestre, 13s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Wychio, 13s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of S. James, 19d. From the church of Thornbury, 63s. 4d. From the church of Berkeleye, 35s. 7d. From the church of Camme, 13s. 3d. From the church of Oselworth, 13s. From the portion of the abbot of Kyngeswode, 4s. 1d. From the church of Horton, with portion, 12s. 4d. From the church of Arleye, with portion, 9s. 4d. From the church of Dudemarton, with portion, 3s. 4d. From the church of Great Bavynton, 13s. 4d. From the chapel of Oldebury, with portion, 2s. 9d. From the church of Charefeld, 10s. From the church of Torteworth, 23s. From the church of Weston, 10s. From the church of Cromhale, 14s. From the church of Tyderington, 19s. 1d. From the church of Wykeware, 8s. 4d. From the church of Boxwell, 5s.
(Folio 44d.) From the church of Irneacton, 10s. From the church of Acton Turvyle, 8s. 8d. From the church of Great Solbury, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 10s. 8d. From the church of Little Solbury, 4s. From the church of Dodinton, with portion, 7s. 7d. From the portion of the abbot of Keynesham in the church of Marsfeld, 8d. From the church of Burton, 53s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Salisbury, 12s. From the church of Ciston, 4s. 4d. From the church of Pokelechirch, 33s. 4d. From the portion of the sacristan of Glastonbury in the same, 2s. 6d. From the church of Frompton Coterel, 6s. 8d. From the church of Tormarton, 2ls. 4d. From the church of Wappel', 7s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 2s. 4d. From the portion of the rector of the church of Bucton, 16d. From the church of Durham, 21s. From the church of Shipton Moigne, 14s. From the church of Tettebury, with portion, 52s. From the church of Hampton Moigne, 21s. 4d. From the church of Esteneston, with portion, 11s. 8d. From the portion of the abbot of Flaxle in Bremesfeld,
2s. 6d. From the church of Coveleye, 5s. From the church of Elkeston, and portion of the priors of Newent and Fontenet, 10s. 10d. From the portion of the prior of Beauveur in the church of Saperton, 16d. From the church of Torleton, 3s. 7d. From the church of Numdesfeld, 5s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Kyngeswode, the prior of Lanthony, and the abbot of Ostneye, in the churches of Tettebury and Rodemarton, 6s. 3d. From the church of Cirencestre, 28s. 8d. From the church of Cotes, with portion of Thomas de Berton and the rector of the church of Rodemarton, 11s. From the church of Stratton, 6s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 4s. From the church of Dadelingworth, with portion, 5s. 7d. From the church of Knight's Duntesbourn, 6s. 8d. From the church of Abbot's Duntesbourn, 5s. 10d. From the church of Northcerneye, 37s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of S. Oswald in the same, 4d. From the church of Hamptonet, 3s. 4d. From the church of Thormarton, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of Northlech, 4s. From the church of Culne S. Denis, 6s. 8d. From the church of Culne Roger, 4s. From the church of Ameneye S. Mary, 4s. 6d. From the church of Driffeld, 4d. From the church of Preston, 2s. 6d. From the portion of the abbot of Cirnecestre, 6d. From the church of Letchelade, 10s. From the Church of Hathrop, with vicarage, 16s. 4d. From the church of Lech S. Andrew, 22s. From the portion of the abbot of Bruere, 8d. From the church of Lech S. Martin, 24s. From the church of Fayrford, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of Kynemersford, 7s. 4d. From the church of Hampton Meisi, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Ameneye S. Cross, 2s. From the church of Burton, 13s. 4d. From the church of Upper Slouhtre, 6s. 8d. From the church of Eyford, 4s. From the portion of the prior of Beauver in the church of Great Risindon, 3s. From the church of Great Aston, 18s. 8d. From the church of Long Berga, 13s. 4d. From the church of Lower Stowe, 13s. 8d. From the church of Wydeford, 2s. 8d. From the church of Upper Swell, 5s. From the church of Stowe, 16s. From the church of Sutton, 5s. 4d. From the church of Rysindon Basset, 7s. From the church of Wyke Risindon, 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Hailes, 13d. From the church of Evrihton, with portion, 10s. 4d. From the church of Wykewane, 30s. 8d. From the church of Aston
Somervill, 6s. 4d. From the church of Hynington, 6s. From the portion of the vicar of Staneweye, 8s. From the church of Hayles, 16j. From the church of Kynemerton, 36s. From the church of Clifford, 6s. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the chapel of Bissheleye, 2s. 8d. From the church of Cheltenham, 24s. From the portion of the prior of Scrogoil [Chepstow], in the church of Beggeworth, 3s. 4d. Fiom the chapel of Hatherleye, with portion of the prior of Scrogoil, 6s. 8d. From the portion of the dean of Hereford in the churches of Prestebury and Sevenhampton, 20s. From the portion of the precentor of Hereford in the same, 6s. 8d. From the church of Shipton, with portion of the prior of Monem' [Monmouth], 13s. 4d. From the church of Colesbourn, 4s. 4d. From the chapel of Hasfeld, with portion of the prior of Little Malvern, 5s. From the portion of the abbot of Cirnecestre, 2s. From the portion of the vicar of Froucestre, 5s. From the church of Frethorn, 4s. 8d. From the church of Morton, with chapel, 13s. 4d. From the churches of Harescombe and Pichenecombe, 4s. From the chapel of Matesdon, 3s. 2d. From the portion of the vicar of Haselworth, 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the church of S. Owen, 2s. From the churches of the Holy Trinity and Blessed Mary, 5s. 4d. From the churches of S. Michael and S. Martin, 6s. From the church of S. John the Baptist, with portion of the abbot of Gloucester, 7s. 8d. From the church of S. Oswald, 40s. From the church of Wydecombe, 4s. From the portion of the prior of S. Oswald in Wydecombe and Lassindon, 13d. From the portion of the prior of Hereford in the bishopric of Worcester, 10s. 6d. From the issues of the archdeaconry of Gloucester, 30s. 8d.
Witness, the King. Westminster, 4 November, 33 Edward I. By the council. The officials of the archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester are directed to levy the said sums, and to certify the bishop thereof before Christmas.
1305. Return to the same:- From certain persons withinwritten, the abbot of Gloucester has received a certain sum of money which he has refused to deliver to the bishop (michi), saying that he wishes to answer himself to the King for the said money.
1305. This writ came to Bredon, 16 Kal. Jan., same year. Writ
to the bishop to produce John de Ebroicis, parson of the church
of Tredington, before the justices at Westminster, in the octave of
S. Hillary, to answer to Wolstan de Sheldesl', clerk, in a plea of
debt of 60s. and three robes, arrears of a yearly rent of 20s. and
one robe; the sheriff of Worcester having made return at the
octaves of S. Michael that the said John had no lay fee in his
bailiwick. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 20 October, 33 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester or the dean of Warwick is directed to execute
the said writ, and to certify the bishop thereof before the Epiphany.
Return to the same:- The said John is enjoined to appear as above said.
1306. This writ came 8 Kal. Dec, same year. Writ to the
bishop to enjoin Robert de Wych to appear before the justices at
Westminster, in the octave of S. Hillary, to show cause why 10l.
in which he is indebted to Thomas Cantok should not be
levied from his ecclesiastical goods; the sheriff of the county of
Worcester, who had been ordered to enjoin him to appear at
Westminster on the morrow of S. Martin last, having returned
that the said Robert is a clerk and has no lay fee. The said 10l.
are arrears of a yearly rent of 40s. recovered by the said Thomas
by a jury at Westminster, of which 40s. was due at the feast of
S. Michael, anno 29, and 40s. at the said feast, annis 30, 31, 32, 33.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 30 November, 34 Edward I. The dean of Wych
is directed to execute the said writ and to certify the bishop
thereof before the feast of the Epiphany.
(Folio 45.) Return to the same:- The said Robert is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to London, 10 Kal. Feb. Writ to the bishop, or his locum tenens, to produce John de Ebroicis, clerk, at Westminster, fifteen days from S. Hillary, to answer to John de Tilton in a plea of debt of nineteen marks, 6s. 8d, being arrears of a yearly rent of 20s., the sheriff of Worcester having returned that the said John is a clerk, and has no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham. Westminster, 4 December, 34 Edward I.
1306. Return to the same: The said John is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Hampton, 6 Id. Feb., same year. Writ to
the sheriff of Warwick to distrain the bishop by sureties and safe
pledges to produce Walter, parson, of the church of Wolwardyngton,
at Westminster, on the octave of the Purification, to answer
to William, son of Peter de Wolward', in a plea of debt of 26s. 8d,
being arrears of a yearly rent of 13s. 4d.; and to show why he did
not produce him at Westminster on the morrow of S. Martin.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 25 November, 34 Edward I.
Writ to the sheriff of Warwick to distrain the bishop by sureties
and safe pledges to produce the prior of Wotton, at Westminster, on
the octave of the Purification, to answer to the prior of the hospital
of S. John of Jerusalem in England, and brother J. de Cersey, to
answer, together with brother J. de Brocya [l], to the same, in a plea
of debt of ten marks. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 23 November, 34 Edward I.
The two preceding writs came so late that they could not be executed.
1307. The following writ came to Bredon, 2 Kal. Mar., same year. Writ to the bishop to levy as quickly as possible from ecclesiastical goods and benefices the following debts owed to the king from clerks having no lay fee, and to pay the same to the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester for the furtherance of the king's affairs as he has directed, receiving from them open letters of receipt. The bishop shall certify the king at Westminster on the morrow of the close of Easter of the execution of this writ and the amount paid; if he is negligent or remiss in levying the said money, his barony will be seized until the whole sum is levied therefrom by the king's ministers.
From the portion of the prior of Woton in the church of Shaldesley, 2s. 8d. From the church of Kyngworth, 4s. From the church of S. Alban, 3s. From the church of Mathine [Mathon], 21s. From
[1] J. de Brocya was prior of Wotton. See ante, p. 178, and Giff. Reg., W.H.S., p. 341.
the portion of the prior of Little Malvern in the church of Eldesfeld. 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the same, 10s. From the church of Hanleye, 13s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the same, 21s. 4d. From the church of Maderesfeld, 4s. 4d. From the church of Elmelode, 2s. 8d. From the church of Poywyk, 49s. 8d. From the portion of John de Saham in the same, 12s. From the church of Little Malvern, 2s. From the church of Haggeley, 8s. 4d. From the church of Old Swyneford, 24s. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Duddeley, 4s. 4d. From the church of Chaddesley, 30s. From the church of Jerdeley [Yardley], 24s. 8d. From the church of Brochton, 36s. From the church of Westfardley, 12s. 4d. From the church of Stoke Prior, 30s. 8d. From the church of Upton Waryn, l7s. 4d. From the church of Hampton Lovet, 14s. 2d. From the church of Duderhill, 56s. From the church of S. Andrew of Wych, 8s. 8d. From the church of Blessed Mary of Wytton, 10s. From the church of Alvechirch, 40s. From the church of Elmeleye, 12s. From the portion of the prior of Little Malvern, 6d. From the church of Dormeston, 2s. 8d. From the church of Herforton, 6s. 8d. From the church of Abbot's Morton, 6s. 8d. From the church of Ebrihton, 4s. 4d. From the church of Fekenham, 33s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 13s. 4d. From the church of Bredon, 26s. 8d. From the church of Rippil, 53s. 4d. From the chapel of Wenlond, 8s. 8d. From the portion of Richard Brid in the church of S. Nicholas of Warwick, 8s. 4d. From the church of S. Laurence, 11s. 4d. From the church of Buddebrok, with portion of a canon, 22s. 10d. From the church of Haseleye, 13s. 4d. From the church of Rouhinton, 13s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 5s. 4d. From the church of Lappeworth, 11s. 8d. From the vicar of Spernore, 4s. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Kocton, 8s. 8d. From the church of Arewe, 10s. 4d. From the church of Kynewarton, 16s. From the church of Wotton, with chapel, 34s. 8d. From the church of Welleberwe, 21s. 8s. From the church of Morton Bagot, 8s. 8d. From the church of Preston, 8s. 8d. From the portion of the vicar in the church of Claverdon, 4s. 4d. From the church of Wolwardinton, 26s. 8d. From the portion of the vicar of the church of Aston Cantelou, 3s. 4d. From the church of Saltford, 21s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Norhampton, 8s. 8d. From the prebend
formerly of Peter de Leycestre, 5s. 4d. From the church of Etyndon, 28s. From the church of Brayles, 27s. 4d. From the church of Kynton, 28s. From the portion of the prior of Kenelworth, 12s. 8d. From the church of Wellesbourn, 29s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 7s. 4d. From the church of Lockesley, 13s. 4d. From the church of Stretford, 46s. 8d. From the church of Bishop's Hampton, 26s. 8d. From the chapel of Cherlecote, 7s. 4d. From the church of Tredynton, 53s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of Kenilworth, 9s. 8d. From the church of Seynesbury, 13s. 4d. From the church of Burton, 4s. 6d. From the chapel of Shesnecote, 2s. 8d. From the church of Ennelode, 8s. From the chapel of Baggeshore, 4s. From the portion of the abbot of Bruere in Shesnecote and Cundicote, 16d. From the church of S. John, 4s. From the church of All Saints, 3s. 10d. (Fol. 45d.) From the church of Lutleton, 10s. 8d. From the church of Stoke Giffard, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of Aylmundesbury, 4s. From the portion of the prior of S. Martin in the same, 15d. From the church of Olveston, and portion of the prior of Bath and the abbot of Cormell', 52s. 8d. From the portion of the abbot of Morgan in Newent, 6d. From the chapel of Tokynton, 4s. From the prebend of Richard de Vyenna, 13s. 4d. From the prebend formerly of Nicholas de Wodeford, 20s. 8d. From the prebend formerly of Peter de Leycestre, l3s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Wychio, 13s. 4d. From the church of Berkeleye, 35s. 7d. From the church of Camme, 14s. 3d. From the church of Oseleworth, 13s. From the church of Arleye, with portion, 9s. 4d. From the church of Dudemarton, with portion, 3s. 4d. From the church of Great Badmynton, 13s. 4d. From the church of Torteworth, 33s. From the church of Weston, 10s. From the church of Acton Turvyle, 8s. 8d. From the church of Button, 53s. 4d. From the portion of the rector of the church of Bucton, 16d. From the church of Durham, 21s. From the church of Tettebury, with portion, 52s. From the church of Hampton Moigne, 21s. 4d. From the church of Estinton, with portion, 11s. 8d. From the portion of the abbot of Flaxele in Brimesfeld, 2s. 6d. From the church of Couleye, 5s. From the church of Elkeston, and portion of the priors of Newent and Fontenet, 10s. 10d. From the portion of the prior of Beaver in the church of Saperton, 16d. From the church of Torleton, 3s. 7d. From the church of Cotes, with portion of Thomas de Berton and
the rector of the church of Rudemarton, 11s. From the church of Stratton, 6s. From the portion of the vicar of the same, 4s. From the church of Dadelingworth, with portion, 5s. 7d. From the church of Abbot's Duntesborn, 5s. 10d. From the church of Northcerneye, 33s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of S. Oswald in the same, 4d. From the church of Hamptonet, 3s. 4d. From the church of Tormarton, 20s. From the portion of the vicar of Northlech, 4s. From the church of Ameneye S. Mary, 4s. 6d. From the church of Driffeld, 4d. From the church of Preston, 2s. 6d. From the church of Lechelade, 10s. From the church of Hampton Meysi, 20s. From the church of Burton, 13s. 4d. From the church of Upper Stouhtre, 6s. 8d. From the church of Eynord, 4s. From the portion of the prior of Beauver in the church of Rysingdon, 3s. From the church of Aston Magna, 18s. 8d. From the church of Wydeford, 2s. 8d. From the church of Upper Swell, 5s. From the church of Stowe, 16s. From the church of Sutton, 5s. 4d. From the church of Rysindon Basset, 7s. From the church of Wike Rysindon, 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Heyl' [Hayles], 14d. From the church of Aston Somervill, 6s. 8d. From the portion of the vicar of Stanewey, 8s. From the church of Hayl' [Hayles], 16s. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the chapel of Bisseley, 2s. 8d. From the portion of the prior of Scrogoil [Chepstow], in the church of Beggeworth, 3s. 4d. From the portion of the dean of Hereford in the churches of Prestebury and Sevenhampton, 20s. From the portion of the precentor of Hereford in the same, 6s. 8d. From the church of Shipton, with portion of the prior of Monem' [Monmouth], 13s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of Froncestre, 5s. From the church of Frethorn, 4s. 8d. From the church of Morton, with chapel, 13s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of Asselworth, 4s. 4d. From the portion of the abbot of Lyra in the church of S. Owen, 2s. From the churches of S. Michael and S. Martin, 6s. From the church of S. John the Baptist, with portion of the abbot of Gloucester, 7s. 8d. From the church of S. Oswald, 40s. From the church of Wydecombe, 4s. From the portion of the prior of S. Oswald, in Wydecombe and Lassindon, 13d. From the portion of the prior of Hereford in the bishopric of Worcester, 10s. 6d. From the issues of the archdeaconry of Gloucester, 30s. 8d. From the church of Hethrop, with vicarage, l6s. 4d. From the portion of the vicar of Kynemersford, 7s. 4d. From the portion of the prior of S. James in Horton, 20d. Witness, the King.
1307. Lyndhurst, February, 34 Edward I. By the council. The officials of the archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester are directed to enjoin the parsons of the aforesaid churches with all speed possible, if they can be found, and, if not, their servants or agents, to pay the said sums to the abbot and convent of S. Peter of Gloucester before Palm Sunday, if not yet paid, lest the bishop incur the threatened penalty.
Return to the same:- From certain persons named in this writ, and in others formerly sent for the levying of such debt, the abbot of Gloucester has received 59l. 20d., as appears by his letters patent of receipt. The names of the persons, delivered by him to the bishop (nobis), are sent enclosed with the present writ. Of any remainder of the debt as much as possible shall be levied.
1303. (Folio 51 [1].) Writs which came from the feast of St. Michael, 1303, to the same feast in the following year.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 12 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop, as above, to expose for sale the ecclesiastical goods to the value of 31l. of John de Ebroicis, rector of the church of Tredyngton, lately sequestered according to return made to the justices at York; and to produce the money at York on the octave of the Purification, to be delivered to Thomas de Sutham and Ralf de Leycestre, as part of 44l. recovered by them against the said John at York, by an inquisition held before William de Berford at Stycheford [Stichford], in the county of Worcester. Witness, R. de Hengham [2].
York, 1 8 November, 32 Edward I. The deans of Campden and Blockeley are directed to certify execution before the feast of the Conversion of S. Paul.
Return:- Of the ecclesiastical goods of the said John, twenty-three marks of silver have been levied, and are in the bishop's
[1] The numbers between 46 and 51 are missed in the foliation in
Roman figures. No. 47 is missed in the foliation in old Arabic
figures. The numbers given in this abstract are those in Roman figures.
[2] See ante, pp. 63 and 78.
keeping; he dare not send them to York at present on account of the dangers of the roads. No more can be levied before the autumn.
1303. The King to the sub-collectors in the diocese of Worcester of the tenth imposed for three years on the clergy of England by Boniface VIII. Leave to demand from the bishop the tenth of the profits of the bishopric during the vacancy which were sold to him by the King after the restitution of temporalities; it not being consonant to justice that the bishop should be charged with the profits of the bishopric while it is in the King's hand. Witness, the King. Dunfermelyn, 18 December, 32 Edward I.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 2 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop, as before, to distrain Walter, son of Warin, rector of the church of Upton, to appear at York, on the morrow of the Purification, to answer to Robert de la Chaumbre, servant of W., bishop of Coventry and Lichfield [l], treasurer, in a plea of assault; and to keep in close custody his sequestered goods. Witness, P. de Leycestre. York, 8 December, 32 Edward I. The dean of Wych' is ordered to certify execution before the feast of the Conversion of S. Paul.
Return:- The said Walter is distrained to appear as above said.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Non. Jan. Writ to the bishop to produce at York on the octave of S. Hillary, John Nuel, clerk, John de Wamberge, rector of the church of Rysindon Basset, Jordan, rector of the church of Hampton Moigne, William, rector of the church of Stoke Prior, and Peter de Leycestre, clerk, executors of the testament of William dc Molendinis, to answer to Walter de Berton, John de Redeberow, John de Stanway and Geoffrey de Henbury, executors of the testament of Godfrey Giffard, formerly bishop of Worcester [1], in a plea of debt of 40s. from the said John and John, of forty marks from the said Jordan and William, and of 60l. from the said Peter; the sheriff of Gloucester having made return at York on the morrow of All Souls that they have no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
[1] Waller Langlon, 1296-1321.
[2] See ante, p. 54.
York, 12 November, 31 Edward I. The officials of the archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester are directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Hillary.
1303. Return:- The said John de Wamberge, Jordan, William and Peter, are enjoined to appear as above said. John Noel is not beneficed in the diocese and therefore concerning him nothing has been done.
(Folio 51d.) This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Non. Jan.
Writ to the bishop to distrain Adam de Orleton and William de
Bremmesgrave, clerks, executors of the testament of Bartholomew
de Dyvyses, late executor of the testament of Godfrey [Giffard], the
bishop's predecessor, to be at York in the octave of the Purification,
with tallies and other acquaintances, to answer, together with
Walter de Berton, John de Rodeberovv and John de Staneway,
executors of the said bishop, for the debts due from him to the
King. Witness, W. de Carleton.
York, 14 October, 3 1 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Gloucester is directed to sequester all the ecclesiastical goods
of the said clerks, by the third day after the Purification.
Return:- The said Adam is distrained to appear as above said. The said William is not beneficed in the diocese, and therefore concerning him nothing has been done.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Non. Jan. Writ to the bishop
to distrain Thomas de Wycheford, clerk, to appear at York, in the
octave of S. Hillary, to answer, together with John de Watecote,
Robert de Compton, and Richard de Chiriton, to Walter de Berton,
John de Rodeberew, G. de Hembury, and John de Stanway, executors
of G[odfrcy] Giffard, late bishop of Worcester, for two hundred
and twenty-five marks owed by them to the said bishop, in
part payment of the debts due from him to the King. Witness,
W. de Carleton.
York, 22 October, 31 Edward I.
Return:- The said Thomas is not beneficed in the diocese, and therefore nothing has been done.
1303. This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Non. Jan. Writ to
the bishop to produce at York, in the octave of S. Hillary, John de
Heneley, rector of the church of Elmeley under Elmeley Castle,
Henry de Dyclesbergh, rector of the church of Cheldesley, and
Peter, rector of the church of Marteley, to answer to Walter de
Berton, John de Rodebergh, John de Staneway, and Geoffrey de
Hembury, executors of the testament of G[odfrey] Giffard, formerly
bishop of Worcester, in a plea of debt of 100s. from the said John,
of ten marks from the said Henry, and of 20l. from the said Peter;
the sheriff of Worcester having made return at York on the morrow
of All Souls that they have no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 9 November, 31 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to certify execution before the
feast of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said John, Henry, and Peter are enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 4 Id. Jan. Writ to the bishop
to produce at York, in the octave of S. Hillary, Richard de Alecestre,
clerk, executor of the testament of Nicholas de Wodeford,
formerly rector of the church of Fladebury, to answer, together with
John de Dunbelton and Nicholas de Batheneston, clerk, his coexecutors,
to the prior of Bradenestoke for chattells to the value
of 36l. 13s. 4d.; the sheriff of Worcester having made return at
York in the octave of S. Michael that the said Richard has no
lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 30 October, 3 1 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to certify execution before the morrow
of S.Hillary.
Return:- The said Richard is not beneficed in the diocese, and therefore nothing has been done.
This writ came to Wynterburn, 5 Id. Mar. Writ to the bishop to distrain John de Stanewaye, John de Rodebergh, and Walter de Berton, executors of the testament of Godfrey Giffard, late bishop of Worcester, to appear at York, in fifteen days after Easter,
to render account of the debts due to the King from the said bishop,
since they did not appear on the octave of S. Hillary as appointed
for them. Also, to distrain Adam de Orleton and William de Bremesgrave,
clerks, executors of the testament of Bartholomew de
Devyses, one of the executors of the said bishop, to render account
together with the said John, John and Walter. Witness, P. de
York, 16 February, 32 Edward I. The officials of the archdeacons
of Worcester and Gloucester are directed to execute the
said writ before the Sunday on which is sung Quasi modo geniti [1];
before which day the official of Worcester certifies execution, but
not the official of Gloucester.
1304. Return:- The said John, John, Walter, and Adam, are distrained to appear as above said; William de Brymesgrave is not beneficed in this diocese, and therefore as to him nothing has been done.
(Folio 52.) This writ came to Bristoll, 4 Id. Mar. Writ to the
bishop to produce at York, fifteen days from the day of Holy
Trinity, Robert de Newynton, rector of the church of Bishampton,
to answer to William de Ryans in a plea of debt of 6l.; the sheriff
of Worcester having made return at York, fifteen days from S.
Hillary, that the said Robert had no lay fee. Witness, R. de
York, 8 February, 32 Edward I. The official of Worcester is
directed to certify execution before Whitsuntide.
Return:- The said Robert died before the writ could be executed. The official has certified that he sequestered the goods of the said Robert to the value of 12l.
This writ came to Henbury, Id. Mar. Writ to the bishop to produce at York, one month from Easter, John Chastillun, clerk, to answer to Henry de Wodeford, archdeacon of Bath, and William de Leycestre, executors of the testament of William de Hamme, formerly parson of the church of Clyve, in a plea of debt of 40s.; the sheriff of Worcester having made return at York, on the octave
[1] Quasi modo geniti infantes Alleluya is the Sarum introit for Low Sunday.
of S. Martin, that the said John has no lay fee. Witness R. de
York, 27 November, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to certify execution before the
Sunday on which is sung Quasi modo [1].
1304. Return:- The said John is enjoined to appear as aforesaid.
This writ came to Henbury, 13 Kal. Apr. Writ to the bishop,
as aforesaid, to expose for sale, to the value of twenty-three marks
and a half, the ecclesiastical goods of John de Ebroicis, rector
of the church of Tredynton, lately sequestered according to return
made at York; and to produce the money at York fifteen days
from Easter, to be delivered to Thomas de Sutham and Ralf de
Leycestre, as part of 44l. recovered by them at York by a jury
held before William de Berford at Sticheford Bridge; also, to
produce at the same time twenty-three marks, part of the said 44l.,
already sequestered according to return made at York, in the
octave of the Purification; the sheriff of Worcester having returned
that the said John had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 11 February, 32 Edward I.
Return:- Twenty-three marks are sent by Simon de Grenhull, the bishop's steward; no return was made to any writ that the said goods had been sequestered to the value of 31l., as is alleged in the writs but only to the value of the said twenty-three marks now sent, and no more can be levied before the autumn, as was returned to the last writ sent in the octave of the Purification.
This writ came to Henbury, 10 Kal. Apr. Thomas de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucester, to the bailiff of Derhurst. Distrain the bishop by lands and goods to produce at York in a month from Easter, Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, to answer to John de Bloxam in a plea of debt; and certify execution hereof at Gloucester before the feast of the Purification. The dean of Stonhouse is directed to sequester all ecclesiastical goods and offerings of the said rector before the feast of SS. Tyburcus and Valerian [2].
[1] Low Sunday.
[2] See ante, p. 76.
1304. The said Simon makes oath to save the bishop harmless,
touching this writ and others for which he has been distrained,
under penalty of deprivation from his church; in presence of W.,
archdeacon of Huntingdon, B. de Feriby, Thomas de Stratton, and
J. Caleys.
Henbury in the Salt Marsh, 18 Kal. Maii. The dean of Stonhouse
is directed to provide necessaries for the said rector and his
household at York, going and returning, and for the minister of the
church; otherwise the sequestration is to remain in force.
The said rector makes oath, before the said witnesses, to save the bishop harmless, and to replace the fruits in the soil, and the sequestration is released. Lantony, 8 Id. Maii.
This writ came to Henbury in the Salt Marsh, 3 Non. Apr.,
1304. Writ to the bishop to levy fifteen marks from the ecclesiastical
goods of William de Apperle, dean of the church of Blessed
Mary of Warwick, and to produce the same at York in fifteen days
from Easter, to be delivered to Ralf de Hengham, canon of the
same church, to whom the said sum was adjudged at York, for
damages, by reason of the said William having hindered him from
presenting to the church of Budibrok, as appears by an assize
of last presentation; the sheriff of Warwick having returned at
York in fifteen days from S. Hillary that the said William had no
lay fee. Witness, E. de Bekyngham [l].
York, 28 January, 32 Edward I.
Return: This writ came to Henbury by Bristoll on Friday in Easter week last, and because it came so late nothing could be done.
(Folio 52d) Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to bind the
bishop by sureties and safe pledges to produce at York, in the
octave of Holy Trinity, John Nuel, clerk, John de Wamberg, rector
of the church of Rysingdon Basset, Jordan, rector of the church
of Hampton Moigne, William, rector of the church of Stoke Prior,
and Peter de Leycestre. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 25 January, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to sequester the goods of the rector of
[1] See post, pp. 202, 206, 211.
Stoke Prior and Peter de Leycestre, and to certify execution before the feast of the Ascension. The official of the archdeacon of Gloucester is directed concerning the others, and also as to the goods of the said Peter, deceased.
1304. Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to bind the bishop
by sureties and safe pledges to produce at York, in the octave
of Holy Trinity, John de Henleye, rector of the church of
Elmeleye-under-Elmeleye Castle, Henry de Dyclesbergh, rector of the
church of Sheldesleye, and Peter, rector of the church of Marteleye.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 28 January, 32 Edward I.
The two preceding writs came to Henbury in the Salt Marsh, 3 Id. Apr., 1304. The official of the archdeacon of Worcester is directed to cite the said clerks to appear as above said, to sequester their goods, and to certify the bishop thereof before the feast of the Ascension.
This writ came to Henbury in the Salt Marsh, Id. Apr. Writ
to the bishop to produce at York, in five weeks from Easter, John
Blampayn, rector of the church of Wyccheford, to answer to
Robert le Blound of Snytenfeld in a plea of debt of 36l. 7s. 6d.;
the sheriff of Oxford having returned at York, fifteen days from
S. Martin, that the said John had no lay fee [1]. Witness, R. de
York, 25 January, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed
to certify execution before the feast of S. George.
Return:- The said John is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Camme, 10 Kal. Maii, same year. R. le Porter, sheriff of Worcester, to the bailiff of Osewolde [2]. Execute a recited writ, directed to the said sheriff, dated at York, 12 February, anno 32, witnessed by R. de Hengham, requiring the bishop to be bound by sureties and safe pledges to produce at York, in five weeks
[1] Ses post, p. 209.
[2] The Bishop had exclusive jurisdiction to the Hundred of Oswaldeslowe,
and the sheriff could not execute any writ there, so he had to send them
to the Bishop's bailiff for execution.
from Easter, Richard, rector of the church of Hulle Cromb, to answer, together with Bartholomew and Margery, to William de Burne in a plea of debt of 60s.; and to send to the said sheriff the names of the pledges before the feast of S. Mark the evangelist. Not dated. The official of the archdeacon of Worcester is directed to certify execution by the third day before the feast of SS. Philip and James, Apostles.
1304. This writ came to Gloucester, 8 Id. Maii. Writ to the
bishop to produce at York, in the octave of Holy Trinity, Nicholas
de Stafford, rector of the church of Sudleye, and Godfrey, rector
of the church of Weston, to answer to Walter de Berton, John de
Rodeberow, John de Stanweye and Geoffrey de Henbury, executors
of the testament of Godfrey Giffard, formerly bishop of
Worcester, in a plea of debt of forty marks from Nicholas, and
of 40s. from Godfrey; the sheriff of Gloucester having returned
at York, in the octave of S. Hillary, that the said Nicholas and
Godfrey had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 28 January, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester,
or his official, is directed to sequester the goods of the said Nicholas
and Godfrey until the indemnity of the bishop shall be secured, and
to certify him thereof before the feast of Holy Trinity.
Return:- The said clerks are enjoined to appear as above said.
(Folio 53.) This writ came to Gloucester, 7 Id. Maii. Writ to
the bishop to levy before the octave of Holy Trinity, of the
ecclesiastical goods of Simon de Prews, son of John de Prews of
Great Tywe, twenty-three marks, which the said Simon acknowledged,
before Thomas de la Grave, mayor of Bristoll, and William
de Stanton, late clerk for taking recognizances of debts at Bristoll,
that he owed to John, son of William le Spicer of Oxford, of
which eleven marks and a-half were due at the feast of the Assumption,
anno 31, and eleven marks and a-half at the feast of All
Saints then next; the sheriff of Oxford, who had been ordered to
imprison the said Simon having returned fifteen days from Easter
that he was beneficed in the diocese of Worcester and had no lay
fee. Witness, R. de Brabanzon.
York, 20 April, 32 Edward I. The dean of Stonhous is directed
to levy the said money, sequester and keep in strict custody the fruits of the said church, and certify the bishop thereof before the feast of Holy Trinity.
1304. Return:- No ecclesiastical goods of the said Simon have been found since the receipt of the writ on which the said money can be levied.
This writ came to Tewkesbury, 2 Id. Maii. Writ to the bishop to distrain John de Cungesbury, executor of the testament of Peter de l'Isle, clerk, to appear at York, on the octave of Holy Trinity, to answer, together with Richard Neel and Ralf de Wolverton his co-executors, to Thomas de Berkele and others, executors of the testament of W., formerly bishop of Bath and Wells [1], for 65l., levied by the said Peter, when official of the said bishop, of the ecclesiastical goods of Robert de Lyttlebury of Ottecombe and Kyngton, deceased, due from the bishop's executors to the King; the sheriffs of Somerset and Dorset having made return that the said John had no lay fee. Witness, W. de. Carleton. York, 1 8 April, 32 Edward I. The dean of Haukesbury and Button is directed to strictly enjoin the said John to appear as above said, to sequester the fruits and profits of his church, until the bishop's indemnity is secured, and to certify him thereof before the feast of Holy Trinity.
Return:- The said John is distrained to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, 17 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop to levy fifteen marks from the goods of William de Apperley, dean of the church of Blessed Mary of Warwick, and to produce the same at York, fifteen days from Holy Trinity [2]. Witness, W. de Bereford. York, 20 April, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed to send the said money within two days after the feast of Holy Trinity.
Return:- No ecclesiastical goods of the said William have been found since the receipt of the writ whence the said money can be levied.
[1] William de Marchia, 1293-1302.
[2] See ante, p. 199, post, pp. 206, 211.
1304. This writ came to Bredon, 13 Kal. Jun. Writ to the
bishop to admit a fitting person, on the King's presentation, to
the church of Doderhull, notwithstanding the claim of Robert,
archbishop of Canterbury [1], against whom the King has recovered
the said presentation by judgment of the King's court. Witness,
R. le Brabazun.
York, 1 May, 32 Edward I.
Similar writ, stating that the King had recovered the said presentation against the bishop of Worcester. Same date.
Similar writ, stating that the King had recovered the said presentation against John de Middelton, clerk. Same date [2].
(Folio 53d) This writ came to Bredon, 14 Kal. Jun. Writ to
the bishop to produce at York, three weeks from Holy Trinity, the
prior of S. James of Bristoll, Robert de Gloucester, and Adam de
Orleton, executors of the testament of Bartholomew de Devisis,
formerly rector of the church of Kinewarton, clerk, to answer
to Ralf de Hengham in a plea of debt of 40s.; the sheriff of
Warwick having returned at York, one month from Easter, that
the said prior Robert and Adam had no lay fee. Witness, W. de
York, 26 April, 32 Edward II. The archdeacon of Gloucester,
or his official, is directed to certify execution within two days after
the feast of S. Petronilla [3].
Return:- The said clerks are enjoined to appear as above said
This writ came to Bredon, 14 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop to produce in three weeks from the day of Holy Trinity, John de S. Faith, clerk [4], to answer for exercising citations and other things which belong to the jurisdiction of the ordinary, in the King's chapel of S. Martin le Grand, London, which, with its prebends,
[1] Robert Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
[2] At the foot of this folio is written:- Alia brevia secundo
missa notantur infra in tercio folio. See post, p. 205.
[3] 31st May.
[4] See post, p. 207.
is free and exempt from all jurisdiction of the ordinary, as are the
King's other chapels in his kingdom; the sheriffs of London having
returned on the morrow of the Ascension that the said John
is beneficed in the diocese of Worcester and had no lay fee.
Witness, R. le Brabazun.
York, 8 May, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester, or
his official, is directed to certify execution within two days after
the feast of S. Petronilla.
1304. Return:- The said John is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, 14 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop
to produce in three weeks from Holy Trinity, Robert Feneyl,
John de Chiltenham, James le Webbe, James le Bul, Richard
Terry, Thomas de Cherlton, Ralf de Wynton, Patrick le Chapeleyn,
Henry le Breton, William Kene, Robert de Stokwell, Walter le
Tystour; Brother John de Bikenore, William de Wythendon, and
Robert le Chapeleyn, clerks, to answer to the King for publicly
inhibiting the sale of food and other necessaries, in the town of
Gloucester, to the prior and convent of S. Oswald of Gloucester,
or purchasers from them; the sheriff of Gloucester having returned
in fifteen days from Easter that the said clerks are beneficed in
the diocese of Worcester, and have no lay fee. Witness, R. le
York, 7 May, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester is
directed to certify execution within two days after the feast of
S. Petronilla.
Return:- Robert Feneyl, John de Chilteham, Robert de Stocwell, William le Tystour, Brother John de Bykenore, and William de Wythingdon are not beneficed in the diocese; William Kene and Robert le Chapeleyn are beneficed in the diocese, but since receipt of the writ they cannot be found.
This writ came to Bredon, 13 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop to produce in three weeks from Holy Trinity the aforesaid fifteen clerks, commissaries of Robert, archbishop of Canterbury [1], to answer for exercising the jurisdiction of the ordinary in the
[1] Robert Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
church of S. Oswald of Gloucester, which is the King's free
chapel, founded by the alms of his progenitors, and had always
been exempt from such jurisdiction, and also for pronouncing the
sentence of excommunication against the prior and convent of
the said church, contrary to the King's prohibition; the sheriff of
Gloucester having returned as in the preceding writ. Witness,
R. le Brabazun.
York, 6 May, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester is
directed to sequester the goods of the said clerks until the indemnity
of the bishop is secured, and to certify execution within
two days after the feast of S. Petronilla.
1304. Return:- None of the said clerks are beneficed in the diocese; Thomas de Cherleton, Ralf de Wynton, and Robert Chapeleyn, cannot be found since receipt of the writ.
(Folio 54.) This writ came to Bredon, 13 Kal. Jun. Writ to
the bishop to produce at York in the octave of Holy Trinity,
Richard de Alecestre, executor of the will of Nicholas de Wodeford,
formerly rector of the church of Fladebury, clerk [1]. Witness,
R. de Hengham.
York, 6 February, 32 Edward I.
Answer:- The said Richard is not beneficed in the diocese, as was returned to another writ in the octave of S. Hillary, therefore nothing has been done; but he is vexatus in the town of Alecestre.
R. le Porter, sheriff of Worcester, to the bailiff of Oswold. Execute the recited writ, directed to the said sheriff, dated at Strivelyn, 16 May, anno 32, the King being witness, to bind the bishop, by sureties and safe pledges, to appear in the octave of Holy Trinity to answer for not obeying the King's commands in admitting a fitting person to the vacant church of Doderhull, the presentation to which the King recovered at York against Robert [2], archbishop of Canterbury, John de Midilton, clerk, and the said bishop [3], and to send to the said sheriff the names of the pledges on the morrow of Holy Trinity.
[1] See ante, pp. 136, 196.
[2] Robert de Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
[3] See ante, p. 203.
1304. This writ came to Kemeseye, 2 Id. Jul., same year. Writ to the bishop to levy twenty-three marks of the goods of Simon de Prews, son of John de Prews of Great Twe, before the octave of S. Michael. Witness R. le Brabanzoun. York. 6 June, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to levy and send the said money before the feast of S. Matthew, apostle, and to enjoin the said rector to replace the fruits of his church in the soil or rectory house, under canonical penalty.
Return:- The goods of the said Simon have been sequestered to the value of twenty-three marks and exposed for sale, in order that the sum may be levied as soon as buyers can be found.
This writ came to Kemeseye, Id. Jul. Writ to the bishop to
levy, and produce at York on the octave of S. Michael, fifteen
marks of the goods of William de Apperley, dean of the church
of Blessed Mary of Warwick [l]. Whereas it was returned to the
last writ that the said William had no ecclesiastical goods in the
diocese, it has been testified in court that he is rector of the church
of Thornbury, and has there sufficient goods in the diocese. Witness,
W. de Hereford.
York, 13 June, 32 Edward I. The official of Worcester or the
dean of Warwick is directed to levy the said money before the feast
of S. Matthew.
Return:- Nothing can be found of the goods of the said W. de Aperley on which the said money can be levied; because, on the fifth day after receipt of this writ he resigned the said deanery, and afterwards, on the same day, was instituted to the church of Thornbury, from which he has yet received nothing except altar dues, which scarcely suffice for maintenance of the priests and ministers of the said church, the fruits of last autumn belonging to P. de Leycestre, the late rector, deceased. Between receipt of the writ and the said resignation no ecclesiastical goods of the said William de Apperley could be found on which the sum could be levied.
[1] See ante, pp. 199, 202.
This writ came to Wyk', 11 Kal. Aug. Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to bind the bishop to produce John de S. Faith in fifteen days from Michaelmas [1]. Witness, R. le Brabazoun. York, 20 June, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to sequester the goods of the said John before the feast of S. Michael.
(Folio 54d.) This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Kal. Aug.
Writ to the bishop to produce at York on the octave of S. Michael,
Walter de Berton, John de Rodbergh, and John de Stanweye,
executors of the testament of Godfrey Gyffard, formerly bishop
of Worcester, and Robert le Wyse of Gloucester, Henry, prior of
S. James of Bristoll, Adam de Orleton and William de Bremmesgrave,
executors of the Will of Bartholomew de Dyvises, co-executor
with the said Walter, John, and John, to answer, together
with Geoffrey de Hanbury, also co-executor, to John Gyffard of
Boyton, for detaining two hundred charters; the sheriff of Wyltshire
having returned at York, in fifteen days from Easter, that
they have no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 20 June, 32 Edward I. The officials of Worcester and
Gloucester are directed to certify execution before the feast of
S. Michael.
Return:- The said John, John, Robert, Henry, and Adam, are enjoined to appear as above said: Walter de Berton died before receipt of the writ; William de Brimesgrave is not beneficed in the diocese.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 8 Id. Aug., 1304. Writ to the bishop, as several times previously, to levy 66s. 8d. of the ecclesiastical goods of Walter, rector of the church of Wolwardyngton, and to produce the same at York, in the octave of S. Michael, to be delivered to William de Stodley as part of eight marks recovered by him at York against the said Walter by an inquisition held before William de Bereford at Warwick, and also 100s. damages; the sheriff of Warwick having returned at York that the said Walter had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
[1] See ante, p. 203.
10 June, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed to levy the said money before the feast of S. Matthew.
1304. Return:- A final settlement has been made concerning the said money by express consent of the parties, and therefore, at the request of the said William, nothing has been done.
This writ came to Worcester, 17 Kal. Sept., same year. Writ
to the bishop to produce at York, in the octave of S. Michael,
Richard de Tadyngton, rector of the church of Weston-upon-Avon,
to answer to Adam de Staneweye, clerk, in a plea of debt
of forty-five marks, arrears of a yearly rent of ten marks; the
sheriff of Gloucester having returned at York that the said Richard
had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 6 May, 32 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester is
directed to sequester the fruits of the church of the said Richard
before the feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Return:- The said Richard is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 3 Id. Aug. Writ to the bishop,
as previously ordered, to expose for sale goods of John de Ebroicis,
lately sequestered, to the value of twenty-three marks, according
to return made at York, and to produce the money at York,
in one month from Michaelmas [1]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 30 April, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed
to levy the said sum before the feast of the translation of S. Edward,
Return:- Twenty marks are sent by Ralf de Eevendale, and the remainder is being levied as quickly as possible.
This writ came to Hampton, 2 Kal. Sept., same year. Writ to the sheriff of Warwick to distrain the bishop by his lands and goods to produce J. de Stanwey, J. de Rodeberowe, Adam de Orleton, and William de Brimesgrave, at York on the morrow of S. Michael [2]. Witness J. de L'Isle.
[1] See ante. pp. 193. 195, 198.
[2] Ibid., pp. 194, 195, 196, 207. See post, p. 209.
York, 16 July, 32 Edward I. The archdeacons of Worcester and Gloucester are directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Mathew, apostle.
1304. (Folio 55.) This writ came to Hampton-upon-Avon,
2 Kal. Sept., same year. Writ to the bishop to produce at York,
in one month from Michaelmas, John Blaunepayn, rector of the
church of Wyccheford [1]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 16 June, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed
to certify execution within two days after the feast of the Exaltation
of the Holy Cross.
Return:- The said John of Blaunckpayn is enjoined to appear as above said.
Richard, rector of the church of Weston-upon-Avon, makes oath, before the bishop, to save him harmless touching a writ obtained against the said Richard by Adam de Stanweye; in presence of B. de Feriby, J. Caleys, and Brother W. de Eevendale. Thereupon, the sequestration of his ecclesiastical goods is released. Hampton-upon-Avon, 3 Id. Sept
John Blaunkpayn, rector of the church of Wycheford [1], takes oath to keep the day appointed to him, against R. Blound, and to save the bishop harmless touching the plea between them; in presence of B. de Feriby, T. de Stratton, J. Caleys, and G. de Conyngham, clerks. As to the violation of the sequestration, objected against him, he is dismissed in peace. The dean is orally enjoined to supply him with 40s. for his expenses in going to court and returning, and to provide necessaries for his household until his return, the sequestration otherwise remaining in force. Afterwards the said John brings a writ directed to the bishop to release the sequestration, which the dean is directed to do. Bishop's Hampton, 16 Kal. Oct.
John de Ebroicis, rector of the church of Tredyngton, promises, on the word of God, in good faith, to pay to the bishop 46s. 8d.,
[1] See ante, p. 200.
part of twenty-three marks and a-lia!f which the King has commanded
the bishop to levy of the said John's goods; so that the
bishop shall have the said 46s. 8d. when the next writ comes, or
on the feast of the Circumcision; in presence of W. de Wotton,
J. de Rodeberwe, clerks and commissaries of the bishop, J. Caleys
and Gilbert de Conyngham [1].
Bercheston, 12 Kal. Nov.
1304. This writ came to Alvynechirch, 5 Id. Nov., 1304. Writ
to the bishop, as before, to distrain Henry de Uppchavene, executor
of the former rector of Campeden, deceased, to appear at Westminster
in the octave of S. Hillary, to answer, together with Laurence de
Uppehavene, John de Campeden their co-executors, and
Hugh, abbot of Hayles, to William de Hereford, Walter de Aylesbury,
and the other executors of the testament of Edmund, formerly earl
of Cornwall, deceased, in a plea of debt of 155l. 15s. 3d.; no return
having been made on the morrow of S. Michael to the last writ.
Witness, W. de Carleton.
York, 12 October, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Gloucester is directed to certify execution before Christmas.
Return:- The said Henry is distrained to appear as above said.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 2 Kal. Dec, same year. Writ
to the bishop to distrain Robert, rector of the church of Haleford,
to appear at Westminster in fifteen days from S. Hillary, to answer
to Walter de Bernthorp and the other executors of the testament
of Peter de Leycestre, formerly baron of the exchequer, deceased,
for forcibly entering the parsonage-houses of the said church which
the said Peter held at farm for a term not yet expired, and detaining
his goods found there, together with the fruits and profits
of the said church, to the value of 60l.; the sheriff of Warwick
having returned on the morrow of S. Michael last, that the said
Robert had no lay fee. Witness, W. de Carleton.
York, 12 November, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is
directed to sequester the ecclesiastical goods of the said Robert
before the feast of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said Robert is distrained to appear as above said.
[1] See ante, pp. 194, 195, 196, 208.
1304. This writ came [1] 2 Non. Dec. Writ to the bishop to
produce at Westminster, in three weeks from Easter, fifteen marks
of the goods of William de Apperle, dean of the church of Blessed
Mary of Warwick [2]. Witness, W. de Bereford.
York, 4 November, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Gloucester is directed to levy the said money before
Return:- William de Aperley died before the feast of the Purification, and although he was rector of the church of Thornbury he received nothing during his tenure of the said church, except altar dues, and since receipt of this writ nothing has been found upon which the said money can be levied, because the altar dues scarcely sufficed for the maintenance of the priests and ministers of the said church, and the fruits of the next autumn will belong to the future rector, not to the deceased.
(Folio 55d.) These writs came [1] 14 Kal. Aug. Writ to the
bishop to admit a fitting person, on the King's presentation, to
the church of Doderhull, the King having recovered the said
presentation against the said bishop [3]. Witness, R. le Brabanzoun.
York, 10 July, 32 Edward I.
Similar writ, stating that the King has recovered the said presentation against Robert, archbishop of Canterbury [4]. Same date.
Similar writ, stating that the King has recovered the said presentation against John de Middelton. Same date.
Similar writ, stating that the King has recovered the said presentation against the prior of Worcester. Same date.
This writ came to Ambresley, 14 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, on the octave of the Purification, Robert
[1] A space is left for the place.
[2] See ante, pp. 199, 202, 206.
[3] See ante, pp. 203, 205.
[4] Robert Winchelsey, 1294-1313.
Bulwynch, clerk, to answer to William le Herbejour, in a plea
of debt of eighteen marks; the sheriff of Worcester having returned
at York, three weeks from Michaelmas, that the said Robert had
no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 26 October, 32 Edward I. The official of Worcester is
directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Vincent [1].
1304. Return:- The said Robert is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Hertelbury, 12 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from S. Hillary, Walter,
rector of the church of Buclonde, to answer to John of Kynges
Norton, rector of the church of Welneford, in a plea of debt of
eight marks, 2s.; the sheriff of Gloucester having returned at
York, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, that the said Walter had
no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 8 November, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Gloucester is directed to certify execution before the
feast of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said Walter is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Hertilbury, 7 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from S. Hillary, John
de Hanleye, rector of the church of Elmeleye under Elmeleye
Castle, and Henry de Eclesbergh, rector of the church of Sheldesleye [1].
Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 8 November, 32 Edward I.
Return:- The said John and Henry are enjoined to appear as aforesaid.
This writ came, the same day and place. Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from S. Hillary, John Nouel, Jordan, rector of the church of Hamton Moigne, and
[1] See ante. p. 200.
William, rector of the church of Stoke Prior [1]. Witness, R. de
York, 27 October, 32 Edward I. The officials of Worcester and
Gloucester are directed to certify execution before the feast of
S. Hillary.
1304. Return:- The said Jordan and William are enjoined to appear as aforesaid. The said John Nowell is not beneficed in the diocese.
This writ came to Hertlebury, 3 Kal. Jan. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from S. Hillary, Simon
de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, to answer to Roger
de Beaufoy in a plea of debt of 70l.; the sheriff of Gloucester
having returned at York in fifteen days from Michaelmas that the
said Simon had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 11 November, 32 Edward I. The official of Gloucester
or the dean of Stonehouse is directed to certify execution before
the feast of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said Simon is enjoined to appear as above said.
(Folio 56.) This writ came to Hertelbury, 4 Non. Jan. Writ
to the bishop to expose for sale, to the value of 46s. 8d., the
sequestered goods of John de Ebroicis, rector of the church of
Tredington, and to produce the money at Westminster in fifteen
days from S. Hillary [2]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
York, 31 October, 32 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is
directed to certify execution within the octave of S. Hillary.
Return: 40s. are sent, and 6s. 8d. are being levied.
This writ came, 3 Non. Jan., same year. Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to distrain the bishop to produce at Westminster, in the octave of S. Hillary, Richard de Tadyngton, parson of the church of Weston-upon-Avon. Witness, R. de Hengham.
[1] See ante, p. 194.
[2] Ib., pp. 208, 209.
York, 25 October, 32 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to cite the said Richard to appear, and to sequester his goods before the said octave.
1305. This writ came to Hertlebury, 3 Non. Jan., same year. Writ to the bishop to distrain Robert le Whyte, rector of the church of Nafford, to appear at Westminster in the octave of S. Hillary, to answer to Adam de Hervynton, chamberlain of the exchequer, in a plea of debt of 100s.; the sheriff of Worcester having returned in the octave of S. Martin last, that the said Robert had no lay fee. Witness, J. de L'Isle. York, 28 November, 33 Edward I. The dean of Pershore is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said Robert is distrained to appear as above said.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 6 Id. Jan., same year. Writ
to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from
S. Hillary, Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tetteburi,
to answer to Hugh of Little Barton, in a plea of debt of 60s. and
three robes, arrears of a yearly rent of 20s. and one robe; the
sheriff of Gloucester having returned at York, in fifteen days
from S. Michael, that the said Simon had no lay fee. Witness,
R. de Hengham.
York, 26 October, 32 Edward I. The official of Gloucester is
directed to certify execution before the octave of S. Hillary.
Return:- The said Simon is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Hilyngdon, 5 Id. Febr. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster in three weeks from the Purification,
60s. of the ecclesiastical goods and chattels of Robert le Wyte
rector of the church of Nafford. Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 6 February, 33 Edward I. The dean of Pershore
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Kalixtus, pope.
Return:- No ecclesiatical goods of the said Robert have been found whence the said money can be levied.
1305. This writ came to London, 3 Non. Mar., same year.
Writ to the bishop to expose the goods of John de Ebroicis,
rector of the church of Tredynton, to the value of 6s. 8d., for sale,
and produce the said sum at Westminster in fifteen days from
Easter [1]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 18 February, 33 Edward I. The dean of Warwick
is directed to levy the said money before Easter.
Return:- 6s, 8d. is sent by Richard de Bikirton, the bishop's attorney.
(Folio 56d.) This writ came to Hilyngdon, 14 Kal. Apr., 1304.
Writ to the bishop to distrain Robert, rector of the church of
Halleford, to appear at Westminster, in fifteen days from Easter,
to answer to Robert in le Wylewes and the other executors of the
testament of Peter de Leycestre, formerly baron of the exchequer,
deceased [2]. Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 9 March, 33 Edward I. The dean of Warwick
is directed to certify execution before Easter.
Return:- The said Robert is distrained to appear as above said.
1305. Here begins the year of the Incarnation of the Lord, 1305.
This writ came to Wythingdon, 13 Kal. Maii, same year. Writ
to the sheriff of Warwick to distrain the bishop to produce at
Westminster, in fifteen days from Easter, the prior of S. James of
Bristoll, Robert de Gloucestre, and Adam de Orleton [3]. Witness,
W. de Berford.
Westminster, 24 January, 33 Edward I. R. de Sutton, sequestrator,
is directed to certify execution before the feast of the
apostles, Philip and James.
This writ came to Wythyndon, 13 Kal. Maii, same year. Writ
to the bishop to distrain John de Wathecote, Thomas de Watheford,
[1] See ante, p. 213.
[2] Ib., p. 210.
[3] Ib., p. 207.
and Laurence de Sutton, clerks, to appear at Westminster in fifteen
days from Easter, to answer together with Richard de Chyrython,
Richard de la Lee, and William Blaunkpayn, to John de Rodburgh,
Geoffrey de Henbury, and John de Staneweye, executors of the
testament of G[odfrey] Gyffard, formerly bishop of Worcester, in
a plea of debt of two hundred and twenty-five marks; the sheriffs
of Warwick and Leicester having made return that the said John,
Thomas, and Laurence have no lay fee. Witness. W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 2 March, 33 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to certify execution before the feast
of the Apostles, Philip and James.
1305. Return:- There is no one named John de Watcote beneficed in the diocese. Laurence de Sutton died before receipt of this writ. Thomas de Watheford has not been found and is not beneficed in the diocese.
This writ came to Wythyngdon, 13 Kal. Maii, 1305. Writ to
the bishop to produce at Westminster, on the morrow of S. John
the Baptist, John de Wambergh, rector of the church of Russendon
Basset, Nicholas de Stafford, rector of the church of Sudleye, and
Godfrey, rector of the church of Weston, to answer to John de
Rodeberghe, John de Staneweye, and Geoffrey de Henbury, executors
of the testament of Godfrey Gyffard, formerly bishop of
Worcester, in a plea of debt of 40s. from the said John de Wambergh,
together with John Nouel, of forty marks from the said
Nicholas, and of 40s. from the said Godfrey; the sheriff of Worcester
having returned in fifteen days from S. Hillary that they
have no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 12 February, 33 Edward I. The official of the
archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to certify execution before
the feast of Whitsuntide.
Return:- The said John and Nicholas are enjoined to appear as above said. Godfrey is not at present beneficed in the diocese, and was not when the writ was received.
This writ came to Wythingdon, 12 Kal. Maii, same year. Writ to the bishop as before, to produce, in three weeks from Easter,
Nicholas, rector of the church of Haselovere, to answer to Nicholas
de Tresel in a plea of assault committed at Overesleye by Alyncestre,
whereby the life of the said Nicholas de Tresel was despaired
of, to his damages of 4Ol. Witness, R. le Brabazon.
Westminster, 17 February, 33 Edward I. The official of the
archdeacon of Worcester is directed to certify execution before
the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross [1].
1305. Return:- The said Nicholas is enjoined to appear as above said. No other writ has been received concerning this matter.
(Folio 57.) This writ came to Wythingdon, 8 Kal. Maii. Thomas de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucester, to the bailiff of Derhurst. Bind the bishop to produce at Westminster, in three weeks from Easter, Simon de Prewes, parson of the church of Tettebury, to answer to Hugh of Little Barton [2], and certify execution to the said sheriff at Gloucester before the feast of S. George. The archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to sequester the goods of the said Simon and to cite him to appear as aforesaid, before the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross.
This writ came, the same day and place. Thomas de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucester, to [the bailiff of Derhurst]. Bind the bishop to produce at Westminster, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist, the said Simon de Prewes, to answer to Roger de Beaufoy [3], and to certify execution to the said sheriff at Gloucester before the feast of Whitsuntide.
This writ came to Kemesey, 3 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop to produce the prior of Wotton at Westminster, in fifteen days from S. John the Baptist's day, to answer, together with brother John de Brocia, to the prior of the Hospital of S. John of Jerusalem in England; and brother John Ceresi, in a plea of debt of ten marks; the sheriff of Warwick having returned at York that the said prior had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
[1] 3rd May.
[2] See ante, p. 198.
[3] Ib., p. 201.
Westminster, 8 May, 33 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is directed to certify execution before the said feast of S. John.
1305. Return:- The prior of Wotton is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, 2 Non. Jun. Thomas de Gardino, sheriff of Gloucester, to the bailiff of Thornbury. Execute the recited writ, directed to the said sheriff, dated at S. Alban's, 2 May, anno 33, the King being witness, to summon twelve free and lawful men of the neighbourhood of Thornbury to be at Westminster in the octave of Holy Trinity to ascertain who presented the last parson, who is dead, to the church of Thornbury, which is vacant, the advowson of which is claimed by the abbot of Teokesbury, and summon the bishop who deforced the said advowson to appear on the said day; and certify execution to the said sheriff of Gloucester before the feast of Whitsuntide.
These writs came to Kemesey, 17 Kal. Jul. Writ to the sheriff
to bind the bishop to produce Robert Bolvynch, clerk, at Westminster
in the octave of S. John the Baptist, and to shew cause
why he did not produce him on the morrow of the Purification.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 12 February, 33 Edward I. The official of the
archdeacon of Worcester is directed to certify execution within two
days after the feast of the Nativity of S. John.
Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to bind the bishop to produce
at Westminster, on the morrow of S.John the Baptist. John Nowel,
clerk, Jordan, rector of the church of Hampton Moigne, and
William, rector of the church of Stoke Prior [1]. Witness, R. de
Westminster, 12 February, same year. The officials of Worcester
and Gloucester are directed as above said.
Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to bind the bishop to produce on the said day, John de Henley, rector of the church of Henley [2],
[1] Se ante, p 194.
[2] Sic, but of Emley, see ante, pp. 196, 200.
and Henry de Decchelesberg, rector of the church of Sheldesley.
Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 10 February, same year. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to execute the said writ.
1305. Robert Bolvynch, vicar of Doderhull, takes oath to save the bishop harmless touching a writ obtained against the said Robert by reason of which the bishop has been distrained, as appears by the third writ above. Thereupon, the sequestration of the goods of the said vicar is released. Kemesey, 9 Kal. Jul., 1305.
This writ came to Hertilbury, 4 Kal. Jul., same year. Writ
to the bishop to levy and produce at Westminster, on the morrow
of S. Michael, 40s. of the goods of John de Ebroicis, clerk, due
to the King for a writ, the sheriff of Worcester having testified
in his account to the exchequer that the said John had no lay
fee. Witness, R. de Carleton.
Westminster, 4 June, 33 Edward I. The dean of Warwick
is directed to certify execution before the feast of the Exaltation
of the Holy Cross, and to warn the said rector to replace the
autumn fruits in the soil of his church, not in a lay fee, if he would
wish to escape canonical punishment.
Return:- 40s. of the ecclesiastical goods of the said John rector of the church of Tredyngton, are sent by the present bearer.
(Folio 57d.) This writ came to Wolverhampton [l], 2 Kal.
Jun. Writ to the bishop, empowering him to accept attorneys
for the abbot of Pershore in a dispute in the exchequer between
the King and the said abbot, concerning distraint for two hundred
marks by which the abbot compounded with the King for his
service in Gascony. Witness, the King.
Fyndon, 19 June, 33 Edward I.
[Return:- ] The attorneys of the abbot of Pershore in the said dispute are Alexander de Befford and Ralf called Gyffard.
[1] Sic, but obviously a mistake, possibly for Wolwardington.
1305. Writ to the bishop to levy from ecclesiastical goods and
benefices and to produce at Westminster, on the morrow of
S. Margaret, the following sums due to the King from clerks
having no lay fee:-
From the parson of the church of Ambresleye, 33s. 8d. From
the vicar of the church of Estleye, 4s. From the prior of Wotton,
for his portion in the church of Wytleye, 13d. From the parson of
the church of Sraneleye [1], 5s. From the parson of the church of
Scheldesleye, 4s. 4d. From the prior of Wotton for his portion
in the same, 2s. 8d. From the prior of Newent, in the same, 2s.
From the parson of the church of Holt, 9s. 4d. From the vicar
of the same, 4s. From the parson of the church of Marteleye,
41s. 4d. From the abbot of Cormell, in the same, 2s. 8d. From
the prior of Newente, in the chapel of Arleye, 4d. From the
parson of the church of Kelygwyk, 4s. From the parson of
S. Andrew of Worcester, 4s. From the parson of the church of
S. Martin, 12s. From the parson of the church of S. Alban, 3s.
From the vicar of the church of Kemeseye, 4s. 4d. From the
parson of the church of S. Nicholas of Worcester, 3s. 4d. From
the vicar of the church of Wyke, 3s. 4d From the vicar of the
church of Grimeleye, 4s. 4d. From the abbot of Cormell, in the
church of Sockeleye [2], 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church
of Acton, 13s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Mathine, 21s.
From the parson of the church of Upton, 12s. From the vicar
of the church of Langedon, 4s. From the parson of the church of
Berga, 8s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Rodmerleye,
11s. 8d. From the prior of Little Malvern, in the church of
Eldesfeld, 20s. From the parson of the church of Hanleye,
13s. 4d. From the abbot of Lira, in the same, 21s. 4d. From
the parson of the church of Maderesfeld, 4s. 4d. From the
parson of the church of Elmelode, 2s. 8d. From the parson of
the church of Poywyk, 49s. 8d. From John de Saham, for his
portion in the same, 12s. From the parson of the church of Little
Malvern, 2s. From the parson of the church of Haggeleye, 8s. 8d.
From the parson of the church of Old Swyneford, 24s. From the
parson of the church of Clent, 37s. 4d. From the parson of
the church of Duddeleye, 6s. 8d. From the vicar of the same,
[1] On folio 60:- Scraneleye.
[2] On folio 60:- Stokleye.
4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Chadesleye, 30s. From the parson of the church of Elmeleye Lovet, 19s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Kyderministre, 40s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Churchull, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Brome, 8s. From the parson of the church of Yerdeleye, 24s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Brockton, 36s. From the parson of the church of Wlvardeleye, 12s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Northfield, 16s. From the parson of the church of Stoke Prior, 30s. 8d. From the vicar of the church of Bremesgrave, 8s. From the parson of the church of Opton Waryn, 17s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Haddessore, 5s. 4d. From the vicar of the church of Terdebugg, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Hampton Lovet, 14s. 2d. From the parson of the church of Salewarp, 28s. From the parson of the church of Merton, 10s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Dudderhull, 56s. From the parson of the church of S. Andrew of Wych, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of S. Mary of Wych, 10s. From the parson of the church of S. Peter of Wytton, 4s. From the vicar of the same, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Alvenechirch, 40s. From the parson of the church of Tuenygg, 15s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Overebury, 32s. From the parson of the church of Elmeleye, 12s. From the vicar of Clive Prior, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Little Cumboynton, 8s. From the parson of the church of Strengesham, 18s. From the parson of the chapel of Burlyngham, 4s. 2d. From the prior of Little Malvern, in the same, 6d. From the vicar of the church of Lenche Roolf, 4s. 2d. From the prior of the church of Lench Randulf, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Inteberwe, 10s. From the vicar of the same, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Doryneston, 2s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Herferton, 6s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Abbot's Morton, 6s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Newynton, 4s. 10d. From the parson of the church of Grafton, 8s. From the parson of the church of Humelton, 4s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Ebrishton, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Ekynton, 6s. 8d. From the vicar of the church of Croule, 8s. From the parson of the church of Upton, 10s. From the parson of the church of Feckenham, 33s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 13s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Hulcromb, 4s 10d.
From the parson of the church of Byssampton, 7s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Kyngton, 6s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Bredon, 26s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Ryppel, 53s. 4d. From the parson of the chapel of Wenlonde, 8s. 8d. From the parson of S. Nicholas of Warwick, 8s. 4d. From the canons, for their portions in the church of S. Michael, 13d. From the parson of the church of S. Peter, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of S. Lawrence, 11s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Bodebrok, 22s. 10d. From the parson of the church of Haseleye, 13s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Rowynton, 13s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Taneworth, 66s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Lappeworth, 11s.8d. From the parson of the church of Ippesley, 8s. From the vicar of the church of Spernore, 4s. From the parson of the church of Cotton, 5s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 8s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Arwe, 20s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Kynewarton, 16s. From the parson of the church of Wotton, 69s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Ulleberwe, 21s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Morton Baget, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Preston, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Claverdon, 31s. From the vicar of the same, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Wolwardynton, 26s. 8d. From the vicar of the church of Aston Cantilou, 3s. 4d. From the vicar of the church of Grafton, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Eglishale, 6s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Budeford, 11s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Saleford, 21s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 6s. 8d. From the prebendary of Nicholas and formerly of Warin, in the church of S. Mary of Warwick, 3s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Norhamton, in the same, 8s. 8d. From the prebend of Richard de Preston, in the same, 4s. From the prebend formerly of Peter de Leycestre, in the same, 5s. 4d. From the prebend of the prior of the Holy Sepulchre, in the same, 8d. From the prior of Kenilworth, for his portions, 12s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Wycheneford, 10s. From the parson of the church of Barton, 5s. From the parson of the church of Bercheston, 5s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Aderiston, 8s. From the parson of the church of Etyndon, 28s. From the parson of the church of Haleford, 9s. 4d. From the parson of the church of
Walecot, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Brayles, 27s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 12s. From the parson of the church of Ilmyndon, 20s. From the parson of the church of Wytchirch, 16s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Tysso, 40s. From the vicar of the same, 8s. From the parson of the church of Oxsulne, 10s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Honynton, 10s. From the parson of the church of Little Compton, 10s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Pyllardynton, 13s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Kyngton, 28s. From the vicar of the same, 8s. From the parson of the church of Lythurn, 34s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Merston Botiler, 8s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Morton, 10s. From the parson of the church of Wellesburn, 29s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 7s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Lockesleye, 13s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 3s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Stratford, 46s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Newbold, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Bishop's Hampton, 53s. 4d. From the chapel of Cherlcot, 7s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Tredynton, 53s. 4d. From the prior of Kenilworth, for his portions, 9s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Seynebury, 13s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Burton, 4s. 6d. From the chapel of Shesenecote, 2s. 8d. From the chapel of Stratton, 2s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Ewynelode, 8s. From the chapel of Bagesore, 4s. From the abbot of Bruere, in the same, 16d. From the archdeacon of Worcester, for his portions, 40s. From the parson of the church of S. Stephen of Bristoll, 5s. 6d. From the parson of the church of S.John of Bristoll (Folio 58), 4s. From the parson of the church of S. Laurence, 3s. 5d. From the parson of the church of S. Michael of Bristoll, 4s. 8d. From the parson of the church of All Saints of Bristoll, 3s. 10d. From the parson of the church of S. Augustine the Less, 4s. 8d. [1] From the parson of the church of S. Nicholas of Bristoll, 4s. From the vicar of the same, 5s. From the parson of the church of S. James, 15s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Clyfton, 3s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Litleton, 20s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Wynterburn, 20s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Stoke Giffard, 20s. From the chapel of Filton, 10s. From the parson of the church of Almundesbury,
[1] On folio 59d:- 4s. 7d.
12s. 6d. From the vicar of the same, 4s. From the parson of the church of Olneston, 52s. 8d. From the prior of Newent, in the same, 14s. 4d. From the abbot of Morgan, 6d. From the chapel of Tokynton, 4s. From Richard de Vienna, for his prebend in Westbury, 13s. 4d. From Nicholas de Wodeford, for his prebend, 20s. 8d. From the prebend formerly of Peter de Leycestre, 13s. 4d. From the prebend of Robert de Wych, 13s. 4d. From the prebend of John de Hereford, 6s. 8d. From the prior of S. James, for his portions, 19d. From the parson of the church of Thornbury, 63s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Rokampton, 6s 2d. From the parson of the church of Slymbrugg, 28s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Camme, 14s. 3d. From the parson of the church of Frompton, 10s. From the vicar of the same, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Beverston, 10s. From the parson of the church of Iweleye, 8s. 1d. From the parson of the church of Oselworth, 13s. From the parson of the church of Wotton, with vicarage, 41s. From the abbot of Kyngeswode, for his portions [1], 4s. 1d. From the parson of the church of Horton, 12s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Areley, 9s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Dodemerton, 3s. 5d. From the parson of the church of Great Badmynton, 13s. 4d. From the chapel of Oldebury, 2s. 9d. From the chapel of Charfeld, 10s. From the parson of the church of Torteworth, xxiijs. From the parson of the church of Weston, 10s. From the parson of the church of Cromhale, 14s. From the parson of the church of Tyderynton, 19s. 1d. From the parson of the church of Wykewarre, 8s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Boxwell, 5s. From the parson of the church of Ireneacton, 10s. From the parson of the church of Acton Turvyle, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Great Solbury, 20s. From the vicar of the same, 10s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Little Solbiry, 4s. From the parson of the church of Hodynton, 7s. 7d. From the vicar of the church of Marsfeld, 5s. From the parson of the church of Button, 53s. 4d. From the portions of the church of Salisbury, with portion of the vicar, 12s. From the parson of the church of Siston, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Pokelechirch, 33s. 4d. From the portion of the sacristan of Glastonbury, in the same, 2s. 6d. From the parson of the church of Frompton, 6s. 8d. From
[1] Folio 59d:- portion.
the parson of the church of Termarton, 20s. 4d. From the prior of Little Malvern, in the church of Iccombe, 15d. From the abbot of Hayles, for his portions, 14d. From the parson of the church of Schevyndon, 26s. From the parson of the church of Todenham, 14s. 8d. From the parson of the church of Ebryhton, 11s. 10d. From the parson of Mikelton, 11s. 4d. From the parson of Preston-upon-Stoure, 17s. 4d. From the parson of Weston-upon-Avon, 5s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 4s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Weston-under-Egge, 18s. 4d. From the parson of the church of Wykewan, 30s. 8d. From the parson of Aston Somervyle, 6s. 4d. From the parson of Hyneton, 12s. From the parson of Stanton, 4s. 4d. From the vicar of Staneweye, 8s. From the parson of Hayl, 16s. From the parson of Todynton, 12s. 4d. From the parson of Kynemarton, 36s. From the parson of Clifford, 6s. From the abbot of Lira, for his portions in the chapel of Bisseleye, 2s. 8d. From the parson of Chiltenham, 24s. From the parson of Begeworth, 4s. 4d. From the prior of Scroguyl, in the same, 3s. 4d. From the chapel of Haderleye, 6s. 8d. From the dean of Hereford, for his portions in the churches of Prestebury and Sevenhampton, 20s. From the precentor of Hereford, for his portions in the same, 6s. 8d. From the parson of Schypton, 13s. 4d. From the parson of Colesburn, 4s. 4d. From the vicar of Prestebury, 8s. 8d. From the parson of the chapel of Hasfeld, 5s. From the parson of the chapel of Wolsinton, 3s. 8d. From the parson of Bishop's Clyve, 100s. From the vicar of Froucestre, 10s. From the parson of Frethorn, 4s. 8d. From the parson of Morton, 26s. 8d. From the parson of the chapel of Mattesdon, 2s. 8d. From the vicar of Asleworth, 4s. 4d. From the abbot of Lira, for his portion in the church of S. Owen of Gloucester, 2s. From the parson of Wappeleye, 7s. From the vicar of the same, 2s. 4d. From the parson of Tettebury, 52s. From the abbot of Kygeswod, in the same, 3s. 6d. From the parson of Eston, 23s. 4d. From the abbot of Stanle in Wylteshire, in the church of Opton, 2s. 8d. From the parson of Durham, 21s. From the parson of Schipton Moigne, 14s. From the parson of Hampton Moigne, 21s. 4d. From the parson of Stonhous, 21s. 4d. From the parson of King Stanley, 5s. 8d. From the parson of Brumefeld, 10s. From the abbot of Flexle, in the same, 2s. 6d. From the parson of the second portion in the church of Byseley, 14s. 4d. From the vicar
of the same, in the same, 6s. 8d. From the parson of Syde, 3s. 4d. From the parson of Conleya, 5s. From the parson of Elkeston, 10s. 10d. From the parson of Eggesworth, 6s. 4d. From the prior of Beaver, for his portion in the church of Saperton, 16d. From the parson of Cutherleye, 10s. From the parson of Rodmarton, 13s. 4d. From the parson of Thorlton, 3s. 7d. From the parson of Wynston, 4s. 8d. From the parson of Nymdefeld, 5s. 4d. [l] From the parson of Cyrencestre, 28s. 8d. From the parson of Cotes, 11s. From the parson of Stratton, 6s. From the vicar of the same, 4s. From the parson of Dagelynworth, 5s. 7d. From the parson of Knight's Duntesburn, 6s. 8d. From the parson of Abbot's Duntesburn, 5s. 10d. From the parson of Northcerneye, 37s. 8d. From the parson of Ryndecumbe, 8s. 4d. From the parson of Hampton, 3s. 4d. From the parson of Tormarton, 20s. From the vicar of Northlech, 4s. From the parson of Chaddeworth, 16s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 5s. From the parson of Culn S. Denis, 6s. 8d. From the parson of Culn Roger, 4s. From the parson of Ameneye S. Mary, 4s. 6d. From the parson of Dryffeld, 4d. From the parson of Preston, 2s. 6d. From the parson of Cerneye Miles, 20s. From the chapel of Barndesleye, 7s. From the abbot of Cyrencestre, for his portions, 6d. From the vicar of the church of Schirburn, 5s. From the parson of Letchelad, 10s. From the vicar of the same, 10s. From the parson of Hethrop, 16s. 4d. From the parson of Lech S. Andrew, 22s. 8d. From the parson of Lech S. Martin, 24s. From the parson of Faireford, 20s. From the vicar of Kynemerford, 7s. 4d. From the parson of Hampton Mesi, 20s. From the vicar of the same, 2s. From the vicar of Donameneye, for the bishop of Worcester, 6s. From the parson of Ameneye S. Cross, 10s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 2s. From the parson of Quenynton, 9s. 4d. From the parson of Borton, 13s. 4d. From the parson of Upper Slouztre, 13s. 4d. From the parson of Eynord, 4s. From the parson of Great Rysyndon, 3s. From the vicar of Turkeden, 2s. From the parson of Nategrave, 6s. 8d. From the parson of Aston Magna, 18s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 8s. 8d. From the parson of Schypton, 2s. 6d. From the parson of Longa Berga, 13s. 4d. From the parson of Lower Swelle, 3s. 8d. From the vicar of the same, 2s. 8d. From the parson
[1] Here follows, on folio 60: From the abbot of Kingeswode, for his portions, 6s. 3d.
of Wydeford, 2s. 8d. From the parson of Upper Swelle, 5s. From
the parson of Stowe, 16s. From the parson of Sutton, 5s. 4d.
From the parson of Otindon, 14s. 8d. From the parson of Bladynton,
4s. 4d. From the vicar of Rowell, 3s. 4d. From the parson
of Rysindon Basset, 14s. From the parson of Cumbe, 5s. 4d. From
the parson of Wyke Rysyndon, 4s. 4d. From the vicar of the
church of Newynton, 8s. 8d. From the parson of Yeenecumb [1],
5s. 4d. From the vicar of the same, 8s. 8d. From the parson of
S. Mary in the south, 10s. From the abbess of Godestowe, in the
same, 2s. From the parson of Holy Trinity, 5s. 4d. From the
parson of S. Martin, 6s. From the parson of S. John, 7s. 8d. From
the parson of S. Oswald, 40s. From the chapel of Wydecumb, 4s.
From the chapel of Lassyndon, 4s. From the parson (s) of the
churches of Harssecumbe and of Pychencumbe, 4s. From the prior
of Hereford, for his portions, 10s. 6d. From the issues of the
archdeaconry of Gloucester, 30s. 8d.
Witness, the King.
Cicestre, 15 June, 33 Edward I. By the council.
1305. (Folio 58d.) Return:- This writ was delivered on Monday next after the feast of S. John the Baptist last. The said money could not be levied in so short a time, in so wide a bishopric; nor can it be levied, in any way, before the autumn.
This writ came to Alvynechirch, 15 Kal. Aug., 1305. Writ to
the bishop to admit a fitting person to the church of Thornebury
at the presentation of the abbot of Tewkesbury, who has recovered
the said presentation against the bishop, by judgement of the King's
court. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 9 July, 33 Edward I.
This writ came to Alvechirch, 12 Kal. Aug., same year.
Writ to the bishop to levy 70l. of the goods of Simon de Prewes,
parson of the church of Tettebury, and to produce the same at
Westminster in fifteen days from Michaelmas [2]. Witness, R. de
Westminster, 8 July, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Michael.
[1] On folio 60:- Iccombe.
[2] See ante, p. 198.
1305. Return: 18l. are sent; the goods of the said Simon are sequestered to the further value of 18l. 13s. 4d., and are kept under strict custody. Of this sum, 100s. is deducted for debts to the King, also the charges of the said church, and necessary provision for the rector and ministers; the remainder, if there is any, shall be faithfully delivered to Roger de Beaufoy before the autumn.
This writ came to Hampton-upon-Avon, 2 Non. Aug.,
same year. Writ to the bishop to levy ten marks of the goods
of Walter, son of Warin, parson of the church of Upton, and to
produce the same at Westminster on the octave of S. Michael,
to be delivered to Robert de la Chaumbre, servant of W. [1],
bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, treasurer; the said Robert
having recovered the said sum against the said Walter, in a plea
of trespass in the court of exchequer [2]. Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 15 July, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of Worcester
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Mathew,
Return:- The goods of the said Walter are sequestered to the value of ten marks, in order that the said sum may be levied as soon as buyers can be found.
This writ came to Gloucester, 18 Kal. Sept. Writ to the
bishop to produce Simon de Prewes, parson of the church of
Tettebury, at Westminster, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, to
answer to Hugh of Little Barton [3]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 20 May, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Gloucester is directed to certify execution before the feast of
S. Mathew, Apostle.
Return:- The said Simon is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Gloucester 18 Kal. Sept. Writ to the bishop to produce John de Ebroicis, clerk, at Westminster, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, to answer to John Hurel, of Chester, in a plea of debt of ten marks; the sheriff of Worcester having
[1] Waller Langton. 1296-1321.
[2] See ante, p. 194, post, p. 231.
[3] Ib., p. 198.
made return in three weeks from Easter day, that the said John
had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 24 May, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Worcester is directed to certify execution before the feast of S.
Mathew, Apostle.
1305. [Return:-] John de Ebroicis, rector of the church of Tredyngton, is enjoined to appear as above said.
(Folio 59.) This writ came to Gloucester, 18 Kal. Sept.
Writ to the bishop to produce, in one month from Michaelmas,
Hugh de Dynesley, vicar of the church of Stonhus [l], to answer to
Geoffrey de Stonhus for bringing a plea in a court Christian,
concerning chattells and debts not connected with a testamentary
or matrimonial case. Witness, R. le Brabanzon.
Westminster, 6 July, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of Gloucester
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Mathew,
Return:- The said Hugh is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, Id. Aug., 1305. Writ to the
bishop to levy from ecclesiastical goods and benefices, and to
produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, sums
due to the King from clerks having no lay fee [2].
Witness, the King.
Ledes, 27 July, 33 Edward I. By the council
(Folio 60.) Return:- Nothing can be levied because the cause of the demand is in no way expressed in the writ, and the persons named therein will not pay anything unless a separate acquittance is given to each, containing the special cause of demand.
This writ came to Hampton-upon-Avon, 4 Non. Sept., same year. Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in the octave of S. Martin, Robert Pocok, rector of the church of Brocton
[1] See post, p. 238.
[2] The sums and debtors are the same as those named in the writ,
dated 15 June,33 Edward I., ante, p. 220.
Haket, executor of the testament of Robert de Newynton,
formerly rector of the church of Bishampton, to answer, together
with Alexander de Befford, to Roger de Brachwardyn and Alice
his wife, in a plea of debt of 20l.; the sheriff of Worcester having
made return in the octave of S. John the Baptist that the said
Robert had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 6 July, 33 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester is directed to certify execution before the
feast of S. Luke the Evangelist.
1305. Return:- The said Robert is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to London, 12 Kal. Oct., same year. Writ
to the bishop to levy and produce at Westminster, on the morrow
of S. Michael, two marks of the goods of Robert le Wythe, rector
of the church of Nafford, being part of 66s. 8d. which the said
Robert has owed for long to Adam de Horewynton, chamberlain
of the Exchequer [2]. Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 16 July, 33 Edward I. The dean of Persore
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Michael.
There will be no return to this last writ
(Folio 60d.) This writ came to London, 8 Kal. Oct., same
year. Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in the octave
of S. Michael, Nicholas de Batheneston, executor of the testament
of Nicholas de Wodeford, formerly parson of the church of Fladebury,
clerk [2]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 24 June, 33 Edward I.
Return:- This writ was delivered at London on Friday next before the feast of S. Michael last, and, because it came so late, nothing could be done.
This writ came to Hilingdon, 8 Id. Oct., same year. Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to distrain the bishop to produce at Westminster, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, to answer to Hugh of Little Barton [3]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
[1] See ante, p. 214.
[2] Ib., p. 196.
[3] Ib., pp. 213. 214.
1305. Westminster, 20 May, 33 Edward I. By reason of certain other writs, all the goods of the said rector have been sequestered by the official, and Robert de Sutton who brought this writ said that he had executed it, and that he had taken oath before the dean of the place to save the bishop harmless.
Walter, son of Warin [1], rector of the church of Upton by Wych, takes oath, before B. de Feriby, the bishop's clerk and commissary, to indemnify the Bishop touching a writ obtained against him by Robert de la Chaumbre, and brought to the bishop, and all future writs; in presence of J. Caleys, notary public, and Gilbert de Coringham. London, 2 Id. Oct.
Simon de Prewes, rector of the church of Tettebury, takes oath before B. de Feriby, to indemnify the Bishop touching a writ obtained against him by Roger de Beaufoy, and all future writs while he is rector; in presence of J. Caleys, notary public, G. de Coringham and J. de Wakerley, official of Gloucester. London, 2 Id. Oct.
This writ came to London, 16 Kal. Nov., same year. Writ
to the bishop to produce at Westminster on the morrow of
S. Martin, Walter, rector of the church of Wolwardington, to
answer to William, son of Peter de Wolwardington, in a plea of
debt of 26s. 8d., arrears of a yearly rent of 13s. 4d.; the sheriff of
Warwick having made return, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist,
that the said Walter had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 5 July, 33 Edward I. The dean of Warwick is
directed to certify execution on the morrow of All Souls.
Return:- The said Walter, rector, is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, 2 Kal. Mar., same year. Writ to the bishop to distrain Richard de Vienne, rector of the church of Ulveston, William de Dalby and Robert de Wylewes, executors of the testament of Peter de Leycestre, deceased, late rector of the church of Thornbury, to appear at Westminster in fifteen
[1] See ante, pp. 194, 228.
days from Easter, together with Walter de Berethorp, their
co-executor, before John de L'Isle and others, auditors of the
account of the tenth lately imposed on the clergy of England
in aid of the Roman church, to acquit Roger le Mareschall, now
rector of the said church, of 63s. 4d. demanded from him as
tenth of the said church for the time of the said deceased rector.
Witness, R. de Sandwyco.
Westminster, 10 February, 34 Edward I. The deans of
Bristoll and Warwick are directed to certify execution by the
archdeacon, vicar-general.
1305. Return:- The said Richard and William arc distrained to appear as above said. The said Robert is not beneficed in the diocese and has not been found since the receipt of the writ.
This writ came to Creckeled [Cricklade], 16 Kal. Feb., same year.
Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in three weeks from
Easter, Simon de Wymondham, clerk, to answer to the prioress
of Markyate, in a plea of debt of 27l. 10s.; the sheriff of Hertford
having returned in fifteen days from S. Hillary, that the said
Simon had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 4 February, 34 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Gloucester is directed to certify execution before Easter.
Return:- The said Simon is enjoined to appear as abovesaid.
(Folio 61.) This writ came to Bredon, 6 Kal. Apr., 1306. Writ to the bishop to hold an inquisition as to the lawful marriage of Margery, who was wife of John, son of John Wawepol of Wenelonde [Welland], and to inform the justices at Westminster of the result, by letters patent, in fifteen days from Easter day. The said Margery has demanded against Maud, who was wife of John Wawepol, a third part of one messuage, one ploughland, sixteen acres of meadow, and 30s. rent, in Wenelonde, and against William, son of John Wawepol, of Wenelonde, a third part of one messuage and one virgate of land in the said town, as dower; to which the said Maud and William object that she ought not to have dower because she was never lawfully married to the said John, son
of John. The decision in such a cause belongs to the ecclesiastical
court. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 6 November, 33 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Gloucester is directed to hold inquisition and to certify the result
at an opportune time.
1306. Return:- The bishop to the King's justices at Westminster.
He has discovered by inquisition that the said John, son
of John de Wawepol, married the said Margery, in face of the
church, and afterwards lived with her as wife, publicly, for many
Bredon, 18 Kal. Maii, same year.
This writ came to Bredon, 4 Non. Apr., same year. Writ to
the bishop to produce Simon de Prewys, clerk, at Westminster,
in fifteen days from Holy Trinity, to answer to Robert le Blund
of Snytenfeld in a plea of debt of 7l.; the sheriff of Gloucester
having returned in fifteen days from S. Hillary that the said
Simon had no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 4 February, 34 Edward I. The official of
Gloucester is directed to certify execution before the feast of
Holy Trinity.
Return:- The said Simon is enjoined to appear as aforesaid.
A writ came to Bredon, 4 Non. Apr., same year, by which the bishop is distrained to produce at Westminster, in one month from Easter day, William, rector of the church of Wolwardyngton [1]. The official of the archdeacon of Worcester is directed to enjoin the said rector to appear, to sequester his ecclesiastical goods and the fruits and profits of his church, and to certify the bishop thereof before the feast of S. Mark, Evangelist
This writ came to Bredon, 2 Non. Apr., same year. Writ to the bishop to distrain John de Haukesbury, rector of the church of Irneacton [Iron Acton], to appear at the exchequer at Westminster in fifteen days from Easter, to render his account as treasurer to Godfrey Giffard, late bishop of Worcester, to John de Staneway
[1] See ante, p. 207.
and John de Rodeberwe, executors of the will of the said bishop.
Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 15 February, 34 Edward I. The official of
Gloucester or the dean of Haukesbury is directed to certify execution
within three days after the Sunday on which is sung Quasi
modo [1].
1306. Return:- The said John is distrained to appear as above said.
This writ came to Bredon, 2 Non. Apr., same year. Writ
to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in five weeks from
Easter, William de Uppeton, parson of the church of Lench
Randolf, to answer to Thomas de Lench, Joan his wife, and
Edmund and John his sons, in a plea of debt of 7l. 10s., arrears
of a yearly rent of that amount; the sheriff of Worcester having
returned in fifteen days from Martinmas, that the said William had
no lay fee. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 26 January, 34 Edward I. The dean of Pershore
is directed to certify execution before Sunday, Mistricordia [2].
Return:- The said William is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Little Malvern, 4 Id. Apr., same year.
Writ to the bishop to levy and produce at Westminster, in three
weeks from Easter day, 70l. of the goods of Simon de Prewes,
rector of the church of Tettebury, to be delivered to Roger de
Beaufoy [3]. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 10 February, 34 Edward I. The official of the
archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to send speedily the money
which he has levied.
Return:- This writ came so late that nothing could be done this time.
Memorandum, that ten marks of the said money have been paid to the said Roger by the hand of B. de Feribi, besides 18l. paid to him before.
[1] Low Sunday.
[2] 2nd Sunday after Easter, "Misericordia, domini plena est terra", is the Sarum office for that day.
[3] See ante p. 207.
J. de Haukesbury, rector of the church of Irneacton, takes
oath to indemnify the bishop against the king and others, touching
a writ [1], obtained against him by the executors of G. [2], formerly
bishop of Worcester; in presence of B. de Feriby and T.
de Stratton, clerks. Thereupon the sequestration of the goods of
the said rector was released.
Bredon, Id. Apr., same year.
1306. (Folio 61d.) This writ came to Bredon, 17 Kal. Maii,
same year. Writ to the bishop to produce at Westminster, in one
month from Easter day, Adam de Carewell, parson of the church
of Todeham, to answer to John de Rustehale, executor of the
testament of Henry de Upehavene, formerly rector of the church
of Caumpeden, in a plea of debt of one hundred and fifteen marks [3].
Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 17 February, 34 Edward I. The dean of Caumpeden
is directed to certify execution before the feast of S. Mark
Return:- The said Adam is enjoined to appear as above said.
Simon de Wymondham, rector of the church of Marston
Sicca, makes oath to indemnify the bishop harmless touching a
writ directed to him at the instance of the prioress of Markeyate,
and thereupon sequestration was released; in presence of J. Caleys
and Gilbert de Coringham, clerks.
Bredon, 14 Kal. Maii, same year.
Adam de Carewell, rector of the church of Todeham, makes
oath to indemnify the bishop touching a writ, above written,
directed to him at the instance of J. de Rustehal, executor of the
testament of Henry de Uppehavene, and thereupon the sequestration
of his goods was released; in presence of T. de Stratton,
G. de Coringham, and J. Caleys.
Bredon, 10 Kal. Maii, same year.
A transcript of the following writ came to Hertlebury, 8 Id. Maii. Writ to the sheriff of Worcester to attach the bishop
[1] See ante, p. 233.
[2] Godfrey Giffard, 1268-1302.
[3] See ante, p. 210.
to produce at Westminster, in the octave of Holy Trinity, Nicholas
de Bathesdon, clerk, to answer, together with Richard de Alyncestre,
clerk, and John de Dumbelton, to the prior of Bredenestok,
in a plea of debt of 36l. 13s.; and to appear himself to hear judgement
for not executing a former writ or sending a return in the
octave of S. Hillary. Witness, R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 27 January, 34 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Gloucester is directed to certify execution before the feast of Holy
1306. This writ came to Hertlebury, 16 Kal. Jun., same year.
Writ to the bishop to produce, in the octave of S. John the Baptist,
Roger de Messingham, vicar of the church of Dounameneye,
to answer to Nicholas de Valers in a plea of falsely and maliciously
abetting Maud, formerly wife of Richard Fraunkeleyn of Dounameneye,
in accusing him of the death of the said Richard, of
which he was acquitted by a jury at the king's suit. Witness, R. le
Westminster, 27 April, 34 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Gloucester is directed to certify execution before the feast of Holy
1307. Return:- The said Roger is enjoined to appear as above said.
Roger, vicar of Donameneye, takes oath to indemnify the bishop harmless touching the foregoing writ, and thereupon the archdeacon is directed to release the sequestration on his goods. Hertelbury, 8 Kal. Jun., same year.
This writ came to Wyk, 7 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist,
40s. lately levied of the goods of John de Ebroycis, clerk, which
ought to have been paid on the morrow of S. Michael last, as
appears by return made on that day [l]. Witness, W. de Carleton.
Westminster, 10 May, 34 Edward I.
Return:- The said 40s. have been sent before by Richard de Bymirton, the bishop's attorney, and he has acquittance by tally.
[1] See ante, p. 219.
1307. This writ came to Wyk, 6 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop
to produce at Westminster, in the octave of Michaelmas, John
de Ebroycis, clerk, to answer to Richard de Hopton in a plea
of debt of 100s.; the sheriff of Worcester having returned in
fifteen days from Easter that the said John had no lay fee. Witness,
R. de Hengham.
Westminster, 21 April, 34 Edward I. The archdeacon of
Worcester is directed to certify execution before the feast of S.
Return:- The said John is enjoined to appear as above said.
This writ came to Wyk, 7 Kal. Jun. Writ to the bishop
to levy from ecclesiastical goods and benefices and to produce
at Westminster, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist, sums due
to the King from clerks having no lay fee [l].
Witness, the King.
Winchester, 1 May, 34 Edward I. The official of the archdeacon
of Worcester and Gloucester is directed to strictly enjoin
with all possible speed the said persons, if they are found, and,
otherwise, their proctors or servants, to pay the said sums before
the feast of S. Botulph next, to the abbot and convent of Gloucester,
collectors, sequestrating the ecclesiastical profits of those who
do not pay, and to certify the bishop of the process, by letters
patent, before the said feast of S. Botulph.
(Folio 62d.) Return:- The following sums have been received by the abbot and convent of Gloucester, since receipt of the present writ: From the church of Chaddesley, 30s. From the church of Stoke Prior, 30s. 8d. From the church of Preston, 8s. 8d. From the portion of the prior of Little Malvern in the church of Natford and Byrlingham, 6d. From the church of Derham, 20s. 8d. From the church of S. John, with portion of the abbot of Gloucester, 7s. 8d. From the church of Wolwardesley, 12s. 4d. From the church of Rippell, 53s.4d.; for which sums they will answer on the day appointed in the writ. And,
[1] See ante, p. 220. The sums and debtors are the same as those named in the writ dated 5 June, 33 Ed. I.
because more cannot be levied this time, the ecclesiastical goods of those who have not paid have been sequestered and will be kept in strict custody until their debts are satisfied; the said debts are being levied daily, as far as can be done.
1307. A transcript of a writ to the sheriff of Gloucester came to Alvynechirch, 12 Kal. Jul.; by which the bishop is distrained to produce Hugh, vicar of Stonhous, on the morrow of S. John the Baptist [1]. The archdeacon of Gloucester is directed to enjoin the said Hugh to appear, and to sequester his goods before the said day.
Hugh, vicar of Stonhous, makes oath to indemnify the bishop
harmless touching the foregoing writ; nevertheless, the sequestration
of his goods is not released.
The abbey of S. Peter of Gloucester, 2 Kal. Jul., same
[1] See ante, p. 229.
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